HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2020.06.25 - 33351MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #20207 BY: Commissioner Michael Spisz, District #3 IN RE: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS — APPROVAL OF INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE ADDISON TOWNSHIP AND DISTRIBUTION OF CARES ACT FUNDING To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen. WHEREAS Oakland County's local governments and their front-line essential services employees have been an integral partner in the implementation of Oakland County's coordinated strategies for COVID-19 public health/emergency response and economic recovery, and WHEREAS the County of Oakland was allocated $219,438,710 under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act's (CARES Act) — Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) to respond directly to the emergency as well as expenditures incurred to respond to second-order effects of the emergency; and WHEREAS guidance provided by the U.S. Treasury in "Coronavirus Relief Fund, Frequently Asked Questions" dated May 4, 2020, indicates that a county may but is not required to allocate funds to a local government within the county; and WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution #20187, Oakland County established an Oakland Together Local Government Partnership Grant program with an allocation of $35,000,000 of CARES Act - Coronavirus Relief Funds to provide an opportunity for Oakland County to aid local government jurisdictions experiencing a significant financial burden related directly to the COVID-19 public health emergency; and WHEREAS Addison Township has demonstrated an eligible plan to utilize CARES Act funding in accordance with the U S. Treasury guidelines in their grant application. The detailed eligible plan submitted in the grant application and recommended for disbursement by the Oversight Committee is included as "Attachment A"; and WHEREAS the Oakland Together Local Government Partnership Oversight Committee has reviewed the eligible plan and grant application from the Township of Addison and recommends the disbursement of $8,279.73 to Addison Township from the Oakland Together Local Government Partnership Grant Program from CARES Act — Coronavirus Relief Funds; and WHEREAS Addison Township has approved and executed an interlocal agreement prepared by Oakland County Corporation Counsel. The agreement is included as "Attachment B". NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the eligible reimbursement application from Addison Township and authorizes the distribution of $8,279 73 from the Oakland Together Local Government Partnership program to Addison Township from Oakland County CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Funds. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners is authorized to execute the interlocal agreement with Addison Township BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Clerk is requested to forward copies of this resolution and the finalized executed agreement to Oakland County Fiscal Services and Addison Township BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that no budget amendment is required as the appropriation for the Oakland Together Local Government Partnership Grant Program was authorized with Miscellaneous Resolution #20187 adopted on June 4, 2020. Chairperson, I move for the adoption of the foregoing resolution. 1 Commissioner Michael Spisz District#3 f Expenditure Review Forrin Attachment A Oakland logother CVl GOVIU Suppoit Fund Fxpendlhue Submission Fonn -unJGni;hailtg:' I-unds aro only leach nvailhble it the GVT has expnnsoc that rwol the regohemonfc of the, CVP (]DVIU Fund. All nxpondihuon must meet the guidance established by tho L1,S. Tmniimy Dopnrtmnnt, and Oakland Couufy, me r:Vl' shall not submit an [xponrlitm'o Subroks,don Form for any oxpem:o which Is eligibly; to be cuwaed by FCMA (I-odm:d Frioolency Management Agency) Public Acslslance rriinbtusononl grant Public, body Piny use funds to pay tho 2:5'Z, "cost shni c'' or °meet iml h" requlrod with F FMA feimbursomnnt. I horn fun(, may not be, n: -disc il?utvd by the CVt uttluss to wl:: It Individuol rnrddents oa pormittad by tho GhRF.S; Port o, to p;,y vonrl0i , m smvioo piovidl as 1wimil cd by the CARES Act. Application 6) '100WIM SulJnlissian Information Public Body (CM) Addison f vo, Name .Jnmio Martol Title Uoputy, Supmvisol Email jmai telnaddisrn�iw4?.ory 1'110110 2186,2Bt•IIJg Public, Body (CVT) Authorized Official Funding Information Name [mics Pearson 'rifle Supervisor Onail hponrs0n(n?sddisunlw7,.org Phono 24IIe285,109 Payment MOVIoct C 61och'onic (ACI I) C• Check Paymont Remittance Address Addross 1440 Rochester Rd. City teonmd State M ZIP Cocle 483MI) 1 56 f=.xpoI Iditutf,-,i Expendituro ID '10004M-1 Date. 4/18/2020 Expenditure Desot iptlon CLIWGle Protective Bmiors and Disinfectants Amount $ 71i0.r34 Compliance Explanation Expenditures, for personal probactivn Oquipmonl fol if lowlship offica Thai err, necessary to address the runenl COVID-I41 public lieallh omwgoncy and rn keeping the staff and public safe, Compliance Records Receipt of :;ala Attachment All Ni"Or-dtluma nnad N':,UPganad by rci, Kh; suihninnl ill dr,i 1,11 •hni�r licri till annum of pays 1. .1 ds roan fha Full d ll:w l" ;;o III II.conr nn:o Wil, :a Ydn"i GO (d) of In F.rn'ial: cs tnity !ha 1-Wma Delhi 'I .jpey 397,77KB Expenditure Approval t° C Approved r" 12ejacteti Expenditure Description Motion Pmtoctive Barrier Exponcif lore ID 10004M-2 Kits Date 618/2070 Nnorurt $ 1,0110.00 Compliance Explanation Expondilures for personal pmtoctivo equipment for this township office. that are necessary to address the. current GOVID-'10 public hoafth omergency and In looping the staff and pubilo safe,, Compliance Records, Sales Order Recoipt Attachment All c;:pnidlluro•na wl llki t:upluac.d by lranahl Nufii�leaa In dmic'n.h,Ile that the nmunl of p.,iynnrnk; from the FuriJ kw! Pa;r.0 in ac or rd:nuz: Will ;:eclion an l tri) 01`111". Sco:rll :1=owiip A"I Protective Bali er Kits.jpnq Expeudihme Approval* I- Approved C Rojoch;d Expenditure ID 10004W Expenditure Description Slay Safe Floor Doc.+; Date 512912020 Amount $ 350.04 compliance Explanation Expenditures for personal protertive oquipmonl for Ihu lownship office, thol ;ere nucossary to address the caitiff CQVID-'19 Inrblic health onlorguncy 2nd Ili keeping the staff and public, sato. complianco Racorci n Involve of Salo 3W0,11<Il Attachment rV r -„Ir. urlituaec. in4r;I he alq:ix I IMLy iva rti. euflioiald lU li�;fik�i r,hdfo Pl,;t !Ing nunnnd o`Il. ryln��uL; boor Ilii. I ani ba4.. baso u) w;r ord,mce tviih sacnun (101 pl) of tl �„ 9a•nl; II tii �cl a ily ?b:i. Floor Docals.jpoq 334.800 Expt+ndltwz; Approval* (' Apploved r Rejected Expoudlture Description d Gallons of 1-kmncl Expenditure ID 10004M-4 Sanitlzer Date 5(7/20:0 Amount $ 127.?0 Conmlianre tixplantdion Expendituree for personal protective equipment for lin towel h 1 p offlco if iat are, nocessary to address the current COVID-10 public health emergency and in keeping the staft and public safe. Complianco Records Receipt of Sale Attachment All e:gx;uc0iulo. uluet Ix+cucNaul by m, urds sulln i,ad Iv,iaeu -it ".(1.:o- ill i 0yi nnu:unt n! payer„i n', Btnn lho I'lod h 1"'. 1a:ui in ,,r,, eac:,u u.a •'Wh:', tl•'n'nI (d) .,. r; II ill (y Act Rlal.rr,:.jpng Expondihire Approval* r Approved r Rejected Expenditure Description DisinG=,rhmL: and Expenditure ID 100041VI G Thnlmnnlete.r Data 4!28!2020 Anood % 327.33 Compliance Explanation Expenditures for personal pio(ec.(ive equipingnl for the lowiship offlco that are nocessary to address the current COVID-10 public, health olio cnry and in keeping the elatf and public safe. Connpllanco Records Rnroipt or S.ilu 10(9,374(13 Atinrhrncni 1UI uspnniiilun;:; nlus( by wcnld'l solliclrnl Iu drn.on dbit" t11,l1 I11,, ranc;ntt ni p:nvi monn h' en Ihr, Ivrn how l:,', 11 in aaaxdana, atrth cion Grill (d) d th,i ' 4ncil d r,,xl uty &I US croc:l, Receipt I.jpog No 450 Expenditure Nnprovat* f Appt'oved r Rejoctod Total Submitted Amoumi '6 a, I°,n,:>I Total Approved tunotint It Compliance Requirements Fly submitting this Fears the Public Hotly ((,.VT) affirms that 1t vdll ablda by each of the follomnn5l retlunements V41011 ueing (AlMalld luJdhrlr t,V I funds. Pko nso check the box next to evil rer ulemrnl to ennion ynui' intent to nhicle by these requue beef;; rJ 'I La oxpenditw o of (he funde is nucr, scary dun to the public hoalth unwioenoy with roap-cl to the r:ornnmvitns UP;,raso 2019 (COVID. I'.)). F/ l"he uy1wildilun>a mon: not accounted fol in III(' budget mon( 1'oconlly appinvrd as of Mardi 27, .2,0'2.0. rJ t he expnndltw'as men; of will he incutrod during the period that beg lria on Maid) 1, 2020 mul Lands nn December 30. 