HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2019.10.23 - 33103MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #19334 October 23, 2019 BY: Commissioner Nancy Quarles, Cf�airperson, Legislative Affairs and Government Operations Committee IN RE: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS — HUMAN RESOURCES WAGES OF THE LABOR AGREEMENT FOR THE EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES UNION AFFILIATED WITH IBEW LOCAL 58, AFL-CIO (OCEU) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland and the Oakland County Employees Union, Affiliated with IBEW Local 58, AFL-CIO (OCEU), have been negotiating wages covering approximately 362 employees; and WHEREAS this agreement provides for a 2% increase for Fiscal Year 2020 with an agreement that parties will resume negotiations of salaries within 30 days after the Board of Commissioners approves the Compensation and Classification study; and WHEREAS parties agree with the increase of the $15 minimum wage enhancement to the following classifications: Animal Shelter Attendant, Clerk, Custodial Worker I, Custodial Worker II, General Clerical, General Helper, Office Assistant I, Storekeeper I and Storekeeper II; and WHEREAS the estimated cost for the $15 per hour minimum wage and 2% salary increase for represented positions by the Oakland County Employees Union, Affiliated with IBEW Local 58, AFL-CIO (OCEU) is $459,849, with $59,355 related to General Fund/General Purpose funds, and $400,494 related to Proprietary funds; and WHEREAS funding for the $15 per hour minimum wage and 2% salary increase for represented positions by the Oakland County Employees Union, Affiliated with IBEW Local 58, AFL-CIO (OCEU) will be provided by the Non-Departmental General Fund Salary Adjustment Reserve line item for the General Fund/General Purpose related costs; and WHEREAS the funding for the Proprietary funds will be adjusted within their respective budgets; and WHEREAS the parties have agreed to a Successor agreement covering the period of September 30, 2019, through October 31, 2019. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the proposed Successor Collective Bargaining agreement between the County of Oakland and the Oakland County Employees Union, Affiliated with IBEW Local 58, AFL-CIO (OCEU) covering the period of September 30, 2019, through October 31, 2019, and that the Board Chairperson on behalf of the County of Oakland, is authorized to execute said agreement as attached. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the budget be amended for FY 2020-FY 2022 as reflected in Schedule A (attached). Chairperson, on behalf of the Legislative Affairs and Government Operations Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. C8mmissioner uarles, District #17 Chairperson, a 'slati Affairs and Government Operations C ittee LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS COMMITTEE VOTE: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Quarles and Gingell absent. Duration: Wages: SUMMARY OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF OAKLAND AND THE OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES UNION, AFFILIATED WITH IBEW LOCAL 58, AFL-CIO (OCEU) 09/30/2019 Wage Reopener for Fiscal Year 2020 2% increase effective September 28, 2019 Increase of the $15 minimum wage enhancement for the following classifications: • Animal Shelter Attendant Clerk • Custodial Worker Custodial Worker II • General Clerical • General Helper • Office Assistant I • Storekeeper • Storekeeper 11 Letter of Intent: The parties have agreed to meet within 30 days after the Board of Commissioners Addresses/implements the Compensation Study to negotiate over wages. Successor Collective Bargaining Agreement This agreement is made and entered into on this 271 day of September, A.D., 2019, by and between the Oakland County herein referred to as the employer and the Oakland County Employees Union affiliated with IBEW local 58, AFL-CIO, herein after referred to as the union. It is the desire of both parties to this agreement to continue to work harmoniously and to promote and maintain high standards between the employer and employees, which will best serve the citizens of Oakland County. This Successor Collective Bargaining Agreement is understood to incorporate by reference the terms of the 2018 - 2019 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the parties. This agreement shall also expire on 11:59p.m. on October 31, 2019. The parties will continue to negotiate in good faith a long-term labor contract that is acceptable to all parties. The County will apply a 2% general salary increase to members of this bargaining unit through a memorandum of agreement that will be presented to the Board of Commissioners through the appropriate committee process. Upon approval of the Board of Commissioners, the 2% general salary increase will be effective September 28, 2019. By signing the agreement, parties agree to the above referenced Successor Collective Bargaining Agreement. OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES UNION / IBEW LOCAL 58, AFL-CIO r~ r 0 LAND*Deputy I April Lynch, ounty Executive C; j'a-1 I tirl MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT This agreement is entered into this day of September, 2019, between the County of Oakland and the