HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2020.07.02 - 33396MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #20233 July 2, 2020 BY: Commissioner Penny Luebs, Chairperson, Health, Safety and Human Services Committee IN RE: PUBLIC SERVICES — ANIMAL SHELTER AND PET ADOPTION CENTER — 2020 ANIMAL SHELTER AND PET ADOPTION CENTER EQUIPMENT GRANT — GRANT ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen WHEREAS since 2015, the Oakland County Animal Shelter and Pet Adoption Center has been honored to receive grants from the local organization Two Seven Oh; and WHEREAS from the generosity of this organization, the Shelter has been able to purchase items to keep employees and volunteers safe, animals awaiting adoption at the Shelter more comfortable and afforded the Shelter to be able to continue best practices within the industry, and WHEREAS this local organization generously invited the Oakland County Animal Shelter and Pet Adoption Center to apply for a grant again in 2020; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Animal Shelter and Pet Adoption Center submitted a grant application requesting funding in the amount of $15,000 to update the Shelter's sound system in the amount of $3,374.63, so the animals can listen to different music or audio than the humans, and to partially fund the purchase of fifteen (15) tasers ($1,826 each) in the amount of $11,625.37 for the Animal Control Officers; and WHEREAS at the time of application, a local match of $15,765 was going to be used to cover the balance of the equipment purchase, and WHEREAS the Oakland County Animal Shelter and Pet Adoption Center was awarded $30,765 to fully fund this project, and WHEREAS the local match is no longer required as grantor provided funding to cover total purchase of the fifteen (15) lasers in the amount of $27,390; and WHEREAS the grant award has completed the Grant Review Process according to Miscellaneous Resolution #19006. NOW THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the 2020 grant award totaling $30,765 to update of the Shelter's audio system in the amount of $3,374.63 and to purchase fifteen (15) lasers in the amount of $27,390 for the period of May 1, 2020 through September 1, 2020. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners is authorized to execute the grant agreement and to approve any grant extensions or changes, within fifteen percent (15%) of the original award, which are consistent with the original agreement as approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future commitment and continuation of the grant is contingent upon continued future levels of grant funding. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the FY 2020 budget will be amended as follows: ANIMAL CONTROL GRANTS (929215) GR# 0000000391 Activity GLB Analysis Type: GLB Budget Reference: 2020 Revenue 1070801-114000-650104 Expenditures 1070801-114000-774636 1070801-114000-750154 Contributing Operating Total Revenues Info Tech Operations Expendable Equipment Total Expenditures HEALTH, SAFETY AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE VOTE: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Miller absent. FY 2020 3$ 0 765 $ 3,375 27.390 Chairperson, on behalf of the Health, Safety and Human Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Commissioner Fenny Luebs, District #16 Chairperson, Health, Safety and Human Services Committee GRANT REVIEW SIGN-OFF—Animal Sheller and Pet Adoption Center GRANT NAME: 2020 Animal Shelter and Pet Adoption Center Equipment Grant FUNDING AGENCY: Two Seven Olt, Inc. DEPARTMENT CONTAC'T:.loanie'I'oole/(248) 452-9249 STATUS: Gran( Acceptance (Greater than $10,000) DATE: 5/28/20 Please be advised the captioned grant materisls have completed internal grant review. Below arc the returned comments The Board of Conunissionet:+' liaison committee resolution and grant acceptance package (which should include this sign - off and the grant agrcemenb ontract with related documentation) may be requested to be placed on Ute agenda(5) of the appropriate Board of Commissioners' committee(s) for grant acceptance by Board resolution. DFPART NI ENTREVIEW Management and Budget: Approved by M & B — Lynn Sonkiss (5/27/20) Human Resources: HR Approved —No HR Implications --Lori Taylor (5/20/20) Risk Mauagemenl: Approved by Risk Management. — Robert F.rlenbeck (5/20/20) Corporation Counsel: there are no legal issues with this grant agreement. — Sharon Kessler ( 5/27/20) Two Seven Oh la Reimbursement Grant Agreement May 15, 2020 GRANTEE: Oakland County Animal Control GRANT AMOUNT: - $30,764-.63 GRANT PERIOD: May 12, 2020 - September 1, 2020 FINAL REPORT DUE: October 1, 2020 GRANT DESCRIPTION: To update their shelter's sound system to create a two-part system. This system will be installed at their facility located at 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Bldg 42E, Pontiac, MI 48341. Also to purchase tasers and equipment for officers. GRANT ADMINISTRATOR: Madison Cregar Two Seven Oh Inc. (The Foundation) and The Grantee are entering into this agreement to Please initial establish the terms of The Foundation's grant to The Grantee. each section 1 The Foundation will only cover expense specified in the Grant Description. 2 Products must be ordered and delivered (if applicable) within the Grant Period. 3 !The Foundation and The Grantee may agree in writing to modify the objectives, methods or timeline of the Grant Description. Any modifications must take place before the end of the Grant Period. Any modification request after the end of the Grant Period will not be allowed 4IThe Grantee agrees to submit a Final Report no later than 28 days after the end of the Grant Period. This report must include: - a brief summary of the outcome of your Grant - a full financial accounting of the expenditures of the grant with invoice(s)/receipt(s) for all payments used to fulfill the Grant Description you wish to have covered by this grant. Invoices/receipts must have: a. The description and quantity of products and/or services, line by line, and the cost of each of item; b. The date at which the products were purchased or when services occurred; c. The vendor's name with contact information; d. The Grantee's name somewhere on the invoice (if The Grantee is unable to provide an invoice/receipt without one or more of these items, the invoice/receipt will be invalid and will be removed from final award amount.) The Foundation agrees to reimburse The Grantee up to, but not exceeding, the Grant Amount to solely implement the Grant Description, for expenses The Grantee incurred during the Grant Period following the submission of a Final Report. The Grantee agrees to cover any expenses exceeding the Grant Amount. The Grantee agrees to immediately notify The Foundation if any of the following occurs in the Grant Period: - any changes in key personnel - any changes in address or phone number - any development that significantly affects the operation of the Grant Description - any additional funding for the Grant Description B The Grantee agrees to credit the participation of The Foundation as "Anonymous" in any advertisement, publicity or public comment related to the Grant Description. 