HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1980.06.09 - 3191126V MANUFACTURE() BY j ELECTION S SCHOOL PC PRINTERS - H.,'!51:1:FAC 7 EFC:1, MADISON DISTRICT PUBLIC SCHOOLS JUNE 9, 1980 CANVASS OF VOT AT THE CA! HELD ON June 9, 1980 (DATE OF ELECTiON) OF THE MADISON DISTRICT PUBLIC SCHOOLS - .. (LEGAL NAME OF SCHC,(2_,... OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN 1919 East Kilgore Road 6 A A700/ Order by Form No, ES3383 CANVASSERS BOOK STATEMENT OF VOTES 2 416 wiamirma- ...mm.. , ----- MEMINIMIIII DiANNE E. BRYANT DANIEL DYBALSKI =MU .c-g& so c Eamon -3q 1111111111 1111111111111 II 1111111111111111111111111 . Emommiumumm. . 1 mum 111111..111.A _ MIMI ilml IM MINIMMMI MIMMM . .. mm 1 MM_MM M OMMIMEM MOINE MM _ mimmEMnmmill=1111111111111 MWOMMMMMM M NM WIMMM MEM M MMIM IMMIN MM al M M Mg I M MM M M Mill M MI M =MIN MUM MI MMIIMMEIMMMMIMM MIMMIMMIIMI . M IIIIMM miimM, 11 .101111•11111 1 - MMM 1 1 nn L - MEM= EMI milli - .MI Emmisiaml mmommgmammm.. milowsim.mmm . ...... . - -,---.. . JOHN F. MINCH LAURALEE A. HOWARD 4 6 lAVCB PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER ler lfr TOTALS OFFICE AND CANDIDATE NAMES STATEMENT OF VOTES, -7 OPERATING M 1 LLAGE PROPOS IT ION PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER 49- A k bc k 5:( 4 5 6 AVCB YES YES I NO YES I NO H YES 0 FrIKATION 4 1,r 1,0 The w, ole,nurr.ber of o es give for the office of MitrrrnbeT . lz, ,• W7N71 .„tr.:::i"CAT4'n for a Four Year term was , - 4 .-i.c.-,z-r.e_.n1-4,----k.....-- d:_e_.,,,--,:..,,. .4., , -- and they were given for the foPowing named persons: . 6E FOR NOT MORE THAN TWO I€Z, --,- PERSONS FiEr.E.IN,T.,:z.111;.; vOTEs, NLIMEER OF V,..ii'ES WRITTEN IN ,01 L DiANNE E. BRYANT , 2. DAN I EL DY_BALSK I .,,,._,.'-' ,-,e, /...L., ,k./ ez..r....7.4 , 7 ,_.., 3. LAURAL A. .KowARD r2 /44 14” - .,.? .4". i 4. JOHN F. MINCH /-7-4-4.-44,A,J.,/A- - ' e,'" ,.--/' ), 1 .-- 5. 6. ! i . 7, .... _ : 9. : 1 i O. TOTAL i 1 The whole number of votes given for the office of ' ' F e for a Three Year term i was . and they were given for the foHowing nomed persons. 1. PERSONE RECETVING: THE VOTES NUMI3ER O VCITCS WI1TEN `1-,: . _ . 1 ...„._ 3. , 4. IIII .T1 .....................„„ _ 5 TOTAL _ The whok riumer of votes given for the office of ''''',,': ' vf ti' for a Two Year term was I and they were giv.r.n for the fo!!owing. named persons: :':. W::;7,:::i`.T..`17. THE VOITS NIMERqF VOTES WRM'EN ill woRDs .. 2. . .... 3. t' -1 4 - - L 5 . TOTAL 111111111 The whole number of votes ..-.,iiv en for the office of I of fi .e. 1, ' - For a One Year term was and they were given for the .t::!j rrornrrdpersons. , PERSONS RECENN5 I' '' ;TE:', NUMSER r:* VOTES WRFSTEN IN WORDS - Lr, . 3. 4. ..,.. 5. , . - TOTAL IA thettN I Ur VU 1 DOUBLEDAY k0S. & CO. KALAMAZOO, MICH, Forill NO.Mr L.„-- •—• ---- i _ - I A 1 - '- - ----- OA KL AND COMMUNITY I PRECINCT I OR COLLEGE D I ST. WARD TRANSFER .1 I NUMBER i 1 I PROPOS I T ION i-- ] -1-0, ‘ fAr k--. 1 i - , i i ll US NO d __JL__ y-a6 Iva , YES I NO YES NO 1 YES NO _ • •. t ''.o 1 I •k 3 \ c ; Ck .e..' , 111=110111111Mall 7 1- \ ?, 1 _ . 2.,... k . !1+-: , Tilt ii 1 1 , IIIIIIIIIIMMI -,-- 1 1 i. ..1,._ il 1 , „ tl 11 11 1 ,! ._, 1 1' _ I .-_ 0 __J___ 1 , .it , 11 , , i i 1 ._ 1,- 1 0 ii - - .1 • _ 1 • 11 . 