HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1981.06.08 - 3394OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DJ STRiCT R .•? T 0 S El ATE..MENTflFVOI. ES • FCE: AND CND NAM E S .W • OR: ViAn TOTALS MEMBERS :i 'OF. Bp.::: OF • EDUC.. • . 1.-; • 4 YR . TERM-VOTE FOR TWO11. I 11 I CHAEL BURSTE IN NATHAN HALL 1:Ron:RT MC •_PEE OTAL of which number votes were marked YES votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES The whole number of votes for and against the WaS • 11111 WaS of which number votes were marked YES STATEMENT OF VOTES — PROPOSITIONS AND QUESTIONS 7-- OAKLAND SCHOOLS ItTERM II/ " D STRICT SPECIAL The whole number of votes for and against the EDUCATION MILLAGE INCREASE QUESTION Shall the one (1) mill limitation on the annual property tax previously approved by the electors_ of Oakland Schools, an intermediate school district, State of Michigan, for the education of handicapped persons be increased by two (2) mills? ---- s ' 1111 of which number ; .....r. (* 11E1 votes were marked YES III. and 744 t —7,g—.) 4wr AiL Abel, moitiew a votes were marked NO _ TOTAL VOTES The whole number of votes for and against the . : _ ) was OF VOTES, OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 8, 1981 STATEMENT PROPOSITION B PROPOSITION C OPERATING MI LLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION A YES••'••:.• .1 • NO:••••::: •• • • • ••:TOTAL : . • .1: TOTAL -•,,Ly • • • ....to. . .6•• .• . — • • , 11. 73. 3 . ,:.7 11 PRECINCTS 1 .YESE IJOTAL.: 7.,•_ti:• • .7:--677,s--73:- • . _••• • • • ..... •,)ilv . . • _ ,6,1? • SPECIAL:. EDUCATION:: • :11 MILLIIE Q.UtSOICI YES NO 1 TOTAL... i??H3 39 -1: L.77.1 PREC I NC IS 2 VOTE FOR TWO 777 ;.•;”•pt•:,::::::$ 4LInts-.4.-.1 -.or '..pc ioc.:.,:. (...f M .. r.,... 0.,, t. ,..pr PO f Ed, .k... ii10,.f ..,..,. a ::‘,.0! : -. :..-611 le, , t- ' ef%„ .. ; ' trilih.zr: .f. •h end 6; ' • u ..a. • r f-.1..,. : F.,... ... v,,.....:. i. .. ..g.:jt.e:IA.-&:: .-~c--..\--t---0-1147,----!-: _____ h)., ;11,1: h::)1TWEr03 T!..arrre:::: pp.150 _t__ i1S: : I: •"*.e'• h(ne wa re. 9 ..vc PERSONV. PE:ralVING reg. VOTES :MICHAEL BURSTEIN NATHAN HALL ROBERT L. MC PEE TC.1"4,, lc); the off :e aMembor xvf the iud .of Eiduocatintl for a Thtee Year and they ...weke •9iy.e.r, for the, ..followrr.,:).J no:Jr:1.0c) PcTsons' RECY ,,11,r3 'THE vOTTz:g NUMBER: OF VOTES wRin-ZN iN WORDS t-r-o' • c,fra • •,?, Cr..; .k.; 2.0 • n ..................... porsons, • • THF vOTE5. Numfa.o. OF VOTES v.inm-pq wpfz.ps : TOT At L.1:0 ............ Et rd .44 FA: .1.e?f ole 0.;.'Vet.•or the'..ic110,01/44ru3 •rtaFne.d peuiarts; . . . • . .• . .•. • , • . . r4..-soNs•PiEfaiVii,K3 Ft.la NUMBER az VOTES WRIIIEN ;IX oRps ç,j e nymtier of ,..rbte.:fror...-: onef 0.0 inst the OPERAT I:NQ:MI LLAE,: RENEWAL :p.Rop..051..T1ON A Shall the constitutional limitation upon the tótal::it.a,..rateWhich...:maybeTeed.Op0 .0.....taxabIe',... property in the :::Oxford: pf : Oakland and Lapee!_a.4_State Of Michigan for all 'purposes bejn-Oreas'edpY 10 56 mills, all of which expired in the year 1980, (io 56 on each $1,000 00 of "3..ute:eqUaltZeci:valuation) For a period of one (i) year, thejeaT--1981,7fOr ffre 0400s .e.,.of proyl01 ..n.g funds for school operating 0OrpoSeS3'.:. of which num votes were morf.reci YES votes were marked NO The .6.:Jhc la number of Notes For crid th. _OPERATtNB.....144!.1...jAPE.• PROPOS:IT:ION ...B. theeonstltuti:onal .Arplita00.0 .17tOon...the....total-tax.:.ratewhien.lr9Y .beHrvi:ed'i .00.06:tasabie.: property in tno.:Oxtord•Ar04-CoMmunjtY Scnools, counties of Oakland and Lapeer and State of Michig a n, for all pUr.poses -E6 yie:reased-byT4.3.01•Fil)18:(54::90 ..On ...each .$100.0....0(1.0..$t .te 0:qualized vajuaton).,:fOr.::a periOd•ofOpe: (1)••ylea:r,..•the ..year ...1.981-,l .fOr.:'the±p0:e_poSe providing .fundS'for s.ch5ô1 opereTThg.putpose01 of which number vot,.:.,.$ were marked YES votes were marked HO FAL AICrrq [b e wkl e m...;:be t of voi..E:s for emef oaainst 14e OPERATING MI LLAGE PROPOS IT I ON C Shall the constrfutional liinitation upon the total tax rate which may be levied upon taxabl ' property in the Oxford Area Community Schools, Counties of Oakland and Lapeer and State o- Michi'flan-, furall purpose', be increased by 1.6O mills ($1.60 on each $1,000.00 of state equalized valuation) for a period of one (1 ) Year, the Year 1981, for the Purpose of schoOl operating purposes? .- h of r VO1F.6.W e marked YES one marki...! IFT 11. 27, re GA , OAKLAND 1:1).e..Coir .ri-ty. •••• • • .• OAKLAND-. • •:• • x (lb-J .016.T i:Ort. ••••• • ;OXFORD ...OXFORD .AREA...COMMUNITY • ILL1.:i OFJ.:.(.-'4.;',.:.:.D:".15.V-1 1 • ...•. • ANNUAL or):.:•• hs fe.d. . C:11.1': • ' ..fre14.11nels of the 3.4..-icird 0•:-C ran of . the .so:.=..ci hoo cs s r..1.S..05 .2f (j4...e..:Se;:1‘ ": • • • ..• • • • • • • • • .• • • pi:::rso.r!,• elected for a four oxplaa - 1585 e for not more than Two iNames:orpersa: year tefir e•xpiri Names ofarrrn elected far a two year term expiHrty Names of neNor,s elected for a one year tern Do F:.JSTHR HEREBY .DETERMINE: That the following Propaiti/Oil or Questions.: -were .0a:sed of 'defeated: . • OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION A zr‘utticierit votes was :17 55`:'d Received Having 2, . 7ROPO5ITION• OPERATING Ml LLAGE PROPOSITI ON B: Sufricient votes wa$: :::":""'":":"'"-•• • : • Haviog celve 3. . !... OPERATING •M I LLAGE PROPOSITION C !. • 4. Havin t votei WdS F,P :c155:5C1 triess Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and ar:fbred the Seal of the :y of OAKLAND this JUNE 19 81 Attest:. Al 17. MAN ZANVASSERS:. P.•FD ANVASS