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Resolutions - 2020.10.21 - 34157
October 21, 2020 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #20462 Y: Commissioner Helaine Zack, Chairperson, Finance and Infrastructure Committee BRE: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS — REORGANIZATION OF DIVISIONS IN AND POSITIONS ons within the To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Section 45.563, subsection 13, of Public Act 139 places certain department voteuoftlthe Board of authority of the County Executive; and on a majorhy WHEREAS under Section 14 of Act 139, MCL 45.564(a), up public hearing;Commissionertand the afi he Board of Comm ss ones may transfer the functionshe ; and of Executive, and following a WHEREAS the Oakland County Executive has reviewed the operr °AffairSsED&CA)of the tlanddments of County Executive Administration and Economic Development & Community WHEREAS it has been determined that a realignment of functions would provide for a more efficient delivery of services to Oakland County citizens; and ust community engagement and communications function WHEREAS this realignment would create a rob within the County Executive administration; and munity Affairs Department would be reorganized to create WHEREAS the Economic Development & Com one (1) new division dedicated to business development; and the fGrowth and Innovation InemationaltBusiness eDe eopment,eBusnt iness Retention and Eivision would be Ppanswnf Emerging G units: National an and Financial Services, and External Affairs and Communications; and comprised of te following units: Trails, Transportation WHEREAS the Planning and Economic Development Services Division would be retitled to Planning an Local Business Development Division, and would be comp h to change the funding of one (1) SR FTE Manager Workforce Development from and Environment, Local Business Development, and Planning, Zoning and Land Use; an WHEREAS n is proposed, 1 HE SR funded to o SR funded and fun GF/GP funded to reflect the oversight of the Veterans Services Unit; and 1 PR position; and WHEREAS this reorganization will create five (5) new GF/GP positions, and one ( ) WHEREAS this reorganization will delete fourteen sits GFIGP positions; andof WHEREAS this reorganization of divisions and positions will result in a General tn & savings Communityl 61,595 Affairs and a Special Revenue Fund increase of $114,870. Develop ic NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED to retitle the Econom Department to Economic Development. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to retitle the following divisions: From Planning & Local Business Development Planning &Economic Development Services Workforce Development & Veterans Services Workforce Development BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to retitle the following units: Unit From 1090204 Planning, To Zoning &Land Use Planning 1090205 Local Business Development Business Development 1090206 Trails, Transportation & Environment Information Services BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to create the following new divisions: In Deoartment DivisiOOnce of Public Communications County Executive Business Development Economic Development new units within the County Executive Department, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to create the following Office of Public Communications Division: Media Relations Marketing & Creative Operations Community Engagement create the following units within the Economic Deve BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to lopment Department, Administration Division: External Affairs & Business Information BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to create the following units within the Economic Development Department, Business Development Division: Administration National & International Business Attraction Business Retention & Expansion Emerging Growth & Innovation BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to transfer the Financial Services Unit (#1090202), and all associated positions from the Planning & Economic Development Services Division to the Business Development Division. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to transfer the following positions to the County Executive Department, Office of Public Communications Division, Media Relations Unit: From Department Position Number Classification County Executive 1010105-02314 Media and Communications Officer ED&CA 1090108-03656 Marketing and Communications Officer BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to transfer the following positions to the County Executive Department, Office of Public Communications Division, Marketing & Creative Operations Unit: From Department Position Number Classification County Executive 1010105-10241 Executive Secretary Human Resources 1050411-12151 Graphic Designer ED&CA 1090108-01118 Supervisor Marketing & Communications ED&CA 1090108-03328 Marketing Coordinator ED&CA 1090108-03468 Marketing Coordinator ED&CA 1090108-11961 Project Advisor BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to transfer the following positions to the County Executive Department, Office of Public Communications Division, Community Engagement Unit: From Department Position Number Classification County Executive 1010105-12899 Community Affairs Manager ED&CA 1090108-02622 Marketing Coordinator ED&CA 1090101-10706 College Intern ED&CA 1090108-10708 College Intern ED&CA 1090108-10709 College Intern ED&CA 1090202-10710 College Intern ED&CA 1090207-10707 College Intern BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to transfer the following positions to the Economic Development Department, Administration Division (#1090101): Position Number Classification 1090201-04723 Secretary II BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to transfer the following positions to the Economic Development Department, Administration Division, External Affairs & Business Information Unit: Position Number Classification 1090108-03649 Marketing Coordinator 1090108-09774 User Support Specialist II 1090108-10242 User Support Specialist 1 1090108-11513 Graphic Designer 1090108-12076 Marketing Coordinator 1090201-01717 Market Research Analyst 1090205-11485 Marketing Coordinator 1090206-06793 GIS/CAD Technician II BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to transfer the following positions to the Economic Development Department, Business Development Division, National & International Business Attraction Unit: Position Number Classification 1090205-10388 Senior Business Development Representative 1090205-11484 Technical Assistant BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to transfer the following positions to the Economic Development Department, Business Development Division, Business Retention & Expansion Unit: Position Number Classification 1090205-02227 Business Development Coordinator 1090205-05257 Senior Business Development Rep 1090206-07769 Small Business Counselor 1090206-09185 Supervisor Information Services 1090206-11979 Small Business Counselor BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to transfer the following positions to the Economic Development Department, Business Development Division, Emerging Growth & Innovation Unit: Position Number Classification 1090201-11400 Business Development Representative 1090205-04652 Senior Business Development Representative 1090205-09625 Senior Business Development Representative 1090205-10389 Business Development Coordinator 1090206-05336 Senior Business Development Representative 1090206-07460 Senior Business Development Representative BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to transfer the following positions to the Economic Development Department, Planning & Local Business Development Division, Administration Unit: Position Number Classification 1090204-02004 Manager Planning BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to transfer the following positions to the Economic Development Department, Planning & Local Business Development Division, Local Business Development Unit: Position Number Classification 1090204-09184 Business Development Coordinator 1090204-09513 Associate Planner 1090204-09775 Senior Planner 1090206-10240 Business Development Representative BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to transfer the following positions to the Economic Development Department, Planning & Local Business Development Division, Trails, Transportation & Environment Unit: Position Number Classification 1090204-00263 Associate Planner 1090204-00795 Principal Planner 1090204-02394 Principal Planner 1090204-02820 Principal Planner BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to transfer the following positions to the Economic Development Department, Planning & Local Business Development Division, Planning, Zoning & Land Use Unit: Position Number Classification 1090204-02235 