HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2020.10.21 - 33770Contract# Date 09/24/2020 1 Program Budget Summary (PROGRAM/PROJECT DATE PREPARED Local Health Department - 2021 / HIV Data to Care 9/24/2020 CONTRACTOR NAME D BUDGET PERIOD Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ From : 10/To : 9/30/2021 Health Division MAILING ADDRESS (Number and Street) BUDGET AGREEMENT AMENDMENT # 1200 N. Telegraph Rd, 0 34 East )✓ Original r Amendment CITY (Pontiac ZIP CODE I4 FEDERAL ID NUMBER Ml 341 0432 38-600 876 I I Category I Total I Amount I DIRECT EXPENSES Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages 72,213.00 72,213.00 2 Fringe Benefits 43,963.00 43,963.00 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 0.00 0.00 4 Contractual 0.00 0.00 5 Supplies and Materials 000 0.00 6 Travel 0.00 000 7 Communication 681.00 681.00I 8 County -City Central Services 0.00 0.00 9 Space Costs 0.00 0.00 10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) 2,579.00 2,579.00 Total Program Expenses 119,436.00 119,436.00 TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES 119,436,00 119,436.00 INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect Costs 1 I Indirect Costs 0.00 0.00 2 Cost Allocation Plan / Other 25,657.00 25,657.00 Total Indirect Costs 25,657.00 25,657.00 TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES 25,657.00 25,657.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 146,093.00 145,093.00 Local Health Department - 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page: 103 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 2 Program Budget - Source of Funds SOURCE OF FUNDS Category I Total I Amount I Cash I Inkind 1 1Source of FundsFees I� I and Collections - 1st and 2nd I 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Party IFees and Collections - 3rd Party 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 0.00 I(Federal or State (Non MDHHS) 000 I 0.00 I 000 0.00 II Federal Cost Based Reimbursement I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 IIFederally Provided Vaccines I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I(Federal Medicaid Outreach I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 II Required Match - Local 000 I 0.00 000 I 0.00 I1Local Non-ELPHS 0.00 I 000 0.001 0001 I(Local Non-ELPHS I 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I ILocal Non-ELPHS I 0,00 0.00 ! 000 I 0.00 I ' IOther Non-ELPHS 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 000 I(MDHHS Non Comprehensive 0.00 000 I 0.00 0.00 IMDHHS Comprehensive I 128,000.00 128,000.00 0.00 I 0.00 IMCH Funding 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I Local Funds - Other 17,093.00 I 0.00 17,093.00 0.00 I IInkind Match 0.00 I 000 I 0.00 0.00 MDHHS Fixed Unit Rate (Totals I 145,09300I 128,000.00I 17,093.00I 0.00I Local Health Department - 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page: 104 of 197 Contract # Dale: 09/24/2020 3 Program Budget - Cost Detail LineItemI QtyI (DIRECT EXPENSES (Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages Public Health Nurse I 1.00001 2 Fringe Benefits All Composite Rate 0.0000 Notes: FICA, UNEMP INS, RETIREMENT, HOSPITAL INS, LIFE INS, VISION INS, HEARING INS, DENTAL, WORK COMP, SHORT/LONG TERM DISABILITY 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual 5 Supplies and Materials 6 Travel 7 Communication Telephone 0.00001 8 County -City Central Services 9 Space Costs 10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) Professional Svcs-TOL Database( 0,0000 Insurance I 0.0000 (Total for All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) ITotalProgram Expenses (TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES (INDIRECT EXPENSES (Indirect Costs 1 Indirect Costs 2 Cost Allocation Plan / Other Cost Allocation Plan 0.0000 Notes 12.29% of salaries Ratel UnitslUOM I Toted 72213,0001 0.0001FTE I 72,213 00 60.880 72213.000 43,963.00 00001 0.0001 I 681.00 0.000 0.000 2,408.001 0.000 0.000 171001 2,579.00 119,436 00 119,436.001 0000) 0.000 8,564.00 Local Health Department - 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page: 105 of 197 Contract# Date. 09/24/2020 (Line Item Qty Rate Units UOM Total Health Adm Distribution 0,0000 0 000 0.000 14,065.00 (Nursing Adrn Distribution 0.0000 0 000 0 000 3,028.00 (Total for Cost Allocation Plan / Other 25,657 00 (Total Indirect Costs 25,657.00 ITOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES 25,657.00 ITOTAL EXPENDITURES 145,093.00 Local Health Department-2021, Date 09/24/2020 Page. 106 of 197 Contract # Date. 09/24/2020 1 Program Budget Summary PROGRAM / PROJECT DATE PREPARED Local Health Department - 2021 / HIV PrEP Clinic 9/24/2020 CONTRACTOR NAME BUDGET PERIOD Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ From : 10/1/2020 To. 9/30/2021 Health Division MAILING ADDRESS (Number and Street) BUDGET AGREEMENT AMENDMENT # 1200 N. Telegraph Rd. 0 34 East r Original I— AmendmentCITY CODE I48341-0432 876 L ID NUMBER Pontiac Mi 38 600ZIP Category I Total I Amount I DIRECT EXPENSES Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages 78,871.00 78,871.00 2 Fringe Benefits - 16,586.00 16,586.00 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac 0.00 0.00 4 Contractual 0.00 0.00I 5 Supplies and Materials 5,500.00 5,500.00 6 Travel 3,232.00 3,232.00I 7 Communication 888.00 888.00 8 County -City Central Services 000 0.00 9 Space Costs 0.00 0.00 10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) 5,569.00 5,569.00 Total Program Expenses 110,646.00 110,646.00 TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES 110,646.00 110,646.00 INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect Costs 1 Indirect Costs 000 0.00 2 Cost Allocation Plan / Other 25,379.00 25,379,00 Total Indirect Costs 25,379.00 25,379.00 TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES 25,379.00 25,379.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 136,025.00 136,025.00 Local Health Department - 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page: 107 of 197 Contract # Date. 09/24/2020 2 Program Budget - Source of Funds SOURCE OF FUNDS Category I Total I Amount I Cash I Inkind 1 Source of Funds Fees and Collections - 1st and 2nd 000 000 0.00 0.00 Party Fees and Collections - 3rd Party 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Federal or State (Non MDHHS) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Federal Cost Based Reimbursement 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 Federally Provided Vaccines 0.00 0.00 000 000 Federal Medicaid Outreach 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Required Match - Local 0.00 0.00 000 000 Local Non-ELPHS 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 Local Non-ELPHS 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Local Non-ELPHS 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 Other Non-ELPHS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MDHHS Non Comprehensive 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 MDHHS Comprehensive 120,000.00 120,000.00 0.00 0.00 MCH Funding 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 Local Funds - Other 16,025 00 0.00 16,025.00 000 Inkind Match 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MDHHS Fixed Unit Rate Totals I 136,025.00 I 120,000.00 I 16,025.00 I 0.00 Local Health Department - 2021, Date 09/24/2020 Page: 108 of 197 Contract # Date. 09/24/2020 3 Program Budget - Cost Detail (Line Item I (DIRECT Qtyl EXPENSES (Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages Specialis tWorker I 4327 010000 (Outreach (Total for Salary & Wages 2 Fringe Benefits All Composite Rate 00000 Notes : Fica, Unemp Ins, Retirement, Hospital Ins, Life Ins, Vision Ins, Dental Ins, Workcomp, ShorULong Term Disability 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 1 4 Contractual 5 Supplies and Materials Incentives - Gas Cards I 0.00001 1 6 Travel Mileage 0.0000 Notes . 10,970 miles @ .575 Client Transportation 0.0000 ITotal for Travel 1 7 Communication Telephone Communications I 0.00001 1 8 County -City Central Services 9 Space Costs 10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) 1 Lab Fees 0.0000 Insurance 0,0000 1IT Operations 0.0000 (Total for All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) (Total Program Expenses Local Health Department - 2021, Date 09/24/2020 Ratel UnitslUOM I Total 1 1 1 87728.000 0 000 FTE 37,959.001 40912,000 0.000 FTE 40,912.001 78,871.001 1 21.029 78871.000 16,586.00 1 1 00001 00001 I 5,500,001 1 0 000 0 000 1,700.00 0.000 0,000 1,532.001 3,232.001 1 0,0001 0.0001 I 888.001 1 1 0.000 0.000 1 665.001 0.000 0 000 164,001 0,000 0.000 4,740.001 5,569.001 110,646.001 Page. 109 of 197 Contract # Date09/24/2020 (Line Item I QtyI Ratel UnitsIUOM Totall TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES 110,646.001 INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect Costs 1 Indirect Costs 2 Cost Allocation Plan I Other Cost Allocation Plan 0.0000 0.000 0.000 9,354.00 Notes: 11 86% (Health Adm Distribution 0.0000 0.000 0.000 13,186,001 Nursing Adm Distribution 0.0000 0.000 0.000 2,839.001 (Total for Cost Allocation Plan I Other 25,379.001 (Total Indirect Costs 25,379.001 (TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES 25,379.001 (TOTAL EXPENDITURES 136,025.001 Local Health Department - 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page' 110 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 1 Program Budget Summary (PROGRAM / PROJECT DATE PREPARED Local Health Department -2021 / HIV Prevention 9/24/2020 l CONTRACTOR NAME BUDGET PERIOD 1 Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ From : 10/l/2020 To 9/30/2021 Health Division 1 MAILING ADDRESS (Number and Street) BUDGET AGREEMENT 1200 N. Telegraph Rd. ry 34 East Original(- Amendment (Pontiac MI CITY ATE ZIP CODE FEDERAL I48341-0432 38-600 876 NUMBER Category I Total DIRECT EXPENSES Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages 2 Fringe Benefits 3 Cap Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual 5 Supplies and Materials 6 Travel 7 Communication 8 County -City Central Services 9 Space Costs 10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) Total Program Expenses TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect Costs 1 I Indirect Costs 2 Cost Allocation Plan / Other Total Indirect Costs TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 216,562.00 115,041.00 0.00 0.00 28,063.00 16,880.00 2,871.00 0.00 10,882.00 36,262.00 426,561.00 426,561 00 NOR 80,151.00 80,151 00 80,151.00 506,712.00 AMENDMENT# 0 Amount 216,562 00 116,041.00 0.00 0,00 28,063.00 16,880.00 2,871 00 0.00 10,882.00 36,262.00 426,561 00 426,561.00 0.00 1 80,151 001 80,151,001 80,151.0011 11 506,712.00 I Local Health Department - 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page: 111 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 2 Program Budget - Source of Funds SOURCE OF FUNDS Category I Total I Amount I Cash I Inkind 1 Source of Funds f Fees and Collections - 1st and 2nd I 0.00 I 000 I 0.00 I 0.00 Party I I! Fees and Collections - 3rd Party ( 0.00 I 0,00 I 0.00 I 0.00 (Federal or State (Non MDHHS) I 000 I 0.00 I+ 000 0.00 lFederal Cost Based Reimbursement ! 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 IFecterally Provided Vaccines I 000 I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 Federal Medicaid Outreach ' 0.00 I 000 I 0.00 I 0.00' Required Match - Local I 0.00, 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 Local Non-ELPHS I 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 Local Non-ELPHS + J+ 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 Local Non-ELPHS I 0,00 0.00 I 000 + 0.00 I(Other Non-ELPHS + 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 MDHHS Non Comprehensive I 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 MDHHS Comprehensive - 452,245.00 452,245.00 000 0.00 IMCH Funding' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 IILocal Funds -Other I 54,467.00 I 000 I 54,467 00 0.00 II Inkind Match I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 IIMDHHS Fixed Unit Rate II 1 I(Totals I 506,712.00 I 452,245.00 I 54,467.00 I 000 Local Health Department - 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page. 112 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 3 Program Budget - Cost Detail Line Item I QtyI Rate UnitsIUOM (DIRECT EXPENSES (Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages Coordinator (Assistant (Public Health Nurse (Public Health Nurse (OVERTIME (Total for Salary & Wages 2 Fringe Benefits All Composite Rate Notes: FICA Unemployment Insurance Retirement Insurance Hospital Insurance Life Insurance Vision Insurance Dental Insurance Workers Comp Short and Long Term Disability Insurance 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual 5 Supplies and Materials Office Supplies Medical Supplies Postage Lab Supplies Printing Incentives -gas cards Training -Ed Supplies (Total for Supplies and Materials 1 0000 76147.000 0 000 FTE 0.7404 42834.000 0.000 FTE 0.3846 68870.000 0,000 FTE 1.0000 72213.000 0.000 FTE 0.1194 83749,000 0 000 FTE 0.0000 53.121 216562.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0 000 00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0,000 00000 0.000 0.000 Total I 76,147.00 31,714 00 26,488.00I 72,213.001 10,000.00I 216,562.001 115,041.00 3,500.00 10,000.00 1,000.001 1,963.001 6,00000 3,200.00 2,400.001 28,063.001 Local Health Department-2021, Date09/24/2020 Page' 113 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 Line Item I QtyI Rate UnitsluOM I Total 6 Travel Mileage 00000 0.000 0.000 6,308.00 Notes : 10,970 miles @ .575 IClientTransportation 0.0000 0.000 0,000 5,072.001 (Conferences 0.0000 0.000 0.000 5,500.001 TotalforTravel 16,880,001 7 Communication I Telephone I 0.00001 0,0001 00001 I 2,871.001 8 County -City Central Services 9 Space Costs Space/Rental Costs I 0.00001 00001 0.0001 I 10,882.001 10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) I IT Operations 0.0000 0.000 0.000 19,131.001 IT Mangaged Print Svcs 0.0000 - 0,000 0.000 4,152.001 (Insurance 0.0000 0.000 0,000 1,055.001 LabFees0.0000 0000 0.000 1,324.001 (Advertising 0.0000 0,000 0.000 9,500 001 1Interpretation 0.0000 0.000 0.000 600.001 IWorkshops & Meetings 00000 0.000 0.000 500.001 (Total for All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) 36,262.001 (Total Program Expenses 426,561.00 TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES 426,561.00 INDIRECT EXPENSES Ilndirect Costs I 1 Indirect Costs I 2 Cost Allocation Plan / Other Cost Allocation Plan 0.0000 0 000 0.000 25,684.00 Notes : 12.29% Health Adm Distribution 0.0000 0.000 0,000 54,467.O01 (Total for Cost Allocation Plan / Other 80,151 001 (Total Indirect Costs 80,151.001 ITOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES 80,151.001 Local Health Department-2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page: 114 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 (Line Item Qtyl Rate UnitsIUOM Totall TOTAL EXPENDITURES I 506,712.001 Local Health Department- 2021, Date 09/24/2020 Page: 115 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 1 Program Budget Summary PROGRAM/PROJECT Local Health Department- 2021 / Immunization Action Plan DATE DATE PREPARED (IAP) NAME lCONTRACTOR Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ BUDGET PERIOD PER Health Division 1 From : 20 To . 9/30/2021 ADDRESS (Number and Street) BUDGET AGREEMENT �MAILING 1200 N. Telegraph Rd, 34 East P, Original r Amendment CITY IMTATE ZIP CODE I4 FEDERAL ID I38-6004876 NUMBER IPontiac 341-0432 ' I Category I Total DIRECT EXPENSES Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages 2 Fringe Benefits 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 I Contractual 5 I Supplies and Materials 6 Ij Travel 7 Communication 8 I County -City Central Services 9 I Space Costs 10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) Total Program Expenses TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect Costs 1 I indirect Costs 2 Cost Allocation Plan / Other Total Indirect Costs TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 296,118.00 179,932.00 0.00 000 2,500.00 2,657.00 j 3,050.00 0.00 8,249.00 16,969.00 509,475.00 509,475.00 0.001 65,108.00 65,108.00 65,108 00 574,683.00 AMENDMENT# 0 I Amount 1 l 296,118.00 179,932.00 0.00 ()DO 2,50000 2,657.00 3,050.00 000 8,249.00 16,969.00 509,475.00 509,475 00 1 0.001 65,108.00 65,108.00 65,108.00 674,583.00 Local Health Department- 2021, Date- 09/24/2020 Page: 116 of 197 2 Program Budget - Source of Funds SOURCE OF FUNDS Category 1 Source of Funds Fees and Collections - 1st and 2nd Party Fees and Collections - 3rd Party (Federal or State (Non MDHHS) IFederal Cost Based Reimbursement (Federally Provided Vaccines IIFederai Medicaid Outreach Required Match - Local ILocal Non-ELPHS ILocal Non-ELPHS ILocal Non-ELPHS I(Other Non-ELPHS I(MDHHS Non Comprehensive IMDHHS Comprehensive fMCH Funding Local Funds - Other Inkind Match (MDHHS Fixed Unit Rate I (Totals Contract # Date. 09/24/2020 Total I Amount I Cash Inkind 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 42, 700.00 000 42, 700.00 0.00 0,001 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00I 0.00I 0.00 0.00 0.00I 0.00I 0.00 0.00 000 I 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 501,895.00 501,895.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29,988.00 0.00 29,988.00 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 000 I 0.00 574,583.00 I 501,895.00 I 72,688 00 I 0.00 Local Health Department-2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page: 117 of 197 Contract# Dale, 09/24/2020 3 Program Budget - Cost Detail LineItemI City Rate UnitsIUOM DIRECT EXPENSES (Program Expenses 1 (Salary & Wages Coordinator 1 0000 76147.000 0.000 FTE Vaccine Supply Clerk 0.9375 52213,000 0,000 FTE Notes . Shared Vaccine Quality (Public Health Nurse 1.0000 68870.000 0 000 FTE Office Leader 1.0000 47506.000 0.000 FTE (Assistant 1.0000 42834.000 0.000 FTE (OVERTIME 0.1635 72245,000 0.000 (Total for Salary & Wages 2 Fringe Benefits All Composite Rate 0.0000 60,764 296116.000 Notes: FICA Unemployment Insurance Retirement Insurance Hospital Insurance Life Insurance Vision Insurance Dental Insurance Workers Comp Short and Long Term Disability Insurance 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual 6 Supplies and Materials Office Supplies 0.0000 0.000 0.000 Postage 0.0000 0.000 0.000 (Total for Supplies and Materials 6 Travel Mileage 0.0000 0.000 0.000 Notes : 4350 miles @ .575 Conferences 0.0000 0,000 0,000 Total I 76,147.00 48,950.00 68,870.001 47,505,001 42,834.00I 11,812 001 296,118.O01 I 179,932.00 500.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 2,501.00 156.00 Local Health Department - 2021, Date 09/24/2020 Page: 118 of 197 ILine Item I Qtyl Rate UnitsIUOM ITotalfor Travel 7 Communication Telephone I 0 00001 0.0001 0.0001 8 County -City Central Services 9 Space Costs Building Space Rental I 0.00001 0,0001 0.0001 10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) Equipment Repair 00000 0 000 0.000 Convenience Copier 0,0000 0,000 0.000 IT Operation 0.0000 0.000 0.000 Insurance 0,0000 0,000 0.000 (Total for All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) ITotalProgram Expenses ITOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES IINDIRECT EXPENSES Ilndirect Costs 1 Indirect Costs 2 Cost Allocation Plan I Other Other Cost Distributions -Nurse 0,0000 0.000 0 000 TrainNFC/AFIX Cost Allocation Plan 0.0000 0 000 0 000 Notes: 12.79 % Health Adm Distribution 0,0000 0.000 0.000 Nursing Adm Distribution 0,0000 0 000 0 000 (Total for Cost Allocation Plan I Other (Total Indirect Costs ITOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES ITOTAL EXPENDITURES Contract# Date. 09/24/2020 Total I 2,657,001 3,050.00 8,249.00 200.00 3,86000 12,243.00 666.00 16,969.00 509,475.00 509,475.00 -42,700 00 35,120.00 59,818.001 12,870.001 65,108.001 65,108.001 65,108.001 674,683.001 Local Health Department-2021, Date 09/24/2020 Page: 119 of 197 Contract # Date 0912412020 1 Program Budget Summary PROGRAM ! PROJECT DATE PREPARED Local Health Department - 20211 Infant Safe Sleep 9/24/2020 CONTRACTOR NAME Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ BUDGET PERIOD D Health Division From : 10/To 9/30/2021 MAILING ADDRESS (Number and Street) BUDGET AGREEMENT 1200 N. Telegraph Rd 34 East Original ro g al I- Amendment ICITY IMIATE ZIP CODE I48341-0432 FEDERAL ID NUMBER Pontiac 38-800 876 Category I Total I DIRECT EXPENSES J Program Expenses AMENDMENT# 0 Amount 1 1 Salary & Wages 3,868.00 3,868.00 2 Fringe Benefits 2,395.00 2,395.00 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 0.00 0.00 4 Contractual I 0.00 J 0.00 5 Supplies and Materials I 10,620.00 I 10,620.00 6 Travel I 0.00I 0.00 7 I Communication I 0.00 I 0.00 8 I County -City Central Services 0.00 ! 0.00' 9 I Space Costs 0.00 000 10 I All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) 5,158.00 I 5,158.00 Total Program Expenses I 22,041.00 ( 22,041.00 TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES I 22,041.00 I 22,041.00 INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect Costs ' 1 Indirect Costs ( 000 0.00 2 Cost Allocation Plan / Other 3,463.00 3,463.00 Total Indirect Costs I 3,46300 I 3,463.00 Jj TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES I 3,463.00 I 3,463.00 I( TOTAL EXPENDITURES I 25,504.00 I 26,504.00 Local Health Dapartment-2021, Date. 09124I2020 Page: 120 of 197 Contract# Date: 09/24/2020 2 Program Budget - Source of Funds SOURCE OF FUNDS Category I Total I Amount I Cash I Inkind 1 Source of Funds Fees and Collections - 1 st and 2nd 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 Party Fees and Collections - 3rd Party I 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Federal or State (Non MDHHS) I 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Federal Cost Based Reimbursement I 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 (Federally Provided Vaccines I 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 (Federal Medicaid Outreach I 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 000 (Required Match - Local I 0.00 I 000 0.00 0.00 ILocalNon-ELPHS a00 000 0.00 0.00 IILocalNon-ELPHS 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 I(Local Non-ELPHS 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other Non-ELPHS 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 MDHHS Non Comprehensive '_ 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 MDHHS Comprehensive 22,500.00 22,500.00 0.00 0.00 IIMCH Funding I 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ILocal Funds -Other I 3,004.00 I 0.00 3,004.00 0.00 Ilnkind Match I 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 0.00 IMDHHS Fixed Unit Rate IITotals I 25,504.00 I 22,500 00 I 3,00400 I 0.00 I Local Health Department - 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page121 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 3 Program Budget - Cost Detail (Line Item l City l Ratel UnitsIUOM DIRECT EXPENSES (Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages Health Educator Notes: Step 4 GFGP Chief Community Health Nursing Notes : Step 5 GFGP (Total or Salary & Wages 1 2 Fringe Benefits All Composite Rate Notes: FICA Unemployment Ins Retirement Ins Hospital Ins Life Ins Vision Ins Dental Ins Workers Comp ShorULong Terms Disability Ins 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual 5 Supplies and Materials Printing Notes "We print a significant quantity of locally developed client education materials and distribute them to 15,000+ WIC clients annually, as well as our other community outreach." Materials and Supplies Office Supplies Educational Supplies Incentives (Total for Supplies and Materials I6 TTravel Local Health Department - 2021, Date, 09/24/2020 0,0601 52083.000 0.0077 95920,000 0,000 FTE 0.000 FTE 61 918 3868 000 0,000 0,000 00000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0000 0,000 0.0000 0.000 0,000 0.0000 0 000 0 000 Total 1 l 1 3,130.00� 738.001 3,868.001 1 2,395.00 4,269.00 1,000.001 200.001 3,576.00 1,575.00 10,620.00 1 Page: 122 of 197 Contract # Date09/24/2020 LineItemI Qtyl Ratel UnitsIUOM I Total 7 Communication I 8 !County -City Central Services I 9 I Space Costs I10 IAII Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) (Advertising 0.00001 0.000 0.000 1,125.001 Ilnsurance 0.00001 0000 0.000 33,001 !Training 0.00001 0.000 0.000 3,000.001 IlnterpretationFees 0.00001 0000 0,000 1,000001 (Total for All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) 5,158,001 ITotalProgram Expenses 22,041,001 (TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES 22,041.00' 'INDIRECT EXPENSES 1 Indirect Costs 1 Indirect Costs 2 Cost Allocation Plan I Other Cost Allocation Plan 0,0000 0.000 0.000 