HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1979.04.09 - 3073I I i I { ON la 1 LAKE ORION COMMUNITY SCHOOLS SPFC1AL- Ei!ECT ION c I APRIL 9, 1 979 AT OF ELECTION) OAKLAND MANUFACTURED BY 2 OF FRICACT OR. FR:E TOTALS 4 5 10 11 12 PNCB 0 • / - • • , YES NO TOTAL OPERATING MILLAGE _LIKREAU_EROPOSITON j. YES NO TOTAL • , .•• • ' • 7 GRAND TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 1 --f ' i-- --..-- . •,• 4•••••n-•, - • . i OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION ! -I-- -1-- . ' • : . , • 1 . +- 7 . • . . , -r- -1--- : .. . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . , . . . : • --, --- . -h , 1 • :• . . : : • . . . : . . : . • • . . , . : .• . • • . , , v...tho;e we r end lh 1:4 I • t1 .rfetceivet received Le4—,T A. I Votes vrS • • kfy-e-e •.-.1rven • • vctes votes dveii [or Ihn 7,n.„) HiS re Tn„.TAL vote..i. vot,7, 11 z w00 vofe-5 office of thc folict,wi. receeid . vote hoje ni..irnber o' °Rice of •... COiVHiHI .t.-ce;ved yen i:t7,:r fle folkovvirig of votes given fcti.:: A they were Owen 6t.:"ho ird l• votes e f W:716 ye received receved leceNed C sod yef ye ,F IF vo tes : VOteS received votes yet .as votes ; YO'ei ; The who1e number of votes cli'v•r.-: office of VO le •i votes votes r- 4 '1 t Mie le numbet vtar For me office ot. S d they wer4.:::-4hren tot the ;!.(1rtled veres : le number fi.t.ikr- the office of the y were given For the foHowiegnen:lect: ersons votes ye TOTAL The whoie number of votes g iven For the office of . .7- „ . .. . . .. . was end they were given for the Fe owin g name-id „. received TOTAL o'r was and they were given k)r the .1,61lowlcc.... recce IO5 recei,..ed eie:f OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION Th., whd, ,,,,,b,,,oi yotos qk,ea fç, flci. a , o i the SbM 1 the constitutional limitation on a4 valorem taxes which may be impoed upon property in Lake arton -4,--is - ' v eel District, Oakland County, Michigan, be increased by 4 mills, ($ti,00 per $1,000) ; on state equalized valuation for the five year period from 1979 through 1983 . far cp-arat_ing purposes _k_s_acb,....1.a.or_e_ase.being..a renewal of 4 mills which expired : _ ._ , _ I ... e in December, 1978)? .__WAS.:::',..:- ,...j7: , ., .._, , o wini,.ci nurnoor TOTAL VOTES, OPERATING MILLAGE INCREASE PROPOSITION - The w.noe number of Yates given 1), end against the___ShaLl the cons_titutiona] limitation on . ad valorem taxes which may be imposed upon property in Lake Orion Community _Schonl aLs_t_tict, Oakland County, Michigan, be increased by 3 mills, ($300 per 51,000) on state equalized valuation for the five year period From 1979through: purpia:sPc-2 WAS -;'- TOTAL VOTFS ., .- , ,••.., . . ,. ..._ .. . . . The whohe number of for and ago= the WOs at which iriLins.ber .,,ofe.s were rna TOTAL VOTES, S given for cAricl agoi of which number re Ci ye re— - TC.)-1.4si V C0111"."77:::i" OAKLAND C .r the Lake _Or ion Communi ty School _Di strict 9th Apr i hovmg at the Spec a Dne. seventy-nine_ That ic v e d votes Thc.e.0 having re.cF,ived CSiJfi number of e.F.r.ted nOt TE idICITICr' ) ss. County Oakland or „ IhCC 7.eeze:y-ed a s-uffic .ent m..!‘rnber votes :., That flg (CC S num.b.-; cit :77 nurer CC suff num ber - votes - elected vcqes dected votes k eiected_. That _ votes is e votes is elected_ 7.,decte6_ hciinnC re:se; i fhCi hov number of 5uff,c.;(,--.,eit number ci havinc.i received a sufficeni numhe 11C V rtv. C.c.e Ved fiicient number of Paseci wen Dekm PROPOSMON NONE 4 NONE 3 Oakland (C(.,unty , T-- wnshi p April seventy -nine,, 7 That votes k hovmg Fece: ved a s u ffici en t number o f hay i ng re cei yed 5 nuns her of having received a sufficient number of hoeing received a sufficient numbel- of voi-1,73 dected ho con rece i ved a .sufficint or of hcving received a sbffic,;ent number of having rece"ed a uficent number of havU-1q received a :,...ifficierit number of f ElQt OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION g-AIMEN 0 OPERATING MILLAGE INCREASE PROPOSITION