Principal Planner 1090204-02791 Senior Planner 1090204-03131 Senior Planner 1090204-09809 Principal Planner 1090207-09930 Senior Business Development Representative BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to delete the following positions: Position Number Classification 1010101-09551 Graphic Designer 1010101-12182 Accountant IV 1010105-04584 Student 1090101-09322 Summer Business Assistant 1090108-11241 Marketing Coordinator 1090108-11483 Supervisor Marketing and Communication 1090201-11403 Technical Assistant 1090204-03951 Summer Business Assistant 1090204-07573 Summer Business Assistant 1090206-01345 Small Business Analyst 1090206-11402 Office Assistant 1090206-11537 Technical Assistant 1090207-09931 User Support Specialist I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to delete the following units within the Economic Development & Community Affairs Department: Unit Unit Number Waste Resource Management 1090207 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to create the following new classifications: Classification Grade FLSA Status Administrator Workforce Development 13 Exempt Administrator Emerging Growth & Innovation 18 Exempt Administrator External Affairs & Business Information 18 Exempt Administrator Trails, Transportation & Environment 18 Exempt Digital Marketing & Communications Coordinator 12 Non Exempt Economic Development Analyst 13 Non Exempt Manager Business Development 20 Exempt Manager National & International Business Development 20 Exempt Supervisor Business Retention & Expansion 16 Exempt Supervisor Local Business Development 16 Exempt Supervisor Planning, Zoning & Land Use 16 Exempt BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to reclassify the following positions: Position # From To 1010105-10241 Executive Secretary Technical Assistant 1090108-03656 Marketing & Communications Officer Marketing Coordinator 1090108-03649 Marketing Coordinator Digital Marketing & Communications Coord 1090108-10242 User Support Specialist I Digital Marketing & Communications Coord 1090108-11513 Graphic Designer Digital Marketing & Communications Coord 1090108-12076 Marketing Coordinator Digital Marketing & Communications Coord 1090108-09774 User Support Specialist II Economic Development Analyst 1090201-01717 Market Research Analyst Economic Development Analyst 1090204-02235 Principal Planner Supervisor Local Business Development 1090204-09184 Business Development Coordinator Supervisor Planning, Zoning & Land Use 1090205-02820 Principal Planner Administrator Trails, Transport & Environment 1090205-05258 Administrator Business Development Supervisor Business Retention & Expansion 1090205-09625 Senior Business Development Rep Administrator Emerging Growth & Innovation 1090205-11485 Marketing Coordinator Digital Marketing & Communications Coord 1090206-09185 Supervisor Information Services Senior Business Development Representative BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to retitle the following classifications with no change in salary: From To Director Economic Development & Community Affairs Director Economic Development Deputy Director Economic Dev & Community Affairs Deputy Director Economic Development Workforce Development Technician III Workforce Development Specialist BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to create one (1) GF/GP FTE Administrator External Affairs position in the Economic Development Department, Administration Division, External Affairs & Communications Unit. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to create the following GF/GP FTE positions in the Economic Development Department, Business Development Division, Administration Unit: Classification One (1) Manager National & International Business Development One (1) Manager Business Development BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to create one (1) SR FTE Administrator Workforce Development position in the Economic Development Department, Workforce Development & Veterans Affairs Division, Workforce Development Unit. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to change the funding of Manager Workforce Development (1090701-01119) from 100% SR funded to 80% SR funded and 20% GF/GP funded. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the FY 2021-2023 Budget be amended as follows: (NOTE — THE DETAILED LINE ITEM BUDGET AMENDMENT WILL BE INCLUDED WITH THE 1011512020 BOARD MEETING PACKET). Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance and Infrastructure Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. a I e' Commissioner Helaine Zac4bistrict #18 Chairperson, Finance and Infrastructure Committee FINANCE AND INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE VOTE: Motion carried on a roll call vote with Middleton voting no. Memorandum To: Oakland County Board of Commissioners Fr: Sean Carlson, Deputy County Executi e Re: Reorganization of the Economic Development & Community Affairs Department Chairperson Zack and Board of Commissioners, We propose a reorganization of the Economic Development & Community Affairs (EDCA) Department. As you already know we have taken some steps in this direction. On June 25, 2020, the Board of Commissioners approved Resolution #20202 to transfer Community Housing & Improvement (CHI) from EDCA to the Health & Human Services Department, and Veteran Services from the Public Services Department to EDCA- Workforce Development Division. In January we started a process to build a long term, 5 to 10 years, strategic plan for economic development in our County. Through an RFP process we awarded two national firms a contract to provide support and facilitate the construction of a comprehensive economic development strategic plan. Both of the consultant firms, TIP Strategies and Matrix, joined me in presenting to your Finance Committee the following information; Outline of the 8 tasks that were performed; Community feedback received from key stakeholders; SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) of our Oakland County ecosystem that was conducted; and Recommendations for moving our County forward. After a thorough review of operational structures, county government priorities and future needs we are confident that operationally we need to focus on three core areas outlined in the strategic plan: business development, community development & planning, and workforce development. We are confident that these core functions and the leadership within these organizations will be key for etries, tnn°vattoo, and creating an GDP M efforts to lead d International bust ess operations to locate• t an m that win play a key role, Oakland County in outfor nationa advocacy o{ key destination Business Information tea the d County' attractive assi t e btenetft of Oaklan and Mars, meal ring°ur al tuff s t do ce for t Nilt be °upursu ng future mabusinesssantelligd pYOsPerity growth and a t thtV, on ortan lob an is take place Equally tmP ectives, trackr the areas of 1 that this among other Obj olicies, and ing ent P oafs in to ensu e for all of us cdevew9m establishtngg WtllbekeY to oaa"ce of Out N°e a e itted t° phis area a trying Progres saga ,stth°5e a� 5. the Pandemic, has a1o° helped tO crYst oU Econflmic De Qoot ry ng aua terly and annual b s dealing ith erI d of e has paktan COuneYbell in a guablsn all busthe to tnessesa w tin d r 6 month s This P 5ervtces Over the Past small buslnesse . bustoesses wered t to ssistance to an acr ers support, has ans for the5e illion dollars a PectakIl our went vaork r $'70 m us to conttnue the top- es notch economic dW t� t e Poards of Comrt issTOViding °ve lit C �\ economy• nt unit to t AO Years, P a1 structure ntY Eco DeveloPme me �ED)team, es to the las d operation ur Oakland one t' rectasstt1es so econOmtc al re°rganLzatton an and grO,Nth of ° IoYees from ositioos, and bud, impact to This form °und rec°veN transfersemP ure tp the overallb some c e ob t.ties, deletes olutjOn, aid in the reb creates new 1 ortunittes, din the tion stments °utiine the budget. reorgantZa dersOn °PP flits eases more lea onnel adju pet savings to another, cr these Pot department is a Posittoos. Ater alle this con C DeveloPtre 0 COUNTY MICHIGAN. Memorandum To: Oakland County Board of Commissioners Fr: Hilarie Chambers, Chief Deputy County Executive Re: Creation of the Office of Public Communications Chairperson Zack and Board of Commissioners, We propose to create a new Office of Public Communications (OPCj under the Office of the County Executive with the three following units: Media Relations, Marketing and Creative Operations and Community Engagement. In OPC we are bringing together staff from the executive office and Economic Development and Community Affairs to provide improved communication with and service to the residents of Oakland County. We also seek to dramatically increase the community engagement work by having staff working directly with communities and community