HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2021.06.17 - 34690MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #21277 June 17, 2021 BY: Commissioner Kristen Nelson, Chairperson, Legislative Affairs and Government Operations Committee IN RE: HUMAN RESOURCES — FISCAL YEAR 2020 WAGE REOPENER FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES UNION, AFFILIATED WITH INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS LOCAL 58, AFL-CIO (OCEU) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland, and the Oakland County Employees Union affiliated with IBEW Local 58, AFL-CIO (OCEU), have negotiated a Collective Bargaining Agreement for the period October 31, 2019, through September 30, 2022; and WHEREAS the Collective Bargaining Agreement in effect has a Wage Reopener only clause for Fiscal Year 2020; and WHEREAS the parties have negotiated wage increases for Fiscal Year 2020, specifically pertaining to represented employees in Animal Control, Homeland Security, Facilities Maintenance and Operations, Sheriff's Office and Parks and Recreation as outlined in Schedule "B"; and WHEREAS the wages will be effective October 1, 2020; and WHEREAS the FY 2021-FY 2024 General Fund/General Purpose impact is $95,937; and WHEREAS the FY 2021-FY 2024 Proprietary Fund impact is $239,609; and WHEREAS the parties are actively negotiating wages for the represented employees of the Water Resources Commissioner (WRC) and will be presented in a separate resolution. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the Fiscal Year 2020 Wage Reopener with the Oakland County Employees Union affiliated with IBEW Local 58, AFL-CIO (OCEU) with wages effective October 1, 2020. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners authorizes the Board Chairperson, on behalf of the County of Oakland, to execute the addendum to the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the County of Oakland and the Oakland County Employees Union affiliated with IBEW Local 58, AFL-CIO. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the FY 2021-2024 budget is amended as detailed in the attached Schedule "A". Chairperson, on behalf of the Legislative Affairs and Government Operations Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Nju4 Commissioner Kristen Nelson, District #5 Chairperson, Legislative Affairs and Government Operations Committee LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS COMMITTEE VOTE: Motion carried on a roll call vote with Kochenderfer absent. FINANCE COMMITTEE VOTE: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. A A f�c . OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE DAVID COULTER HUMAN RESOURCES Brittani Anthony, Director Human Resources TO: Kristen Nelson, Chairperson Legislative Affairs & Government Operations Committee David T. Woodward, Chairman Board of Commissioners FROM: Brittani Anthony, Director of Human Resources April M. Lynch, Deputy County Executive DATE: June 8, 2021 RE: Oakland County Employees Union affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 58, AFL-CIO (OCEU) Fiscal Year 2020 Wage Reopener As