459.00 Notes: 12.29% (Health Adm Distribution 0.0000 0.000 0.000 2,472.00 (Nursing Adm Distribution 0.0000 0 000 0.000 532.00 (Total for Cost Allocation Plan I Other 3,463.00 (Total Indirect Costs I 3,46300 ITOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES I 3,463.00 ITOTAL EXPENDITURES I 25,604.00 Local Health Department-2021, Date 09/24/2020 Page: 123 of 197 Contract# Date: 09/24/2020 1 Program Budget Summary (PROGRAM/PROJECT DATE PREPARED Local Health Department- 2021 / Laboratory Services Bio 9/24/2020 CONTRACTOR NAME BUDGET PERIOD Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ From : 10/1/2020 To. 9/30/2021 Health Division MAILING ADDRESS (Number and Street) BUDGET AGREEMENT 1200 N Telegraph Rd. re Original )` Amendment 34 East CIT(Pontiac CDE I48341O0432 FEDERAL6DNUMBER MIATE 38-600487ZIP Category I Total DIRECT EXPENSES Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages 2 Fringe Benefits 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual 5 Supplies and Materials 6 Travel 7 Communication 8 County -City Central Services 9 Space Costs 1 10 All Others (ADP, Con, Employees, Misc.) Total Program Expenses TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect Costs 1 1 Indirect Costs 2 1 Cost Allocation Plan / Other Total Indirect Costs TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,49000 2,080.00 0.00 0.00 8,414.00 0.00 575.00 0.00 0.00 2700 14,586.00 14,586 00 ,� r r 2,062.00 2,06200 2,062.00 16,648.00 AMENDMENT# 0 Amount 1 1 3,490.001 2,080 00 1 0.001 0.00 1 8,414,00 1 0 00 1 575,001 0.001 0.00 27.00 14,586.00 14,586.00 0.00 1 2,062.00 1 2,062.001 2,062.00 1 16,648.001 Local Health Department - 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page. 124 of 197 2 Program Budget - Source of Funds SOURCE OF FUNDS Category 1 Source of Funds Fees and Collections - 1st and 2nd Party (Fees and Collections - 3rd Party IIFederat or State (Non MDHHS) I,Federal Cost Based Reimbursement (Federally Provided Vaccines (Federal Medicaid Outreach IRequired Match - Local (Local Non-ELPHS Local Non-ELPHS Local Non-ELPHS (Other Non-ELPHS MDHHS Non Comprehensive (MDHHS Comprehensive IMCH Funding ILocal Funds - Other Ilnkind Match IMDHHS Fixed Unit Rate ITotals Contract # Date' 09/24/2020 Total I Amount, Cash I Inkind I 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 1 000 0.00 0.001 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I 000 I 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 000 I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 I 000 I 0.00 0.00' I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0 00 0.00 I 0.00 I 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 I 0.00 I 0.00 000 15,000.00 I 15,000.00 I 0.00 I 000 000 I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 1,648.00 I 0.00 I 1,648.00 I 000 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 16, 648.00 I 15, 000.00 I 1,648.00 I 0.00 Local Health Department-2021, Date09/24/2020 Page 125 of 197 3 Program Budget - Cost Detail Line Item I Otyl Ratel UnitslUOM DIRECT EXPENSES Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages Supervisor I 00481 72588.000I 0.000I FTE Notes: 2 IFringe Benefits All Composite Rate 0,0000 59.598 3490,000 Notes: FICA Unemployment Insurance Retirement Insurance Hospital Insurance Life Insurance Vision Insurance Dental Insurance Workers Comp Short and Long Term Disability Insurance 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual 5 ISupplies and Materials ILab supplies I 0,00001 0,0001 0.0001 6 ITravel 7 Communication Telephone I 0.00001 0.0001 00001 8 ICounty-City Central Services 1 9 (Space Costs 1 10 IAII Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) Insurance I 0.00001 0.000I 0.0001 Total Program Expenses TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect Costs Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 Total 1 1 1 3,490.00 1 2,080.00 l I l 8,414 001 1 575.001 1 1 1 27 001 14,586.001 14,588.001 1 1 Loca! Health Department - 2021, Date 09/24/2020 Page: 126 of 197 Contract # Date 09/24/2020 Line Item l Qtyl Rate l UnitslUOM I Totall 1 Indirect Costs l 2 Cost Allocation Plan / Other Cost Allocation Plan 00000 I 0.000J 0.000 I 41400 Notes 12.29% Health Adm Distribution 000001 00001 0.0001 I 1,648.001 (Total for Cost Allocation Plan / Other I 2,06200 (Total Indirect Costs llj 2,06200 (TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES I 2.062.00 (TOTAL EXPENDITURES I 16,648.00� Local Health Department - 2021, Date09/24/2020 Page: 127 of 197 Contract # Date. 09/24/2020 1 Program Budget Summary PROGRAM/PROJECT DATEPREPARED Local Health Department - 2021 / MI Health and Wellness 9/24/2020 4x4 Plan - ImDlementation CONTRACTOR NAME BUDGET PERIOD Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ From : 10/1/2020 To. 9/30/2021 Health Division MAILING ADDRESS (Number and Street) BUDGET AGREEMENT 1200 N. Telegraph Rd. ro Original f Amendment 34 East CITY STPontiac IMIATE CODE I4 876 NUMBER 341-0432 38-600RZIP Category I Total DIRECT EXPENSES Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages 2 Fringe Benefits 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual 5 Supplies and Materials 6 Travel 7 Communication 1 8 County -City Central Services 9 Space Costs 10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) 1 Total Program Expenses TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect Costs 1 Indirect Costs 1 2 Cost Allocation Plan / Other Total Indirect Costs 1 TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 30,858.00 1,250.00 0.00 14,000.00 30,169.00 56000 0.00 000 0.00 11,700.00 88, 537.00 88, 537.00 r rr 12,857.00 12,857.00 12,857.00 101,394.00 AMENDMENT# 0 Amount 1 1 30,858.001 1,250.00 1 0.001 14,000 00 11 30,169.00 ! 560.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,700.00 88,537 00 88,537.00 0.00 1 12,867,001 12,857.001 12,857.00 101,394.00 1 Local Health Department - 2021, Date 09/24/2020 Page. 128 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 2 Program Budget - Source of Funds SOURCE OF FUNDS Category I Total I Amount I Cash I Inkind 1 Source of Funds 1� Fees and Collections - 1 stand 2nd 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 Party I Fees and Collections - 3rd Party 0.00 000 0.00 000 Federal or State (Non MDHHS) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Federal Cost Based Reimbursement 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 Federally Provided Vaccines 0.00 000 0.00 0.001 Federal Medicaid Outreach 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 1 Required Match - Local 18,271.00 0.00 18,271.00 0.001 Local Non-ELPHS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1� Local Non-ELPHS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 f Local Non-ELPHS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other Non-ELPHS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 1 MDHHS Non Comprehensive 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 1 MDHHS Comprehensive 73,084.00 73,084.00 0.00 0.00 MCH Funding 000 0.00 0.00 0001 Local Funds - Other 10,039.00 0.00 10,039.00 0,001 Inkind Match 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 1 MDHHS Fixed Unit Rate Totals I 101,394.00 I 73,084.00 I 28,310.00 I 0.001 Local Health Department- 2021, Date 09/24/2020 Page: 129 of 197 Contract # Date. 09/24/2020 3 Program Budget - Cost Detail (Line Item I Qtyl (DIRECT EXPENSES (Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages Health Educator 04808 Supervisor 0.0240 Notes: MATCH Health Educator 0.0721 Notes: MATCH Assistant 0.0144 Notes: MATCH (Total for Salary & Wages 2 Fringe Benefits All Composite Rate 0.0000 Notes : Fica Unemp Ins Retirement Hosp Ins Life Ins Vision Ins Dental ins Work Comp Short/Long Term Disability Fringe not figured on Match salaries 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual Oakland University 0.0000 Notes: MATCH $7,000 5 Supplies and Materials Postage 0,0000 Notes. MATCH $1,000 Printing 0.0000 Notes: MATCH $748 Office Supplies 00000 Local Health Department-2021, Date09/24/2020 Rate UnitsIUOM 49420,000 0.000 FTE 81750.000 0 000 FTE 59736.000 0.000 FTE 57406.000 0.000 FTE 4.051 30858.000 0.0001 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Total 23,760.001 1,962.00 4,308.00 828.00 30,858.001 1,250.00 14,000.00 8,385.00 8,248.001 1,000.001 Page: 130 of 197 ILine item I+ Qty Rate l Units UOM (Notes: MATCH $500 I I l (Materials & Supplies I 0.0000 0,000I 00001 Educallotes flonal Supplies I 0.0000I 0.0001 0.000 MATCH $1 257 (Client Support Materials I 0.00001 0.0001 0.0001 Total for Supplies and Materials I6 Travel Mileage O.000D 0.000 0.000I Notes : 800 miles @ .575 Conferences 0.0000 0.000 0.0001 ITotalforTravel 7 Communication 8 County -City Central Services 9 Space costs I10 IAII Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) 'Insurance 0.0000 0000 0.0001 Ilnterpretation 00000 0,000� 0.0001 (Education Programs O.0000I 0.000 0.000 Notes: MATCH $900 IStaff Training 0.00001 0.000I 0,000I (Advertising 0.00001 0.000I 0.000I (Workshops & Meetings 0,0000I 0.0001 00001 (Total for All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) ITotalProgramExpenses (TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES (INDIRECT EXPENSES Ilndirect Costs I1 Indirect Costs (Cost 2 Allocation Plan / Other (Cost Allocation Plan 0.0000 0.000� 0.000 Notes: 12.29% (Health Adm Distribution 00000 0.000I 0.000 Contract # Date 09/24/2020 I Total` 5,832,00 2,704,00 4,000,00 30,169,00 460,00 100.00 560.00 100,00 200.00 900.00 500.001 7,500,001 2,500001 11,700.00I 88,537.00I 88,537.00I l 2,818.00 1Q039.00 Local Health Department-2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page: 131 of 197 Contract * Date09/24/2020 (Line Item I City Rate UnitsIUOM Totall (Total for Cost Allocation Plan / Other 12,857.001 (Total Indirect Costs 12,857.001 (TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES 12,857.00I (TOTAL EXPENDITURES 101,394.001 Local Health Department - 2021, Dale. 09/24/2020 Page' 132 of 197 1 Program Budget Summary PROGRAM / PROJECT Local Health Department - 2021 / Nurse Family Partnership DATEPREPARED DATE020 Services CONTRACTOR NAME D PERIO Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ From : 1BUDGET PERIOD Health Division MAILING ADDRESS 'Number d St t Contract # Date. 09/24/2020 To: 9/30/2021 u er and1200 N. Telegraph Rd. roe ) BUDGET AGREEMENT 34 East r Original F- Amendment ICITY TATE I4 341-0432 38-60 4876 NUMBER pontac IM Category I Total I DIRECT EXPENSES Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages 2 Fringe Benefits 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual 5 Supplies and Materials 6 I Travel 7 I Communication 8 I County -City Central Services 9 I Space Costs 10 I All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) Total Program Expenses TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect Costs 1 Indirect Costs 2' Cost Allocation Plan / Other Total Indirect Costs TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 355,509 00 r rm 18,312.00 5,827.00 6A69.00 j 4,268.00 0.00 I+ 14,329.00 27,931.00 642, 540.00 642,540.00 K om 85,80600 85,806.00 85,806.00 728,346.00 (AMENDMENT # 0 11 Amount 355,509.00 209, 895.00 0.00 18,312.00 5,827.00 6,469.00 4,268.00 0.00 14,329.00 27,931 00 642, 540.00 642,540 00 1 lI 1 MM 85,806.00 85,806 00, 85,806.00 728,346.00 Local Health Department - 2021, Date 09124/2020 Page: 133 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 2 Program Budget - Source of Funds SOUZCE OF FUNDS Category I Total I Amount I Cash I Inkind 7 Source of Funds Fees and Collections - 1st and 2nd 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 Party 1 Fees and Collections - 3rd Party 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I Federal or State (Non MDHHS) 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.001 1 Federal Cost Based Reimbursement 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 Federally Provided Vaccines 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,001 1 1 Federal Medicaid Outreach 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 i11 Required Match - Local 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 1 Local Non-ELPHS 0.00 000 0.00 0.001 Local Non-ELPHS 0.00 0.00 000 0.001 11 Local Non-ELPHS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 Other Non-ELPHS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,001 MDHHS Non Comprehensive 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MDHHS Comprehensive - 642,540.00 642,540.00 0.00 0.00 1 MCH Funding 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 Local Funds - Other 85,806.00 0.00 85,806.00 0,001 Inkind Match 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 1 MDHHS Fixed Unit Rate Totals I 728,346.00I 642,540.00I 85,806.00I 0.00 Local Health Department - 2021, Date 09/24/2020 Page: 134 of 197 3 Program Budget - Cost Detail (Line Item I gtyl IDIRECT EXPENSES (Program Expenses 1 IPublic Salary & Wages Health Nurse IPublic Health Nurse IPublic Health Nurse IPublic Health Nurse IPublic Health Nurse OVERTIME Notes: Overtime (PHNs) (Coordinator (Total for Salary & Wages 2 Fringe Benefits All Composite Rate Notes : Fica Unemp Ins Retirement Hosp Ins Life Ins Vision Ins Dental Ins Work Comp Short/Long Term Disability 3 ICap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual NFP National Office Program Support INFP Consultation (Total for Contractual I 5 (Supplies and Materials Office Supplies IClient Support Materials (Educational Supplies Rate UnitsIUOM 0.2500 72213.000 0 000 FTE 1.0000 72213.000 0.000 FTE 1.00001 72213.000 0 000 FTE I100001 72213.0001 0.000I FTE 1.00001 72213.0001 0 000 FTE 0.00961 105390.0001 0,000 FTE I0.62501 76147,0001 0.0001FTE 0,0000 59.041 355507.000 0.0000 0,0001 0.000 0.0000 0.0001 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0 000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.0001 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 Total i 18,053.001 72,213.001 72,213,001 72,213,001 72,213.001 1.012,001 47,59Z00j 355,609.00 209, 895.00 8,328.00 9,984.001 18,312.001 l 507.001 2,000,001 3,320.001 Local Health Department -2021, Date 09/24/2D20 Page: 135 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 I ILine Item I QtyI Rate UnitslUOM Totall (Total for Supplies and Materials 5,827.001 6 Travel Mileage 0,0000 0.000 0000 6,469.00 Notes : 11,250 miles @ .575 7 Communication Telephone Communications I 0.0000I 0.0001 0.0001 I 4,268.001 8 County -City Central Services 9 Space Costs Building Space Rental I 0.00001 0.000 0.0001 I 14,329 001 I10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) I Insurance 0,0000 0 000 0.000 875.O01 (Copier 0.0000 0.000 0.000 7,860.O01 IIT Operations -laptops 00000 0.000 0.000 16,320 001 IStaff Training 0.0000 0,000 0,000 2,876,001 (Total for All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) 27,931.001 (Total Program Expenses 642,540.001 (TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES 642,540.001 (INDIRECT EXPENSES Ilndirect Costs 1 Indirect Costs 2 Cost Allocation Plan I Other Health Adm Distribution ( 0.0000 0.000 0.000 70,606.O01 Nursing Adm Distribution 00 0.000 0.000 15,200.001 ITotal for Cost Allocation Plan / Other 85,806.001 (Total Indirect Costs 85,806.001 (TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES 85,806.001 ITOTAL EXPENDITURES 728,346.001 Local Health Department - 2021, Date 09/24/2020 Page: 136 of 197 Contract # Date 09/24/2020 1 Program Budget Summary (PROGRAM/PROJECT DATE PREPARED Local Health Department - 2021 / Medicaid Outreach 9/24/2020 CONTRACTOR NAME Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ BUDGET PERIOD OD Health Division From : 10 0 To : 9/30/2021 ADDRESS (Number and Street) BUDGET AGREEMENT �MAILING 1200 N. Telegraph Rd. 34 East r Original r Amendment ATE iMI ZIP CODE 148341-0432 FEDERAL ID NUMBER Pontiac 38-6004876 I I Category I Total I DIRECT EXPENSES Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages 2 Fringe Benefits 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 I Contractual 5 I Supplies and Materials 6 Travel 7 Communication 8 County -City Central Services 9 I Space Costs 10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) Total Program Expenses TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect Costs 1 I Indirect Costs 2 I Cost Allocation Plan / Other Total Indirect Costs TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,221,264.00 678,805.00 0001 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 39,627.00 0.00 Ij 1,939,696.00 1,939,696.00 r H 373,904.00 373,904 00 373,904.00 2,313,600.00 I 1 AMENDMENT# 0 Amount l 1,221,264.00 678,805.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39,627.00 0.00 I,939,696 00 1,939,696.00 l l 0.001 373,904.00 J 373, 904.00 373, 904 00 2,313,600.00 Local Health Department - 202 1, Date 09/24/2020 Page137 of 197 Contract# Date: 09/24/2020 2 Program Budget - Source of Funds SOU 2CE OF FUNDS Category 1 Source of Funds Fees and Collections - 1st and 2nd Party Fees and Collections - 3rd Party Federal or State (Non MDHHS) Federal Cost Based Reimbursement Federally Provided Vaccines Federal Medicaid Outreach 1, Required Match - Local 1, Local Non-ELPHS Local Non-ELPHS Local Non-ELPHS Other Non-ELPHS MDHHS Non Comprehensive MDHHS Comprehensive MCH Funding Local Funds - Other Inkind Match MDHHS Fixed Unit Rate Totals Total I Amount I Cash 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 042,269.00 1,042,269.00 0.00 042,269.00 0.00 1,042,269.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229,062.00 0.00 229,062.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I2, 313, 600.00 I 1, 042, 269.00 I 1,271,331 00 I Inkind 4I, 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 r rr Local Health Department - 2021, Date 09/24/2020 Page: 138 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 3 Program Budget - Cost Detail I (Line Item I City l Ratel DIRECT EXPENSES (Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages Multiple positons Notes : Amount determined based on time studies. 2 Fringe Benefits All Composite Rate Notes: FICA UNEMPLOY RETIREMENT HOSPITAL LIFE INSURANCE VISION DENTAL WORKERS COMP SHORT/LONG TERM DISABILITY 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual 5 Supplies and Materials 6 Travel 7 Communication 8 County -City Central Services 9 Space Costs Office Space Rental 1,0000 1221264.000 UnitsluOM 0.000 FTE 55,582 1221267.00 0 0.00001 0.0001 0.0001 10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) Total Program Expenses (TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES INDIRECT EXPENSES IIndirect Costs 1 IndirectCosts 2 Cost Allocation Plan I Other I Total 1 1 1,221,264.00 1 678,805 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 39,627.001 1,939,696.001 1,939,696.001 Local Health Department - 2021, Dale 09/24/2020 Page: 139 of 197 Contract# Date: 09/24/2020 Line Item Qty Rate Units UOM Total Cost Allocation Plan 0.0000 0.000 0.000 144,842 00 Notes . 12 29% Health Adm Distribution I 00000 0.0001 0.000I 229,062.00I (Total for Cost Allocation Plan I Other I 373,904MJ (Total Indirect Costs I 373,904,001 TTOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES I 373,904,001 (TOTAL EXPENDITURES I 2,313,600.001 Local Health Department - 2021, Date; 09/24/2020 Page: 140 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 1 Program Budget Summary (PROGRAM / PROJECT DATE PREPARED Local Health Department - 2021 / MCH - All Other 9/24/2020 CONTRACTOR NAME BUDGET PERIOD Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ From 10/1/2020 To: 9/30/2021 Health Division . MAILING ADDRESS (Number and Street) BUDGET AGREEMENT AMENDMENT # 1200 N Telegraph Rd. 0 34 East r Original r Amendment CIT(ZIP CODE ATE I4 FEDERAL ID NUMBER Pontiac MI 341-0432 38-6004876 Category Total I Amount DIRECT EXPENSES Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages 181,859.00 181,859.00 2 Fringe Benefits 95,325.00 95,325 00 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 0,00 0.00 4 Contractual 0.00 0.001 5 Supplies and Materials 7,922.00 7,922.00 6 Travel _ 5,313.00 5,313.00I 7 Communication 1,701.00 1,701.00I 8 County -City Central Services 0.00 0.00 9 Space Costs 0.00 0.00 10 All Others (ADP, Con, Employees, Misc.) 7,769.00 7,769.00 Total Program Expenses 299,889.00 299,889 00 TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES 299,889 00 299,889 00 INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect Costs 1 I Indirect Costs 0.00 0.00 2 Cost Allocation Plan / Other 2,478,309.00 2,478,309.00 Total Indirect Costs 2,478,309.00 2,478,309.00 TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES 2,478,309 00 2,478,309 00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,778,198.00 2,778,198.00 Local Health Department - 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page: 141 of 197 Contract# Date: 09/24/2020 2 Program Budget - Source of Funds SOURCE OF FUNDS Category I Total I Amount Cash I Inkind t Source of Funds II !� (Fees and Collections - 1st and 2nd I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 i 000 Party Fees and Collections - 3rd Party I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0,00 I 000 IFederal or State (Non MDHHS) I 0.00 I 0.00 ! 0001 0.00 IIFederal Cost Based Reimbursement I 0.001 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.001 ' II Federally Provided Vaccines 0.00 0.00 I 0.00, coo !Federal Medicaid Outreach 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I Required Match - Local I 0.00 I 0.00, 0.00 ! 0.00 I(Local Non-ELPHS 0.00 000 I 000 0.00 I(Local Non-ELPHS 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I (Local Non-ELPHS I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 (Other Non-ELPHS 0.00 i 0.00 0.00 Ij 0.00 MDHHS Non Comprehensive 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 MDHHS Comprehensive I 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 iMCH Funding I 321,457 00 321,457 00 000 000 ILocal Funds - Other I 2,456,741.00 I 0.00, 21456,741 00 ( 000 Ilnkind Match I 000 I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 MDHHS Fixed Unit Rate ITotals I 2,778,198.00 I 321,457.00 I 2,456,741.00 I 0.00 Local Health Department- 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page: 142 of 197 Contract# Date: 09/24/2020 3 Program Budget - Cost Detail Line Item I City l Rate UnitsIUOM DIRECT EXPENSES (Program Expenses 1 (Salary & Wages Nutritionist/Dietician INutritionist/Dietician IPublic Health Nurse ICoordinator (OVERTIME Total 'or Salary & Wages 2 Fringe Benefits All Composite Rate Notes: FICA, LIFE INS, DENTAL, UNEMPLOYMENT. VISION, WORK COMP, RETIREMENT, HOSPITALIZATION, SHORT/LONG TERM DISABILITY 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fee. 4 Contractual 5 Supplies and Materials Office Supplies Printing Educational Supplies Client Support Materials (Total for Supplies and Materials 6 (Travel Mileage Notes 7,500 miles @ .575 (Conferences ITotalfor Travel I7 (Communication 0.4808 69372.000 0.000 FTE 1,0000 63108.000 0.000 FTE 0.7164 72216.000 0 000 FTE 03750 76147.000 0.000 FTE 0.0481 106150.000 0.000 0.0000 52.417 181859 000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0,0000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0,000 0.0000 0.000 0 000 0.0000 0 000 0.000 Total I I 1 1 33,354.001 63,108.001 51,736.001 28,555 001 5,106.001 181,859.001 1 95, 325.00 25000 1,000.00 1,309.00 5,363 00 7,922.00 4,313.00 1,000.001 5,313.001 1 Local Health Department - 2021, Date 09/24/2020 Page: 143 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 Line Item I City Ratel UnitsIUOM I Total Telephone 1 0.00001 00001 0,0001 ( 1,701.001 8 County -City Central Services 9 Space Costs 10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) Info Tech Operations 0.0000 0.000 0.000 6,436.001 Insurance 0.0000 0000 0.000 433.00I Workshops & Meetings 0.0000 0.000 0.000 500.001 Interpretation Fees 0.0000 0 000 0.000 200,001 Periodicals Books Publications 0.0000 0,000 0,000 200.001 (Total for All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) 7,769 001 ITotalProgram Expenses 299,889.001 (TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES 299,889.001 INDIRECT EXPENSES Ilndirect Costs 1 Indirect Costs 2 Cost Allocation Plan I Other Cost Allocation Plan 0.0000 0,000 0.000 21,568.00 Notes: 12 29% IHealth AdmDistribution 0.0000 0.000 0.000 36,043,001 Other Cost Distributions -Nursing 0.0000 0.000 0,000 2,389,013.00 Notes : This distribution takes total costs of Field Nursing and allocates them back to various cost centers by a time study. The % back to MCH Is 33.27% (Nursing Adm Distribution 0.0000 0.000 0,000 7,620.001 Other Cost Distributions- 0,0000 0.000 0.000 24,065.00 Education Notes : this distribution takes total costs of Education and allocates them back to various cost centers by a time study. The % back to MCH is .889 % (Total for Cost Allocation Plan / Other 2,478,309.001 Local Health Department - 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page: 144 of 197 Contract# Date: 00/24/2020 (Line Item I Qtyl Ratel UnitslUOM Total Total Indirect Costs 2,478,309.00 TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES 2,478,309.