HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1975.06.09 - 3082LAKE ORION COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRiCT ANNUAL ELECTION JUNE I 1 I HELD ON June 9, 1975 (DATE OF ELECTI TI OAKLAND YX X XXX-A)00Z-.-:' .LA Spec E received rece,iverd aceived votes voles votes tr votes votes Ii voies iocerve..7, received riecciven TOTAL thcit office or Of v FWO voi STATE:AENT OF VOTES FCrt FIC[IRE :N 'THIS COUPON (1)1e number or votes iiliven for the office of was and they were given for: the Following named persons: The iwkokilri, votes oven f"C.Ir the office of was and they were rrliverir for the f•oliovvinio narie(": :3 was card they were given for th0 fohowing named received received votes ii received soles 11 TOTAL sa tes ii ii rhe - whole number of votes giver, for the office Cl" MEMBERS OF BOARD OF EDUCATION - Four Yr. Term d we s and they were given for the ki)110,•iirlo ; persons: H• votes1 Thomas J. Fisher received . • : ..., -..ii • :. ,i..• ..• ...---:•••.iri tr.• •ii• : • - •••••••-••:•...: ..••••••::•.:...... r•ii.-- : • - i iil receiver., , -,..:cii:rr.,::: ; William A. Fitzpatrick -. ;, reCeiVC:',::! ? . • - .:. .:.. • votes Mary Parker .. .... .... 4 ........--:.:. 4 ., ...,..•.......: ,.:,. rece.ived received votes Paul A. Bailey Beverly Sullivan ••11 received votes H received votes- i-ecerved votes 1 TOTAL votes irrtIAL i° vofes vet they were uvw to: iomr. received I : 4 • , . . . . • • ! i•ie whole number of votes t-...ivert [or the Ace of _ Were 9iver, persons: votes overt (or the office of iven for rece.'.vec.1 rerzeve cf received OT A L hole number of vov osr zr the office of t d TO AL vote:. for the office of :1 they v-•ci.te •:7".0 following nerntc...: er7.' received receiversi receved -tt 4 A The wiloks: rtumber o votes L-Jiven for the co e l , we votes : weie or Ulf`7,-. voes -votes and they w,J..e wthe lohowi no •--rr. ^.-.1 1.- ' ihe who, he Ivn.lber oF votes given le.4 the, kHowing named PS oceived TOTAL , . . . . . . votes • . . . VOte5 Votes Inc WilC:e voles (given Fe.c.:eiVed See:i „ voles • • • • • • -votes ; votes vote; • was end they were ve oi he nor- reCejved votes received votes eCeved TOT AL The v,rhge raymber o v(stes given roc the oFice leO votes rete -,e0 votes . rE;'C..9.; wed TOTAL The whoio vote•s given for was reCe-i'Ved V received received TOTAL voes vo,`-es ventS they wel'e cj rven fot iho followirt,7 named we,sons: TOTA STATNENT OF VOTES, Six Mill Renewal ONE Mill Increase OPERATING M1LLAGE PROPOSITION OPERATING MILLAGE PROPOSITION YES NO YES NO LF-Sa Li Uk UUiUk 3LkUUL U131r,iL.i L U. Cl tr, _C PRECNCT OR WARD NUMBER TOTAL Members of Board of Education Four Year Term - Vote for 2 2 3 4 5 6 `le STATEMENT OF VOTES, 'TOTAL I LAL U ON COMMUN I TY SCHOOL DISTRICT STATEMENT OF VOTES OPERATING MI LLAGE PROPOSITION -6 lit 1 1 Rdnewal Shall the constitutional limitation on valorem taxes Which may be imposed upon property in Lake Orion Community School District, Oakland County, Michigan, be increased by 6 mi 1 ($._6 state equalized valuation for the Five year period from 1975 through 1979 for operating purposes .ksuch increase _be i nga renewaL re-a-se-wh--- expi red in 197 1 0? of vOieS Mid we!. OPERATING MILLAGE PROPOSITION - 1 Mill In4easa . _ , f or orta cfcif!,1,5 Shall the cons t i_tut ional 1 im i tat i Q ..OR ad valorem taxes which may be imposed upon property. in Lake Orion Community School DLstri.otDa.kIand..CQuntyliizhigarL,Je increased.by -I- i 11, state equa 1 i zed valuation for the five year period from 1975 through 1979 For operat-i-ng-purpose-s7-- TOTAL VOTES . County Oakland Lake Orion Community School District Eiectiop, Leki seventy-Jive zeived !ne haVing Annual -01 - the- Ort, tile_ .7 r7.1: : i „,d ed.ed Member of the Board of ucation - Four Year Term - Expiring in 1979 . rer:eivec_i r:wrnber ol e Board of Education - Four Year Term - Expiring in 1979 • hc .•••• V ea e• Lt.! t.3111be€ f .haVi 9th June TATE 01:: COUNTY CoJ!' OAKLAND votes The, vote.s votes k _ Thar_ VC.vieS tt.ri electeci Member of t hcivin9 7.eceived Ca) r rec=7,:ved titc- votes Flected •hoi - s elected - 11. .- VC,,:res is cde-cted. tecepied the f?umL,--...c.,]. o r- • ••• ..•••• re -1,7 et C., .1: LirL Uitt, I I 1 ttF- .gt% •• '.1,.17-t novi.ng tece;ved the YOteS. elected Tkal- - UES -IS elected TilOt votes eleCted tsavki g ;he cif,:tiest noinuel tiat t) • •tt•:e- •he t 17, vrDte5. ,TTESh uc :12 7 .:,";" P. :Tr.', Thor iUo Propositiens or qtrer:trions were pz.issed or clefebt-ed as indicor,d 'ocr.‘1,ow, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • NAME OF i':":0•POSITION OPERATING MI LLAGE - Six Mi 11 -t,enewa 1 • NAME OF i'I,OPOSMON OPERAT I NG MI LLAGE - One Mi 11 increase L_.. NAME OF PnOPO.SITION 3 NONE P v ossed Re,eivc,d tr. . uving o PassEd L'u,ncient votes was r- D • ,,ecery'eo C:750d Having . Strt:Lcicient- voi-es was t,oceivea uei-eareD LOUNTY