9 The Grantee will keep adequate records to document the expenditure of funds and activities supported by the grant. The Grantee agrees to make available to The Foundation the financial records related to the activities supported by the grant at any given time during the Grant Period. 10 '.In the event- The Foundation finds that The Grantee has failed to comply with any terms of this agreement, The Foundation may cancel its participation in the Grant Description j resulting in no funds being reimbursed. 11. The Foundation will not issue reimbursement checks before the Final Report Due (Date, regardless if the grantee completes and submits the final report prior .to the clue date. On behalf of The Grantee as a Board Member, I understand and agree to the foregoing terms and conditions of accepting Two Seven Oh Inc.'s grant, and authorize this agreement on The Grantee's behalf. Signature: Printed Name: Board Position/Title: _ Date: I authorize this grant agreement and terms listed above as a representative of The Foundation. Signature of Director of Grants: Printed Name of Director of Grants: Ka ie Wanem Date: May 19 2020 This signed agreement !July 10, 2020 must be postmarked, faxed or emailed by; 'Please note that if each section is not initialed and the agreement is not signed by a Member of the Board (or Board of Commissioners) the agreement will not be valid. If you have any questions please contact the Grant Administrator listed on your agreement. OAKLAND COUNTY MICHIGAN April 20, 2020 ANIMAL SHELTER & Pet Adoption CENTER To Whom It May Concern: OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE DAVID COULTER Robert Garr, Manager (248) 858-1070 1 petadoption@oakgov,com We are honored to be applying again for a grant through your generous organization. We want to procure two items with this grant. The first is to repair something that we did not realize when constructing the animal shelter. With all the research and planting that we put into the construction of this building, we wanted the gold standard for the animals that we would be taking care of; that included music. Problem is, humans and animals have different needs when it comes to music. Thinking that we were doing what was best for the animals, we installed one sound system that plays throughout the entire Shelter. First week we were here, we put on classical for the animals; problem is most of the humans were not happy. We are currently playing soft rock throughout the building. This pleases most humans, but when we did some research, we found that animals need a variety and they need a quiet time. When we constructed the building, we put the audio equipment into a very secure area; only accessible to certain people, and only one person here at this building full time. Our plan is to separate the one system into two systems; one that would play where the employees work (old system, soft rock} and a new one that would play where the animals are located and be accessible to other employees to play a variety of music, spoken word and provide a quiet period for the animals. With help lion our Information Technology Telecommunications Unit, we are prepared to create this two-part system for a total cost of $3,374.63. A breakdown of the costs as well as an estimate from Oakland County Information Technology is attached. The next item pertains to officer safety and to provide that through new technology that minimizes deadly force. Many police departments are now utilizing tasers instead of their sidearms to subdue suspects, meaning less substantial injury and death in those situations. We wish to give our officers this same tool when dealing with aggressive dogs in the field. To equip all our officers with tasers and the equipment to use them would be at a cost of $27,390 ($1,526 per taxer X15). You will find the blanket order that the County uses to purchase these items. 1200 N. Telegraph Rd Bldg. 42E I Pontiac, Michigan 483411 Fax (248) 858-7449 1 OakGov corn/PetAdoption We realize the grant you are offering is only for $ (5,000 and the total cost of this application is $30,764.63. We are going to supplement your grant with funds donated to the Shelter over the years from generous donors to offset the balance of $15,764.63. Our hope is that your organization will find this request worthy of granting us the funds to purchase the above items. Thant: you for your consideration and as always, your generosity. Sincer T 17 ) ger { (( � ger {, ��r6e.rt Gatt, C7rvisio Mttn� 4 Oakland Ci pnty Animal Shelter and Pet Adoption Center - 1 I'm 36a Oh In Animal Welfare Survey loon n,=r Anil 3 `1110 Date: February 26, 2020 , , 7 - - - I - Name of Organization: Oakland County Animal Shelter and Pet Adoption Center Mailing Address: 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Bldg. 42E Pontiac Ml 48341 City: State: Zip; County: Oakland ESN; 386004876 ]oanie Toole Chief Contact Person: Title: Phone Number. (248) 452-9249 toolej@oakgov.com E-mail Address: Please fill our the charts below for 2019. Please note for this survey, puppies and kittens are 6 months of age ar younger Canine Feline START: Puppies Dogs Kittens Cats How many did you have in your care on January I 4 I 81 I I 12 114 1 t 2Q1sg? END. Puppies Dogs Kittens Cats How many did you have in your care on 141 22 120 December 31, 2412? I 1 I INTAKE• Puppies Dogs Kittens Cats A 7ransfers from Michigan Municipalities (County/City/ I 45 I 5 Village ran Animal Control) B Transfers from Michigan Nonprofit Organizations (Rescues & Nonprofit Shelters) C Transfers from Out of State Organizations and `II Municipalities D Total Transfers In (A.+ B+ C) I 0 45 I 0 5 E Strays I 8 1285 I 337 750 F Surrendered By Owner (Do Not Count request to 5 494 137 454 Euthanize) G Born In your Care (Any kittens or puppies that were born by pregnant animals already in your 4 care) H Returned Adoptions as 7 s2 I Owner Request to euthanize drop off 172 1 89 J Otherintake Total Admission (D+E+F+G+H+I+J) 13 208? 