organizations. It is also important in OPCto distinguish between what work staff must do with the media to ensure transparent and accurate information, and the work we s proactively ldynamic county services ssoialmed, event programs endatiit es, This dynamicwokwill tothe public through our website Marketing and Creative t0rl Marketingl serve be led by Creative operationsin addition, of other county as the hubto coordinate with all ountydepartmentsthe OakGov bandand the wok elected officials. T he office of Community Engagement will serve to liaison with other departments that are also providing service to Oakland County residents. Budget neutral adjustments and additions may be made in a further resolution brought before the Board of Commissioners. This resolution involves current county employees, realigning them from other divisions. Chhd Gordon .6 tsmlydrt I a - SupeMsor Supervisor - KnstreHodman Joseph O.1 Monroe it CHI Tech SrCHI Field Tech Shameka Deyenpprt Peter Essemnacher CHI Tech Sr CHI Field Tech Shaneka Pame Dwryht Helmet) CHI Coordinator CHI FIeMTech _ Fally'locGarlhy, Brian Batley CHICearmnder Dorothy _ Mclvm.lohncon CHI Coordinator CHI Coordinator - u.:�r•u.e.. gelly, rT Barbara Sa Dams. Chaeaders CHIAssistaat Vlfn"T _ Culluge Student 4NT Key Pad -Time Idon-Ebglble PTNE) Full Time Positron Underfilled as a PTNE I MANAGER Kai Rieth Garetconni Pmgan Ceodrator Carla Spradlm DIRECTOR FACANI DEPUTYDIRECTOR _ Dan Huntor SupeMaor Supervisor Mrchaal Pucher Kathy With., Sr CHI Speoral Br CHI Specialist Creni Janeczak Steven O'Donndl CHI Specialist Sr CHI Specialist Kate Tern, Melissa Felice I MANAGER Jennifer Llewellyn f C'I'''. -f ffl y. >~ii.'n. . StaRAssistant WD Tech III Rose Sean Mdissa Kdon, SecretaryI WD Tisch III Jii-PTNE Boradyn Formed Deborah Lake u'm=nsme.Piue WD Teeh lit cr„r pqu. o-.n FJlzaboth Sharon Strapke Rl oes- .an WD Tech IN Asslste'AI Masoningmim Carolvau lmr Coordinator Joe St Henry :.!"m.x Account Clerk it uYl? Diane McGraw Une.Te_. PN6 1.01 rim John Almstodl Technical Assistant - Diane iane E.PuiE Hatllrold Administrator Administrator Manager Supervisor Ryan Cram Gathy Rasegan Brel Resegan Greg Dario BD Coordinator _ SrDDRep Mark Adams Kevin Congdon SrBD Coordinator SDRep u,a:„m.j na, Eo a.r U "i'r-L....rs F.:-:=,Elf-1 Idlcheol Abdalah, Jt Wlism Zaglanmmy Sr SD Rep Loan&Reason Dumimauo Holmes Darter Joni Doan Sr BO Rep M.Mahon Loan CoordinatorDledy •q,pglT SrSi Ch1EWPhe1OCem Lena Coordinaor n;.uupa:mc<N" SrGO Rep Loan Closer ChakooPage Aubrey Cadieux BC Rep John Wulf -Meyer Cdlege.tem vICINT Marketing Coordinator Chelsea Schulz Txomaczl A nsmnt Coilegeimem vncwT Sr 8O Rep S(BD Rep Secretary It Man! Han50 - Pick Phillips Lynn Hinton Ra vulh Unto,1 Fen; principal Renner Business Counselor nra Bi. umn^-cc TeGtnical Aasisbnt _ Mary, Czlw nu,n K.I. Pciarm n BD Cooa6nats, MR, John Bry Gemge Anett¢ prindpal Moaner SIS l CAD Tech 11 Ron Campbell Joel Jeanes Pdni Manner Small Was. Ryan DVltlock Cowrssor Glen Small Midi Planner Small Business Kasten `Wddang Counselor Sleplari Patter Sr Plenrer Snell wail sa Jim Schafer Analyst rr ANT Sr Planner Techracal Assisted Scots Wee Tom Raymond Associate Planner OtFiceAswstarrtll Mike Woods Sandia O'Connell Assetkate%anew DmGo.eck Associate Planner Joe Frost Associate Planner Annaba Norris TachasslAssisbM sro+a", UPdale302/0720 ocfzoleo ,I mpd I cc lUMWIIVIe "Maal sinoN "WIV Iauueld aluiJJssy Isad a°f Iauueld awF'lossd ryuaMlJO,wl uncbd IaweidawlJosstl wyula6allo0 ' Illw=.0F sp°oM"IN lw n wwsiaav anluo ,aLLuela aaea W w`4MW p=wwal puowRey tool Japl noaS Mll> easNyO Slv4Nssp IW M1�1 Iawe d IS i X1t�MAIw Su4alpepl I In��vl iaRlJllt/ AaIF4"I$LLlf lrlv�IA —Iq IdOgl°0 IJ/SW")4V1111!(If N-IIfaH-10 ]flld �:.".IV:.:Un 56a4Slla n�4s 1--qd IS daaae wwssav p,Jw4Ja1 Aanod alueydalg IJlasu.3 6uepllM IMUN *aJIPFO.ta:4ntl aged FuapFU� Ipwswlyu4W ssauls,gpvuS Iauueld ledpuud Aaso 4 10 aol detl 081S Illua 3illn=lair^I.n PopuS uel0 I esmw nl -A .m,rnvn OWIM man01e4dotsuy0 x�e:�JW ,,., 111"l • Pfp-�la1 ^ •.,,,,: ssaulsu6 U—S Iauueld rdp.vd Igeulryoo0 ueal da a aa+s nNenwlwry I. .cIInlaHINH !S a°f -ullaf loaf IIJ4tlwap u°y Irno,.n °O4FWaW RPUIJ IoalwJPwAIaeO B.I,., w Saryleyl p 4�18tl0/518 Iauuey lednuud IwculWaop uev-1 datl 091S IY:elsissq WlW "".UNn JfuoNy Iu8 u4of u°o0 tmof Iaalllp saupoHJnbluiwe0 luv�-, r "'.`-`j"- �•iS�r'" 1,.= rr"I�I:;Y�.-'_}� daa Ia/mlaaOW Wueutl g4eo-1 datl 4315 1114 lOM - uosupaaalpeN Faul:4M Rlsuluel6cZ weillM e. rc =mmn�_ If'polePM Pe4JIW uols-M-o:rnly a ez nydmlS-aws -S4elslbtq lual44pa1 qae:.: ,cu..'+nn Igosuno0 esausrle lawey letlpupd su,iv v.fru.n�.n datl 08 '-.I caS„�-ura:un IJSeuiPloo0 as Is 419113 11144o1 OM ,gym.„ry ln; amd=Pu+sn uolwH uu41 sd11114d 4s19 as r.,.un.�l^v:o;•l: uJp6ua0 umaN —w PV 1IM +N F II OM 1a -411 Melooa0 - :�.IllI I-1 :.n II RIewSooS daa as's uasueH P'-+B datl as IS datl O815 IweulP+oa008 4�1 "•-�`}. ) �::_ �• 1 ;.' LUi-'' III 41010M US'S asoa wc3s:ssy yetS aIRe06JIs0 1°s!nladn5 ue6asetl 8 Ia6eueW 3Iv6sse84MIe gs Iwe!dl pv wero OF/y wls Iotlulwptl ---� Ifs •,.-::a(e,_ -- - -- ;y u,cuarnJl� xnpwaf tl38VNVW APFN:O , eyIW PPNJ F+net Ioslnptl ssaulsng /,g>, luo a;Ueo, uue asu,Ix n4auae sawa3an aua g Ian ' II IUlasunoa luplasunop ', :,gavae ivela3an sAgaeag zuwalan Il lopsunoJ IIIu flgauag sumalan ,I I. g su.Iw.3an Il miasunoJ Il lalasunU� 531-2g 111 ngavae sewa3an nuoamilylm:u I�IIII IU azunoa Ili mlazump ', s3yauag suwa3an agauag zumasan gAlelanas Ell eily aenUia I Ia5NitlpSloasunva I15)UauanSloasUl:UJ g suela3an s3yauag iuwa3an uo3 3s mwpy aeeeW nlepasewwan I m1unH .0 tl0103a10 ALf1d30 IN,, >A tl0103ula 7Nld e se MINJOpur uo4lEnd aunt Rn- (3N1c, al9'6113-uonl aw:l-}Ie, Fad In- g se«eraryll External Affairs&Business Information r I _ nformatmn/PnaIN1=z NOW Comm mom rnmm [eonomi^onN°pm uIMM &[v PEOPLE BUSINESS ! COMMUNITY Narkfarce Development Manager Business Development Manager Planning & Community P g Developme1 at Manager I` v.zTa'a'Irue ' Inr°.a pm s mrmrm vuA MmIn6Mtivn � � s°cemsm tam W1H0 pnmjalhl°°r"P W°rM°r�lalrNOpm Wwkfnre°Ceidnpmenr B4 W°rk65'e Mrel°Wnenr� �nr2 ° ereel°pmem Pe �-�� . a�a.ao�°�.� r I rM1 ^"e tam Mnkal NnSantn1 Spetiallal i IOr rn� � [ tl 10 I 1 a prrr°°r --ate (55CL) - 991'L (Got L) - 55i1 (55CI) - 991'1 Rypgesi0 OLBZZL saalNeS fill..... p3 o6O16 BO4O6OL OOLOL (On1) - UPS'I (065'L) - OPS'L (OOS't) - OV9I IeluaO OOOZZL tl 6u4d"d, O3 O6O'a Al OOLOI (ZOO'S) - ZO9'9 (ZOO'S) - ZO9'S (ZOO'S) - ZO9'9 NunaaS leiabS 061ZZL saltl 6.q.,.0" OSO4LL l L GOLOI GORDO - Doe '9L (008'91) - OO8'9I (OUB'9 L) - Dog lot uo4ezllelltlsoH OBLZZL ", Bugayl. p3 O6O1L3 BOlO6Ol OOLOL (PLL'tZ) - ELL'LZ (Pit Lot - PGC LZ (PLL't2) - PLL'LZ luawmpay OLLZZL smtl Gull p3 Dial 9O4O6Ol O0ML (fist - 69L (so I) - 69L (fist - 65L ayp tlnmp O9LZZL sn'l 6uP .03 o.O.L. 8O.O.OL OOlol (V9t - P94 (DOL) - Psi (P9t P9l uogesuatlwop vagsOM OSLZZL waS Buparyeyy" ODOLL, DOtORO. 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Op OEO.LL W1o6OL OOLOL (OZO - OZP (OW - OZ4 (oZD) - 0ZP Lul,wl OLaZL ;.,N.S angegsmlw.. Op OCOILL IOI..0, OOLOI (OE) - 9E DEG) - 9E (96) - 9E a), tlnmp O9LZZL saaNeS."ll,,stl" "Ol tO.O.O1 OOWI (9E) - 9E (90 - OR (96) - 9C uogesuatlwop wAV.M 09LZZL was.'p,,imw," OCOILI 10IOoOL O"" (L93'90 - LEE a[ Unit L8Z'9I (LEE 90 - LOU 9L ielnBay sauele5 OLMOL 3amNa5 amleysIUM.," OEOILI W1O11L OOGIL - - - - - - RED Ogg sluawlsn1w,gauap al O(gZL6 N, anOnaax3lm.uap OOOLBI SOIOLOL OOLOL OZO P69 OIL (5Zt 169 64L Oz L) P69 OIL leaptlp O5BZZL saalNaS aA,IaA 3lmauaS OOOIBI S0LO1OI OO", GEL) 6Z6 66P (Ot 63P 66P (Ot 6ZP 66P aauesnsuquawAOldwaup OZBZZL silll anOnaax3 lelauag OOO111 5O1O1O110111 (its) L11'9 Z85'L (LLB) ICUs Z99'L l ILL9 Z85'L Plgesip OIBZZG saalNaS anOmar3lelauap O.O1845O.O.O. OO" (Los) BL0'9 ODD (Los) OLD DUE (Los) BLO'9 SC6'9 ImLl'a ooBZZL ll anpmax3 lesauap OOO", 5OLOI0I O64OL (EOZP) 5Z9'ZE BZO'LC (COZP) DEGze RED is (EOZ'D) 5ZB'ZE DEG it NVnaaS let.S O6LZZL was eA,.., lslauap 00O4845OtO... OOLOI (Z19'Zt GPL'GL 699'06 (Z18'Zt dDL'LL OWED (Zla$4) LPL'LL 699'O6 uogezllgDd.., O9LZZL [I.SeA,7L.,lesuap 000IBL 5OlO1Ol OOLOI W9'EU wo'PZl C06'LCt (ZL8'CO LE0'PZI EoWz I dMEI) LED 'PZL CO6'LEt lu Aul OLLZZL ,m, aAGn,,lA, auap 0OO1BL 9O4ol0l OOLO1 (ZLt EC6 SDo'l (Zl I) CEO 5PO't (ZW CE6 SDp't ayl tlnmp O9LZZL was an4nal,, .auap aOOl9l gooLot 00101 (L9t E96 6l I'I (tot) Z96 SW Its Z96 sit' uo9esu dull, sa&bM o5LZZL wiNaSa gnaax3le/auag OOOEL SOto1O4 001O4 (lZOGL) 98O'6ZD Loll (IZO'OA) 9B0'6ZP Lol'fi6P (uat) BOZ'ECP 600'009 'Al sapeleS oLOZOL smlNaS anllmax3lmauay OOOt6l SO4o1O. OOLOL - - - - - - tl 491 LBO'L 5luawlsnLpy lSauaa aBUPj OO5ZZL saalNaS AAG.a3lwauap 00O4911O.O.O. 0O.O1 (CBD) 96E OLD (cap) 96C 9L9 (COD) 96E Big Isagtlp GERM saalNaS anllmax3lwauap OOOLOI ...OLOL O"" ME) zoo E60'L (16Z) Zoo C60't LEE) ZOO COOL aauwnsul luawRoltlwaup OZBZZL saalNaS anpnaax3lmauap OOOtBI LOLOLO. O0I0I (Z8S'P) 9l BCZ'LL (ZB5'P) 9S9'Zl Mit (ZOS'P) 95O'ZI BEZ'LL A;,s ip OLBZZL saalNaS anpnaarylelauaS OOOLBI I0.O.Ol OOIOI 01 L'W out CEO (111'P) 