HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1997.06.09 - 3510.ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OAKLAND AND MACOMB COUNTIES, MICHIGAN CANVASS OF VOTES CAST XX REGULAR AT THE 'SPECIAL GENERAL ELECTION HELD ON CAME 9, 1997 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY MILEM LI3LVSt t, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 lost Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN STATEMENT OF VOTES, ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR ELECTION - JUNE 9, 1997 NE1113ER CF BOARD OF EDUCATION Vote for Two - Four Year Tern 7-- --7-- r I F-- = <, 1,3' Lcr, if.1 PRECINCT 1H w.3._ i- I a' NUMBER 1- 21 = E :',' •.c = L. L. -..1 ,=z 1 _, •ccig eL.S Tc. .(?c 1— C L. .--4 = L. ce CD a. at F- F- -.1 - WAS iffiffet-Mti Pa r ' 1 /_/1 M g 1 PV/P JaC /0 771 I ..Mg 1 , 1 i - 0 'i.21 f 1 1,150 ' od, V67 66 34/3' 33? E IIVYI ,0,3 avo , agV /,/1 j lorct, _. !Ii./j1) p-W.O.,3 0 G' . t 4 ._Y ,...• -'d A ' 4 ' IMPIr /i& / rAM=W1 . # m 1 #L I 'ttig.5- /4.0) _7/0°' 79-/.*` „VI I 122, A V C B 5:69 385 -5-' 9-51 /SY ,_-5 (9 .7300 1 I I 1 TOTA I /04 qq71 477/ L5-411 IVO 11.; i alisz,c I I 1 1 II I I 1 1- I , —f , 1 i 1 -1 , 11 1 1111 ii 1 I i 1 , I 1 .P, STATEMENT OF VOTES, ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR ELECTION - 'JUNE 9, 1997 BONDING I BONDING BONDING PROPOSAL I P OPOSN, II P M:IMA 1 III 1 PRECINCT NUMBER Yes No Total '''- ' ' • Yes No Total :-', - \- Yes No Total , A 76/ 4sea '40,13 , Ji.,?5-1,4qz-: ./1V , 1.?," 45-) B 337 .24941 1,(a t2 , ?et „P.7 .7 _,)79 1 o'7"1..14e .519 C ' 4-4 7741 /n 3 _53--1 k'63 /.:- zp,?' , /4/6 151 'f4.' D /36 ' 131 ,&73 (7S 1 744 / 7..,1 7a/ , vsz /.9..6-" Zki_qej-C. 5 F 3-0 5- 6,64 /ie 7 4.--4( 636, ie 9z) , ,le --..5- G ..57 --'i 5--66 JO / . 14 s-.8' _5:5---1. / c i zr ' 44 V H , 34/ 5-ii() gi/ ?J 5-- 5- q 51 7Z-,9 1.4,2 .s-1.7 79 J 65•c, 6 o.u.- „2,5-01 1 6,/ 6, a /.. v . -57 .5 "" f i _ ,9f 5-gi : 4444 062 7 ' _62.0 .5---2)1 /C)P f) M AVCB '` 4037 17/70 re P7 ‘e20 78f Se i,,e/ i "Ic-- 601 . I 1 TOTAL i l„ _1-• , a 1 #1 • • ,, ...... . , i I ' I . 1 , , . , ' , I , 1 • . I I , 1 I , 1- , , , ' 1 f , I 1 n I n i I I 1 I 1 n ! ! I I , • I ! , k 1 • . I I t A I ; I 4 1 11 , , ! 2 43 STATEMENT OF VOTES ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR ELECTION - JUNE 9 1997 Put figures The whole number of votes given for the office of in this column i was and they were given for the. following named pesoris: received votes received votes received votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given .for the office of MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION - Vote for TWO,- ,- ni. „v, y 9 nr .T9 rm , 7 was and they were given for the following named persons; / / DEBRA HARTMAN received . Lie-e.41/,./.-.6-tiiie-av4g-mien, —Zf--1-d-e--'Y votes r "3 cl'.!-r TIM HUGHES received _ —_,./.2.,e.ii.e.A//7441:1.etv__."1.04-re_..-Fe mycz_votes 41? 9/ :I ... 1 THERESA MU received votes „.../&e.-i. die-1—e j/i : —Z:`V' tes LEAH A. POTERE received ..." , ii [ GRACE M. PRESTON receivec --- 6:_f "14",":-' ...0,-e v0tES ••• ,g di / received votes receive° 1 votes rece.ved votes received votes received votes TOTAL votes ,...2, i. The whole number of votes given for the offize of I vvas and they were give:: for the followirg named persons; received votes I received votes received votes .— received votes received votes received votes , receivec votes i i receivec votes rece.ved votes 1 received votes I , received votes TOTAL votes 3.G STATEMENT OF VOTES ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR ELECTION - JUNE 9, 1997 Putfigures The whole number of votes given for and against tre BONDING PROPCSAL I in this column _ Shall Rochester Ccumunity School District, Oakland and Macoffb Counties, Michigan, borrow the sir of not to exceec One Hundred Million Five Hundred Severty-Five Thousand Dollars ($100,S75000) and issue its 1 general obligation unlimited tax bonds therefor, for the purpose of: . I erecting, furnishing and equipping a new high school facility; erecting, furnishing and equipping , additions to, and partially remdeling, furnishing, refurnishing, equipping and re-equipping i Adams lign School and Rochester High School; partially remodOng and re-equi)ping the Alternative , Center for Education; accuirins, installing, equipping and/or re-equipping educational technology : for :he new high school, existing high schools and the alternative education building; constructing,' , ! equipping and *proving outdoor physical education and athletic facilities and structures; 1- acquiring land and structures; and developing and i 'roving sites? . , (Pursuant to State law, expenditure of bord proceeds rust be audited, and the proceeds cannot be used . for repair or mairterance costs, teacher, administrator Cr employee salaries, or other operating 0 1 expenses.) , I was )2-/ .4--R-1....r...4 ....1. - --yr..7.-•._-)-t-t-i / /9 of which number , --P22.44_22' /6‘.e.