2020. (� 1110 oxpnndllures ane not hoing usod as rovonun rord,wLnwnt for the. Public Rudy (CVl') to fill shortfalls in govornnwnt revontio to covor c cimmliturns that mould not othervdne qualify under the CARES Act Coronavirus RMO Fund. Upon nppiovnl of INS Porro, the Public Body (CVI ) W[l bo providod vdth an Intorlocal Ayrot m+nt, Wlieh must he e>aoun;d prior to thm rcle.isr of.my funds, and vAidi lists furfluer requharnonis including but not limited to I ho Cv I must ngroe to parlimpato in the production of doolloonts requirod by any future audit of Iho CARLS Ad pwyn.nn, and Lout ; not spend in nncordanco w,lh Iho Ad must be roturnnd to Ihu County. 1 hit CV( must aft reu IIIat In ilio event they iocolve dirod Lording b'om the fo,I®r a ui slate gnVernmtmf lu cuvnf Ihcso oapensrs, the rounly nnnnay will lin rcturned. Date Submitted (3/17/2020 Expenditure Review i=orm O:rldand') 0gothol CVI C0V76> suptwr l Fill it) LXpondRilro subnilasion Form I_un(l Cuidolirieg rued, aro onfy nada -tvalln6h) if fax; CVI' hits ow arisoa do moot on requirr,nvmtr of the CAAMVP Fund. ° All r.vpoinfilures mnc�t nmv Um guidanaa entablishori by tho U.S. 7mmmy DnmihmK aid (7Ah o inumiy 111,3 L IV I shNI not mInrit nn FMomWwo Submission Will f,7r any ewmnse vd7i, ii r, aliyibl , to b, arvornd by I -HMA (t edit al Fmolgoncy Managun;nnt Aprncy) Pmblir, As ietnnno rmWmrsm*M grant. SM body may usr• funds b; pay "m TT "eusl shun;' or "local m:drli' Inquired with 1-6NtA roimtnnsemont. I hu.4o funds nu?y nut be ie-dietmmimd by the (:VI unlo::s to ,;sO;t indivldu,tl ;esid.?uta ds Pnnnitilld by thu CAf,t 8 All o; In pny vendors m sol vire P;uwtlr:rs au permitted by the GAI2FH Act. Application In 1001IN4 SLIIA nissinrl I nforrnation Public [:nrly (Ct/I) AJrLsou (w.q, Name Jamie Nusel Iwo Dmputy Superviarn Lmail jmarrel gnrldisantvt�.org Phare 24862854MI Public Horly (CVI) /Authorized Official Funding Information Normo f3mco Poa«:on 'title Snperwsor Emil hpuarson(Taddhoutwp.org Phone 2.48fi')W'Aon rnyraerrt Method c GlmIronic (ACI I) r Check Paymont Remittance PAdmss Aidr"s MO Rurwmw Rd, Gita Leuoanl State M ZIPCorlc 483f735 1 55 Fxpe.ruimms t_xpon ronin Doacriptlon PIvxI-(ales; &acl<otn 2: Lixpe nditm'e 10 1001 IM 1 Adhesive Date 5!5/2020 JvnotnYt 1$ 64.50 Complianco Gxplonatlon Expendifwes for porson l proloclivc ogwpnx:nt for the township office that Lite uecossary to addross mho current COVID-19 public health onvonflancy and In keeping fbn start and public safe, Compliance Record:, Receipt of Sale Attaehmaln Ali IrLYJ h;suplvxinJ bl'rm',olds>:Idlici1r in rlenlurt11.41- llh,l! the )about of Iv nP Boal Ih•• t w r 11 lav,:'If"o in nrcn If.inro wrth 3, �,tik, 11401 (d) nl tiI, l;c,r:i:1 'iCrvnly Act Name Dopot 2.jpeg 228.131(6 Expenditure Approval 'r r Approved C Rojocted EXI)OrrdltM Ifs 1001 IlIk" Exponditure Description I land Soap Date: 5/'(12020 Amount $ 7: 11 Ilnmpihmce f_xplanation Fximndihuer. for porsuned prolective uquipnwnt for the t0on5hip oftiCc that are noCca.^,Ary to addrese Inn current COVID-19 puhidc hoalth e.mnpency and In Irooh,inn the staff and public safe. Compli:mce Records Reeaipt of Sale Attachment All o::p; rdiWus must Ik :.Irax.ded by (tack cullidont lu cieuua r,hab; halt tha r inar It o. pflyn rtmC, f oril ti , % Fund haw f ren in -am 11u:, 11101 IcQ of th„ Socw,l .`Sicandy P.d. Gol dons,jpotl Expenditure Approval* r Approved C- Rejected IExpenditnre Desm'lptioo Cleaning 7omki for L.v.pcnditme, ID 1(101114-3 Disinfectants Datta 61700211 Auouut $ 1151 Compliance rxpinnalion Cvlu-nditulcs for pe:,sonol 1310torfiva3 equipment lot the township office that aro necessary In address the cul nmt COVID-10 public health amid gently end in lotoping the slafr and public; safo. Compliauco Rocordn Roroip! of Shin 184. /SIiL' Fdtachmeot All oxplsndituu-, Inu:;t ha t.upp,Iif d by rocortL suticieI It Io den nnn'IISO I .11 tI10 :lane lilt of paymrnts 6om flu, i'vm� 1 h.n+, lwol l it I nccol, h it u, Will rUctu):I i}n I (I I) nt Ulm I larbor Prei0hi.jpeg 221.87K13 Fxilenditure. Approval 'v r' Approved f Rejeclril Expenditure Description UVC Dkinfection Ozone Expo lad dere ID 100 11 M -d I alnp Date dh?VI 020 Anmunt $ 1159.96 Compliance Explanation Bp.,ndilurne for pursonnl protcctivo equipment for lho trnui ;hip office that are IIeC6ssary t0 addres0 the Current GOVID-19 puMlc health entnlpnncy and in koupin0 the+ atoll and public ante. Compliance Iden:oafs. Rucoipt of Salo Atlochment All oxdx;ndilumsnnl:dlx: nuplm6:d Ly Luau Lt :,uil¢imdlu unnnnr.hdL, lh:ir lhr. amental di puynlenls 6.,m Ila! Pu:, 1 h;n+; hnr:n rt: ,:�.crndary a t^hlh.;s a n: I,lul Id) ur ilr '9craul ;J�nauily ;a. A. INC: Germiuclakjpod 183.25M Expenditure Approval a t" Approved C Rojoch d FxpondiWre Description Hand Sanitize. ;and Expenditure ID 1001 ilt4-.'i Disinfoctnnt Wlpc:; Dato 5128!2020 Amount $ 26.73 Compliance Exploitation tar porsortml protortivo uqulpn:ent for the township ufflon that AM nnruesary to address the cunnnl COVID-19 public haalth .:Ines gencv and in leeepug the stafl and public safe. Complienco Records Roculpt ul Sade Atfachmnnt All expondiluri:; II)M:t Iti ;epi IML I Ly u•,r:dr, suliiriont to coo I' d,: t Ili thy ,imount of pynionte M1alm the I""und hnu; hc: n r arcnn lel ora vitll • m diun COI HI of th'! Oa:dui Suw dly Po.t. SKM_C30U00618103GO.pdf 311.72113 Expenditure Approval* r Approvad r' ReJorkA "royal tlubwRte.d Amount $ 277..1 I Total Approved Amount $ Corripliance Requirements Gy submditind ibis f ono lha I'uhhc I.hxiy (CV I) mlllm-t, that it will abide by each of the fnllumin0lexplimu:enls tMv n nsing i)A land trxjuthni GV I" fund:. Plunsn check the Ikix anal to r:ach a°.yui:onn.nl to confine foul intenl to ahldo by tholrc• Irqull en la W ho oxpNn(lllHP' of lhn tendo Is no,;(j srau'y due to tha puhiw h',alih erne ge:nry wth lesInId to thm culonnvaus Olst �-iec 2019 (COVID-1B). IJ Thr, cxpondituron Nnre not uorountod for in the hudgot most recently approved as of Maid) `27, ;1120. tJ I"lie expenditures mlo 01 will ho incurred during the period that begins on Motch t, 2020 and end,, on lucentbel 30, 2020. W 1 lin uspentdWros aro not balm use+d as u;vnnuo ropincoil roi it for the Public Body (CVl')to fill anitfalls in govoInmolit fovonIto, to cover expenditures Ihat vmuld nut uthmei ml qualify under the CAI t[S Act Con 'nuvillu, Rollet Pond. Upon approval of Ilii:. Puna, Ihu Public Body (CVr) vdll he provided with an III ledocal AgroemenI, which must ho exmcmled enol to the mleasa of any funds, and whlch Iis1, furlhef olquiroments including but not limited tui • I lin CV I must agroo Io P1ttcipeto m the pruducllun of documonts required by suy ftitInn audit of if to, CAIAct pi ogrnm, and funds not :;pond in nccordancn Will the Act mtml he nautned to the. Caunty I ho CV 1 most agroo that in the ovenl they rocriM, direct funding{ from the fecieral or stale government to cover thcan :,mprm..us, tile-, co my munovt,All no relulnod. DOW Snlrinittod 1118(21120 I✓xflcenditure Review Forin Oakland Tog other (,V( COVID SuppotI Fund EfpnnddurO ; Ihmission Fonn _L- I liA— F unds an': only ma(lo nvm6rblo If thu CVI' hos oxprrnsos that m:et the requiremonh of tho CVT COVID Fund. Ali onj A!odiuuob nwst nn+ot thv cp:idarce e s'lahlishud by the US, 1 run Bury Oopartmont, and Oakand County I he (;VF shall not sobntlt an Gme,I)d [u1'O'311h I lliiJOI I FOI al 4nany exhan,e WIich is 01101 O, to be covrred by FFN1A (F ocIoiol L-morgenoy Manageii onn AyolGy) Public Ass stoner roimburcrnnolit grant. Public body Amy uen flln(IS, lu pry II u: 95%u "ensl sham' or "local match" requllod Will FEMA roimbursomont. thorn funds may not be re-dishibuted by tho CVI" unless 6i asist Indlviduul rosi<loi ds a:; pnrnlilloJ by fhu UARE;-i Acl OI fu pay vondors nr sorvire providers as pormiltod by tho CARES Ant. Application In I001 M St ihn'lissiorl I ntormatiou Pubilc I -loch! (CVI) Addison Twp Name Jennie Martel Title Deputy Supelvisor Enm iI Im:I 6i l`unddisnnbmp.Ory Phone '11186.81 400 Public Body (CVT) Authorized Official Funding Information Nato Donn Pnnrsan Title Supervisor f -=mail bpa-vs„n(mad,Ic,nnlmP.,,r�7 Phone 2480205409 Payment Method r Electronic (ACI 1) t' Check Poymenl Rol ltittance Address Address 14,10 Rochester Rd, City Loonard State M ZIP (;ode, 4831373:3 1 55 Expenditures Expondittim Urucrihtio; DIendoctmils and Hand f_xpendifure 11) '1001•IM-'I Szmlizorc Date 512A12020 Amount $ 511.60 Complionce Explanatlon Expendilules fill pummel proluchve equipment fol the township office that ale nerosanry to address tho rolrollt COVID-1 J pubbr. health emo:0ency mel In lu:eplrgl the a6iff and public sore,. Compliance fMacorrls Invoice of Sala Attacfnlnaut r\II t, p: idituw,; nlnUt I>_• cup!;udod by fo- atl., snl!iL.ic::l L. d,-:n:nr.i:,Au tl i.:i Ilio ornu oil of paym� nb: fiont th" i-uud 4rc 1:. an in ncc ouinnno ar!h clot IJ Sotanty Aa. Stapler, TrI58I 7FI52.pdf 2fi1 31Kfi Lxnenditum Approval* C Appuzv+,d C Rejected Itxponditme Description D!sinferlanin and 1-hnd Gxponditura ID 100141,A-2 9amtaw Ditto 302020 Anount $ 26,73 complinnr-e uplauation Gaq>rnrlliuros for pr;rsomal protoctive oquipnionl fol rhe lowaahip offico [lint aro nm:assmy to addros,: lh�! Cmrcnt COVID-'11 public h"allh emurgoncy and in kouping tho staffand public s; -du. compliance Records Invoiro of sale Attachment Ail o2prudiWna•;rnusi Ue suppu[ixi by rerov b;;;ulfi;ionl to dnuu nrttr.;b,ll ut tho onua.odo1 pnyinraVs Gnna11I :nnd lune:hon(ti(d)ottl;.a ^nmol 4:r.cu:itJ Ar 1, Slaplos 730E287075.pdf 3'13.74118 Expouditme A{tproval, i' Approved f Rejected Expenditure Description I -Lind Sani[zoi dnd Wipna Exponditure ID 10011IM-3 for elortion Naos 6/2012020 Amount $ 85.25 Compliance Explaua0on Ewaendiluroa for porsonal piotortive ocluip:nont for the Township offico that :aro wrnss,ary to addrosea tho, -w ronl t lOVID,19 pulAr: honith enungmv:y and III kaopiny ihn staff and public sofa. Compliance raeords Invoiro of Sal:: Attachment All n:,I.ondfhllw n wi 1r� ;l Irv, by III OId9 x[1116 int (u dial n" rrvOdte 01A It unotml of p:ryl neer:.(n:n r(ha Fun. I hog Leon it I, v hall 3nolrll ^rvsuily Arl. Stapiu, 730017f7046.pdf 141.21<13 Expenditure Approval x C Approved C Rojarted l'otal:Wbrnitvtl Amount SIGG(A Totat Approved Nauunt b Compliance Requirements By submitting this f-ou) the Public Ruly (CVT) allmos that it w11 obidu by earl' of Ole lollowmy lequiroments Wien asinq clal l nd Together I VI Illnde, I'Irase rheclt tho l x next to each toquiron-'ont to confirm your intent to nbido by those Irxµritemenia: W Tho expo WIRUM of the fill' Is is nreoasury clue in the public health omm gouty with rasped to tho Cornnavirl1, Disea,e 7019 (COAD- 19). (yO Thr- oxpondluros veru not ac,euuntod fol in the hudyut mo,l recently epprovecl as of Marek 27, 2020. IJ 1 ho oxponditwoc wpm, ur unit bo inrurrod dnriny tht, peilod that beglnn on Manch I, 7070 and umtr; on Ducembut 30,:1020. IJ Tho exfnandiluuas ate not hein0 used as rovenuo replacement for the Public Body (CVi) to fill shortfalls in gnvornmont revenue to covoi expenditures Wit v:emld not uthotvdce qualify under the CARES Act Coronavin IS Rol Lf Full(, Upon appnrvnl ill this roan, the PubIG. Body (GVl') >dii ho provided with un Interlucal Aymr.nrani, Wtioh rums( he oaerulnd prior to the u"led^,e of any hods, curd which Ilsk furlhur' rr;quironient:. Incl ldlnq bill not limited lo. I'll" Cvr oma ognrc to pw0cipab, in thw ptoducllun of doQIIlrentS requited by any future audit of the CARES qct pnrgtmm. and funds not `.pond in wimidancn with the Act roust he returned to the County. • The CVf most agioo that in the event they receive direct funding Goin fie fedaml a stnl l government to covar (keen exponaes, the coolly monoy mill bo rrturned. Date Submitted 6/1812020 Expenditure Review Forret oakLmI D,6uthol c,Vl" COVID ,Suppuit Fund Papmxlihn'c Suhmissnn f nnn Fund ooklolinos Fnnds arc only made avnileblo If IIIc CV'I has mponsos that moot the royruromunls of the CV r COVID Fund. All ,+pondifines must moot the nuidana- ("MoN:;hod by lho U.S. Trensmy Dopaitmont, and Oakland Cnunly. • The CNI' shall not :••ubmit no Cypmbdill-00 Submission I'a'm for any mH)ense Mich is e1i0iblo to be covered by FII (Fndoml P.mnit eumq Manayumont Aponry) 1-1uhllc Assistanco rolmbursomont grint. Puhhe holy may use funds to pay the 25%"cost shmu" or 'local IodtCh' rnqu60d mth FFMA reimbursoment. I hose funds may not bo to-dlnh butod by the CVh urllrss to assist individual rusld(=.nki ax pennitled by the i:ARFS Act of Io pay vendurs ui r.arvlco povidni s ns ponnilled by Iho OARI'S Act. Af)pIlcation ID 10015M Submission Iniormatiorl Pu blit Body (CV t) Addison Twp Plane Jamie Martrl Titter noputy 6npomsnr Email jmnrMl(n!addisontuli,orp Phone 248ti285400 Public Body ((-,,V f) Authorized Off icial Funding Infomintiorl Name 131 ucu IIndrson Tlttu Supennuor Email rpnat unn(�addisonlwp.nrg 11 240620640 Payment Method C Lleop'amc, (ACI -I) (: Chuck Nymmnt Remittance Address Address 1440 Rochestoi Rd. City Leonmd State M 71P Coclo 4036115 1 55 Expenditures Tres Expo odic tire. Deccriptiun Isoletdon Kits and Safety Expenditure ID 10015M -I C;lasu,es fou fire Dopt Date 2/27/^020 Amount $ '104.135 CompRiurco Y_�gyanatian Exponditulns for personal protective eyof1) con fol the township oftlou that ;tie nocosamy to nldresc the mirenl COVID-19 public hottillh omergenry mid III kecping tho, olaff and puhiic snfe. Compliance Records Ror-eipl of Sole Attachment All n -,Ir vn III)w 1, IiA bry s.liq Of, to r•of, P,::uGinn:nt it J, 01 to it., I b,t'I n, arnourit ifp;rynro gid: - Inuit the fIuttlh;ioIr'+:n in nrrctd 11 if `.4911;,e';ti•I, fit If1)+„11n: Bound fiee 101?21784.pdt 258.41<5 Expunditnro Approval”' r' Approved r` Reloclod E'ependiturn ID 1001SM-2 I_xpendifaro Description Isolation Kits for i=ire Dept Dale 1/6/2020 Amount $ 45,O6 Con Iplia lice, Explanation F;xpenddQn es for personal prolertdve equipment for tho losmishlp office that are necessary to nridtrss the ourrenl Cr)VII)-19 public health emorgenry and in kocpst0 tho staff and public safe. Compliance Records Rer-aipt of Sale. Attachment Allo,pen, 4huosnrci br^,t4•L<n taY byte,nvp-. cunlnicnUn done nr.6,:b.11i'a Ury omnnulr,l It tynlmld G"n III 1 and h'mF iwnn In nt.rni+.1311,.1; mail. t,'d'A I I,Oi Ido M,tl r, 1,rirJ : ;,-tl city /;,-1 Round I roo 109547061,pdf 917.7,1KB Cxponditure Approval A, f- Approval] f` Rejected ExpendiLute ID 100155-3 IExpendittlrn Doscription F7co Masks for Pira Dept (late 811 /2020 Amount $ 27.g9 Complimmo Iofpinnation U(o9lldihpOt for personal protoctive og0ipntont for the tomiship offlco that are necessary to uddre"s the cul fent COVID 10 puhlir, hftiViffl I aloof gonoy and In kaepiny tho staff and public safe. Compliance Records Receipt of Bale Machnrmtt /\It,.gx:rn RUN "vIin'tlIh:.I byI Co111; a;UIhWWI'l to drl nousu.de di it 1110 .miount of ImItmonl:: fit : n tho hind h ;w xF,n in ;arc: J,,nco v'Rh fu. f lon 601 (J) of t n: `;' ocurilv.A, 1. Amazon 3103112020.1)tlf IW1,261<Ci Expenditure Approval* r Appmvad r R.rjocted Exponditure Description Disposable Pratoitive Expenditure ID 10015DA-4 Coverall for Pfie Dept Date 3/12/M.20 Anount $ 10400 Compliance Explanafion Expendltums for pursonei prolecilvo oqugrnont for tho township office trial Ma le(.ossery to addiess the cutront COVID-19 puhlu- health ummlloncy and in kooping Ihu etaff and public safo. Cmnpliancu Records Rocelpl or Sale Attachment All oxpwldillne5 mnr,tUl,'upixlili.d icy f'vo'd, :;Iliiieidlli to d01110i rote 111,14 rho anvxnd of paymcnto fiom tite Pund here, Neen m ,, mclan., wtih: dims (101 td) 4 thyi .?o I01 iv6Ifdr" Ai A. Arnu,nn 1103122020.pdf fxpandiluro Approval* r' Approved f' Rejorted Expenditure Description Dlsposnhlo Protective Expenditure ID 10015Ni-5 coveinll for Fire Dopt Date 3/120020 Anount $ 1,43,19 Compilanco (explanation Evpenditures for personal protodive equipn'lont for the township office that are necessary to address the current COVID-19 public health emergency and in keeping the staff and public safe. Compliance Records Recnipl or Site 7127f*.KFS Attachma or All -^xf'grldllvet' boar Io1wl'iznhd by u:rnrl,:ulGam:nl to(I,v norr,tutte;th;it rho ditioui d of liayniauL. from 1110; I un.l hate Lora I iI .11arms Iarn ": with lioi I ('/) I id) of the S", 'i I !"u,uwity Aft. Amazon 310122019.pdf 2 i 5A89K6 Cxpenditure Approval* C Approved r` Pejected Total Submitted Annnurl $ :117.'8 Total Approved hno>ont $ Compliance Rogtliremenis By submltting this Bonn the Public Daly (CMD olllrms that It Wit abide fly each of the followny reclunall' nt s when using Oakland Togetimi GV f funds. Pleaco (,heck the box next to oa ch requirement to confirm your mtoet to stride by these requirements: 9 Tho osponrillum of the funds is necessary due to the public health emergormy w1h iespoct to the (:oronavioii; Dlsnnso 1019 (COVIn-19) W I hi: oxpendirnre, wvme not orcuunind for in tale hurlgot most recently nppreved as of March V, 20211. �J I hu exponrhlures move or mill be II rcurrod dining the, proiod that hollies un M:vrh 'I, 2)0 20 and enclo en 1)r.r.nmWi 80, 2020, J The expenditures aru not being used sts revenue teplucomenI for Or Public Body (C rl) to lilt shortralis in governrnunl revenue to cover expenditures that N,ould not otherwise qualify under the CARES Act corunnotials Relief Fund. Upon nppl'ovai rd HIS Pomo, thra Publir. [-Indy (Gyri) Will be provldod Will an Inlerlocnl Agrnument, w-0vnh lutist bn eseculed prior to the lofonae on any funds, end Wlluh lids kinder tequirrmnnrs inNudtng but not hmltod to: The CV"I must t9ren to pnrtI;Jpule In thu pi oduetion of docwnc:nls required by any fill [it e or ell of the CARTS Act program, and fund not ,pond in nrcordum I w911t the Act must be. returned to tho County, The CV I nit st agtor, that to ilia event they n=calvo dlrr:ct Wndin%I horn the federal no slnle government to rovor (hoeo vvponsos, till) couniv nwuw mill ho returned Date Submitted 6118/2020 Frac nditurre Veview f=orma Ooldand I rigothor CVl COVID Support Pond 6rponddwe submission I Orin Pimm Gn6dn1jjjns_ Punrlr. are, only made available if the CV1 has eWxansus that moot tile, n+quh,'monts of Iho CVT COVID fund. All naporlditutea reust meet the quidanca octabli.nhed by thoi U.S. Treasury Depaitmont, and Oikland County, • Thr, GV I shnll riot submit in E>:pondihtre Subintesion For for any expense which is eligible to b,: covemd by 11- MA (Padoral Emory nary Manayument Agoncy) Pubhc Asstslonce rnimbursomont grant. Publtr, burly mny use funds la pay the "!,% cost share" or "loc.tl nrdrli" requirod rnth FEMA m1mbursemunt, I hus-i fwula may not no ro deiributed by tho CVF unless to assist individool oji ,ident� as penullted by the. CARTS &it or to pay vendr..oof emvice providers is ponuitted by tho CARES Ad. Application ID '10011' l Subn liSSIOl l Information Public Dody(r.VI) Adnc,im Ttvp Naim Jennie 1 adol Title Deputy Supan,isoi I_rnail jmarlal@addisontvlmrg Phono 2486285409 Public Body (CVT) Authod7od Official Funding Inforrrlation Namo firnCP Poarsun Title., supervisor Everitt bpoareon(i?adds^.onlvp.org Phone 2486285AO9 Payment Method r Elecponic (ACH) a Check Paynionl Romittanee Address Addles* 14,10 Rochestei Rd. City Leonard State M GIP Code 4838735 1 55 Expenditures Expendi(Ltru CJescriptfon Oxygon Mash for Piro Fxfreudilure ll) 10016M-1 Dept Date 3/13/211211 Amounf $ 38.40 GonrpNancu Explanation Expenditme's for personal plotertive equipm,:nl for lire tovvrtahip office that are necumaty to undress the current COVID-19 puhlic health emergency and In kooping the staff and pu6ho stiff) compliance Rocords Rncuipt of Sale Altnchmoot ,lJj:^:Iu:odlUuo:. rend lx;r,rpf-un,J by to ol,le;udh-J,lt1,11:nunr.t:..hthrOhll- �vInu:ri i p,p,me ars hrm Ila, I and hay la v.n in .u.cun P 1, ;o melt ar,�.lnm I01(d7od it, !',r,nol AN Bound l nx: 101670884.1)(11 12-1.7 2k0 Expenditure Approval"` r Approved r Relocted Experrilture De.cripuon Mnck RAcurosorius Pxpourtiture ID 10010M,7 Cleaner for Dire Dept Dain ,!)912020 haount li, 272.76 Compliance Explanation Exlnanditur'or, for perucnal protective equipment fol the tomGhip office that are nocesomy to address the currrnt COVID-19 public health ernorgauy and ill keoping the stelf and puhlic ante. Cmnplfenco Rorords IIIV01Ce of Sale Attachment /'Al rr;lro,t4tunr. (ILIA ll,"upl-,odcd by In nnhc::ullulwd le: drrtunr,hal, fl,;n tr:a n1 n„unl til I .YII rno, B,a1I III= I-uud hav-, I ",-I I 61 accor,, ,I uv, All I ,-I"'t:,n!;ni yo 0 tlr,': cl, I :;,:runty Art, Direct limo Medical.pdf 159.1 tIKB INpondlurre Approval r' Approvod f" 12ejcrted Expenditure Description ICtJ95 Safety Mask for Pere Expenditure ID 10016NI-3 Dept Date 3/2:1/2020 Amount $ 4,50.00 Gornpilancr, Explanation Expenditutes for porsonnl protective equlpmoet for the township office, that Eire necessary Io addrus;, the current GOVID-'10 puhlic health ennorgoncy argil Ill hee.pinq the ctail and public safe, Complimx:e Ro cords, Involau of Sulu Attachmte lit All oxponddtin� must lx:e.uppon,:cl by ro oidk killiciorit to dcmon,W ll: 111,11 lho u nnur a 0I Vayr nrnl•> Iran, trio Pund he'.c: I x,`vn in .tgru¢irnca WIl l ;x. ai,n r to I (d) of ill, l:coi,d O,a:uniy Aul. DR8.1ldf 100.03KB f'l perutituu'e Afrproval* C Approved C Rejected Expenditure Doscrlption Nun-Contacl I hermnmotor for hire Expooditure ID 100 KIM -4 Dept Date 4/3012020 Arnnunt $ 89.09 Colnpliunce Explanulion Exlrendltums for pursomil prote,.tive oquipmont for the lawuship olfico that arc nocez,sary lu nddress the ,rrront COVID-10 public huallh mnaigency and in I(ceping (In staff and public Mlle. Cornplianco Rocords Invoir.e of Sale Attnchnuant All r-;q¢-mdawre. ural it;•,agfwurd Ly record: zrulia:u{ In ,.ir, nnmdnL, lu.d 11 I rnounf o'r poyrn:ad,; Ir un IN Duni ha„. h':, -n in at.n(It d nw:n v iiI, I 11e'I I(i) (it HI : SueAal :,nudmly Art. bound True 1016027'I O.pdf 23;,R4KL' Expenditure Approval* C Approved C Repined Total Snbrrdtted Amount '!; 851.16 'Intal Approved Amount Complia nw, Requirements BY cuhmitting this Faun the Public. 3rxiy (CVT) ❑IM ns that it All abide by each of the fella Anq requlrnnonts vAten usntg Ua4danrl Trr3olhar i'V 1' lunch. Mons, chra;l< tlw brx next to each re<pnrHment to confirm your intent to aNclo by these «vp Then tints: W I no expenditure of the funds Is norossary clue to trio public hoalih onlargency Will respect to the Cnronavinrs Diseasry 2019 (COVID-19). fJ I he nxpc<nditurrs worn not accounted for in the budget most rm:enfly approvad ds of March 27, 2026. )� The expenditures mere or will be inomrocl during the puniud Uml bo -gins on Nktio;h 1, 202D and ende au Nn.amher 30, 2020, IJ the oxpondituros am not hoin0 used as revenue roplacoment for lho Public Bodv (CVI ) to fill shurtfalla in government avenue to cover oxponditurec that kkkIould not otherwise qualify under the CARES Act cnronavints Relief Fund Upon approval of this Form, the Pllblir, Bocv (CVI ) roil be provided will art Intoilocnl Agreement, vAuch Trust bra n;.ecutod prior to the rulonso of any funds, and mhlch lists further ra)uhriments including but riot limifnd to: "I ho CVr must agree to participate in the procU.rction of documents required by any future audit of the CAR[8 Act program and tundra lint ,pend in accordance with the. Ali arra he retumod to the County. 1110 CV t nur;.t agree that in the event they receive direct (unc6ng from the IFlder'dl lir state government to cover these expeuse,;, the county money wilt be. rotnrned Date Submitted 6(1612020 t✓xpenclitUre Review F rirr Qalland Together CVI COVID Support Fund Lxpen, More Submission Foran Fund Cuidelines Funds am only made avnkll to if tho Wl has nypeuuos that m,':et the roquhomrals of the CVr COVID FurU.l • All expenditures nln Sl rn+ul 1110 duidnnce ostabllshod by the U.�,. Ttoasury Doparinrilt, and OEldend GOanly, The CVI ,hell not :;ubinit an Lxpenditwo Submission Foram lot any expenses whidh is eligible to bo covered by FEMA (Foderai tmergon(;y Monapoment Agency) Public Assistance reimbumomonl grant, Pubhe body may use tunds to pay the 25'Z, "cost share" or "local notch" requlrnd with FFMA reimbursement, "rhoso funds may not be m -distributed Ly the CVI' unless to assist Individual rosidetds its permitted by the CARL8 Act or to pay vendwi; of aeivico provldors as peanilind by the CARES Act. epplication iii 1001M Submission information Ptihlic Body(CV0 Addi,on Twp Name Jamie Martel TWO Dopuly Supervi IK Email jmar lel�gnddisonlwp.org Phone 2486285409 FoUblic Body (CVT) Aulborized Official Funding information Name Bime,, Pearson Title Supervisor E'nmil bpcnrson@nddlvo,e%p.ory Phone, 2486205409 Payment Method r Electron, (ACI I) f C,hodk Payment Remittance Address Address 1440 Ro hostor Rri City Leonard State M ZIP Code 4838735 1 55 Expenditures Expendliuro Description Disinfectant Spray and Expenditure ID '10021M-'1 I -kind Sanitizers Date 6/18/2020 Antonin $ 137.98 Compliance Explanation Expenditures for personal poleclive, equipment foi tho township office if iat ere necessary to address the current COVID-'19 public, health emorgency and in keeping the start and public, safe. Compliance Records Invoice of Sale Attachment All r.:.lx;nditum.; mutt Ix-: supp;nt(II by ;anuidv sutlicivnl to Clen:rar;Ir,iir Ihat th'� unrtxint of puynulnt:; from tile, Ruud ow'o been in nr,,:red.ovte will rry ai; .n 601 (d) of lh" �nrlal 8rn:unty Act Staplers 73089326 t3 fpog 202.021<B Gxpenriituro Approval's r Approved r Rejected Expenditure Description Paper '1-om l for usn with Fxpondituro 113 10021M-2 Disinfoclant Sprays Date (3/17/2020 Anlelrnl $ 7A<9 Compliance Lxpkmation for personal protective equipnwnt for till' township offion that are necoss2ry to address the curienl COVID-19 public health umcrgency and in keeping the staff and public safe. Compliance Records Invoice of Sale Attachmont All ortl k:nrliluie; mull b:;;,uplxuu'd by the; tho amouni of p:,yrnr,n[s fun ti v, Fund h f"o horn in er, e with .-"'Fun G01 (d) of lb -j 'v muoty A, k. Staplos 730637830,l.1pog "160.7?KR Expenditure Approval' r Approved C Rnjectod Expenditure Description Clorox6payand Cxpenditure ID 1002110--3 Disinfecting wipes Data 6/17/2020 heount $ 206.96 Compliance Explanation Cxl;t,ndlftues for personal prolective uquipnvmt for the lowl'ship offico that are uncossary to adr6n ;s the current COVID 19 public; health omorgmly and In louping the staff and public safe. Compliance Records Invoke of Salo Attachment All n;q:enddwe,,: Ilium '-:;,upl�Acd lq ro'wfl;'.:;t16:inld to prnum^,hal+; Viet th:i au:ounl of p.tylneuP, Linn the Purld h;nt: h„rat rn orcuplr+ire will sr:r,(ku+ ?JI Lot of lir: Srw;lal S"n1do7 Ad. Staples 7308839370.jpop Expendituro Approval* C Approved C Rejected Lxponditure Doseriptlon Ulcifnr,Gutl Wgrt;e• aul+1 Expondituro ID 100',,?IM I Iland ianikeis Date 6/17/`20'.:0 Amount $ 6ti q3 Canpliance Explanation Lxpnrclitures for personal plotertive equipment for the tomuship office (lilt me necessary to address Ilia cu rent cOVID-19 Pill) He health omor9oil ry and Ili Impiny Ilio, still and public safe. Compliance Itecord:: involco of Sale I97.43KB Attachment All expo slit, n%, ulll.M ln-supin.dl,d by to c1annn-•iC,e+[11A Ill; anuwrrl of hayme+As trans ttw I`und hnv iH on in ucco dunco Will :,action 1101 id) of ill„ &rinl S+=rinity Art. Staples 73(168771195.jpeg 210.33Kf3 Expenditure Approval* C Approved C Rejeclord CSpouditure ID 100 IM -5 Expenditure Description Fact- mask; for the puhlic Date 41f/2020 Amount $ 60.52 Compliance Explauation Eq�enditoms for personal protective equipment for the township office that ere necessary to edchess the ctn rent cOVID-19 public health emeigoncy anti Ili keeping tho mliff and public safer. Compliance Records: Receipt of Sale, Attachment All uxfn.I1dIuros I11LEA Lx, supIll ru".d by lecrnd:^ sulfiGicni to rbnl.or::.irato U'rd 1110 aninunl of p: ryl Iuvds Pram the Fund IMW Lae+n In tIM01lomat, e9h ss.Poan f01 (d) 01 tl I” So,,ml :lrnnity Art Amazon 224B210.jpe0 267.761<13 Expenditure Approval* r` Apprnved C Rejecbad i"o(ai Submittud Amount $ Total Approved Arnotu t $ Compliance. Requirements By subrnil(ing thi, Fount the Public Bcxly (CVT) adfrrus that it vdll nhide by each of the follow ng requirements Men ueingOaldaold TurIethei CVT fund;. Please check the IxIx next to each requirement to confinn your intent to abide by thaso requirements; IJ l lir. uxpenditcvn of the foods is n000ssnl y at It! to Iho public, he.+Itl I emergency v✓Ih ruspocl to thn Curonavuuc Uisence 2019 (COVIO-10). rJ l hr; exponditurrs waft not accounted for in the bofloat most iucenlly approvad as of March 27, 2020. CJ "I"I u: export ihn as Mro of will be incurred soul in0 the period that begins an March I, 2020 and ends on Documhor 30, 2020. fJ I'h,> expenditures are not tieing used as avenue roplacemont foo the' Public Body (C1/T) to fill Shortfalls In nuvnnunont revenue to rover oxpunditures thal MUld not nlherwse qualify undar the CARLS Act Corunavirun Relief Fund. Upon approval of Il tr, Form, the Pul)lic Body (CVl) well be provided Wt an Intodocal Agreemont, which nRlct Ila OXrCxlterl prior to ihn olcase of any funds, and which list.. furthor roquiroments including but not limited to The CVT ww f rigrec to pailicipah: io trio producticm of documents regwrod by any futurn aurid of the CARES Act program, and funds not ,pond in accordance with the Act must be returnad to the County. The CV) must agree that in the event they receive direct funding from the federal or state government to covat those expenses, the county nlorloy wilt be rolurnod. Date Submitted GM9/2020 Expenditure Review Form Oakland Together CVT COVID Support Fund Expenditure Submission Form Fund Gmdolmn, Fund.; are only made nvailnble if flip, CVr inn, expensnc that moot too iognirnments of tho CVT COVID f=und. All oxpondituros must nv,ct thn guidanco estnl?lished by the U.S. Troasury Dopsrtmont, and Onkland County, The CV"F shill nol tori m t an Fxpandduro Submi^=.:inn Furor for auy wponsa of iich is eligible to be covorod by FEMA (I"odoral Emergency Management Agency) Public: Assistance reiinbursoniont grant. Public body may use funds to pay the 2.5'X, "cost share" or "local notch" mguh'od wth Id24A roirnbur-omnni. rinse funds may riot be ro-dish ibntod by the CVF unless to assist Individual roslrlonls as permitted by file CIARLS Act of to pav vendnrs or service provlder s is ponnlded by the CARTS AGI Application IIT 100:1blN Submission information Puhlir. Body (CVO Addir.on'Np Name Jarnie Mailet Title Depnly Scgicnvisor Dooil jmartel(c�arlrlisonlwp.org Phone 2.286285409 Public Body (CV -f) Authorized Official Funding Information Name Bruce Pear5011 Title Supervisor Ercall bpea:vwmCJaddiaonlwp.or0 Phone 2480285409 Payment Method r L:lectronic, (AGI1) r Check Poymunl -- coniittance Address Address 1440 Rochester Rd. City Leonard State M ZIP Code 4836(3!) 1 5!i i=xpenditures BApr.nciiture IU 10025M-1 [xpenditure Description Covid Test hits Urate 5/6/2020 A nount $ 625.00 Compliance Expianailon Faperulihu es' fenpursonal protective equipmont let the townstrip office Ihnl ate nenrssary to adds uss tha currrn( COVIU-19 public hozlth omargency and in Woping the stuff and public, safe. Compliance Records involve of Sale Attallhmcat All eXp)OCIIhlIO' must he supraIDcd by rcr.ofd:: sullioiwni to domnns6, ml. Ih,it the env rust of pdynor.nC, item the Fund lurvu Ix Oil in II"o ndanre with sw:Uc,n Cut (d) of IN Cmiol Sncunly Ad COVID TEST KI F8,1peg 2563.2810 Expenditure Approval* C Approved C Rojerled Total SUbmlttad Amount ;tl 6326 00 Total Approved Amount $ Compliance Requirements By suhinitling this Forrn the Puhlic Body (CV -D aftimfs that it vdll abide by each of the lollawng requirements wrfaon ueua;l Uohland AapAir r t :Vf bunds. Please check the box next to each requtrnmunt to confimn yafr intent to abide by those nxluirements: p The expenditure Of file fund' Is nocossary due to the public health mnorgoncy with respell in the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). 17 the exponuihums %wo not accounted for in the budget most re.Cently approved as of Marsh 27, 2020, 1J 'filo expenditures wrxa of will be incurred during the period that begins on March 1, 2020 and ends nn uot:emhor 30, 202n. 9 The expenddures are not being uaad es revenue n npincemmnt for the Pubic Body (CVT) to fill shortfalls iu gtrvmnmmnt revonuo br r.Over expondilwes that would not otherw+se qualify under the CARES Act Cotonavhvs Relluf Funrd. Upon approval of this Form, the Public Body (CVI') IMII be piovldod with an Interlocal Agreement, which must he eaarmud pilot to the rolaase Of any funds, and winch lists further requlremunts including but not limited lo: Che CVi must agree to pnrliclp e. in the production of documents required by any future nudd of the CARPS, Art pogrom, and funds not ,;pond in arrorrinnco Wth the Act must he rehtmod to the, County. I he CVT must action that in the event they rowivo direct funding from the federal or state governmont to covet those <:xpenaes, the county money edit he returned. Date Submitted G/2P/2020 Expenditure Review Form Oaldand i"ugother CV r COVID Supi 1 Fund EspondihuFe Sabrms:ion Foun Fund Goidolings" • Funds are only made available, if tho CV) " has expense's that meet the roquirnn¢enls of the CVf COVID F und. • All expenditures must meet tho guidance ostablished by the U.S.1 reasmy Department, end Oakland County, 11111 CVishall not submlt an Expenditure Submission Pone for any expt:nsn which is eligible to he, cnvored by FEMA (Federal Fmmgenry Ivtonagement Agency) Public Assistance relmbursen'lrnt grant. Public body may use funds to pay the 2,15%, "cost shore" or 'local match" required vdth FEMA rob nbursoment. • I"hest, funris may not be re-diAi bated by tho CVT unless to as:siht individual ro, idores as permitted by iho CARES Acl of to tiny vendors nr ,ol vino providers as per milled by the CARES Act. Application 11) 10010M Submission Information Public HodytCV1) Addi,,nn rwp Mime Janda Martel Title. peputy Supervisor Email jmaitela,addisonlwp.orq Phone 24862,85,109 Public Body (CVT) Aulhorized Official Funding Information Name l3wooPeur:on Title Supervisor timnll hpcareon(?addior,nlvgr.nrg Phone 2486285409 Payment Method C 06Folrnmc (ACI I) r Ghock Payment Pei nittance Address Address 1440 Rochester Rd. City Leonard State M ZIP Gode 4836,735 1 55 Expo nditures Expenditure Description Body Tenni) Temperature Exi nnditure ID 10040M -'I Scan with Stand Date 0/24/2020 Amount $ 2,000.00 Complianro Explanation Exponditm os for personal protertivu equlprnenl for the tovdlship office that are nerossary to address the current COVID-19 public, health omeryoncy and in keeping the staff and public safe. Compliance Records Invoice of Sale, Attachment illi r,^ix1ndituiw; nest Ing sui>Ixffind by n:, ouh sulk I'llit it, dant ac;b,Au tKit tht, p„yu,,, )P firm the Fund h:rea r, wl in acct n'danc,e wdh sn,:fit:n Col (d) of till 5oi1;,1 tic+'Utty Ail. Crime Blisters Secerily.jpeg 107.80'KB Expoudilure Approval* r' Approved f- Rujucled Expenditure ID 10040M-2 Expondituro Description Clorox Disinfuctant Wipes Date 6l18(9020 AnSount $ 14.97 Compliance Explanation Expondieiros for personal protective oquipmont for the township office that are necessary to address the current COVID-19 public hoalth emergency and in keoping the staff and PUNIC cafe. Compliance Rocords Invoice of Saln Attachment AUl ealx=ndibum rimM ly� suplxate:d by r ernrds idin urd ludenunnhuh lhcd lilt: .uflnunf of payntere; hen'. the Fund hou, trnn ill ac.nnuJanr.,. Vdllt section f01 (d).,f fl' Cninal olcmnny Art. Staples 7308938040.jpeg lf12.,i3KB Expenditure Approval* r Approved r Rejected folel Submitted AVnonnt 3 2,01.,:17 Total Approved Arnr,unt ,c, Compliance Requirements By submitting this Foran the Public &xfy (CV() iflin ns that It villi abide by eech of the followinq Iequilements when using OAdnuA Roriethci GVT funds. Please, check the Im next to each r'cquiroment to coni m your intont to abide by these regi rirotro.°tits: W The expenditure of the funds is necessary due to tiro public health emergency w,4th rospect to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID.'19). rJ The expenditures were nol accounted for in the budget most recently approved as of March 27, 2020. 9 Tho, oxpondguros %wro or will he incurred during the period that bee ns on AAnmh 'I, 2090 and ends an December 30, 7020. fJ I no expenditures aro not being wed as revenuo replacement for the Public Body (CVl) to fill shoritalic in government rovenue to cover expenditures that Mild not oO ol-W90 qualify under the CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund. Upon approval of this Fort, this Public Body (CVT) Wit bo provided Mth an Interlocal Agremnont, Midi muss be executed pact to the ielease of any funds, and witich lists further requirements including but 1101 lin11lPd to l"he CV I must acpea to pal licipale. In the production of doountents required by any future Audit of the CARC9 Act p1ogrant, and fundi, nut spend in accorclonce, will the Act I Int be returned to 1110,. County The CVT must agrea that in the event they receive direct funding Runt the fedeal or slate govommOnt to rover these expenses, lite. County ntonoy, wll he; lntuntod. Date Submitted GI24I2020 Attachment B AGREEMENTFOR CARFS ACT IMS'I RIBUTION BETWEEN OAKLAND COUNTY AND Addison Township I his Agreement (the "Agreement") is made between Uaklaud County. a Municipal and Constitutional Corporation, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48341 ("County"), and the Addison Township ("Public Body") 14,10 Rochester Road, Leonard, M) 48367, Oakland County and Public Body may he referred to individually as it "Party' and jointly as "Parties". PURPOSE OP AC:I2EF.Mh.NT'- County and Public Body enter into this Agreement pursuant to the Urban Cooperation Act of (967, 1967 Public Act 7, MCI., 124.501 of seg., for the purpose of County distributing it portion of its CARES Act funds to Public Body. County has allocated it portion of its CART?S Act finds to he distributed to C'VTs within Oakland County, which will be used to assist CVT:s in meeting ecrtain areas of need caused by the COVA)-19 pandemic. In consideration of the mutual promises, obligations, rclrresentations. and assurances in this Agreement, the Parties agree to the loltowing: 1. DEFINITIONS. The following words and expressions used throughout this Agreement. whether use(( in the singular or plural, shall be defined, read, and interpreted as follows: 1.1. Agrecarte t means the tants and conditions of this Agreement aid any other mutualb, agreed to written and executed modification, amendment, Ixhihit and attachment. 1.2. C Aims mean any alleged losses, claims, complaints, demands, for relief or damages, lawsuits, causes of action, proceedings, judgments, deficiencies, liabilities, penalties, litigation, costs, and expenses, including;, tint not limited to, reimbursement aur reasonable attorney fees, witness tees, court costs, investigation expenses, litigation expenses, amounts paid in settlement, and/or other amounts or liabilities of any kind which are incurred by or asscrtcd against County or Public Body, or for which County or Public. f Sudy may beccnne legally and/or contractually obligated to pay or defend against, whether direct, indirect or consequential, whether based upon any alleged violation oCthe federal or the state constitution, any federal or state wtatute, rule, regulation, or any alleged violation of federal or state common law, whether any such claims arc brought in law or equity, tort, contract, or othcm ise. and/or whether Coal III of throatened. t. Confidential Information means all infla-maiion an(I data !hitt C'uunly is required or permitted by kov to keep confidential, includingrecords of County security measures, including security plans, security codes and combinations, passwords, keys, and security procedures, to the extent that the records relate to ongoing security of C'ounh, as well as records or information to protect the sccarit}1 nr safely of persons or property, whether public ur private, including, but not limited to, building, puhtic works, and public \vatcr supply designs Ickllua! to ongoing tiecurity measures, capabilities and plan" for responding to Violations of the Michigan Anti-icrrutism Act, emergency responsc plans, rink planning d0CUtnerr(s, [treat assessntenfs and domestic prepuredncrs strategics. 1. C'o r mcans tMOilod County, a Municipal and C•nnstittrtional C'or'poration, including, hili not limited to, all of its deparuucnts, divisions, the Couniy hoard of"Conuoissioners, elected and appointed oflicials. docctors, hoard ntenther>, council memhers, cnnunissinncr:e. authorities, connuillecs, cmploNves, agcays, colontecrs, amPol 111)y such persons eutcessor�,. nucanv any eaicndai day hcginning at 1.2.:00 a.nt, and coding ai I I ]�') p.m. Pane 1 of 7 OAKLAND I'O(A,AJIEti C'AIZES k("IC YJ FUND - INTERLO('AI. AGREEMENT 1.6. Public Ilodv means the Addison'Town'Ship including, but not limited to, its council, its Board, its departments, its divisions, elected and appointed officials, directors, board members, council members, commissioners, authorities, committees, emplovees, agents, subcontractors, attorneys, volunteers, and/or any such persons' successors. 1.7. Public llodv Emnlovee means any employees, officers, directors, members. managers, trustees, volunteers, attorneys, representatives of Public Body, licensees, concessionaires, contractors, subcontractors, independent contractors, agents, and/or any such persons' successors or predecessors (whether such persons act or acted in their personal, representative or official capacities), and/or any persons acting by, through, under, or in concert with any of the above who use or have access to the Oakland Together CVT funds provided under this Agreement. "Public Body Employee" shall also include any person who was it Public Body Employee at any time during the terra of this Agreement but, Cor any reason, is no longer employed, appointed, or elected in that capacity. "Public Body tanpluyce" does not include an individual resident of Public Body who receives an authorized distribution of Oakland 'together CVT funds. I .R. CARES Act funds means the money distributed to the County by the United States Department of'] reasury pursuant to section 601(a) of the Social Security Act, as added by section 5001 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. E9. (:VTs means Cities, Villages, and Townships. 1.10. Oakland Together CVT funds means that portion of the C'ARFS Act funds which the County has allocated to CV'I's within Oakland County. I . 11. ,i,t nentliture Submission Form means the form which Public Body must complete and submit to the Ofticc of the Count} Executive (OCI:) prior to any disbursement of Oakland Together CVT finds to Public Body. 1.1?. PCE, means the Office of the Oakland County I?Xecutive, which includes the Chief Deputy and other Deputy County P\CCUtIVCS. 1.13. Oversinht Committer means the committee established by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners in the resolution allocating the Oakland Together CVT funds. '. COUNTY RESPONSlIII LITIES. 