6OL'Z OZB'9 (IICP) 60R'Z OZB'9 leryap OBBZZL saalNeS."no., hasp OOO18I LOLOIO. GOIOL (61Z'ZZ) Rog to PPB'OB (e IZ'ZZ) SZ9'P9 PD9'99 (64Z'ZZ) SZ9'PO I'll I'll 06LZZL saalNaS anlLn'aax3 lmauap ODOL91 LOLOLOI DOM (9CZ'SS) O18'OZ 9P0'PB (9EZ'95) CID ge 96O'Pa (9CZ'SS) OLD Its 9WIP uopezgePtlsoH OBLZZL saalNaS a All.., lslauaS 0O.LB1 .0""I OGG, (S6D'L9) ZDE Dig tit LEE I56l MOLE LLL'LCC (961,'Lot Egg OLZ LLL'LEE luawmgay OLLZZG saalNaS anlNaax3lalauap OOO 18L IO...O. OOLOI (ace) ELL Bog (6E9) 8Llt 8Oa'Z (DC9) sit 8O8'4 aLll tlnmp O9LZZL saalNaS anllnaax3lelauap OOO48L 4O.OLOL OOLOI (tS9) BSZ'Z 605z (159) ORE 6O6'Z (too) SUE OWE uogesuatlwop slaWOM o5LZZL saalNaS aAGLalA ,auap 0OO481 LO.OIOI.O.O. (8ED'O6Z) np'L0o'1 O9O'LOU, L (BCP'On) ZIP'LOO'L 098'L6Z'I (eve SEE) 915'DLO'L Ogg Los leln6a11 sapeleS OLOZOL saalNaS aA"Au,le/aua. O.O.B. 1O4o1O1 O.LO1 swwi (OLB'lP) DOL9'LP - OL8'40 (Dig Lot -(9O8'ZP 760S'Zp) - 53nN343tl IVlpl (Dig Lilt IOLO 14) - IOLB'IV) (Dig LE - (9O8 UP) L9OB ZD) - aaueleB)O asp pauuEll ZOR999 /OP-S DeDost LOlOLO6 OOmi sanuanay 7004OIR Pu Iwaauea laaemaap) IabpnS Labpng Iesewaap) labpn3 MPG om,ljaap) Labpna laopng asap lunoaav Ilup 9V my asap Omd nmd CRIME) pun3 /asemaui papualuy paE1., /A..ma, papuawtl peldopy msemoul I papuawy pald., dp punj CZOZA3 ZZOZ All ME Ad V 3in03HDs CZOZAJ (INV'ZZOZl IZOZAdl s1N3WUN3WV 13a0ns N011VZINtl01303T3 V003 NVEHH01W A1Nn00 ONVIWO OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN EDCA REORGANIZATION BUDGET AMENDMENTS FY2021, FY2022, AND FY2023 SCHEDULE A FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Fund Dp Adopted Amended Increase/ 1 Adopted Amended Increase( Adopted Attended Icameasef Fund Deal ID Lima Prop Dean Aced An Unit Account Desc Rodent Budget (Decrease) Budget Bud.at (Decrease) Burnet Budget (Decrease) 10100 1090108 171090 ED Marketing Services 722820 UnemploymentInsurer. 13 - (73) 13 - (73) 73 - (73) 10100 1090108 171090 ED Markefing Services 722850 Optical 108 - (108) 108 - (108) 108 - (108) 10100 1090108 171090 ED M.rketing Services 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 83 - (83) - - - - - - 10100 1090201 111010 ED Business Consultants 1112010 Salaries Regular 80,554 - (80.554) 80,554 - (80,554) 80,554 - (80,554) 10100 1090201 171010 ED Business Consultants 722750 Workers Compensation 344 - (344) 344 - (344) 344 - (344) 10100 1090201 171010 ED Business Consultants 122760 Group Life 174 - (174) 174 - (174) 174 - (174) 10100 1090201 171010 ED Business Consultants 722170 Retirement 23,434 - (23,434) 23,434 (23,434) 23,434 - (23,434) 10100 1090201 171010 ED Business Consutiants 722780 Hospitalization 14.824 - (14,824) 14,824 - (14,824) 14,824 - (14.824) 10100 1090201 171019 ED Business Consultants 722790 Social Secunty 6,162 - (6,162) 6, 162 - (6,162) 6,162 - (6,162) 10t00 1090201 171010 ED Business Consultants 722800 Dental 1,540 - (1,540) 1,540 - (1,540) 1.540 - (1,540) 10100 1090201 171010 ED Business Consultants 722810 Disability 1,271 - U 271) 1,271 - (1.271) 1,271 - (1,271) 10100 1090201 111010 ED Business Consutants 722820 Unemployment Insurance 81 - (81) 81 - (81) 81 - (81) 10100 1090201 111010 ED Busmass Consultants 722050 Optical 153 - (153) 153 - (153) 153 - (153) 10100 1090201 171010 ED Business Consultants 722900 Fringe Benefit Acbmurnenls - - - - - - - - 10100 10902G1 171000 ED Business Consultants 702010 Salaries Regular 72,655 - (72,655) 72,655 (72,655) 72,655 - (72,655) 10100 1090201 171000 ED Business Consultants 722759 Workers Counteract., 163 - (163) 163 (163) 163 - (163) 10100 1090201 171000 ED Business Consultants 722760 Group Life 114 - (114) 114 (114) 114 - (114) 10100 1090201 171000 ED Business Consultants 722170 Retlrement 16,578 - (16,518) 16,578 (16,678) 16,578 - (16,578) 10100 1090201 171000 ED Business Consulrants 722780 Homtialaat.n 5,581 - (5,581) 5,581 - (6,681) 5,581 - (5,581) 10100 1090201 171000 ED Business Consultants 722790 Social Security 4,290 - (4,290) 4,290 - (4,290) 4,290 (4,290) 10100 1090201 171000 ED Business Consultants 722800 Dental 492 - (492) 492 - (492) 492 - (492) 10100 1090201 171000 ED Business Consultants 722810 Disability 824 - (824) 824 - (824) 824 (824) 10100 1090201 171000 ED Sualness Consultants 722820 Unemployment Insurance 12 - (2) 72 - (72) 72 - (72) 10100 1090201 171000 ED Business Consultants 722850 Opfical 35 (351 35 - (35) 35 - (35) 10100 1090201 171000 ED Business Consultants 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments - - - - - - - - - 10100 1090201 171090 ED Business Consultants 702010 Salaries Regular 77.302 - (77,302) )1,302 - (77,302) 11,302 - (7],302) 10100 1090201 171090 ED Business Consultants 722750 Warrens Compensation 173 - (173) 173 - (173) 173 - (173) 10100 1090201 171090 ED Business Consultants 722760 Group Lde 167 - (167) 167 - (167) 167 - (167) 10100 1090201 171090 ED Business Consultants 722770 Retrement 22,587 - (22,587) 22,587 - (22,587) 22,587 - (22,587) 10100 1090201 121090 ED Business Consultants 722780 Hospitel¢ebon 16,800 - (16,800) 16,800 - (16 800) 16,800 - (16,800) 10100 1090201 171090 ED Business Consultants 722790 Social Security 5,914 - (5,914) 5,914 - (5,914) 5,914 - (8,914) 10100 1090201 171090 ED Busness Consultants 722800 Dental 1,549 - (1,549) 1,549 - (1,549) 1,549 - (1,549) 19100 1090201 171090 ED Business Consultants 722810 Dlsaldity 1,220 (1,220) 1,229 - U 220) 1,220 - (1,220) 10100 1090201 171090 ED Business Consonants 722820 Unemployment Insurance A - (7y) 71 - (7i) A - (7>) 10100 1090201 171090 ED Bualness Consultants 722850 Optical 153 - (153) 153 - (153) 153 - (153) 10100 1090201 171090 ED Business Consultants 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments - - - - - - - - - 10100 1090202 171100 ED Education 102910 So ...a Regular 124,103 - (124,103) 123,084 - (123,084) 120,084 - (123,084) 10100 1090202 171100 ED Education 722750 Workers Compensation 275 - (275) 275 (275) 275 - (275) 10100 1090202 171100 ED Education 722760 Group Life 232 - (232) 232 (232) 232 - (232) 10100 1090202 171100 ED Education 722770 Retrement 28.741 - (28741) 28,741 - (28,741) 28,741 - (28,741) 10100 1090202 171100 ED Education 722780 HspOahzat.n 286 - (286) 286 - (286) 28B - (286) 10100 1090202 171100 ED Education 722790 Social Secunty 8.406 - (8p66) 1 (BA08) 8,406 - (8,406) 10100 1090202 171100 ED Educatlan 722800 Dental 1.549 - (1,549) 1,549 - (1,649) 1,549 - (1,549) 10100 1090202 171100 ED Educatlan 722810 Disability 1,685 - (1,685) 1,685 - (1,685) 11685 - (1,685) 10100 1090202 171100 ED Eduddi 722820 Unemployment Insurance 123 - (123) 123 - (123) 123 - (123) 10100 1090202 171100 ED Education 722850 Optical 153 - (153) 153 - (153) 153 - (153) 10100 1090202 171100 ED Education 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 110 - (110) - - - - - - 10100 1090204 172040 ED Bualness Consultants 702010 Salanes Regular 712,738 - (712738) 703,414 - (702,414) 703,414 - (703,414) 10100 1090204 172040 ED Business Cmsultants 722750 Workers Compensation 4,654 - (4,654) 4,654 - (4,854) 4,854 - (4,654) 10100 1090204 172040 ED Business Consultants 922760 Group Lie 1,465 - (1,466) 1,465 - U 485) 1,465 - U 465) 10100 1090204 172W9 ED Biomass Consultants 722770 Retirement 197,808 - (197 arli 197 808 - (197108) 197 808 - (197 808) 10100 1090204 172W0 ED Bualness Consulfants 722780 Hospitalrzation 103,407 - (103,407) 103,407 - (103,407) 103,407 - (103,407) 10100 1090204 172NO ED Business Consultants 722790 Soc,el Security 52,036 - (52,036) 52,036 - (52,036) 52,036 - (52,036) 10100 1090204 172040 ED Reasons. Consultants 722800 Dental 8,310 - gL31G) 6,310 - (8,310) 8,310 - (8,310) 10100 1090204 172040 ED Business Consultants 722810 Density 10,646 - (10,646) 10,646 - (10,646) 10,646 - (10,646) 10100 1090204 172040 ED Buamess Consultants 722820 Unemployment Insurance 705 - (705) 705 - (705) 705 - (705) 10100 1090204 172040 ED Business Consultants 722050 Optral 1,031 (1,031) 11031 - (1,031) 1,031 (1,001) OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN EDCA REORGANIZATION BUDGET AMENDMENTS FY2021, FY2022, AND FY2023 SCHEDULE A FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Fund Op Adopted Amended Increase/ Adopted Amended Increase/ Adapted Amended Incressef Funtl Oeor 10 Prod Proa Dose Post AR Unit Account Deep Budget Budget (Decrease) Budget Budder Response) Budget Budget (Decreasel 10100 1090204 172040 ED Business Consultants 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 1,007 - (1,007) - - - - - - 10100 1090204 174220 ED Business Consultants 702010 Salaries Regular 244,833 - (244,833) 244,833 - (244,933) 244,833 - (244,833) 10100 1090204 174220 ED Business Consultants 722750 Workers Compensator 3,312 - (3,312) 3,312 - (3,312) 3,312 - (3,312) 10100 1090204 174220 ED Buslness Consultants 722760 Group Ufe 531 - (531) 531 - (531) 531 - (531) 10100 1090204 174220 ED Business Consultants 722770 Retirement 65,280 - (65,280) 66280 - (65,280) 65,280 - (65,280) 10100 1090204 174220 ED Business Consultants 722780 