HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1972.06.12 - 3205MADISON DiSTRICT PUBLIC SChOOLS JUNE 12, 1972 ANNUAL.- HELD 0 JUNE 12, 1972 (DATE OF ELECTIOiNi) ' AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND X.wil>00otxm(xxgxxxxXXXxXacrXXxxxx.xxx COUNTY, MICHIGAN ELE CTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS -• 1919 East Kilgore Road KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by form No, M-398 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Specie!! Election STATEMENT OF VOTES •:F:RECINCT•013 ,..W.AR•D NUMBER ••• • • •.•:. • • • :•• • :•••••:.•• • H. • • •• • • • • • •• • " •• •• • • •• • • " • • • • • ••: :•ss• ••• TOTALS • . :: • :•••••••••••1.TY.••••••.: • . • • • ::.-::•.•••• • •• • .• • . OFFICE AND CANDIDATE NAMES MeM5er of—a:(7--Edaatron (4 'Year Term) Vote for 2 JOSEPH M. BANYAI JOHN F. MINCH I L) (.? VIRGINIA VITALE Corn 6:!' CELIA CHAPIN 1DANTE DiVITTO •J. HAROLD ELLENS HOPE FREY .ILH•.•!: ROSEMARY HULL LILA R. JOHNSON WILLIAM •M. LEFFEL GEORGE R. MOSHER TOTALS The whale ryriniD we s received received receive TOTAL .• • w and theiy were.. given b,-i-}he , IL received received . Vote's. received received TOTAL he, office or COMM. COLLEGE TRUSTEE (6 lycar Terrn) Vote for was and they re given ;or the kilo g named persons; votes votes votes votes received votes The whole number of votes given vefes vat es received received received received CELIA CHAP I N DANTE MITT° J . HAROLD ELLENS HOPE FREY ROSFMARY HUI LILA R. JOHNSON WILLIAM M. LEFTEL received received received :votes .. votes ',c1 es received received GEORGE R. HOSHER received .votes -••,•••:-•••:-•••••;1 . . .vatef(.; . votes. ceived votes IOTA votes SEATEMENT OF VOTES given for the office oq,iEMBER OF Vote for 2 F EDUCATION (14 Year Term) UT r51li{t5 ft Tril cUM- The whole number of votes given for the office of was 'L 11 and they were given for the flowing named persons: received YMe51. 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Votes STATEMENT OF VOTES was and they were given for the following named personsz received voteR received votes, received votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of I was TOTAL The whole number of votes given for. the office of . • Was and they were given for the following named persons received received received votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of I .was ; and they were given for the follavving named persons: received received received received votes TOTAL Was and SIAThMENT OF Var.: !I trt ViLlitrA IN THIS COL1110 The whole number of votes given for and against the_ of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the was of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number or votes given .for and against the was of which number votes were marked YES votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the 'NOSh of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES. "=-7=7 Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said MAD I SON D I SIR I CT P UBL I C SCHOOLS hc ANNUAL 1 2th _Election, held on the cit _JUNE rivom irtr. one thousand nine hundred and seventy- two Da Hereby Certify and teterrnine __having received the lwgest number of votes is elected MEMBER OF BOARD OF_ EDUCATION _(pOUR_ yEAR_ TERMI_Expiritka 1976 That PXt : ._having receiveu FC10. ri•Liuer voles is elected__ KEMI5E_R_._OF .13_0ARD L0f: EDUCKELO .N__(E.OUIV::YEAR:,IER1441:_Expl.e.i bLgi.1976. 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RTIFICATE OF DETERM STATE OF MICAT1 CI AN OAKLAND COLTNT-k COUNTY The Board of Canvassers of the OAKLAND having received the largest number a That votes is elected That laving received the largest numbei votes is ele That — votes is elected 1\ ing received the lufgesf ritimb!..r 0 That votes is elected_ JtaVing re.eeived•:th.e That votes is elected _having received the largest number That votes is elected having received the largeo number That having received the largest number a votes is elected_ That votes is elected viola received the largest number of Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions indicat, 11 NAME OF PROPOSITION .XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXE • ..- ..Rectiited •• ..• • Pased:::••• Having- " "" • ••• •• • ••!,:i'Ufficient• .votes.•was •••••• . • • • •Not...Roclived. •"...• • • • . • •:.•'• :Defe.citect• Received HaVing — Sufficient votes w Not Received Rec:eivad dig Not Receive Passed Sufficient votes was NAME OF PROPOSITION XXXX XXXXXX X X XXXXXXXX NAME OF FRMOSITION X XXX XXX XXXX XX XXXXXX X NAME OF PROPOSMON XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Haying 1\.ThoRte7.cne_e.i.cyriv.e..a sui.1 4 Whalen Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Sea of the COUNTY of OAKLAND c:ouskiy, ^y, Township c•-! Vi liaqe) (Cothlty, Cily, Township day or JUNE ,hundred and sevent y-twQ. Townshi p V i this : ..'7‘ in the year one thousafid BOARD OF CANVASSERS 'CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASS0353:: /:`•.-1.7.-- • CHAIRMAN•OF .BOA:RD:OVCAN9ASS'ERS.. ATTEST: