HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2020.12.07 - 34007MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #20679
BY: Commissioner Bob Hoffman, District #2
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS Oakland County's local governments and their front-line essential services employees have
been an integral partner in the implementation of Oakland County's coordinated strategies for COVID-19
public health/emergency response and economic recovery; and
WHEREAS the County of Oakland was allocated $219,438,710 under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and
Economic Security Act's (CARES Act) — Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) to respond directly to the
emergency as well as expenditures incurred to respond to second -order effects of the emergency; and
WHEREAS guidance provided by the U.S. Treasury in "Coronavirus Relief Fund, Frequently Asked
Questions" dated May 4, 2020, indicates that a county may but is not required to allocate funds to a local
government within the county; and
WHEREAS pursuant to Miscellaneous Resolution #20187, Oakland County established an Oakland
Together Local Government Partnership Grant program with an allocation of $35,000,000 of CARES Act -
Coronavirus Relief Funds to provide an opportunity for Oakland County to aid local government
jurisdictions experiencing a significant financial burden related directly to the CONAD-19 public health
emergency; and
WHEREAS Village of Holly has demonstrated an eligible plan to utilize CARES Act funding in accordance
with the U.S. Treasury guidelines in their reimbursement application. The eligible reimbursement
application is included as "Attachment A"; and
WHEREAS the Oakland Together Local Government Partnership Oversight Committee has reviewed the
eligible plan and grant application from Village of Holly and recommends the disbursement of $19,540.32
to Lyon Township from the Oakland Together Local Government Partnership Grant Program from CARES
Act—Coronavirus Relief Funds; and
WHEREAS Village of.Holly has approved and executed an interlocal agreement prepared by Oakland
County Corporation Counsel. The agreement isincluded as "Attachment B".
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby
approves the eligible reimbursement application from Village of Holly and authorizes the distribution of
$19,540.32 from the Oakland Together Local Government Partnership program to Village of Holly from
Oakland County CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Funds.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners is authorized to execute
the interlocal agreement for the Village of Holly.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Clerk is requested to forward copies of this
resolution and the finalized executed agreement to Oakland County Fiscal Services and Village of Holly.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that no budget amendment is required as the appropriation for the Oakland
Together Local Government Partnership Grant Program was authorized with Miscellaneous Resolution
#20187 adopted on June 4, 2020.
Chairperson, I move for the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
4 Commissioner *Ko
District #2
Oakland Together COVID Support Fund Expenditure Submission Form
Application ID 11590M Attachment A
Government Facility receiving Funds
Payee V age of lb y
Local Government Facility 6 Man cpa ty (CVT) r L brary/Comnam ty CentedSep or
CVP Name ills s the ega Ent ty that s jrx o vng the fakir,
He y
Government Facility Streaf Address
Mailing Address 300 East Street
Address L ne 2
hio y
Pasta / ZP Cade
Submission Information
Name DeborahJ.Bgger
Title Cerk(rreasurer
Email dbgger@ho yv age.org
Phone 248-634.9571
Authorized Official
Ind Vitus autt"?ed to s gn Inter oca Agreement
Name Jerry L. Wa ker
Funding Information
Title V age Manager
Email lwa ker@ho yv age.org
Phone 248-634-9571
State / Pn vnrco / Roj Oil
Un led States of Amer ca
Payment Method r• Eectronc(ACIi) r" Check Payment
Financial Institution Information
Name of Financial Institution The State Bank
Nine -Digit Routing Transit Number -
Account Number _
Account Type 6 Checkng r Savngs
I author ze Oak and County to depost funds owed to the above payee/vendor by the County, by d rect depos t (e ectron c funds
transfer). Informal on prov ded must be for U.S. F nano a Inst tut ons on y.
I consent to and agree to comp y win the Nat one Automated C ear ng House Assoc at on Ru as and Regu at ons and Oak and County's
po cy regard ng a ectron c funds transfers as they ex st on lb s date or as subsequent y adopted, amended, or repea ad. M ch gan aw
governs a ectron c funds transact ons author zed by th s agreement n a respects except as otherw se superseded by federa aw.
Expenditure ID 11590KA-1 Expenditure Description Teework
Expenditure Category Improve Te ework Capab t es of Pub c Emp oyeos
Start Date 3/23/2020 End Date 9/30/2020
Amount $ 2,421.71
Compliance Explanation The expenses were to a owsorro
anip oyeos to work from home and to
a ow our meet ngs to be he d
e ectron ca y
Compliance Records Spreadsheet and nvo ces up eased
be ow
Attachment A exfx:nd Iurx's must kxr suf><xxta(i try recxxds su8c out la demxictmle tl �I the
anxxnt of pnyrruxits from tlx; Rind ttr»e; tn�xan n at corx4ance wth x,c�c t ai 601 (d} of the
Soo a Scour ty Act.
Te ework 11-16-20.pdf 1.49MB
Expenditure Approval* R Approved r Rejected
Total Submitted Amount $ 2A21.71
Total Approved Amount $ 2,421,71
Pay Partial Amount r Yes
CVT Cap Amount $137,96816
Previously $000
Compliance Requirements
By submit ng th s Form the app cant af(rms that t w ab de by each of the to ow ng requ rements W-an us ng Oak and Together COVID Support
funds. P ease check the bore next to each requ rement to conf tm your ntent to ab de by these
W The expend lure of the funds s necessary due to the pub c has th emergency wth respect to the
Coronav rus D sease 20'19 (COVID-19).
(7 The e)pend lures wore not accounted for n the budget most recent y approved as of March 27, 2020.
The eVend tures ware or w be nourred dur ng the per od that beg as on March 1, 2020 and ends on
December 30, 2020.