Haspltalizabon 39,181 - (39.181) 39,181 - (39,181) 39, 181 - (39, 181) 10100 1090204 174220 ED Business Consultants 722790 Social Security 18,729 - (18.729) 18729 - (18729) 18,729 - (18,729) 10100 1090204 174220 ED Summers Canardants 722800 Dental 3,566 - (3,566) 31566 - (3,566) 3,566 - (3,566) 10100 1090204 174220 ED Business Consultants 722810 Disability 3,864 - (Brig 3,864 - g864) 3,864 - (3,864) 10100 1090204 17422G ED Business Cordeltanis 722820 Unemployment Insurance 246 - (246) 246 - (246) 246 - (246) 10100 1090204 124220 ED Summers Cgnsullanis 722859 Cptcal 356 - (356) 356 - (356) 356 - (356) 10100 1090204 174220 ED Business Consultants 722900 Fnnge Benefit Adustmens - - - - - - - - - 10100 1090206 171010 ED Buslness Consultants 702010 Salaries Regular 662,340 102,617 (559723) 655,401 101,220 (554,181) 655,401 101,220 (554,1811 10100 1090206 171010 ED Buslness Consultants 722250 Workers Compensation 1,651 227 (1,424) 1,651 229 D 424) 1,651 227 (1,424) 10100 1090206 171010 ED Business Consultants 722780 Group Life 1,313 219 (1,094) 1,313 219 (1,094) 1,313 219 U 094) IGUIJ 1090205 171910 ED Business Consultants 722770 Retirement 172,466 28,818 (143,648) 172,466 28,818 (143,648) 172,466 28,818 (143,648) 10100 1G0205 171010 ED Business Consultants 722780 Hospital¢eton 80,916 12,812 gi 04) 80,916 12,812 (68,104) 80,916 12,812 (68,1041 10100 1090205 171010 ED Business Consultants 242790 Social Sabunty 4I.096 7743 (39,353) 47,096 7743 (39,353) 47,096 9743 (39,353) 10100 1090205 171010 ED Business Consultants 722800 Dental 6,670 857 (5,813) 6,670 857 (5,813) 6,670 857 (5,813) 10109 1090205 171010 ED Business Consultants 722810 Disability 9.568 1,597 (7,971) 91568 1,597 (7,971) 91568 1.597 (7,971) 10100 1090205 171010 ED Business Consultants 722820 unemployment Indenture 655 101 (554) 655 101 (554) 655 101 (554) 10100 1090205 171010 ED Business Consultants 722850 Optical 688 125 (563) 688 125 (563) 688 125 (563) 10100 1090205 171010 ED Business Consultants 722900 Fnnge Benefit Adjustments 749 - (749) - - - - - - 10100 1020206 171090 ED Business Consultants 702010 Sell Regular 601.051 (601,051) 595,352 - (591 595,352 - (595,3521 10100 1090206 171090 ED Business Censulgnts 722750 Workers Compensation 1,497 - (1,497) 1,497 - (1,49]) 1,497 - (1,497) 10100 1090296 171090 ED Business Consultants 722760 Group Life 1.242 - (1,242) 1,242 - (1,242) 1,242 - (1,242) 10100 1090206 171090 ED Business Consultants 722770 Rearemen[ 164,945 - (164,945) 164,945 - (164,945) 164,945 - (164.945) 10100 IOSG206 171090 ED Business Consultants 722780 Hosplotteatlon 120,973 - (120,973) 120,973 - (120,973) 120B73 - (120,973) 10100 1090206 171090 ED Business Consultants 722790 Sgclal Security 44,132 - (44,132) 44,132 - (44,132) 44,132 - (44,132) 10100 1090206 171090 ED Business Consultants 722800 Dental 10,289 - (10,289) 10,289 - (10,289) 10,209 - (10,289) 10100 1090206 171090 ED Business Consultants 722810 Dlsal 9,034 - (9,034) 9,034 - (9,034) 9,034 - (9,034) 10100 1090206 171090 ED Realness Consultants 722820 Unemployment insurance 596 - (596) 596 - (596) 596 - (596) 10100 1090206 171090 ED Buslness Consultants 722850 Germ/ 972 - (972) 972 - (972) 922 - (972) 10100 1090206 171090 ED Business Consultants 722900 Fnnge Benefit Ad,mamenis 616 - (616) - - - - - - 10100 1090208 171000 ED Business Consultants 702010 Salaries Regular 20,593 - (20,593) 20,593 - (20,593) 20,593 - (20,593) 10100 IG90206 171000 ED Business Consultants 722750 Workers Comprramen 46 - (46) 46 - (46) 46 - (46) 10100 1690208 171000 ED Business Consultants 722760 Group We - - - - - - - 10100 1090206 171000 ED Founder; Consultants 722770 Retirement 531 - (531) 531 - (531) 531 - (531) 10100 1090206 171000 ED Business Consultants 722780 Hospdalrzabou - - - - - - - - 10100 109020B 171900 ED Business Consultants 722790 Social Security 299 - (299) 299 - (299) 299 - (299) 10100 1090206 171000 ED Business Consultants 722800 Dental - - - - - - - 10100 1090206 171000 ED Business Consultants 722810 Disability - - - - - - - - 10100 1090206 I t0o0 ED Business Consultants 722820 Unemployment Insurance 21 - (21) 21 - (21) 21 - (21) 10100 1090206 171000 ED Business Consultants 722850 Optical - - - - - - - - - IM00 1090206 171000 ED Business Consultants 722900 Fringe Benefit Adlusments - - - - - - - - - 10100 1090207 172040 EDCustgmer Senecas 702010 Salaries Regular 144,908 - (144,908) 144,908 - (144,908) 144,908 - (144,908) 10100 1090207 172040 EDCustgmer Services 722750 Workers Compensation 324 - (324) 324 - (324) 324 - (324) 10100 1090207 172040 EDCustgmer Services 722760 Group Lde 296 - (296) 296 - (296) 296 - (296) 19100 1090207 172040 EDCustgmer, Servmes 722770 Retirement 36,262 - (36,262) 36,262 - (36,262) 36,262 - (36,262) 10100 1090207 172040 EDCustgmer Servmes 722780 Hospitalization 29,612 - (29,612) 29,612 - (29,612) 29,612 - (29,612) 10100 1090207 172040 EDCustgmer Servmes 722790 Social Security 10,561 - (10,561) l0,561 - (10,561) 10,561 - (10,561) 10100 1090207 172040 EDCustgmer Services 722800 Dental 2d06 - (2,406) 2,406 - (2,4061 2,406 - (2.406) 10100 1090207 172040 EDCustgmer Sectaries 722810 Dsabiity, 2,153 - (2,153) 2,153 - (2rUD) 2,153 (2.153) 10100 1090207 172940 EDCustgmer Servmes 722820 Unemployment Insurance 144 - (144) 144 - (144) 144 - (144) 10100 10902117 172040 EDCustgmer Services 722850 Optical 278 - (278) 278 - (2781 278 - (2781 10100 1090207 172090 EDCustgmer Services 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments - - - - - - - - - OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN EDCA REORGANIZATION BUDGET AMENDMENTS FV2021, FY2022, AND FY2023 SCHEDULE FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Fund Op Adopted Amended Increase/ Adapted Amended Increasel Adopted Amended Increase/ Fund Deal lG Fred Porn Deep Acet Ad Unit Account Deep Budget Budget (Decrease) Budget Budget (Decrease) Budget Budget (Decrease) 10100 1010602 171030 ED Marketing Serves 70201C S.]tea Regular 282,176 282,176 - 279.382 279,382 - 279.382 279,382 10100 1010602 171030 ED Marketing Services 722750 Workers Compensafion - 638 638 - 638 638 - 638 638 10100 1910802 121030 ED Markelmg Services 722760 Group Life fit] 627 - 627 627 - 627 627 10100 loll 171030 ED Marketing Services 722770 Retirement 80,788 80,788 - 80,788 80]88 - 80]88 80,786 10100 1010602 171030 ED Marketing Servej 722780 HospOdicarmr - 22,527 22.527 - 22,527 22,527 - 22,527 22,527 10100 1010602 171030 ED Markelmg Servmsa 722790 Barrel Security 22,118 22,118 - 22,118 22,118 - 22.118 22,118 10100 1010602 171030 ED Markelmg Services 722800 Dental - 2,689 2,689 - 2,689 2,689 - 2,689 2,689 10100 1010602 171030 ED Markelmg Services 722810 Disablllty - 4,563 4,563 - 4,563 4,563 - 4,563 4,583 1010C 1010602 171030 ED Marketing Services 722820 Unemployment Insurance - 266 288 - 288 288 - 288 288 10100 1010602 171030 ED Marketing Services 722850 Optical - 219 219 - 219 219 - 219 219 10100 1010602 171030 ED Marketing Services 22900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments - 332 332 - - - - - - 10100 1010602 181000 General Executive Sai 702010 Salaries Regular - 42,945 42,945 - 42,520 42,520 - 42,520 42,520 10100 1010602 181000 General Executive Services 722750 Workers Cempenseuxi - 95 95 - 95 95 - 95 95 10100 1010602 181000 General Executive Services 722760 Group Did - 92 92 - 92 92 - 92 92 10100 1010602 181000 General Executive Services 7227I0 Retiral - 13,526 13.526 - 13,526 13,526 - 13,525 13,526 10100 1010602 181000 General Executive Services 722780 Hosmtalbuden - 12,812 12,812 - 12,812 12,812 - 12,812 12,812 10100 1010002 181000 General Executive Services 722790 Social Security - 3,253 3,253 - 3,253 3,253 - 3,253 3,253 10100 1010602 181000 General Exerutive Services 722800 Dental - 857 852 - 857 857 - 857 857 10100 1010602 181000 General Executive Services 722810 Disability - 571 B71 - 671 671 - 671 671 10100 1010602 181000 General Executive Services 722820 Unemployment mgmence - 43 43 - 43 43 - 43 43 10100 1010602 181000 General Executive Services 722850 optical - 125 125 - 125 125 - 125 125 10100 1010602 181000 General Executive Services 722990 Fringe Benefit Adjustments - 46 46 - - - - - 10100 1090206 174220 ED Business Components 702010 Salaries Regular - 04.119 64,179 - 82p78 82,478 - 82,478 82,478 10100 1GO0206 174220 ED Business Consultants 722750 Workers Comparealon - 1,106 1,106 - 1,106 1, 106 - 1,106 11106 10100 1090206 174229 ED Business Consultants 722760 Group Life - 178 178 - 178 178 - 178 178 10100 1090206 174220 ED Business Consullanis 722770 Retirement - 21,921 21,921 - 21,921 21,921 - 21,921 21,921 10100 1090206 174220 ED Business Consultants 722280 Haspltallzalon - 5,669 5,669 - 5,669 5,660 - 5,666 5,669 10100 1090206 174220 ED Business Consultants 722790 Social Security - 6,296 6,286 - 6,286 6,286 - 6,286 6,286 10100 1090206 174220 ED Business Consultants 722800 Dental - 476 476 - 476 476 - 476 476 10100 1090206 174220 ED Business Consultants 722810 mebabBlty - 1,297 