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,778,198.00 Local Health Department-2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page: 146 of 197 C�7h1iF.LAE���F.T[a[iF.7`ZIYZrYir] 1 Program Budget Summary PROGRAM / PROJECT DATE PREPARED Local Health Department -2021 / MDHHS-Essential Local 9/24/2020 Public Health Services (ELPHS) CONTRACTOR NAME BUDGET PERIOD Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ From: 10/1/2020 To: 9/30/2021 Health Division MAILING ADDRESS (Number and Street) BUDGET AGREEMENT 1200 N. Telegraph Rd r Original I —Amendment 34 East (CITY (STATE (ZIP CODE FEDERAL ID NUMBER Pontiac MI 48341-0432 38-6004876 Category I Total I DIRECT EXPENSES Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages 2 Fringe Benefits 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual 5 Supplies and Materials 6 Travel 7 Communication 8 County -City Central Services 9 Space Costs 10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect Costs 1 1 I Indirect Costs 2 Cost Allocation Plan / Other Total Indirect Costs 1 TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 r8i re 7,711,243.00 7,711,243.00 7,711,243.00 7,711,243.00 AMENDMENT# 0 1 Amount 1 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.001 0.00 1 0,001 0.00 I 0.00 1 0.001 0 00 1 0.00 1 0.001 7,711,243.00 1 7,711,243.00 1 7,711,243 00 1 7,711,243.00 Local Health Department - 2021, Date. 09/24/2020 Page: 146 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 2 Program Budget - Source of Funds SOURCE OF FUNDS Category 1 Source of Funds Fees and Collections - 1st and 2nd Party Fees and Collections - 3rd Party Federal or State (Non MDHHS) Federal Cost Based Reimbursement Federally Provided Vaccines 1 Federal Medicaid Outreach Required Match - Local Local Non-ELPHS Local Non-ELPHS Local Non-ELPHS Other Non-ELPHS MDHHS Non Comprehensive - MDHHS Comprehensive 2 MCH Funding Local Funds - Other 3 Inkind Match MDHHS Fixed Unit Rate Total I Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 ,444,452 00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,557,216.00 2,557,216.00 0.00 000 ,709,575.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 Cash Awl 000 0.00 0.00 1,444,452.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,709,575.00 000 Totals I 7,711,243.00 1 2,557,216.00 1 5,154,027.00 Inkind 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 0.00 000 0.00 W Local Health Department - 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page 147 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 3 Program Budget - Cost Detail Line Item I (DIRECT Qtyl EXPENSES IProgrim Expenses 1 Salary & Wages 2 Fringe Benefits 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual 6 Supplies and Materials 6 Travel 7 Communication 8 County -City Central Services 9 Space Costs 10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect Costs ' 1 Indirect Costs 2 Cost Allocation Plan I Other Health Adm Distribution 0.0000 (Nursing Adm Distribution 0,0000 Other Cost Distributions-MISC 0.0000 Distributions Federally Provided Vaccines 0.0000 Other Cost Distributions -Non 0,0000 Community Water & Std (Total for Cost Allocation Plan I Other (Total Indirect Costs (TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES ITOTAL EXPENDITURES Rate UnitslUOM Totall 0.000 0.000 181,422.001 0.000 0.000 59,258.001 0 000 0.000 4,459,892.00 0,000 0,000 1,444,452.001 0.000 0.000 1,566,219.00 7,711,243.001 7,711,243.001 7,71 1 ,243,001 7,711,243.001 Local Health Department - 2021, Date09/24/2020 Page: 148 of 197 Contract # Date09/24/2020 1 Program Budget Summary PROGRAM / PROJECT DATE PREPARED Local Health Department -2021 / FIMR Interviews 9/24/2020 CONTRACTOR NAME PERIOD BUDGET D Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ From : 10/To : 9/30/2021 Health Division MAILING ADDRESS (Number and Street) BUDGET AGREEMENT AMENDMENT # 1200 N. Telegraph Rd. 0 34 East %Original (` Amendment ICITY CODE I4 76D NUMBER Pontiac Ml 341-0432 38-60048ZIP Category I Total I Amount I DIRECT EXPENSES Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages 000 000 2 Fringe Benefits 0.00 0.00 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 0.00 0.00 4 Contractual 0.00 0.00I 5 Supplies and Materials 0.00 0.00 6 Travel 0.00 0.00 7 Communication 0.00 0.00I 8 County -City Central Services 0.00 0.00 9 Space Costs 0.00 0.00 10 All Others (ADP, Con, Employees, Misc.) 0.00 0.00 INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect Costs 1 I Indirect Costs 0.00 0.00 2 Cost Allocation Plan / Other 2,000.00 2,00000 Total Indirect Costs 2,000.00 2,000.00 TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES 2,00000 2,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,000.00 2,000.00 Local Health Department - 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page: 149 of 197 Contract# Date 09/24/2020 (Line Item I Qtyl Rate UnitsIUOM Total (TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES-3,296,493.001 (TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,335,847,001 Local Health Department - 202 1, Date: 09/24/2020 Page. 178 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 1 Program Budget Summary PROGRAM! PROJECT DATE PREPARED Local Health Department - 20211 WIC Breastfeedinq 9/24/2020 CONTRACTOR NAME Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ BUDGET PERIOD Health Division From : 10/PERIO To : 9/30/2021 MAILING ADDRESS (Number and Street) BUDGET AGREEMENT 1200 N. Telegraph Rd. �Fy, 34 East Original r Amendment (CITY (STATE (ZIP CODE (FEDERAL ID NUMBER Pontiac MI 48341-0432 38-6004876 Category I Total I DIRECT EXPENSES Program Expenses 1 I Salary & Wages 2 I Fringe Benefits 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual 5 I Supplies and Materials 6 1 Travel 7 1 Communication 8 1 County -City Central Services 9 Space Costs 10 I All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) Total Program Expenses iTOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect Costs 1 Indirect Costs 2 I Cost Allocation Plan / Other Total Indirect Costs TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENDITURES AMENDMENT# 0 i Amount I 84,764.00 84,764.001 J 33,117.00 33,117.001 0.00 0,00 J73,397.00 73,397.00 7,459.00 I 7A59 00 2,725.00 2,725.00 II j 3,853.00 II j 3,853.00 000 I+ 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 3,831 00 3,831.00 209,146.00 209,146.00 209,146.00 I 209,146.00 1 0.00 0.00 34,140.00 34,140.00 34,140.00 I 34,140.00 34,140.00 I 34,140 00 243, 286.00 I 243, 286.00 Local Health Department - 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page: 179 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 2 Program Budget - Source of Funds SOURCE OF FUNDS Category 1 Source of Funds Fees and Collections - 1st and 2nd Party Fees and Collections - 3rd Party Federal or State (Non MDHHS) Federal Cost Based Reimbursement Federally Provided Vaccines Federal Medicaid Outreach Required Match - Local Local Non-ELPHS Local Non-ELPHS Local Non-ELPHS Other Non-ELPHS MDHHS Non Comprehensive MDHHS Comprehensive MCH Funding Local Funds - Other Inkind Match MDHHS Fixed Unit Rate Totals Total I Amount I Cash I 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 219,199.00 219,199 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24,087.00 0.00 24,087 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 243,286.00 1 219,199.00 1 24,08700 Inkind 0.00 1 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 I 000 0.001 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 0.001 0.00 Local Health Department - 2021, Dale 09/24/2020 Page 180 of 197 Contract# Date 09/24/2020 3 Program Budget - Cost Detail (Line Item I City) IDIRECT EXPENSES (Program Expenses 1 (Salary & Wages Lactation Specialist Lactation Specialist (Lactation Specialist Lactation Specialist IN utritionist/Dietician INutritionist/Dietician (Total for Salary & Wages 1 2 Fringe Benefits All Composite Rate Notes : FICA UNEMP INS RETIREMENT HOSPITAL INS LIFE INS VISION INS DENTAL INS WORKCOMP SHORT/LONG TERM DISABILITY 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual Subcontracting Agency-OLSHA 5 Supplies and Materials Office Supplies Printing Medical Supplies Postage Educational Supplies (Total for Supplies and Materials I6 ITravel Local Health Department- 2021, Date. 09/24/2020 Rate UnitsIUOM 1.0000 31223 000 0 000 FTE 0.4808 31224.000 0.000 FTE 0,4808 31224.000 0,000 FTE 0.4808 31224.000 0.000 FTE 0,0962 69341,000 0,000 FTE 0.0264 69475.000 0,000 FTE 0.0000 39 070 84764.000 0.00001 0.0001 0.0001 1 0.0000 0,000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0,000 0.0000 0 000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 Total l 31,223.001 15,012,00iI 15,012.001 1 15,012001 1 6,671.0011 1,834.001 84,764 001 1 33,117.00 73, 397.00 750,00 1,617 00 4,000.001 481.001 611.001 7,459.001 Page: 181 of 197 Line Item Qty Mileage 0.0000 Notes: 3,000 miles @ .575 Conferences 0,0000 ITotalfor Travel 1 7 Communication Telephone Communications I 0.00001 8 County -City Central Services 1 9 Space Costs 10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) Insurance 0.0000 (Advertising 0,0000 1 Staff Training 0.0000 Interpretation 0,0000 (Total for All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) (Total Program Expenses (TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES _ IINDIRECT EXPENSES Ilndirect Costs 1 Indirect Costs 1 2 Cost Allocation Plan / Other Cost Allocation Plan 0,0000 Notes: 12.29% Health Adm Distribution 0.0000 (Total for Cost Allocation Plan / Other (Total Indirect Costs (TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES (TOTAL EXPENDITURES Rate 0.000 0,000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0,000 0.000 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 Units l UOM Total 0.000 1.725.001 ME B 0.000 0.000 0,000 0 000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 1,000.00 2,725.00 3,853.00 300 001 1,000.001 2,331,001 200.001 3,831 001 209,146.001 209,146.001 1 1 1 1 10,053.00 24,087 001 34,140, 001 34,140.001 34,140, 001 243,286.001 Local Health Department- 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page 182 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 1 Program Budget Summary PROGRAM / PROJECT DATE PREPARED Local Health Department - 2021 / WIC Resident Services 9/24/2020 CONTRACTOR NAME BUDGET PERIOD Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ From : 10/1/2020 To : 9/30/2021 Health Division MAILING ADDRESS (Number and Street) BUDGET AGREEMENT 1200 N Telegraph Rd. ry Original r Amendment 34 East CITY (STATE IZIP CODE FEDERAL ID NUMBER Pontiac MI 48341-0432 38-6004876 Category I Total DIRECT EXPENSES Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages 1,028,098.00 2 Fringe Benefits 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual 5 Supplies and Materials 6 Travel 7 Communication 8 County -City Central Services 9 Space Costs 10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) Total Program Expenses TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect Costs 1 I Indirect Costs 2 1 Cost Allocation Plan / Other Total Indirect Costs TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 666,290.00 M8 581,820.00 26,334.00 4,353.00 13,437.00 4 rr 86,672.00 86, 934.00 2,493,938.00 2,493,938.00 r rr 479,572.00 479,572.00 479,572.00 2,973,510.00 AMENDMENT# 0 Amount 1,028,098.00 666,290.00 0.00 581,820.00 26,334.00 4,353.00 13,437.00 000 86,672.00 86,934 00 2,493,938.00 2,493,938 00 0.00 1 479,572001 479, 572.00 1� 479,572.00 I 2,973,610.00 Local Health Department-2021, Date 09/24/2020 Page: 183 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 2 Program Budget- Source of Funds SOURCE OF FUNDS Category 1 Source of Funds Fees and Collections - 1 at and 2nd Party Fees and Collections - 3rd Party Federal or State (Non MDHHS) Federal Cost Based Reimbursement Federally Provided Vaccines Federal Medicaid Outreach Required Match - Local Local Non-ELPHS Local Non-ELPHS Local Non-ELPHS Other Non-ELPHS MDHHS Non Comprehensive MDHHS Comprehensive 2, MCH Funding Local Funds - Other Inkind Match MDHHS Fixed Unit Rate Total I Amount 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 615,870.00 2,615,870.00 0.00 0.00 357,640.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Totals 2,973,510.00 1 2,615,870.00 Cash � �� 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 357,640.00 000 357,640.00 I Inkind 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I, 0.00 000 0.00 Local Health Department - 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page184 of 197 Contract # Date. 09/24/2020 3 Program Budget - Cost Detail (Line Item I City DIRECT EXPENSES Program Expenses 1 (Salary & Wages Supervisor (Supervisor Supervisor IOutreach Worker (Outreach Worker IOutreach Worker (Outreach Worker IOutreach Worker IOutreach Worker IOutreach Worker (Technician (Technician (Technician (Technician Technician ITechnician INutritionisUDieticlan INutrltionist/Dietician INutritionisUDieticlan INutritionist/Dietician IHealth Educator (OVERTIME Total for Salary & Wages 2 Fringe Benefits All Composite Rate Notes: FICA Unemployment Ins Retirement 1 0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1,0000 1.0000 10000 1.0000 10000 1.0000 1,0000 1.0000 1 0000 1,0000 1,0000 1.0000 0.9038 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.1803 r rrr� Rate 80011.000 51190.000 61871.000 44217.000 44217.000 33951.000 36002.000 36002.000 40110.000 38058.000 46573.000 37925.000 40089.000 46573.000 35762.000 46573.000 64870.000 61871,000 61871.000 68016.000 45837.000 70716,000 UnitsIUOM 0,000 FTE 0.000 FTE 0,000 FTE 0.000 FTE 0 000 FTE 0,000 FTE 0.000 FTE 0.000 FTE 0.000 FTE 0.000 FTE 0.000 FTE 0 000 FTE 0.000 FTE 0 000 FTE 0.000 FTE 0 000 FTE 0,000 FTE 0,000 FTE 0.000 FTE 0.000 FTE 0.000 FTE 0.000 FTE 64.808 1028098.00 0 Total 80,011.001 51,190.001 61,871.001 44,217.0011 44,217.001 33,951.001 36,002 001 36,002.0011 40,110 001 38,058.001 46,573.001 37,925.00111 40,089.001 46,573 001 35,762.001 46,573 001 58,630.001 61,871,001 61,871.001 68,016.001 45,837.001 12,749.00 1,028,098.00 666, 290.00 Local Health Department - 2021, Dale: 09/24/2020 Page: 185 of 197 ' Line Item Qty Hospital Ins. Life Ins. Vision Ins. Hearing Ins. Dental Ins. Work Comp Short/Long Term Disability 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual Subcontracting Agency-OLSHA- 0.0000 WIC svcs in Oakland Co Notes : Average caseload 3065 @ $180/client 5 Supplies and Materials Office Supplies 0.0000 Medical Supplies 0.0000 Educational Supplies 0.0000 Postage 0,0000 Printing 0.0000 Materials & Supplies 0.0000 Computer Supplies 0.0000 (Total for Supplies and Materials 6 Travel Mileage 0.0000 Notes : 6,700 miles @ .575 (Conferences 00000 ITotal for Travel 7 Communication Telephone I 0 00001 8 County -City Central Services 9 Space Costs Space/Rental Costs I 0.00001 I10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) I Insurance I 0.00001 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 Rate Units UOM Totall 0.000 0.000 581,820.00 0.000 0,000 5,575001 0,000 0.000 9,659.001 0,000 0.000 5,000001 0.000 0.000 850.001 0.000 0.000 4,000.001 0.000 0.000 500 001 0.000 0.000 750.001 26,334.001 0.000 0.000 3,853.00 0.000 0.000 500001 4,353.001 0.0001 0.0001 1 13,437.00 00001 0.0001 I 86,672.00 0.0001 0.0001 I 3,580.00 Local Health Department-2021, Date. 09/24/2020 Page: 186 of 197 Contract # Dale09/24/2020 Item Qty Rate Units UOM Total (Line Equipment Repair 00000 0.000 0 000 950.001 Info Tech Print Managed Svcs 0.0000 0.000 0.000 5,750.001 IT Operatons 00000 0.000 0 000 72,804.00 (Advertising 0.0000 0.000 0.000 1,000.00 (Staff Training 00000 0,000 0.000 1,00000 (interpretation 0.0000 0.000 0.000 400.001 (Laundry & Cleaning 0.0000 0.000 0.000 850.001 IExpendableEquipment 0.0000 0,000 0000 500.001 (Freight & Express 0.0000 0.000 0.000 100.001 (Total for All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) 86,934,001 (Total Program Expenses 2,493,938.001 (TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES 2,493,938.001 II+ (INDIRECT EXPENSES Ilndirect Costs 1 Indirect Costs � 2 Cost Allocation Plan I Other Cost Allocation Plan - 0.0000 0.000 0.000 121,932.001 Notes: 12.29% 1 Health Adm Distribution - 0.0000 0.000 0,000 287,448,001 Other Cost Distributions-Misc 0,0000 0 000 0.000 70,192 00 Distributions (Total for Cost Allocation Plan / Other 479,572 00 (Total Indirect Costs 479,572.001 (TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES 479,572.001 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,973,610.001 Local Health Department - 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page: 187 of 197 Contract # Date. 09/24/2020 1 Program Budget Summary PROGRAM / PROJECT DATE PREPARED Local Health Department - 2021 / West Nile Virus 9/24/2020 Community Surveillance CONTRACTOR NAME BUDGET PERIOD Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ From : 5/1/2021 To : 9/30/2021 Health Division MAILING ADDRESS (Number and Street) BUDGET AGREEMENT 1200 N. Telegraph Rd. ry Original (` Amendment 34 East CITY (STATE (ZIP CODE FEDERAL ID NUMBER Pontiac MI 48341-0432 38-6004876 Category I Total 1 DIRECT EXPENSES Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages 4,868.00 2 Fringe Benefits 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual 5 Supplies and Materials 6 Travel 7 Communication 8 County -City Central Services 1 9 Space Costs 10 All Others (ADP, Con Employees, Misc.) 1 Total Program Expenses TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect Costs 1 Indirect Costs 1 2 1 Cost Allocation Plan / Other Total Indirect Costs 1 TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,16800 0.00 0.00 1,373.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.00 9,423.00 9,423.00 M 1,676.00 1,67600 1,676.00 11,099.00 AMENDMENT# 0 Amount I 4,868.00 1 3,168.001 0,001 0.001 1 1,373 00 1 0.001 M 0.00 1 0.001 14001 9,423.001 1 9,423.00 1 0.00 1 1,676 00 1 1,676.001 1,676.00 1 11,099.001 Local Health Department - 2021, Date 09/24/2020 Page: 188 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 2 Program Budget- Source of Funds SOUZCE OF FUNDS Category I Total I Amount I Cash I Inkind 1 Source of Funds 1 Fees and Collections - 1st and 2nd 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 Party Fees and Collections - 3rd Party 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1I Federal or State (Non MDHHS) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I Federal Cost Based Reimbursement 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Federally Provided Vaccines 000 0.00 000 0.00 Federal Medicaid Outreach 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Required Match - Local 000 0.00 000 0.00 1� Local Non-ELPHS 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 Local Non-ELPHS 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 ) Local Non-ELPHS 0.00 000 0.00 0001 Other Non-ELPHS 000 0.00 000 0.00 1 MDHHS Non Comprehensive 0.00 000 0.00 0,001 MDHHS Comprehensive 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 1 MCH Funding 0.00 000 0.00 0.001 Local Funds - Other 1,099,00 0.00 1,099.00 0.00 Inkind Match 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MDHHS Fixed Unit Rate Totals I 11,09900I 10,000.00 I 1,09900 I 0.00 Local Health Department - 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page: 189 of 197 Contract # Date09/24/2020 3 Program Budget - Cost Detail (Line Item I Cityl (DIRECT EXPENSES (Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages Sanitarian 0.0336 (Technician 0.0447 (Total for Salary & Wages 2 Fringe Benefits All Composite Rate 0.0000 Notes: FICA, UNEMP INS, RETIREMENT, HOSP INS, LIFE INS, VISION INS, HEARING INS, DENTAL INS, WORK COMP, SHORT/LONG TERM DISABILITY 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual 5 Supplies and Materials Testing Materials I 0.00001 6 Travel 7 Communication 8 County -City Central Services 9 Space Costs 10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) Insurance I 0,00001 (Total Program Expenses (TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES IINDIRECT EXPENSES Ilndirect Costs 1 Indirect Costs 2 Cost Allocation Plan I Other Cost Allocation Plan 0.0000 Notes: 12 29% Rate UnitslUOM 73950.000 0.000 FTE 53303,000 0000 65.078 4868 000 0.0001 00001 Total l 2,485.001 2,383,001 4,868.001 I 3,168.00 I I I 1,373.001 I 0.0001 0.0001 14.00 9,423.00 9,423.00 0,0001 0.0001 I 577.00 Local Health Department - 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page' 190 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 Line Item Clty Rate Units Tota (Health AdnnDistribution 0.0000 000 0000IUOM 1,099.00, Total for Cost Allocation Plan I Other 1,676,001 (Total Indirect Costs 1,676.001 (TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES 1,676.001 TTOTAL EXPENDITURES I 11,099.0011, Local Health Department - 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page: 191 of 197 Contract # Date: 09/24/2020 1 Program Budget Summary PROGRAM / PROJECT DATE PREPARED Local Health Department - 2021 / EGLE Drinking Water and 9/24/2020 Onsite Wastewater Manaqement CONTRACTOR NAME BUDGET PERIOD Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ From : 10/1/2020 To 9/30/2021 Health Division MAILING ADDRESS (Number and Street) BUDGET AGREEMENT AMENDMENT # 1200 N. Telegraph Rd. ry Original r Amendment 0 34 East CITY (Pontiac ZIP CODE I48341-0432 FEDERAL ID NUMBER Ml 386004876 Category I Total I Amount 1� DIRECT EXPENSES I Program Expenses 1 Salary & Wages 0.00 0.00 2 Fringe Benefits 0.00 000 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 0.00 0.00 4 Contractual 0.00 0.00I 5 Supplies and Materials 0.00 0.00 6 Travel 0.00 000 7 Communication 000 000 8 County -City Central Services 0.00 000 9 Space Costs 0.00 0.00 10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) 0.00 0.00 INDIRECT EXPENSES l Indirect Costs 1 Indirect Costs 000 0.00 2 Cost Allocation Plan / Other 2,569,002.00 2,569,002.00 Total Indirect Costs 2,569,002.00 2,569,002 00 TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES 2,569,002.00 2,569,002.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,569,002.00 2,569,002.00 Local Health Department- 2021, Date 09/24/2020 Page. 192 of 197 Contract # Date 09/24/2020 2 Program Budget - Source of Funds OF FUNDS (SOURCE I Category I Total I Amount I Cash I Inkind' 1 Source of Funds 7 Fees and Collections - 1st and 2nd 1 0.00 000 0.00 I 0.00 Party (Fees and Collections - 3rd Party I 0.00 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 ( Federal or State (Non MDHHS) , 0.00 I 0.00 I 0,001 0.001 IFederal Cost Based Reimbursement I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 II Federally Provided Vaccines I 0.00I 0.00 ! 000, 0.00' IIFederal Medicaid Outreach I 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 I IIRequired Match - Local ' 0,00 0.00 I 000 I 0.00 I I(Local Non-ELPHS I JI 0,00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I I(Local Non-ELPHS 000 I+ 0.00 I 0.00 000 I I(Local Non-ELPHS I 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 IiOther Non-ELPHS I 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 IIMDHHS Non Comprehensive I 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 I IIMDHHS Comprehensive - I 985,042.00 985,04200 0.00 I 0.00I IIMCH Funding I 0.00 I 0.00 I 000 I 0.00 IILocal Funds - Other I 1,583,960.00 I 000 I 1,583,960,00 I 0.00 linkind IMatch I 0.00 I 0.00 I 000 I 0.00 I MDHHS Fixed Unit Rate IITotals I 2,569,002.00 I 985,042.00 I 1,583,960.00 I 0.001 Local Health Department - 2021, Date, 09/24/2020 Page. 193 of 197 CQTiTI'F.LSFi��F.iia[49f'k!