HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2001.09.25 - 3379OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS OAKLAND AND LAPEER COUNTIES CANVASS OF VOTES CAST GENERAL AT THE I-1 ELECTION SPECIAL HELD ON SEPTEMBER 25_;'22001:-_-_ (DATE OF ELECTION) CANVASSED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF CANVASSERS XX STATEMENT OF VOTES, OXFORD.41111A 1.1 S SPECIAL ELECTION _A-41110INIKEER 25, 2001 , BONDING PROPOSAL PNICINCT . PIUMIER _ I 111111111117k7 nod MEN. illninniMTME ii.CMMINII MM. WWII= WM rriq irE MI ES= Ell IN IMMIII ;7j1 , MIIIIIIVAINIFITN MI M111.11111111M MEM IIIMINE M IN NI= inn 1.11. IN11111111= =III1 =IN= III NI IIII IN IN 11•IIII =III ,111111n21111•11 OEM MN MI 1111110 IMIN MEIN IN= MN. =NMI. ININIMIIMINNI '1111111111111111=1111111M NM IMIIIIM MIMI IIII IIIIMIIN MIIIIIIIN IN EMI =MIN MEI =NM MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMI IIIIIIM IM MIIIIIIM MINIM MINN= MIII UN NO MI MIMI MI,. 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OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS STATEMENT OF VOTES SPECIAL ELECTION - SEPTEMBER 25, 2001 Put figures The whole number of votes given for and against the BONDING PROPOSAL Mthiscolumn Shall Oxford Area Community Schools, 041and and Lapeer Coun - ,• • :. • • • s. • - ••, • le ell• so III •T•a!ed•o ' • ill _,Il ($61 ,7 50,)00) and issue its general obligation unlimited tax hands therefor, for 1 the purpose of: I ererring, furnishing and equipping an addition or additions to and/or partially remodeling, refurnishing and re-equipping all elementary school buildings.: partially remodPling„refurnishing and re-equipping the High School 1 rn rnnverr to a middle srhool; ererting, furnishing and equipping additinnq 1 to, including a swimming pnnl and_an auditorium, and partially remodeling, -- refurnishing and re-Pqnipping th- w• " • MOO • • • • . 0 !.. _m•• — _ acquiring and_installing_educat19!: . --•-!, 0:. and improving playgrounds, play_fields,-outdaar_phyalcal education_and -athletic facilities, a new football stadium and sires? - ul__-_-a--a-.11 ..!_.•__ .__ sr --illigkiallatjAlla.1—FP.Itik . I There will be no mIllage levied for this issue in the year 2001. The maximum • 1 111 I.• • ... I . Sill_ 1!.. II• ..1,0 07. _nor exceed thirry_41.04_yearg___TIp egrimprell_gImple average annual millage -1 0. 'L I • 1.• •!. .1 • • --this bond debt is 2.86 mills ($2.86 on each 41,_000_of_taxahle_valuation)__. 1 .1 4 . - . - :•••- II • 9 'DOI • • ••• i. t_be_audited-,-:.-and--the prnreeds rannnt he used for repair nr 1.. 1 .4 .4 • --.! • '- 0perating-expenses.) , was 1 i i _ _la rl..-ALs.........1 .. eLA.11! ILA._ OIL -.- 1 ' I of which number . lb. Lei _ I 0 7 3 4 votes were marked YES and I ,110-1 A. _A_ - _ .11._.... . 1 k .1 1 II votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, 7 61:) 6-P STATEMENT OF VOTES Put figures The whole number of votes given for and against the in this column _ I was of which number votes were marked YES _ and votes were marked NO i---- TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the 1 _H., .__ was .__ of which number votes were marked YES and —1 votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, 6 1) In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of of I OAKLAND (COUNTY. CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) I (COUNTY. CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) this 09 -68- day of SEPTEMBER 1 TWO THOUSAND AND ONE the COUNTY CHAIRMAN. A - )1 BOARD OF CANVASSERS _ •-• INF SEAL C OA OF 714'42:L.'.--ANVASSERS. CHAIRMAN OF BOARTSOF CANVASSERS. CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN. } cou NTY OF OAKLAND COUNTY OF OAKLAND SS. The Board of Canvassers of the COUNTY of OAKLAND (COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) (COUNTY. CITY. TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS (COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) at the SPECIAL Election, held on the 25th day of SEPTEMBER oixiattfead.ei4w4wm4rAW.aiad TWO THOUSAND AND ONE Do Further Hereby Determine: That the followingFropositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION 1 BONDING PROPOSAL NAME OF PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSITtON ReceivecTD Passed Having Not Received 1 Sufficient votes was Defeated Received Passed Having ,Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Received Passed Having Not Received Sufficient votes was Defeated Received : Passed Having :Sufficient votes was Not Received ; Defeated : Received Passed Having ISufficient votes was Not Received : Defeated Received Passed Having ;Sufficient votes was Not Received I Defeated 2 _NONE 3 NONE 4 NONE 5 NONE 6 NONE ATTEST: 1 I I