486 1350 Rec. 09/19/19 Animal Welfare Survey u nt Dl; 1 -f7c c, -inhri 51.,'111 QUUM& Puppies Dogs Kittens Oats l L Total Adopted by Individuals 4j 11 424 29 666 M Returned to Owner I , 7K I 50 _ N Transferred To Shelter/Rescue: (Do not includes 3 429 109 294 transfers to euthanize) O Euthanized for humane reasons (untreatable) 229 I 41 248 P Euthanized because insufficient funds (treatabloJ Q Euthanized for temperament issues (un -adoptable) R Euthanized because of limited space (adoptable) S Euthanized at owner's request t95 1 14 T Euthanized for other reasons Contract 21 ?, U Total Euthanized (0+P+O+R+S+T) I 0 445 I 42 331 V 'Died (upon arrival or in your care) S 4 31 10 W Other Outtake Total Release (L+M+N+U+V+W) 16 ?Olx 476 1 1354 How many animals were -,Lot sterilized prior to adoption in 2019? u n o n Puppies: Dogs: Kittens Cats: —_�— How many of the animals listed above do you have proof that they wei e_ sterilized after adoption in 2019? Lk 951 403 9G0 Puppies Dogs:_ Kittens. Cats CSfy of MNey, iiirmirgham, sl aomfldd, ilazd Park, Which organizations did you receive animals front in 2019? Huntington Woods, Madlsun Heights, Oak Park, City of Rochester, City of Royol Oak, City of Southlleld, Snu thfidd Township Sce attached repo C. Which organizations did you transfer animals to in 2019? --- No. Do you have any additional funding sources for your proposed grant? If yes, please list sources and amounts 2 Rec. 09/19/19 Shelter/Rescue Group Above And Beyond English Setter Rescue Adopt.A. Pet advanced pet care Allen Animal Hospital Animal House Of Southeast Michigan Animal Welfare Society Of Southeastern Michigan Auburn Animal Hospital Aucdo Rescue Mid -Michigan Canine Companions Rscue Center Carols Ferals Chihaven Of Michigan Dandy Acres South Lyon Detroit Dog Rescue Devoted Friends Animal Society, Inc Do Only Good Elizabeth Lake Animal Rescue Ferndale Cat Shelter FIDO AND FLUFFYS RESCUE INC Flat Rock Animal Shelter For The Love Of Cats Full Moon Farm Furry Friends Rescue Inc Great Lakesboxer Rescue Guardiansfor Animals/@arm Howell Nature Center Humane Society Of Macomb County Humane Society Of Midland County 1<9 stray rescue league Laingsburg Animal Hospital Livingston County Animal Control MacOmb Humane Society Mama Dog Rescue Mich Humane Society - Roch Hills Michigan Animal Rescue League Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue Motor City Ferrets National Great Pryenees New Beginnings Oxford Vet PA-A.W. Paws For Life Rescue Pet Smart Rochester Hills Pet Supplies Plus - Bloomfield Pet Supplies Plus - White Lake Pet Supplies Plus # 6 Pets Without Parents S.A.F.E. Save Animals From Euthansia S.A.F.E. Rescue Saving Animals From Euthanasia Scooters Resq Silver Lake Animal Rescue Silver Muzzle Cottage South Mittens Kittens Cat Rescue Speciality Purebred Cat Rescue Of Se WiInc Tigerlilly Cat Rescue Tri County Dog Rescue Whiskers Cat Rescue And Canine music sorce Add 100 waft amplifier and musit sorce. Kewora zone paging Install music source on custmer supplied shelf in Bob Gatt Office. Will need Power outlet installed by shelf. By FMO Material relating to indoor and outdoor cable installation (THUMB) Speaker wire 1 $9729 $9729 Bogen 0100 w amplifier 1 $463.61 $463.61 Music Source Bogen 562C 1 $283.73 $283.73 Roof Mounted antena 1 $530.00 $530.00 Labor - Billable Labor to rework speakers and rewire zone paging equipment (THUMB) 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Information Technology - Non -billable Initial Planning 0 $41.00 $0.00 Project Management 2 $0.00 $0.00 Labor and Material - Billable Grand Total $3,374.63 Note. Contingency is not included in the above estimates. Facilities Planning will include contingency for the above materials and labor in their total project contingency estimates. 1 STATE OF MICHIGAN CENTRAL PROCUREMENT SERVICES 7 Department of Technology, Management, and Budget 525 W. ALLEGAN ST., LANSING, MICHIGAN 48913 P,O. BOX 30026 LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909 ENTERPRISE INC 17800 North 85th Street Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Ronald Bellendler CONTRACT CHANGE NOTICE Change Notice Number J2 t0 Contract Number 07184300067 l S ci (MULTI Cieciwa DTMB )249-0458 TASERS - MICHIGAN STATE POLICE, DEPARTMENTS OF CORRECTIONS, NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT. GREAT LAKES AND ENERGY March 12, 2014 Net 30 ® P -Card No minimum order requirement. 1. 510.55 March 11, 2017 1 4 - 1 Year I March 11, 30 Days ARO © PRC 11 Other 1 ® Yes ❑ March 11, ❑ No Effective November 1, 2019 pricing on this Contract is increased, per revised Exhibit B Pricing - Tasers and Accessories attached. The following items are discontinued and are deleted from thls Contract. 1 Item No. UCM Description Mfq. No. Unit Price 19 EA _ X2, 35' Live Smart Cartridge _ 22152 $38.00 61 EA X2/X3 cartridge with Alligator Clip 33112 $38.00 The following items are no longer discontinued and are added to this Contract. Item No. I UOM I Description I Mfg. W. Unit Price 24 EA ill X2, Holster, Right Hand, Safariland STX Basketweave 22502 $99,00 27 EA X2, Holster. Left Hand, Safanland STX Basketweave 22505 + $99,00 Contract Terms, Section 32. is hereby amended and restated in full below: 32. Nondiscrimination. Under the Elliott -Larsen Civil Rights Act, 1976 PA 463, MCL 37 2101, et seq., the Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act, 1976 PA 220, MCL 37.1 101, et seq., and Executive Directive: 2e 10 09, Contractor and its subcontractors agree not to discriminate against an employee or applicant for employment with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, or a matter directly or indirectly related to employment, because of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex (as defined in Executive Directive 201 Q -q9), height, weight, marital status, partisan considerations, any mental or physical disability, or genetic information that is unrelated to the person's ability to perform the duties of a particular job or position. Breach of this covenant is a material breach of this Contract. All other terms, conditions, specifications and pricing remain the same. Per Contractor request, agency agreement, and DTMB Central Procurement Services approval. CHANGE NOTICE NO. 12 TO CONTRACT NO, 071W3MOO7 MSp F/Lt. Brody Boucher MDOC Jim Loxton IDNR Lt. Steve Burton JEGLE Lt. Steve Burton Program Managers for �ncy and Statewide Contracts (517)290-4245 (517)780-6043 (517)284-5993 (517)284-5993 burtonsl @michigan.gov burtonsl@miohigan.gov CHANGE NOTICE NO. 14 TO CONTRACT NO, 07184300097 Exhibit B: Pricing - Tasers and Accessories Approved Brand/Manufacturer Axon Enterprise Inc a Ifi- J a of di ,Y Iq )l„ii 11 I'll r I 11 1 tl-II'il ,v� ,'.I I I'll i;' i� i." UnY OSY, hl 1 , i it ,lir., ,1Vlant�i�,iefurerIt�lm'' �e&4'iTltJ,tlOn Jill .II .' M4slel.Nt1 UG 1/112 1 EA X26P, Black, ECD only, no holster or power magazine 11002 $1,065.00 2 EA X26P, Yellow, ECD only, no holster or power magazine 11003 $1,065.00 3 EA X26P, 4 -year Extended Warranty 11004 $331.001 Note: For Axon Enterprise, Inc. products purchased, the Contractor will provide a 0.5% discount for individual orders over $25,000.00 X26P, Extended Performance Power Magazine, (XPPM) 4 EA w/cartridge holder 11010 $76.00 5 EA X26P, Holster, Right Hand, Blackhawk 11501 $64.00 6 EA X26P, Holster, Left Hand, Blackhawk 11504 $64.001 7 EA X2, Black, Electronic Control Device, does not include Battery 22002 $1,220.00 8 EA X2, Yellow, Electronic Control Device, does not include Battery 22003 $1,220.00 9 EA X2/X26P, Performance Power Magazine (PPM) 22010 $65,001 10 EA X2/X26P, Automatic Shut -down Power Magazine (APPM) 22011 $78,001 11 EA X2/X26P, Tactical Performance Power Magazine (TPPM) 22012 $65.00 12 EA X2/X26P Dataport Download Kit 22013 $200.00 13 EA X2, 4 -Year Extended Warranty 22014 $378.00 14 EA X2, Online Training 22015 Discontinued 15 EA X2, Hogue Grips, Min. Box 50 22017 Discontinued 16 EA X2/X26P, Hogue Grips 22018 $19.001 17 EA X2, 15' Live Smart Cartridge 22150 $36.00 18 EA X2, 25' Live Smart Cartridge 22151 $38.00 19 EA X2, 35' Live Smart Cartridge 22152 Discontinued 