W The expend lures are not be ng used as revenue rep acement for the Pub c Body (CVT) to f shortfa s a
government revenue to cover wvend lures that wou d not otherwse qua fy under the CARES Act
Coronav rus Re at Fund
Upon approve of th s Form, the app cant w be prov, ded wth an Inter oca Agreement or Contract, wki ch must be executed pr or to the
re ease of any funds, and wit ch sts further requ rements nc ad ng but not m led to:
• The app cant must agree to part e pate a the product on of documents requ red by any future mud t of the CARES Act program, and
funds not spend n accordance win the Act must be returned to the County.
• The app cant must agree that they have not race ved federa or state funds to cover these expend tures and n the event they race ve
d rect fund all from the federa or state government to cover these wpanses, the county money w be returned.
Date Submitted 11/17/2020
Application ID 11692M
Government Facility receiving Funds
Payee V age of Fb y
Local Government Facility r Men c pa ty (CVT) r L brary/Comnxin ty Clenter/Sen or
CVT Name "lhs sthe ega I ty that s rote vng lino finrch
Ho y
Government Facility Stroll Address
Mailing Address 300 East Street
Address L no 2
C ty
Flo y
Posta / Zp Code
Submission Information
Name Deborah J. B gger
Title Cerk[Treasurer
Email dbgger@ho yv age.org
Phone 248-634-9571
Authorized Official
Ind vdtra author zed to Is go Inter oca Agreement
Name Jerry L. Wa ker
Funding Information
Title V age Manager
Email jve ker@ho yv age.org
Phone 248-634-9571
State/ Piovnce / Rey an
Un ted Stales of Amer ca
Payment Method f• E ectron c (ACN) r Check Payment
Financial Institution Information
Name of Financial Institution The State Bank
Nine -Digit Routing Transit Number -
Account Number _
Account Type 6- Check ng r Sav rigs
I anther ze Oak and County to dopes t funds owed to the above payee/vendor by the County, by d rect depos ( (e ectron c funds
transfer). informat on prov ded must be for U.S. F none a Inst tut ons on y.
I consent to and agree to comp y with the Miens Automated C ear ng douse Assoc at on Ru as and Regu at ons and Oak and County's
po cy regard ng a ectron c funds transfers as they exst on th s date or as subsequent y adopted, amended, or repea ud. M ch gan aw
governs a ectron c funds transact ons author zed by th s agreement n a respects except as otherwso superseded by fedora aw.
Expenditure ID 11592%1 Expenditure Description PPE
Expenditure Category Persona Protectve Equpment
Start Date 3120/2020 End Date 3/23/2020
Amount $ 876.50
Compliance Explanation PPE for our f rsl responders n the F re
Compliance Records Spreadsheet and rive ces up eased
be ow,
Attachment A exfx-vxi tuies must be sulrlxxtr:d by «xtxrl, suH r, txd to r#;mxntmte tlxit tix�
anmill of payments fall the Fund hau tx=rur n a xsxt' wnce will scat on 601 (d) of the
Srx a Secur ly Act.
PPE 11-16-20.pdf 873.96K6
Expenditure Approval* r•- Approved r Rejected
Total submitted Amount $ 876.50
Total Approved Amount $ 876.50
Pay Partial Amount r Yes
CVT Cap Amount $ 137,968 16
Previously $ 0 00
Compliance Requirements
By subrn it ng th a Form the app cant air rms that t w ab de by each of the to on ng requ rements when us ng Oak and Together COVID Support
funds, P ease check the box next to each requ remerd to cant an your ntent to ab de by these
W The expend lure of the funds s necessary due to the pub c hea in emergency with respect to the
Coronav rus D sease 2019 (COVID-19).
P The expend lures were not accounted for n the budget most recent y approved as of March 27, 2020,
W The expend tures were or w be ncurred (for ng the per ad that beg ns on March 1, 2020 and ends on
December 30, 2020.
�. The expend tures are not be ng used as revenue rep acement for the Pub c Body (CVt) to f shortfa s n
government revenue to cover expend tures that aou d not otherwse qua fy under the CARES Act
Coronev rus Re of Fund.
Upon approve of lh s Form, the app cant w be prov ded wth an Inter ace Agreement or Contract, wh on must be executed pr or to the
re ease of any funds, and W1 ch sts further requ rements no ud ng but not m ted to:
• The app cant must agree to part c pate n the product on of documents requ red by any future and t of the CARES Act program, and
funds not spend n accordance win the Act must be returned to the County.
• The app cant must agree that they have not race ved fedora or state funds to cover these expend tures and n the event they race ve
d rect fund ng from the federa or state government to cover these expenses, the county money w be returned.
Date Submitted 1111712020
Oakland Together COVID Support Fund Expenditure Submission Form
Application to 11693M
Government Facility receiving Funds
Payee V age ofFb y
Local Government Facility G Muncpa ty(CVT) r' Lbrary/(3ornrnun ty Center/Senor
CVT Name Tin s a the ega eni ry that s rece vng the flun)s
1-b y
Government Facility Street Address
Mailing Address 300 East Street
Address L no 2
Flo y
Posta I Zp axle
Submission Information
Name Deborah J.89ger
Title Cork/TreaaLlrer
Email db gger@ho yv age.org
Phone 248-634-9571
Authorized Official
Ind vdua autl" zed to s gn brier era Agreemertt
Funding Information
Name Jerry L. Wa ker
Title V age Manager
Email Jvve ker@ho yv age.org
Phone 248-634-9571
State/ Prcvrx o I R q on
Uri led States of Amer ca
Payment Method r Eeotfonc(ACH) r Check Payneant
Financial Institution Information
Nam of Financial Institution The State Bank
Nine -Digit Routing Transit Number _
Account Number _
Account Type r: Check ng r Savngs
I author ze Oak and County to depos t funds owed to the above payee/vendor by the County, by d rent depos t Is ectron c funds
transfer). informaton provded mist be for U.S. F nano a Imatutons on y.