indicated previously, many of our unions had a wage reopener for FY 2020. The Oakland County Employees Union affiliated with the IBEW, Local 58 represents approximately 362 employees within the Oakland County Animal Control, Homeland Security, Facilities Maintenance & Operations, Sheriff's Office, Parks & Recreation and the Water Resources Commissioner (WRC). The goal during this re - opener was to address labor rates to meet market demand, with the primary focus on skilled laborers. While increases were dependent on job classifications, average increases reflect just under 3%. Overall, the costs to the General Fund for this unit's Wage Reopener (minus the WRC unit) are approximately $95,937. Please note we are still in active negotiations for the represented units in the Water Resources Commission. We respectfully request approval from the Legislative Affairs and Government Operations Committee and the Board of Commissioners. Thank you. 2100 Pontiac Lake Road I L. Brooks Patterson Building 41 W I Waterford, MI 48328 1 Fax (248) 452-9172 1 OakGov corn LETTER OF AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into this day of June, 2021, between the County of Oakland, ("County') and the Oakland County Employees Union affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 58, AFL-CIO (OCEU). The parties have agreed on wage increases for Fiscal Year 2020, specifically pertaining to represented employees in Animal Control, Homeland Security, Facilities Maintenance and Operations, Sheriff's Office and Parks and Recreation. The wages can be found in the attached Schedule B. Parties are actively negotiation wages for the represented employees of the Water Resources Commissioner (WRC). The average increase across all classifications was approximately 3% increase to become effective October 1, 2020. OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES UNION, affiliated COUNTY OF OAKLAND with the INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 58, AFL-CIO David T. Woodward, Chairperson Board of Commissioners David Coulter Oakland County Executive Oakland County, Michigan OCEU (Animal Control Business Unit 011, Shefdf Business 018, Facili4es BU 020,023,024, Parks and Rc BU 050 Schedule "A" SCHEDULE A R/E Fund Name Division Name Fund# Division# ( Fund Affiliate Progl Account# AccountTitle FYMOdl Amendment I MOetr-2024 Amendment G/F G/P SAIARY AND FRINGE BENEFIT ADJUSTMENTS (10100) R General Fund Non Departmental 10100 9010101 196030 665882 Planned Use of Balance 95,937 95,937 Total Revenues 95,937 95,937 Animal Control BU 011 E General Fund Animal Control Administration 10100 1070801 114000 702010 Salanes Regular 6,123 6,123 E General Fund Animal Control Administration 10100 1070801 114000 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 2,186 2,186 E General Fund Ammal Control Kennel 10100 1070505 114090 702010 Salaries Regular 12,188 12,188 E General Fund Animal Control Kennel 10100 107OB05 114090 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 4,351 4,351 E General Fund Animal Control Read 10100 1070810 114100 702010 Salanes Regular 29,212 29,212 