20 EA X2, Inert Simulator, 25' Smart Cartridge 22155 $50.00 X2, 25' Live Simulation, Training, Non-conductive, Smart 21 EA Cartridge 22157 $37.00 22 EA X2, Holster, Right Hand, Blade -Tech 22500 Discontinued 23 EA X2, Holster, Right Hand, Blackhawk 22501 $78.001 24 EA X2, Holster, Right Hand, Safariland STX Basketweave 22502 $99.00 25 EA X2, Holster, Left Hand, Bladetech 22503 Discontinued 26 EA X2, Holster, Left Hand, Blackhawk 22504 $78.00 27 EA X2, Holster, Left Hand, Safariland STX Basketweave 22505 $99.001 28 EA X26, USB Dataport Download Kit 26500 $196.001 X26E, Black/Silver, Digital Power Magazine (DPM), NO 29 EA HOLSTER 26511 Discontinued X26E, Black/silver, Extended Digital Power Magazine (XDPM), 30 EA NO HOLSTER 26512 Discontinued X26E, Yellow/Black, Digital Power Magazine, (DPM), NO 31 EA HOLSTER 26523 Discontinued Note: For Axon Enterprise, Inc. products purchased, the Contractor will provide a 0.5% discount for individual orders over $25,000.00 CHANGE NOTICE NO. 12 TO CONTRACT NO, 07IM3 0067 Exhibit B: Pricing - Tasers and Accessories X26E, Yellow/black, Extended Digital Power Magazine 32 EA (XDPM), NO HOLSTER 26524 X26E, Black/black, Extended Digital Power Magazine, 33 EA (XDPM), NO HOLSTER 26549 X26E, Black/black, Digital Power Magazine, (DPM), NO 34 EA HOLSTER 26550 35 EA X26, Digital Power Magazine, (DPM) 26700 36 EA X26, Extended Digital Power Magazine, (EDPM) 26701 37 EA X26, Controlled Digital Power Magazine, (CDPM) 26702 X26, CDPM Start-up Kit, Includes; 1 -Configure DPM, 1- 38 EA Deconfiqure DPM, 1-CDPM and carry case 26703 39 EA X26, 4 -Year Extended Warranty 26744 40 EA Taser Cam Audio Video Recorder 26830 41 EA Taser Cam USB Download Kit (No Charge Item) 26737 42 EA X2 or X26P, Taser Cam HD, USB Download Kit 26762 43 EA X2 or X26P, Taser Cam HD 4 -year Extended Warranty 26763 44 EA X2 or X26P, Taser Cam HD, Replacement Battery 26764 45 EA Taser Simulation Suit, Model II 44550 46 EA Taser Tactical Bag 2 44625 47 EA X26, 21'(single), air cartridge 44200 48 EA X26, 25' XPH air cartridge, single 44203 49 EA X26, 21' Simulation Cartridge, Non Conductive 44205 50 EA X26 15'(single) Air Cartridge 34200 X26 Law Enforcement, CLEAR, with DPM battery, NO I 51 EA HOLSTER 26517 X26, Holster, Right Hand, Blade -Tech Tek -Lok, short hood 52 EA wth thumb break 44952 X26, Holster, Left Hand, Blade -Tech Tek -Lok, short hood wth 53 EA thumb break 44953 X26P, Holster, Right Hand, Blade -Tech Tek -Lok, short hood 54 EA wth thumb break 11500 X26P Holster, Left Hand, Blade -Tech Tek -Lok short hood 55 EA with thumb break 11503 56 EA X2/X26P Taser Cam, HD, color recording unit 26810 57 EA 4 year Custom Care Warranty, X26 26744 58 EA X26P Year Extended Warranty (duplicate-seeitem#3) 11004 59 EA X2,4 -Year Extended Warranty (duplicate -see ltem#13) 22014 60 EA Taser Cam HD 4 -year Extended Warranty (duplicate- see item#43) 26763 61 EA X2/X3 cartridge with Alligator Clip 33112 NoteFor Axon Enterprise, Inc. products purchased, the contractor will provide a 0 5% discount for individual orders over $25,000.00. Discontinued Discontinued 1 $44.001 $50.001 Discontinued Discontinued I Discontinued Discontinued Discontinued $18,001 $150.00 $62.00 $675.001 Discontinued 1 $29.00 1 $33.001 $28.00 1 $27.001 Discontinued 1 $43.00 Discontinued Discontinued $570.00 Discontinued Discontinued CHANGE NOTICE NO. 12 TO CONTRACT NO. 07IB4300067 Note: For Axon Enterprise, Inc. products purchased, the Contractor will provide a 0.5% discount for individual orders over $25,000.00 Exhibit B: Pricing - Tasers and Accessories Approved Brand/Manufacturer Axon Enterprise Inc jr k ( III 1V 1 I ( 1 y„ item „` IManurad }�rer Ikem "No `Unit. [iescnntipn>i:: „' ' I'I.rI\.I . ";;\I ;;' NlpdelYJo °I` rlcff. 11H/2019'' 62 EA Conductive Practice Target, Two part, Back 80000 Discontinued f 63 EA Conductive Practice Target, Two part, Front 80001 Discontinued f 64 EA Blackhawk RH X26 Serpa holster, black, matte 44972 $43.001 65 EA Blackhawk LH X26 Serpa holster, black, matte 44973 $43.00 BH -X26 -cart - 66 EA Taser Cartridge holder, single, w/mod-u-lok hldr Discontinued X26P eXtended Automatic Shut -Down Performance Power 67 EA Magazine (XAPPM) 11015 $82.00 68 EA Taser Assurance Plan (TAP) CEW Annual Payment, X26P 85059 Taser CAM HD with Automatic Shut -Down (AS) Feature, X2 or Discontinued 69 EA X26P 26820 $600.00 70 EA Taser CAM HD USB download kit cdupi,cate- see Item #42) 26762 71 EA X26P Alligator Clip Cartridge 85000 $55.001 72 EA X26P and X2 Target, Conductive, 2 -Part, top and Bottom 80004 $33.00 73 EA Sim Suit, Model II (duplicate - see item #45) 44550 f 74 EA Taser Assurance Plan (TAP) CEW Annual Payment, X2 85049 Discontinued Taser CAM HD Replacement Battery, X2 or X26P (duplicate -see 75 EA item #44) 26764 Note: For Axon Enterprise, Inc. products purchased, the Contractor will provide a 0.5% discount for individual orders over $25,000.00 r STATE OF MICHIGAN ENTERPRISE PROCUREMENT Department of Technology, Management, and Budget 525 W. ALLEGAN ST., LANSING, MICHIGAN 48913 P.O. BOX 30026 LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909 CONTRACT CHANGE NOTICE Change Notice Number 1 to Contract Number 07184300067 Enterprise, Inc. North 85th Street tale, AZ 85255 Bellendier .com TASERS - MICHIGAN STATE POLICE, DEPARTM ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 0 P -Card No minimum order IMULTI Sue Cieciwa IDTMB (517) 249-0458 OF CORRECTIONS, NATURAL RESOURCES AND 14 March 11, 2017 14-1 Year March 11, 2024 Net 30 30 Days ARO ifilm O Direct Voucher (DV) ❑ Other 0 Yes ❑ No 0 0.55 11,2024 Effective August 2, 2018 pricing on this Contract is increased, per revised Exhibit B Pricing - Tasers and Accessories. The following items are deleted from this Contract. The Contractor will no longer offer these items unless there is a current outstanding order. The Contractor will not offer new TAP purchases after 9/30/2018. Item No, UOM Description Mfq. No. Unit Price 68 EA Taser Assurance Plan (TAP) CEW Annual Pavment, X26P 85059 $210.00 74 EA Taser Assurance Plan (TAP) CEW Annual Pavment, X2 85049 $23200 Please note the Program Manager for DNR and DEQ has been changed to Ll. Steve Burton, All other terms, conditions, specifications and pricing remain the same. Per Contractor request, agency agreement, and DTMB ,Central Procurement Services approval. CHANGE NOTICE NO. 11 TO CONTRACT NO, 07184000067 JMDOC IDNR IDEQ IF/Lt. Brody Boucher Jim Loxton Lt, Steve Burton ILt. Steve Burton Program Managers for (517)290-4245 (517) 780-6043 (517) 284-5993 (517)284-5993 II)OnGhert)f(DfiiIChIUf3lLgov loxton r)inicl-dut -(m( hurionGl rnichulan��ury burhms'I rDmichiu�n.ciov Rm by 14919 Aso( Date' 2019-09-30 ACCT# ACCOUNT TITLE 1070801 -Animal Control Administration Oakland County ANIMAL CONTROL MONTHLY COMPARISON REPORT - REVENUES and EXPENDITURES Report Period FM 12 FY 2019 2018 2019 2019 2019 MTD Actual MTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Actual 2018 Remaining YTD Actual Balance Revenues 630070 Animal Shots 0.00 0.00 927.00 927.50 425.55 (0.50) 630074 Animal Sterilization Fees 4,400.00 5,600.00 36,225.00 60,129.00 49,400.00 (23,904.00) 