I consent to and agree to comp y will the Miens Automated C ear ng Mouse Assoc at on Ru as and Regu at ons and Oak and County's
po cy regard ng a ectron c funds transfers as they axst on th s date or as subsequent y adopted, amended, or rapes ad. M ch gan aw
governs a ectron c funds transact ons author zed by th s agreement n a respects except as olherwse superseded by fedora aw.
Expenditure ID 11593%1 Expenditure Description Pub c Hea th
Expenditure Category Pub c Find th Expenses
Start Date 3/16/2020 End Date 5/26/2020
Amount $ 3,831.21
Compliance Explanation Supp as purchased for pub c Ilea th to
ensure the safety of our res dents and
errp oyees
Compliance Records Spreadsheet and rive ces up oaded
be ow
Attachment A expraxltuit's must kx' supfxxted IlY recoal; soli r, ent to deina�etrate Ihst the
atmqunt c)f lmaynrerds loan tlw Fluid hau: ix;en n ac.coniance w th sa'.l em f;01 (d) of Ihu
Soc a Secur ty Act.
Pub c Has th 11.16.MIadf 1A3MB
Expenditure Approval* R Approved r Rejected
Total Submitted Amount $ 3,831,21
Total Approved Amount $ 3,831.21
Pay Partial Amount r Yes
CVT Cap Amount $ '137,968 16
Previously $000
Compliance Requirements
By sutxn tt ng th s Form the app cant aB mu that t w ab de by each of the to ow ng requ cements when u; ng Oak and Together COVID Support
funds. P ease check the bore next to each ro to rement to cant rm you Mart to ab do by these
W, The expend lure of the funds s necessary due to the pub c Ilea th emergency will respect to the
Comnav rus D sease 2019 (COVID-19).
W The expand tures were not accounted for n the budget most recent y approved as of March 27, 2020.
(J The expend totes were or w be ncurred dur ng the per od that beg ns on March 1, 2020 and ends on
December 30,2020.
W The expend tures are not be ng used as revenue rep acement for the Pub c Body (CVT) to f shortfa s n
government revenue to cover expend tures that wou d not otherw se qua fy under the CARES Act
Coronav rus Re of Fund.
Upon approve of lh s Form, the app cant w be prov ded wth an Inter oca Agreement or Contract, wh ch must be oxocutod pr or to the
re ease of any funds, and M ch sts further requ rements nc ud ng but not m ted to
• The app cant must agree to part c pale n the product on of documents requ red by any future and t of the CARES Act program, and
funds not spend n accordance wth the Act must be returned to the County.
• The app cant must agree that they have not race ved tartar@ or state funds to cover these w pond lures and n the event they rece ve
d rect fund ng from the federa or state government to cover these wpenses, the county money w be returned.
Date Submitted 11117/2020
Oakland Together COVID Support Fund Expenditure Submission Form
Application to 11839M
Government Facility receiving Funds
V age of no y
Local Government Facility
B Mun cpa ty, (CVT) C L brarylComnwn ty Center/Seri or
CVT Name
Th s s tl�, ega enl ty that s we vng the. funds
no y
Government Facility
Street Address
Mailing Address
300 East Street
Addioss L ne. 2
Cty State / P1PN1f9 / lReg on
Flo y MI
Poste/Zp Cale Country
48442 Un led States of Amer ca
Submission Information
Name Deborah J. Bgger
Title C erkfrreasurer
Email db gger@ho yv age.org
Phone 248-634.9571
Authorized Official
Ind vdua autW,zed to s gn lnteroaa Agreement -
Name Jerry L. We ker
Title V age Manager
Email jvm ker@ho yv age.org
Phone 248-634-9571
Funding Information
Payment Method Gr Eectronc(ACH) C Check Payment
Financial Institution Information
Name of Financial Institution The State Bank
Nine -Digit Routing Transit Number _
Account Number _
Account Type r Checkng r Savngs
I author ze Oak and County to depos t funds owed to the above payeelvendor by the County, by d root depos t Is octron c funds
transfer). Informat on prov ded must be for U.S. F nano a Insi tut ons on y.
I consent to and agree to campy wth the Nat ona Automated C ear ng house Assoc at on Rues and Regu at ons and Oak and County's
po cy regard ng a ectron c funds transfers as they exst on th s date or as subsequent y adopted, amended, or repea ed. M ch gan aw
governs o ectron c funds transact ons author zed by th s agreement n a respects except as othervse superseded by federa aw.
Expenditure 10 11839M-1 Expenditure Description Te ework
Expenditure Category Improve Teework Capab tesofPubcEmpoyees
Start date 7/2/2020 End Date 11/2412020
Amount $ 3,691 37
Compliance Explanation Ass sts n amp oyees to ework and a ows
for a ectron c meet ngs.
Compliance Records Spreadsheet and nvo ces attached
Attachment A expand traps must be supported by records sutfc ere to cernonMiato tlxt it
amount of pcynxxits from the Fund hau: boor n accordance. with .ect on 601 (d) of the
Soc a Scour ty Act.