E General Fund Ammal Control Read 10100 1070810 114100 722900 Forge Benefit Adjustments 10,429 10,429 Total Expenditures 64,469 64,489 Sheriff Dept BU 018 E General Fund Sherri Armen Sery Admen 10100 4030201 112580 702010 Salanes Regular 2,337 2,337 E General Fund Shchl Admen Sery Admi 10100 4030201 112580 7229DO Fringe Benefit Adjustments 833 833 E General Fund Sherri COnective Sery Armen 10100 4030301 112650 702010 Salaries Regular 1,679 1,679 E General Fund Sheriff 0... dme Sery Atlmn 10100 4030301 112650 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 599 599 E General Fund Sheriff Con Ser Sat Adm 10100 4030401 116245 702010 Salanes Regular 2,670 2,670 E General Fund Sheriff Corr Ser Sat Atlm 10100 4030401 1161 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 953 953 E General Fund Sherri Corr Ser Sat Atlm 10100 4030401 121280 702010 Salaries Regular 941 941 E General Fund Sheriff C., Ser Sat Adm 10100 4030401 121280 722900 Fnnge Benefit Adjustments 336 336 E General Fund Sheriff SEPTC Armin 10100 4030501 110045 702010 Salanes Regular 531 531 E General Fund Sheriff SEPTC Admm 10100 40305D1 110045 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 190 190 E General Fund Sheaf SEPTC Admm 10100 4030501 112680 702010 Salanes Regular 6,181 6,181 E General Fund Sheriff SEPTC Armin 10100 4030501 112680 722900 Fringe Beneft Adjustments 2,206 2,206 E General Fund Shen" Patrol Services 10100 4030601 116180 702010 Salanes Regular 450 450 E General Fund sheriff Patrol Services 10100 4030601 116180 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 161 161 E General Fund Emergenry Comm Operations 10100 4030701 116230 702010 Salanes Regular 7,446 7,446 E General Fund Emergency Comm 0pea6ons 10100 4030701 116230 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 2,658 2,658 E General Fund Sheriff Technical Svc Admin 10100 4030901 116240 702010 Palaces Regular 941 941 E General Fund Sheriff Technical Svc Ail 10100 4030901 116240 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 336 336 Total Expenditures 31,44E 31,446 Facilities Malnt and Operation (63100) BU 20,23,24 E Faalides Maint and Oper Fund Electric Overhead 63100 1040755 148100 730562 Electric Service (75,000) (75,000) E Facilities Mamt and Oper Fund Water B Sever Overhead 63100 1040760 148100 732102 Water and Sewage Charges (75,000) (75,000) E Facilities Maint and Oper Fund Gas Natural 63100 1040740 148100 731269 Natural Gas (45,712) (45,712) Facilities BU 020 E Facilities Maint and Oper Fund FMO Building Custodial 63100 1040718 140299 702010 Salanes Regular 37,768 37,768 E Facilities Maine and Oper Fund FMO Building Custodial 63100 1040718 140299 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 13,487 13,487 Facilities MGNT BU 023 E Facilities Maint and Open Fund FMO Building Maintenance 63100 1040719 140399 702010 Salaries Regular 78,731 78,731 E Facbhes Marc and Older Fund FMO Butldmg Maintenance 63100 1040719 140399 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 28,106 28,106 Facilities Grounds BU 024 E FacOties Maint and Open Fund FMG Grounds Maintenance 63100 1040725 140599 702010 