631253 Miscellaneous 287.50 38.50 3,58650 725.90 3,559.50 2,860.60 631330 NSF Check Fees 0.00 0.00 0.00 75.00 25.00 (75.00) 631442 Outside Agencies 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,218.65 0.00 (2,21865) 631526 Photostats 0.00 0.00 300,00 5.00 12.00 295.00 631582 Pound Fees 805.00 322.00 1,500.00 4,483.00 18,055.00 (2,983.00) 631981 Sale of Animals 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 631988 Sale of Licenses 32,995.00 33,390.00 730,814.00 534,579.55 619,822.15 196,234.45 632079 Service Fees 51.00 29.00 2,750.OD 834.00 1,429.00 1,916.00 Total Charges for Services 38,538.50 39,379.50 776,602.50 603,977.60 692,728.20 172,624.90 670057 Adjustment Prior Years Revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00 168.00 0.00 (168.00) 670114 Cash Overages 000 0.00 000 23.50 0.00 (23.50) Total Other Revenues 0.00 0.00 0.00 191.50 0.00 (191.50) Total Revenues 38,538.50 39,379.50 776,602.50 604,169.10 692,728.20 172,433.40 Expenditures 702010 Salaries Regular 48,369.98 50,63290 562,020.00 723,494.57 724.05158 (161,474.57) 702030 Holiday 1,672.77 1,714.15 0.00 20,235.36 15,369.13 (20,235.36) 702050 Annual Leave 2,174.41 1,790.70 0.00 22,160.51 15,753.88 (22,160.51) 702080 Sick Leave 2969 449.32 0.00 10,563.76 5,595.83 (10,563.76) 702100 Retroactive 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,115.19 8090 (1,115.19) 702190 Workers Compensation Pay 812.34 0.00 0.00 (127.94) 1,050.80 127.94 702200 Death Leave 0.00 000 0.00 179.13 0.00 (179.13) 712020 Overtime 794.00 414.03 13,100.00 8,087.03 7,982.47 5,012.97 712040 Holiday Overtime 50.91 0.00 1,187.00 50.91 50.91 1,136.09 712090 On Call 000 0.00 2,864.00 0.00 0.00 2,864.00 Total Salaries 53,904.10 55,001.10 579,171 00 785,758.52 769,935.50 (206,587.52) 722750 Workers Compensation 365.90 39736 4,006.00 7,080.76 5,120.92 (3,074.76) 722760 Group Life 74.00 77.20 873.00 966.73 843.85 (93.73) Run by: 14919 As or Date: 201409-30 Oakland County ANIMAL CONTROL MONTHLY COMPARISON REPORT - REVENUES and EXPENDITURES Report Period FM 12 FY 2019 2018 2019 2019 2019 2018 Remaining ACCT# ACCOUNT TITLE MTD Actual MTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Actual YTD Actual Balance 722770 Retirement 10,539.37 9,714.79 117,266.00 126,860.25 126,363.07 (9,594.25) 722780 Hospitalization 4,382.00 5,135.29 49,398.00 63,814.85 47,745.48 (14,416.85) 722790 Social Security 3,244.12 3,238.06 33,041 00 42,868.52 39,709.78 (9,827.52) 722800 Dental 403.99 446.75 4,715.00 5,558.88 4,679.12 (843.88) 722810 Disability 537.57 560.83 6,334.00 7,022.53 5,008.81 (688.53) 722820 Unemployment Insurance 86.23 87.74 900.00 1,257.12 1,231.99 (357.12) 722850 Optical 44.75 49.29 523.00 618.13 506.41 (95.13) 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 0.00 0.00 5,575.00 0.00 0.00 5,575.00 Total Fringe Benefits 19,677.93 19,707.31 222,631.00 256,047.77 231,209.43 (33,416.77) Total Personnel Expenditures 73,582.03 74,708.41 801,802.00 1,041,806.29 1,001,144.93 (240,00429) 730114 Auction Expense 7.75 0.00 0.00 000 7.75 0.00 730240 Cash Shortage 0.00 10.00 0.00 1525 0.00 (15.25) 730247 Charge Card Fee 404.98 398.01 2,000.00 3,025.41 2,413,22 (1.025.41) 730373 Contracted Services 0.00 0.00 O.OD 1,767.15 0.00 (1.767.15) 730436 Damage By Dogs 0.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 730611 Employees Medical Exams 190.00 0.00 0.00 2,773.02 3,899.10 (2,773-02) 730617 Employees Rabies Vaccines 0.00 1,704.00 3,000.00 2,556.00 5,680.00 444.00 730546 Equipment Maintenance 0.00 369.99 2,826.00 2,117.97 929.00 708.03 731213 Membership Dues 0.00 0.00 200.00 1,658.70 165.00 (1,458.70) 731339 Periodicals Books Pub[ Sub 0.00 0.00 0.00 79.00 59.00 (79.00) 731346 Personal Mileage 0.00 0.00 34800 0.00 0.00 348.00 731388 Printing 412-40 330.65 7,195.00 6,399.38 8,14207 795.62 731458 Professional Services 0.00 101.00 5,150.00 1,275.46 1,791.10 3,874.54 731818 Special Event Program 640.46 553.84 13,000.00 16,146.89 12.100.60 (3,14689) 731941 Training 1,320.06 0.00 5,000.00 3,42230 1,870.06 1,577.70 732018 Travel and Conference 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,411.47 1,500.00 732060 Uniform, Cleaning OAO 0.00 576.00 0.00 0.00 576.00 Total Contractual Services 2,975.65 3,467.49 41,195.00 41,236.53 38,46837 (41.53) 750014 Animal Supplies 0.00 84.76 61,329.00 214.51 313.30 61,114.39 750063 Custodial Supplies 0.00 0.00 5,064.00 717.29 519.73 4,346.71 750070 Deputy Supplies 0.00 0.00 9,00000 1,425.00 0.00 7,575.00 750231 Housekeeping and Janitor Exp 0.00 0.00 2,866.00 67703 650.16 2,188.97 750267 Maintenance Supplies 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.90 0.00 (28.90) 750301 Medical Supplies 15.110.81 6,108.33 126,638.00 133,563.42 158,900.51 (6,925.42) 750392 Metered Postage 779.88 1,247.34 32,000.00 25,928.54 36,289.72 6,071.46 Run by: 14919 A of Date2019-09,30 Oakland County ANIMAL CONTROL MONTHLY COMPARISON REPORT -REVENUES and EXPENDITURES Report Period FM 12 FY 2019 2018 2019 2019 2019 2018 Remaining ACCT# ACCOUNT TITLE MTD Actual MTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Actual YTD Actual Balance 750399 Office Supplies 154.11 355.30 4,128.00 5,614.38 6,007.12 (1,486.38) 750448 Postage -Standard Mailing 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.11 24.02 (16.11) 750532 Tax Collection Supplies 0.00 0.00 5,900.00 8,057.50 6,526.00 (2,157.50) 750581 Uniforms 0.00 0.00 3,783.00 5,243.00 3,196.00 (1,460.00) Total Commodities 16,044.80 7,795.73 250,708.00 181,485.78 212,426.56 69,222.22 760126 Capital Outlay Miscellaneous 0.00 0.00 45.211.00 43,113.79 16,835.00 2,097.21 Total Other 0.00 0.00 45,211.00 43,113.79 16,835.00 - 2,097.21 Total Operating Expenditues 19,020.45 11,263.22 337,114.00 265,836.10 267,729.93 71,277.90 770631 Bldg Space Cost Allocation 53,402.17 29,006.28 790,263.00 790,262.16 640,826.04 0.84 772618 Equipment Rental 3,252.40 3,195.40 12,695,00 12,952.60 13,809.60 (257.60) 773535 Info Tech CLEMIS 4,050.76 4,050.76 15,731.00 16,203.04 15,849.10 (472.04) 773630 Info Tech Development 14,349.41 18,59545 107.693.00 107,692.10 110,529.49 0.90 773637 info Tech Equipment Rental 3,82900 3,829.00 15,316.00 15,315.00 15,316.00 0.00 774636 Info Tech Operations 47,516.00 34,974.00 139,677.00 143,972.00 130,557.04 (4,295.00) 774637 Info Tech Managed Print Svcs 1,735.69 884.82 8,515.00 11,668.37 9,010.96 (3,153.37) 774677 Insurance Fund 579.75 2,400.41 19,453.00 19,570.93 19,270.91 (117.93) 775754 Maintenance Department Charges 990.00 2.597.43 6,884.00 6,883.02 2,701.68 0.98 776659 Motor Pool Fuel Charges 4,104.97 4,433.89 44,867.00 36,148.28 40,295.82 8,718.72 776661 Motor Pool 18,786.22 12,587.79 136,786.00 100,309.83 124,228.09 36,476.17 777560 Radio Communications 2,691.60 2,57978 14,356.00 12,126.42 10,912.14 2,22958 778675 Telephone Communications 2,593.93 2,438.82 28,392.00 39,274.16 40,261.69 (10,882.16) Total Internal Services 157,881.90 121,673.83 1,340,628.00 1,312,378.91 1,173,568.56 28,249.09 Total Expenditures 250,484.38 207,645.46 2,479,544.00 2,620,021.30 2,442,443.42 (140,477.30) Net Income (Loss) (211,945.88) (168,265.96) (1,702,941.50) (2,015,852.20) (1,749,715.22) 