To ework 11-30-20.pdf 1 59MB
Expenditure Approval* r Approved r Rejected
Total submitted Amount $ 3,691,37
Total Approved Amount $
Pay Partial Amount r Yes
CVT Cap Amount $
Previously $
Compliance Requirements
By subm It ng th s Form the app card aff nns that t w ab de by each of the to aN ng requ rements when us ng Oak and Together COVID Support
funds, P ease clerk the box next to each requ cement to cart an your ntent to ab de by these
W The expend lure of the funds s necessary due to the pub c hea th emergency w th respect to the
Coronav rus D sease 2019 (COVID-19),
17 The expend lures were not accounted for n the budget most recent y approved as of March 27, 2020,
R The expend tares were or w be ncurred dur rig the parod that beg ns on March 1, 2020 and onds on
December 30, 2020
The expend tares are not be rig used as revenue rep acement for the Pub c Body (CVT) to f shortfa s
government revenue to cover emend lures that mu d not otherwise qua fy under the CARES Act
Coronav rus Re of Fund.
Upon approve of th s Form, the app cant w be prov ded wth an Inter rice Agreement or Contract, wh ch must be executed pr or to the
re ease of any funds, and will ch sts further requ rements nc ud rig but not or ted to:
• The app cant must agree to part c pate n the product on of documents requ red by any future and t of the CARES Act program, and
funds not spend n accordance will the Act must be returned to the County.
• The app cant must agree that they have not race ved federa or state funds to cover these emend tures and n the event they race ve
d rect fund rig from the federa or state government to cover these expenses, the county rrxmey w be returned.
Date Submitted 11/30/2020
Oakland Together CONK? Support Fund Expenditure Submission Form
Application ID 11840M
Government Facility receiving Funds
Payee V age of He y
Local Government Facility r Mun cpa ty (CVT) r^L brary/Comrrun ty Center/Sen or
CVT Name Th s s the ega ent ty thnf s rece vng the fwids
He y
Government Facility Street Address
Mailing Address 300 East Street
Address L ne 2
He y
Posta / Zp Cale
Submission Information
Name Deborah J. Bgger
Title Cerk(Treasurer
Email dbgger@ho yv age.org
Phone 248-634-9571
Authorized Official
Ind vdiun atahor zed to s gn Inter<ca Agreement
Name JerryL.Wa ker
Funding Information
Title V age Manager
Email jwa ker@ho yv age.org
Phone 248-634-9571
State / Prov rice / Reg on
Un led States of Amor ca
Payme nt Me thod f• Eectronc(ACH) r Check Payment
Financial Institution Information
Name of Financial Institution The State Bank
Nine -Digit Routing Transit Number -
Account Number _
Account Type F Check ng r Sav ngs
I author zo Oak and County to depos t funds owed to the above payee/vendor by the County, by d rect depos t (e ectron c funds
transfer). Informal on prov ded must be for U.S. F none a Inst tut ons on y.
I consent to and agree to camp y wth the Net one Automated C ear ng House Assoc at on Ru es and Regu at ons and Oak and County's
po cy regard ng a ectron c funds transfers as they exst on th s date or as subsequent y adopted, amended, or repea ed. M ch gan aw
governs o ectron c funds transact ons author zed by in s agreement n a respects except as othenvse superseded by fedora aw.
Expenditure ID 11840Nr1 Expenditure Description PPE
Expenditure Category Persona Protect ve Equ pment
Start Data 3/20/2020
Amount $ 1,097.23
Compliance Explanation PPE for f rst responders.
End Date 11/13/2020
Compliance Records Spreadsheet and nvo ces attached
Attachment A expend tuwes must No supfxxted by newts suitcent to derrKAnstmiH that ttxa
amount of payrnanfs fran ttx> fund craw tx�:rm n accatwnnce w lh srxt an rA] 1 {cl) of the
Soc a Secur fy Act.
PPE 11.30-20.pdf 320.82KB
Expenditure Approval* r Approved r Rejected
Total Submitted Amount $ 1,097.23
Total Approved Amount $
Pay Partial Amount f Yes
CVT Cap Amount $
Previously $
Compliance Requirements
By subm it rig in s Form the app cant all nns that t w ab de by each of the in ow ng requ remenls vdmen us ng Oak and Together COVID Support
funds. P ease check the box next to each myu recent to conf nn your nlent to ab de by these
V The expend lure of the funds s necessary due to the pub c hod in emergency wth respect to the
Coronae rus D sease 2019 (COVID-19).
R The expend tures were not accounted for n the budget most recent y approved as of March 27, 2020.
W The expend tures were or w be ncurred dur ng the per ad that beg ns on March 1, 2020 and ends on
December 30, 2020,
The expend tures are not be ng used as revenue rep acement for the Pub c Body (CVT) to t sholffa s
government revenue to cover expend tares that mu d not otherwse qua fy under the CARES Act
Coronev rus Re of Fund.
Upon approve of th s Form, the app cant w be prov ded wth an Inter oca Agreement or Contract, wh ch must be executed pi or to the
re ease of any funds, and wh ch sts further requ cements nc ud ng but not to led to:
• The app cant must agree to part c pate n the product on of documents requ red by any future and t of the CARES Act program, and
funds not spend n accordance wth the Act must be returned to the County.
• The app cant must agree that they have not race ved federa or state funds to cover these e>wend tures and n the event they rece ve
d rect fund ng from the federa or state government to cover these expenses, the county money w be returned.