1L O('H will review Public Body's P,epeuditttre Submission Fornt(s) to determine whether Public Body is eligible to receive it dislrihution of Oakland'I'ogether C'V'funds. ]'his determination will be in the OC F's discretion pursuant to the "Coronavirus Relif Pond ( 4ndance ibr State, Territorial. Local and f ribal Goverunern" or other guidenace issued by the Federal 6overnmenl. OCE may request any supporting documentation it deems necessary to fully evaluate Public Body's cligihility. IN)CF. determines that Public Body is eligible to receive a dkirihution, county will distribute the eligible an)aml lu Public Bodo', '.3. County is not obligated ur required to distribute any Oakland'fogether CV I' funds to Publir Body it O(T determines that Public Body is not eligible to receive the l'unds, or if the anuxurl ol' Oakland l ogethcr CVT hinds available are not sullkient to ftthill Publir Body's I{Xpcndilure tiuhutission font. 1. Aker Noveinher 10, 2020, County will not accept any further Lxpenditure Submission I nems from Public Budv. and County \\ ill retain the halancc of any Oakland 'I ottethrr ('V I iumk fur which Public Body was originally eligible, but which are not covered by an approved l spenditure suhmission Form. Page , of 7 OAKLAND'I'll€ ETIIEIB C ARKS ACT CVT II IND - INTERLOCAL AGREVNIENI ^.5. If County retains the balance of Oakland Together M' Funds not covered by an approved Isxpenditure Submission Form under Section 2.4, County may redistribute any or all of that amount to other eligible CVTs or as otherwise deemed appropriate by OCR. 2.0. OCE will work in collaboration with the Oversight Committee in determining Public Body's eligibility for Oakland Together CV'C funds, and the amount ofsaid funds to be distributed to Public Body. 3. I'IIBI,6(' 13(il)i' RESPONSIBI1.,1'['IES. 3.1, Public Body may be eligible to receive a portion of Oakland Together CVTfunds. Public Body shall complete and submit art Expenditure Submission Form to OCF and receive OCC? approval prior to the receipt ofany Oakland Together CVT funds. 3.2. In its first I?xpcnditure Submission Form, Public Body shall only apply for Oakland Together CVT funds to pay for expenditures or programs already made by Public Body, or for funds to pay Public Body's required 25g„ "cost share" or "local match" required to obtain a FEMA grant. 3.3. Public Body shall follow a]I guidance established by the United States Treasury Department, and the County, when expending Oakland Together CVC funds, including, but not limited to. Section 601(d) of the Social Security Act and the "Coronavirus Relief Fund (iuidtnce for State, Territorial. Local and Tribal Governments."' 3.4. Public Body shall not submit an Expencliture Submission harm for any expense which is eligible to be covered by a FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Public Assistance Reimbursement. Public Body may use Oakland Together CVT fonds to pay the required 25% "cost share" or "local match"' required to obtain a I MA grant. 3.5. Public Body shall only expend Oaktand'Cogether CVf funds to pay ler expenses incurred due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, and which expenses were not accounted for in Public Body's most recently approved budget as of March 27, 2020. 3,6, Public Body shall only expend Oakland 'l'ogether CVT funds for expenses incurred during the period that begins on March 1, 2020 and ends on December 30, 2020. 1.7. Public Body shall not use Oakland Together CV F funds as revenue replacement. 3.8. Public body shall not redistribute Oakland Together CVT funds, except Public Body shall he allowed to provide direct assistance to individual resident, of Public Body, and pay venclots and service providers, as permitted by the CARKS Act. 3.'>. Puhlic Body shall not expend Oakland Together ('VC finds in any manner that Public Body did not include in it submitted and approved Expenditure Submission Form. 3.10. I f Public Body receives an amount of hmdinp, from the Icderal ur scute government in cover expenses for which Puhlic Body rucciNcd Oakland fogcther (A' Ifunds, Public Bodl sh,dl return Ihat amount of Oakland Together CVT funds to County. 1 1 . I'nhlic Body ~hall keep records ofall expenditures of (iakltntd Together ('V I lunds sufficient to denumstr'ulc that said expenditures were in accordance with the guidancc docuncnts included in Sccliun 3.3 for it period of 10 (tcn) years, at a minimum. 13. 111Iblic fi(nly shall produce said records ofcxpcnditurc�; upon request he County or ()CC., +n as required by ant Future audit of the ('ARI?S Act protmin). I hr, d,yuuinl i, ay.utii'le M ,> .i Pace 3 of 7 OAK LAND TOC:h';I HEIR CARES A(' i' CVT I' 111 ND - In'Yh:I LO('AL ACREEX9EN Y 3.13. Public Body shall submit records to OCE within 30 (thirty) days after expenditure oh Oakland Together CVT funds with a detailed description of how the timds, were expended and how the expenditure of funds complied with the CARES Act guidance unless Public Body has already submitted said records with its Expenditure Submission Form. 3.1 d. In the event it is determined by OCE, or any other audit wider the CARES Act program, that Public Body expended an amount of Oakland Together CVT funds in violation of the CARES Act requirements or this Agreement, Public Body shall be required to return that amount of money to County. 3. 15. In any case where Public Body is required to return an amot.mt of nnoney to County under this Agreement, Public Body agrees that unless expressly prohibited by law, County or the Oakland County Treasurer, at their sole option, shall be entitled to set oft' front any other Public Body finds that are in County's possession for any reason, including but not limited to, the Oakland County Delinquent 'Tax Revolving Fund ("U'TRP"), if applicable. Any setoll' or retention of funds by County shall be deemed a voluntary assignnteut of the amount by Public Body to County. Public Body waives any Claims against County or its Officials for anv acts related specifically to County's offsetting or retaining of such amounts. ']'his paragraph shall not limit Public Body's legal right to dispute whether the underlying amount retained by County was actually due and owing under this Agreement. 3.16. Nothing in this Section shall operate to limit County's right to pursue or exercise any other legal rights or remedies under this Agreement or at law against Public Body to secure payment of amounts due to County ander this Agreement. The rernedies in this Section shall be available to County on an ongoing and successive basis if'Public Body becomes delinquent in its payment. Notwithstanding any other tern and condition in this Agreement, if County Pursues any legal action in any court to secure its payment under this Agreement, Public Body agrees to pay all costs and expenses, including attorney fees and court costs, incurred by County in the collection of any amount owed by Public Body, 3.17. Public Body shall respond to and he responsible for Freedom of Infirrnnation Act requests relating to Public Body's records, data, or other information. -I. DURATION (3F" INTERLOCAL AGRF; ! NI s 4.1. This Agreement shall lie effective when executed by both Parties with resolutions passed by the governing bodies of each Party. The approval and terms of this Agreement shall be entered in the ollicial minutes of they governing bucks of cath Party. An executed copy of this Agreement and any amendments shall be filed by the Count' Clerk with the Secretan' ol, Stale. 4-L fhis Agreement shall remain in effect until January 31, 202 1, or until cancelled or terminated by any of the Pal'tie5 pursuant to the terms ofthe Agreement, Public Body Shull comply with the record keeping, reporting, audit response, and fund return requirenunts of Section 3 after the termination of this Agreement if nceessar}. 'i, ASSURANCES. >.I. Resimnsibility for Claims. F.ach Party shall be responsible Gtr any C'luinls made against that Party by a third party, gain for the acts of its cmpinyccs arising wider or rehaed to this Agreement, '. Responsibility for Attorney Fees and <'osts. F,\cept as provided tier in Section ;.I6, in am Chiim that uta} ;wise Inial the performance of this Agreement, each Party shall w^ck its of u Page 4 t)1'7 (}AKIANt1 TO(;I<"I HER ('ARES M'T CVT FUND - INTIAZLOCAI..AGREIFNIF:N I' legal representation and bear the costs associated with such representation, including Judgments and attorney fees. 5.3. No Indemnification. Except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement, neither Part}' steall have any right tinder this Agreement or under any other legal principle to be indemnified of- reimbursed rreimbursed by the other Party or any of its agents in connection with any Claim. 5.4. Costs, Fines, and Fees for Noncompliance. Public Body shall be solely responsible for all costs, lines and fees associated with any misuse of the Oakland Together CVT finds and/or for noncompliance with this Agreement by Pubic Body Employees, 5.5, Reservation of ItiOits. This Agreement does not, and is not intended to. impair, divest. delegate or contravene any constitutional, statutory, and/or other legal right, privilegc, power, obligation, duty, or immunity of the Parties. Nothing in this Agreement Shall be construed as a waiver of governmental immunity for either Party. 5.6. Authorization and C.omoletion of Aereement. The Parties have taken all actions and secured all approvals necessary to authorize and complete this Agreement. The persons signing this Agreement on behalf of each Party have legal authority to sign this Agreement and bind the Parties to the terms and conditions contained herein. 