Salaries Regular 20,518 20,518 E Facilities Maint and Older Fund FMO Grounds Maintenance 63100 1040725 140599 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 7,327 7,327 Building Safety Division BU 023 E Pacifies Mamt and OpenFund Salary Overhead 63100 1110102 145100 702010 Salaries Regular 7203, 7,203 Oakland County, Michigan OCEU (Animal Control Business Unit 011, Shefff Business 018, FaciliLes BU 020,023,024, Parks and Rc BU 050 Schedule "A" SCHEDULE A R/E Fund Name Division Name Fund# ( Division# Fund Affiliate (Program# Accounts I Account Title FV2021 Amendment I MOM-2024 Amendment E Families Maml and Older Fund Safety Overhead 63100 1110102 145100 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 2,572 2,572 Total Expenditures - Parks and Recreation (50800) BU 050 E Parks and Recreation Planned Use of Balance 50800 5060666 160666 796500 Budgeted Equity Adjustments (43.897) (43,897) E Parks and Rec Fund Mdiaon Oaks Park 50800 5060715 160070 702010 Salaries Regular 1,626 1.626 E Parks and Rec Fund Addison Oaks Park 50800 5060715 160070 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 580 580 E Parks and Rec Fund Glen Oaks Golf 50800 5060327 160010 702010 Salaries Regular 1,526 1,626 E Parks and Rec Fund Glen Oaks Golf 50800 5060327 160010 M900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 580 580 E Parks and Rec Fund Groveland Oaks Park 50800 5060720 160070 702010 Salaries Regular 594 594 E Parks and Rec Fund G,m,a.nd Oaks Park 50800 5050720 160070 122900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 212 212 E Parks and Rec Fund Independence Oaks Park 50800 5060725 160070 702010 Salaries Regular 2,739 2,739 E Parks and Rec Fund Independence Oaks Park 50800 5060725 160070 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustrndind 978 978 E Parks and Rec Fund Lyon Oaks Golf 50800 5060356 160010 702010 Salaries Regular 4,237 4,237 E Parks and Rec Fund Lyon Oaks Gott 50800 5060356 160010 722900 Fringe Benefit Adlustmerds 1,513 1,513 E Parks and Rec Fund OffRoadVehicle Park 50800 5060722 160070 702010 Salaries Regular 853 853 E Parks and Rec Fund OR -Road Vehicle Park 50800 5060722 160070 722900 Fringe Benefit Adiustinents 305 305 E Parks and Rec Fund Faalmes and Mamtenance 50800 5060910 160430 702010 Salaries Regular 8,861 8,861 E Parks and Rec Fund Faalihes and Maintenance 50800 5060910 160430 722900 Fringe Benefit Adiustinents 3,163 3,163 E Parks and Rec Fund Rod Oaks Waterpark 50800 5060531 160210 70201C Balance Regular 2,323 2,323 E Parks and Rec Fund Red Oaks Wateryark 50800 5060831 160210 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjusfnems 829 829 E Park. and Rec Fund Springfield Oaks Golf 50800 5060330 160010 702010 Salanes Regular 538 538 E Parks and Rec Fund Springfield Oaks Golf 50800 5060330 160010 7222900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 192 192 E Parks and Rec Fund Faalilies and Mamtenance 50800 5060910 160431 702010 Salaries Regular 1,087 1,087 E Parks and Rec Fund Faolmes and Maintenance 50800 5060910 160431 722900 Fringe Benefit AdiusMerRs 388 388 E Parks and Rec Fund White Lake Corks Golf 