HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1992.06.08 - 3505ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SCHOOLS OAKLAND AND MACOMB COUNTIES, MICHIGAN CANVASS OF VOTES CAST XX ANNUAL Li AT THE GENERAL SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON JUNE 8, 1992 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY IABLEOLY 0E11 t: ta? ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road a KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN STATEMENT OF VOTES, ROCHESTER COMMUWTY SCHOOLS ANNUAL ELECTION - JUNE 8. 1992 1 1 MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION , I Four Year Term-Vote for Two Te I z v) o .cc _1 ,r) _, 0 .z __J 0 tr, u..1 .=c PRECINCT cal 2 .7, , v) 0---1 1 0 ‹ NUMBER m = = • ; 1- mi Z col cc lc 0 o m 0 I- L) Lul till ti 1.73 I I, -.3 on 14J L Lai CF U- I-- _1 = I T LU C3 o _ r-- 71 0? 1 ? LI7 10-) i 1.'l ..----" --1, B 1 1/ 1 ' 7b i15 ."-- C 11--:Pc.0 ,P, IA Ibt',> ii5 gig ') ,g) P7c7 §D 02,5 1L-ti ST! E /03„+/Og i7,_,-.t) V/0 I 5-O -1 3ov F 133 :12`7- 33 'V //b 1(43.1 ,I 7o a U./ ,J_),,(,, pi71.,23 }to , _ 1322— 2u cp_. 9-1 - L.,/ ,c- r, 7 J 2i_47-1 /FY /2 Y.2-1 7,(1,2 /3 //y),' 2-40 K . /Y--6 PLC, glYILNII3F1 '66, et7Y L _0)- go :2-,3C( I -I- I( ,-;(..),b CI,q0 AVCB 7 )37 0-Z 3 ' I q75 2_cm —1---- , , TOTAL lig/ /717 Qm,-. (0 12.lbq 7 -9‘6- ipm 1 1 i I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 , , 1 1.P, G -0. 2 )2 c C C, gPI) 1- CU '7c C., - c"") "17 -n cv c-, co >. fca rs Z m 0 . *4 -___ ___ - -,-_,-_____ . - 1 c.- Le....5 (....Na `„s---. r ,,, ),..3t,"-- "----N, ---.1 ,,. -----.),..) --" ,,x,, KAREN K . MOLL ON I • k...1•-•• 1 9... -.- ....rQ - - Vy . --..c. 1,.. Cs' PAUL BA I LEY .4 i '.." • 0 rsi SI a kft-q.,..c, ,---0.--.. --,,,... :JEAN C. BENZ c NC sn 'ri = — - 0 0 iN". • 1,--,ct \ 1 coJ 5'-i (AI 3,J PZ ..-..4'..' • *". -..c.-----3 D s ARCY A. GONZALES 0 - . . . . . . _ : k . ) - -- a - • -- .7---7---- - -, , .„*" . • . . .13 . . . . . , ,...3 10 , ....... vo. co rr) 0 LAURENCE R. I MER MAN rn > = „0 ,N3 %--.- G.; 141/1b, '"--: RiCHARD T. UNDGREN 4.1 0 - -ri . ......... __ ._ _. _... _ -i ., ----J --Q- ----",ff:2, c:'-c, ''",--- ANNE V , SCOTT ..,, -......5.,"' C':::,,,,,,...i\ ':'''') rliii,..L. (,), (n.,---'.: ---.4 c.-._•„, "" 111. C --- ---- -_______ . -former i y Aline V. Scutt S k II, '-'.- '-- ,-. -5- ,.. 1 •-....._Ap--. .4 in , ..)..,,:.,- ....„... '----, r•-_'-', tS-- ' ,,N-P', '11-:1 JAN ICE SIMMONS el th 0. '''..1 kl- ..\"...1 ob\:. •=4-. GARY J. WELSH ... - (..."3 ••..., n•••...1 -..... v Z),ii„ JUD 1 'I H '..,I I SER '"--- 1., ,...,: - ---- - -- - ---- • _._. _. _ — --1- c.,...L..., .9.,...:". ‘,...t.„ • ..N.,-:: , -a rl...). ... 1 --'-',-.,--- \ ..„...ri-_-„. ..--•:. ---c. 1,2‘.• V- , . SAM M. YON() ___ _ ....... __ .. _ ___ OTHERS ___ ___ ____ _•_ ___ _ ___ _ _ __________. ______-. 1 • -45-'-- ----"C rA)... ..,- .-- - ---6-- -*- - t- %---r 1). ) ,7,..4 TOTALS __ ..._ . ___ _ _ . TOTAL ; : — - • - - - -- ---- -4 > • m r x M 0 2 O -1 0 3t -rt = < z 0 -3 -4 trt • Pu r7 ri rn • tra 4.0 PO CD 3 r-- • cD r • -- STATEMENT OF VOTES ROCHESTEVCOMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL ELECTION-JUNE 8, 1992 II Pet figures The whole number of votes given for the office of -- in this column was and they were given for the following named persons: I received votes 1 , , received votes received votes ' TOTAL votes 1 , Vote for Two. The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION - Four Year Term was ..1- • — _ • and they were given for the following named persons. ' I RENE CONNORS received4 ,61 jf:iL Lirmizito...s._ votes / (T'Y / Al Litjz,, THERES.A__KUMIDL receive, jai p_ti :224,,,,t„,,,e aa.L..1./zze,,,,votes -",-.00411 l PeT"./ / 7.1 7 KURT M. SHANKS i v ‘ ck.JX....,_0447.L.06.7.11,..k.„74,401t jcl. votes x_ / _AllLiw votes I JEFFREY R. SOKOLOWSKI receivet.1.- j Ql.a..„,,....i.t.,Z 1 , , . ' R. KEITH W I TTENSTROM receive . ail..254rotes 1 received votes I .