HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1975.06.09 - 3136ANNUAL ELECTION june t11E tAttPiltRE 8C1100-Lg @, CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION • :HELD ON .Jutie 9, 1975 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF °A19AND NM OF CITY, TnYvINSI-Iip.Ord V1LLAGC.• • COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 7919 East Kilgore Road * KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-398 CANVASSER BOOK SpeciFy whoher GenercAl f Primary or Special Ei,ection "PUT FIGURES" IN THIS COLUMN received The whole number of votes given for the office of Was and they were given for the following med persons: votes received TOTAL • . Votes •Vot.0s. .receive .BARBARA R. and they were given for the fallowing ria rnecl ioEiroN; received received IOTA votes - votes votes received received TO IA votes •....vOtes • vOIOS votes votes votes votes votes received received received received received received votes votes STATEMENT OF VOTES : 4 year tptxti The whole number : of Votes giVen for Ahe affiCie Of TRUSTEE. :(VeOte: for not more than was The whole number of votes given be the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: received The whale:nvrnber:.'Of-votes given•foi the •office-61.. S and they were given for the felloWing narnii!d :PeliOlisz : received votes received votes received votes received votes received votes TOTAL votes STATEMENT OF VOTES, .000PLMAY:BS KALAIO Riifigt.7.040.1r _ : PUT:FINURES IN THIS COLUMN: whole nurnbe of votes given for the office of was arid they were r,:jivrn for the follo%vitig harried persoris: roc:oiverl votes received votes received votes lOfL votes he whole mnithei of votes given for the office o Was and they Ave.!:e ;•-:1ivrl.rir..forthe.:roliawrora narhed.:persorrs:r ...yOtes ••• • received votes votes votes received • TOTAL The Whole horniaer votes given•for:tke office of ad they were given for the following riorned persons: received • : :Vates received vateS received : votef, TOTAL votes The whole min4rer of votes given for the office of and they were cilve.n for th ollawing nanied poisons. received votes it.,coived voles received votes ii oceived votes received vots received i‘sce;vk..rr:..1 received • •• • . • • • •. •:. • . • •••• . • • ... •... • • . • • •••• .• : .•.. • ..• ...• . . . . . •reCeiVer.i. •• • . . .. • . •. • .. •vot•OS. received received received votes vote's : votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of WaS ond they were given for the following named persons; received received received votes: votes votes voles votes votes votes STATEMENT OF VOTES PUT FIGURES IN THIS cputm.ri: The whole number or votes given for the office of WCI5 and they were given for the Following named persons: received votes received votes received votes i!,, ,1 TOTAL voies .. • The Whole ourilberioi votes given for the office of Wt.15 and they were given for he following named poisons: TOTAL ..=._ The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: received received •received •TOTAL • • . . •• • • . votes The whole number of votes given foi the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: received received received received TOTAL votes votes votes votes PUT FIGURE IN THIS"GOLUMN The 'whole .nUmberlotiVOtes-..gi'ven ar and agcnnst. ihe of which number_ es we marked YES and votes were marke(.1 NO The whole number of votes given for alld agaiilst the was of which nwnber votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL \/O TES. The whole nu-nber of votes given for•ond against the___ was of which nuMber_ votes vv:ere marked yg$ TOTAL VOTES, at the Annual Election, held on the.. 9th day of Jt!ne__ civing _ the 10::aoSf.: toirribet or _ having rc,1....eiyed the lames....1:flunibiN. -- having r6ceis,..T.c1 tho:largest:hr:fl-rib.c.i. votes is elected_ _ _ That votes is elected votes selected That . votes is ekicted c.IY:;110 I Vs iF:(]:geN iii. ii-i Jicivinq re6-:...:iVed ...the:largest ,nun-her ille nurnbe.: r of: VO . . . . votes is elected Tkat__ votes is elected_ That _ votes is elected _ _ That votes is elected_ That is e!lected___ the iarge.st romlo6r: receive.d tie 1,11 ,-.Jest noinbc.1 ttrar cf t he • Id) ( • fliat _ • 5.0 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE, OF AiLLCM SS, • oc).L.1...v.p.sr•.op Oakland. • The Beard of Canvassers of - the_-_—.-CQuiity " , 0iior %,11 ;:-.:Inf :C IUL)'' VI I le:I N. having Asce.rtained and Canvassed the Votes of. soid____ Larapjler Scbppls Ciyy. Town p one thousand nine hundred and____ aemerity-liRe. Do Hereby Certify and Determine That_ .419aet number ol : ...votes is elected YRUSTEE 4: year Totm) Thot...._.-- votes is elected That votes is elected That_ votes is elected That votes is elected •• • ' • • 1 • t That .-• . . • • -••••-•-- • .•• •• • • •• • .•• flaying. oft. as n c'c thelaraest inuinbor o fkeived . . That _ _ _ ......._ . . . _having received the largest number of votes is elected That having received the largest number of votes is elected That -having received the largest nun -16er of votes is elected__ _ That_ votes is elected_ That_ votes is elected__ That - -having :received the largest number :of having reCeired the largest number i eying received the largest number of votes is:elected__ That__ _ _ votes is elected__ -having reteived the largest number of That votes is elected__ having received the it104.0 inumber Of IERMISal In 'Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands end affixed the Seal of the_ Colinty_ of_ Oakland iy , Ci ii , this - _day of June in the yea, one thousand nine hundred and 4r0 3,ARD OF COONrY CANVASSERS.