50800 5060326 160010 702010 Salaries Regular 2,812 2,812 E Parks and Rec Fund Write Lake Oaks Golf 50800 5060326 160010 722900 Fringe Bereft Adjustments 1.004 1,004 E Parks and Rec Fund Waterford Oaks Activity Or 50800 5060735 160070 202010 Salaries Regular 2,323 2,323 E Parks and Rec Fund Waterford Oaks Activity On 50800 5060735 160070 722900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 829 829 E Parks and Rec Fund Red Oaks Golf Course 50800 5060328 160010 702010 Salanes Regular 2,730 2,730 E Parks and Rec Fund Red Oaks Gott Course 50800 5060328 160010 122900 Fringe Benefit Adjustments 975 975 Total Expenditures - - Schedule B ANIMAL CONTRL-BU 11 lob Code SalaryPlan %Inc 1 12 24 36 48 60 Animal Control Shelter Leader J001357 011/1 6.0% 43,340 45,940 48,697 51,618 54,715 56,432 1,666.91 1,766.92 1,872.95 1,985.32 2,104.44 2,170.48 20.84 22.09 23.41 24.82 26.31 27.13 Animal Control Officer J000729 011/A 6.0% 42,295 44,832 47,522 50,374 53,396 55,065 1,626.72 1,724.32 1,827.78 1,937.45 2,053.70 2,117.88 20.33 21.55 22.85 24.22 25.67 26.47 Animal Shelter Attendant J000730 011/K 6.0% 33,431 35,772 38,276 40,955 43,822 45,120 1,285.82 1,375.83 1,472.14 1,575.18 1,685.45 1,735.38 16.07 17.20 18.40 19.69 21.07 21.69 General Helper J000731 011/D 0.0% 31,223 1,200.90 15.01 Financial Services Technician 11 J001517 011/G 1.0% 39,859 42,250 44,785 47,472 50,321 53,402 1,533.03 1,625.131 1,722.50 1,825.86 1,935.41 2,053.92 19.1fi 20.31 21.53 22.82 24.19 25.67 Financial Services Technician I J001516 011/F 1.0% 34,431 36,497 38,686 41,008 43,468 46,131 1,324.26 1,403.72 1,487,94 1,577.23 1,671.85 1,774.26 16.55 17.55 18.60 19.72 20.90 22.18 Office Leader J001205 1311/1 1.0% 36,876 39,089 41,434 43,920 46,555 49,406 1,418.31 1,503.41 1,593.61 1,689.23 1,790.58 1,900.23 17.73 18.79 19.92 21.12 22.38 23.75 Office Support Clerk Senior J001519 011/1 2.0% 35,467 37,595 39,851 42,242 44,777 47,519 1,364.13 1,445.95 1,532.74 1,624.71 1,722.19 1,827.65 17.05 18.07 19.16 20.31 21.53 22.85 Office Support Clerk J001518 011/H 1.0% 31,854 34,084 36,470 39,023 41,755 42,680 1,22517 1,310.93 1,402.70 1,500.88 1,605.95 1,641.52 15.31 16.39 17.53 18.76 20.07 20.52 General Clerical J001115 011/1) 0.0% 31,223 1,200.90 15.01 Veterinarian Technician J001140 011/M 5.0% 37,074 39,670 42,447 45,418 48,597 50,400 1,425.94 1,525.76 1,632.56 1,746.84 1,869.12 1,938.46 17.82 19.07 20.41 21.84 23.36 24.23 1 of 6 Schedule B SHERIFF'S OFFICE - BU 1S Job Code SalaryPlan % Inc 1 12 24 36 48 - 60 Clerk II/Delivery Person J000612 018/L 0.0% 31,223 33,114 35,007 36,895 38,786 40,680 1,200.90 1,273.62 1,346.42 1,419.02 1,491.77 1,564.60 15.01 15.92 16.83 17.74 18.65 19.56 Employee Records Specialist J001211 018/M 0.0% 40,253 42,669 45,229 47,942 50,819 53,930 1,548.20 1,641.10 1,739.56 1,843.93 1,954.57 2,074.23 19.35 20.51 21.74 23.05 24.43 25.93 Financial Services Technician l J001520 018/H 1.0% 34,431 36,497 38,686 41,008 43,468 46,131 1,324.26 1,403.72 1,487.94 1,577.23 1,671.85 1,774.26 16.55 17.55 18.60 19.72 20.90 22.18 Financial Services Technician II J001521 018/1 1.0% 39,859 42,250 44,785 47,472 50,321 