HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1990.06.11 - 3411OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS XX ANNUAL AT THE GENERAL ELECTION' SPECIAL HELD ON JUNE 11, 1990 (DATE AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANV,SSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY VgVgLEBO UEgg„ ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Rood KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN TOTAL PRECINCT NUMBER o" 1 c.D ; Ix I , w : w < I — STATEMENT OF VOTES, MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION Four Year Term - Vote for Two OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS JUNE H. 1990 MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION Unexpired Three Year Term - Vote foif One I i -' , I 1 i , i 1 1 1 1 1=P, G MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 11 DR VOTE 1X-1EAR—TERMS- rwn - srx ME cli BER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTE:S , r! 111 11 11 !, V) :1 _I '1 ' 1_„ , CD 1, , I LU CD CD -J 1 1 H !!!!+ `i=p, Ci 1 1 4d '— I- 711 1 1[_ ! 1111- d ILE L_ i! T7 1 ! 1 . ! I!! • 1 1! LU 11 LU LL L.J-11 TOTALS 1710 ;..57 3.33 it !, .. !! .1 il„ ,.! -1. !! il !! !I 1 ri' I .1 7 I ! I , .i .1 !! . .1 7 1 ! cf) CD CD c:C .z[ CC (..") ,n !! li . : I : 1 1 -,.- ! - CD 11 41- 11 i 1 1,7 t 11 11- IL 11 !! 11 1! C':7)7,D ARL. Y SCHOOLS NT OF VOTES, OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE BIENNIAL ELECT I ON — JUNE 11, 1990 STATEMENT OF VOTES, I11 I ' !I !! 11 ,! !, !I If 1,11 ! ;I [[-[ 1! 11 11 11 1 ,P, G The whole number of vines given for the office of - was and they were given for the following named persons: Unexpired Three Year lerm MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION - Vote for One The whole number of votes fo The whole number of votes given for the office of 1 1 Votes votes votes Votes received„ received - received WILLIAM ESCHENBURG SHARRON REYES PATRICIA LYNN SMITH TOTAL TOTAL Votes Votes VOteS votes 1 A pvi was and they were given for the B I LL PARKH I LL received /1 received received HTITTH11 !I 1 1 1 I 11 received rec. votes 1 votes votes I] and they we - the following nam—el received received votes 1 votes ,1 votes q votes 11,1 I votes votes votes received received e, 1 1 I 1 L 1 1 I LL VOtCS votes votes STATEMENT OF VOTES OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS ANNUAL ELECTION-JUNE 11, 199 Four Year Term - MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION - Vote for Two =R was and they were given for the The whi ta was TOTAL r of votes given for the ciffice of VOWS votes received received TOTAL 2-G ni for the office of Th ,,vas Put figure: in this votes VOteS votes rAL votes STATEMENT OF VOTES and thr-n- nrfor the following named persc,:-..s: votes received votes received votes TOTAL votes e hole • of votes given for the office of they v\ th:,u u•, riarned persons: votes ...ce ived votes received votes received votes reeked votes received votes received votes votes votes votes TOTAL votes it . • • . • • • :fen for- ..Tnae of :dr th votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes 11 3C COUNTY OF . The Board OAKLAND (COUNTY, C(TY, TTWNCYNT OR u((„,,,,,Top es of said the Annual 11th one thousand nro h!indrPd Do ' ninety That MEMBER OF BOARD Of EDUCAT ION - Four Year Term fficient e•r of a sufficient number of ffielent H votes is That --- votes is elected That votes is elected mbar of vote That The votes is c That votes is .. having received That s is elected That votes is ele That ; is elected That votes is elected That d a sufficien li havii - That havihi CERTIFirTE OF DETERM ,TION STATE OF MICHIGAN, SS. County of Oakland (co, COV ,, TO,VN,(NR Vit.i_AGN) _Oxford Area Community. Schools (COUNTY, C(TY, TOWNCHIP OR . day of June MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION — Unexpired Three Year Term ived a sufficient number o votes is That votes is elected Hiotes is eit•ted 4 ,G 'SEIT:1'•'SVANV:-. AC '2'05dO NV1AW IVHO °SU -3ssvf,,Nv3 j C •-• . 4 0-4.7ferffil aunr Aep LADW-2.11A pueieo Al uno3 40 leas ;3L1 :•-•••••:;.," pue spueq Arlo las olunalGqwq SELU Al o u!u ' '1 r • prneoiaa passrd passed pele.ej.eG passed sem sn• seAA SBIOA Tu:7;!31jjns sem saloAluoinuins sem s2lon SUM S01,0 A 1.1_13 flA!- ION IAA fr9A1 Jr' •'• e paA!an.9.1 .,1-C11_,!: lociwriu pa.A€ann ns e poA!of)cu 6u!Aeil Jaquinu 11 BOUfl n e unu 40 ;PAriL!.1: • 1B 141 12(-11. paloar.-3 saloA 12-1-1.1 saloA lr LI pri-torla siSOTOA pa13al2 0 lB po-ino;a ,s! soloA let]] 3NON 51JIAPH NO I rRO d ti 3NON f-jui.AEH 6u!ABH N101.1130dCM.1 AO BEAEVN 3N ON NOWSOdakid O TAIVN 3NON .'0,3(Trid t") 31/0;."ki 3NON 11 Nolicsodo 71AVNI PBIB3ipU SBinle,-.?1.3p AO passed @J@Afl 3NON LCI Bul a nj oa