1,297 - 1,297 1,297 - 1,299 1,297 10100 1090206 174220 ED Business Consultants 722820 Unemployment Insurance - 63 83 - 83 83 - 83 83 10100 1090206 174220 ED Business Conaultanla 722850 Optical - 51 51 - 51 51 - 51 51 19100 109020E 174220 ED Business Consultants 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments - 184 184 - - - - - - 10100 1090206 171090 EDCustamer Services 702010 Salaries Regular 601,051 740,560 139509 601.051 739,179 138,128 601,051 739,179 138.128 10100 1090206 171090 EDCustamer Services 722750 Workers Compensation 1,497 3,020 1,523 1 497 3,029 1,523 1497 3,020 1,523 10100 1090206 171090 EDCustamer Services 722760 Group Life 1,242 1.541 299 1242 1,541 299 1242 1,541 299 10100 1090206 171090 EDCustomer Services 722]]0 Relremem 164,945 203.378 38,433 164,945 203,378 38,433 184,945 203,378 38A33 10100 1090206 111099 EDCustamer Services 722780 Hasmtaexalen 120.973 139.366 18,393 120,973 139,366 18,393 120,973 139,356 18,393 W100 1090206 171090 EDCustamer Seances 722790 Social Security 44,132 54,699 10,557 44,132 54,699 10,567 44,132 54,599 10,567 10100 1090206 171090 EDCustamer Services 722800 Dental 10,289 11,614 1,325 10,289 11,614 1,325 10,289 11,614 1,325 10100 1090206 171099 EDCustamer Services 722810 Disablllty 91034 11214 2,180 9,034 11,214 2,180 9,034 11,214 2,189 10100 1090206 17109D EDCustamer Services 722820 Unemployment Insurance 596 735 139 596 735 139 596 735 139 10100 1090206 171090 EDCustamer Services 722850 Optical 972 1149 175 972 1,147 175 972 1,147 175 10100 1090206 171090 EDCustamer Services 722900 Fringe Benefit Armaments 616 765 149 - - - - - - 10100 1010601 181000 General Executive Services 702010 Salaries Regular - 91.819 91,819 - pi 90,910 - 90,910 90,910 10100 1010601 181000 General Executive Services 722750 Workers Comperisalan - 204 204 - 204 204 - 204 204 10100 1010601 181900 General Executive Services 722760 Group Life - 197 197 - 192 197 - 197 197 10100 1010601 181000 General Execulve Services 122179 Retirement - 26132 26,132 - 26,132 26, 132 - 26,132 26,132 10100 1010601 181000 General Executive Services 122789 Eospdalrzalon - 16,800 16,800 - 16,809 16,800 - 16800 18,800 10109 1010601 181000 General Executive Services 722790 Social Security - 6,955 61955 - 6,955 6,955 - 61955 61968 10100 1010601 181000 General Secretive Services 722800 Dental - 1,549 1,540 - 1,540 1,540 - 1,540 11540 10100 1010601 181000 Gemerai Executive Serell 722810 Disability - 1,434 1434 - 1,434 1,434 - 1,434 1,434 10100 1010601 181000 General Executive Services 722820 Unemployment insurance - 91 91 - 91 91 - 91 91 10100 1010601 181000 General Executive Services 722850 Opilcal - 108 108 - 108 108 - ID6 108 10100 1010601 181000 General Executive Services 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments - 96 98 - - - - - 10100 1090101 171090 EDCustamer Services 702010 Salaries Regular - 60,141 60,141 - 59,546 59,546 - 59,546 59,546 10100 1090101 171090 EDCustamer Services 722750 Workers Carucc lm - 442 442 - 442 442 - 442 442 10100 1090101 171090 EDCustamer Services 722760 Group Life - 130 130 - 130 130 - 130 130 OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN EDCA REORGANIZATION BUDGET AMENDMENTS FY2021, FY2022, AND FY2023 SCHEDULE A I FY2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Fund Op Adopted Amended Increase/ Adopted Amended Increase' 1 Adapted Amended ncreasel Fund Beat 10 Pro, Pro, Data Acct Ad Unit Accaupt Data Bolster Buduit (Decrease) Budget Budget Decrease) Budget Budget (Decrease) 10190 1090101 171090 EDCustamer Services 722E10 Retirement - 17,962 17.962 - 17,962 17,962 - 17,962 17,962 10100 1090101 171090 EDCustamer Servmes 722780 Hospitalization - 12,812 12,812 - 12,812 12AI2 - 12,812 12,812 10100 1090101 171090 EDCustamer Services 722790 Social Security - 4,555 4,555 - 4,555 41555 - 4,555 4,555 10100 1090101 171090 EDCustomer Services 722800 Dental - 857 857 - 857 857 - 857 857 10100 1090101 171090 EDCustomer Services 722810 Disability - 939 939 - 939 939 - 939 939 10100 1090101 171090 EDCustomer -Services 722820 Unemployme.Hnsurance - fill 60 - 60 60 - 60 60 10100 1090101 171090 EDCustamer Services 722850 Opecal - 125 125 - 125 125 - 125 125 10100 1090101 171090 EDCusiomer Servmes 722900 Fnnge Benefit Amendment. - 64 64 - - - - - 10100 1090204 174220 ED Business Consultants 702010 Salanes Regular 244,833 327,260 82,427 244,833 326,444 81,611 244,833 326,444 81,611 10100 1090204 174220 ED Business Consultants 722750 Workers Compensation 3,312 4,416 i1W 3,312 4,416 f,1W 3,312 4,416 1,104 10100 1090204 114220 ED Busmass ConsNtards 722760 Group Life 531 700 177 531 708 177 531 708 177 10100 1090204 174220 ED Business Consultants 722110 Retirement 65,280 87,040 21,760 65,280 87,040 21,760 66,280 81,040 21,760 10100 1090204 174220 ED Business Consultants 722780 Hospdaiizalmn 39,181 55,981 16.800 39,181 55,981 16,800 39,181 55,981 16,800 10100 1090204 174220 ED Business Consultan6 722790 Soared Security, 18,729 24S72 6,243 18,729 24,972 6243 18,729 24,972 6,243 10100 1090204 174220 ED Business Consultants 722800 Dental 3,566 5,115 11549 31666 5,115 1,549 3,566 5,115 1,549 10100 1090204 174220 ED Dramas, Consuitanis 722810 Disability 3,864 5,152 1,208 3,864 5,152 1,288 3,864 5,152 1,288 10100 1090204 174220 ED Business Dominions, 722820 Unemployment Insurance 246 328 82 248 328 82 246 328 82 10100 1090204 174220 ED Business Consultants 722850 Optical 356 509 153 356 509 153 356 509 153 10100 1090204 174220 ED Business Consultants 722900 Fringe Benefit AOpdrearts - 88 88 - - - - - - 10100 1090204 171010 ED Suslness Consultants 702010 Salaries Regular - 82,427 82,427 - 81,611 81,611 - at611 81,611 10100 10902" 171010 ED Business Consultants 722750 Workers Compensation - 1,104 1,104 - 1,104 1,104 - 1,1O4 1,104 10100 1090204 171010 ED Business Consultants 722760 Gmup Life - 177 177 - 177 117 - 1]) 177 10109 1090204 171010 ED Business Consultants 722770 Rebrement 21.760 21,760 - 21,769 21,760 - 21.760 21,760 10100 1090204 171010 ED Business Consultants 722780 Haspitabzabon - 16,800 16,800 - 16,800 16,800 - 16,600 16,800 10100 101 171016 ED Business Consultants 722790 Social Security 6,243 6,243 - 8,243 6,243 - 6,243 6,243 10100 1090204 171010 ED Business Consultants 722800 Dental - 1,549 1,549 - 1,549 1,549 - 1.549 1,549 10100 1090204 171010 ED Business Consultants 722810 Disability - 1,288 1268 - 1,288 1,288 - 1288 1,288 10100 1090204 171010 ED Business Consultants 722820 Unemployment Insurance - 82 82 - BE a2 - 82 82 10100 1090204 171010 ED Business Consultants 722850 Optical - 153 153 - 153 153 - 153 153 10100 1090204 171010 ED Business Consultants 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments - 88 88 - - - - - 10100 10902N 171090 EDCustomer Services 702010 adores Regular - 13g105 134, 105 - 132,177 132,777 - 132,711 132,779 10100 1090204 171090 EDCustomer Services 722750 Workers Compensation - 985 985 - 985 985 - 985 985 10100 1090204 171090 EDCustomer Services 722760 Gmup Life - 289 289 - 289 289 - 289 289 10100 1090204 171090 EDCustamer Servcea 722770 Retirement - 39,489 39,489 - 39,489 39,489 - 39,489 39,469 10100 1090204 171090 EDCustamer Servicea 722780 Hospdabzatmn - 27,636 27,636 - 27,636 21,638 - 29,636 27,636 10100 1090204 171090 EDCustomer Baroness 722790 Social Security - 10,157 10, 157 - 10,157 10,157 - 10,157 10.157 10100 1090204 171090 EDCustomer Servmes 722800 Dental - 2,406 2,40A - 2,406 2,406 - 2,406 2.406 10100 1090204 171090 EDCustomer Bervmes 722810 Disability - 2,094 2,094 - 2,094 2.094 - 2,094 2.094 10100 1020204 171090 EDCustomer Services 722820 Unemployment insurance - 133 133 - 133 133 - 133 133 10100 1090204 171090 EDCusiomer Services 722850 Optical - 278 278 - 278 278 - 278 278 10100 1090204 171090 EDCustomer Bervmes 722900 Fringe Benefit Adpstments - 143 143 - - - - - - 10100 1090201 171090 EDCustomer Services 702010 Salaries Regular 77.302 199,677 122,375 77302 198,465 121,163 71,302 198,465 121,163 10100 1990201 171090 EDCustamer Services 722750 Workers Compensation 173 444 271 173 444 271 173 444 271 10100 1090201 19109 EDCustomer Services 722760 Group Life 167 429 262 167 429 262 167 429 262 10100 1090201 171090 EDCustomer Services 722710 Retirement 22.587 58,285 35,698 22,587 58,285 35,698 22,589 58,285 35698 10100 1090201 171090 EOCustomar Services 722780 Hospitalization 16,800 31624 14,824 18,800 31,624 14,824 16,800 31,624 14,824 10100 1090201 171090 EDCustomer Services 722790 Social Security 5,914 15.183 9,269 5,914 15,183 9,269 5,914 15,183 9.269 10100 1090201 171090 EDCustomer Services 722800 Dental 1,549 3.089 1,540 1,549 3,089 1,640 1,549 3,089 11540 10100 1090201 171090 EDCustomer Services 722810 Disability 1,220 3,132 1,912 1,220 3,132 1,912 1,220 3,132 1,912 10100 1090201 171090 EDCustomer Services 722820 Unemployment Insurance ]] 198 121 17 198 121 A 198 121 10100 1090201 171090 EDCustamer Services 722850 Optical 153 306 153 153 306 153 153 306 153 10100 1090201 171090 EDCustomer Salutes 