53,402 1,533.03 1,625.01 1,722.50 1,825.86 1,935.41 2,053.92 19.16 20.31 21.53 22.82 24.19 25.67 General Clerical J000615 018/C 0.0% 31,223 1,200.90 15.01 General Helper 1000616 018/0 0.0% 31,223 1,200.90 15.01 General Maintenance Mechanic J000617 018/A 0.0% 38,396 40,700 43,142 45,731 48,474 49,999 1,476.78 1,565.39 1,659.31 1,758.87 1,864.40 1,923.04 1846 19.57 20.74 21.99 23.31 24.04 Materials Mgmt. Clerk J000619 018/N 0.0% 32,885 34,858 36,949 39,166 41,516 42,834 1,264.80 1,340.69 1,421.13 1,506.40 1,596.78 1,647.46 15.81 16.76 17.76 18.83 19.96 20.59 Office Leader J000620 018/0 0.0% 36,511 38,702 41,024 43,485 46,094 48,917 1,404.27 1,488.52 1,577.83 1,672.50 1,772.85 1,881.42 17.55 18.61 19.72 20.91 22.16 23.52 Office Support Clerk J001522 018/1 2.0% 32,170 34,422 36,831 39,409 42,168 43,102 1,237.30 1,323.91 1,416.59 1,515.74 1,621.85 1,657.78 15.47 16.55 17.71 18.95 20.27 20.72 Office Support Clerk Senior J001523 018/K 2.0% 35,467 37,595 39,851 42,242 44,777 47,519 1,364.13 1,445.95 1,532.74 1,624.71 1,722.19 1,827.65 17.05 18.07 19.16 20.31 21.53 22.85 2 of Schedule B Storekeeper I J000623 018/1 0.0% 31,223 33,114 35,007 36,895 38,786 40,680 1,200.90 1,273.62 1,346.42 1,419.02 1,491.77 1,564.60 15.01 15.92 16.83 17.74 18.65 19.56 Storekeeper II J000624 018/Q 0.0% 32,472 34,420 36,486 38,674 40,995 42,307 1,248.92 1,323.86 1,403.29 1,487.48 1,57673 1,627.19 15.61 16.55 17.54 18.59 19.71 20.34 Warrants Clerk J000942 018/P 8.0% 37,554 39,807 42,196 44,727 47,411 50,314 1,444.37 1,531.04 1,622.91 1,720.28 1,823.49 1,935.15 18.05 19.14 20.29 21.50 22.79 24.19 Works Project Coordinator J000529 018/R 0.0% 40,502 42,932 45,508 48,239 51,133 52,735 1,557.77 1,651.24 1,750.31 1,855.33 1,966.65 2,028.27 19.47 20.64 21,88 23.19 24.58 25.35 EMERGENCY MGMT&HOMELAND SECURITY -81 Job Code SalaryPlan %Inc 1 12 24 36 48 60 Safety Dispatcher J000736 023/N 2.0% 39,013 41,838 44,869 48,118 51,604 55,341 1,500.50 1,609.17 1,725.72 1,850.71 1,984.75 2,128.49 18.76 20.11 21.57 23.13 24.81 26.61 FM&O-BU 20,23,24 Job Code SalaryPlan %Inc 1 12 24 - 36 48 - 60 Automobile Mechanic I J001539 024/G 1.0% 42,689 45,250 47,965 50,842 53,893 57,193 1,641.87 1,740.39 1,844.80 1,955.48 2,072.91 2,199.74 20.52 21.75 23.06 24.44 25.91 27.50 Automobile Mechanic 11 J001348 024/H 1.0% 49,417 52,382 55,524 58,856 62,388 66,208 1,900.64 2,014.68 2,135.55 2,263.69 2,399.52 2,546,48 23.76 25.18 26.69 28.30 29.99 31.83 Central Stock Attendant J000672 023/K 1.0% 40,501 42,931 45,507 48,238 51,132 52,736 1,557.74 1,651.21 1,750.28 1,855.30 1,966.61 2,028.31 19.47 20.64 21.88 23.19 24.58 25.35 Custodial Worker J001524 020/E 2.0% 31,848 33,776 35,707 37,632 39,562 41,493 1,224.92 1,299.09 1,373.35 1,447.40 1,521.61 1,595.89 15.31 16.24 17.17 18.09 19.02 19.95 Custodial Worker Senior J001525 020/F 1.0% 32,463 34,411 36,475 38,664 40,984 42,295 1,248.57 1,323.49 1,402.90 1,487.07 1,576.30 1,626.73 15.61 16.54 17.54 18.59 19.70 20.33 3 of Schedule B General Helper J000630 020/D 0.0% 31,223 J000673 023/1) 1,200.90 1000680 024/1) 15.01 General Maintenance Mechanic J000674 023/A 3.0% 39,548 41,921 44,436 47,103 49,929 