£I�Y_��7 3 Program Budget -Cost Detail l lLine Item l Cityl 1DIRECT EXPENSES Progrm Expenses 1 Salary & Wages 2 Fringe Benefits 3 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 4 Contractual 1 5 Supplies and Materials 6 Travel 7 Communication 1 8 County -City Central Services 9 Space Costs 10 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) (INDIRECT EXPENSES Indirect Costs 1 Indirect Costs 2 Cost Allocation Plan I Other Environmental Hlth Adm 0.0000 Distribution IHealth AdmDistribution 0.0000 (Other Cost Distributions-Misc 00000 Distribution (Total for Cost Allocation Plan I Other (Total Indirect Costs (TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES TTOTAL EXPENDITURES Rate UnitslUOM I Totall 1 1 1 11 lI I 0000 0.000 1,762,582.00 0.000 0 000 657,790.00 0.000 0.000 148,630.00 2,569,002.001 2,569,002 001 2,569,002.001 2,569,002.001 Local Health Department - 2021, Date 09/24/2020 Page: 194 of 197 Contract # Date 09/24/2020 Summary of Budget PROGRAM / PROJECT PREPARED DATE DATE020 Local Health Department - 2021 / Local Health Department - 2021 CONTRACTOR NAME BUDGET PERIOD PERT OD Oakland County Department of Health and From: 10 0 To : 9/30/2021 Human Services/ Health Division 11 MAILING ADDRESS (Number and Street) BUDGET AGREEMENT # 1200 N. 34 East Telegraph Rd. i✓ Original C' Amendment (AMENDMENT 0 CITY (STATE ZIP CODE 48341- FEDERAL ID NUMBER Pontiac MI 0432 38-6004876 Category Total Amount DIRECT EXPENSES (Program Expenses I 11 Salary & Wages 19,961,874.00 19,961,874.001 12 Fringe Benefits 10,105,566.00 10,105,566.001 13 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 5,606.00 5,606.00 14 Contractual 2,118,056.001 2,118,056.00 15 ISupplies and Materials 1,814,050.00 I 1,814,050.00 16 ITravel 338,431.00 338,431.00 17 (Communication 424,400.00 424,400.00 I8 ICounty-City Central Services 0.00 I 0.00 19 ISpace Costs 1,209,714.00 1,209,714.00I 110 IAII Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) 3,295,592.00 3,295,592.00 (Total Program Expenses I 39,273,289.00 39,273,289.00 TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES 1 39,273,289.00 I 39,273,289.00 IINDIRECT EXPENSES Ilndirect Costs 11 Indirect Costs 1,363,701.00 1,363,701.00 12 Cost Allocation Plan / Other 4,335,159.00 4,335,159.00 Local Health Department-2021, Date. 09/24/2020 Page: 105 of 197 Total Indirect Costs TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,698,860.00 5,698,860.00 44,972,149.00 Contract # Date 09/24/2020 5,698,860.001 5,698,860.001 44,972,149.00 I SOURCE OF FUNDS Category Total Amount Cash Inkind 1 Fees and Collections - 1st 4,424,519.00 0.00 4,424,519.00 0.00� and 2nd Party (Fees and Collections - 3rd 241,000.00 0.00� 241,000.00 I 0.00 f I2 Party 3 Federal or State (Non 2,258,791.00 I 0.00 1 2,258,791.00 0.00 MDHHS) lReFederal I O.00i 0.00I 0.001 0.00 I4 mbursementsed +5 IFederally Provided Vaccines 11,444,452.001 0.00 1,444,452.001 0.001 �6 iFederal Medicaid Outreach 111158,403.00i 1,158,403.0 0.00 0.00 II II 0 I7 (Required Match - Local 11,214,053.001 0.00 1,214,053.00 0.001 18 ILocal Non-ELPHS I 0.001 0.00 0.001 0.001 19 Local Non-ELPHS 0.00 0.00 0.001 0.001 110 Local Non-ELPHS 0.00 0.001 0.00 0.001 I11 Other Non-ELPHS 0.00 0.001 0.00 0.001 112 (MDHHS Non Comprehensive 0.00 0.001 0.00 0.001 I13 (MDHHS Comprehensive 14,205,606.0 14,205,606. 0.00 0.00 14 MCH Funding 321,457.00 321,457.00 0.00 0.00 I15 Local Funds - Other 19,371,816.0 0.00 19,371,816.0 0.00 0 0 116 Ilnkind Match I 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.00 Local Health Department- 2021, Date: 09/24/2020 Page: 106 of 197 Contract # Date. 09/24/2020 17 MDHHS Fixed Unit Rate 332,052.00 332,052.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 44,972,149.0 16,017,518. 28,954,631.0 0.00 0 00 0 Local Health Department-2021, Date 09/24/2020 Page. 197 of 197 ATTACHMENT MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Local Health Department Agreement October 1, 2020- September 30, 2021 Fiscal Year 2021 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ANNUALBUDGET INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS Paqe I. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................2 II. MINIMUM BUDGETING REQUIREMENTS...................................................................2 Ill. REIMBURSEMENT CHART............................................................................................3 IV. LOCAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM STRUCTURE OF ACCOUNTS/COST ALLOCATION PROCEDURES., ................................................ .. ... ... 4 V. FORM PREPARATION - GENERAL...............................................................................4 VI. FORM PREPARATION - EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES..............................................4 VIL FORM PREPARATION - SOURCE OF FUNDS..............................................................7 Vill. SPECIAL BUDGET INSTRUCTIONS A. Public Health Emergency Preparedness(PHEP)...................................................10 B. WIC.........................................................................................................................10 C. Family Planning.....................................................................................................12 D. Breast and Cervical Cancer...................................................................................13 E. CSHCS Outreach and Advocacy...........................................................................15 F. Program Budget Detail- Cost Detail Schedule Preparation.....................................16 G. Medicaid Outreach Activities Reimbursement Procedures.....................................20 H. Michigan Colorectal Cancer -Screening Program...................................................25 I. Immunization 317 and VFC Allowable Expenditures..............................................26 1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR LOCAL HEALTH SERVICES INTRODUCTION The Annual Budget for Local Health Services is completed on a state fiscal year basis and is used to establish budgets for many Department programs. In the Annual Budget, the Department consolidates many of its categorical programs' funding and Essential Local Public Health Services (ELPHS) (formerly known as the local public health operation's funding) into a single, Comprehensive Agreement for local health departments. The Department's Plan and Budget Framework serves as a principal reference point for budget development. The Annual Budget for Local Health Services must be completed in accordance with and adhere to the established requirements as specified in these instructions and submitted to the Department as required by the agreement. MINIMUM BUDGETING REQUIREMENTS A. Cost Principles - Types or items of cost which will be considered for reimbursement are generally consistent with definitions contained in Title 2 Code of Federal Regulations CFR, Part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. B. Federal Block Grant Funds - Maternal & Child Health and Preventive Health Block Grant funds may not be used to: provide inpatient services; make cash payments to intended recipients of health services; purchase or improve land; purchase, contract or permanently improve (other than minor remodeling defined as work required to change the interior arrangements or other physical characteristics of any existing facility or installed equipment when the cost of the remodeling incident does not exceed $2,000) any building or other facility; or purchase major medical equipment (any item of medical equipment having a unit cost of over $10,000 and used in the diagnosis or treatment of patients, excluding equipment typically used in a laboratory); satisfy any requirement for the expenditure of non-federal funds as a condition for the receipt of Federal funds; or provide financial assistance to any entity other than a public or nonprofit private entity. C. Expenditure and Fundina Source Breakdown - For purposes of development, analysis and negotiation activities must be budgeted at the individual expenditure and funding source category level on the Annual Budget for Local Health Services. D. Special Budget Requirements for Certain Cateaorical Proaram Elements - The Annual Budget for Local Health Services is completed in the MI E-Grants System through the application budget to include details for all program elements (excluding Administration and Grantee Support). E. Local MCH - Local MCH funds can be used to support the health of women, children, and families in communities across Michigan. Funding addresses one or more Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant national and state priority areas and/or a local MCH priority need identified through a needs assessment process. Priority areas are developed into Local MCH Work Plans which are described in the Annual Local MCH Plan. These funds are to be budgeted as a funding source in two project categories. The Local MCH projects need to be budgeted separately. Please note only two LMCH project titles can be used: MCH — Children MCH — All Other These funding sources cannot be used under the WIC element except in extreme circumstances where a waiver is requested in advance of expenditures, and evidence is provided that the expenditures satisfy all funding requirements. Local health departments are encouraged to select only one to two performance measures and delve deeper into the strategies in an effort to "move the needle." III. REIMBURSEMENT CHART A. Program Element/Fundina Source The Program Element/Funding Source column has been moved to Attachment III and provides the listing of all currently funded MDHHS programs that are included in the Comprehensive Local Health Department Agreement. B. Tvpe of Proiect The type of project designation is indicated by footnote and is used if the project meets the Research and Development Project criteria. Research and Development Projects are defined by Title 2 CFR, Section 200.87, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. Research and development (R&D) means all research activities, both basic and applied, and all development activities that are performed by non -Federal entities. Research is defined as a systematic study directed toward fuller scientific knowledge or understanding of the subject studied. The term research also includes activities involving the training of individuals in research techniques where such activities utilize the same facilities as other research and development activities and where such activities are not included in the instruction function. Development is the systematic use of knowledge and understanding gained from research directed toward the production of useful materials, devices, systems, or methods, including design and development of prototypes and processes. C. Reimbursement Chart The Reimbursement Chart notes elements/funding sources, applicable payment methods, target levels, output measures for each program/element having a performance reimbursement option. In addition, the chart also provides the subrecipient, contractor, or recipient designations, as in prior years: IV. LOCAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM STRUCTURE OF ACCOUNTS/COST ALLOCATION PROCEDURES As in past years, no additional accounting system detail is being required beyond local uniform accounting procedures prescribed by the Michigan Department of Treasury, Local Financial Management System requirements, documentation requirements of categorical program funding sources and any local requirements. Some agencies may already have separate cost centers in their accounting system to directly identify costs and related funding of required services, but such breakdowns are not essential to being able to meet minimum reporting requirements if proper allocation procedures are used and adequate documentation is maintained. All allocations must have clearly measurable bases that directly apply to the amounts being allocated, must be documented with work papers that will provide an adequate audit trail and must result in a representative reporting of costs and funding for affected programs. More specific guidance can be found in Title 2 CFR, Part 200 Appendix V State/Local Government and Indian Tribe -Wide Central Service Cost Allocation Plans and the brochure published by the Department of Health and Human Services entitled "A Guide for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments: Cost Principles and Procedures for Developing Cost Allocation Plans and Indirect Cost Rates for Agreements with the Federal Government. V. FORM PREPARATION - GENERAL The MI E-Grants System on-line application, including the budget entry forms, are utilized to develop a budget summary for each program element administered by the local Grantee. The system is designed to accommodate any number of local program elements including those unique to a particular local Grantee. Applications, including budget forms, are completed for all program elements, regardless of the reimbursement mechanism, including Agency administration(s) fee for service program elements, categorical program elements, performance - based program elements and Medicaid Outreach associated program elements. Budget entryis required for each major expenditure and source of fund categories for which costs/funds are identified. VI. FORM PREPARATION -EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES Budaeted expenditures are to be entered for each program element, project or group of services by applicable major category. A. Salaries and Waaes- This category includes the compensation budgeted for all permanent and part-time employees on the payroll of the Grantee and assigned directly to the program. This does not include contractual services, professional fees or personnel hired on a private contract basis. Consulting services, vendor services, professional fees or personnel hired on a private contracting basis should be included in "Other Expenses." Contracts with secondary recipient organizations such as cooperating service delivery institutions or delegate agencies should be included in Contractual (Sub -contract) Expenses. B. Frinae Benefits - This category is to include, for at least the specified elements, all Grantee costs for social security, retirement, insurance and other similar benefits forall permanent and part-time employees assigned to the specified elements. C. Can Exp for EauiD & Fac -This category includes expenditures for budgeted stationary and movable equipment used in carrying out the objectives of each program element, project or service group. The cost of a single unit or piece of equipment includes necessary accessories, installation costs, freight and other applicable expenses associated with the purchase of the equipment. Only budgeted equipment items costing $5,000 or more may be reported under this category. Small equipment items costing less than $5,000 are properly classified as Supplies and Materials or Other Expenses. This category also includes capital outlay for purchase or renovation of facilities. D. Contractual (Subcontracts/Subrecit)ient) - Use for expenditures applicable to written contracts or agreements with secondary recipient organizations such as cooperating service delivery institutions or delegate agencies. Payments to individuals for consulting or contractual services, or for vendor services are to be included under Other Expenses. Specify subcontractor(s) address, amount by subcontractor and total of all subcontractors. E. Supplies and Materials - Use for all consumable items and materials including equipment - type items costing less than $5,000 each. This includes office, printing, janitorial, postage and educational supplies; medical supplies; contraceptives and vaccines; tape and gauze; prescriptions and other appropriate drugs and chemicals. Federal Provided Vaccine Value should be reported and identified on in Other Cost Distributions category. Do not combine with supplies. F. Travel - Travel costs of permanent and part-time employees assigned to each program element. This includes costs of mileage, per diem, lodging, meals, registration fees and other approved travel costs incurred by the employee. Travel of private, non -employee consultants should be reported under Other Expenses. G. Communication Costs - These are costs for telephone, Internet, telegraph, data lines, websites, fax, email, etc., when related directly to the operation of the program element. H. County/City Central Services -These are costs associated with central support activities of the local governing unit allocated to the local health department in accordance with Title 2 CFR, part 200. I. Space Costs -These are costs of building space necessary forthe operation of the program. J, All Others (Line 111 - These are costs for all other items purchased exclusively for the operation of the program element and not appropriately included in any ofthe other categories including items such as repairs, janitorial services, consultant services, vendor services, equipment rental, insurance, Automated Data Processing (ADP) systems, etc. K. Total Direct Expenditures — The MI E-Grants System sums the direct expenditures budgeted for each program element, project or service grouping and records in the Total Direct Expenditure line of the Budget Summary. L. Indirect Cost— These cost categories are used to distribute costs of general administrative operations that have not been directly charged to individual subrecipient programs. The Indirect Cost expenditures distribute administrative overhead costs to each program element, project or service grouping. Two separate local rates may apply to the agreement period (i.e., one for each local fiscal year). Use Calendar Rate 1 to reflect the rate applicable to the first part of the agreement period and Calendar Rate 2 for the rate applicable to the latter part. Indirect costs are not allowed on programs elements designated as vendor relationship An indirect rate proposal and related supporting documentation must be retained for audit in accordance with records retention requirements. In addition, these documents are reviewed as part of the Single Audit, subrecipient monitoring visit, or other State of Michigan reviews. Following is further clarification regarding indirect rate and/or cost allocation approval requirements to distribute administrative overhead costs, in accordance with Title 2 CFR Part 200 (formerly Circular A-87 2 CFR Part 225, Appendix E), for Local Health Departments budgeting indirect costs: 1. Local Health Departments receiving more than $35 million in direct Federal awards are required to have an approved indirect cost rate from a Federal Cognizant Agency. If your Local Health Department has received an approved indirect rate from a Federal Cognizant agency, attach the Federal approval letter to your MI E-Grants Grantee Profile. 2. Local Health Departments receiving $35 million or less in direct Federal awards are required to prepare indirect cost rate proposals in accordance with Title 2 CFR and maintain the documentation on file subject to review. 3. Local Health Departments that received approved indirect cost rates from another State of Michigan Department should attach their State approval letter to their MI E-Grants Grantee Profile. 4. Local Health Departments with cost allocation plans should reflect these allocations in the Other Cost Distributions budget category. See Section M. Other Cost Distribution for budgeting guidance. 5. As a Subrecipient of federal funds from MDHHS, a Local Health Department that has never received a negotiated indirect cost rate, your Local Health Department may electto charge a de minimis rate of 10% of modified total direct costs (MTDC) based on Title 2 CFR part 200 requirements. MTDC includes all direct salaries and wages, fringe benefits, supplies and materials, travel, services, and contractual expenses up to the first $25,000 of each contract. MTDC excludes all equipment, capital expenditures, charges for patient care, rental costs, tuition remission, scholarships and fellowships, participant support costs, and portions subcontractual/subaward expenses in excess of $25,000 per contract. Attach a current copy of the letter stating the applicable indirect costs rate or calculation information justifying the de minimis rate calculation to you MI E-Grants Grantee profile. Detail on how the indirect costs was calculated must be shown on the Budget Detail, Schedule. The amount of Indirect Cost should be allocated to all appropriate program elements with the total equivalent amount reflected as a credit or minus in the Administration projects. M. Other Cost Distributions — Use to distribute various contributing activity costs to appropriate program areas based upon activity counts, time study supporting data or other reasonable and equitable means. An example of Other Cost Distributions is nursing supervision. The distribution process permits costs reflected in a single program element to be subsequently distributed, perhaps only in part, to other programs or projects as appropriate. If an allocation is made, the charges must be reflected in the appropriate program element and the offsetting credit reflected in the program element being distributed. There must be a documented, well-defined rationale and audit trail for anv cost distribution or allocation based upon. Title 2 CFR. Part 200 Cost Principles Local Health Departments using the cost distribution or cost allocation must develop the plan in accordance with the requirements described in Title 2 CFR, Part 200, Local Health Departments should maintain supporting documentation for audit in accordance with record retention requirements. The plan should include a Certification of Cost Allocation plan in accordance with Title 2 CFR, Part 200 Appendix V. The cost allocation plan documentation is not required to be submitted unless specifically requested. Cost associated with the Essential Local Public Health Services (ELPHS), Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Block Grant and Fixed Fee may be budgeted in the associated program element and distributed to the associated projects. Federal Provided Vaccine Value should be reported on a separate line and clearly identified. N. Total Direct & Admin. Expenditures — The MI E-Grants System sums the indirect expenditures program element and records in the Total Indirect Expenditure line of the Budget Summary, O. Total Expenditures —The MI E-Grants System sums the direct and indirect expenditures and records in the Total Expenditure line of the Budget Summary. VII. FORM PREPARATION -SOURCE OF FUNDS Source of Funds are to be entered for each program element, project or group of services by applicable major category as follows: A. Fees & Collections - Fees list & 2nd Party— L 1st party funds projected to be received from private payers, including patients, source users and any member of the general population receiving services. ii. 2nd party funds received from organizations, private or public, who might reimburse services for a group or under a special plan. iii. Any Other Collections B. Fees & Collections - 31d Partv — 3rd Party Fees - Funds projected to be received from private insurance, Medicaid, Medicare or other applicable titles of the Social Security Act directly related to the cost of providing patient care or other services (e.g., includes Early Periodic Screening, Detection and Treatment [EPSDT] Screening, Family Planning.) C. Federal/State Fundinct (Non-MDHHSI - Funds received directly from the federal government and from any state Contractor other than MDHHS, such as the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (MDNRE). This line should also be used to exclude state aid funds such as those provided through the Michigan Department of Treasury under P.A. 264 of 1987 (cigarette tax). D. Federal Cost Based Reimbursement — Funds received for Federal Cost Based Reimbursement which should be budgeted in the program in which they were earned. E. Federally Provided Vaccines — The projected value of federally provided vaccine. F. Federal Medicaid Outreach — (Please note: to be used only for Medicaid Outreach, CSHCS Medicaid Outreach or Nurse Family Partnership Medicaid Outreach program elements.) Funds projected to be received from the federal government for allowable Medicaid Outreach activities. This amount represents the anticipated 50% federal administrative match of local contributions. G. Reauired Match - Local — Funds projected to be local contribution for programs that have a match contribution requirement (Please note: for Medicaid Outreach, CSHCS Medicaid Outreach, or Nurse Family Partnership Medicaid Outreach, this amount represents the 50% matching local contribution for allocable Medicaid Outreach Activities. Federal Medicaid Outreach and Required Local match amounts should equal each other.) H. Local Non-ELPHS - Local funds budgeted for the following expenditures: 1. Expenditures for services not designated as required and allowable for ELPHS funding (e.g., medical examiner and inpatient maternity services); expenditures determined notto be reasonable; and, expenditures in excess of the maximum state share of funds available. 2. Any losses arising from uncollectible accounts and other related claims. Under -recovery of reimbursable expenditures from, or failure to bill, available funding sources that would otherwise result in exclusions from ELPHS funding, if recovered. However, no exclusion is required where the local jurisdiction has made and documented a decision to have local funds underwrite: a. The cost of uncollectible accounts or bad debts incurred in support of providing required or allowable health services. An example of this condition would be for services provided to indigents who are billed as a matter of procedure with little chance for receipt of payment. b. Potential recoveries or under -recoveries from other sources for the principal purpose of providing required and allowable health services at free or reduced cost to the public served by the Grantee. An example would be keeping fees for services at a reduced level for the benefit of the people served by the Grantee while recognizing that to do so limits recovery from third parties for the same types of services. 