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments t53 284 131 - - - - 10100 1090201 172040 ED Education 702010 Salaries Regular - 52,735 52,735 - 52,213 52,213 - 52,213 52,213 10100 1090201 172W0 ED Education 722750 Workers Compensation - 117 117 - 117 117 - 117 117 10100 1090201 172040 ED Education 722760 Group Life - 114 114 - 114 114 - 114 114 10100 1090201 172040 ED Education 722770 Retirement - 16 051 16,051 16,051 16,051 - 16,051 16,051 10100 1090201 172040 ED Education 722780 HospitalizaHOn - 5,581 5,581 5,581 5,581 - 51581 5,581 10100 1090201 172040 ED Education 722190 Socal Security - 3,994 3,994 - 3S94 3,994 - 3,994 3,994 Ford Deal 10 Paa Pan Dean 10100 1090201 172040 ED Education 10100 1090201 172040 ED Education 10100 1090201 172040 ED Education 10100 1090201 172040 ED Education 10100 1090201 172040 ED Education 10100 1090301 171010 ED Business Consultants 10100 1090301 171010 ED Business Consultants 10100 1090301 171010 ED Business Consultants 10100 1090301 171010 ED Business Consultants 10100 1090301 171010 ED Business Consultants 10100 1090301 121010 ED Business Consultants 10100 1090301 171010 ED Business Consultants 10100 1090301 171010 ED Business Consultants 10100 1090301 171010 ED Business Consultants 10100 1090301 171010 ED Business Consultants 10100 1090301 171010 ED Business Consultants 10100 1090301 171090 ED Customer Berylces 10100 1096361 171090 ED Customer 6eNlces 10100 1090301 171090 ED Customer Servlws 10100 1090301 171090 ED Customer Services 10100 1090301 171090 ED Customer Servmes 10100 1090301 171090 ED Customer Services 10100 1090301 171090 ED Customer Servlces 10100 1090301 171090 ED Customer S6rvims 10100 1090301 171090 ED Customer Servlws 10100 1090301 171090 ED Customer Smylms 10100 1090301 171090 ED Customer Servlces 10190 1090301 172040 ED trio n 10100 trial 172040 ED Education 10100 1090301 172040 ED Education 10100 1090301 172040 ED Education 10100 1090301 172040 ED Educalmn 10100 1090301 172040 ED Education 10100 1090301 172040 ED Edumtion 10100 1090301 172040 ED Edumlicn 10100 1090301 172040 ED Education 10100 1090301 172040 ED Earl 10100 1090301 172040 ED Education 10100 1010603 171030 ED Marketing Servlces IG100 1010603 171030 ED Marketlng Servlces 10100 1010603 171030 ED Marked, Services 10100 1010603 171030 ED MaBeting Servlces 10100 1010803 171030 ED Markeiing Servlces 10100 1010603 171030 ED Marketing Services 10100 1010603 171030 ED Markeiing Servoes 10100 1010603 171030 ED Markeiing Servlces 10100 1010603 171030 ED Marketing Servlces 10100 1010603 171030 ED Mamketing Servlces 10100 1010603 171030 ED Markeiing Services 10100 1010603 171090 EDCustomer Servlces 10100 1010603 171090 EDCustomer Servlces 10100 1010603 171090 EDCmiomem Servlces 10100 1010603 171090 EDCpetamer Servlces 10100 1010603 171090 EDCUstomer Services 10100 1010603 171090 EOCUs1mnm Si 10100 1010603 171090 EDCUstomaBervices 10100 1010603 171090 EDCustamer Services 10100 1010603 171090 EDCusiomer Services OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN EDCA REORGANIZATION BUDGET AMENDMENTS FY2021, FY2022, AND FY2023 SCHEDULE Fund Op Adopted Art Aft Unit Account Dead Budoet 922800 Dental 722810 Clamors, 722820 Unemployment Insurance 722850 Gold 722900 Fnn9e Benefit Ad)uslmenis 702010 Salome Regular 722750 Workers Compensation 722760 Graup Life 722770 Retirement 722780 HospiWication 722790 Social Security 722600 Dental 722610 Disability 722820 Unemployment insurance 722850 Optical 722900 broad Benefit AdN%Menis 102010 Salanes Regular 722750 Warkem Compensation 722760 Group Life 722179 Retirement 722780 Hasptlalrzatlan 722790 Barrel Secudty 722800 Dental 722810 Disability, 722820 Unemployment insurance 722050 Conrad 722900 Fnnge Benefit AdNsiments 702010 Salaries Regular 722760 Workers Compensation 722760 Group Ufe 722770 Retirement 722780 Hosplta9za8cn 722790 Scelal Spe dry 72280o Dental 722810 Dlsablllty 722820 Unemployment insurance 722850 Optical 722900 Fnn9e Benefit Ad,moseais 702010 Solari Regular 722250 Warkers Compensation 722760 Group Life 722770 Retirement 722780 Vernalization 722790 Social Seeunry, 722800 Dental 722810 Dmi 722820 Unemployment Insurance 722850 Optical 7222900 Fringe Benefit Armaments 702010 Salanes Regular 722750 Workers Compensation 722760 Group Life 722770 Retirement 722780 Hospitaluahon 722790 Social Security 722800 Dental 722810 Disability 722820 Unemployment lnsuranm FY 2021 Amended Bud oat 492 824 52 35 56 774,797 2,064 1,615 213,028 116,744 57,361 10,461 11,770 ]fib 979 am 219,178 486 471 61,931 46,412 16,601 3,946 3,424 217 386 234 107,865 239 232 28,321 286 8,170 1,549 1,685 107 153 115 123,313 272 159 20,837 14,824 6,310 1,549 1,155 121 108 19 8,5m 19 219 123 l ncreari (Decrease) 492 824 52 35 56 774,797 2,064 1.615 213,028 116,744 57,361 10,461 11,770 ]fifi 979 am 219,178 486 471 61,931 46,412 16,601 3,946 3,424 217 386 234 107.865 239 232 28,321 286 8,120 1,849 1,685 107 153 115 123,313 272 159 20,837 14,824 6 310 1,549 1,155 121 108 19 8,554 19 219 123 I FY 2022 FY 2023 Adopted Amended Increasel Adopted Amended Imreasel Budoet Budpel Recreate) Budget Budoet (Decrease) - 492 492 - 492 492 - 824 824 - 624 824 - 52 52 - 52 52 35 35 _ 35 35 - 767,126 767,126 767,126 967,126 - 2,064 2,064 - 2,064 2,064 - 1.615 1.615 - 1,615 1,615 - 213,028 213,028 - 213,028 213,028 - 116,744 116,744 - 116,744 116,744 - 57,361 57,361 - 59,361 57,361 - 10,461 10,461 - 10,461 10,461 - 11,770 11,7/0 - 11,770 11,770 - ]fifi ]fifi - ]fifi ]fifi - 979 979 - 979 979 - 217,908 211,008 - 217008 217006 - 486 486 - 486 486 - 471 471 - 471 471 - 61,931 61,931 - 61,931 61,931 - 46.412 46,412 - 46,412 46,412 - 16,601 16.601 - 16,601 16,601 - 3,946 3,946 - 3,046 3,946 - 3,424 3,424 - 3,424 3,424 - 217 217 - 217 217 - 386 386 - 386 386 - 106,797 106,797 - lal 106797 - 239 239 - 239 239 - 232 232 - 232 232 - 28,321 28321 - 28,321 28,321 - 286 286 - 286 286 - 8,170 8,170 - 8.170 8,170 - 1,549 1,549 - 1.549 Ladd - 1,685 1,885 - 11685 11685 - 107 107 - 107 107 - 153 153 - 160 153 - 122,092 122,092 - 122,092 122,092 - 272 272 - 272 272 - 159 159 - 159 159 - 20,837 20,837 - 20,837 2L832 - 14,824 14,824 - 14,824 14,824 - 6,310 6,310 - 61310 6SHO - 1,549 1,549 - 1,548 1b49 - 1,155 1, 155 - 1,155 1.155 - 121 121 - 121 121 - 106 108 - 108 108 - 8,469 8,469 - 8,469 8.469 - 19 19 - 19 19 - 219 219 - 219 219 - 123 123 - 123 123 8 8 OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN EDCA REORGANIZATION BUDGET AMENDMENTS FY2021, FV2022, AND FY2023 SCHEDULE A Fund Op Adopted Innocent ended Attracted Fund Daot ID PopePrn Drum Acot AR Unit Account Deep ( Supper Budget t (Deca rease) Budee Burnet (Decrease) Budeetb Budget daet (Decrease) 10100 1010603 171990 EDCustamer Servings 722850 Optical - - - - - - - - 10100 1010603 171090 EDCustamer Servmes 722900 Fnnge Benefit Atlryslmeats - - - - - - - - - 10100 1010603 172040 ED Education 702010 Soleness Regular - 18,450 16,450 - 16,287 16,287 - 16,287 16,287 10100 IG10603 172UD ED Education 722I50 Workers Compensation - 36 36 - 36 36 - 36 36 10100 1010603 172NO ED Education 722760 Group Life - - - - - - - - - 10100 1010603 1720O ED Education 722770 Retirement - 420 42D - 420 420 - 420 420 10100 1010603 172NO ED Education 722780 Hospeeio.haso - - - - - - - - 10100 1010603 172NO ED Education 722790 Social Security - 236 236 - 236 236 - 236 236 10100 1010603 172040 ED Education 722800 Dental - - - - - - - - - 10100 1010603 172W0 ED Education 722810 Disability - - - - - - - - 10100 1010603 172040 ED Education 722620 Unemployment Insurance - 16 16 - ifi 16 - ifi 16 10100 1010603 172040 ED Education 722850 Optical - - - - - - - - 10100 1910603 172040 ED Education 722900 Fnnge Benefit AJNstinenls - - - - - - - - 10100 1010603 181000 General Executive Servmes 702010 Salaries Regular - 91.819 91,819 - gall 90,910 - 90,910 90,910 10100 1010603 181000 Gen era) Executive Servmes 722750 Workers Compensation - 204 204 - 204 204 - 204 204 10100 1010603 181000 General Executive Servlces 722760 Group Life - 197 197 - 197 197 - 197 197 101OG 1010603 181000 General Executive Servmes 722770 Retirement - 26,132 26,132 - 26, 132 26,132 - 26,132 26,132 10100 1010603 181000 General Executive Servlces 722780 Hospitalization - 12,812 12,812 - 12812 12,812 - 12,812 12,812 10100 1010603 181000 General Executive Services 722790 Social Security - 6,955 6,955 - 6955 6,955 - 6,955 6.955 10100 1010603 181000 General Formulate Be,,.. 