51,499 1,521.08 1,612.35 1,709.09 1,811.64 1,920.33 1,980.73 19.01 20.15 21.36 22.65 24.00 24.76 Grounds Equipment Mechanic J000681 024/A 0.0% 39,887 42,281 44,818 47,507 50,357 51,930 1,534.13 1,626.18 1,723.75 1,827.18 1,936.81 1,997.31 19.18 20.33 21.55 22.84 24.21 24.97 Groundskeeper Crew Chief J000682 024/E 2.0% 47,011 49,832 52,822 55,992 59,351 61,212 1,808,13 1,916.62 2,031.62 2,153.52 2,282.73 2,354.31 22.60 23.96 25.40 26.92 28.53 29.43 Groundskeeper I 1000683 024/1 3.0% 34,204 36,255 38,431 40,737 43,181 44,560 1,315.52 1,394.44 1,478.11 1,566.81 1,660.81 1,713.86 16.44 17.43 18.48 19.59 20.76 21.42 Groundskeeper ll J000684 024/J 6.0% 37,068 39,292 41,649 44,148 46,797 48,285 1,425.70 1,511.22 1,601.89 1,698.00 1,799.89 1,857.12 17.82 18.89 20.02 21.23 22.50 23.21 Groundskeeper Specialist J000685 024/K 2.0% 42,586 45,141 47,850 50,721 53,764 55,444 1,637.94 1,736.21 1,840,39 1,950.81 2,067.86 2,132.46 20.47 21.70 23.00 24.39 25.85 26.66 Groundskeeper Specialist Irrigation J001011 024/1' 1.0% 43,719 46,342 49,123 52,070 55,194 56,920 1,681.50 1,782.39 1,889.33 2,002.69 2,122.85 2,189.22 21.02 22.28 23.62 25.03 26.54 27.37 Maintenance Laborer J000675 023/1- 0.0% 32,472 34,420 36,486 38,675 40,995 42,307 1,248.92 1,323.86 1,403.29 1,487.49 1,576.74 1,627.19 15.61 16.55 17.54 18.59 19.71 20.34 Mobile Unit Custodial Worker J000631 020/G 2.0% 32,784 34,752 36,837 39,047 41,389 42,714 1,260.93 1,336.60 1,416.79 1,501.80 1,591.90 1,642.83 15.76 16.71 17.71 18.77 19.90 20,54 Painter J001526 023/1' 5.0% 45,959 48,716 51,640 54,738 58,022 59,809 1,767.65 1,873.71 1,986.14 2,105.31 2,231.63 2,300,35 22.10 23.42 24,83 26.32 27.90 28.75 4 of Schedule B Skilled Maintenance Mechanic - Carpenter J001527 023/G 2.0% 56,671 60,071 63,676 67,496 71,546 74,575 2,179.66 2,310.44 2,449.06 2,596.01 2,751.77 2,868.28 27.25 28.88 30.61 32.45 34.40 35.85 Skilled Maintenance Mechanic - Electrician J001528 023/H 2.0% 63,483 67,292 71,329 75,609 80,145 83,539 2,441.64 2,588.14 2,743.42 2,908.03 3,082.51 3,213.04 30.52 32.35 34.29 36.35 38.53 40.16 Skilled Maintenance Mechanic- HVAC J001529 023/1 6.0% 56,628 60,026 63,628 67,445 71,492 74,519 2,178.01 2,308.69 2,447.22 2,594.05 2,749.69 2,866.11 27.23 28.86 30.59 32.43 34.37 35.83 Skilled Maintenance Mechanic- Plumber 1001530 023/J 2.0% 63,918 67,754 71,819 76,128 80,696 84,112 2,458.40 2,605.91 2,762.26 2,928.00 3,103.68 3,235.08 30.73 32.57 34.53 36.60 38.80 40.44 Skilled Maintenance Mechanic 1 1000676 023/M 3.0% 43,782 46,409 49,194 52,146 55,274 57,006 1,683.94 1,78497 1,892.07 2,005.60 2,125.93 2,192.55 21.05 22.31 23.65 25.07 26.57 27.41 Skilled Maintenance Mechanic 11 J000678 023/C 3.0°% 45,985 48,745 51,669 54,769 58,056 59,844 1,768.67 1,874.80 1,987.28 2,106.51 2,232.91 2,301.69 22.11 23.44 24.84 26.33 27.91 28.77 PARKS & RECREATION - BU 50 Job Code SalaryPlan _ % Inc 1 12 24 36 48 60 General Helper J000775 050/D 0.0% 31,223 1200.9 15.01 General Maintenance Mechanic J000776 050/B 3.0% 39,548 41,921 44,436 47,103 49,929 51,499 1,521.08 1,612.35 1,709.09 1,811.64 1,920.33 1,980.73 19.01 20.15 21.36 22.65 24.00 24.76 Grounds Equipment