HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1974.06.10 - 34571111 till' iv. tit SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF PONTIAC ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION JUNE 10, 1974 AT THE ELECTION ANNUAL HELD ON JUNE 10, 1974 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OAKLAND XXXXX0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAKXXXXXXMX 4 _COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M.397 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS KENNETH W. BUTLER 2. DOUGLAS J. COLL I NS 3: ROBERT J... GARNER 4: DAVID W. HACKETT 5, GORDON C. HENDERSON PERSON..., RECEIVING THE VOTE5 NUMIIER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WO,,RDS ROBERT C. KENNEDY / MARION J. KOLASA s MERVYN H. LAKIN DENN IS R. McC0Y Ls ROBERT A. WELDON TOTAL 11 Tile whole i1.1bei of tIoard of Education. ion . . . , ' - s . and they we t ti,i: .4.4 ye n for the ERSONS RECEIVING T VOTES NUMEIER Ci'..,,OTSS WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. AN I TA ALFARO 2, MILDRED CARM ICHAEL 3 PAT DAWSON 4 CONSTANCE N. FOURN IER . JOE C. GUERRERO a. GLORIA L. HARDIMAN 7, WILLIAM A. HIMMELSPACH . ELS IE MI HALEK . JERRY L.. • MORRIS 10, DONALD R. TAYLOR - The Wbfgit)444kn'rolvotes given For the office - was and they were given for the rollowing named persons; PERSONS RECEIVING THe yams 1, ....AU , lore L Year term / NUMBER. OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 2. TOTA.L ...., Thii! wholAi flcASJS'frvoiNtgiTE)i rirftr .CN'ea9flOci o f COMMUN ITY COLLEGE TRUSTEE for a S.1X Year term , was ,.. nd they were given for the foliowrnq named persons: '. .. . . . . • '''' PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER NO. • YES • NO 'YES • • • . . . . . . . . . • ... .NO• ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION JUNE AC 1914 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF PONT STATEMENT OF VOTES, • • • •• ••" • •• • •• • COMMUN•ITY....COLLEG.E.:•TRUSTtE .. (.6 ..Ye•Ort ..Te.e.m) • • • •••.• ....• ••• • ... ..••• . •:... ......:. • .. ....... . . • . . .• . . • / c : • • .4,n'•• •• • •I . r. • -.3. I • • :;:› (;:i ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECT I ON JUNE 10, SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE C TY OF PONT I AC STATEMENT OF VOTES, . . . . . M I LLAGE RENEWAL- PROPOS I T ION : MILLAGE PROPOSITi ON • •••••:••••••.,!:,:.•••411111111111 . :.....• . . . . . . NO TOTALS YES NO PREC I NCT L. TOTALS • . •• • • .' ••• ANNUAL SCHOOL U. NS O, 1 97k SCHOOL DISTRICT OF TI-IE CITY OF 15011TIAC STATEMENT OF VOTES, MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION (4 Year Term) PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER 5 ; ; .4;7 ! :// 0: I 6 ,; • ..• • • .. • • •TOTALS The whole ntiner of votes for and against the MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION Shall the limitation on the total amount a general ad valorem taXes which h may be imposed for all purposes in any one year upon real and tangible personal property in the School District of the City o Pontiac, County of Oakland, State of Michigan, be Increased as proVida -In Sialb71-6-bf-Aftla16 -11 of the Constitution of Michigan, for a period of ten (10) years from 1975 to 1984, both inclusive, by 8-3/4 mills on each dollar ($8.75 per $1,000) of the assessed valuation of property as finally equalized (such increase being a renewal of the 8-3/4 mill increase which expires in 1974)? rawrtEtt.• • IU THYS:CatiMN.. TTT was of whip vote TOTAL VOTES The whole nertibet of votes for and against the OPERAT ING :tilLLAGE Pimos rr ION Shall the limitation on the total amount of general ad valorem taxes which may be imposed for all purposes_in_any one year_mpon_real_and_tan9lble_personal property in the School District_a_the City o Pontiac, County of Oakland, State of Michigan, be increased as provided in Section -6o of Article IX of the Constitutionnoragan„ for a.period of four (4) years from 1974 to 1977, both inclusive,, by 3-1/4 mills on each dollar ($3.25 per $1,000) of the assessed valuation of property as finally equaiiied_for_the_purianse_of defray ing_e part_of_the operatIng expenses- of the. school—d-IstrIct?- z of vviiie.!: nurt40 votes stven:s mar on(: votes mod< 6 Th 4toie number of votes for and at-stall-1st the Was of which number votes were morked YES and votes were matked NO :1-1.6d_ VOTES SS, COUNTY Community Col leg Trustee (6 Year Term) having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number of --having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number of -having received sufficient number of -hpvingi received sufficient number i ef • Member _Pf Boer& of Educat 19n „(A_Year _Term/ having received sufficient number of MI LLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSITION OPERATING M1LLAGE PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION BOARD OF ( CANVASSERS OF—B-AR-6 OFAS-S-E Oakland CERTIFICATE NATION STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY Or OAKLAND The Board of Canvassers of the .------- - cify , having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes cf SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY: OF PONT IAC — _ _ )111y, el at the_ ANNUAL .Dection, hek-4 on th e 10th Joy f JUNE OAKLAND _ That_ one thousand nine hundfed and seventy—four Do Hereby Certify and Determine That votes is elected having received sufficient. number of yotesi5elected___Member_of_Board_of_Education_14 Year_Term) That.. having received sufficient number of vo tes i s elected _ Community. Col 'ego Trustee (6 Year Term) That votes is eiected That_ having received sufficient number of votes is elected Community Col lege Trustee (6 Year Term) That votes is elected That votes is eiected votes is elected_ That votes is elected votes is elected _ Do Further Hereby Determine: That the followin g Propositions or Questions were passed at defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSIIION Received Passed Having ed Sufficient votes was 1;14eiiii4eid Having 'R*E`c-e4A'ed Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Received Passed Having --- Sufficient votes was - Not Received Defeated 1-1 17t71,' 4* Whereof, We have hereunto set ow hands and affixed the Seal County of i'e= Cit y: T.o,ms.hip or Vi Hoge (Counly, C+t y, Townsbip or Vilkrge.) thiS day of June in the year one tf,oi.isaild nine hundsted and seventy!-four