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Resolutions - 2021.12.09 - 35094
IFOAKLANDFF 4GU N i r iviiC ii6Aim BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS December 9, 2021 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #21-482 Sponsored By: Kristen Nelson IN RE: Parks & Recreation - Grant Acceptance Grant Award with United States Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Fish Passage Program for 1,1111 Pond Dam Removal and Restoration Chairperson and Members of the Board: NAHEREAS the Oakland County Parks and Recreation C'onuuission (OCPRC) received notification of a grant award of $197.363 from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Fish Passage Program; and WHEREAS the grant will fund. in part. the removal of the Mill Pond Dam in Springfield Township and the restoration of the natural river channel; and WHEREAS the term of the grant is June 24, 2021 through December 31, 2023 and WHEREAS removal of the dam and restoration of the river channel and adjacent wetlands will improve natural habitat in Oakland County and benefit many native species including sunfishes. rainbow darter, rainbow mussel (species of state special concern), Blanding's turtle (state special concern), niudpuppy (state special concern) and eastern Massasauga rattlesnake (federally threatened species): and WHEREAS the grant award requires a grant match of $197,363. which will be shared between the OCPRC (55% or $108,550) and Springfield Township (45% or S88.813) per the interlocal agreement between the OCPRC and Springfield Township for management of the Mill Pond Dam (MR#15162 ), NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the grant award from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service in the amount of S197,363 for the Mill Pond Dam Removal and Restoration project for the period of June 24. 2021 through December 31, 2023. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the Chairperson or his designee to execute any documentation required for the grant award. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the required matching funds are currently Budgeted in the Parks and Recreation Capital Improvement Project SAC#3128, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Parks and Recreation FY 2022 budget is amended as follows: PARKS AND RECREATION FUND #50800 Revenues: FY 2022 5060101-160000-690191 Capital Contr — Federal Grants S197.363 $197,363 Expenses: 5060666-160666-796500 Budgeted Equity Adjustments $197,363 197.363 Chairperson, the following Commissioners are sponsoring the foregoing Resolution. Kristen Nelson. 64 d Date: December 09, 2021 David Woodward. Commissioner Date: December 15, 2021 Hilarie Chambers, Deputy County Executive II Date: December 15, 2021 Lisa Brown, County Clerk/ Register of Deeds COMMITTEE TRACKING 2021-11-30 Legislative Affairs & Government Operations - recommend to Board M21-12-09 Full Board VOTE TRACKING Motioned by Commissioner William Miller III seconded by Commissioner Robert Hoffrnan to adopt the attached Grant Acceptance. Grant Award with United States Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Fish Passage Program for Mill Pond Dam Removal and Restoration. Yes: David Woodward, Michael Gingell, Michael Spisz. Karen Joliat, Kristen Nelson. Eileen Kowall, Christine Long, Philip Weipert, Gwen Markham. Angela Powell, Thomas Kuhn. Chuck Moss, Marcia Gershenson. William Miller III, Yolanda Smith Charles. Charles Cavell. Penny Luebs. Janet Jackson. Gary McGillivray, Robert Hoffman, Adanr Kochenderfer (21) No: None (0) Abstain: None (0) Absent: (0) The Motion Passed. ATTACHMENTS 1. Grant Review Sign -Off NFPP Award 1 page 2. NFPP Award 2021 3. Mill Pond Dam Project Maps STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lisa Brown, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on December 9, 2021, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Circuit Court at Pontiac. Michigan on Thursday, December 9. 