Mechanic J000777 050/A 2.0% 40,685 43,126 45,714 48,457 51,364 52,969 1,564.81 1,658.70 1,758.23 1,863.72 1,975.55 2,037.26 19.56 20.73 21.98 23.30 24.69 25.47 Groundskeeper 1 J000779 050/1 3.0% 34,204 36,255 38,431 40,737 43,181 44,560 1,315.52 1,394.44 1,478.11 1,566.81 1,660.81 1,713.86 16.44 17.43 1&48 19.59 20.76 21.42 Groundskeeper ll J000780 050/K 6.0% 37,068 39,292 41,649 44,148 46,797 48,285 1,425.70 1,511.22 1,601.89 1,698.00 1,799.89 1,857.12 17.82 18.89 20.02 21.23 22.50 23.21 5 of Schedule B Groundskeeper Specialist Maintenance Laborer Parks Crew Chief Parks Maintenance Aide Skilled Maintenance Mechanic -Carpenter Skilled Maintenance Mechanic - Electrician Skilled Maintenance Mechanic - HVAC Skilled Maintenance Mechanic - Plumber Skilled Maintenance Mechanic I Skilled Maintenance Mechanic II J000781 050/L 0.0% 41,751 44,256 46,912 49,727 52,710 54,357 1,605.82 1,702.17 1,804.30 1,912.56 2,027.31 2,090.65 20.07 21.28 22.55 23.91 25.34 26.13 J000782 050/M 0.0% 32,472 34,420 36,486 38,675 40,995 42,307 1,248.92 1,323.86 1,403.29 1,487.49 1,576.74 1, 627.19 15.61 16.55 17.54 18.59 19.71 20.34 J000778 050/N 1.0% 46,551 49,344 52,304 55,442 58,769 60,612 1,790.41 1,897.83 2,011.70 2,132.40 2,260.35 2,331.23 22.38 23.72 25.15 26.66 28-25 29.14 J000783 050/0 5.0% 36,256 38,431 40,737 43,181 45,772 47,225 1,394.45 1,478.12 1,566.80 1,660.82 1,760.46 1,816.34 17.43 18.48 19.59 20.76 22.01 22.70 J001531 050/F 2.0% 56,671 60,071 63,676 67,496 71,546 74,574 2,17966 2,310.44 2,449.06 2,596.01 2,751.77 2,868.23 27.25 28.88 30.61 32.45 34.40 35.85 J001532 050/G 2.0% 63,483 67,292 71,329 75,609 80,145 83,539 2,441.64 2,588.14 2,743.42 2,908.03 3,082.51 3,213.04 30.52 32.35 34.29 36.35 38.53 40.16 J001533 050/1-1 6.0% 56,628 60,026 63,628 67,445 71,492 74,519 2,178.01 2,308.69 2,447.22 2,594.05 2,749.69 2,866.11 27.23 28.86 30.59 32.43 34.37 35.83 1001534 050/1 2.0% 63,918 67,754 71,819 76,128 80,696 84,112 2,458.40 2,605.91 2,762.26 2,928.00 3,103.68 3,235.08 30.73 32.57 34.53 36.60 38.80 40.44 1000784 050/P 0.0% 42,507 45,057 47,761 50,627 53,664 55,346 1,634.89 1,732.98 1,836.96 1,947.18 2,064.01 2,128.69 20.44 21.66 22.96 24.34 25.80 26.61 J000785 050/C 4.0% 46,432 49,218 52,171 55,301 58,619 60,425 1,785.85 1,893.00 2,006.58 2,126.97 2,254.58 2,324.04 22.32 23.66 25.08 26.59 28.18 29.05 6 of Resolution #21277 June 17, 2021 Moved by Gingell seconded by Hoffman the resolutions on the amended Consent Agenda be adopted. AYES: Charles, Gershenson, Gingell, Hoffman, Jackson, Joliat, Kochenderfer, Kowall, Kuhn, Long, Luebs, Markham, McGillivray, Miller, Moss, Nelson, Spisz, Weipert, Woodward, Cavell. (20) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions on the amended Consent Agenda were adopted. IHERE-BY APPROVE THM RESOLUTION CHIEF DEPUTY COUNTY EXECUTIVE ACTING PURSUANT TO MCL 45.559A (7) STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lisa Brown, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on June 17, 2021, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Circuit Court at Pontiac, Michigan this 17th day of June, 2021. Lisa Brown, Oakland County