Date Submitted 11/30/2020
Oakland Together CON11D Support Fund Expenditure Submission Form
Application ID 11841M
Government Facility receiving Funds
Payee V age of Fia y
Local Government Facility f Mun cpa ty (CVT) r L brary/Conurxm ty Center/Sen or
CVr Name Ills s lire ega ant ty that s rer.e vng the furxis
He y
Government Facility Street Adtiress
Mailing Address 300 East Street
Addmss L ne 2
Flo y
Pasta / ZP Code
Submission Information
Name Deborah J.Bgger
Title CerklTreasurer
Email dbgger@ho yv age.org
Phone 248-634-9571
Authorized Official
Ind vdrun autlxxzed to s gn Interom Agreement
Name Jerry L. Wa ker
Funding Information
Title V age Manager
Email lvm ker@ho yv ago.org
Phone 248-634-9571
Stale! Pnsvire / Reg on
Un led States of Amer ca
Payment Method r: Eectronc(ACH) r` Check Payment
Financial Institution Information
Name of Financial Institution The State Bank
Nine�Digit Routing Transit Number _
Account Number _
Account Type (7 Check ng r Savngs
1 author ze Oak and County to depos t funds owed to the above payee/vendor by the County, by d rect depos t (e ectron c funds
transfer). Informal on prov ded must be for U.S. F nanc a Inst tut ons on y.
I consent to and agree to campy wth the Nat ona Automated C ear ng House Assoc at on Rues and Regu at ons and Oak and County's
po cy regard ng a ectron c funds transfers as they exst on th s date or as subsequent y adopted, amended, or repea ed. M ch gan aw
governs a ectron c funds transact ons author zed by th s agreement n a respects except as otherwse superseded by toners aw.
Expenditure ID 1184110-1 Expenditure Description Pub c Heath
Expenditure Category Pub c Hea th Expenses
Start Date 4/25/2020 End Date 1112412020
Amount $ 7,622.30
Compliance Explanation Expenses to san t ze and promote son a
d stanc ng for pub c hea th and safety.
Compliance Records Spreadsheet and nvo ces attached
Attachment A expo rf lures must bo supipied by records stiff c ert to ck nxhnstrete tf�t the
arrxwnt of paynrut4s fiom tYe Fund halo been n a;;corcknnce w th scat on 6(11 (d) of the
Soc a Secur ty Act.
Pub c lisa th 11-30-20.pdf 1.03MB
Expenditure Approval* r Approved r Rejected
Total Submitted Amount $ 7,622.30
Total Approved Amount $
Pay Partial Amount r, Yes
CVT Cap Amount $
Previously $
Compliance Requirements
By subm it ng th s Form the app cant afi ons that t w ab do by each of the fo ow ng requ rements when us ng Oak and Together COVID Support
funds. P ease check the box next to each requ rernent to conf an your ntent to an de by these
P The expend lure of the funds s necessary due to the pub c hea in emergency wth respect to the
Coronav rus D sease 2019 (COVID-19).
W7 The expend tures were not accounted for n the budget most recent y approved as of March 27, 2020.
W The expend tures were or w be nourred dur rig the per ad that beg ns on March 1, 2020 and ends on
December 30. 2020.
p. The emend tares are not be ng used as revenue rep acement for the Pub c Body (C\/ ) to f shortfa s
government revenue to cover emend tures that wow d not olherwse qua fy under the CARES Act
Coronav rus Re of Fund.
Upon approva of in s Form, the app cant w be prov ded wth an Inter oca Agreement or Contract, wh ch must be executed pr or to the
re ease of any funds, and wti ch sls further requ remeres no ud rig but not in ted to:
• The app cant must agree to part c pate n the product on of documents requ red by any future and t of the CARES Act program, and
funds not spend n accordance wlh the Act must be returned to the County
The app cant must agree that they have not rece ved federa or state funds to cover these expend lures and n the event they rece ve
d rect fund ❑g from the federa or state government to cover these expenses, the county money w be returned.
Date Submitted 11/30/2020
This Agreement (the "Agreement") is made between Oakland County, a Municipal and Constitutional
Corporation, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, Michigan 48341 ("County"), and the Village of
Holly, 300 East Street, Holly, MI 48442. County and Public Body may be referred to individually as
a "Party" and jointly as "Parties",
PURPOSE OF AGREEWNT. County and Public Body enter into this Agreement pursuant to the
Urban Cooperation Act of 1967, 1967 Public Act 7, MCL 124.501 et seq., for the purpose of County
distributing a portion of its CARES Act funds to Public Body. County has allocated a portion of its
CARES Act fiwds to be distributed to CVTs within Oakland County, which will be used to assist CVTs
in meeting certain areas of need caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
In consideration of the mutual promises, obligations, representations, and assurances in this Agreement,
the Parties agree to the following:
1, DEFINITIONS. The following words and expressions used throughout this Agreement, whether
used in the singular or plural, shall be defined, read, and interpreted as follows:
1.1. A,ereement means the terms and conditions of this Agreement and any other mutually
agreed to written and executed modification, amendment, Exhibit and attachment.
1.2. Claims mean any alleged losses, claims, complaints, demands for relief or damages,
lawsuits, causes of action, proceedings, judgments, deficiencies, liabilities, penalties,
litigation, costs, and expenses, including, but not limited to, reimbursement for reasonable
attorney fees, witness fees, court costs, investigation expenses, litigation expenses, amounts
paid in settlement, and/or other amounts or liabilities of any kind which are incurred by or
asserted against County or Public Body, or for which County or Public Body may become
legally and/or contractually obligated to pay or defend against, whether direct, indirect or
consequential, whether based upon any alleged violation of the federal or the state
constitution, any federal or state statute, rule, regulation, or any alleged violation of federal
or state common law, whether any such claims are brought in law or equity, tort, contract, or
otherwise, and/or whether commenced or threatened.
1.3. Confidential Information means all information and data that County is required or
permitted by law to keep confidential, including records of County' security measures,
including security plans, security codes and combinations, passwords, keys, and security
procedures, to the extent that the records relate to ongoing security of County as well as
records or information to protect the security or safety of persons or property, whether public
or private, including, but not limited to, building, public works, and public water supply
designs relating to ongoing security measures, capabilities and plans for responding to
violations of the Michigan Anti -terrorism Act, emergency response plans, risk planning
documents, threat assessments and domestic preparedness strategies.
