HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1978.06.12 - 3367CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON JUNEl 12_, 1978 (DATE OF ELECTION) OF THE OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE (LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT) OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY A, LttSs), ali „ ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road 41 KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by .Fo(rii . .E.S,.:398 .(Rev.1970) CANVASSER BOOK STATEMENT OF VOTES — MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION •Ihe whole nurnber. votes..given..t.or.• ice or EA! . , , . • :was. • . . . „ . . . • • ona..tney....were .vp‘icw to .„ i. trio LoPowing.riomect.oersons, • pp.RSOp'LS RECFJVNG THE Vans.- • • . f Ecluctstion Fol (tScrOr Year tern' •NUMRER ..Of VOlES W TTJ N WORDS JOHN R. BOWKER LILA R. JOHN$ON .., SANDRA L. RITTER • D.ENN I S C. ROGERS.. .•:•. MARY PAMELA RYAN• •••• . . PETER V ....TENUTA The whole number of votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Education for a Tilley Year term was and they were given for the following rICIME'd persons• PERSONS R CCP IVING TrOt VOTES •[ NUAABER Of VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS IOTA The Whole number or voles for the office: of Member of the Sofid Of!E4q:Atatji:otel:far 6: Two Year felin was and they vere given l'or.:theifolloWing :named 1.-5 ..q..sons: : • :;, : : PERSONS RECEIVINC.; THE VOTES NUMBER PI': VOiE$ WRITTEN IN WORDS : • TOTAL• The whole numbe r of votes given for the office of ItAtimb'er t,of was : - and they:were:given for the (allowing:named persons: : -- PERSONS RECEI-VING THE VOTES the Board of Education. for a One Year term NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN fisi WORDS. TOTALS STATEMENT OF VOTES ---- PROPOSITIONS AND QUESTIONS OAKLAND COMMUN TY COLLEGE 1 - c) : ...I I C:P I • I • 1— I ' — < C. I 0 R A RU AVONDALE_ BERKLEY BIRM _ ..B.LOOMFJ ELO LLS_ --BRAIiD ON _ - CLARKSTON _CLAWSO N FARM GTO N;:_ FERNDALE_ I; HAZEL PARK. . ROLLY HURON VALLEY LAN PH E RE _JiADI.SON NOVI OAK PARK OXFORD PONTIAC ROYAL_ OAK_ SOUTH E_LE-LD p..0TH LYON : TROY WALLED. LAKE WATER WES:f. BLOOMF 1 ELD. uJ F- cC EZI I ?IC I CA C" // /W "P-3. —I. 7/ ,6:3114,2 • 7p ..;/ 0.16-,111 1.0O 4,27111/4..5 //7 --T •, • z _t ' I L 4151 bziii_o_71_ 6,-.1-1 1" LIT-Szfil,2 7/ 1J7 7 1.307 .1 • ge.t../.5 0 cai 5/3 ; - - at,[ -,L271.1 /YAL2 062.L Oi./4/t)ii -, a ao_I tgli L.3,0 333_137 Ii ,2- --. • - ' _13dI ji 1100 ; lw pi ))..,3 0;51 •P PA 13S 3 . '...., / ig[7$ 6-31_ i ,3 YF F-6 é 11 75:51,-.34:5'32-L12/, c_bio i__ere 6261 _03 63 / 70, ! i c/ TS g C161 7) r[i.3? 'OD: _Ii3ii 3 731/ 4,11 :,2j '-f-1 ,-,7S1 ' 1 'SP 1 ,5:q 7 ,1_ _. IL._ ,i _,/_i_. •'• ,I,A4,------t _l_f_u. :71ti 01 - LU < < , — , >-- 1 F-- cC I <1 LL.1 I . pi ...-1 1 I—, . • I EL, ' _I L) 1 • 1 < ' V) CA- ! — CC N\-.I1 <1 — ,I al P n I = 1 ›- I 1-P-1 1 .-J1 i OCIP 1 Z1 c, 1— `':---- Z C3 LTA n CP CC Ex:1 pis 7Z ,-------„----- — - -- --- ,--------- - --, -- , r1JsityL u-7-1 FIT-T-11 • 3-1 j" fy 1 /13-)r- I / 1,1101_2,321 3 ai 3? 4 Lit/ 13..5-.Z. . g.22_1 I laJ111;tP_I iM1711/3 ,571 ?T • - 3 L3L.i.6_0_11YY m ,71 .0_1/7 1 U.- .1....-- /DS I 2 A! AI? f 9, 0 ' LZ 1-2/ .2 6Ltie-xi, 4/.3 F ). 1 L-2-1:14a2Y1L32 1.02 i .24 .9.1 2:1Q1 2E-1 173 3 0 1 / y_c2 r 17.VA31,3(,, i TOTAL 4 I :.CERTIFICATE : • ...OF.:.DUERMINAT.10N: STAT.E :MICH [GAN' • COUNTY OF OAK] AN.D We, the undersigned Board of Convosse•s..for the CoUnty oL OAKLAND .from an examination of the Election Returns of OAKLAND_CDMMUILITY. COLLEGi received by said Board of Convoss:;ers LEGAL. •WIE OF5C5DL ISTRTCT determine that at the _ANNUAL------- eiection 1106 on::61.1.:217....„ that the persons I istedbelov4 yiere ly AW04, .51,1; AL : elected as member of the:BourdafiEducatiOno the iii Sc hobi:District fôr the terrns of off cocci appasite. their name or. names: Names of persons elected• for a icxx 6 year term expir;ng 1984 Names of persons elected for a three year term expiring Names of persons elected for a two year term expiring Names of persons elected for a one year term expiring Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMINE: That the following Propositions or Questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION Passed Having Received Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated NAME OF PROPOSITION 2 Received. Having Sufficient votes was --- --- Not Received Defeated Received Passed Having — Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated County of NAME OF PROPOSITION Having Received iifificient votes was Passed Not Received Defeated In Witness Whereof We ha e hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the OAKLAND his day of JUNE AND .0F CANVASSERS NAME OF PROPOSITION