--:---I received votes I received votes received votes • received votes : , . . ' 1 1 TOTAL votes iv, 1g , i 4 The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: I Ireceived votes 1 received votes 1-- received votes I received votes , received votes • l , , received vows ' I received votes received votes I received votes - received votes • received votes TOTAL votes 3.G STATEMENT OF VOTES, ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SCHOOL D I STR I ANNUAL ELECTION - JUNE 8, 1992 SCHOOLS OF CHOICE • 11 EXEMPT I ON PROPOS.i T I ON I I 1 1 PRECINCT NUN liE R 1 Vas No Total Yes No Total Yes ' Nu Total Yes No Total Yes No Total .27-3 LC ....-4,.._i 'f1 3 2 I I O Lf0,3__ ) 6 0 Y-,. 9/3-1 bgr ff73 E .22 F p2 33 3Y y ,1 R., . ,3Dri H / 76 .3.._ .,70.- , J Al A K r SEI _ t AVCB rid 1 I c ,..F; 1 TOTAL 7.fr 7 3s, Ilan , I I I I I I 2•P STATEMENT OF VOTES ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT . ANNUAL ELECTION-JUNE 8, 1992 Put figure3 The whole numoer of votes given for and againsI Ye SCHOOLS OF CHOICE EXEMPTICN PROPOSITION inthiscolumn Shall Rochester Community School Cistrict, Oakland and Macomb Counties, Michigan, be exempt from having schools of choice within the school district? .--<---7,1 ,----:, wa rifi 0-12--t....-A2,-,--' ',I WM% 1 ' lirdzallif . ' j i of which num r 2 $‘? s „...,........_,_ 't1:IpLAl-e-e7( votes were marked YES I a 1 ! and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, &1/ 91, The whole number of votes given for and against the , 1 ! , was , of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, 6.P of COUNTY OAKLAND That - votes is elected having received a sufficient number of CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY CF OAKLAN) The Board of Canvassers of the (COUNTY. CPTY, TOWN5NiP VIL.LAOE) (couOTY.. CITY, TosTNI.HIP VILLA-0o' having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said ROCHESTER COMMUN I TY SCHOOL D I SIR LT (COUNTY. OITY. TOYINSHrP FltemLAr,E ) ANNUAL 8 t h h June at the Erection, hP.Id on the day of one thousand nine lyJndred and _ n i ne ty-two Do Hereby Certify an D terming That Z-L-4.. -., >27 di-i--e-r--,----4-_-/ having received a sufficient number of MEM , RI OF BOARD OF EDUCATION - FOUR YEAR TERM EXPIRING JUNE 30, 1996 2 votes is elected That votes is elected having received a sufficient number of MEMBER OF BOARD-`0F EDUCATION- FOUR YEAR TERM EXPIRING JUNE 30, 1996 That Uving received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having rece:ved a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having rece ved a sufficient number of votes is e ected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received,a sufficient number of votes is elected .-d ,,!--, That .,. hiavng received`a;sufficient-number of _ . votes is elected _ - . _.. That hav-ng riceived a suff:cient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of I votes is elected That having received a tulfici3nt number of votes is elected II-- - 4•G That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That votes is elected That _having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of votes is elected BOARD OF CANVASSERS ATTEST: In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of tie COUNTY of GAKLW1------=== (COUNTY, CITY, T.IP+,45I-III• (COUNTY, crTY, TOWA111-11P OP VILLAGE) CleAIRMAN, LERK OF BOARD OF CAN 5-G • *-7, • - a • 4F C CHAIRMAN OF BOARD A NVASSERS. /5---;;eL day of JUNE tei is in the year one thousand fetkne eundreo and ninety-two. ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SCHOOLS JUNE 8, 1992 ANNUAL ELECTION That having received a sufficient number of ! votes Is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having receeied a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected Do Further Heresy Determine; Thal: tie following Propositions or questions were paiseo or de -feated as indicated be:ow: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Having Having Having Having Havinei Having NAME OF PROPOSITION SCHOOLS OF CHOICE EXEMPTION PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSMON II NONE 1( NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION! NONE Received Passed Sufficient votes was idemeellossiverd Received Passed Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Received Passed uS f'cient votes was -0efeatea Nol: Received Received Passed Sufficient votes was NJ: Received Defeated Received Passed Sufficient votes was Net Received Defeated Received Passea Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated ii