1.4. County means Oakland County, a Municipal and Constitutional Corporation, including,
but not limited to, all of its departments, divisions, the County Board of Commissioners,
elected and appointed officials, directors, board members, council members,
commissioners, authorities, committees, employees, agents, volunteers, and/or any such
persons' successors.
1.5. -ax means any calendar day beginning at 12:00 a.m. and ending at 11:59 p.m.
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1.6. Public Bodv means the Village of Holly including, but not limited to, its council, its
Board, its departments, its divisions, elected and appointed officials, directors, board
members, council members, commissioners, authorities, committees, employees, agents,
subcontractors, attorneys, volunteers, and/or any such persons' successors.
1.7. Public Bodv EmDiovee means any employees, officers, directors, members, managers,
trustees, volunteers, attorneys, representatives of Public Body, licensees, concessionaires,
contractors, subcontractors, independent contractors, agents, and/or any such persons'
successors or predecessors (whether such persons act or acted in their personal,
representative or official capacities), and/or any persons acting by, through, under, or in
concert with any of the above who use or have access to the Oakland Together CVT funds
provided under this Agreement. "Public Body Employee" shall also include any person
who was a Public Body Employee at any time during the term of this Agreement but, for
any reason, is no longer employed, appointed, or elected in that capacity. "Public Body
Employee" does not include an individual resident of Public Body who receives an
authorized distribution of Oakland Together CVT funds.
1.8. CARES Act Funds means the money distributed to the County by the United States
Department of Treasury pursuant to section 601(a) of the Social Security Act, as added by
section 5001 of the Coronavilus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.
1.9. _CM means Cities, Villages, and Townships.
I.10. Oakland Together CVT funds means that portion of the CARES Act funds which the
County has allocated to CVTs within Oakland County.
1,11, Lxnenditure Submission Forul means the form which Public Body must complete and
submit to the Office of the County Executive (OCE) prior to any disbursement of
Oakland Together CVT funds to Public Body.
1.12. CE means the Office of the Oakland County Executive, which includes the Chief
Deputy and other Deputy County Executives.
1.13. Oversight Committee means the committee established by the Oakland County Board
of Commissioners in the resolution allocating the Oakland Together CVT funds.
2.1. OCE will review Public Body's Expenditure Submission Form(s) to determine whether
Public Body is eligible to receive a distribution of Oakland Together CVT funds. This
determination will be in the OCE's discretion pursuant to the "Coronavirus Relif Fund
Guidance for State, Territorial, Local and Tribal Government" or other guidenace issued by
the Federal Government. OCE may request any supporting documentation it deems
necessary to fully evaluate Public Body's eligibility.
2.2. If OCE determines that Public Body is eligible to receive a distribution, County will
distribute the eligible amount to Public Body.
2.3. County is not obligated or required to distribute any Oakland Together CVT funds to Public
Body if OCE determines that Public Body is not eligible to receive the funds, or if the amount of
Oakland Together CVT finds available are not sufficient to fulfill Public Body's Expenditure
Submission Form.
2.4. After November 30, 2020, County will not accept any fu rther Expenditure Submission
Forms from Public Body, and County will retain the balance of any Oakland Together CVT
funds for which Public Body was originally eligible, but which are not covered by an
approved Expenditure Submission Form.
Page 2 of 7
2.5. If County retains the balance of Oakland Together CVT fords not covered by an approved
Expenditure Submission Form under Section 2.4, County may redistribute any or all of that
amount to other eligible CVTs or as otherwise deemed appropriate by OCE.
2.6. OCE will work in collaboration with the Oversight Cominittee in determining Public
Body's eligibility for Oakland Together CVT funds, and the amount of said fiends to be
distributed to Public Body.
3.1. Public Body may be eligible to receive a portion, of Oakland Together CVT funds. Public
Body shall complete and submit an Expenditure Submission Form to OCE and receive OCE
approval prior to the receipt of any Oakland Together CVT funds.
3.2. In its first Expenditure Submission Form, Public Body shall only apply for Oakland
Together CVT funds to pay for expenditures or programs already made by Public Body, or
for fiords to pay Public Body's required 25% "cost share" or `local match" required to obtain
a FEMA grant.
3.3. Public Body shall follow all guidance established by the United States Treasury Department,
and the County, when expending Oakland Together CVT funds, including, but not limited to,
Section 601(d) of the Social Security Act and the "Coronavirus Relief Fund Guidance for
State, Territorial, Local and Tribal Govennments."t
3.4. Public Body shall not submit an Expenditure Submission Form for any expense which is
eligible to be covered by a FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Public
Assistance Reimbursement. Public Body may use Oakland Together CVT fiords to pay the
required 25% "cost share" or "local match" required to obtain a FEMA grant.
3.5. Public Body shall only expend Oakland Together CVT funds to pay for expenses incurred
due to the COV1D-19 public health emergency, and which expenses were not accounted for
in Public Body's most recently approved budget as of March 27, 2020.
3.6. Public Body shall only expend Oakland Together CVT fiords for expenses incurred during
the period that begins on March 1, 2020 and ends on December 30, 2020.
3.7, Public Body shall not use Oakland Together CVT funds as revenue replacement.
3.8. Public body shall not redistribute Oakland Together CVT funds, except Public Body shall be
allowed to provide direct assistance to individual residents of Public Body, and pay vendors
and service providers, as permitted by the CARES Act.
3.9, Public Body shall not expend Oakland Together CVT funds in any manner that Public Body
did not include in a submitted and approved Expenditure Submission Form.