2021. Lisa Brown, Oakland Connt33 Clerk l Register of Deeds GRANT REVIEW SIGN -OFF - Parks & Recreation GRANT NAMFo G21 Fdat:.tu; ::s:: Puasage-Pregrxn (N PP) FUNDING AGENCY: US Fish and Wildlife Service DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Melissa Prowse/(248) 249-2801 STATUS: Grant Acceptance (Greater than $10,000) DATE: 11/08/21 Please be advised the captioned grant materials have completed internal grant review. Below are the returned comments. The Board of Commissioners' liaison committee resolution and grant acceptance package (which should include this sign -off and the grant agreement/contract with related documentation) may be requested to be placed on the agenda(s) of the appropriate Board of Commissioners' committee(s) for grant acceptance by Board resolution. DEPARTMENT REVIEW Management and Budget: Approved by M & B - Lynn Sonkiss 11/8/2021, Draft resolution needs to be updated to reflect the correct revenue account for this federal grant funding (should be 690191 Capital Contr - Federal Grants) as this will need to be recognized on the Single Audit. Also, agree with Jody Hall, Corporation Counsel, comment to reference the interlocal agreement with Springfield Twp. Human Resources: Approved by Human Resources. No position implications, so HR action not needed. - Heather Mason 11/3/21 Risk Management: Approved by Risk Management. R.E. 11/08/2021. Corporation Counsel: I have reviewed the above -referenced grant award and have found no legal issues that must be resolved. One item of note —the resolution accepting the award referenced the interlocal agreement between Springfield Township and the County. I would suggest inserting the resolution number that approved the Interlocal Agreement. That resolution number is MR#15162. - Jody Hall 11/8/21 [revised MR to include recommendations] 1. DATE ISSUED MMIL)i 1 a. SUPERSEDES AWARD NOTICE dated except that any additions or restrictions previously Imposed 07/26I2021 remain in effect unless specifically rescinded 2. CFDA NO. 15.608 - Fish and Wlldllfe Management Assistance 3. ASSISTANCE TYPE Cooperative Agreement 4. GRANT NO. F21ACO2679-00 5. TYPE OF AWARD Originating MCA al Other 4a. FAIN F21ACO2679 Sal ACTION TYPE New 6. PROJECT PERIOD MM/DDM'YY MMIDD/YYYY From 06124/2D21 Through 12/31/2023 7. BUDGET PERIOD MM/DOM'YY MM7DDM'YY From 06/24/2021 Through 12131/2023 8. TITLE OF PROJECT (OR PROGRAM) Devil MITI Pond Dam Removal and Restoration ga, GRANTEE NAME AND ADDRESS OAKLAND, COUNTY OF 1200 N Telegraph Rd Dept 470 Pontiac, MI 48341-1036 Idea GRANTEE AUTHORIZING OFFICIAL Melissa Prowse 1200 N Telegraph Rd Bldg 34E Health Pontiac, MI 4834i-1032 11. APPROVED BUDGET (Excludes Direct Assistance) I Financial Assistance from the Federal Awarding Agency Only II Total project costs including grant Hunts and all other financial participation a. Salaries and Wages ...................................$ In Fringe Benefits ..................... I—, ......... $ C. Total Personnel Costs ........ . ..$ it Equipment ...........................$ e. Supplies ................... I..... I .....$ f. Travel .................................$ 9 Construction ...... I ........................$ hOther ........................ ......$ 1. Contractual ..... ............