312,910.70 Run by 14919 As of Haze: 2019,0330 Oakland County ANIMAL CONTROL MONTHLY COMPARISON REPORT - REVENUES and EXPENDITURES Report Period FM 12 FY 2019 2018 2019 2019 2019 2018 Remaining ACCT# ACCOUNT TITLE MTD Actual MTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Actual YTD Actual Balance 1070805 - Animal Control Kennel Revenues 1,222.00 1,128.00 14,705.00 16,951.00 11,522.50 (2,246.00) 630028 Adoptions 1,639.83 1,634.66 13,65900 22,579.83 16,714.17 (8,920.83) 630070 Animal Shots 0.00 0.00 0.00 (50-00) 0.00 50.00 630074 Animal Sterilization Fees 472.50 675.00 0.00 5,87250 2,822.50 (5,872.50) 631253 Miscellaneous 1,933.00 1,357.00 28,100.00 22,047.60 10,053.71 6,052.40 631582 Pound Fees 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 50.00 1,000.00 631827 Reimb General 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2250 0.00 631981 Sale of Animals 94,737.00 133,171.50 280,462.50 474,556.50 414,768-50 (194,094.00) 631988 Sale of Licenses 1272.00 1,540.00 22,150.00 19,566.00 18,222.00 2,554.00 632079 Service Fees 101,276.33 139,50616 360,076.50 561,543.43 474,175.88 (201,466.93) Total Charges for Services 0-00 Total Other Revenues 101.276.33 139,506.15 360,076.50 561,543.43 474,175.88 (201,466.93) Total Revenues Expenditures 24,381.67 21,778.25 409.327.00 287,079.57 280,006.15 122,247.43 702010 Salaries Regular 1,100.52 969.67 0.00 13,069.82 12,905.83 (13,069.82) 702030 Holiday 699.19 1,111.00 0.00 21,982.72 18,616.49 {21,982.72) 702050 Annual Leave 424.30 147.15 0.00 4,851.41 7,468.38 (4,851.41) 702080 Sick Leave 000 0.00 0.00 570.71 66.70 (570.71) 702100 Retroactive 0.00 000 0.00 98.10 246.84 {98.10) 702190 Workers Compensation Pay 0.00 0.00 0.00 698.15 0.00 702200 Death Leave 0.00 726.05 2,77182 30,000.00 19,658.46 7,739.49 10,341.54 712020 Overtime 0.00 0.00 1,400.00 0.00 0.00 1,400.00 712040 Holiday Overtime 0.00 0.00 2,987.00 000 0.00 2,987.00 712090 On Call 27,331.73 _ 26,777.89 443,714.00 347,310.79 327,746.D3 96,40321 Total Salaries 722750 Workers Compensation 212.41 212.12 3,495.00 2,672.04 2,598.88 611.70 822.96 9424 722760 Group Life48.63 7,475.28 47.61 6,672.40 741.00 105,982.00 646.76 65,307.63 91,785.73 20,674.37 722770 Retirement 4,44627 3,789.44 63,071.00 57.370-13 56,777.34 5,700.87 722780 Hospitalization 1,812.81 1,832.90 27,029.00 22,929.43 22.351.44 4,099.57 722790 Social Security Run by 14919 As of Date: 201309-30 Oakland County ANIMAL CONTROL MONTHLY COMPARISON REPORT - REVENUES and EXPENDITURES Report Period FM 12 FY 2019 2018 2019 2019 2019 2018 Remaining ACCT# ACCOUNT TITLE MTD Actual MTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Actual YTD Actual Balance 722800 Dental 344.39 279.20 4,844.00 4,314.46 4,374.61 529.54 722810 Disability, 353.24 343.63 5,368.00 4,677.82 4,385.97 690.18 722820 Unemployment Insurance 4375 42.57 656.00 555.18 524.41 100.82 75.69 722850 Optical 32.73 25.91 465.00 389.31 415.85 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 0.00 14,769.51 0.00 13,245.78 11,176.00 222,827.00 0.00 178,862.75 0.00 183,825.93 11,176.00 43,964.24 Total Fringe Benefits Total Personnel Expenditures 42,101.24 40,023.67 666,541.00 526,173.55 511,571.96 140,367.45 730373 Contracted Services 3,593.70 3,549.15 30,000.00 19,656.45 21,547.35 10,343.55 730646 Equipment Maintenance 485.40 1,093.91 0.00 3,14821 2,343.42 0.00 (3,148.21) (54.81) 731178 Medical Emergency Training 0.00 0.00 0.00 54.81 0.00 (38.15) 731346 Personal Mileage 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.15 0.00 919.00 731388 Printing 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 919.00 52,800.00 0.00 53,400.00 0.00 (600-00) 731458 Professional Services 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101.09 0.00 731818 Special Event Program Total Contractual Services 4,079.10 4,643.06 83,719.00 76,297.62 23,991.86 7,421.38 750014 Animal Supplies 22,049.84 33,02340 36,331.00 146,645.04 74,370.94 (110,314-04) 750063 Custodial Supplies 91.26 253.03 4,936.00 2,204.68 10,927.09 2,731.32 750070 Deputy Supplies 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,942.84 0.00 5,134.00 0.00 12,764.62 35.88 7.830.25 a00 (7,630 62) 750231 Housekeeping and Janitor Exp 0.00 29,182.56 33,500.00 97,537.29 0.00 (64,03729) 750301 Medical Supplies 22,141.10 64,401.83 79,901.00 259,151.63 93,164.16 (179,250.63) Total Commodities 0.00 Total Other Total Operating Expenditues 26,22020 69,044.89 163,620.00 335,449.25 117,156.02 (171,829.25) 774677 Insurance Fund 26125 498.42 1,529.00 1,645.17 2,004.04 (116.17) Total Internal Services 261.25 498.42 1,529.00 1,645.17 2,004.04 (116.17) Total Expenditures 68,582.69 109,566.98 831,690.00 863,267.97 630,732.02 {31,577.97) Net income (Loss) 32,693.64 29,939.18 (471,613.50) (301,724.54) (156,556.14) (169,888.96) Run by. 14919 As of Dale: 2019-0330 Oakland County ANIMAL CONTROL MONTHLY COMPARISON REPORT -REVENUES and EXPENDITURES Report Period FM 12 FY 2019 _....-..__ ..__ ..-_._...._. .. ..___- ._,..- ._ g 2011{ 2019 2079 2U79 2U1tl Remaining ACCT# ACCOUNT TITLE _ MTD Actual _ _ _ MTD Actual YTD Budget.,..,,,YTD Actual _ YTD Actual -Balance 1070810 -Animal Control Road Revenues 972.00 1,160.00 17,000.00 11,341.00 9,372.00 5,659.00 630252 Claimed Animals 133.0() 109.00 O.00 1,748.00 2,059.00 (1,743.00) 630686 Fee Income 0.00 0.00 2,D00.00 2,640.00 _ 2,695.00 (640.D0) 631988 Sale of Licenses 1,105.00 1,269.00 19,000.00 15,7299Q 14,136.00 3,271.00 Total Charges for Services 0.00 Total Other Revenues - _-- 1,105.00 1,269.00 19,000.00_ 15,729.00 _ 14,136.00 3,271.00 Total Revenues Expenditures 33.429.17 41,70195 584,505.00 437,833.52 467,295.44 146,671.48 702010 Salaries Regular 1,746.88 1,914.15 0.00 18,847.54 24,263.95 (18,84754) 702030 Holiday 2,125.52 470.26 0.00 20,27942 30,219.84 (20,279.42) 702050 Annual Leave 200.81 531.56 0.00 9,349.96 12,739-07 (9,349.96) 702080 Sick Leave 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,879.64 261.44 (1,879.64) 7D2100 Retroactive 81.08 0.00 0.00 710.89 405.38 (710.89) 702120 Jury Duty 0.00 0.00 0.00 31292 171.79 (312.92) 702190 Workers Compensation Pay 0.00 0.00 165.40 152.15 (165.40) 702200 Death Leave 0.00 1,719.91 3,388.42 35,174.00 29,406.13 22,753.21 5,767.87 712020 Overtime 86.28 0.00 3,841.00 817.72 1,035.96 3,023.28 712040 Holiday Overflme 1,284.12 1,547.20 25,956.00 19,104.86 _ 17,271.79 6,851.14 712090 On Call 40,673.77 49,553.54 _ 649,476.00 538,708.00 576,580.02 110,768.00 Total Salaries 722750 Workers Compensation 398.17 524.00 5,822.00 5,630.63 978.58 5,737.87 1,085.72 19137 165.42 722760 Group Life 82.26 11,386.13 87.54 12,508.18 1,14400 159,828.00 140,012.62 162,864,62 19,815.38 722770 Retirement 9,157.83 7,875,10 137,28700 95,419.96 145,97629 41,867.04 722780 Hospitalization 2,795.51 3,462.72 41,078.00 38,333.47 41,585.37 2,744.53 722790 Social Security 67429 707.51 10,221.00 7,839.04 10,922.01 2,38196 722800 Dental 564.84 635.62 8,296.00 6,054.05 7,440.94 2,241.95 722810 Disability 65.03 79.01 936.00 861.40 922.07 74.60 722820 Unemployment Insurance 71.54 77.41 1,104.00 851.67 1,145.48 252.33 722850 Optical 0-00 0.00 21,116.00 W)o 0.00 21,116.00 