3.10. If Public Body receives an amount of funding from the federal or state government to cover
expenses for which Public Body received Oakland Together CVT funds, Public Body shall
return that amount of Oakland Together CVT fiords to County.
3.11. Public Body shall keep records of all expenditures of Oakland Together CVT funds sufficient
to demonstrate that said expenditures were in accordance with the guidance documents
included in Section 3.3 for a period of 10 (ten) years, at a minimum.
3.12. Public Body shall produce said records of expenditures upon request by County or OCE, or
as required by any future audit of the CARES Act program.
This document is available at httns://home.treasuiv.Rov/system/files/136/Corotiavirus-Relief-Fund-Guidance-for-State-
Territori al-Loca l-and-Tribal-G ovem meats. udf
Page 3 of 7
3.13. Public Body shall submit records to OCE within 30 (thirty) days after expenditure of
Oakland Together CVT funds with a detailed description of how the funds were expended
and how the expenditure of funds complied with the CARES Act guidance unless Public
Body has already submitted said records with its Expenditure Submission Form,
3.14. In the event it is determined by OCE, or any other audit under the CARES Act program, that
Public Body expended an amount of Oakland Together CVT funds in violation of the
CARES Act requirements or this Agreement, Public Body shall be required to return that
amount of money to County.
3.15, In any case where Public Body is required to return an amount of money to County under
this Agreement, Public Body agrees that unless expressly prohibited by law, County or the
Oakland County Treasurer, at their sole option, shall be entitled to set off from any other
Public Body funds that are in County's possession for any reason, including but not limited
to, the Oakland County Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund ("DTRF"), if applicable. Any setoff
or retention of funds by County shall be deemed a voluntary assignment of the amount by
Public Body to County. Public Body waives any Claims against County or its Officials for
any acts related specifically to County's offsetting or retaining of such amounts. This
paragraph shall not limit Public Body's legal right to dispute whether the underlying amount
retained by County was actually due and owing under this Agreement.
3.16. Nothing in this Section shall operate to limit County's right to pursue or exercise any other
legal rights or remedies under this Agreement or at law against Public Body to secure
payment of amounts due to County under this Agreement. The remedies in this Section shall
be available to County on an ongoing and successive basis if Public Body becomes delinquent
in its payment. Notwithstanding any other term and condition in this Agreement, if County
pursues any legal action in any court to secure its payment under this Agreement, Public Body
agrees to pay all costs and expenses, including attorney fees and court costs, incurred by
County in the collection of any amount owed by Public Body.
3.17. Public Body shall respond to and be responsible for Freedom of Information Act requests
relating to Public Body's records, data, or other information.
4.1. This Agreement shall be effective when executed by both Parties with resolutions passed by
the governing bodies of each Party. The approval and terms of this Agreement shall be
entered in the official minutes of the governing bodies of each Party. An executed copy of
this Agreement and any amendments shall be filed by the County Clerk with the Secretary
of State.
4.2. This Agreement shall remain in effect until January 31, 2021, or until cancelled or
terminated by any of the Parties pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. Public Body shall
comply with the record keeping, reporting, audit response, and fund return requirements of
Section 3 after the termination of this Agreement if necessary.
5.1, Resnonsibillty for Claims. Each Party shall be responsible for any Claims made against that
Party by a third party, and for the acts of its employees arising under or related to this
5.2. Resnonsibility for Attornev fees and Costs. Except as provided for in Section 3.16, in any
Claim that may arise from the performance of this Agreement, each Party shall seek its own
Page 4 of 7
legal representation and bear the costs associated with such representation, including
judgments and attorney fees,
5.3. No Indemnification. Except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement, neither Party shall
have any right under this Agreement or under any other legal principle to be indemnified or
reimbursed by the other Party or any of its agents in connection with any Claim.
5.4. Costs. Fines, and Fees for Noncomuliance. Public Body shall be solely responsible for
all costs, fines and fees associated with any misuse of the Oakland Together CVT funds
and/or for noncompliance with this Agreement by Pubic Body Employees.
5.5, Reservation of RWItts. This Agreement does not, and is not intended to, impair, divest,
delegate or contravene any constitutional, statutory, and/or other legal right, privilege,
power, obligation, duty, or inummity of the Parties. Nothing in this Agreement shall be
construed as a waiver of governmental immunity for either Party.
5.6. Authorization and Comuletloo of Agreement. The Parties have taken all actions and
secured all approvals necessary to authorize and complete this Agreement. The persons
signing this Agreement on behalf of each Party have legal authority to sign this
Agreement and bind the Parties to the terms and conditions contained herein.
5.7. Comnliance with Laws. Each Party shall comply with all federal, state, and local
ordinances, regulations, administrative rules, and requirements applicable to its
activities performed under this Agreement.
6.1. Cormty may terminate or cancel this Agreement at any time if it determines that Public
Body has expended Oakland Together CVT funds in violation of CARES Act requirements
or this Agreement, Either OCE or the Board of Commissioners is authorized to terminate
this Agreement under this provision. If County terminates or cancels this Agreement,
Public Body shall be liable to repay County the amount of money expended in violation of
CARES Act requirements or this Agreement. County may utilize the provisions in
Sections 3.15 -- 3.16 to recoup the amount of money owed to County by Public Body.
6.2. Public Body may terminate or cancel this Agreement at any time if it determines that it
does not wish to receive any Oakland Together CVT funds. If Public Body terminates or
cancels this Agreement, it shall immediately return to County any and all Oakland
Together CVT funds it has already received.
6.3. If either Party terminates or cancels this agreement they shall provide written notice to the
other Party in the manner described in Section 13.
