HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1975.06.09 - 3398;U:Clor .V.EL1:1 : 4,,L71. EILVLari i.i.J1:21:1U101 i LL .L.L) CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELP ONH _June. 9, _1_915 (DATE OE ELECTION) AND .'CANVASSEPH:BYHHIKE:.....81DARD ..:QP: :CA4V.AS5fR.5• OF "Icl'AI'm _COUNTY, MORGAN 114414tNacktdOMAXXX4XrZW MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURfRS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS • OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No, M,397 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whetker General, Prirnlie4pecial Election , WaS which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO STATEMENT OF VOTES Vote—fez not more thanr:4):..... Phi? whoie 1 c t lIDT Ole cihlic e ni MaTBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION , ano..t.:-key. were given for tF:,-e • j pER5_,ONS REc:CI'vqin.:i THE V:07E5 •NUNWER or.VOTES wtnflEN Ww0tRI:*.; •• • L ROBERT L. ACTON 2. CALVIN F. CURRIER 3. DANIEL B . MEYERS 4 ANN M. PROULX 1 he whole .11unliDer Of votes g+vert for the oFfico of d th ey were.given hc..;,r the folloyv4/q named persons: PERsosis R.17CrIVI.NG :THE . . STATEMENT OF VOTES 3 The whoie number af votes far and against tile PROPOSITION 4, TAX LIMITATION INCREASE PROPOSITION ---Shall the constitutional limitation on ad valorem taxes which may be imposed upon property in the Oxford Area Community Seho61- Distr ic , Counties of Oakland and—Lapeer, S-tate of Ni-chigan, be increa-s-e-d — by one-half (1/2) mill (.50 per $1,000) on equalized valuation for the year 1975 for school operating purposes? PUT FIOURES IN THIS COLUMN of 1! I-I ,1li1 ii 11 TOTAL VOTES STATEMENT OF VOTES, BOND 13pND: : !" : • Bpsp : BaNp: " PROPOSITION PRopps I TON : PROPOSITION fl; PROPOSITION #1 , #2 " #3 • YES NO • • • lttS : • • -00i, YES .• • • • NO •••. •••.Y.ES:. • •• :•••YES NO • 2 .37 . 7. 9.i r:1: TOTALS OXVORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOL JUNE 9, 1975 STATEMENT OF VOTES, (vote for not more than 1) MEMBER CT BOARD OF EDUCATION .6.13 . • .. • ..• . • TATE.MENT.;.:01;.:::VOTE$ BOND PROPOSAL NO. 1 - BUILDING AND SITE _ shall the Oxford Area Community School District, Oakland and Lapeer Counties, Michigan, borrow the sum of not to exceed Seven Million Six Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($7,6409 000) and issue its bonds therefor, for the purpose of defraying the cost of erecting, furnishing and equipping a new high school building and additions to three elementarylbuildings, and acquiring and improving a site for the new high school building? r.:;(10R1-:•;:;•.. ..• • tili$ • • • • • • • Ot nicuHs..4. YES re rrwAt vote:. : 0,i ,-Hcf..7,H ,J BOND PROPOSAL NO. 2 - AUDITORIUM -7777 .1f Proposal. No. 1 is adopted, 'shall the Oxford Area Community School District, Oakland and Lapeer Counties, Michigan, borrow the sum of not to exceed One Million One Huriked Ten Thousand Dollars ($1,110,000) and issue its bonds therefor, for the purpose of defraying the cost of erecting and equipping an auditorium as a part of the new high school building? A't're adopted, shall the Oxford Area Community School Distr: the sum of not to exceed Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand for the purpose of defraying the cost of erecting and high school building? kiots viler :he BOND PRDPOSAL"N 0 . 3--- SWING 1 is ict, Oakland and Lapeer Counties, Michigan, borrow Dollars _($750,O00) and issue its bonds therefor, - - equipping a swimming pool as a part of the new 5.w. • v'OT ES xT1-1 oF OAKLAND V teC Ot : of ::OAKLAND : C 6y : 6 OXFORD : AliPA COltfaIlt 8CHOOi 1Y1Ar.e, : +•,,; T cv:r: I V - - - At_h. -" .ACW Juno The Board i tionvassets of the: having Attiined and Corniat:sed the at the ANNUAL SCHOOL one thousand nine hundred and_ ccticrl J: geventytf lye: _ _ _ Pa Hereby Certify and Dt.errninct iltun votes is elected That votes is elected _ _ That. votes is elected That votes is elected cPy" lv.ILF.ABER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION (14 Yr. ter uff ent i ving received - h•OVidg received iet nunibc of — having rec ved sutfi cien That votes seected_ _ hdving received sufficient nu.t.Ilher . . . . 0.,..irnkt..ti ...of • . ........ . . . . . votes is elected That . . . . number vot having :received 11u -111 ,1.o:11 t -J.J.1.)b.-.:u of fed_ _ That _ votes is el..,zte Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or Questions :sufficient : irtpttt:hetj:a indicated below: were passed or defeated NAME OF PROPOSMON BOND PROPOSAL NO. 1 Pcrs-se-r+. Defeated ''Re-ceriircci Having Sufficient votes was Not Received NAME 'OE ROPOSriQN • „. • . :F•D led ... • • 4.14.seirlx.i • .. . . .. Sufficknt• v::':1.1('..s.• V 0: •KeteiVe0 BOND PROPOSAL NO, 2 , NAME OF PP,OROSMON BOND PROPOSAL NO 3 • - • fictent -vote!..i • was:. •,....--'",.".•••••••• •••, " • ..t=.1.6ttiated:. . . . NAME ..Qt .0ROPO5tT.ION • •TAX ..L•IMITATT:ON:jNCREAS•g• PROPOSITION .(#4) • • . . . ••••• • • .•• • rki V incl. " • '31.244 c 0;1 • wcif:-.5 Ndr1:c.:!ived Defedied In: Witneim Whereof, We hove hereunto set our hands 0nd:of:fixed :the Secji of the _ _ poutay co.. OAKLAND _iday June ne nunthed c.,nd _ _s evaiDy fly • . one thousand. this i. th•e ,?a -A. .n CHAIRMAN . .• :132ARD Qr.." • .C.A;.WASSERS, • • r LrPi 1 tiC).or-... OF VA SSE RS.