3. Contributions to a contingency reserve or any similar provisions for unforeseen events. 4. Charitable contributions and donations. 5. Salaries and other incidental expenditures of the chief executive of a political subdivision (i.e., county executive and mayor). 6. Legislative expenditures, such as, salaries and other incidental expenditures of local governing bodies (i.e., county commissioners and city councils). Do not enter board of health expenses. 7. Expenditures for amusements, social activities and other incidental expenditures related to, such as, meals, beverages, lodging, rentals, transportation and gratuities. 8. Fines, penalties and interest on borrowings. 9. Capital Expenditures - Local capital outlayfor purchase of facilities and equipment (assets) are excluded from ELPHS funding. I. Other Non- ELPHS - Funds budgeted from sources other than state, federal and local appropriations to the extent that they are not eligible for ELPHS (e.g., funding from local substance abuse coordinating grantee, local area on aging grantees). J. MDHHS - NON -COMPREHENSIVE - Funds budgeted for services provided under separate MDHHS agreements. Examples include funding provided directly by the Community Services for Substance Abuse for community grants, etc. K. MDHHS - COMPREHENSIVE - This section includes all funding projected to be due under the Comprehensive Agreement from categorical programs and needs to equal the allocation. L. ELPHS - MDHHS Hearina — This section includes all funding projected to be due under Comprehensive Agreement specific to the ELPHS MDHHS Hearing program and has to equal the MDHHS ELPHS Hearing allocation. Additional ELPHS to be budgeted for the Hearing Program must be entered into ELPHS — MDHHS Other. Hearing allocations may only be spent on the Hearing Program. M. ELPHS - MDHHS Vision — This section includes all funding projected to be due under Comprehensive Agreement specific to the ELPHS MDHHS Vision program and has to equal the ELPHS MDHHS Vision allocation. Additional ELPHS to be budgeted for the Vision Program must be entered into ELPHS — MDHHS Other. Vision allocations may only be spent on the Vision Program. N. ELPHS — MDHHS Other — This section includes all funding projected to be due under Comprehensive Agreement specific to the ELPHS MDHHS Other program for eligible program elements. Please note: The MI E-Grants System validates the ELPHS MDHHS Other budgeted funds across the applicable program elements to assure the agreement does exceed the ELPHS — MDHHS Other allocation. O. ELPHS — Food - This section includes all funding projected to be due under Comprehensive Agreement specific to the ELPHS Food program and has to equal the ELPHS Food allocation. P. ELPHS — Drinkinq Water - This section includes all funding projected to be due under Comprehensive Agreement specific to the ELPHS Drinking Water program and has to equal the ELPHS Drinking Water allocation. Q. ELPHS — On -site Sewaae - This section includes all funding projected to be due under Comprehensive Agreement specific to the ELPHS On -site Sewage program and has to equal the ELPHS On -site Sewage allocation. R. MCH Fundina - This section includes all funding projected to be due under Comprehensive Agreement specific to the MCH eligible program elements. Please note: The MI E-Grants System validates the MCH budgeted funds across applicable program elements to assure the agreement does exceed the MCH allocation. S. Local Funds - Other - Enter all local support in the appropriate element, project or service group column. This may include local property tax, and other local revenues (does not include fees). T. Inkind Match — Enter Local Support from donated time or services. U. MDHHS Fixed Unit Rate — Select the type of fee -for -services from the lookup to correspond with the program element. Vlll. SPECIAL BUDGET INSTRUCTIONS Certain elements are supported by federal or other categorical program funds for which special budgeting requirements are placed upon grantees and subgrantees. These include: Element Federal or Other Fundinq Contractor Public Health Emergency U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Preparedness Disease Control WIC U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food & Nutrition Service Family Planning U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Public Health Service Breast and Cervical U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Cancer Disease Control CSHCS Outreach & Michigan Department of Health & Human Services Advocacy Medicaid Outreach Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Activities In general, subgrantee budgets must provide sufficient budget detail to support grantee budget requests and be in a format consistent with grantor Contractor requirements. Certain types of costs must receive approval of the federal grantor Contractor and/or the grantee prior to being incurred. A. Public Health Emerqencv Preparedness (PHEP1 Special Budget Requirements Local Health Departments will receive the initial FY 20/21 allocation of the CDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) funds in nine equal prepayments for the period October 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. LHDs must submit a nine -month budget and a quarterly Financial Status Report (FSR) foreach of the following COMPREHENSIVE Local Health Department program elements: 1. Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) (October 1 — June 30) 2. Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP)— Cities of Readiness (October 1 — June 30) 3. Laboratory Services - Bioterrorism (October 1 — September 30) B. WIC Special Budget Requirements 1. Cost/Fundina Cateqories - The following local budget breakdowns are required to fulfill WIC grant application budget requirements each fiscal year: Salaries & Fringe Benefits in Automated Management Systems Space Utilization Costs Equipment Supplies Communications & Travel All Other Direct Costs Indirect Costs All Funding Sources by Type The WIC cost/funding categories and supporting budget detail requirements are satisfied by completion of an application budget form in the MI E-Grants System. General instructions for these forms are contained at the end of this section. Agencies receiving WIC -USDA Infrastructure grants must budget these funds as a separate element. Agencies must track and report expenditures separately on the FSR. Agencies receiving WIC -USDA Breastfeeding Peer Counselor funds must budget these funds as a separate element. Agencies must track and report expenditures separately on the FSR. And comply with special reporting requirements. 2. Costs Allowable Only With Prior Approval - The following costs are allowable only with prior review/approval of the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services as specified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service (Ref.: 7 CFR Part 246, and USDA -WIC Administrative Cost Handbook 3/86). Prior approval is accomplished by providing appropriate detail in the budget request approved by MDHHS or subsequently in a written request approved in writing by MDHHS. A. Automated Information Svstems - which are required by a local Grantees except for those used in general management and payroll, including acquisition of automated data processing hardware or software whether by outright purchase or rental -purchase agreement or other method of acquisition. B. Caoital Exoenditures of $2.500 or More - such as the cost of facilities, equipment, including medical equipment, other capital assets and any repairs that materially increase the value or useful life of capital assets. C. Manaaement Studies - performed by agencies or departments other than the local Grantee or those performed by outside consultants under contract with the local Grantee. D. Accountino and Auditino Services - performed by private sector firms under professional service contracts for purposes of preparation or audit of program and financial records/reports. E. Other Professional Services - rendered by individuals or organizations, not a part of the local Grantee, such as: 1. Contractual private physician providing certification data. 2. Contractual organization providing laboratory data. 3. Contractual translators and interpreters at the local Grantee level. 11 F. Trainina and Education - provided for employee development, which directly or indirectly benefits the grant program, to the extent that such training is contracted for or involves out -of -service training over extended periods of time. G. Buildina Space and Related Facilities - the cost to buy, lease or rent space in privately or publicly owned buildings for the benefit of the program. H. Non-Frinqe Insurance and Indemnification Costs All charges to WIC must be necessary, reasonable, allowable and allocable for the proper and efficient administration of the program. Further information and cost standards are provided in federal instructions including Title 2 CFR, Part 200 and 7 CFR Part 3015. C. Family Plannina Special Budaet Requirements Cost/Fundina Catectories - The following local budget breakdowns are required to fulfill Family Planning grant application budget requirements each fiscal year: Salaries & Wages Fringe Benefits Travel Equipment Supplies Contractual Construction All Other Direct Costs Indirect Costs All Funding Sources by Type The Family Planning cost/funding categories and supporting budget detail requirements are satisfied by completion of an application budget in the MI E-Grants System. General instructions for these forms are contained at the end of this section. 2. Costs Allowable Only With Prior Approval - The following costs are allowable only with prior review/approval of MDHHS. Prior approval is accomplished by providing appropriate detail in the budget request approved by MDHHS or subsequently in a written request approved in writing by MDHHS. A. Alterations and Renovations - to change the interior arrangements or other physical characteristics of existing facilities or installed equipment, to the extent that such changes cost more than $1,000 each. B. Audiovisual Materials and Activities - acquired, produced, presented, or disseminated to the general public. C. Consultant Contracts for General Support Services - including equipment and supplies, that will cost in excess of $25,000 or 10% of the total direct cost budget (whichever is greater). D. Equipment - including general purpose and special equipment (e.g., air conditioning) costing $5,000 or more per unit. E. Insurance - contributions to a reserve for a self-insurance program. 12 F. Public Information Service Costs — for the cost of providing public information services. G. Publication and Printina Costs - for the cost of publications. H. Caoital Expenditures - for land or buildings. I. Indemnification Against Third Parties Costs.- insurance against potential liabilities. J. Mass Severance Pav - involving grant -supported personnel. K. 0roan ization/Reorganization Costs - allocable to the program. L. Overtime Premium - involving grant -supported personnel. M. Patient Care Costs — re -budgeting out of or reduction in patient care costs (considered a change in scope). N. Professional Services - in connection with Patent/Copyright Infringement Litigation. O. Trailers or Modular Units — for costs of trailers and modular units. P. Transfers Between Construction and Non -construction -for approved construction funds. Q. Transfers Between Indirect and Direct Costs - for amounts awarded for indirect costs to absorb increases in direct costs. R. Transfers for Substantive Programmatic Work - to a third party, by contracting, or any other means used for the actual performance of substantive programmatic work. All charges to Family Planning must be necessary, reasonable, allowable, and allocable, for the proper and efficient administration of the program. Further information and cost standards are provided in federal instructions including 2 CFR, Part 225 (OMB Circular A-87), A-102 Common Rule and 2 CFR, Part 215 (OMB Circular A-110) D. Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Coordination Proaram Soecial Budget, Requirements i. The Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program (BCCCNP) budget is to be developed in the following way: BCCCNP Coordination should be used to budget costs associated with coordination of the program in assuring implementation of all minimum program requirements and policies and procedures. Only coordination expenses will be reimbursed through the Comprehensive Agreement. All Direct Service claims, including MTA Navigation Services and Navigation -Only Services, must be billed to the MDHHS Cancer Prevention and Control Section for claim processing. The Local Coordinating Agency (LCA) and/or direct service providers with contracts or letters of agreement with the LCA will be responsible for billing Direct Service claims to the MDHHS Cancer Prevention and Control Section. No Direct Services or MTA Navigation or Navigation -Only Service expenses will be reimbursed through the Comprehensive Agreement. 13 The Coordination amount $200 per woman based on a target caseload established by MDHHS. There is no longer a match requirement. Match is recorded by the program and reported to MDHHS. For specific billing requirements refer to the most recent BCCCNP Billing Manual. For specific program requirements, including current fiscal year Direct Service Reimbursement Rates and documentation related to the match requirement, refer to the current fiscal year Special Budgeting and Other Program Instructions for the BCCCNP issued in August of each fiscal year. The above referenced documents are available at www.michioancancer.ora/BCCCNP. 2. The Well -Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation (WISEWOMAN) budget is to be developed in the following way: WISEWOMAN Coordination and Screening should be used to budget costs associated with coordination of the program and delivery of the initial screening and risk reduction counseling to WISEWOMAN participants. This includes administration and interpretation of health risk instrument, WISEWOMAN screening services (height, weight, body mass index, 2 blood pressure readings, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and glucose or Al C), and delivery of risk reduction counseling. All Direct Service claims must be billed to the MDHHS Cancer Prevention and Control Section for claim processing. The Local Coordinating Agency (LCA) and/or direct service providers with contracts or letters of agreements with the LCA will be responsible for billing Direct Service claims to the MDHHS Cancer Prevention and Control Section. This includes follow-up fasting lipid panel, fasting glucose, A1c, and one diagnostic exam. No Direct Services expenses will be reimbursed through the Comprehensive Agreement. The Coordination and Screening amount is $200 per woman based on a target caseload established by MDHHS. Performance reimbursement will be based upon the understanding that a certain level of performance (measured by outputs) must be met. There is a 95% caseload performance requirement for this project. For specific billing requirements refer to the most recent Billing Manual. For specific program requirements, including current fiscal year Direct Service Reimbursement rates and documentation related to the match requirement, refer to the current fiscal year Special Budgeting and other Program instructions for the WISEWOMAN Program issued in August of each fiscal year. The above referenced documents are available at www.michigan.gov/cancer. 14 E. Children's Special Health Care Services (CSHCS1 Outreach and Advocacv - The program element, titled CSHCS Outreach and Advocacy should be used to budget costs associated with this program. I. Proaram Budaet - Online Detail Budget Application Entry Complete the appropriate budget forms contained within the MI E-Grants System for each program element. An example of this form is attached (see Attachment 1 for reference). Salary and Waaes - a. Position Description - Select from the expenditure row look -up all position titles or job descriptions required to staff the program. If the position is missing from the list, please use Other and type in the position in the drop -down field provided. b. Positions Reauired - Enter the number of positions required for the program corresponding to the specific position title or description. This entry may be expressed as a decimal (e.g., Full -Time Equivalent — FTE) when necessary. If other than a full-time position is budgeted, it is necessary to have a basis in terms of time reports to support time charged to the program. c. Amount —The MI E-Grants System calculates the salary for the position required and records it on the Budget Detail. Enter this amount in the Amount column. d. Total Salary —The MI E-Grants System totals the amount of all positions required and records it on the Budget Summary. e. Notes - Enter any explanatory information that is necessary for the position description. Include an explanation of the computation of Total Salary in those instances when the computation is not straightforward (i.e., if the employee is limited term and/or does not receive fringe benefits). 2. Frinae Benefits — Select from the expenditure row look -up applicable fringe benefits for staff working in this program. Enter the percentage for each. The MI E-Grants system updates the total amount for salary and wages in the unit field and calculates the fringe benefit amount. If the "Composite Rate" fringe benefit item is selected from the expenditure row look up, record the applicable fringe benefit items (i.e. FICA, Life insurance, etc.) in the "Notes" tab. 3. EauiDment- Enter a description of the equipment being purchased (including number of units and the unit value), the total by type of equipment and total of all equipment purchases. 4. Contractual - Specify subcontractor(s)/subrecipient(s) working on this program, including the subcontractor's/subrecipient's address, amount by subcontractor/subrecipient and total of all subcontractor(s)/subrecipient(s). Multiple small subcontracts can be grouped (e.g., various worksite subcontracts). 5. SuuDlies and Materials - Enter amount by category. A description is required if the budget category exceeds 10% of total expenditures. 6. Travel - Enter amount by category. A description is required if the budget category exceeds 10% of total expenditures. 7. Communication - Enter amount by category. A description is required if the 15 budget category exceeds 10%B of total expenditures. 8. County -City Central Services -Enter amount by category and total for all categories. 9. Space Costs - Enter amount by category and total for all categories. 10. Other Expenses - Enter amount by category and total for all categories. A description is required if the budget category exceeds 10% of total expenditures. 11. Indirect Cost Calculation - Enter the base(s), rate(s) and amount(s). 12. Other Cost Distributions - Enter a description of the cost, percent distributed to this program and the amount distributed. 13. Total Exp. - MI E-grants totals the amount of all positions required and records it on the Budget Summary. F. Program Budget -Cost Detail Schedule Preparation 131 Attachment 131-Proaram Budaet Summary :Agency ABC Health Dapadmenl Program 6omprehensivehgreement FY20Xf( APPLOto. Eamlly Plannlog Benlcsa SAMPLE Chow Daeonnenis ialool"of � CeN&aLons i Bad'0 ' ldlacxllnneoo, ; loda. 1X civae 'e��O Ci Vanda[v I'I,� �POF Rg COPr LShow➢e� 11Il�J Budges Summary DIRECT EXPENSES Program Expanaaa Salary&Cdpges 83,41900 83,41900 000 0,00 FFoap Denefts 34,202.00; 34,202001, 0.00: 000 GaP EaP (or E4Jp & Fac 1oat,lftndl I 0 Snppllea and vloanala 1 23,275001 III 2327500I 000 aon [� Travel 3.340 GO: 3,34000� 000'1 000 FRI COI11mgr'.Uon 7,262001 7,262.60: 000'1 1, 000 I> .... t',GIB, Cont. Spaca Cosls 10,13100: 10,131A0 0001 1i 000 El .Al OtWrs(ADP, Can Eniplayeos, iMOc 3,89400i 3,69400, 000'1 0001 Total Program Expenses 165,523001: 165,62300', 00011 000 TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES 165523001,i 1, iG052300', 0001i 000' INDIRECT EXPEH SES mmreet costa Indnerl Cods 2940500111 1 19,40500,1 0001 0001 Other l:oils Olsfnhutmns _— 1,68500',; 1, e0 00011 0.001, Total Indirect Costs 31,096 GO,: 1 31,0900011 ---- --000111 00011 TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES 31,0900011 31,090001i 00011 0001 TOTAL EXPENDINRES I06813 DO1i 1 196,61100f; O.00I 00011 - 16 Source of Funds ABanry ABC Health DapV,etanl P roan Co pehenaNG Ay m t f1 .0 hk t appl¢allen Family Plann109 ervlWs BAMpLE - ShoNDOcumonLl F , ry i L 1 PMII[eLons putl9el 1.115cBllane0uk Intlex -- FX Close, O Sbvee 05evb; Lri YallJele r (j - COPY t,5h—Trae j[I(,I $OnICa O(fpIN19 (TOTAL E%PEUDITURES 196,61300 JOO 090i 196.61306 ; SOVraa Ol FMtls Fees and C11ledI0n8-let and 2n0 PaM 0 00 i 000 000� 000III p h Fa9, xntl CmlecA0ns 31d Pat1V OJ0 66,JJ0 OO OOO 6d,OW.OD Q J j Federal Or Stale Ilion UDCH) 000' GOO! 000„ pu0', Y Federal C,,It Baeed Ralmdureemenl 000 19,00000 000 19,00000 (Federally ProNdetl Vacane, 000,1 0001, 0091 OOO Fade,al l ledrtald Oupead, 0Goj OOO DOD 000' Requlredl.Ialch LOC31 ' 000'i 000' 000 O00„ 'Local 11m ELPHS U00 1 0001 coo 1 0001 m _ L0eal Plop-ELPHS 090 _ 900I 0001 OOOI 0 OIOe, NmELPHS 0,00 000II 000 0,00, Ej I,IDCHIfo6 Comprahaneire 000' 000 0001 OOG ✓3 - >- MUCH ComprehenalVa 65 613001 0001 060 86,813 G01 0 ELPHS-41DCHHeating 0Do! 000', Goo, 0Do ci ELPHS-MUCH VIalOn 00&1 000 000, 000 Q _ (ELPHS -IdOCH ON., 010, j OOp', 000I 00011 0 ELPHS-F00d OGO! 0.00°, 000' 000 ELPHS- DOngng Olale, _ COO( 00011 _ 000 0.0011 C7 �ELPHS-On-S11a Saivage DDiv 1 00, DPO, ODO FI �CH Funding 0001 GDo a00"i 000 G > LOCal F111d,-01her 0001 44,60004i coo, 44800 UOi [} 'Ilnl Intl l,IalU Goo! 0,00' 0001I 0Go IR@CH Head Unit Rate 1 - - - --- 0001 0DO! 000 000. j 17 B2 Attachment 82-Proaram Budaet Cost Detail - - --- --- ------------- - - IA9ency ABC HeaItNDepadma0l ProgramCompfebenaNe Agreement-FY 20 k1( NppllCagon Family Planning SeMces SAMPLE FoeasNeel CertlfihMhxrs I endear I INseallanevuf too.. ■Bare ■Sorer dVa Gdale LI 91CI Q, Cvpyl Budget Detail Crown,' Program Expanses - Salary d Ws es T)ye Fxpendllufe CldesdlCdtlan Seg 1 Sub Type Dlad Instructions Saba the pedwn descrpllon Idenllly the gnnntry Be FrEs Menhy the fall as average coal per Fre slmwlTronnenis X Clvnv g show lies. 1 (r ) IlaffdllYe 1■�I,I , I iw,� y � „i il„ JWYxy ❑ X ipurse Padllloner IE) 0191 91600000[FTE ❑, 17,29000 17,290 o01 000 000 L.-1 ❑ X 1 Pub11C Health Nurse - is _ _ _ 0461 3493243DIFTE ❑, 16,06900 16,06900, 0,00, 000 e) ❑> Ceordindt0r is 041, 5103600DIFTE r❑',, 20S2500', 20,925 DO: 000 sea L) ❑XliCled; It E) I09I 26729240'IFTE 0, 20,13500 20,135001 0.00' 000 e) ■Sere ■sago C7 VUIWaIe Fj— PPDF Qn'-1 CapY Lei Snvw I-I)(I) real Detail ,Program Expenses- Cap End for Cquip S Fee Type 'Elpendllum �Calegoty COC.11lCaLon See 11 Sub Type IDlred ranou'ukhmi _--- Eeugmenlbde(med ea the cost of a smgla FeroveWed a155,000 or mg, and Me a useful of mom than — —_—I4anain. _ one yea, Costa should lncNde lee tlem and any whodhle o"aneea ench as neellabbn male mamtedmre lees at, new rnstmg noes men ss 000 agent he entered Imo Na eupolea end maladals Ins ❑ ❑ o e) n safe 10 Save hot Va Dram ISp P MF I ED Copy Ii snow Trav `l f i) Budget Detail Categoy PrhOam Expenses-CDOOCAUM T}pe Expendnom Ctasadrypi'm Seg 1 Sub Type Direct Nau.Wa tuslrudipns Ieonirncuml rotors to xund" map Mmgenmbmns only Pke aenlarele onnteel mldmrehnn Conauhanls end euppodmA sernCe suhconlmds aM1ouM da budOebaE untler0o o0mr e.pmse Imo in ■=ave.o C11 Vallslale rOLPOF]COpY Budgetgetall Category 'Program Expenses- Supplies and Malenale Classlfcallon deg 1 I Laval r, t-mo Bem OCalegery Imondona OeeslM1alcmtlem.0an5`.,000 o', n, PI Type Erpendloge Sub Type Thred Noo.lNe 0 ❑ >"Pnneng rJ toe DD 10000: ga Poe O TD000' 10000', Sava< C2Velidatvi CIE �LPDF Qm Cvpy Budget Detail CslegCC. Program EtpCoOos-T..el Type: EapendlWa '.. Classification Seg' 1 Level G)Llne Item! I Crow, Sub Type IDirect I, 1nswNpns I ❑ X 3,00000 1 3,00000' ❑ >' IConmances 340001 340001 000 coo 000 coo ei L snow free (i 1 (i) gaframe' Cj II Lu�� 000 cool 000 000 eJ 18 O Save 0 �Valldate LI= wPDF Qad Copy Budget Damll Cate9enr Pmgram Openses-Cammunlcatlon Type PpandlWre ClasalOcatle"o, :1 Level Line Item.