7. DELEQ'ION OR ASS1GNMTM, Neither Party shall delegate or assign any obligations or
rights under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party,
8, NO THIRD -PARTY BENEFICIARIF4, Except as provided for the benefit of the Parties, this
Agreement does not and is not intended to create any obligation, duty, promise, contractual right or
benefit, right to indemnification, right to subrogation, and/or any other right in favor of any other
person or entity.
9. NO IMPLIED WAIVER. Absent a written waiver, no act, failure, or delay by a Party to pursue or
enforce any rights or remedies under this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of those rights with
regard to any existing or subsequent breach of this Agreement. No waiver of any term, condition, or
provision of this Agreement, whether by conduct or otherwise, in one or more instances shall be
deemed or construed as a continuing waiver of any term, condition, or provision of this Agreement,
Page 5 of 7
No waiver by either Party shall subsequently affect its right to require strict performance of this
10. SEVERABILITY. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds a term or condition of this
Agreement to be illegal or invalid, then the term or condition shall be deemed severed from this
Agreement. All other terns, conditions, and provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full
11. PRECEDENCE OF DOCUMENTS. In the event of a conflict between the terms and
conditions of any of the documents that comprise this Agreement, the terms in the Agreement
shall prevail and take precedence over any allegedly conflicting terms and conditions.
12. CAPTIONS. The section and subsection numbers, captions, and any index to such sections and
subsections contained in this Agreement are intended for the convenience of the reader and are not
intended to have any substantive meaning, The numbers, captions, and indexes shall not be
interpreted or be considered as part of this Agreement, Any use of the singular or plural, any
reference to gender, and any use of the nominative, objective or possessive case in this Agreement
shall be deemed the appropriate plurality, gender or possession as the context requires,
13. NOTICE5. Notices given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be personally
delivered, sent by express delivery service, certified mail, or first class U.S. mail postage prepaid,
and addressed to the person listed below. Notice will be deemed given oil the date when one of the
following first occur: (i) the date of actual receipt; (ii) the next business day when notice is sent
express delivery service or personal delivery, or (iii) three days after mailing first class or certified
U.S, mail.
13.1. If Notice is sent to County, it shall be addressed and sent to: Oakland County Executive, 2100
Pontiac Lake Rd., Waterford, MI, 48328, and the Chairperson of the Oakland Comity Board
of Commissioners, 1200 North Telegraph Road, Pontiac, MI, 48341.
13.2. If Notice is sent to Public Body, it shall be addressed to: The Village of Holly, 300 East
Street, Holly, MI 48442
governed, interpreted, and enforced by the laws of the State of Michigan. Except as otherwise
required by law or court rule, any action brought to enforce, interpret, or decide any Claim arising
under or related to this Agreement shall be brought in the 6th Judicial Circuit Court of the State of
Michigan, the 50th District Court of the State of Michigan, or the United States District Court for the
Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division, as dictated by the applicable jurisdiction of the
court. Except as otherwise required by law or court rule, venue is proper in the courts set forth
15. StTRVIVAL OF TERMS. The following terms and conditions shall survive and continue in full
force beyond the termination or cancellation of this Contract (or any part thereof) until the terms and
conditions are fully satisfied or expire by their nature: Definitions (Section 1); Assurances (Section
5); No Third -Party Beneficiaries (Section 8); No Implied Waiver (Section 9); Severability (Section
10); Precedence of Documents (Section 11); Governing Law/Consent to Jurisidiction and Venue
(Section 14); Survival of Terms (Section 15); Entire Agreement (Section 16), and the record
keeping, reporting, audit compliance, and fund return provisions of Section 3.
16.1. This Agreement represents the entire agreement and understanding between the Parties
regarding the Oakland Together CVT funds With regard to the Oakland Together CVT
funds, this Agreement supersedes all other oral or written agreements between the Parties.
Page 6 of
16.2, The language of this Agreement shall be construed as a whole according to its fair
meaning, and not construed strictly for or against any Party.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Jerry L. Walker, Manager hereby acknowledges that he/she has been
authorized by a resolution of the Village of Holly a certified copy of which is attached, to execute this
Agreement on behalf of Public Body and hereby accepts and binds Public Body to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement. f
EXECUTED::, /j/)I (
eq, L alker, Manager
Deborah J. Bigg , C1 Treasurer
DATE: G ���%
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, David Woodward, Chairperson, Oakland County Board of Commissioners,
hereby acknowledges that he has been authorized by a resolution of the Oakland County Board of
Commissioners to execute this Agreement on behalf of Oakland County, and hereby accepts and binds
Oakland County to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
David Woodward, Chairperson
Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Oakland County Board of Commissioners
County of Oakland
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Resolution #20679 December 7, 2020
Moved by Gingell seconded by Spisz to suspend the rules and vote on Miscellaneous Resolutions
#20667 through #20689 - Board of Commissioners — Approval of Interlocal Agreement/Application for
Disbursement with (Jurisdiction) for Distribution of CARES Act Funding.
A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the motion to suspend the rules and vote on Miscellaneous
Resolutions #20667 through #20689 - Board of Commissioners — Approval of Interlocal
Agreement/Application for Disbursement with (Jurisdiction) for Distribution of CARES Act Funding carried.
Moved by Gingell seconded by Spisz resolutions #20667 - #20689 be adopted
Vote on resolutions:
AYES: Jackson, Kochenderfer, Kowall, Kuhn, Long, Luebs, Markham McGillivray, Middleton,
Miller, Nelson, Quarles, Spisz, Taub, Weipert, Woodward, Zack, Gershenson, Gingell,
Hoffman. (20)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions were adopted.
I, Lisa Brown, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and
accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on December 7,
2020, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Circuit Court at Pontiac,
Michigan this Th day of December, 2020. _l
Lisa Brown, Oakland County