722800 Dental - 857 857 - 857 857 - 857 857 10100 1010603 181000 General Executive Servlces 722810 Disablllty - 1,434 1,434 - 1,434 1,434 - 1.434 1.434 10100 1010603 181000 General Executive Sewoes 722820 Unemployment Insurance - 91 91 - 91 91 - 91 91 10100 1010603 181000 General Executive Servmes 722850 Optical - 125 125 - 125 125 - 125 125 10100 1010603 181000 General Executive Services 722900 Fringe Benefit Ablusimenis - 98 98 - - - - - - 10100 1090109 171010 ED Business Consultants 702G10 Salanes Regular - 28,914 28,914 - 26,628 28,628 - 28,628 28,628 10100 1090109 171010 ED Business Consultants 722750 Workers Compensation - 64 64 - 64 64 - 64 64 10100 1090109 111010 ED Buslne5s Consultants 722760 Group Life - - - - - - - - - 10100 1090109 171010 ED Business Consultants 722I10 Retirement - 739 739 - 739 739 - 739 739 10100 1090109 171010 ED Business Consultants 722260 HOspBalizaliGn - - - - - - - - 10100 1090109 17101C ED Business Consultants 722790 Social Secunty - 415 415 - 415 415 415 415 10100 1999199 17101C ED Business Consultants 722800 Dental - - - - - - - - - 10100 1090109 171010 ED Business Consultants 722810 Disability - - - - - - - - - 10100 1090109 171010 ED Business Consultants 722820 Unemployment Insurance - 29 29 - 29 29 - 29 29 10100 1090109 171010 ED Business Consultants 722850 Cl - - - - - - - - 10100 1090109 171010 ED Business Consultants 722900 Fnnge Benefit Ad'otrosnts - - - - - - - - - 10100 1099109 171030 ED Marketing Semces 702010 Salanes Regular - 275.121 275,121 - 272,397 272,397 - 272,397 272,397 10100 1090109 171030 ED Marketing Services 722I50 Workers Compensation - 607 807 - 607 607 - 607 607 10100 1090109 191030 ED Marketing Servlces 722760 Group Life - 507 587 - 587 587 - 587 587 10100 1090199 171030 ED Marketing Servlces 722770 Retirement - 80,341 80,341 - 89,341 80,341 - 80.341 80.341 10100 1090109 I71030 ED Marketing Serapes 722780 Hospitalization - 38,Gi1 38,011 - 38,011 38,011 - 38,011 39,011 10100 1090109 171030 ED Marketing Sensors 722790 Social Secunty - 20,690 20,690 - 20,690 20,690 - 20,690 20,690 10100 1090109 171030 ED Marketing Servlces 722800 Dental 3,491 3,491 - 3,491 3,491 - 3,491 3,491 101GO 1090109171030 ED Marketing Semces 722810 Disability - 4,266 4,266 - 4,266 4,266 - 4,266 4,266 10100 1990109 171930 ED Marketing Scrapes 722820 Unemployment Insurance - 270 270 - 270 270 - 270 270 10100 1090109 171030 ED Marketing Services 722850 Optical - 383 383 - 383 383 - 383 383 IG100 1090109 171030 ED Marketing Servmes 722900 Fringe Benefit AtlNstmenis - 288 288 - - - - - - 10100 1090109 171090 EDCustamer Servmes 702010 Salaries Regular - 136,830 136,830 - 135,475 135,475 - 135,475 135,475 10100 1090109 171090 EDCustomer Services 722750 Workers Compensation - 645 645 - 645 645 - 645 645 logo 1090109 171090 EDCustomer Services 722760 Group 1 - 295 295 - 295 295 - 295 295 10100 1090109 171GBO EDCustomer Semces 722720 Retirement - 40, 192 40,192 - 40,192 40,192 - 40,192 40,192 10100 1090109 171090 EDCustamer Servmes 722180 Hospitalization - 29B12 29,612 - 29,612 29,612 - 29,612 29,612 10100 1090109 171090 EDCustamer Services 722790 Social Security - 10,253 10,363 - 10,363 10,363 - 10,363 10,363 10100 1090109 171090 EDCustomer Semces 722890 Dental - 2,397 2,397 - 2,397 2,397 - 2,397 2,397 10100 1090109 171090 EDCustamer Semces 722810 Disability - 2,138 2,138 - 2,138 2,136 - 2,138 2,138 10100 1090109 171090 EOCustomer Servlces 722820 Unemployment Insurance - 135 135 - 135 135 - 135 135 10100 1090109 171090 EDCustemerSeNlees 722850 Optical - 233 233 - 233 233 - 233 233 10100 1090109 171090 EDCustamer Servlces 722900 Fringe Benefit AtlWstrnents - 146 146 - - - - - - ZE6 Zoo ZE6 ZEE - ZE6 ZE6 - uopesuatlwop waWOM 05AZEL waS+awopnp0. 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BUZAd CORE A. LEDO A. 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LZOZ A! LZOi AG v 3VI03HOS EZOZAd ONV 'ZZOZAd 'LZOZA3 S1N3WON3Wtl 1300fl9 N011"PIV0i6038 VO03 Ntl01HOIW 'A1Nn0O ONV INVO Fund Op Fund NrAID Pro. Pro. Desc ACCt AH Unit Frinne Benefits 4676001 67000 1050411 183150 Hunan Resource Training 702010 67800 1050411 183150 Human Resource Traluing 722750 67800 1010602 183150 Human Resource Traimn, 702010 678g0 1010602 183150 Human Resouce Trained, 722750 67800 9011501 182190 Non Oed Fnn9e Benefits 796500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Wnrkfnrop Geaninnmpnf LudpM1 elpd 1.298311 GR0000D00294 Budget Referenece 2006 Activity: GLB Anlaysls: GLB Ex.endltume 29801 1090701 170010 Contract Adminlsi2tlon 702010 29801 1090701 170010 Contract Administration ]22]50 29801 1090701 170010 Contact Administratmn 722260 29801 1090701 179010 Contract AdmmiatRton 722710 29801 1090701 179010 Contact Admmatocamn 722780 29801 10907D1 120010 Contract Admnistratan 722790 29801 1001701 170010 Contact Admmatra0an 722800 29801 1090701 170010 Contract Administration 722810 29801 1090701 170010 Contact Admmistraton 722820 29801 1090701 170010 Contract Admmistratan 722850 29801 1090701 170010 Contract Admmistra0.n 731465 TOTAL EXPENDITURES OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN EDCA REORGANIZATION BUDGET AMENDMENTS FY2021, FY2022, AND FY2023 SCHEDULE I FY 2021 FY 2022 FY2023 I Adopted Amended Increase/ Adopted Amended Im easel Adopted Amended Increase/ Account Oss. Budget B.d.et (Decrease) I Bud.et Bud.et (Decrease/ I Bud.et Budget (Decmese) Salanes Regular 404,244 346,408 (57836) 400,202 342,939 (57,263) 400,202 342,939 (57,263) Workers Compensator 250,268 213,390 (36,878) 247,765 211,011 (36,754) 247,765 211,011 (36754) Salanes Regular - 46269 46,269 45,696 45,696 - 45,696 45,696 Workers C.mpensaHan - 29,502 29,502 - 29,278 29,378 - 29,378 29,378 Budget Eulogy Ampernent - 18943 18943 - 18,943 18.943 - 18943 18943 Salanes Regular 625,610 601135 (24,475) 625,610 601,377 (24.233) 626,610 601,377 (24,233) Workum Compensatlon 1,352 1,297 (55) 1,352 1,298 (54) 1,352 1 298 (54) Group Llfe 11311 1,258 (53) 1,311 1,259 (52) 1,311 1 259 152) Retirement 167,526 150,779 (6,847) 157626 150,847 (6,779) 157,626 150947 (6,779) Hospitalization 146,327 142,945 (3,382) 148,327 142,967 (3,380) 146,327 142,967 (3,360) Sadal Seoudty 46,316 44450 (1,866) 46 316 44,482 (1,854) 48,316 44,462 (1,854) ,finial 11,379 11,069 (310) 11,379 11,071 (308) 11,379 11,071 (306) Diedlllty 9,521 9,136 (385) 9,521 9,139 (382) 9,521 9, 139 (382) Unemployment Insurance 906 882 (24) 906 664 (242) 906 664 (242) Optical 1,239 1,217 (22) 1,239 1,217 (22) 1,239 1,217 (22) Program 14,501,837 14,539,255 37.418 14,501,686 14,538,972 37,286 14,5W.686 14.536.972 37286 15,563,424 18,803,424 - 15,503,273 15,503.273 15,503,273 15,503,273 Resolution #20462 October 21, 2020 Moved by Zack seconded by Luebs the resolution be adopted. Discussion followed. Moved by Spisz seconded by Gingell to postpone the resolution Vote on motion to postpone: AYES: Kochenderfer, Kuhn, Spisz, Taub, Gingell. (5) NAYS: Jackson, Kowall, Long, Luebs, Markham, McGillivray, Miller, Nelson, Powell, Quarles, Weipert, Woodward, Zack, Gershenson, Hoffman (15) A sufficient majority not having voted in favor, the motion to postpone failed. Moved by Quarles seconded by Luebs the resolution be amended as follows Amend the 10'h WHEREAS to the following: WHEREAS this reorganization will create five-(5) four (4) new GF/GP positions, a 'IR pesitien; and Amend the 111h WHEREAS to the following WHEREAS this reorganization will delete fo rteen-(44) thirteen (13) GF/GP positions, and Amend the 121h WHEREAS to the following: WHEREAS this reorganization of divisions and positions will result in a General Fund savings of $161,695 $42,806 for FY 2021 and $41,870 for FY 2022 — FY 2023. and a Special RevLRu Witas of 70. Amend the 27'h BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to the following: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to create one (1) RR GF/GP FTE Administrator Workforce Development position in the Economic Development department, Workforce Development & Veterans Affairs division, Workforce Development unit. Amend the 29'h BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to the following. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the FY 2021-2023 Budget be amended in the attached Schedule A. as follows: (NQT€ Tuc n�Tn a cn I Inlc ITcnn QI mr cT n nncnlnnn n/T inau a€ 1 A/l`I l ll1Cl1 1 /ITLI TLIC 4/1Po F/0I19/1 ❑/lA0D Al- CT NG A4CKCT Discussion followed. Vote on amendment: AYES Kochenderfer, Kowa[[, Kuhn, Long, Luebs, Markham, McGillivray, Miller, Nelson, Powell, Quarles, Spisz, Taub, Weipert, Woodward, Zack, Gershenson, Gingell, Hoffman, Jackson. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the amendment carried. Discussion followed. Vote on resolution, as amended: McGillivray, Miller, Nelson, Powell, Quarles, Spisz, AYES: Kowall, Kuhn, Long, Luebs, Markham, Gingell, Hoffman, Jackson, Kochenderter. (20) Taub, K wa Woodward, Zack, Gershenson, NAYS: None. (0) mended was adopted. A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolution, as a aOVETti1S FlcSOLUTION COUNTY Ey(ED1s'TIVE. CHIEF DEPUTY TO MGL 4&559A (7) Nr'mG PURSUANT STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true an I, Lisa Brown, Clerk of the County ted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on October 21, accurate copy of a resolution adop in my office. 2020, with the original record thereof now remaining In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Circuit Court at Pontiac, Michigan this 21s' day of October, 2020. �'tl P'eZ-1✓ Lisa Brown, Oakland County