(.Category _ Sub Ty0e Dow b Shaw Triteli)j�l 1_lafraWe - El IOme- � - __— __- )26_Ga , zznz CD:, I�n ,, GDG oGG etlotones and Tunes --- — - e5ara Vaginal. I IOPDF Qly copy I li Shaw Tree) f./ I rj Budget Dotal Calegery 'Program Eepenses- Counb-Clly Central Senlces ', ida. Expenditure Cleadl hon Seq : 1,1 Level Line Ilan I ICalag0p' SUb TypeDlmct llauabVe 0 El E)l ❑ 1 e 5aye LgSave I NJT V. lidam l LJ_ ' ISPPDF 14h CaPY IG show Treat Budget Detail Category Program Etpensee - Spate Coats Type Etpendilure ClasslG[abon 3eq <DLinellin QCalegol}' — B07,P. 'Dl,.0 llanoWe Insuagbons' ---_ - -__--- --_ IR nl - ..I6.923GGG � G923 aG1 U0; CgG i'_7 ri Diber - - - _ - IQ 000 000 IT.1 Iluatlea a Saye 18 Santa LqVa hdatil Fi"""' jPPDF 4$ijSml Ile show Tr eel ` l� Butlget Detall Category :Program Expenses-Mi Olhem IROP, Con Employees, Idler, Type 6pendlWra Claranktlon Sol 't Level it Llneltem ()Categgr/ Snb Type Dart Napam. Inatrudlons &J'itug(A Milk El } Su Mces --�- OOI_ 2.2J9.n0I 2300 OGO _ _ 000 EpJ~ —- } IL bFees 0 000 �' 3GG OOI 000 OGO {dl n }"nmcr on inn DO nnn nnn Nl e SavajInill e^ ld Velldnr� I a: ., ., I LRPDF I III] Cnpv t•5lrow� (tl of Budget Detall -- rCategory: rallied Costs-Indimtl Costs Type Erpenditure ClasslAcatlon Bee 13 : Bub Type Incited NarrsllVa. 0 damni0ne ❑ O1176210-- Do: ILJ ElT I�Fiscal Year Rate -- 25DOG � 29A0500 - 001 000 0,I L_J C Sayo ESaee4 C�Validale I��PDFCopy IE Shpw tree (�1I (11 goagal0atall _ Caiegmy Indimd Costs-DNer Costs Dlsllibullons Type 'Expenditure Classl0cabon Son 3 Sub Ttpe. Inclined 1_larrabre madrudlons p c rim l Ill ahAam0laln title. _ --' I, 1685001 lci 'c -- - - 05Do ❑ 19 G. Medicaid Outreach Activities Reimbursement Procedures Medicaid Outreach Activities that are funded by local dollars and meet federal requirements are eligible for reimbursement at a 50% federal administrative match rate. Local Health Departments must maintain proper documentation of the activities performed and those activities must conform with the activities outlined in MSA Bulletin 05-29. Medicaid Outreach Activities funding is a subrecipient relationship. I. Budaet Preparation A. Medicaid Outreach Activities Complete the MI E-Grants application and budget forms for the application Medicaid Outreach Activities that occur during the fiscal year: 10/1-09/30. Reimbursable activities included in the budget must conform to the requirements as specified in the MSA Bulletin 05- 29. Complete the MI E-Grants application and budget forms for this program. 1. Exoenditure Cateaory Tab Enter the expenditures budgeted for the fiscal year: 10/01-09/30. Expenses budgeted for each of the listed expenditure categories are allowable and must be specific to the Medicaid program as described in MSA Bulletin 05-29. Outreach activities must not be part of direct service. Expenditures must be reflected in the cost allocation plan. 2. Source of Funds Tab Budget the amount expected from the federal government for allowable Medicaid Outreach Activities. Federal Medicaid Outreach represents the anticipated 50% federal administrative match of local contributions. Budget the local contribution. Required Match - Local represents the 50% matching local contribution for Medicaid Outreach activities. These two amounts must match 3. Sources of Local Funds Tvpes Local Health Departments may utilize their county appropriation, any earned income, funds received from local or private foundations, local contributors or donators, and from other non-state/non-federal grant agreements that are specific to Medicaid outreach or are to be used at the discretion of the Health Department as a source for matching funds. Other state and/or federal grant awards for Medicaid Outreach must be recorded on the appropriate line as indicated in the Comprehensive Budget Instructions - Attachment I. B. Nurse -Family Partnership Outreach (applicable only for Berrien, Calhoun, Ingham, Kalamazoo, Kent, Oakland, and Saginaw) 20 Complete the MI E-Grants application and budget forms for the application titled Nurse -Family Partnership Medicaid Outreach for the timeframe: 10/01-09/30. Complete the MI E-Grants application and budget forms for this program. Expenditures related to Nurse -Family Partnership Medicaid Outreach should be reflected under one program element and adhere to Section VIII, Special Budget Instructions section found in the Comprehensive Budget Instructions - Attachment I. The budget should reflect the entire fiscal year period: 10/1-09/30. Federal Medicaid Outreach Fifty percent (50%) of local funds after the percentage of Medicaid clients enrolled in the LHD Nurse -Family Partnership program has been applied. The formula for calculating the federal funding is as follows: Federal funding = (Local funds x % of Medicaid Participation Rate) x 50% Federal Administrative Match rate) Reouired Match - Local Represents the 50% match of local contributions. Budget the local match contribution in Required Match — Local. Federal Medicaid Outreach and Required Match — Local must equal each other. Additional local contribution related to service provision for non - Medicaid eligible participants which are not eligible for the 50% federal match should be reported in Local Funds — Other. 3. Sources of Local Fund Tvves Local Health Departments may utilize their county appropriation, funds received from local or private foundations, local contributors or donators, and from other non-state/non- federal grant agreements that are specific to Medicaid Outreach or are to be used at the discretion of the Health Department as a source for matching funds. C. CSHCS Medicaid Outreach Complete the MI E-Grants application and budget forms for the application titled CSHCS Medicaid Outreach for the timeframe: 10/01-09/30. Expenditures related to CSHCS Medicaid Outreach should be reflected under one program element and adhere to Section IV, Special Instruction Section found in the Comprehensive Budget Instructions - Attachment I. The budget should reflect the entire fiscal year period: 10/1- 09/30. 1. Federal Medicaid Outreach. 21 Fifty percent (50%) of local funds after the percentage of Medicaid clients enrolled in the LHD CSHCS program has been applied. A table containing each health jurisdiction Medicaid Participation Rate is located in the MI E-Grants site. The formula for calculating the federal funding is as follows: Federal funding = (Local funds x % of Medicaid Participation Rate) x 50% Federal Administrative Match rate) 2. Required Match - Local Represents the 50% match of local contributions. Budget the local match contribution. Federal Medicaid Outreach and Required Match — Local must equal each other. Additional local contribution that is not eligible for the 50% federal match should be reported on the Local Funds — Other line. 3. Sources of Local Fund TVDes Local Health Departments may utilize their county appropriation, funds received from local or private foundations, local contributors or donators, and from other non-state/non-federal grant agreements that are specific to Medicaid Outreach or are to be used at the discretion of the health department as a source for matching funds to be used at the discretion of the health department as a source for matching funds. 4. Comprehensive CSHCS Outreach and Advocacv and Case Management/Care Coordination Funds Should be reported in a separate program element. D. Indirect Costs There are three (3) options for indirect costs. They are: 1. an approved federal or state indirect rate 2. a 10% de minimis rate; or 3. a cost allocation/distribution plan Most Health Departments will use the cost allocation plan for indirect costs. For further detail, go to VI. Form Preparation, L. Indirect Cost, on page 5 of this document. E. Cost Allocation Certification The Cost Allocation Certification remains on file with the Department until there is a change in the Cost Allocation Plan. When the cost allocation plan on file with the program (MDHHS-Medicaid- Outreach), the local health department must: 1) submit a copy of the revised cost allocation plan with the budget request; and 2) complete a revised cost allocation methodology certification. Both documents are to be attached to a Detailed Budget line in EGrAMS. 22 II. Financial Status Report (FSR) — LHDs seeking 50% federal administrative match must request reimbursement by submitting their actual expenses for allowable Medicaid Outreach activities on their quarterly FSRs through MI E-Grants. A. Quarterly and Final FSR LHDs must reflect the actual Medicaid Outreach expenses incurred on the quarterly and final FSR. Actual expenses incurred must be specific to Medicaid Outreach as defined by the MSA Bulletin 05-29 and not part of a direct service. All expenses should be supported by an approved methodology and appropriate support documentation. Federal Medicaid Outreach Should be used to request the 50% federal administrative match for Medicaid Outreach. 2. Reauired Match - Local Should be used to report the local match for Medicaid Outreach, both the federal and local amounts must match. 3. Source of Funds CateQorV Other source of funds that are non -reimbursable for Medicaid Outreach (i.e., other federal grants, other MDHHS grants, etc.) should be reported on the appropriate line has indicated in the Comprehensive Budget Instructions - Attachment I (e.g., Local non-ELPHS or Local Funds — Other). Total Source of Funds must equal Total Expenditures. B. Nurse -Family Partnership Medicaid Outreach — Quarterly and Final FSRs For Quarters 1-3, LHDs must reflect the actual Medicaid Outreach expenses incurred in a separate program element titled Medicaid Outreach. Actual expenses incurred for each of the listed expenditure categories are allowable but must be specific to Medicaid Outreach as defined by MSA Bulletin 05-29 and not part of a direct service. Expenses should be supported by a time study or other federally approved methodology. 1. Federal Medicaid Outreach Should be used to request the 50% federal administrative match. Match is determined by multiplying local contribution for the program by the percentage of Medicaid enrollees. This product is then multiplied by 50% in order to determine the eligible federal administrative match. 2. Required Match - Local 23 Should be used to report the remaining portion of the local contribution for the Medicaid Outreach Match. Both lines should equal. Additional local contribution related to service provision for non -Medicaid eligible participants which are not eligible for the 50% federal match should be reported in Local Funds - Other. 3. Source of Funds Cateaory Other source of funds that are non -reimbursable for Medicaid Outreach (i.e., other federal grants, other MDHHS grants, etc.) should be reported on the appropriate line has indicated in the Comprehensive Budget Instructions - Attachment I (e.g., Local non-ELPHS or Local Funds — Other). C. CSHCS Medicaid Outreach — Final FSR CSHCS Medicaid Outreach billing may occur before the final FSR through the MI E-Grants system after Comprehensive Agreement CSHCS Outreach and Advocacy funds have been fully expended. Local contributions eligible for the Medicaid Outreach match should be cost distributed to the CSHCS Medicaid Outreach program element from the CSHCS Outreach and Advocacy program element and reported as indicated below. 1. Federal Medicaid Outreach Should be used to request the 50% federal administrative match. Match is determined by multiplying local contribution for the program by the percentage of Medicaid enrollees. This product is then multiplied by 50% in order to determine the eligible federal administrative match. 2. Required Match - Local Should be used to report the remaining portion of the local contribution for the Medicaid Outreach Match. Additional local contribution that is not eligible for the 50% federal match should be reported in Local Funds - Other. 3. Source of Funds CateaorV Other source of funds that are non -reimbursable for Medicaid Outreach (i.e., other federal grants, other MDHHS grants, etc.) should be reported on the appropriate line has indicated in the Comprehensive Budget Instructions - Attachment 1. 4. Comprehensive CSHCS Outreach and Advocacv and Care Coordination, Should be billed as separate program element. III. Comprehensive Local Health Department Agreement Obligation Report — filed in September. =4 The Obligation report is used to estimate the payable amount due to Local Health Departments from MDHHS for each program element. A. In the Estimate Column, enter the maximum projected federal administrative match earnings for allowable Medicaid Outreach Activities to be earned from Medicaid Outreach on the Federal Medicaid Outreach row. B. In the Estimate Column, enter the maximum projected federal administrative match earnings for allowable Medicaid Outreach activities to be earned from CSHSC — Medicaid Outreach. This should reflect the local contribution multiplied by the Medicaid enrollment participation rate x 50% federal match rate. C. In the Estimate Column, enter the maximum projected federal administrative match earnings for allowable Medicaid Outreach activities to be earned from Nurse Family Partnership Outreach. This should reflect the local contribution multiplied by the Medicaid enrollment participation rate x 50% federal match rate. Note: CSHCS Outreach and Advocacy and CSHCS Care Coordination activities funded through the Comprehensive Agreement are recorded as separate program element, H. Michigan Colorectal Cancer Screening Program — The Michigan Colorectal Cancer Early Detection program (MCRCEDP) budget is to be developed in the following ways: This budget is intended to cover all staffing and coordination for the program. All allowable expenses will be reimbursed through the Local Health Department Agreement. • All direct service claims must be billed through the MDHHS Cancer Prevention and Control Section. The LHD and/or direct service providers with contracts or letters of agreement with the LHD will be responsible for billing. The staffing, coordination and direct service total amount is $255 per woman or man based on a target caseload established by MDHHS. Performance reimbursement will be based upon the understanding that a certain level of performance (measured by outputs) must be met. There is a 90% performance requirement for this program. The performance target output measure is the number of women and men that complete a screening test for colorectal cancer. • For specific program requirements, including current direct service reimbursement rates and other documentation refer to the most current MCRCEDP manual. 25 Pbject Class CategoryNxPellses VFC-only site visits AFIX-only site visifs Combined (AFIX & VFC site visits) 1 Perinatal hospital record rtMeAvs Equipment* Fax machines fir vaccine ordcnng i Vaccine storag-, equipment for VFC Vaccine Copy machines 4.Equipmert.- wy amle of tangible riona7'endable personal property having usefid file of more d7an one var and air acquisition COSI 0)'15.000 or more 1per ?)nit fevsr is below this threshold amount, item ma;.- be inclm&?d in SuPpUes. Supplies Vaccirit administration supplies (inclrdin& but not limited to, nasal plia-wigeat �7vabs, syI Lnges for emergency vacernatrori Cl�mics-[ Office supptics-computGT57 a _-cneml offic,- fpcns, paper, paper clips. U, cartdd.ges.. calculators Personal computers i Lapu^.5 i Tablets Pink Books, Re.: BoLks. Yellow BoQcs Printers Allowable Allowable Allowable Allowable Allowable Allwablewith Allowable with 317 with VFC- with t')ZC - with with Pan VFC Distribution with PrIff operations operation ordering VFChIkM no funds foods funds funds S toads funds funds wlqapparcawe) V V i ✓ V, V V I V —T S�tiolll lheBasicsp.'111 ✓ ✓ ObjectCtasssCategoMrtxpenses i :Allowable _Allowable Allowable Allowable Allowable- Allowablewith ' -Allowable i with 31-1 witb V-FC wifih'4BC j - with wlthPau VFC.Ab^trbution with PMF operations operation ordering I, NTCIAFIX Flu funds fonds funds funds sfunds funds funds (whereappCrerll.) Laboratory Supplies (tr£iuenza mhures and PClts. culut€es and rualccular. lab ✓ me-dia serat)Tina1 Di tat da a lagge- with valid cerkifcare J ✓ efcalibraticn`valii;rtivn.'trstin�reFtrt ! Vaccine 3hi in^ su lies istora ✓ ✓ containers, ice packs, bobble wrap, etc.) 1. Contractual Stawe ocal ctmferences cspcnses (conference ;ite, materials primir,-, hotel acc.rimodations of perscs. speaker fees) Fcac." c st s rotli 1tepienabLecal meeting; Genera: contractual sm ices (eq., IAPs- ! :Dczl hca;th denarmencs, + ontracrutl staff, advisor}- committee media, pre` der rmininp GSA Contractual services (CDC R:ana�sCd� j Ogler IIS contractual agreements (support, enhancemet;t. cpgades) Financial Assistance (FA) \o-i-CDC Ccntract vaccines 31"va=ine iurel•_ mus:be requested in funding an-E=den i`zGrA1"151 under 3 S; FA Y3ccines i 4.`162016 Section I —Re Basics p.23 IPOM 2017 Object Class CategorglEspeosec Allowable Idth 317 . operations funds Indirect lnairecr+:cst, ✓ 1•Iiscellaneouus Acrauntinq services ✓ Advertising (restricted to rc-ruitment of j staffs>rtra;nees, procurement ofgocds ✓ and services, disposal of scrap or sarplu: i materials] I Aadit Fees ✓ BRFSS Survey ✓ Comm tree meetings (rooms, rc u cq uipment rcn a', ctc,) ✓ C crumurication (cicctronkc'cornputer t=snittal, rnessenger, postage, local and ' long distance telcghonc) Cansurierinformationaetivides ✓ CCn54aner?providri-boa:d participation (travel MTIZ ureeuaentl ✓ Data processing ✓ Laboratory services (tests conducted for j immunization program) 41 Local Semi Ce delivery gelivities i ✓ Mahamance,operarionvrep-airs ✓ %Ipm;tice insurance for voluntccrs ✓ �4rnabcrshipy'suascripticns ✓ NIS 0VrrSamplirse ✓ Pagcrs'ccll phones ✓ Printing oS vaccine accountabi:ity forms Allowable f Allowable with NTC wA VAC operation 'r ordeiing sfunds f 'funds d ✓ d' ✓ ✓ ✓ J ✓ Allowable ' Allowable I Allowable with -Allowable 1I wrath _' wsithYau 9FCD-tstribution- wrth.ppBr f 'v ClAM Fla funds funds ,#ands funds i (whereQppUwhk) I d i ✓ I ✓ ✓ i i Secti;an 1—Tor Basics TOM "017 Object Class Catehorr.7Expcnses ,Allowable Allowable Allowable Allowable " Allowable ! Allowabiewith Allowable ! with317 with `F'C P With NTC with WA PA i "V� C:Distribot,on with PPH1 operations operation ordering vFCI.4LX Plu funds !I . funds funds ; funds S funds _ i fand5 - fnntls (witere applicable) " " PiLressional aeraice Grits direciiti related ! to immunization activities (limited term ✓ satt), .Attnmev Genera! Office servicea _— Public relations ✓ Publicationlrrinting costs (all ether immumization related eublianion and ✓ ✓ ✓ printing expensesl Rent (requires explanation o` vhv These I ! f Costs are not included in the EndireC€ GCS ✓ n=-=Dare arsa i ri�n rate aereement or cost allocation Plan) Shipping for materials fo[her than ✓ ✓ V""aGGIT:eJ shipping (vaccine) Scf;vrarelicenserRen-wals(ORACLE, ✓ etG.l ird rr1v1 SfiPerld Rcambursements ✓ ✓ Toli-frec phone lines for vaczirx f ordering 1 a2kilnv cosrg ® StatcvViAe, Staff, '' `� ✓ '� providers Translations (mnsiatirm materials) ✓ V ehiele lease (restricted to awardees i' M policies that pfohibit lncal travel ✓ reirp.bursementl " - V"FC enrollment materials f ✓ V'FC provider feedback sclnels v` � VIS ,: am er-ready copiesJ ✓ Section I —The Basics p:-S 1PO114 =Q17 Non -Allowable Expenses with Federal Immunization Funds -- - - ------ - --- -- . T.xpense Cdfl'i' allowable with federal Inatnnati�ation t`ns{ds tTnnoraria ✓ Ad+'c.rtisinr, costs flt,, vam,ferrihanr, rA px7- aslelhitc, nmaiaar;5, ✓ uiennir'el.''ulifa• hijhv, .t'.num'rJle'N� ,Alcoholic Building parcliase_s, comtr'action, capiti'il inillrnvements- -- — Land 7atreltttse_s---------- . ,-----_-- -- Bonding reciation on a e➢large5 fundmising Interest (At luaaes IUl` ➢lse F061(I II IS Won anal/or modurnimition of art existing, bui Ming ( linical c.iru nnvirev) F?ntcrlainnicnt Payment of had dch{ L)ryctaaitin� vehicle Purchase Pcomotional anlVor lncentivc Mawria➢s (e.&, plagues, rh,llatnah and - rrna»Irrru+r'utirm Henls.vedf ud puns, magaA.aeru.Juldrlm4irlins, rrmf,'owl" haco) Purchase of t'oud fishes pmi r➢frrquh'rtf errnal,rxrdrum o"u) Sil€ier [Y.Stl7etitxtri Which must bo taken info accomic While wridng the hildgvt: J r FIInds ill n}' be spCilt LYnly for acti v'il lu3 and I'rert:Uililel co, S that ale dirvCLly related to the Immunization and Vaccines for t'blldren C'ooperative.Agreement. Funding requests not directly related to bnnnini',alion cictivitics; lac oukside the scope of this cooperaeive ag reement program and will tint be fimaled. Pre-ar uni cords will ]Not lac; teilntaarscll, ').r 16/2016 Section 1—The Basses p.26 [PONI 2017 30 ATTACHMENT III MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT October 1, 2020 — September 30, 2021 Fiscal Year 2021 PROGRAM SPECIFIC ASSURANCES AND REQUIREMENTS, Local health service program elements funded under this agreement will be administered by the Grantee and the Department in accordance with the Public Health Code (P.A. 368 of 1978, as amended), rules promulgated under the Code, minimum program requirements and all other applicable Federal, State and Local laws, rules and regulations. These requirements are fulfilled through the following approach: A. Development and issuance of minimum program requirements, further describing the objective criteria for meeting requirements of law, rule, regulation, or professionally accepted methods or practices for the purpose of ensuring the quality, availability and effectiveness of services and activities. B. Utilization of a Minimum Reporting Requirements Notebook listing specific reporting formats, source documentation, timeframes and utilization needs for required local data compilation and transmission on program elements funded under this agreement. C. Utilization of annual program and budget instructions describing special program performance and funding policies and requirements unique to each State fiscal year. D. Execution of an agreement setting forth the basic terms and conditions for administration and local service delivery of the program elements. E. Emphasis and reliance upon service definitions, minimum program requirements, local budgets and projected output measures reports, State/local agreements, and periodic department on -site program management evaluation and audits, while minimizing local program plan detail beyond that needed for input on the State budget process. Many program specific assurances and other requirements are defined within the referenced documents including Minimum Program Requirements established for the following program elements as of October 1, 2006: 1. Breast and Cervical Cancer Control 2. Clinical Laboratory 3. CSHCS 4. EGLE Drinking Water and Onsite Wastewater Management 5. Family Planning 6. Food ELPHS 7. Hearing ELPHS 8. HIV/STD Prevention Treatment 9. MDHHS Essential Local Public Health Services (ELPHS) 10. Michigan Care Improvement Registry 11. Vision ELPHS 12. WIC For Fiscal Year 2021, special requirements are applicable for the remaining program elements listed in the attached pages. Attachment IV Reimbursement Chart Program Element: The Program Element indicates currently funded Department programs that are included in the Comprehensive Local Health Department Agreement. Reimbursement Methods The Reimbursement Methods specifies the type of method used for each of the program element/funding sources. Funding under the Comprehensive Local Health Department Agreement can generally be grouped under four (4) different methods of reimbursement. These methods are defined as follows: Performance Reimbursement A reimbursement method by which local agencies are reimbursed based upon the understanding that a certain level of performance (measured by outputs) must be met in order to receive full reimbursement of costs (net of program income and other earmarked sources) up to the contracted amount of state funds prior to any utilization of local funds. Performance targets are negotiated startino from the last year's negotiated target and the most recent year's actual numbers except for programs in which caseload targets are directly tied to funding formulas/annual allocations. Other considerations in setting performance targets include changes in state allocations from past years, local fiscal and programmatic factors requiring adjustment of caseloads, etc. Once total performance targets are negotiated, a minimum state funded performance target percentage is applied (typically 90% unless otherwise specified). If local Grantee actual performance falls short of the expectation by a factor greater than the allowed minimum performance percentage, the state maximum allocation for cost reimbursement will be reduced equivalent to actual performance in relation to the minimum