--til-i -&- — 4 FRA : votes were marked YES 1 if . ,. g and ie-Z4ift(1--- " •-7,...41w-v Z)1 9 1C1 votes were marked NO . , TOTAL VOTES, li The whole number of votes given for and against the BONDING PROPOSAL II I Shall .Rochesterte'd7Cowuri:ty .School District,-.0akland and Macomb CountiesMichlgan, borrow ,the-suivof,noi.t0„eiceed Two MillionT4V-0Aundrec Eightv .-FiVeJ-housand, Dollars ($2,585,000) and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds therefor, for .the purpose of; - partially remodelingremodeling and equipping structures and erecting, furnishing and equipoing.an addition.or additions to the structures for an operations service center complex? (Pursuant to State law, expenditure of bond proceeds must be audited, and the proceeds. cannot be used for repair or maintenance costs, teacher, administrator or employee salaries, or expenses,.)- - , I . , .,. . ., , -. „ - .—,- / of which number --//..6.6-6-172zei -2-6,— 516? ot li WItes were masked YES (I I and ' votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, 5 75 9 5.P votes is elected CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN. 55. COUNTY OF OAK.-AND The Board of Canvassers of the COUNTY of OAKLAND [COUNTY, CITY, I OWN SHIP DR VII-LAGP lcOIJNTY CIYY. -1-9,uns.41P UN VILI.AGC) ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT ICOUHrT t CITY. TOWNSHIP Ork VILLA4u1 PREGUILAR 9TH at the Electiol, heid on the day of JUNE one thousand nine hundred and NINETY-SEVEN Do Hereby Certify and Determine , • zi , That C7je.--e--ASd--cl --1 I-7-7, , e"--,....--'" having received a sufficient number of votes is elected MEMBER OF BOARD OF AUCATION - Four Year Term Ending JOne 30. 2001 .----:---;/_,- That having received a sufficient number of votesiselacted MEMBER OF ROA 7 D OF MUCATTON - FoAr Ypar Term nding June 30. 20m i That laving received a sufficient number of votes is elected i That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected Triat having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That __ — - having received a sufficient number of , votes is elected That _ having received a sufficient number of votes is eec-tad That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That votes is elected having received a sufficient number of r - - That -having,:receiveg a sufficient num ber.of - _ That _ having received,a sufficient number of having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said votes is elected That _ having received a sufficient number of votes is e ected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected _ 4 .G 1 2 3 4 6 6 Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Suffic'ent votes was Having Having Having Having Having efeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passes::: Defeated Received Not Received Received Not Received Received Having Not Received NAME OF PROPOSITION BONDING PROPOSAL I NAME OF PROPOSITION BONDING PROPOSAL II NAME OF PROPOSITION BONDING PROPOSAL III NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NON: Reueinsi „ i=61 ATTEST: 5•G CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. That having rece ved a sufficient r umber of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That 'having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected •raving received a suff'cient number of votes is electec That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: having received a sufficient number of That In Witness Whereof, We eave hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the COUNT of OAKLAND Cs.+1,V 5.1-114. 9.1% WA-I.-AWL) tIC Verf tirrY , TOWN W.1 'd this - day of CONE - in the W4c, BOARD OF CAN usand nine nyndep and • NIKTY-SEVEN ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT STATEMENT OF VOTES REGULAR ELECTION - JUNE 9, 1997 1 Put figures i The whole number of votes given for and against the BONDING PROPOSAL I I I in this column Shall Rochester Community School District, Oakland and Macomb Counties, Michigan, , borrow the sum of not to exceed Eight Million Four Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($8,410,000) and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds therefor, for the purpose of: , partially remodeling,ffurni'shing,:refurniShtng,,.:equippigg ,,..An&TeeequpOligg existing elementary and middle school facilities; acquiring, installing, equipping arid re-equipping the elementary and middle school facilities for educational technology; and acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping . . a district-wide technology network center to be located in the administration building?• , (Pursant to State law, expenditure of bond proceeds must be audited and the '_proceeds cannot be used for repair or maintenance costs, teacher, administrator or employee salaries, or other operating expenses.) 1 was -z-i- -, , of which number _ ',47.6 ,16 r-,-4,,itz7,z..,--- 2 ..,<.,. . 8 / ; votes were marked YES : . / ---7- and j /) 2 -C-26,---Y : 9011 7 votes were marked NO . .• , 1 ' TOTAL VOTES, i q , f i The whole number of votes given for and against the , , , 1 I i , . , i , 1 i I W5 I I — : 1 of which number ' votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO 1 TOTAL VOTES, 1 I 6-13