HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1990.06.11 - 3364OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE REGULAR BIENNIAL ELECTION %tottpi: — V1435 VIC ru E3 C.IST AT TH GE! ERAL ELECT ON E SPEulAL HELD ON JUNE 11, 1990 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY MUM' Gaat, (16 ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES VOTE FOR TWO - SIX YEAR TERMS VOTE FOR ONE-UNEXPIRED 4 YEAt t PREMNCT NUMBER AVONDALE BERKLEY LU U._ LU < ! < (.3 = < 0 . 1 LU LLI OC) RICHARD A. .< VI 00 (/) _J 4,2 BL. HILLS BRANDON CLARIESILE_ CLAWSON FARMINGTON FERNDALE__ HAZEL PARK HOLLY 2/ ) 7 Ii , ray Y / I , - • 4'4 .... . 1 • - ., 367 .1 Li792, (% 1, • r _ TiD OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE STATEMENT OF VOTES, Biennial Election - June 11, 1990 HURON_ VAI LEY_ LAKE ORION LAMPUERE Mi\DTSJAM NOV:: OAK .ARK PONLIAC ' 3 ROCHESTER ROY4 _OAK SOUTFILl D SOUTH LYON TROY WALLED LAKE ,- WATERFORD W. BLOOMFIELD 1 4/1 42_ L 1 P, G STATEMENT 07 OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Biennial election, June 11, 1990 , ' The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBERS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES — Six Yr. Term— Vote _ for two :1 I 1; and they were giVn for the following named persons: SANDRA L. RITTER DOUGLAS H. WAKEFIELD h.1) votes recc.lved TOTAL votes or the office of MEMBERS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES - Unexpired 4-yea term - vote for one The whole number of votes give. RICHARD A. BLONDE iotes JAY B. SHAH rf VC- CI TOTAL votes The n,vhole number of votes given for the office of was and they 'were given for the foli.a- :• votes 'votes votes votes TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were civ recei ,IP received V otes votes Votes votes votes votes received votes I votes 11 .--)te received received TOTAL 2.G Was vn. votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes vo tes votes votes votes votes votes votes ,ed votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes recei received z ve,d 4 TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole votes (liven for the office of Put figures in this column waS the The whole n given for the following named persons: received received received TOTAL given for the office of or th... a nor . received received reeei'vet: received received received TOTAL 3=G COUNTY T ,OAKLAND votesiselected MEMBT OF BOARD OF TRU.STEES/i 6_year term having n iffici•i•-. MEMBER OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES - unexpired 4 vear term That votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is having received a sufficient number of havi That votes is elected having received ri That mber of votes is elected That votes is elected That -- votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY OF OAKLAND The Board of Czinviii -rs of the R VILLAGE) ! (CO3-/NTV, (ITY, TOWNSHIP OF, VILLAGE) . Ascertained and (7n,lvesseri the Votes of said -- OAKLAND----C-011MUNITY COLLEGE cclur4-(V, CITY, TOWNSHIP on VILLAGE) at the BIENNIAL Election, held on the 11th 1 day of June i one thousand nine hundred and n nety : Do Hereby ceived a sufficient number of term having reri -tit—1 a --t.-fficient number of That • having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That That votes is elected That having received a suffieitint votes is elected That .. -.. ......havirr: a sufficient number of votes is That hevinv -eii'ettil a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received z vote number of havinc, •-..! a t number of having received a sufficient number of • having received a sufficient • That havirii r a sufficient number of votes is elected 4.0 votes is elected That _ votes is elected having received a sufficient number of _..mber of be of ATTEST OF LYNN D. ALLEN CHA:RMAN OF BOA 1-10 OF CANVASSERS. Thai. 1: : • . PROPOSITI6Jill NONE DJAmE Ct PRoPoscr ION 2 .JNE ON NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAM - NONE 5 ON 6 NONE Havi Having Haying Rec. ad Re, ad it Received Sufficient votes we Sufficient Sufficient votes was Sufficient voves was Su•fficL. was votes was Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Es_ 4 Lfea oJ ITV, TOLV(105,-IiP OH VIL,AG day of June and _ninety 0. NHfl OR VPLE,AGE1 CHAIP.MAN. OF \Ate have hereunto set our -•: the COUNTY of OAKLAND affixed the Seal of That having received a sufficient of le That having received a sufficient number of a sufficient votes is elected That havirig received a sufficient number of • votes is elected That is elected votes is elected