HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1971.06.14 - 31061 Li C: Aif SUPPr OL FORM P21 ',4 E R S -= 0 Affir LAKE °MON C,OMmUWTY SCHOOL D1STR1CT JUNE 14, 1971 JUNE 14, 1971 (DATE OF ELECTION) ro. T7 D BY . OF LAKE ORION COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OAKLAND CITY, TO Sh-C. Ord';:t. k ,y Ni(x M-397 CA•ER BOOK Specify whether Gevo,wal i Primary or Special Eectiors . I . Tr. 7: e vcrs were t-wilo ,,Ani nornad pers_ons • , ---- . ........... ..... .... ..--- PEctiviN0 iHE VOTES l'.71.1P,I-8.71T -I:7-1' VC :.7 S ',./RITTEN MARY PARKER '2. THOMAS F I SHER 4 You, in ihe offic,,;-• of Rember Bo_ard_ of Edr.jct ian tor a Yec TOTAL : . . .• : an d nc.vrf..?-d pE-1.-sons: 2. .... ----•••••••••••••••• -------- -- ; cia nunlbc:.71 o!- the ori.Jce !.or a Year C.': VOTE'S WRITTEN cc STA7E',":E I 6. 0.. 0. whoie numbelc-1 v_7_1-es the 014-ice was rd they wer:-=,U,U. per$CAIS: I.,' VOTES VOTES WIVI1EN IN woRns 7 THE v0TES • • NUMPER 01 VOTES WROIEN IN wc..).P.bs 0 grven n.-vred LAKE OR ON COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT ---- JUNE 1 97 OPERATING ! MILLAGE PRECINCT PROPOSITION LAKE ORiON COUNTY SCHOOL D1STRiCT -- JUNE 14, 1971 PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER " 010 . whi ch no m'CiEn voi-e•s iNere F 5T17UMN-; he i hole number olvotes fol. OPERATING MILLAGE PROPOSITION Shall the constitutional limitation on ad valorem taxes which may be imposed upon property in Lake Orion Community School District, Oakland County, Michigan be increased by 3.5 mills ($3,50 per $1000) state equalized valuation for one year (1971) for operating purposes? • ./ :7 • TOTAL. VOTES • :•• nuihr.)er v,,-.1T-es • I TOTAL -VC.)TES or voles (or orid agoirist the w.05 whh-;:h u Cind v.,•-ere rnclrk-.7, TOTAL VOTES COUNTY Thai: viitirtes eleczed . lhot VCAC,T=S vit.t,teitii _ _ votitititi is taleicasitici nof vote5 a iecte.d _ hoofing reced iia ar9est nurinber o rim -1119- r-eCe yard she iarclest number c-A ter.erised. t:tie :Iirnber larc.lest nurvit.)...! < • (7-,r Cier(-.-:cvtecr below: ----sent lotes CS Hcvi at r<<ecery'eC . voTc-r1L was Received - (ti eta hens's C ad aFfxeci. COUNTY OAKLAND I .e. the y .flJJ{E 011.Q- CANVA:...SERS OF DEr - 1 OF OAKLAND OAKLAND r.'crarc) n /Ascenemed anr'i Vs. of mid_ LAKE _OR_I_ON _C.OMIAL)11 i C Han D I L CT_ SCHOOL . 14th •-i JUNE ot th e ii (St „ <having recelved the lorger number or at as is received the large:Ft umbe.: oF . cIvr ssce aa rrle number- 01: ::.*PROPOSITON OPERATING MI LLAGE PROPOS I TI ON `42.eaiik4,4A.44: F H • Nr4 L,'er .0(.1047.1 NAtvu O Pt<rorosmoN C: CO HAMS 0.<FPROPOSMON