HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1977.06.13 - 3418OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY: SCHOOLS OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN gggV OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS ANNUAL ELECTION JUNE 13, 1977 CANVASS OF VOTES (AST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON JUNE 13, 1977 (DATE OF ELECTION) (LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT) MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS • OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. ES-398 (Rev. 1970) CANVASSER BOOK 5. 1. Ralph C. Steel:a STATEMENT OF VOTES ----- MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION The who,le number of votes g'tven for the: office of morilbgo.. Ofi:it.hOHBoOrci:Of Eduiatiaii For O.faur YecU,:tefrn and they were given for the tailowing narmml persons: Vote for ;Th0 „.— . PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WR/TTEN IN WORDS 1. Robert L. .Acton 2. Patricia M. Chapman 3. Margaret B. Edgerton 4. Francis Ray Forman 5. Nathan A t Ha i 10. TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Education for a Three Year term was -- and they were given for the following named persons• ERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES I NUMBER OE VOTES wRirrEN IN WORDS 5 • TOTAL:. The whole number of votes given for the office of Me was and they were given for the following named persons; PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS ber of the Board of Education for a Two Year term 1-- The whole number of vote? given for the office of Member of the Board 0 Edu.cation for a DIE' Year term Vote for One NUMBER OE %/OAS iVRITTEN IPNI WORDS TOTAL , and they were cJiYen far f1,0 followitlg named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTE TOTAL ANNUAL ELECTION STATEMENT OF VOTES, OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS :JUNE •:•.1•3';. . . . . . . . . . . . . : . : • • • •• : •• . • • • • ... • ..--7*.i.)0):0-gi.iiiirt:4-0,;ig:kii4.4,6 PROPOS IT ION -:•• • .: • #1 1 9 MILL RENEWAL PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER YES NO YES NO TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES, OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS ANNUAL ELECTION JUNE 13 , 1977 MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION Four Yr. Term - Vote for Two MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION One Yr. Term -- Vote for One . . . . STATEMENT OF VOTES — PROPOSITIONS AND QUESTIONS PRIRPS:1 TI:01n1 I The Whole nu"be oTvate!: fer Orici creihsi :thO RENEWAL OF :::ppERATINp MI LLAGE FUR FIYE :yFAgs sh611 the coristitutional l imitation on ad: :98 lpeofyi La:x:6s: which may beTT:-.(fipod upon: property in the Oxford Area Community School Distract, Counties of 001dpi-id : and :Lppeor,:: $-tOt::ofH Mich igrirT; be increased V by nine (.) mills: ($9,00 per $1;..000) on eqqa:lizedvail ,uaffOni'fOr the:71TearS 1977, 1978 1979,E 1980; and 1901 for school operating purposes l(sudh:increase::beirly ::0 :rerOwi§:t of t:he 9 mill increase which'ei(p i red n: 1976)1 of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES PROPOSITION I I The whole number of votes fot onel against the INCREASE I N OPERATI NG Mill-AGE FOR THREE YEARS Shall the constitutional limitation on ad valorem taxes which may be imposed upon property in the Oxford Area Community School District, Counties of Oakland and Lapeer, State of Mich igen, be increased by 2.76 mills ($2.76 on each $1,00.000 of state equalized valuation)- for a period of three years, 1977, 1978 and 1 979 , for school operating purposes? votes were marked NO TO.TAL.::VOTES The whole number of votes for and against the WCS of which number votes:were marked YES votes were marked NO IOTAL VOTES CERTIFICATE Of :DETERMIN:ATION: STATE OF MICHIQAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND We, the undersigned Board of Canvassers for the Courty of LAND from on exurnilation .OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS of the Election Returns of, leceivedby .sdid adard .of Can aerS, LEGA ,AME. OF` SCI10::_ D''.,:7RICT determine that at the _Aanual _election held onrle 13i )977_,that the persons listed below were duly ANNUAL OR SPECIAL DA-7E OF .1..ECT ON elected as members of the Board of Education of the t aid SchoolDistrict for the terrri of office set. oppoite i e name or names: i I/ Names of poisons elected for a four year term expiring - 1981 v.. Two. o be Elected Names of persons elected for a three l year term expiring r-- I Names of of persons elected for a two year term expiring Names of persons elected for a one _.., year term expiring - 1978 i One to be Elected Po FURTHER HEREBY, DETERMINE: That the following Propositions or Questions were passed or defeated CIS indicated below: _ NAME OF PROPOSITION #1 Received Having , I.JFf ici Pas'cl ent votes was 4+,4•14imearii 9 • Renewa l 2. NAME OF PROPOSITION #:1 1 Received Po i,sect Havin ----g_44 iiii Sufficient votes wasiiiiiiiiiiiii. i Z 76 Hi 11 Increase i i ' NAME OF PROPOSITION 1 I Receive Passed Having Sufficient votes was NONE Not Received Defeated 4 NAME OF PROPOSITION , Received Passed NONE Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hoods and af-f xeci the $eal of the County of ..,.. OAKLAND t.„ this day o f, June 19 P 1 , , ..., ci 1„. (i--; :. 1 1 _. .... .:: Attest: /CI-JA1RMAN 1 BOARD OF i "CANVASSERS .' , „--- ,_,-11-1.7.Z.,xe._ . E3OARD OF CANVASSER