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments Run by: 14919 As of Date: 20194)430 Oakland County ANIMAL CONTROL MONTHLY COMPARISON REPORT - REVENUES and EXPENDITURES Report Period FM 12 FY 2019 2018 2019 2019 2019 2018 Remaining ACCT# ACCOUNT TITLE MTD Actual MTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Actual YTD Actual Balance Total Fringe Benefits 25,195.60 25,957.09 386,832.00 295,981.42 377,680.37 90,850.58 Total Personnel Expenditures 65,869.37 75,510.63 1,036,308.00 834,68942 954,260.39 201,618.58 731388 Printing 0.00 0.00 11111.00 53.10 0.00 1,057.90 732060 Uniform Cleaning 374.75 534.75 0.00 813.50 1,511.75 (813.50) Total Contractual Services 374.75 534.75 1,111.00 866.60 1,511.75 244.40 750294 Material and Supplies 0.00 277.97 0.00 510.34 5,145.09 (510.34) 750581 Uniforms 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,557.17 3,378.37 (5,557.17) Total Commodities 0.00 277.97 0.00 6,067.51 8,523.46 (6,067.51) Total Other 0.00 Total Operating Expenditures 374.75 812.72 1,111.00 6,934.11 10,035.21 (5,823.11) 773535 Info Tech CLEMIS 0.00 0.00 1,350.00 0.00 674.99 1,350.00 774677 Insurance Fund 0.00 968.97 2,973.00 3,198.72 4,157.53 (225.72) Total Internal Services 0.00 968.97 4,323.00 3,198.72 4,832.52 1,12428 Total Expenditures 66,244.12 77.292.32 1,041,742.00 844,82225 969,128.12 196,919.75 Net Income (Loss) (65,139.12) (76,023.32) (1,022,742.00) (829,093.25) (954,992.12) (193,648.75) 11)epartment: 1107 - Public Services General Fund I General Purpose Account NumbedDescdpttan Revenues 13,000 Revenue 13,000 Charaes for Services 630028 Adoptions 630070 Animal Shots 630074 Animal Sterilization Fees 630126 Autopsies 630252 Claimed Animals 630427 Cremation Approval Fee 630686 Fee Income 631211 Medical Services 631253 Miscellaneous 631330 NSF Check Fees 631526 Photostats 631582 Pound Fees 631827 Reimb General 631981 Safe of Animals 631968 Sale of Licenses 532079 Service Fees 535276 FOIA Fees Revenue Other Financing Sources Transfers In 695500 Transfers In Other Financing Sources Grand Total Revenues OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FY2020 AND FY2021 AND FY2022 County Executive Budget Recommendation FY 2018 E FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 Adopted Amended Amended Amended County Exec. I County Exec. County Exec. Actual I Budget Budget Plan Plan Recommended Recommended I Recommended 11,523 13,000 14,419 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 17,140 11,900 14,011 11,900 11,900 11.900 11,900 11,900 49,400 30,000 35,150 301000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 45.772 35,000 35,000 35,000 30,000 35,000 30,000 30,000 9,372 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 267,925 260,000 260,000 260,000 260,000 260,000 260,000 260,000 167,875 190,OOD 190.000 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 15,353 15,000 15,000 15,00D 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 37,469 26,000 26,459 26,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 26,0000 25 12 0 300 0 300 0 300 0 300 D 300 0 300 300 28,109 29,600 29,600 29,600 29,600 29,600 29,600 29,500 1,000 3,959 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 23 1,037,286 500 1,012,814 500 1,013,140 500 1,012,814 500 1.012,814 500 1,012,814 500 1,012,814 1,012,814 19,651 24,900 24,900 24,900 24,900 24,900 24,900 24,900 0 750 750 550 100 550 100 IDD 1,710,892 1,667,764 1,677,229 1,667,564 1,662,114 1,667,564 1,662,114 1,662,114 1,710,892 1,667,764 1,677,229 1,667,564 1,662,114 1,667,564 1,662,114 1,662,114 19,524 0 47.371 0 u u 0 0 19,524 0 47,371 0 0 0 19,524 1,730A16 0 1,667,764 47,371 1,724,600 0 1,667,564 0 _1,662,114= 0 0 0 1,667,564 1.662114 1,662114 Expenditures Personnel Salri=es_ Salaries Regular 6,758,712 8,018,850 8,018,850 8,018,850 8,018,850 7,989,409 7,989,409 7,989,4 702010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 702030 Holiday 306,144 0 D 0 0 0 702050 Annual Leave 4561208 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 702073 Parental Leave 8,621 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 702060 Siiak Leave 152,357 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 702100 Retroactive 1,893 0 0 0 1,750 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 702110 Per Diem 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 702120 Jury Duty 1,067 0 0 0 0 0 0 702130 Shift Premium 1,214 19,372 0 17,598 0 17,598 17,598 17,598 0 0 0 7D2140 Other Miscellaneous Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 702190 Workers Compensation Pay 3,852 0 0 255 tkE I OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN Department: 1107 -Public Services { FY2020 AND FY2021 AND FY2022 County Executive Budget Recommendation General Fund i General Purpose FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2020 j FY 2021 FY 2022 1 FY 2018 Adopted Amended Amended Amended County Exec. I County Exec. I County Exec. Actual Budget Budget Plan , Plan Recommended Recommended Recommended I Account NumberiDescriptinn 702200 Death Leave 10,076 109,118 0 148,1 B5 0 148,185 0 148,185 0 148,185 0 148,185 0 148,185 0 146,165 712020 Overtime 32,744 34,183 34,183 34,183 34,183 34,183 34,183 34,183 712040 Holiday Overtime 17.272 31.807 31,807 31,807 31,807 31.807 31,807 31,807 712090 On Call 7,878,651 8,250,623 8,252,373 8,254,123 8,254,123 8,207,084 8,207,084 8,207,084 Fringe Benefits 53,740 53,812 53.812 53,812 53,812 53,689 53,689 53.6 9 722750 Workers Compensation 14,538 15,639 15,639 15,639 15,639 15.563 15,563 15.563 722760 Group Life 2,022,690 2,006,485 2,006,485 2,006,485 2,006,485 1.994,534 1,994,534 1,994,534 722770 Retirement 1,354,835 1,461,046 1,461,046 1,461,046 1,461,046 1,436,355 1,436,355 1,436,355 722780 Hospitalization 521,000 537,725 537,725 537,725 537,725 538,296 538$96 538,296 722790 Social Security 105,975 109,372 109,372 109,372 109,372 109,032 109,032 109,032 722800 Dental 101,400 113,520 113520 113,520 113,520 113,013 113,013 113,013 722810 Deabitity 12,605 12,907 12907 12,907 12,907 12,084 12,084 12,064 722820 Unemployment Insurance 10,512 11,384 11,384 11,384 11,364 11,176 11,176 11,176 722850 Optical 1 ) 17,511 17.511 17,511 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 4187296 4,305,3311 4,340743 4,305,3391 4,305,331 4,301,253 4,301,253 4,301,253 12,075,947 12,555,954 12,593,118 12,559,454 12,55%454 12,508,337 12,508,337 12,508,337 Personnel Operating Expenses Contractual Services0 0 0 0 0 0 730037 AdJ Prot -Years Exp 666 5,784 0 1,500 1,500 1,560 1,500 1,500 1.500 1,500 730072 Advertising 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 730114 Auction Expense it 2,413 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 730247 Charge Card Fee 439,428 469,540 469,540 469,540 469,540 469,640 469,540 469,540 130373 Contracted Services 0 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 730436 Damage By Dogs 5,640 1,299 1,299 1,299 1,299 1,299 1,299 1,299 730611 Employees Medical Exams 5,680 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3.000 3,000 730617 Employees Rabies Vaccines 10,773 15,172 15,172 15,172 15,172 15,172 15,172 15,172 730646 Equipment Maintenance 986 