5.7. Compliance with Laws. Each Party shall comply with all federal, state, and local ordinances, regulations, administrative rules, and requirements applicable to its activities performed under this Agreement. 6, TERMINATION OR CANCELLATION OF AGREEMENT. 6.1 . County may terminate or cancel this Agreement at any time it' it cfetenrtines that Public; Rody has expended Oakland Together C'V'l Rinds in violation of C:ARES Act requirements or this Agreement. Either 00', or the Board of Commissioners is authorized to terminate this Agreement under this provision. I f County terminates or cancels this Agreement, Public Body shall he liable to repay County the amount ofmoncy expended in violation of CARES Act requirements or this Agreement. Counly may utilize the provisions in Sections 3.15 3.16 to recoup (he amount of money owed Io County by Public Bodv. 6.?. Public Body may terminale or cancel this Agreement at any time if it determines that it does not wish to receive any Oakland Together ('VT funds. 11'Public Body terminates or cancels this Agreement, it shall immediately return to County any and all Oakland Together CVT funds it has already received. 6.3. If either Party terminates or cancels this agreement the\, shalt provide written notice to the other Party in the manner described in Scction 13, 7. 14"LECATION OR ASSIGNMENT. Neither Party shall delegate or assign any ohligations or right; under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party, `. NO TIIIRD-P,ARTV 131+',NFFiC'IARIFS. k,xcepl as provided for the hcnefit ofthe Pi uics, this Aftmenrent docs not and is not intended ht create any ohligalion, duly, promise, contractual right nr hcnctit, ritzhi to indeninil-waliou, right tosuhro}talion. and/or any other rit!hl in favor ofilm other peraon or elitity. No IMPLIED NVAIVEW Absent it wrillen waiver, no act, failure, or delay by ❑ Party to pursue or enforce any rights or remedies under Illi , Agrcemeni shall constitute ;r t\aivcr of those rights t011 mganI Io any existing, or suhsegtic nt breach of this Agrccnu•ut. No willvrr ol'nuv term, condi Iit) n, or prop inion of this Agrcenxrnt, whether by conduct or othci �%isc, in one ur more instances shall hr deemed or connived ata n continuing waiver of ally term, Condition, or pturisiun of this Agrccm,111. Page 5 of 7 OAKLAND I'MI- TIER ('ARMS ACT CVT FUND- IINTERLOC'AI. AGREEMENT L No waiver by either Party shall subsequently affect its right to require strict performance of this Agreement. 10. SEVERABILITY. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds a tato or condition of this Agreement to be illegal or invalid, then the term or condition shall be deomed severed from this Agreement. All other terms, conditions, and provisions of this Agreement shall remain in fill force. I I . PI ECIE DENCE OF DOCUMENTS. In the event of a conflict between the term's and Conditions of any of the documents that comprise this Agreement, the terms in the Agreement shall prevail and take precedence over any allegedly conflicting terms and conditions. 12. C"APTTONS. The section and subsection numbers, captions, and any index to such sections and subsections contained in this Agreement are intended for the convenience of the reader and are not intended to have any substantive meaning. The numbers, captions, and indexes shall not be interpreted or be considered as part of this Agreement. Any use of the singular or plural, any reference to gender, and any use of the nominative, obJective or possessive case in this Agreement shall he deemed fire appropriate plurality, gender or possession as the context requires. 13. NOTICES. Notices given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be personally delivered, sent by express delivery service, certified mail, or first class U.S. mail postage prepaid, and addressed to the person listed below. Notice will be deemed given on the date when one of the following first occur: (i) the date of actual receipt; (ii) the next business day when notice is sent express delivery service or personal delivery; or (iii) three days after mailing first class or certi tied l I.S. mail. 13.1. If Notice is sent to County, it shall be addressed and sent to: Oakland County Executive, 2100 Pontiac Lake Rd., Waterlord, MI, 45323, and the Chairperson ofthe Oakland County Board of Commissioners, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, MI, 43341. 11 1 f Notice is sent to Public Body, it shall he addressed to: 1440 Rochester Road, Leonard, MI 43,167 14. GOVERNINC. LAWWONSENT TO JURISDICTION AND VENUE. 'I'lus Agreement shall be governed, interpreted. and enforced by the laws of the State of Michigan. Fxcept as otherwise required by law or court rule, ally action brought to enforce, interpret, or decide any Claim arising under or rclutcd to this Agreement shall be brought in the 6th Judicial Circuit Court of the State of Michigan, the 50th District Court of the Slate of Michigan, or the (1niicd States District Court for the I?astern District ofMiehigan. Southern Division, as dictated by the applicable jurisdiction of the count. lixcept as otherwise required by law or court rule, venue is proper in the courts set forth above, 15 SURVIVAL ON T ERMS.'I'lie Iollowing terms and conditions shall survive and continue in full force beyond the termination or cancellation of this Contract (or any purr thereof) until the terms and Conditions arc I'Ltll\l satisfied or espirc by their natnrC: Definitions (Section I ); Assurances (Section No I'hird-Party Benel iciaries f Section 3): No Implied Waiver (Section 9); Severability (Section 10); Precedence of Documents (Section 11 ); Governing I aw/Consent to .lurisidiction and Venue (Section 14); Survival of'fernts (Section 15); [Mitre Agreement (Section 16). and the record keeping, reporting, audit Cantphancc, and limd return provisions of Section 3. 1t,. ENTIRE ACRI:I?,MEN('. 'I his Atireement represents tltC enure agreement and undcr'suutdinp between the Parties rcluudiug. the ( )nkland'I ugether CV I fund~ With o1ra'd to the Oakland I'ot ether CV'1 funds. this Agreement superscdcs all other orad or written ap.reemcnts behvccn the Parties. Pigel'M 7 0AKLANiD TOt.E"HIER CARES AC" C CVC hl IND - INTI:RI,O( A1. AGREEMENT 16.?. The language of this Agreement shall be construed as it whole according to its lair meaning, and not construed strictly for or against any Party. IN WITNESS Wl IFIRE'01', Bruce Pearson,'1'ownship Supervisor hereby acknowledges that he/she has been authorized by a resolution ol'the Addison Township, a certified copy of which is attached, to execute this Agreement on behalf of Public Body and hereby accepts and binds Public Body to the terms and conditions of'this Agreement. I?XI.C'UI7iD: DATI?: Bruce Pearson, Township Supervisor Addison Township WHNESSFf): � Gvxftt � t_C}Ll DATFI:_ a ll_ i7 Jan e Martel, Deputy Supervisor Addison Township IN WI ENI?SS WI I1;12I;OF, David Woodward, Chairperson, Oakland County Board of Conunissioners, hereby acknowledges that, he has been authorized by a resolution of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to execute this Agreement on behalf of Oakland County, and hereby accepts and binds Oakland County to the terms and conditions ofthis Agreement. \111WSSED: David Woodward, Chairperson Oakland County Board of Commissioners Oakland County Board of Commissioners C'Ounty of Oakland Page 7 o('7 DATE: DA'fti: OAKLAND TOC;I• HIER CARES ACT CVT FIND - IN'I R1,0(',tI, AC HIl:I?MEN I' Resolution #20207 June 25, 2020 Moved by Spisz seconded by Weipert to suspend the rules and vote on MR #20207 — Board of Commissioners — Approval of Interlocal Agreement with Addison Township for Distribution of CARES Act Funding. A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the motion to suspend the rules and vote on MR #20207 — Board of Commissioners — Approval of Interlocal Agreement with Addison Township for Distribution of CARES Act Funding carried. Moved by Spisz seconded by Weipert the resolution be adopted Discussion followed. Vote on resolution: AYES: Zack, Gershenson, Gingell, Hoffman, Jackson, Kochenderfer, Kowall„ Kuhn, Luebs, Markham, McGillivray, Middleton, Miller, Nelson, Powell, Quarles, Spisz, Taub, Weipert, Woodward. (20) NAYS: None. (D) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolution was adopted. I HEREBY APPROVE THIS RESOLUTION CHIEF DEPUTY COUNTY EXECUTIVE ACTING PURSUANT TO MCL 45,559A (7) STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lisa Brown, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on June 25, 2020, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Circuit Court at Pontiac, Michigan this 25th day of June, 2020, Lisa Brown, Oakland County