HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1980.06.09 - 3358(PNVASS OF VOTES (AS Ai THE ELECT:ON HELD ON June 9, 1980 (DATE OF ELECTION) OF THE OAKI ANI) COMMUNITY COLLEGE 0J5TR C1 (LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT) Oakland COUNTY, MICHIG MANUFACTURED BY LgittilEatY La ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No, ES398K CANVASSERS BOOK OAKLAND: .C.O.MMUll:.ITY: .COLLEGE • • • V. ( ..1 : • • OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE DI ST.! TRANSFER PROPOS I T I ON N . . • :AVONDALE : BERKLEY:: • BIRMINGHAM -BLOOMF I ELD.11 I Ls BRAND ON CLARKSTON CLAWSON - -FARM 1-NGTON FERNDALE HAZEL PARK HOLLY HURON VALLEY LAKE OR 1 ON LAMPHERE MADISON lhov t OAK__PARK OXFORD PONT I AC ROCHESTER ROYAL OA_K_ .SOUTOF I ELP SOUTH LYON TROY WALLED LAKE WEST BLOOMF I ELD • I •"••• • • i• !• '4 • '• i •I• • . .• • • 1: - • • • • t . . I . • OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRUSTEES - 6 year terms (VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 3) AVONDALE •BIE•KLEY.• . _ I3LOOMF I ELD: HLS B RAN DO N • :•4•LARKSTON 1:-. • CrAwoN !; • • ••• •• ••,i••••: . •FERNDAL E•:••• • . ••,•:•HAZEL ::PARK •••:MO.LLY.. • . :, • . •• • •••. . • . . • ..: HURON • VALLEY • •LAKE i•-ORIONi;•••••. alai-NA 'LAMPHERE MADISON 1401/ I OAK PARK o 'FORD P0:11AC 14 :SS•11.4 ROCIESTER ROYAL OAK ............................. .,TROY• • WALLED LAIE • WATERFORD TOTALS . • STATEMENT Of VOTES — MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION The whole number of votes given_foy the office of Mer4,or of t e Board of Educa ion For )4M,Year term '71,--• 1,41,..-&—&-°,-----,.., \7-.....-C--':" -L-A..1",,,,--eSi-,--,Tm -' ' . , '4 .4 and they were cgisr-ean For the folloVvin'g named persons; VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN THREE , _._ PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN N WORDS r, 1_1___D_AVID_W—__HALI.E_I-T_ .. — ..:,_..,___,,..Q, \_ i ) ,\ 1 2...:_MARGARET MAC__TA_V_I_SR.:2__ --: '...-?.. ,1\--.:-...--:-.- • .'. , . . I 1 RICHARD_ J__._._P_ARRAS- " „ . . , 4. VERONICA SEXTON , -: , ..-- ...-..L - \ - ..„.., I. 5. NANCY E. VANGILDER : : , 1 6. BARBARA J . WILLING .."... -Z--... - ..,. ‘,1Z, , ... * i , 7, JOHN J. YEZMAN ,. ,. DZIURMAN ., CI . 8. THEODORE I 1 0 : 9. ROBERT F I L I ATRAULT - -4,..,. .-_,. ..-,-z.... ' . .v.u..1-1.-e..- , , 1_0 MAR 'ELLEN GREENBURY _, - .-• TA-I:...... The whale number of votes given for the o4ice of Member ct: the Board of Edit -,Cir.pri far a Three ,•-, .-- il 1 wC7S . and they were giv-‘n for the fa!!ot,,4ng nnmF.: P7'7' lECEIVNG THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES RITT IN WORDS , ,... — ,....s,-. ' It ' ; 3. [ 1111 III , ! 5 TOTAL The ,ho!e. number of votes given for the f-fce ..f ' of the oard of E,c ation for a Two Year term WQ5 and they weTe given For tke 5.:-:... r --,..q.: 7ersor.s: _. PERSONS RECENNG 7? i7 ' ' I NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WOWS ! 1 1. V 2. 3. 4. 5, TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of MembeE o the Board of E uator iar a One Year term Was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMSER OF VOTES WRITTEN N WORDS .,.,. 1. 2. 3. — 5. --TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES — PROPOSITIONS AND QUESTIONS it r ili .0 17 0N ' • 0 ° syl . wypos The v+ole number of votes for and against the To beiemted_ only Q5 a replacement for corresponding reductions in building bond debt service tax levies, shall the limitation on the property taxes in the Oakland Community College District, State of Michigan (except taxes levied for building debt which are not subject to limit) be increased by not to exceed 2/10'mill (2(% per $1,000) for the year 1981 and each year thereafter of the state equalized valuation of the district? _ c.--, was , ,-------A-7_ ,. , 1— . _ -- - votes were marked YES an ,,P-- votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES The whole number of votes for and against the _ _ was of which number II votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES The whole number of votes for and against the was of which number 116 votes were marked YES II and 1 i votes were marked NO TOTAL YOTES II I CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN ss COUNTY OF OAKLAND I We, the undersigned Board of Canvassers for the County of OAKI AND from an examination of the Election Returns of_ OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE 01ST. received by said Board of Canvassers, LEGAL NA.,,,, 0,, ScriOOL DISTF ,CT , ANNUAL 6/9/80 determine that at the election held on ,that the persons listed below were duly DATE OF ELECTION elected as members of the Board of Education of the said School District for the terms of office set opposite their name or names: r ......._ _ _ Names of persons elected for a §px .‘„,, . year term expiring1986 si- \ < , Names of persons elected for a three year term expiring Names of persons elected for a two year term expiring Names of persons elected for a one year term expiring Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMINE: That the following Propositions or Questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: - 1. tsiAmE OF F'ROPOSiTION OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Having ItagWOREti Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated 01ST. TRANSFER PROPOSITION h NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Passed Having ------- — Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated • NAME OF PROPOSIT101•4 Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the County of OAKLAND this \ 1,...:4 __--,---- day of JUNE 19 80 , \ Attest r CHAIRMAN _. BOARD OF <-----. ...L...._.1,.....___ : ' , •' 4.--'," CAN -: - ... . o (Th