HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1975.06.09 - 3253NOVI COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL ELECTION JUNE 9, 1975 CANVASS OF VOTES (AST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON jUn6.. • (DATE. OF kLECTIQN) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF cAKt4ND COUNTY, MICHIGAN ),...)0(x.,tx xxxi.,..:XXXXXXOZMXXXXXXX)C94KX MANUFACTURED BY L[ElJti? (t ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS 1919 East kilgore Road st K.A.LAMAZ.90::AA:KHIG414: ' . CA.NVASSER.. ..• • .1. . • . •Eld.:ttib• n .• The Whale ii umber or vote.s given for the Office 6 was PUT: PIGORES :FN:THiS COUNIN Term• The whole number of votes given for the office 0 'NOS and they were given for the fallowing named persons: votes received received TOTAL The ,,,vhole number of votes given: fPr:the:Office'Of 'NOS and they Were given for the following named persons; .•receive received rece:ved TOTAL The whole numbei of vofez given for the office of vdt4:2's. votes •••• • received ceived received received .•:votes votes votes votes received TOTAL received: •: received received :•votes: .•.. votes votes votes votes NOV I COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT STATEMENT OF VOTES JUNE 9, 1975 .......:...•••-::-....:-..."....."....(VOte.-for".not•mare::.than 'Awe) Members : of•j3eard:.:..0.-r..Educatjon'...t:Fpur Yr and they were given for the followinç.; named 1.)ersorts: Joel col 1 Tau 0-ceived Gilbert D. Henderson TOTAL received received rece ived was and they were given for the following named persons: received votes received votes received votes :PNT::FIGNNES " N THIS COLUMN [fie ,iihOle 'min-6er of votes g iven or he office of: and they were given for -the :following named persons; received received received TOTAL The whole nutill-Jor of \.rofeS given kg the office Of and they v‘te...-. given for theifollowing"named persons; . received : - received • IOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office ind they Vgere.:givert-forlhe, Uowii homed persons: receive4 : vOles:: : votes recc:ivea TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of votes was and tiloy were. given foi.: the follovving named person: received votes received • vole votes received votes received : re•co; v ee,giVed .votes votes votes votati vc.);.es t6ebived • 'c'ece:N•OC:i received TOTAL votes votes %votes votes votes votes votes • Ntrld's . Votes • votes' :votes • votes votes votes votes vOtes STATEMENT OF VOTES : PUT FIGURES IN EH1S COLUMN: he whole number Of :vbfes given for the office of Was and key *ere given for the following named persons: recel.Ved received .received TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of was on they were given for the following named persons: received receved !eceived TOTAL The Whole nuthis& of votes giver, for the office of WPS and they wete given for the following named persons: received received received TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: feceived :received received TOTAL The Whole nuMber voteS .given .for••the office of was ond they wre given for the following named persons: received - received received received TOTAL votes voles votes votes EL TATEMENT OF VOTES PUT:FIGURtS IN THIS COMM.( The whOle numberOf votes given for and against the of which number__ votes were marked YES votes were marked NO TOTAL. VOTES, The whole nUrriber :of gkieri for and 'against file... was of which nuniber votes were marked YES votes were marked NO The whole number of votes given for oncl against ti was of which number votes were marked YES were niark.ed..t40. TOTAL.. VOTES, STATE OP. MICIFTTG A IN r.ty or The 13o.cftil al canvassers of II : having Asctertoined and CarkVasse,d at the tine therusand nine hundred cold—. ii LIIy,Ii. C-00 ":ty, Cs] y Tow n ,hi p at Vil e Votes of said____Nov.i.._Community i 1y, T os,rn s p or i I gn I -Election, held on the . . .day of June sevent y-five . ....__--- County Oakland That .. • votes is elected_ _ That_ _ votes is elected_ That votes is elected That_ -having votes is elected That_ votes is elected •That- • votes is elected__ _ _ _ That_ votes is ele.cted having received largest:1'4)1116er. 6 having received the largest number of NOVI COMMUNITY SCHOOL OISTRICT • • ..• • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION Do Hereby Certify and Determine That. Joel Coll iau _ havina received the lc,,,-resr. ni.rtr,b.,.r. of Board of Education -Four Year Term - Expi ring 1979 votes is elecled °.F Thai Gilbert D. Henderson ece.ve(. le tru-i)er votes is e lected Member of Board of Education Four Year Term - Expiring 1979 :m.m)t)e . . . . _ -.having received tie largest . number • or having received::the largest ni.irtiber having lorcjest titnti.bor ol That having received the largest number ol votes is elected That ; _having received the larqest :mimbr....u. votes is elected • That • :i rug receive() 11'10= K..w..:test norril,.et ai , votes s elected . Thlot_ votes is elected , That_ r,..,ce;vedtI.l(ascle...,.t. nuethel s elected . " , „„_ ticv,wg Fec,!.0„..e.t-1 • •• te•s is e3 recOv:4,,A tbEe e.lf• NOV I COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT - JUNE 9, 1975 That ___ _ having received the largest number of That _ _ . ..___having received lorgest number of votes is elected___ That _____having received ine largest number of votes is elected___ That votes is elected_ having received the largest number of That votes is elected aving :reCe.iVed the largest nutriber :of: That -rilaving....received .thelarges1::nUrnber:of • 'votes is That votes is elected aving reteived the largest number :of iavirtg rece_ivecl the largest number o votes is elected__ In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the___ County . Oakl and and . . _ _ _ this_ _day of June in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventY -f ve BOARD OF COUNTY CANVASSERS ATTEST: CLEM OF BOARD OF COUNIY .CANV.ASS.ERS,