1 1 1 ---1 0 11 __. ., - ---1 11 4 A-- . 0 '1 11_ 11 11 r, 11 --!I - 4 ii 11. ..._,,,,_ r, t „ i 1 , 0 _i _ S. Vi RICHARD J. PAPPAS VERONICA SEXTON NANCY E. VANGILDER BARBARA J. WILLING JOHN J. YUMAN H THEODORE DZ1URMAN ROBERT FILIATRAULT MARIELLEN GREENBURY > 7 c rn C 70 3 z c) o r c r-r- = > rn 73 rn rt (1) - ki CO + 0 a 134-‹ 7- I 1- - C - .?•: 5; 0 -n TM a (") DAVID W. HACKETT MARGARET MAC TAVISH OAKLAND COMMON ITV COLLEGE D I ST. TRANSFER PROPOS IT I ON PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER cVi ka- -r YES L NO YES NO YES YES I NO YES I NO STATEMENT OF VOTES — PROPOSITIONS AND QUESTIONS OPERATING MILLAGE PROPOSITION The whose number of votes for and against the Shall the limitation on the amount of_taxes which ma _be levied against all real and tangible personal, property within Madison District Public Schoo Madison Heights, Mi_gbigan be increased by. two ($2.00)_Dollars per One Thousand Dollars of the assessed valuation, as finally equalized, of all such prorty in said School District for a p_e_riod of five (5) years from 1980 to 1984, both inclusive to be used for the pur•ose of _pa i general operatin9 expense $ of the School District of whrch numbef t-t-t- '6---11‘e' ''' ,,,,,--.,--j ,v- I votes were marked YES _ and „..-- ,..e-c.,...--r-, .,_„_44.,---te___ '`,44,t -.--,...—, i -1- votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES The whole number of votes for and against the I was 1_ 1 of which number 1 _ votes were marked YES 1 and 1 votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES I The whole number of votes for and against the was 1 111 _ _ of which number MI votes were marked YES OM and 1 votes were marked NO NI TOTAL VOTES s, BOARD OF cANVASSERS CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION , , , , , STATE OF MICHIGAN } , , , ! OAKLAND Ss, , COUNTY OF . .•• We, the undersigned Board of Canvassers for the County of . OAKLAND from an examination of the Election Returns of_AILADISON_SCRODL_DISTJULT PUBLIC SCHOOtvived by said Board of Canvassers, LEGAL NAME Cr SCHOOL N5TPICT determine that at the _ANNUAL election held on 6/9/80 i that the persons listed below were duly ,,,NN nlhL C-R SPF.C;AL DATE UF ELECT ION elected as members of the Board of Education of the said School Dist r ict for the terms of office set opposite their name or names: .._. Names of persons elected for a four year term expiring 1984 , : Names of persons elected for a three year term expiring n _ Names of persons elected for a two year term expirin g .... Names of persons elected for a one year term expiring --- .. _ Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMINE: That the Followin g Propositions or Questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: i. NAME OF .ROPOSIT4ON ---R3speiEM.14 e- rr- ----R:0=5:574- OPERATING M I LLAGE Having Not Received votes was u " 1 ci ent Defeated PROPOSITION , 2, NAME OF PRoPosmot-i Received Sufficient . Passed Having Not Recei'i/eci votes was Defeated . NAME OF PRO OSMON i Received „ Passed Having i.)i-ticient votes was F,•--- Not Received tief—eoted 4. NAME OF PROPOSITION Received , , Passed Having --1 Sufficient votes was Not Recei:ved Defeated In Witness Whe.Tool, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal :of the County of OAKLAND this day of JUNE 19 80