performance. Fixed Unit Rate Reimbursement A reimbursement method by which local health departments are reimbursed a specific amount for each output actually delivered and reported. ELPHS A reimbursement method by which local health departments are reimbursed a share of reasonable and allowable costs incurred for required Essential Local Public Health Services (ELPHS), as noted in the current Appropriations Act, Grant Reimbursement A reimbursement method by which local health departments are reimbursed based upon the understanding that State dollars will be paid up to total costs in relation to the State's share of the total costs and up to the total state allocation as agreed to in the approved budget. This reimbursement approach is not directly dependent upon whether a specified level of performance is met by the local health department. Department funding under this reimbursement method is allocable and a source before any local funding requirements unless a special local match condition exists. Performance Level If Applicable The Performance Level column specifies the minimum state funded performance target percentage for all program elements/funding sources utilizing the performance reimbursement method (see above). If the program elements/funding source utilizes a reimbursement method other than performance or if a target is not specified, N/A (not available) appears in the space provided. Performance Target Output Measures Performance Target Output Measure column specifies the output indicator that is applicable for the program elements/ funding source utilizing the performance reimbursement method. Output measures are based upon counts of services delivered. Relationship Designation The Subrecipient, Contractor, or Recipient Designation column identifies the type of relationship that exists between the Department and grantee on a program -by -program basis. Federal awards expended as a subrecipient are subject to audit or other requirements of Title 2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Payments made to or received as a Contractor are not considered Federal awards and are, therefore, not subject to such requirements. Subrecipient A subrecipient is a non -Federal entity that expends Federal awards received from a pass -through entity to carry out a Federal program, but does not include an individual that is a beneficiary of such a program; or is a recipient of other Federal awards directly from a Federal Awarding agency. Therefore, a pass -through entity must make case -by -case determinations whether each agreement it makes for the disbursement of Federal program funds casts the party receiving the funds in the role of a subrecipient or a contractor. Subrecipient characteristics include: • Determines who is eligible to receive what Federal assistance; • Has its performance measured in relation to whether the objectives of a Federal program were met; • Has responsibility for programmatic decision making; • Is responsibility for adherence to applicable Federal program requirements specified in the Federal award; and • In accordance with its agreements uses the Federal funds to carry out a program for a public purpose specified in authorizing status as opposed to providing goods or services for the benefit of the pass -through entity. Contractor A Contractor is for the purpose of obtaining goods and services for the non -Federal entity's own user and creates a procurement relationship with the Grantee. Contractor characteristics include: • Provides the goods and services within normal business operations; • Provides similar goods or services to many different purchasers; • Normally operates in a competitive environment; • Provides goods or services that are ancillary to the operation of the Federal program; and • Is not subject to compliance requirements of the Federal program as a result of the agreement, though similar requirements may apply for other reasons. In determining whether an agreement between a pass -through entity and another non - Federal entity casts the latter as a subrecipient or a contractor, the substance of the relationship is more important than the form of the agreement. All of the characteristics listed above may not be present in all cases, and the pass -through entity must use I udgment in classifying each agreement as a subaward or a procurement contract. Recipient A Recipient is for grant agreement with no federal funding. PROJECT CONTRACT MANAGER PHONE EMAIL Administration Projects Odarld, Todd/ Lawn de la Nampa, (517)335-93771(517)284-90I12 totldo@mmnigan gov l DelaRambel)eL@mlohigan Mov Adolescent STD Screening Patnua Vllegas (517) 2414341 mllegasp@michigan gov Asthma Demonstration Pm,.m Ctlantlo Todd / Laura de la Rambelje (517) 335-93771(517) 284-9002 m0do@miehlgan gov, I DelaRambel,L@mlchlgan gov Body Art Fixed Fee reality, Licensing) Joseph Coyle (51]) 2844A15 coylej@michgan gov Breast & Cervical Cancer Control (BCCCP) Coordination U Siegl (517) 335-8814 smgle@mlchlgan gov Childhood Lead Poaching Prevent0n Michelle Tvncdell (517)254-0053 MachaJim@mshigan no Children. Speuel HIM Care Services (CSHCS) Care Coordination Kelly Gram (517) 33"630 Gramk2@mlchlgan gov Children's Special HIM Care Services (CSHCS) Outreach & Advocacy Kelly Gram (517) 335-8630 Gramk2@michigan gov COVID-19 Response Orlando Todd l L.Q. de la Rambelje (517)335-9377/(517)284-9002 totldo@mchigan gov I DelidRambelpl-@michigan gov CSHCS Medicaid Elevated Blood Lead Case Mgmt Michelle TArchell (517) 2840053 pachellm@mlchlgan gov CSHCS Medicaid Outreach i Gram (517) 31 Gramk2@m¢Mgan gov Eat Safe Fish Jennifer Gray/Hope Bartlett (517) 281 -3483 1 (517) 21)49610 grayj@mlchigan gov/ Bartletti-2@mlchigan gov DOLE Dnnking Water and Chains Wasteeater, Management Dana DeBruyn (517) 930-6483 debmynd@mmhig,mgoV Emerging Threats - HepatitisC Joseph Coyle (517)2844915 o0y1ej@michigan gov Family Planning Services Steve Utter 1517)241-0114 utters@michigan gov Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Community Projedta Aurea Samo amen (517) 335-9750 bacronargera@m¢rogan gov Fetal Infant Mortality Review(FIM R) Case Abstmot0n Nicholas Dral (517)241-5380 drzaln@michigan gov FIMR Interview Nicholas Deal (517) 241-5380 tlaaln@mchigan gov Food! ELPHS Adam Christenson (517) 284-5706 cm tensona@michigan gov Gondcoome Isolate Surveillance Project Kral Tumier (313) 456-4426 judo tuinierk@michigan gov Hann Reduction JOsaph Coyle (517)284-4915 ooylej@michrgan gov Harm Reduction Support Services Joseph Coyle (517) 284 915 co to y j@michigan gov Hearing ELPHS Jennifer Damns (517) 335-8353 DakemJ@michigan gov HIV & STD Testing and Prevention Thomas Dunn (617) 37&3725 dunnQ@michigan gov HIV I STD Partner Services Thomas Dunn (517) 373-3725 dunn12@michigan gov HIV Care Coordination Thomas Dunn (517)373L3725 dunn12@1mMgan gov HIV Data to Care Thomas Dunn (517) 373-3725 dunm2@michigan gov HIV Housing Assistance Loren Powell (517) 33E 9857 p0we111@michgan gov HIV PrEP Clinic Thomas Dunn (517) 373-3725 dunnV@michigan gov HIV Prevention Thomas Dunn (517) 373-3725 dunot2@michigan gov HIV Prevention Non Categorical Thomas Dunn (5171373-3725 dunnl2@michigan gov HIV Ryan White Part B Thomas Dunn (517)373-3725 dunm2@michigan gov HIVIAIDS Lmkage to Care Project Thomas Dunn (517j 373-3725 dunnt2@michigan gov knmun¢anoh Acton Plan - Wlot Tausha Gingench (517) 284-4881 gingericht@michigan gov Immurr ation Action Plan (AP) Tausha Gingerich (517) 284-0081 gmgencht@mmhigan gov Immunization Feld Services Rep Tausha Gingench (517) 2641881 gmgencht@michigan goo Immumzabon Fixed Fees Tausha Gingench (517) 2M-4881 gingencnt@michigan gov Immunization Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR) Regions Tausha Gmgench (517) 28 81 gingencht@michlgan gov Immunization Vaccine Quality Assurance Tausha Gingenoh (517) 284-4851 gingencht@michigan gov Infant Safe Sleep Nicholas Doal 1517)241-5380 drzaln@Michigan gov Informed Consent Drlam Todd I Laura de Is Rambel)e (517) 335-9377 / (517) 284-9002 toddo@Michigan gov / DelaRambely L@michigan gov Laboratory Services Bio Shannon Sham (517) 335-9653 sharysl@mlchigan gov Lactation Consultant Snatoria Townsend (517)373-6406 TewnsendS2@michigan gov Local Health Department (LHD) Sharing Support Oral Todd I Laum de la Rambel)e (517) 335-9377 / (517) 284-9002 toddo@Michigan gov I DelaRambegeL@michigan gov Local MCH(MCH Children antl MICH - All Other) Trudy Each l Robin Orsbom (517)241-3593/(517)335-8976 MDHHS-Matemal-Child-Health@michigan gov Maternal Infant Edy Cho Home Visiting Initiative Rural Local Home Visiting Grp Chansse Sanders (517) 241-1676 sandersc21gmichigan gov Maternal Infant Edy Cho Home Visiting Initiative Ruml Local Home Vsdmg Cron Charles. Santlers (517) 241-1676 sandersc2@mlchlgan gov Maternal Infant Erly Childhood Home Visiting hiibative Local Home Visiting Grp Chansse Sanders (517) 241-1676 sandersc2@mmhrgan gov MDHHS Essential Local Public Health Services (ELPHS) Odantlo Todd I Laura de, la Rambelle (517) 335-9377 / (517) 204-9002 toddo@mmhrgan gov I DelaRambelpL@michigan gov Medicaid Outreach Robin Orsbcm (517) 335-0976 ombomr@mlchlgan gov MI Adolescent Pregnancy & Parenting Program Hit granted (517) 335-5928 brandonh@michigan gov MI Home Misting Initiative Fund Expansion Grant Chansse Sanders (517) 241-1 Wfi sandersc2@mlchlgan gov Ml Implementation ofthe Health and Wellness 4x4 Plan Scott Ball (517)335-9300 bellsi@mlchlgan gov Michigan Colorectal Cancer Early Detection Program Robin Roberts (517) 335-1178 robertcre@michigan gov MIECHVP Healthy Famines Amenea Expansion Charlsse Sanders 1517) 241-1676 sandersc2@michigan gov Nurse Family Partnership Servlces Chansse Sanders (517) 241-1676 sandersc2@mlchlgan gov Nurse Family Partnership Services Medicaid Outreach Chansse Santlers (517) 241-1676 sacd.mc2@michigan gov Gbesty Prevention Scott Bell (517)336-9300 bellsi@michigan gov Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PREP)10/1-=0 Tera Poag (517)335-9018 PoagT1@Mrchrgan gov Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PREP) CRI 1011 -650 Tera Poag (517) 335-9018 PoagTl@miGngan.gov Regional Pennatel Care System Dawn Shanafelt (517) 3351945 ShanafeftD@michigan gov Sealy Michigan Dental Sealant Christine Farrell (517) 335-8388 fanellc@michigan gov Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Control Thomas Dunn (517) 37&3725 dumb?@michigan gov Tuberculosis (TER Control Peter Davidson (517) 28"922 davidsenp@michigan gov Vision ELPHS Rachel Schumann (517) 3358596 schumannr@michigan gov West Nile Virus Community Surveillance Emily Dinh / KImbedy Signs (517)21 I (517) 2841951 DmhE@michigan govlsignsk@michigan gov WIC Breasdeeding Cache Hutson (517) 335-8625 HutsonCl@michigan gov WIC Migrant Cecelia Hutson (517)3215-8525 HumorQ1@mmhrgan gov WIC Resident Services Cecilia Hinson (517) 335-8625 HutsenCl@michigan gov Wise Choices Robin Roberts (517) 3351178 mbertsr6@michigan gov Wiseweman Robin Roberts (517) 335-1178 mberts6@mmh,ter gev Adam Christenson (517) 284-5706 christensona@michigan.gov Trudy Esch / Robin Orsborn (517)241-3593 / (517) 335-8976 MDHHS-Maternal-Child-Health@michigan.gov Emily Dinh / Kimberly Signs (517)284-4961 / (517) 284-4951 DinhE@michigan gov/signsk@michigan.gov Akia Burnett (517) 335-8082 BurnettA@michigan.gov Allan Marshall (517) 335-9026 MarshalIA11@michigan.gov Amber Daniels (517) 241-9107 danielsa3@michigan.gov Angela McFall (517) 335-9420 mcfalla@michigan.gov Angela Medina (517) 284-4266 medinaa@michigan.gov Anthony Spagnuolo (248)787-6497 SpagnuoloA@michigan.gov Arcelia Richardson (517) 335-2828 nchardsona6@michigan.gov Audra Brummel (517) 335-9017 BrummelA@michigan.gov Aurea Booncharoen (517) 335-9750 booncharoena@michigan.gov Barbara Derman (517) 335-8696 dermanb@michigan.gov Betsie Creger (517) 335-9221 cregere@michigan.gov Beth Anderson (517) 335-9785 AndersonB@michigan.gov Brenda Fink (517)335-8863 fnkb@michigan.gov Brenda Jegede (517)335-9483 jegedeb@michigan.gov Brittany LaRue (517)335-8625 LaRueB@michigan.gov Bruce Turnbull (517)241-5183 Turnbull B@michigan.gov Carrie Tarry (517)335-8906 tarryc@michigan.gov Cecilia Hutson (517) 335-8625 HutsonCl@michigan.gov chansse sanders (517) 241-1676 sandersc2@michigan gov Chelsea Walker (517) 335-3921 walkerc23@michigan.gov Christine Farrell (517) 335-8388 farrellc@michigan.gov Christopher Finch (517) 241-9364 fnchc2@michigan.gov Colleen Nelson (517) 335-1954 nelsonc7@michigan.gov Dana DeBruyn (517) 930-6463 debruynd@miehigen.gov Daniel Albright (517)284-4791 albrightd@michigan.gov Dawn Lukor i (517) 335-5205 lukomskid@michigan.gov Dawn Marie McCune (517) 241-6686 mccunedl@michigan.gov Dawn Shanafelt (517) 335-4945 ShanafeltD@michigan.gov Deborah MacKenzie Taylor (517) 284-4799 mackenzie-taylord@michigan.gov E.J. Siegl (517) 335-8814 siegle@michigan.gov Elaine Hewitt (517)393-8371 HewittEl@michigan.gov Elaine Lyon (517) 719-7667 lyone@michigan.gov Emily Goerge (517)241-4816 GoergeE@michigan.gov Erik Foster (517)284-4961 fostere@michigan.gov Farid Shamo (517) 335-8021 shamof@michigan.gov Gwendolyn Murphy (517) 335-8872 murphygl@michigan.gov Hillary Brandon (517) 335-5928 bmndonh@michigan.gov Holly Wilson (517) 373-8602 wilsonhl@michigan.gov Hope MCElhone (517) 284-4831 mcelhoneh@michigan.gov James Gamble (517)897-1508 gamblejl@mchigan.gov James Mueller (517)294-2472 muellerj@michigan.gov Janine O'Donnell (517)241-0295 jodonnell@michigan.gov Janine Whitmire (517) 284-4027 whitmirej@michigan.gov Jennifer Gray/Hope Bartlett (517) 281-3483 / (517) 294-9610 grayj@michigan.gov/ BartlettH2@michigan.gov Jennifer Dakers (517)335-8353 DakersJ@michigan.gov Jennifer DeLaCruz /Ayanna Madison (517) 373-8571 / (517) 241-2384 DeLaCruzJ@michigan.gov / MadisonA2@michigan.gov Jennifer Jnzmeier (517)241-5861 linzmeier@michigan.gov Jessica Altenbernt 517-284-8016 AltenberntJ@michigan.gov Jessica Grzywacz (517) 335 8627 grzywaczj@michigan.gov Jill Moore (517) 373-4943 moorejl4@michigan.gov Jim Collins/Shannon Johnson (517)284-4911/(517) 284-4941 CollinsJ12@michigan.gov/JohnsonS61@michigan.gov Joseph Coyle (517) 284-4915 coyleJ@michigan.gov Jon Villasurda (517) 241-7193 villasurdaj@michigan.gov Julia Hitchingham (517) 335-8381 hitchinghamj@michigan.gov Justin Hill (517) 373-3427 hillj29@michigan.gov Kara Anderson (517) 335-1158 andersonkl0@michigan.gov Karen Brown (517) 335-8803 brownk34@michigan.gov Karen Krabill Yoder (517) 335-8908 yoderk@michigan.gov Karen Lishinski (517) 284-4824 lishinskik@michigan.gov Kathryn Macomber (517) 335-8365 macomberk@michigan.gov Kelly Piggott (517) 373-9891 piggottkl@michigan.gov Kelly Gram (517)335-8630 Gramk2@michigan.gov Kim Raiford (517)335-8180 raifordk@michigan.gov Kimberly Signs (517)335-8165 signsk@michigan.gov Kory Groetsch (517) 335-9935 groetschk@michigan.gov Kristine Tuinier (313)456-4426 Judd-tuinierk@michigan.gov Larry Scott (517)335-0174 scottlll@michigan.gov Linda Scarpetta (517) 335-8397 scarpettal@mchigan-gov Linda Scarpetta /Tracy Liichow (517) 335-8397 / (517) 373-3267 scarpettal@michigan.gov / LiichowT@michigan.gov Linda Scott (517) 335-8284 scott112@michigan.gov Lisa Simmer (517) 335-1486 simmerl@michigan gov Lissa Smith (517) 335-8901 smithl77@michigan.gov Lonnie Barnett (517) 241-2963 BarnettL@michigan gov Loren Powell (517) 335-9857 powelll@michigan.gov Lorraine Cameron (517) 284-4795 cameronL@michigan.gov Lucie Taylor (517) 202-0675 taylorl22@michigan.gov Lynn Hendges (517) 284-8018 HendgesL2@michigan gov Lynn Nee (517) 275-2791 neel@michigan.gov Mahad Adawe (517) 335-8058 adawem@michigan.gov Margaret Cyrul (517)373-6486 cyrulm@michigan.gov Martha Mello (517) 335-2828 mellom@michigan.gov Martha Stanbury 517-284-4820 stanburym@michigan.gov Marty Soehnlen (517)335-8064 soehnlenm@michigan.gov Mary Grace Brandt (517) 284-4928 brandtm4@michigan.gov Mary Lou Searls (517) 335-9349 searlsm@michigan.gov Mary Macqueen (517) 335-9401 macqueenm@michigan.gov Mary -Grace Brandt (248)424-7913 brandtm4@michigan.gov Michelle Twichell (517)284-0053 tw¢hellm@michigan.gov Michelle Woolf (517) 388-6286 woolfm@michigan.gov Molly Cotant (989)619-1304 cotantm@michigan.gov Nancy Peeler (517) 335-9230 peelern@michigan.gov Nicholas Drzal (517)241-5380 drzaln@michigan.gov Orlando Todd / Laura de la Rambelje (517) 335-9377 / (517) 284-9002 toddo@michigan.gov / DelaRambelieL@michigan.gov Patricia Heiler (517) 335-1265 heilerp@michigan gov Patricia Kelly (517) 335-5911 kellyp2@michigan.gov Patricia Smith (517) 335-9703 SmithP40@michigan.gov PATRICIA VILLEGAS (517) 241-7341 villegasp@michigan.gov Patrick Guysky (517) 335-8150 guyskypl@michigan.gov Paula Kaiser VanDam (517) 241-0638 kaiserp@michigan gov Paulette Dunbar (517) 335-8903 dunbarp@michigan.gov Penny Eisfelder (517) 373-2039 eisfelderp@michigan gov Peter Davidson (517) 284-4922 davidsonp@michigan.gov Polly Hager (517) 335-9729 hagerp@michigan.gov Rachel Schumann (517) 335-6596 schumannr@michigan.gov Rebecca Start (517) 241-7198 startr@michigan.gov Richard Wimberley (517) 335-8369 wimberleyr@michigan.gov Robert Swanson (517)335-8934 Swansonr@Michigan gov Robin Orsbom (517) 335-8976 orsbornr@michigan.gov Robin Roberts (517) 335-1178 robertsr6@michigan.gov Robyn Corey (517) 335-9526 coreyrl@michigan.gov Sandip Shah (517)335-8067 shahs@michigan.gov Sandra Riddle (517) 241-5900 riddlesl@michigan.gov Sandra Walker (517)284-5712 walkers9@michigan.gov Scott Bell (517) 335-9300 bellsl@michigan.gov Shannon Sharp (517) 335-9653 sharpsl@michigan.gov Shatoria Townsend (517) 373-6486 Townsend52@michigan.gov Sheyonna Watson (517) 241-6195 watsons4@michigan.gov Sonji Revis (517) 335-9898 smithsl@michigan.gov Steve Utter (517) 241-0114 utters@michigan.gov Taggert Doll (517) 335-9720 dollt@michigan gov Tausha Gingerich (517)284-4881 gingericht@michigan.gov Tera Poag (517) 335-9018 PoagTl@michigan gov Terri Adams (517) 335-8641 adamst2@michigan.gov Theresa Scorcia-Wilson (517) 335-9124 scorciawilsont@michigan.gov Katie Dunkle /Allan Marshall (517) 335-9972 / (517) 335-9026 DunkleK@michigan.gov/ Marshal IAll@michiga n.gov Thomas Dunn (517) 373-3725 dunnt2@michigan.gov Thomas Largo (517) 284-4806 largot@michigan.gov Tiffany Henderson (517) 335-9970 hendersontl@michigan.gov Tiffany Kostelec (517) 335-4663 kostelect@michigan.gov Tory Doney (517) 335-8854 DoneyT@michigan.gov Tosan Erenshay (517) 862-2640 ErenshayT@mchigan.gov Tracy Liichow (517) 373-3267 liichowt@michigan.gov Trudy Esch (517)241-3593 EschT@michigan.gov PROJECT TITLE: Adolescent Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Screening Start Date: 10/1/2020 End Date: 9/30/2021 Project Synopsis: Adolescents and young adults account for approximately half of reported cases of gonorrhea and chlamydia. The Oakland County Adolescent STD Project provides targeted screening activities in venues with access to this vulnerable populations to ensure early diagnosis and treatment. Reporting Requirements (if different than agreement language): • Quarterly Report of screening and treatment activity should be submitted no later than 15 days after the end of the quarter. • Report should be emailed to the MDHHS contract liaison Any additional requirements (if applicable): Grant Program Operation Project Summary: Individuals 15-24 years of age will be screened for chlamydia and gonorrhea at the following Oakland County sites: 1. Oakland County Main Jail 2. Oakland County Work Release 3. Oakland County Community Sites where Priority Population Gathers Utilizing the identified project sites: • Test at least 100 adolescents and young adults per month, using NAAT tests for gonorrhea and chlamydia. • Collect race, gender, age, test result, and treatment date for all tests. Refer clients for further health evaluation if indicated. Provide client centered risk reduction plan, promoting abstinence. • Treat all positives on site if possible. • Contact positive clients that are released prior to treatment with treatment options in community. • Promote self -notification of partners. • Analyze and forward screening and treatment data to the Department quarterly: April 15, July 15, October 15, and January 15. • Develop one annual slide set highlighting year end data by demographic variable including trend data. • Continue to promote awareness of prevalence of STDs within adolescent and young adult populations. • Participate in quarterly Michigan Infertility Prevention Project meetings; providing quarterly screening project data. PROJECT: Asthma Demonstration Beginning Date: 10/1/2020 End Date: 9/30/2021 Project Synopsis: Provide evidence -based asthma management education to families and providers in an attempt to decrease hospitalizations and emergency room utilization for individuals with asthma. Reporting Requirements (if different than contract language) Progress report updates are required twice per year per CDC reporting requirements. Any additional requirements (if applicable) PROJECT: Body Art Fixed Fee Beginning Date: 10/1/2020 End Date: 9/30/2021 Project Synopsis This agreement is intended to establish a payment schedule to the Grantee, following notification of a completed inspection and recommendation for issuance of license. The intent is to help offset costs related to the licensing of a body art facility, when fees are collected from the respective Grantee's jurisdiction in accordance with Section 13101-13111 of the Public Health Code, Public Act 149 of 2007, which was updated on December22, 2010 and is now Public Act 375. Reporting Requirements (if different than contract language) The Department will reimburse the Grantee on a quarterly basis according to the following criteria: • Initial annual license for a Body Art Facility prior to July 1 o $273.85 (50% of state fee) • Initial annual license for a Body Art Facility after to July 1 o $136.93 (50% of state fee) • Issue a temporary license) for a Body Art Facility o $123.22 (75% of state fee) • License renewal prior to December 1 o $273.85 (50% of state fee) • License renewal after to December 1 o $410.78 (50% of state fee + 50% late fee penalty) • Duplicate license o $27,38 Payment will be made for those body art facilities that have applied and paid in full to the Department, following notification of a completed inspection and recommendation for issuance of license. Please note that the fees in the list above are based on FY2020 reimbursement rates and are subject to change with the Consumer Price Index. Any additional requirements (if applicable) The Grantee is authorized to enforce PA 375 and conduct an inspection of all body art facilities under its jurisdiction, investigate complaints, and enforce licensing regulations and requirements. The Grantee must complete a Body Art Facility Inspection Report [DCH-1468 (07-09)], as provided by the Department, or other report form approved by the Department that meets, at minimum, all standards of the state inspection report. Only body art facilities that have applied for licensure should be inspected. All body art facilities must be inspected annually. Licenses will only be released from the Department following notification of a completed inspection and upon recommendation by the Grantee. Completed inspection reports should be signed by the facility owner and recommendation for licensure should be forwarded to the Department within two to four weeks following the inspection. Reports should be entered via the online interface or can be sent to: HIV/STD and Body Art Section Division of Communicable Diseases 333 S. Grand Ave, 3rd Floor Lansing, Michigan 48933 PROJECT: Childhood Lead Poisoning and Prevention Beginning Date: 10/1/2020 End Date: 9/30/2021 Project Synopsis MDHHS CLPPP's mission is "to prevent childhood lead poisoning across the state through surveillance, outreach and health services". This grant provides local health departments the opportunity to prevent and address lead poisoning within their community, with support of CLPPP. The overall goal of the grant is to increase testing for children under the age of 6, specifically capillary to venous testing rates within the grantees focus area. Grantees could achieve this goal through: 1) Educating providers about testing, risk factors, this can include: • Distribution of toolkits Promotion of an online training module for health care providers Hosting provider forums/trainings 2) Educating parents about testing, cleaning, risk factors, this can include: Establishing a protocol for following up with families to get a venous confirmatory test after an elevated capillary test. 3) Outreach to at -risk populations, this can include: • Non -Medicaid children — providing nursing case management home visits Foreign adoptees, refugees, migrants, immigrants, and foster children Targeted communities (Adrian, Dearborn, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Hamtramck, Highland Park, Jackson, Lansing, Leoni Township, Muskegon, Muskegon Heights) Reporting Requirements (if different than