$ L TOTAL DIRECT COSTS —� $ k. INDIRECT COSTS $ I TOTAL APPROVED BUDGET Is Of Federal Share $ n Non -Federal Share $ REMARKS (OtherTermsandCondltionsAttached- There is no program Income GRANTS MANAGEMENT OFFICIAL: Mongrel Nelson, GRANTS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST 5275 LEESBURG PIKE FALLS CHUCH, VA 22041-2204 Phone:7033582567 Ye Y NOTICE OF AWARD ^Aljju. "i�. "rctl 3. T_ AUTHORIZATION (Legislation/Regulations) Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act —Cooperation of agencies (16 U.S.C. §661) eb, GRANTEE PROJECT DIRECTOR Mellssa Prowse 1200 N Telegraph Rd Bldg 34E Health Pontiac, MI 48341-1032 Phone 248-249-2801 It FEDERAL PROJECT OFFICER Matthew Kowalski 480 West Fletcher Street Alpena, MI 49707 Phone 989-356-5102 ALL AMOUNTS ARE 480WN IN USD 12. AWARD COMPUTATION a. Amount of Federal Financial Assistance (from item tiro) $ 197,363 00 II b Less Unobligated Balance From Prior Budget Periods $ 000 C Less Cumulative Prior Awards) This Budget Period $ 0.00 000 d. AMOUNT OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE THIS ACTION R 197,363.001 D.oD 13. Total Federal Funds Awarded to Date for Protect Perot $ 197,363.00 0.00 14. RECOMMENDED FUTURE SUPPORT 0.00 (Subject to the availability of funds and sahs/actory progress of the project). 0.00 YEAR TOTAL DIRECT COSTS YEAR TOTAL DIRECT COSTS a.2 $ it 5 $ D.00 b 3 $ e. 6 $ 1,312,005.00 c. 4 $ f. 7 $ 0,00 15.Pa...MINLOME$HAIL BE Oslo IN ACCORD WITH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING 000 ALTERNATIVES; e ADDITIONAL AL cosTs 1,312i005 00 MATCHING b OTHER gESEARCH Land /Dudish Oylluni e OTHER (See REMARKS) 0 00 i8.THISAWARD Is9ASE0 AN. A$APPROVED aV, TN. FEDERAL AWARDING AGENCY ON TH EABOVETTL EO ECANAPPLICATION TOTHETEOTO, IS 5110JECT i0 THE TERMS AND CONOmON$INLOgpORATEO EITHER DIRECTLY 1,312,005.00 HEFOLTAND OR BY REFERENCE IN THE FOLLOWING The grant pmgram legicmon b The grant progeam reputations. This.si nolise,nell terms and sone,llors Ir any, noted Well under REMARKS e 197,363.00 Federaledmmletme.a regairemema,r.aal yinedlea and lull' all immenls appueeble 1, Nd rant In tM1e event there are con0lciing or otherwise inconsistent pollees eadheads to the grant, the above order of pencedured shall 1,114,64200 prevail, Acceptance of the grant terms and conditions is acknowledged by the grantee when funds are drawn erotderneri churned from the grant payment system, 17. VENDOR CODE 0071420350 18, DUNS 136200362 19. CONG. DIST. 11 LINE# FINANCIALACT AMT OF FI START DATE END DATETAB ACCT PO LINE DESCRIPTION , ZSST 1611 MI -Alpena FWCO- 15.608-Davisburg 20BASE 2 0051011613-00020 $124,97135 06/24/2021 12/31/2023 1611 MI -Alpena FWr 15,608-Davlsburg 21BASE 3 0051011613-00030 $53,891 06/24/2021 12/31/2023 1611 MI -Alpena FWCO. 15,608-Davlsburg 20GLRI Mill Pond Dam Feasibility Study Mill Pond Dam Proiect Highlights: Based on the latest dam safety inspections, the existing Mill Pond Dam is in need of repair or removal. Purpose of tonight's meeting is to present the dam replacement and dam removal options being considered Site Map: In Partnership With: v .t A1N8P[t9 y ronPsNv SPRINGFIELD ea Map of Watershed and Project Area jot ("-:3 Shiawassee River Watershed KIN' 5tn Elliot I i d Green Bay Fond du Lac Shlblyw, Midland +Madison Milwaukee' _ Grand Rapids �r� ', Project Area i Racine 'Lensin> r• �,•, yJaterttzd ! }' r s Waukegan `.Doa'pif,i' Rockford Kalamazoo Ann Arbor` 'Windaor ....,..,J Chicago -Aurora.'South Bend Gary -Fort Wayne ' Peoria t j ,. Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS,: Ihtermap, INCREMENT P, ht - NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China,(Hong Kong), Esri Korea, i Esn (Thailand), Mapmyindia, NGCC, © OpenStreetMap 'tatavette contributors„and the GIS User Community