Oakland County Employees Union, Affiliated with IBEW Local 58, AFL-CIO (OCEU). The parties have agreed on a 2% increase for all employees covered by this bargaining unit effective with the pay period beginning September 28, 2019. Additionally, parties agree with the increase of the $15 minimum wage enhancement to the following classifications: Animal Shelter Attendant • Clerk • Custodial Worker I • Custodial Worker II • General Clerical e General Helper • Office Assistant I • Storekeeper • Storekeeper 11 The parties have agreed to meet within 30 days after the Board of Commissioners addresses/implements the Compensation Study to negotiate over wages. The collective bargaining agreement shall only be modified as indicated: The bi-weekly salary schedule will increase by 2% effective with the pay period beginning September 28, 2019; in addition to the increase of the $15 minimum wage enhancement for the listed classifications. OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES UNION, COUNTY OF OAKLAND AFFILIATED WITH IBEW LOCAL 58, AFL-CIO David T. Woodward, Chairperson Board of Commissioners David Coulter Oakland County Executive Oakland County, Michigan OCEU (Animal Control Business Unit 011, Shefiff Business 018, Facilities BU 020,023,024, Parks and Re BU 050 and Drain BU 055 ) -2% Salary and Associated Fringe Benefits Schedule "A" SCHEDULE A R/E Fund I I I 2020 - FY I FYAmend Name Division Name Fund # Division # Fund Affiliate Program # Account # Accountritle Amendment G/FG/P SALARY AND FRINGE BENEFIT ADJUSTMENTS (10100) R General Fund Non Departmental 10100 9090101 196030 740142 Salary Adjustment Reserve 59,355 Total Revenues 59,355 Animal Control BU 011 E General Fund Animal Control Administration 10100 1070801 114000 702010 Salaries Regular 3,457 E General Fund Animal Control Administration 10100 1070801 114000 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 1,237 E General Fund Animal Contml Kennel 10100 1070805 114090 702010 Salaries Regular 3,871 E General Fund Animal Control Kennel 10100 1070805 114090 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 1,386 E General Fund Animal Control Road 10100 1070810 114100 702010 Salaries Regular 9,017 E General Fund Animal Central Road 10100 1070810 114100 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 3,227 Total Expenditures 22,195 Sheriff Dep[ BU 018 E General Fund Sheriff Admin Sew Admin 10100 4030201 112580 702010 Salaries Regular 2,444 E General Fund Sherdf Admin Sew Admin 10100 4030201 112580 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 875 E General Fund Sheriff Corrective Sew Admin 10100 4030301 112650 702010 Salaries Regular 10628 E General Fund Sheriff Corrective Sew Admin 10100 4030301 112650 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 3,802 E General Fund Sheriff Coff Ser Sat Adm 10100 4030401 113381 702010 Salaries Regular 1,024 E General Fund Sheriff Corr Ser Sat Adm 10100 4030401 113381 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 367 E General Fund Sheriff Coff Ser Sal Adm 10100 4030401 116245 702010 Salaries Regular 2,208 E General Fund Sheriff Corr Ser Sat Adm 10100 4030401 116245 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 791 E General Fund Sheriff Con Ser Sat Adm 10100 4030401 121280 702010 Salaries Regular 840 E General Fund Sheriff Can Ser Sat Adm 10100 4030401 121280 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 301 E General Fund Sheriff SEPTC Admin 10100 4030501 110045 702010 Salaries Regular 931 E General Fund Sheriff SEPTC Admin 10100 4030501 110045 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 333 E General Fund Sheriff SEPTC Admin 10100 4030501 112680 702010 Salades Regular 5,841 E General Fund Sherif( SEPTC Admin 10100 4030501 112680 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 2,093 E General Fund Sheriff Patrol Services 10100 4030601 116180 702010 Salaries Regular 840 E General Fund Sheriff Patrol Services 10100 4030601 116180 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 301 E General Fund Emergency Comm Operations 10100 4030701 116230 702010 Salaries Regular 1,768 E General Fund Emergency Comm Operations 10100 4030701 116230 722900 Fdnge Benefit Adjustments 632 E General Fund Sheriff Technical Svc Admin 10100 4030901 116240 702010 Salaries Regular 840 E General Fund Sheriff Technical Svc Admin 10100 4030901 116240 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 301 Total Expenditures 37,160 Facilities Maint and Operation (63100) BU 20,23,24 R Facilities Maint and Oper.Fund FMO Administration 63100 1040701 140010 665882 Planned Use of Balance 139,326 Total Revenue 139,326 Facilities BU 020 E Facilities Maint and Oper.Fund FMO Building Custodial 1040718 140299 702010 Salaries Regular 42,129 E Facilities Maint and Oper.Fund FMO Building Custodial 63100 1040718 140299 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 15,076 Total Expenditures 57,205 Facilities MGNT BU 023 Oakland County, Michigan OCEU (Animal Control Business Unit 011, Shefiff Business 018, Facilities BU 020,023,024, Parks and Re BU 050 and Drain BU 055 ) -2% Salary and Associated Fringe Benefits Schedule "A" SCHEDULE A RIE Fund Name I I I (Program# I FY 2020 - FY 2022 I Division Name Fund# Division# Fund Affiliate Account# Account Title Amendment E Facilifies Maint and Oper.Fund FMO Building