contract language) Provide a workplan with a detailed overview of how your LHD plans to increase capillary to venous rates within the grantee focus area, and explanation of target audience/locations Submit quarterly reports • CLPPP support will include: o LHD report cards o Nursing and Public Health Consultant technical assistance as requested o miclppp.org website with educational materials re: testing, cleaning o Online training module for health care providers Any additional requirements (if applicable) Attend quarterly call/in-person meetings Ensure all communication materials that are developed and distributed by the grantee are approved by CLPPP if MDHHS funds are used. Grantees Focus Areas: • Bay County Health Department— Region 5 • Detroit Health Department — City of Detroit • District Health Department #10 — Regions 2/3 • Genesee County Health Department —City of Flint • Ingham County Health Department — Region 7 w/ additional focus on City of Lansing • Jackson County Health Department — Region 9 w/ additional focus on City of Jackson and Leoni Township • Kalamazoo County Health and Community Services Department — Region 8 w/ additional focus on City of Kalamazoo • Kent County Health Department Region 4 w/ additional focus on City of Grand Rapids • Lenawee County Health Department — Adrian • Muskegon County Health Department — Muskegon and Muskegon Heights • Wayne County Department of Health, Veterans, and Community Wellness — Region 10 w/ additional focus on Hamtramck, Dearborn, Highland Park • Public Health, Delta & Menominee Counties — Region 1 • St. Clair County Health Department — Region 6 PROJECT: COVID-19 Response Beginning Date: 10/1/2020 End Date: 09/30/2021 Project Synopsis: This project allows the Local Health Departments to respond to the COVID response in their community. Response may include testing, outreach, community education, tracing contacts, and data collection. Funding is intended to support staff time and supplies associated with COVID-19 response in the LHD jurisdiction. Reporting Requirements (if different than contract language) Any additional requirements (if applicable) PROJECT: CSHCS Care Management/Care Coordination Beginning Date: 10/01/2020 End Date: 09/30/2021 Project Synopsis Beneficiaries enrolled in CSHCS with identified needs may be eligible to receive Care Coordination Services as provided by the local health department. In addition, beneficiaries with either CSHCS, CSHCS and Medicaid, or Medicaid only (no CSHCS) may be eligible to receive Case Management services if they have a CSHCS medically eligible diagnosis, complex medical care needs and/or complex psychosocial situations which require that intervention and direction be provided by the local health department. LHD staff includes registered nurses (RNs), social workers, or paraprofessionals under the direction and supervision of RNs. Services are reimbursed on a fee for services basis, as specified in Attachment IV Notes. Reporting Requirements (if different than contract language) See Attachment I for specific budget and financial requirements. Case Management and Care Coordination services within a specific Case Management role cannot be billed during the same LHD billing period, which is usually a fiscal quarter Care Coordination and Case Management Logs are submitted electronically via the Children's Healthcare Automated Support Services (CRASS) Billing Module to the Contract Manager. Quarterly logs must be submitted with the financial status report. The Contract Manager shall evaluate the reports for their completeness and adequacy. The Contract Manager will conduct case management and care coordination log audits on a quarterly basis. Annual Narrative Progress Report N/A Any additional requirements (if applicable) Case Management services address complex needs and services and include an initial face-to-face encounter with the beneficiary/family. Case Management requires that services be provided in the home setting or other non -office setting based on family preference. Beneficiaries are eligible for a maximum of six billing units per eligibility year. Services above the maximum of six require prior approval by MDHHS. To request approval, the LHD must submit an exception request, including the rationale for additional services, to MDHHS. Limitations on the need for and number of Case Management service units are set by MDHHS and must be provided by a specific Case Management role, in accordance with training and certification requirements. Staff must be trained in the service needs of the CSHCS population and demonstrate skill and sensitivity in communicating with children with special needs and their families. Care Coordination is not reimbursable for beneficiaries also receiving Case Management services during the same LHD billing period, which is usually a calendar quarter. In the event Care Coordination services are no longer appropriate and Case Management services are needed, the change in services may only be made at the beginning of the next billing period. PROJECT: CSHCS Medicaid Elevated Blood Lead Case Management Beginning Date: 10/1/2020 End Date: 9/30/2021 Project Synopsis All Local Health Departments in Michigan are eligible to participate in this program. The grantee will complete in -home elevated blood lead (EBL) case management (CM) services, with parental consent, for children less than age 6 in their jurisdiction enrolled in Medicaid with a blood lead level equal to or greater than 4.5 micrograms per deciliter (>_4.5 lag/dL) as determined by a venipuncture test. EBL CM will be conducted according to the "Case Management Guide for Children with Elevated Blood Lead Levels" that is provided by the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP), Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). For each child eligible for EBL CM, efforts to contact the family to provide CM services and specific services provided must be documented in the child's electronic record in the Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention (HHLPPS) database maintained by CLPPP-MDHHS. Reporting Requirements (if different than contract language) The Grantee shall submit: Annual Report Reporting period for FY21 is October 1, 2020 — September 30, 2021. Quarterly Case Management Logs A log of CM activities for is due quarterly, submitted electronically through the CLPPP's secure File Transfer Site, using a spreadsheet template provided by CLPPP that specifies the information to be provided on each child for which reimbursement is being requested on the quarterly Supplemental Attachment to the CPBC FSR. The quarterly logs will be submitted no later than thirty (30) days after the close of the quarter. Quarter Reporting Time Period 1 st October 1- December 31 2nd January 1— March 31 3rd April 1 — June 30 4th July 1 — September 30 Quarterlv Loos Due Date January 31 April 30 July 30 October 30 The CLPPP EBL CM Project Manager will review the logs for their completeness and adequacy and provide approval for payment within 30 days of receipt. Any additional requirements (if applicable) The grantee shall: • Have home case management conducted by a registered nurse trained by MDHHS CLPPP. Training addresses general principals of lead poisoning and lead poisoning prevention, the Case Management protocol and the use of the HHLPPS database. • Sign up for the secure FTP site maintained by MDHHS CLPPP, to be used for data sharing of confidential information. • Have an agreement with all Medicaid Health Plans in their jurisdiction that allows for sharing of Personal Health Information regarding the Plan's children with EBLLs. • Identify and Initiate contact with families of all Medicaid venous -confirmed EBLL children from the lists provided by MDHHS CLPPP to the grantee. • Complete case management activities according to requirements in the MDHHS CLPPP Case Management Guide. • Document all case management activities in the child's electronic file in the HHLPPS database. • Provide quarterly summaries of case management activities for all eligible EBLL children using a spreadsheet template provided by MDHHS CLPPP. • Submit request for reimbursement through the EGrAMS system based on the "fixed unit rate" method. The fixed rate for case management services is $201.58 per home visit, for up to 6 home visits. CLPPP-MDHHS shall provide the Grantee with: • Weekly list of children in their jurisdiction with a laboratory report received in the prior week and a faxed report for children with blood lead levels =>20 pg/dl the day the report is received at MDHHS. • Written Case Management protocol. • Instructions for billing and documentation of services for participation in this project. Spreadsheet template for log of CM activities Access to HHLPPS database. Access to the CLPPP FTP site for secure file transfer. Training in the basics of lead exposure and poisoning, conduct of CM, use of the HHLPPS database, and use of FTP site for transmission of confidential information. 6 On -going technical support and consultations from an MDHHS CLPPP nurse. PROJECT: CSHCS Medicaid Outreach Beginning Date: 10/01/2020 End Date: 09/30/2021 Project Synopsis Local Health Departments may perform Medicaid Outreach activities for CSHCS/Medicaid dually enrolled clients and receive reimbursement at a 50% federal administrative match rate based upon their CSHCS Medicaid dually enrolled caseload percentage and local matching funds. Reporting Requirements (if different than contract language) See Attachment I for specific budget and financial requirements. Annual Narrative Progress Report IU Any additional requirements (if applicable) N/A PROJECT TITLE: CSHCS OUTREACH AND ADVOCACY Start Date: 10/1/2020 End Date: 9/30/2021 Project Synopsis: Local Health Departments (LHDs) throughout the state serve children with special health care needs in the community. The LHD acts as an agent of the CSHCS program at the community level. It is through the LHD that CSHCS succeeds in achieving its charge to be community -based. The LHD serves as a vital link between the CSHCS program, the family, the local community and the Medicaid Health Plan (as applicable) to assure that children with special health care needs receive the services they require covering every county in Michigan. LHD is required to provide the following specific outreach and advocacy services: • Program representation and advocacy • Application and renewal assistance • Link families to support services (e.g. The Family Center, CSHCS Family Phone Line, the CSHCS Family Support Network (FSN), transportation assistance, etc.) Implement any additional MPR requirements • Care coordination • Budget and Agreement Requirement and Grantee • Submission of all documents via the document management portal, as required Reporting Requirements (if different than agreement language): Annual Narrative Progress Report A brief annual narrative report is due by November 15 following the end of the fiscal year. The reporting period is October 1 — September 30. The annual report will be submitted to the Department and shall include: • Summary of successes and challenges Technical assistance needs the Grantee is requesting the Department to address Brief description of how any local MCH funds allocated to CSHCS were used (e.g. CSHCS salaries, outreach materials, mailing costs, etc.), if applicable The unduplicated number of CSHCS eligible clients assisted with CSHCS enrollment. The unduplicated number of CSHCS clients assisted in the CSHCS renewal process. Definitions Unduplicated Number of CSHCS Eligible Clients Assisted with CSHCS Enrollment is defined as: Number of CSHCS eligible clients the Grantee provided one-on-one (in person or via telephone) substantial assistance to complete the CSHCS enrollment process during the fiscal year. This assistance includes, but is not limited to, helping the family obtain necessary medical reports to determine clinical eligibility, completing the CSHCS Application for Services, completing the CSHCS financial assessment forms, etc. Unduplicated Number of CSHCS Clients Assisted in the CSHCS Renewal Process is defined as: Number of CSHCS enrollees the Grantee provided one-on-one (in person or via telephone) substantial assistance to complete and/or submit documents required for the Department to make a determination whether to continue/renew CSHCS coverage during the fiscal year. "Assisted" may also include collaboration with the client's Medicaid Health Plan. Any additional requirements (if applicable): Relationship between Grantees and Medicaid Health Plans: The Grantee must establish and maintain care coordination agreements with all Medicaid Health Plans for CSHCS enrollees in the Grantees service area. Grantees and the Medicaid Health Plans may share enrollee information to facilitate coordination of care without specific, signed authorization from the enrollee. The enrollee has given consent to share information for purposes of payment, treatment and operations as part of the Medicaid Beneficiary Application. Care coordination agreements between Grantees and the Medicaid Health Plans will be available for review upon request from the Department. The agreement must address all the following topics • Data sharing • Communication on development of Care Coordination Plan • Reporting requirements • Quality assurance coordination • Grievance and appeal resolution • Dispute resolution • Transition planning for youth PROJECT: Eat Safe Fish Beginning Date: 10/1/2020 End Date: 9/30/2021 Project Synopsis The Grantee will collaborate with the Department and the EPA Region V Saginaw Community Information Office to deliver a uniform message for the Saginaw River and connected waters regarding the fish and wild game consumption advisories within the tri county area (Midland, Saginaw, and Bay). Bay County Health Department (BCHD) will develop a plan to distribute that message using existing health department programs, the medical community, special events, and community service providers to communicate with the at -risk population. Bay County Health Department (BCHD) will get approval from the Department program manager and for any changes to the Saginaw and Bay County Cooperative Agreement Scope of Work including budget and budget narratives Reporting Requirements (if different than contract language) Track and report output measures. Write and Submit quarterly reports and an annual report to the Department. Submit draft quarterly reports within 15 days after the end of each quarter. i Annual reports upon request. Any additional requirements (if applicable) The Grantee will provide appropriate staff to fulfill the following objectives and outputs as detailed: • Comply with the Saginaw and Bay County Cooperative Agreement budget and budget narratives as describe in the scopes of work provided to the BCHD program manager as applicable from October 1 to September 30. 0 Provide 30 hours of health education and community outreach per week. • Conduct health education and community outreach in Saginaw, Midland, and Bay Counties. Activities will include, but not be limited to, internal BCHD distribution, health care provider outreach, and key event participation. Track hours to comply with cost recovery requirements. • Development, Printing, and Distribution of Outreach Materials and implementation of Display Booth. Identify, track, and record of materials distributed at additional locations within Midland, Bay, and Saginaw Counties. • Make payment for the replacement of signage on the Tittabawasse and Saginaw Rivers. • Conduct Capacity Building in Saginaw, Midland and Bay Counties • Actively seek out new community partners in Saginaw, Midland and Bay Counties. • Participate in monthly SBCA teleconference. • Provide Presentation of display booth at select community events in coordination with EPA Region V Saginaw Community Information Office. Conduct Outreach though existing BCHD Programs such as WIC, Immunizations, programs for young mothers, or other programs reaching the target population. • Assist the EPA Region V Saginaw Community Information Office with community outreach. Outreach to Health Care Providers. PROJECT: EGLE Drinking Water and Onsite Wastewater Management Beginning Date: 10/1/2020 End Date: 09/30/2021 Project Synopsis State funding for ELPHS shall support, and the Grantee shall provide for, all of the following required services in accordance with P.A. 368, of 1978 and P.A. 92 of 2000, as amended, Part 24 and Act No. 336, of 1998 Section 909: • Infectious/Communicable Disease Control • Sexually Transmitted Disease • Immunization • On -Site Wastewater Treatment Management • Drinking Water Supply • Food Service Sanitation • Hearing • Vision • State funding for ELPHS can support administrative cost for the eight required services including allowable indirect cost, or a Grantee's cost allocation plan. • ELPHS funding can also be used to fund other core health functions including: Community Health Assessment and Improvement, Public Policy Development, Health Services Administration, Quality Assurance, Creating and Maintaining a Competent Work Force and Local Public Health Accreditation. These services may be budgeted separately as part of the Administrative Budget element. • Net allowable expenditures are the authorized actual/allowable expenditures (total costs less specified exclusions). Available funding is also limited by state appropriations. • First and second party fees earned in each required service program may be used only in that required service program. • State ELPHS funding is subject to local maintenance of effort compliance. Distribution of state ELPHS funds shall only be made to agencies with total local general fund public health services spending in fiscal year (FY) 2021 of at least the amount expended in FY 92/93. To be eligible for any of the State funding increases from FY 94/95 through FY 2021, the FY 92/93 Local Maintenance of Effort Level must be met. Reporting Requirements (if different than contract language) All final amendment ELPHS funding shift request memos need to be submitted no later than May 1. Please send the official memo to request ELPHS funding shifts by email to Laura de la Rambelje (DelaRambeljeL@michigan.gov) and copy Carissa Reece (ReeceC@Michigan.gov). Any Additional Requirements (if applicable) • Assure the availability and accessibility of services for the following basic health services: Prenatal Care; Immunizations; Communicable Disease Control; Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Control; Tuberculosis Control; Health/Medical Annex of Emergency Preparedness Plan. • Fully comply with the Minimum Program Requirements for each of the required services. • Grantee will be held to accreditation standards and follow the accreditation process and schedule established by the Department for the required services to achieve full accreditation status. Grantees designated as "not accredited" may have their Department allocations reduced for Departmental costs incurred in the assurance of service delivery. The accreditation process is based upon the Minimum Program Standards and scheduled on a three-year cycle. The Minimum Program Standards include the majority of the required Department reviews. Some additional reviews, as mandated by the funding agency, may not be included in the Program Standards and may need to be scheduled at other times. Onsite Wastewater Management The Grantee shall perform the following services for private single -and two-family homes and other establishments that generate less than 10,000 gallons per day of sanitary sewage: • Maintain an up-to-date regulation for on -site wastewater treatment systems (Systems). The regulation shall be supplemented by established internal policies and procedures. Technical guidance for staff that defines site suitability requirements, the basis for permit approval and/or denial, and issues not specifically addressed by the regulation shall be provided. Evaluate all parcels to determine the suitability of the site for the installation of initial and replacement Systems in accordance with applicable regulation(s). These evaluations shall be conducted by a trained sanitarian or equivalent and shall consist of a review of the permit application for the installation of a System and a physical evaluation of the site to determine suitability. • Accurately record on the permit to install the initial or replacement System or on an attachment to the permit the site conditions for each parcel evaluated including soil profile data, seasonal high-water table, topography, isolation distances, and the available area and location for initial and replacement Systems. The requirement for identifying a replacement System applies to issuance of new construction permits only. • Issue a permit, prior to construction, in accord with applicable regulation(s) for those sites that meet the criteria for the installation of a System. The permit shall include a detailed plan and/or specification that accurately define the location of the initial or replacement System, System size, other pertinent construction details, and any documented variances. Provide and keep on file formal written denials, stating the reason for denial, for those applications where site conditions are found to be unsuitable. Conduct a construction inspection prior to covering each System to confirm that the completed System complies with the requirements of the permit that has been issued. Maintain, on file, an accurate individual record of each inspection conducted during construction of each system. In limited circumstances where constraints prohibit staff from completing the required construction inspection in a timely manner, an effective alternate method to confirm the adequacy of the completed System shall be established. The effective alternative method shall be utilized for no more than ten (10) percent of the total number of final inspections unless specific authorization has been granted by the State for other percentage. The results of all such inspections or an alternate method shall be clearly documented. • Maintain an organized filing system with retrievable information that includes documentation regarding all site evaluations, permits issued or denied, final inspection documentation, and the results of any appeals. • Conduct review and approval or rejection of proposed subdivisions, condominiums and also land divisions under one acre in size for site suitability according to the statutes and Administrative Rules for Onsite Water Supply and Sewage Disposal for Land Divisions and Subdivisions. • Utilize the State's "Michigan Criteria for Subsurface Sewage Disposal" (Criteria) for Systems other than private single- and two-family homes that generate less than 10,000 gallons per day. Systems treating less than 1,000 gallons per day may be approved in accordance with the Grantee's regulation. Advise the State prior to issuance of a variance from the Criteria. Variances are only to be issued by the Director of Environmental Health of the Grantee after consultation with the State. Appeals of any decision of the Grantee pursuant to the Criteria including systems treating less than 1,000 gallons evaluated in accordance with the Grantee's regulation shall only be made to the State. • Maintain quarterly reports that summarize the total number of parcels evaluated, permits issued, alternative or engineered plans reviewed, and number of appeals, number of inspections during construction, number of failed systems evaluated, and number of sewage complaints received and investigated for each residential (single and two-family homes) and non-residential properties. The report forms EQP2057a.1 (Non -Residential) and EQP2057b.1 (Residential) are available on the EGLE website. All quarterly reports are to be submitted directly to EGLE, to the address noted on the form, within fifteen (15) days following the end of each quarter. • Review all engineered or alternative System plans. Conduct adequate inspections during the various phases of construction to ensure proper installation. • Collect data at the time of permit issuance when a System has failed to document the System age, design, site conditions, and other pertinent factors that may have contributed to the failure of the original System. Evaluations shall record information indicated on the EGLE Onsite Wastewater Program Residential and Non -Residential Information forms. The results for all failed Systems evaluated shall be maintained in a retrievable file or database and summarized in an annual calendar year data report. Annual summaries of failed system data shall be provided to EGLE for input into the state-wide failed system database. The EGLE Onsite Wastewater Program Residential and Non -Residential Information forms