HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1979.06.11 - 3264RHEILUT C4,e 0 .1‘Ir ANNUAL ELECTION CANVASS OF VOTES IASI Al ELECTION HELD ON JUNE 11 * 1979 (DATE OF ELECTION) OF THE NOVI COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT (LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT) OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No, ES398K CANVASSERS BOOK OFFiCE AND CANDIDATE NAMES MEMBERS OF BOARD OF EL (Vote for Two) Joel Colliau Ruth Waldenma er 2 STATEMENT OF VOTES TOTAL PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER 1 2 3 AV C B 4 1.11111111111: - 11111111111.1111111 111111111111111. 111111111111111.11 111.1=11.11111 IIMENNEMi IiiiiMMUMMINEMOM =.1111=INEMENy EIMMIMMIE INIMMI=MEMI 11111 iiiIMMMEN MEM 11 1MMIIIIIIMM WEINIM111111111111.111/ ,MML_Willa =MEM MN iiriMMi MI Mil MEM= MINIMS"' 11111.11111111.1LI INILIMIMMINI IN IIIIIIIMINN IIMEMMININMimMMIMMIn 11111=IMINN MN IIIIIIIMI 6111.111.111111.16.11 mr.mmommyra =mom= mums m-ElEirm911. imuirm•mmo asas immesau mmimmummimmlan. emimmarimmare... 11111MINIMMIMMIM_11111111 IINEEMM=====M1111111I MIMMINIMMININ MINIMMONNIIN i= MMNIIMM VMS= TOTALS PRECINCTl OR HI WARD 1! NUMBER SCHOOLCRAFT COLLEG CULINARY ARTS ADDI TAX LEVY PROPOSAL SCHOOLCRAFT'COLU IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE TAX LEVY PROPOSAL PROPOSITION I STATEMENT OF VOTES, MUUL LKArl LUMMUNI1Y LULLtlat VISIKILI IN NOVI COMMUNITY SCHOOLS ANNUAL ELECTION JUNE 11, 1979 1. The whole number of votes given for the office o was and they were given for the foHowing nomed pu of the Board of Flfik.:tcvitiort for a Four Year term NUMIIER cIF VOTES WRITUN IN WORDS I TOTAL VOTES WORDS TOTAL Or a Two Year term OE VOTES WRITTEN tH WoR! f VsgOALV' JCATION Si Si roe Yccu TOTAL or a One Year term PERSONS RECEIVNG THE veSmES OF VOTES WRITTEN tr-I WORDS 3. 4, 5. OF The whore number of votes given for the oiffice was and they were for the k. owing nc..re,-, pets r.FGH: "Iricr.t.r 1 . Joel Colliau 2, Ruth Waldenmayer 3. 4, 6. 7. 9. 10. The whoie number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the foHowin g named persons. pEnsoms THE VOTES 2. 3, 5 The who!e number of votes given for the office of was and they were 0.iYc:1.1 FO the ici:Fnewin..3 namecl persons, pEcEr.p.A:7: THE VOTES af 1. L. TOTAL votes were marked YES and ere marked NO vores STATEMENT OF VOTES — PROPOSITIONS AND QUESTIONS PROPOSAL NO. SCHOOLCRAFT COLLEGE CULINARY ARTS The whore number of votes for and against the ADDITION TAX LEVY PROPOSAL In addition to existing authorizations, shall the Board of Trustees of Schoolcraft College District, rehigan, be authorized to levy TiftY cents per 1,000 one-half mill per dollar) of State Equalized Valuation of all taxable pr6perty of the College District for I year, e year-T9-79, for const-ructing and equipping a Culinary Arts Addition and site improvements on the community college campus? ____ was ..._,.... of which number _ _ votes were marked YES and votes were marked Q - TOTAL VOTES i _i__ PROPOSAL NO 2 - SCHOOLCRAFT COLLEGE IMPROVEMENT AND The whole number of votes for and against the MAINIENARCE_TALIFVY PROROSAI In addition to existing authorizations, shall the Board of Trustees of Schoolcraft College District; Michigan, Ie authorized to levy tTftyl cents per $1,000 (one-fiaTf mill per dollar) of State Equalized Valuation of all taxable property of the College District for 1 year, the year -1-9/9, tor remodeling, equipping and rehequipping existiTiTbuildings, site imp- - rovements and major maintenance expenditures?' was _ , of which number votes were marke d YES and ____/___ votes were marked No' TOTAL VOTES The whole number of votes for and against the was of which number , TOTAL VOTES CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION , STATE OF MICHIGAN i ss. COUNTY OF OAKLAND , We, the undersigned Board of Canvassers for the County of Oakland from an examination of the Election Returns of Nom Li.onmuin i • • 1 tri ct . received by said Board of Canvassers, IEGAi. NAME Or SCI'00- DISTW-CT determine that at the Annual election held on June 11, 1979 /that the persons listed below were duly 1,'-',41!,,,I, OP SPEC ,A1 DATE Or 1.i.CC'fl9N elected as members of the Board of Education of the said School District for the terms of office set apposite their name or names: Names of persons elected for a four (i° year fern/ expiring I - I I (A) _....._._ 1983 Names of persons elected for 0 three year term expiring _ N ames of persons elected for a two year term expiring - _ , Names of persons elected for a one year term expiring ' — Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMINE: That the fcHnwing Propositions Or Questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: , 1. NAME OF PROPOSITION . SCHOOLCRAFT COLLEGE CULINARY AR ITS Received, Passed Having ----- kfi-,ent votes wastici :ADDITION TAX LEVY PROPOSAL Noi ReceiVed Suff icient 2. NAME OF PROPOSITION i- SCHOOLCRAFT COLLEGE IMPROVEMENT Received . , „cent votes was Passed i AND MAINTENANCE TAX LEVY PROPOS'L Not urti Recei ed Defeated A °POSITION Received „ Passed Having -f- Suffici ent votes was NONE Not Recei'ved Defeated NA E OF PROPOSITION Received Passed Having ur,ticient votes was NONE Not Receiv , ed Defeated In Wifttess Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the I County oL. Oakland , this /I day of June 19 79 . , —I' ./...e..--t....--- At e,t:CHAIRMAN . — . . ii ,. BOARD OF . V CANVASSERS o E -r ;ioAR P OF CANVA .. S y ri, -.) '/\ (T/t,,,----1-, i t. 6 ,/' 3--Y---