HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1990.06.11 - 3041GENERAL ELECTrN SPECIAL AT T MIELE /Ay HURON VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT OAKLAND AND LIVINGSTON COUNTIES, MICHIGAN UF- 110TE XX ANNUAL HELD ON JUNE 11, 1990 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERL OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN STATEMENT OF VOTES, HURON VALLEY SCHOOLS JUNE 11, 1990 F ,./dr Year Term - Vote for One Three Year Term - Vote for One _ PRECINCT NUMBER 4 5 6 AVCB TOTAL 7- 1 2 3 eL 1 1 ME•BER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION 41 1 1 [[ [ 1 i 1 4- [ 1 i 4 , i 1 1 i 1 1 1 P, G VOTE FOR TWO — SIX YEAR TERMS VOTE FOR ONE — UNEXPIRED 4 YEAR TERM WAKEFIELD LL.1 SANDRA L. V) F- 0 F--- (/) f=1 F-3 6-9 ,L3f 1_ 2 3 IL TOTALS-43 I I I I , ........._ 1 I I ; ! LLLLL LL STATEMENT OF VOTES, •. .L L OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE BIENNIAL ELECTION — JUNE 11, 1990 II MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES uJ I ! CO < (7) < CO : >°- CZ 1 `"-J (I) -I E- c:) lVF 5 II ,36 1 3 c3 6_ LI ./j 1, G STATEMENT OF VOTES, if r 1hr h It 11 r • . -ABER !I 0-10 .1 4 I 7 I ! 1 11 1 i I 1 i 11 !I I 11 1 P, G received votes votes and they were given for the following named persons: JUDY D I ETR I CH received otes votes received received ed TOTAL votes votes votes votes The whole number of was 'en for the a 0 (UNEXPIRED 3 YR. TE MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION VOTE FOR ONE The whele •-i'!•et of votes given fa was . and they were givan , I 2.G following named r 'NELSON G. GRIFFIS 1 votes ctes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes vo-- votes 1 I received re,Ce!. TOTAL votes votes votes votes MICHAEL J . NATHAN recer, received received received re ce ivied received received received received TOTAL The viihole number a STATENT-' 71 OF VOTES HURON VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 11 , 1990 „— FOUR YEAR TERM c iven for the office of MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION VOTE FOR ONE received TOTAL The Oval?. :-itihnt'er of votes gi was and they were given for the following named persons: and they were cjiven for the 'lel named pcirsons: STATEMENT OF VOTES ogovvin TOTAL received racer received persons: ved votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes r= TOTAL received re ved ed votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes was and the office of named reeived received TOTAL number of votes given for the afice of votes votes votes votes Put figures in this column one thousand nine hundred and ninety Do Hereby Certify and Determine That --ne-i-fe•-• a e.•fficient number of votes is elected ARD OF EDUCATION — FOUR YEAR TERM .aceived a su'ie •i:• nu: fiber of That BER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION — UNEXPIRED THREE YEAR TERM havirr:---eiveei a sufficient number of votes is elected That That votes is elected having received a sufficient number of That votes is elected having received a sufficient fee That Vcs.tes is rile - having received a sufficien That _ votes is elected having received a sufficient number of That votes is electec having received a sufficient That havir • at number of CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY OF OAKLAND of County (c RUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP ON V),.)-AGE) Oakland (COUNTY, 47.51, EnIA7,15,4, ON W,L.AGE) The Bond of Cenve.--ers of the having Asc.- led ere! I -,revasserf the Votes of said Huron Valley School District (COUNTY, CYST, Towra.5 , OR VILL-AGE) Annual Ilth at the Election, held on the day of June votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of fotes is elected That having received a sufficient votes is elected That having received a sufficient r -- votes is elected That having received a suffici •-•ft • e of votes is e':. havire i.ee••• a sufficient number of votes is elected havina re••.i•e:J, a sufficient votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That That votes is elected 4.G havi • a sufficient number of votes is elected That elected sufficient number of NA,11i1Li. Li OPOTiu NONE roAro:.. 2 NONE NONE ON 4 NONE NAME OF PROPOSiTION Having s • • • 5 1--,f?OFO NONE NONE •d Not Received ed r:ece Not :ill l'.ereunto set our liends and affixed the Seal of Cou.ity Oi OR VILLAGE) fiEST: Oakland June day of ninety nine hundred and •,-.„. TY, CCTV, TOWNSF,P OR VIL,AGE) i.EF1K OF BCAP,D OF CANVASSERS. / CHAIRMAN OF BOARD -OF CANVASSERS. 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