HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1976.06.14 - 3215MADISON DISTRICT PUBLIC SCHOOLS ANNUAL ELECTION JUNE 14, 1976 CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION : HELD ON : JUNE 14, 1976 (DATE OF ELECTION) OF THE MADISON DISTRICT PUBLIC SCHOOLS (LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT) OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS. . SC.11001. FORM PRINTERS r. 'OFFICE . FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. ES-398 (Rev. 1970) CANVASSER BOOK STATEMENT OF VOTES MEMBER, BOARD Of EDUCATION The whole number of votes oiVen for the Off:lc:6 c5.:11!. 71174;r776-7:7f70—':4;a7r O7F-O-u-r- Year term was: : . • 1:: and :they :were.. cpven for the follomn9 t1çJ DDrspas: : PERSONS THE VøS JOHN F. MI NCH LOTTIE ROESKE VIRGINIA VITALE NUMBER OF :vcn.E w4i:rrEN IN WORDS • io.TOTAL . . The whcAe number of votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Education for a Three Year feIrn and ihey were given For the following named persons PERSONS PECEIING THE VOTES • NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS The. vvliole numbel of votes giYen For the Office of MthribO.r.ofittiO:Boagd of Educattion for a Two Year fern was and they Were given for the following nome.d Oerso . PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES . • NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN woRiotr TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office o!' Merreber of the Board of Education f.or a One Year term was and they wee given fo , the following nomed personr,.: ERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORD • • • 1 • • • ; • • ; ,,,i.z,::,...,.,;;;,44•4:::4....',......4-:4;.<::,..,-;<;i:i..;;:si.r..;,:i.„:,,<:,;.—.4.,-<2.-e<i<,.....,;;4 ; : • < : . ; ; . 1 ;, ; t • .: i i I ' ] . , • ;. 1 , . .. . .. ' I 0 1 r- ' 1 OBERT C KENNEDY , 1 3 : r ; r n . 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'i-: '•--.• . .• • MADISON DISTRICT PUBLIC SCHOOLS ANNUAL ELECTION JUNE 14 1976 Ho. :4-$0m: OPE RAT 1 NG M I LLAGE RENEWAL PROPOS IT ION .:F.R.EcNCT.• OR WARD NUMBER PREC I NCTS •:. NO • • ..YES • NO • ...YES NO• .. •• . : • . • .. -,7. : •• . . .• . : . . • • .• :..:...: •:. • . '• . . . ••:.2 . 6 7 Avc B MEMBERS.:.0:f :.:BOARD OF EDUCATION FOUR YEAR TERM VOTE FOR TWO PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER • 4.4 was of which number STATEMENT OF VOTES --- PROPOSITIONS AND QUESTIONS The whole number. Of...v.6te• for •cind.. caanv2.t.the.• •• • :OPERATING MILLAGE....RENEWAL....P.ROPOSITION......... • . .. ..• •:....:...••::•••• :::. . _ ____... ..:•:..: ...... ......... •.. .............. • • • "• • • • •••• • •••• • • • • • • • .... .... .... • .. ..•4 •• .. ••• •...: •••••••• • -.... .• • .. : • • • • . • . . . ': . :. "As a renewal of .y a . previously . a . ut • hO .. r . : i .. . : z : . e : di . r. . ..i : .1.1ag:e. .increase noreas .'. e .. iw .:._. ki.:0• . . ! ... ex . pl.i • .r =..es . . . i .n •i : . 1 . •:. . 9 . . :n7 . .6 . . .,.. shall n . .a..1;•i..1• . :: .the t tiOn on the amotnt:0f:tes.41th;79yb010vLe(•Ogairst:811.tdkabl t 1nri•fr0b10.te H.: j• ••• ii1. : : : 1 prOte ty in Mad isOr'Di*tri4t•Pib1it.School,:000anc .Colity .Mieni§en.beJncreased ;:6:privjded: , ......• •••• by • .Se ..t. i on.. • .6.••••,••• :Ar.t141:e.liXof: .:t:he.:.•_Con_stitlitii.o_rif•Lthei r.i...S.:0:tie-of.....t4tr:1111.bari:•••by.:.•.$17:;.00.:•pe.r.....0.t.1.1.09:•004.: ••••...i'i.....i.. doi.i...1a :i's of •t'.1Je • aeSsed•••••,valuation, .• as ..f.i..nafty....eqüai '.1';.z.e.d:,•::' of . all ' §.Lich....0.toper.I.:y• .i.h...sa.14 ..S.tnOil.:::'..Di.t.tri.t.t.'• : E for ..al .1per.i.od•••••pf• :five. (5) years, :from :19:77 ...:t6::....193.1.iiii1h !.. Ittel.1 iii4.1.v•p:_..fair- 'Ali ..'01i rpbe.... Of tr:L414.r.:jei.it-'4-..- •operating , es060s6:s'. of ..§.::id...S.t.h6Ol ...1:0:stritt i?".:. •••:••:...H.....-.. . .• . • . . . ..:. •• .:•. . • ...::•••••:•••• • .'.. ••.• ..• •:.• •••••••• •• .: : .• • :•••• votes were marked T CS and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES The whole numlper of votes for and against the WOS of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL vpus The whole number of votes for and against the was of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO OTAL VOTES CLERK • CA, C A N VA55ERS CERTIFICATE OF STATE OF MICHIGAN' COUNTY OF OAKLAND We, the undersigned Board of Canvassers for the Couniy of °°10a114 . • . :_fr,orn•arvez.arninati•an .• of the Election Returns of MAD15.0N DI STRICT. PUBLIC SCHOOLS . I.Fr AL NAME Or SCHOOL DIE'rRIEr determine that at the • Anriuäl _olection held or„June 14.;.:.:1316_, ; that the :personsliS:tedbelow wer:e. duly ANNSAL OR SPECIAL : DA7E IT FiLEC:TION " ".• " eletted as members of the Board of Education of the said Scr ,lool District for the fermS Ofbffice .e.t opposite their name or names., eiceived •Board co' (:,anyassers, Names of persons elected for a four year term expn g 1 980 Names of persons elected for a three year term expiring Names of persons elected for a two year term expirin g Names of persons elected for a one year term expiring Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMINE: That the followin g Propositions ot Questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: 2 • NAMECVNICWOMTION OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION NAME or PROPOSMON NONE Received , Passed Havin g ufficient votes was -Dieifratetd- Received Passed Havin g Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Received Having S Not Receive icient vo Passed es was Defeated NAME OF PROPOSiTiON NONE Received Passed g Sufficient votes was Having Not Received Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the County of Oakl and 7 Al- .7:' June this •/ : fi,/' da y of 19 7') 76. 1/ „,------\ A/ /1 (:1_,A, ., , Attestt. „,/ ..,----- k ' ) CHAIRMAN BOARD OF CANVASSERS Al len