HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1974.06.10 - 3141OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN tit tAlinitpt sciitong ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION JUNE 10, 1974 CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON JUNE 10, 1974 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS 110111X0EXIDUKRU=MX:Xatx-'404-XMXXIXxNa ) MANUFACTURED BY a(1,0J11311.Rif Littag, e(1, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Rood a KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No, M-398 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election TOTA1.5 PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER l'r lgr OFFICE AND CANDIDATE NAMES MEMBER 6F BOARD OF EDUCATION ROBERT E. SELL KENNETH W. BUTLER DOUGLAS 3. COLLINS ROBERT 3. GARNER DAVID W. HACKETT GORDON C. HENDERSON ROBERT C. KENNEDY MARION 3. KOLASA mERvyN H. LAKIN DENNIS R. McCOY ROBERT A. WELDON STATEMENT OF VOTES IrOte;for-not..morethOn PUT. ..f.FOUR•Ei • • • I.TOLIMN:.. The vvh .t I i VOi c...5 CI for ;Ile offic(-: MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION 04 Year Term and wuto• the Fh I iwcnv.ed oc..9 ,5ons;: . . • , ved • v6tps : Vote votes vOies vid TOTAL n fes i:;•• 0 ad they were. given for :the foirown%g riow!cci pcns. TOTAL vpi.eS Ti:ta IN. I I r • 0 1: )1•0 s given for the office of y were gi ven bor.the boflowig riCrineJ -persori.s; received voies (Vote for nWmoretliãn 3) : cOMMUNITY :COLLEGE:: TRITSTg4:....L0-1.Yeartil votes • diveri..k.1.• was cold the ,y-wee qivon rOf the 1 . KENNETH W. BUTLER 1 votes votes• DOUGLS J,. :COLLINS ROBERT j. GARNER received voles ..receAveci • UACKETT• coved GORDON C. HENDERSON received ugliKEE . . vok • Voto... votes *•y6f0... rec6ived NARION:J. MERVYN H. LAKIN ri;ENNIS R. MeCOY LROBER_T received eceiVed • : recei .v,ed .)TAL he whole:nninber:Of votes given for the office of TIGUREt N THIS: :301.11MN TOTAL voles 1; received Votpr • received received received received "votes•:.: vo. tes votes:: votes received ores received received received TOTAL votes voteS . • votes votes STATEMENT OF VOTES : WLIS and they were given for the following n received :votes ed persons;: received votes received : votes I e whole number of votes g iven fort was office of and they were given for the following named persons: received voies received votes received voos • received votes TOTAL votes The wrhole number of votes given for the o WOS cc a cmcl they were given the following named persons: The whole:.nurnber...of votes.given.fotthe.affice.0 wa and they were given for the Followin g named persons, received votes received votes received votes received votes . • . • ,TOTAL POT FIGURE THiS im The whole number of votes given f'or and against the was_ of which number votes were marked YES -1 11- votes were marked-NO The ole number of votes given for and apoirrt .11 of which number votes were marked YES and J1 f: re marked $0 The whole number of votes given for and against the was of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for ancl against the ii was.- 11. of which number votes were marked YES and_ votes were marked NO 11, • That__ hC•1 b'er ege W.p4spap ...(fir,elogr-Terro.) _ ncVIfl That, at is elected That _ vot-..,.z, is Thai. vatOs . . - • • •. • • - • •h v IV.,,•.(si • d _hoving Mcit_ volf..s. is. That - as is That_ es is elected, VO 6s.t. That _ votes is el:F.ri ,d Mat votes seiected-.-- the e.) Jictivng roc...ived the tdrg&A 1 via9 rv•::eived Iha rec.eiyed the ki:gc;si 7ICIT :•VOtt ic • - 111-W - — p . :VOtOS• — .:C.ERTIFICATEOF::HDEETERMINATIOP :rn ..e)1171 1..1.11L/T a":"'F A • :>• camr.,ry OAKLAND • . Raard r4 s;_ •• • :• •• -•DAXLANa • . •-hir IF rrt.g. , ANNUAL r •hejd c:r1 rile • .10.th'. Jui • • t ha usa7nd• n [le hur _ _mentyrfour... •Do HerehY :10V I na .A.sc.ettc ind. and Canvssed 'lie Vote: 6riid THE LAMPHERE SCHOOLS es ,s Member of Board of Education (4 Year Term) T - - , . . . .reczdVf:N:::: iS.efit)-1.21: Community College Trustee (6 Year Top havm voi-e. is electéd That ieceived voto is Q1Pli1tkrtitY. SICaIggg Trustee (6 Year Tonto • 5:1:••IlUrrZ..c6:3? That . • • ". •• •••• •••• ••• • •• •• • :• • • • •hiciyiii.g.:receNeci.file;..kr:geg..tip.hibqi-of -.votes is elected - That . : . . . votes is elected • . . • . That . havitia teceived :the.:Icirgest..niiinb'er. votes is elected That . hOVing .ir6ceived:..111.e..1.argeSt in:Um h.er. of NO.teS is. elected That having recnived the largest numbef otes is elected That havinErri received the largest nunibc:i of votes is elected That having leteived:the laigest number votes is elected That fec,,-Av.ar.4 !he. Fai.q.-je5r tVJElltt.t1' votes i 5 elected Do Ftsr.lthe!!,'' Hereby. Dotermifiet That: :the opositiorisi questions were passed Crt. Oa:acted as NONE sCf.= r..revA i" a7....,„erpes NAME Of PROMOTION NAME .O NV2,%•;,!-FjEC.:4,1 • • . . • • • • • • .vo • •,. NONE NAME OF -M,14.:WAOMiON W F tcying Ft MO .co..ived • • •• • • • . : 1 eiTlave ,,erairrito set Oirai C.1170.MCA te cl.r COttefq, : : c„; 04k14na : : " : : : June ond : " -- • 8.:PA.I.A • • • . .19 - : BOARP Or AN SSE:IRS ATTEST:// 11 i4 OF 00 ARD CAR"::;..A SSERS, 01 BOA Rri (7)1: cANVAs.