HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1988.06.13 - 3370OggI3LELC OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE REGULAR BIENNIAL ELECTION ANVASS OF VOTES CAST 11G I :LIFT:a fe l IT THE LL% - E I SPECIAL HELD ON June 13, 1988 (DATE OF ELECTION) AN); BOARD OF 1VA! C/7-' Ci:-.,KLAND COUNT*, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURE.D' RN' ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 Ea.Y ;oorEt, Road • KALAMAZOO, MI,,A,IGAN ' IC) CD 13 -n F—I r- . tz, I -77 RICHARD A. BLONDE JAMES A. DOYON EDITH L. GONZALEZ 1DAVID W. HACKETT -! HURTICENE ni! L HARDAWAY-SHEPHERD !„4:g o c-Ful ! cp! Him Jo -5 --I m , 03 Cr) X CD CD CD m 0.3 -d 73 -d M Crc :3 rn m r !LUCIUS THEUS MARCIA VAN CREVELD RALPH V. MARANDA DAVID WALKER MELDMAN THOMAS S. NELSON BEN E. PEARLMAN GENE P. STANLEY TOTAL: I J 1 MICHAEL R. LEWIS OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE - BIENNIAL ELECTION, June -r ' cnCJ 73 "V CD 0 r- a:. a: a: -rt C") C—) 03 CID CO rn 7.3 3:= m r- 7:3 r r- c c-) r- r-u .77 .> -‹ —1 :7,, • and they virii-2 given for th fol' -ing namcl was J j 11 —4-71 , Ltes !oLes Les ' n [ , I _ 7,es received' received LUCIUS THEUS MARCIA VAN CREVELD rc re ci? Fed and they were given for the following name -1 Votes rer ad received received received received received received received TOTA L VOteS Votes votes votes Votes STATEMEN` OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE BIENNIAL ELECTION, June 13, 1C1 , Six Year Term j 1j4reS The whole number of votes given for the office F-MEMBERS OF THE BC RD OF TRUSTEES - Vote for 2 *I.L'-1 "m" - • - ../ RICHARD A. BLONDE received JAMES A. DOYON received EDITH L. GONZALEZ received, DAVID W. HACKETT received . • HURT ICENE HARDAWAY ,SHEPHERD receive;] MICHAEL R. LEWIS received RALPH V. MARANDA r-Lceived DAVID WALKER MELDMAN received . THOMAS S. NELSON received received received - L BEN E. PEARLMAN 1 GENE P. STANLEY TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of was Votes 2.G votes votes ! ! , !I votes LI ! • . • votes ! : votes votes votes votes votes TOTAL votes votes V otes votes votes votes votes votes V otes Hi otes votes votes votes STATEMENT OF VOTES The whoie number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: received TOTAL The whole number of was iiien for the office of crc given for the foilowing named persons: received received votes received received received The whole number of votes given or the office of was t_ vere g no eived received received received received received received eived received TOTAL 3-G COUNTY tCOUNTY, COW, TOWNS NC' of OAKLAND (COONT-Y, CITY, TOWNSHIP OP, VH,LAS,E) The Board of Canvassers of the Election, held on the ne hundred and eighty-eight. iCOUNTY, COY, -FswNsvir or Vit_LASSi 13th day of June at the one t• That BIENNIAL That votes is elected having received a scffiel- That votes is •-• ,accivcd •-,:• • 1 .-e of That votes is elected .. having received a sufficient That aceived a soffici . votes is elected CERTIFICATE RIV1INATION OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE 7 BIENNIAL ELECTION, June 13, 1988 TE OF MICHIGAN, s COUNTY OF OAKLAND :.s.iaeci and Votes of said OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE votes is MEMBER OF THE BOARD 07yRUSTEES - Six Year Term - of The'- : as is elected MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES-Six Year Term That a sufficient num her of votes is elected That votes is elected That having received a sufficie:-: elected havil • • -- a sufficient votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That -:- of That votes is • havire: .-.-..•••••• • ••e" a sufficient votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That havini• •' a suffici.- votes is elected That That tr. • • .• s•si a sufficiart votes is elected That .• havirj a soffici•--i-' votes is elected 4.G a di./ :su -1ficit;:nt That . . T is ekacted ,.weber v 0 tE: Do a 1 1,1 11 . votes was votes was • : .• AS : SS was kitiaS Defamed 4 11 ' flu NONE " PROPOS I '3 IN; NuNE NONE ANE ONE =,1 thss day of June .rnr eighty-eight AT-TEST: 0 R K OF CAN AS SE RS. n! 1[ I t our County of . , . - -EFORVLAGES ot Oakland 1 1 COARD OF L,AN n HS. OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE - BIENNIAL EL E CTION, June 13, 1988 lb Waal a sufficient number of having receDeral a au ITicient number of _nted Th., .1 a Difficient _ of .-t!eceived a as 7, - FT