2,500 2,500 2,500 2560 2,500 2,500 2500 730653 Equipment Rental 1,509 1,288 644 0 0 0 0 0 730709 Fees -Per Diems 944 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 730772 Freight and Express 0 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 130982 Interpreter Fees 238,316 251,764 251,764 251,764 251,764 251,764 251,764 251,764 731031 Laboratory Fees 5,024 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 731059 Laundry and Cleaning 365 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 731101 Library Continuations 0 0 0 0 0 0 731115 Licenses and Permits 203 0 0 1,805 1,805 1,805 1,805 1,805 1,805 1,805 731150 Maintenance Contract 7,105 8,775 8,775 8,775 8,775 8,775 8,775 8,775 731213 Memberstlip Dues 3,993 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 731241 Miscellaneous 1,967 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 731339 Periodicals Hooks Publ Sub 13,530 18,334 18,334 18,334 18,334 18,334 18,334 18,334 731346 Personal Mileage 19,400 34,392 34,392 34,392 34,392 34,392 34,392 34,392 731388 Printing 270,257 283,127 283,127 290,109 297,265 290,109 297,265 297,265 731458 Professional Services 1,098 2.000 2,000 2000 2,000 2.000 2,000 2,000 731773 Software Rental Lease Purchase tkE 257 OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN Department: (107 -Public Services FY2020 AND FY2021 AND FY2622 GountYcxecutive Budget Recommendation General Fund l General Purpose ( FY 2018 1 FY 2020 t FY 2021 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 `FY 2018 Adopted Amended I Amended Amended County Exec. County Exec. County Exec. Actual Ir Budget Budget I Plan Plan Recommended Recommended Recommended 11 Account Number/Description !I 73,016 113,629 113,629 113,629 113,629 113,629 113,629 113,629 731794 Soldier Bursal 19,689 30,932 30,932 30,932 30,932 30,932 30,932 30,932 731801 Soldier Relief 18,762 25,365 25,365 25,365 25.365 25,365 25,365 25,365 731818 Special Event Program 2,253 15,500 15,500 15,500 15,500 16,000 16,000 16,000 731941 Training 150,140 171,165 171,765 171.165 171,165 171,165 171,165 171,165 732011 Transportation Service 38,164 32,700 32,700 32,700 32,700 32,700 32,700 32,700 732018 Travel and Conference 2,519 2,000 2,000 2.000 2.000 2,000 2,000 2,000 732020 Travel Employee Taxable Meals 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 732060 Uniform Cleaning 1,512 0 0 0 0 0 0 732102 Water and Sewage Charges 95 532 0 7,962 7,962 7.962 7, 962 _.,7;962 _ _ __7,962 7,962 732165 Workshops and Meeting 1,342,113 1,510,250 1,509,606 1,515,944 _ 1,523,tuu 1 ,n1on44 1,523,600 1,523,600 Commodities 74,684 89,500 91,660 89,500 89,560 89,500 89,500 89,500 750014 Animal Supplies 0 518 518 518 518 518 518 518 750049 Computer Supplies 14,187 14,700 14,700 14,700 14,700 14,700 14,700 14,700 750063 Custodial Supplies 36 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 750070 Deputy Supplies 4,695 5,225 5,225 5,225 5,225 5,225 5,225 5,225 750154 Expendable Equipment 50 575 575 575 575 575 575 575 750182 Film and Processing 0 0 0 0 0 0 750217 Groceries 9 351 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 750224 Grounds Supplies 8,480 8,000 8400 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 750231 Housekeeping and Janitor Exp 110,118 134,596 134,596 134,596 134,596 134,596 134,596 134,596 750280 Laboratory Supplies 8,837 61100 6,100 6,100 6.100 6,100 6 100 6,100 750294 Material and Supplies 254,526 237,859 246,692 237,869 237,859 237,859 237,859 237,859 750301 Medical Supplies 51,220 51.192 51,192 51.192 51,192 51,192 51,192 51,192 750392 Metered Postage 66,243 79,078 79,078 79,078 79,078 78,578 78,578 78,578 750399 Office Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 0 750448 PostageStandard Mailing 24 6,526 0 5,900 5,900 5,900 5,900 5,900 5,900 5,900 750532 Tax Collection Supplies 6,574 3,783 3.783 3.783 3,783 3.783 3,783 _ 3,783 3,783 750581 Uniforms 606,760 647,026 656,019 647,026 U47,u2b U4U,52ti 646,526 646,526 Capital Curlav0 16,835 0 45,211 0 0 0 0 760126 capital Outlay M�scallaneous 0 0 0 0 0 760157 Equipment 22,662 0 16,750_ U U u u 0 39,497 0 61,961 7,988,371 2,157,276 2,22Q,586 2.162,970 2,170,126 _ 2,162,970 _ 2,170,126 _ _ 2,170,126 Operating Expenses _ _ Internal Support Internal Services 770631 Bldg Space Cost Aliocation 2,098,906 2,299:210 2,299,210 2,454,850 2,465,597 2,872,321 2.955,467 2,465,033 772618 Equipment Rentai 27,774 31,649 31,649 37,399 37399 42,099 25,705 41,972 31,455 41,972 31,455 41,972 773535 Info Tech CLEMIS 41,730 42,099 42,099 42.099 0 0 0 0 77363 info Tech Development 253,618 0 15,316 150,254 15,316 0 15,316 15,316 15,316 15,316 15,316 773637 Info Tech Equipment Rental 15,316 649,597 654,860 655.210 675,860 675,860 747,790 775,214 775,214 774636 Info Tech Operations 49,721 49,721 49,721 49.721 68,263 58,263 68,263 774637 Info Tech Managed Print Svcs 55,215 257 Department: 1107 -Public Services General fund i General Purpose Account NumberlDescription 774677 insurance Fund 775754 Maintenance Department Charges 776659 Motor Pool Fuel Charges 776661 Motor Pool 777560 Radio Communications 778675 Telephone Communications Internal Support Tmnsfers/Other Sourees(Use,) Transfers Out 788001 Transfers Out TransterslOthef Sources(US") Grand Total Expenditures FY 2018 Actual 62,507 43,015 55,939 198,592 10,912 172,328 3,685,448 3,665,448 18,606 18,506 18,606 17.768.372 OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FY2020 AND FY2021 AND FY2022 County Executive etudget Recommendation R FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 r Y 2U20 FY 2021 FY 2022 Adopted J Amended Amended I Amended I County Exec. County Exec, I County Exec. Budget I Budget Plan Plan Recommended Recommended Recommended 55,793 55,793 56,022 56,137 62,738 63,105 63,227 0 45,583 0 0 0 0 0 60,975 60,975 60,975 60,975 56,700 56,700 56,700 216,063 216,063 216,063 216,063 202,300 202,300 202,300 14,356 14,356 14,356 14,356 24,921 24,921 24,921 173,151 173,151 i73J51 _. _ 173,157 ___,,,, _201,176, ., _ 201,178 _ 207,178 _ 3,613,193 3,809,380 3,795,012 3,6u;,o;d 4,J39,4U4 'd,935,091 3,945,579 3,613,193 31809.380 _ 3,795,812 3,806,6;; 4,419,'Lua 3,936,691 3,9.45,579 0 0 _- 0 -_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _- 0 258 0_ _ 0 0 T 0 0 ... ...p - 0 _ 0 16,990,511 18,614,364 16,624,042 Resolution #20233 July 2, 2020 Moved by Jackson seconded by Weipert the resolutions on the amended Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). AYES: Hoffman, Jackson, KochenderFer, Kowall, Kuhn, Long, Luebs, Markham, McGillivray, Middleton, Miller, Nelson, Powell, Quarles, Spisz, Taub, Weipert, Woodward, Zack, Gershenson. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions on the amended Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). 4Dcxx 4 L I HEREBYAPPROVE THIS RESOLUTION CHIEF DEPUTY COUNTY EXECUTIVE ACTING PURSUANT TO MCL 45.5.59A (7) STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lisa Brown, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on July 2, 2020, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Circuit Court at Pontiac, Michigan this 2nd day of July, 2020. Lisa Brown, Oakland County