Heating 63100 1040740 148499 702010 Salaries Regular 876 E Facilities Maint and Oper.Fund FMO Building Heating 63100 1040740 148499 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 314 E Facilities Maint and Oper Fund FMO Building Maintenance 63100 1040719 140399 702010 Salaries Regular 46,996 E Facilities Maint and Oper.Fund FMO Building Maintenance 63100 1040719 140399 722900 Total Expenditures 16.832 Facilities Grounds BU 024 - 65,018 E Facilities Maint and Oper Fund FMO Grounds Maintenance 63100 1040725 140599 702010 Salaries Regular 12,593 E Facilities Maint and Oper Fund FMO Grounds Maintenance 63100 1040725 140599 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 4 510 Total Expenditures 17,103 Parks and Recreation (50800) BU 050 R Parks and Recreation Planned Use of Balance 50800 5060666 160666 665882 Planned Use of Balance 44.104 Total Revenue 44,104 E Parks and Ree Fund Addison Oaks Park 50800 5060715 160070 702010 Salaries Regular 1,995 E Parks and Ree Fund Addison Oaks Park 50800 5060715 160070 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 715 E Parks and Rec Fund Glen Oaks Gag 50800 5060327 160010 702010 Salaries Regular 3,575 E Parks and Rec Fund Glen Oaks Gag 50800 5060327 160010 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 1,281 E Parks and Rec Fund Groveland Oaks Park 50800 5060720 160070 702010 Salaries Regular 1,024 E Parks and Rec Fund Groveland Oaks Park 50800 5060720 160070 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 367 E Parks and Rec Fund Independence Oaks Park 50800 5060725 160070 702010 Salaries Regular 3,394 E Parks and Rec Fund Independence Oaks Park 50800 5060725 160070 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 1,216 E Parks and Rec Fund Lyon Oaks Golf 50800 5060356 160010 702010 Salades Regular 2,645 E Parks and Rec Fund Lyon Oaks Golf 50800 5060356 160010 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 947 E Parks and Rec Fund Off -Road Vehicle Park 50800 5060722 160070 702010 Salaries Regular 790 E Parks and Rec Fund O# -Road Vehide Park 50800 5060722 160070 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 283 E Parks and Rec Fund Fadliges and Maintenance 50800 5060910 160430 702010 Salaries Regular 1,299 E Parks and Rec Fund Facilities and Maintenance 50800 5060910 160430 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 465 E Parks and Rec Fund Rec Programs and Services 50800 5060805 160210 702010 Salaries Regular 684 E Parks and Rec Fund Rec Programs and Services 50800 5060805 160210 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 245 E Parks and Rec Fund Red Oaks Waterpark 5080D 5060831 160210 702010 Salaries Regular 1,075 E Parks and Rec Fund Red Oaks Waterpark 50800 5060831 160210 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 385 E Parks and Rec Fund Springfield Oaks Golf 50800 5060330 160010 702010 Salaries Regular 1,814 E Parks and Rec Fund Springfield Oaks Golf 50800 5060330 160010 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 650 E Parks and Rec Fund Facilities and Maintenance 50800 5060910 160430 702010 Salaries Regular 9,576 E Parks and Rec Fund FacilNes and Maintenance 50800 5060910 160430 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 3,431 E Parks and Rec Fund While Lake Oaks Golf 50800 5060326 160010 702010 Salaries Regular 2,650 E Parks and Rec Fund While Lake Oaks Goff 50800 5060326 160010 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 948 E Parks and Rec Fund Waterford Oaks Activity Cir 50800 5060735 160070 702010 Salaries Regular 1,075 E Parks and Rec Fund Waterford Oaks Activity Ctr 50800 5060735 160070 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 385 E Parks and Rec Fund Waterford Oaks Waterpark 50800 5060837 160210 702010 Salaries Regular 876 E Parks and Rec Fund Waterford Oaks Waterpark 50800 5060837 160210 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 314 Total Expenditures 44,104 Associaiedpnn9a8en410 ` d Dsa U 0551 210 ga\aN a0d E Sol 2D0 in 8 p na' 00tY wchf9a and L003050 an f (ida pcCOUn Da�SLhea 'Q Bo P gheffff Business 018, FacilttiesAccount# / pro6ram U$e of gatan� Vnit011, Fund PK`\tate need ess U (pntrt f Bu$1P66502 Sfgtaf v'two / Orvist0n N a\ Gontco Fuad ri 14916D DCE Rame �a\aires Ra9rr pdN�nfs Fund 'me /OI Bu ":fin\ .t (630 1n Equr R E pram Ea pment r„enf E Dr3\0 / 0140100 pray G R,tsswnet pdmk pdnim Diem -M 615, et Pdnxn Oran 6010101 63800 6010101 B39p0 6010tp1 102p1'0 149160 122900 149180 n 159,g3T Resolution #19334 October 23, 2019 Moved by Gingell seconded by Markham the resolutions on the amended Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). AYES: Gingell, Hoffman, Jackson, Kochenderfer, Kowall, Kuhn, Long, Luebs, Markham, McGillivray, Middleton, Miller, Nelson, Powell, Quarles, Spisz, Taub, Weipert, Woodward, Zack. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions on the amended Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). 1 HEREBY APPROVE THIS RESOLUTION CHIEF DEPUTY COUNTY EXECUTIVE ACTING PURSUANT TO MCL 45.559A (7) "�- C44 6SA" STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lisa Brown, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on October 23, 2019, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Circuit Court at Pontiac, Michigan this 23rtl day of October, 2019. ��/ �_ d��' �'-SLC/ Lisa Brown, Oakland County