HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1982.06.14 - 3424• .:1)XFO.R.D::::.AREN.:COPIMUN117",::S:CH.Q9LS.:. CANVASS x QuiFL VOTES CAST AT THE ri GENERAL Li SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON JUNE 14, 1982 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY d ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN STATEMENT OF VOTES, OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS JUNE 14, 1982 MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION Vote for 2 - Four Year Terms PRECINCT NUMBER • 1) L. -..• . 1/2 1 ,11, G OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS JUNE 14 , 1982 -::•OAKLAND.:::.COMMON1TYL:c-OAL:LEGE TRVSTEES. :Six Year Ternv :Vote for Two;; :cLI ; :76AI " " ! OAKLANP.. c_Q.MPIVNI TY COLLEGE TRUSTE.E Unexpired Four Year Term Vote for One ••:•(0:1 :•• ••••i-.1 :(0•n • • • • TOTAL • OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS JUNE 1+, 1982 STATEMENT OF VOTES, : LTY: :COLLEGE :TRUSTEE : :Uncxp red Two Year TO:rtn Vote for One PRECINCT NUMBER .:."1".QTAL OPERAT I NG MI LLAG =„J313,OP_OS I.TION PRECINCT NUMBER Total Yes Total Total ;, Yes :Total 1 Yes Total !i Yes .TOTAL PRECINCT NUMBER Total Yes No Total II Yes Put figures in this co'umn The whole number of Vote's given for the office of tipeER OF THE BOARD OF ::EDUcATI:ON Vote for Two : . . . . . . was : & I fr7 and they were give n for the following naitrted persons: G.X.-101,11 TE: RE:SA:K MC CARBERY::: :received THOMAS :F. :MI:DDLETON " reC:eiVed :6 :: MARIE , ::REMM:ERT : received Cd TOTAL -The :Whole jnumber of votes given for the office of VOteS: was and they were given for the following named pet -sons: :..received votes received received votes TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of was .and they were .giver.i..fOrthe .fol.loWing.narned.perSonS.::..... received voles received :votes: : . : : : : votes: The whole number of votes given for the office of was :end::.theY:iWerp. given : for the.:folloyvio6 named persons received votes received votes received votes received received .:.:votes :. :..votes.:: :votes ..votes...:. received rece ived received received received received TOTAL votes : votes Put figures in this column The whole number of votes given::fOrEthe:offi:ee'bf was and they were given for the following named persons: : received : :received : :received votes : votes:: TOTAL :votes.: : The whale number of votes giVen:for :jthe office of and they were given for the following named persons: votes votes votes votes votes received received received received received received received votes votes votes votes received TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: received received received received received votes:: votes votes received received votes rec'vecl votes ruc.eived votes iecc.tved votes TOTAL votes Put figures in this column : The whole number of :V:otes:Oiven for and against the PRQPOSITI ON Shall the constitutional limitation upon the total ta)( rate which may evied upon taxable property in the Oxford Area Community Schools, Counties o Oakland and Lapeer, State of Michigan, for all purposes be increased by 1.90 mills, 1 m ill of which expired in the year 1981, ($1.90 on each $1,000.00 of state equalized valuation) for a period of three (3) years, the years 1982 through 1984, inclusive, for the purpose of providing funds for extra curricular activities in grades 7- 1 2 , elementary music and physical education, 6th grade instrumental band, . . special reading program, and Vocational Education Program? , lac. was el of which nurbber . : and The whole nurhherof•votes.given for arid against:the of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO Put fgures thus column The whole number of ye:APS given:fOr:and against :the of which number • votes were marked YES VOWS were marked NO The whole number of votes given for and against the was of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO : TOTAL VOTES; : I : CERItFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATED OF MICHIGAN :...COONTY iOAKLAND ••:: • • ••;:•:•::••• •••• •••::• • •••• •••••• •:•:. ••ThayBibard.•Of CarivasSers•of:the•:•••:. • .• • • : .•:•••:.... : .• •:.: • • •.:::•u...: . • • ••O a kland • • • • • . .• • • • . .• • . . • . • :.• •.. • .••.•(•,.:...uNty...011 tow5vst.lr, OR •:. • ::• . •• •..: 1.c..011N. V., pl. 1.11 .c..... . LAG Oxford ••••:•:..•::•• • ••••••••••• • • " " • • " • • " • ••• "• " "••• • • •• .• • "•••• • Community•.• " • " Schools•"•"•••.•• •.• ..•• .".••••• .:•.• ..• having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said at the .....___Annua 1 Election, held on the .._ 1 'It one thousand nine hundred arid eighty-tuo Do Hereby Certify and Determine TOW:RS..10, OR *lLi-A.OM June : : : : : .F4- : " i 41' L ' 4,''-: " : : : 4 /1'1 :tie 4 fe-- : That : i ••;-. ' tl---/-zt 0,---,„ i : t I LL •'•'•:•••,:": .....': : .. i• .....::..""...." ' " :.•_::: :having receive d a sufficient number of votes is elected: : 141 M.P•TR :QF.:...:111......::PP4RP : OF ..EPLIcAT:IN_7'....: iFOUR YEAR TERM : i : :::: : :: ..:::......... - : ... : i : : ..j....' : i li : : ./...-2.:: H: ..‹. : : (6 i : :i i : : : i i: : : : : " : : : 171/___ Th at : I:: : ...... j....i;...k..•.4"-;.:ts.::;-•. :, :i• " :." _ 1 ::: (.3-:::'/..: 4..k-A ' : :: ' : " "" :: having tedeiVed:a:SiAlfidient"riumber of ' VriteS is eledted 11Fill...E.. OF THE BOARD: 9:E....EDUCATION .• ...f..0(1 YEAR TERM ; :: : : : : : : : • having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of That votes I5 elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected having received a sufficient number of That having received a sufficient number of That _ • votes is elected . having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of _having received a sufficient number of That _ having received a sufficient number of Mat ... — having received a sufficient number of . having received a sufficient: number of 'That . votes is &oat laving received a sufficient: number o : Tita vot6s is elected That votes is elected having :received a Sufficient riO.Mber: of having received a sufficient number of having received :a sufficient number bf:: having received a sufficient number of " having iLeceiVed a sufficient nuMber:pf:: votes iS elected That - " 'having reCeiVed:a:SuffiCient number of :VOteS is elected " , having receiVed:a Sufficient number Of Votes is elected • : having reCeiVed::a SUfficient.nnitibes' of votes is elected : having received a sufficient number of votes is elected _having received a sufficient number of votes is elected Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: •NAME:OF•PROPOSIT.I0 OPERATING MI LLAGE PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSITION Not Received ..•.:NONE•: . . NAME OF ••• • NONE:. •••••••. • . •NAMEOFPROPOSITION:. Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes Was Sufficient votes was Received Not Received NONE Having Having Having Having Received Passed Si.ifficient votes was Not Received Defeated :NAME OF pRopcisrogN NONE : NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Not Received Sufficient votes was b Witness Whereof,: We have : hereunto sat our hands :arid affixed the Seal Of f Oakland UNTY,•CITY,'..TOWNSRIP OR •VILLAG U..01.Ty E.) SEA: this day o June...................... in the Y.* one thousand nine Ilundre:d e two and : - ERMIMENWIIMAM Z. I ATTEST: OF 00A.fn OF CANVASSERS , :CHAIRMAN OF BOAR