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Resolutions - 2021.12.09 - 35107
q01AKLAND?F- CO U N T Y M I C H I GAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS December 4, 2021 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #21-444 Sponsored By: Penny Luebs IN RE: 52-1 District Court (Nov!) - Grant Acceptance 52nd District Court - FY 2022 Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program Chairperson and Members of the Board: WHEREAS the 52ud District Court applied for a grant in the amount of $222,186.33 and was awarded a grant in the amount of S34,618 from the State Court Administrative Office (SCAO), Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program (MDCGP) effective October 1. 2021. through September 30. 2022; and WHEREAS the grant fielding will be used for planning and implementation of services for the 52nd District Court Mental Health Court; and 'Vk'HERE AS the grant fluids will be used for Oakland County Sheriffs to conduct home visits, drug/alcohol testing supplies. participant General Education Development (GED) testing services, participants' Michigan State ID's, participant GPS tethers, participants' Birth Certificates, participant incentives/re-vivards and participant graduation supplies: and WHEREAS this grant is conditioned upon continued interpretation of the contract consistent with the September 30, 2021. letter from the SCAO, providing that assurance #3 of this year's grant application and agreement shall not be construed as a mandate for future funding of the program from the funding unit. said letter attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein: and WHEREAS the grant award has completed the Grant Review Process in accordance with the Board of Collarlissioners' Grant Acceptance Procedures. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the FY 2022 Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program from the State Court Adruiiiistrative Office in the amount of $34.618, for the period of October 1, 2021, through September 30. 2022. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future connrlitIilent. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is authorized to execute the grant agreement and to approve any grant extensions or changes, within fifteen percent (159o) of the original award, which are consistent with the original agreement as approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the FY 2022 budget is amended as detailed in the attached Schedule A. Chairperson, the following Conunissioners are sponsoring the foregoing Resolution: Penny Luebs. d-14 �r['�-✓i Date: December 09, 2021 David Woodward. Commissioner Date: December 14, 2021 Hilarie Chambers, Deputy County Executive II Date: December 15 2021 Lisa Brown, County Clerk / Register of Deeds COMMITTEE TRACKING 2021-11-30 Public Health & Safety - recommend to Board 2021-12-09 Full Board VOTE TRACKING Motioned by Conmussioner William Miller III seconded by Commissioner Robert Hoffman to adopt the attached Grant Acceptance: 52nd District Court - FY 2022 Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program. Yes: David Woodward, Michael Gingell, Michael Spisz, Karen Joliat, Kristen Nelson, Eileen Kowall, Christine Long, Philip Weipert, Gwen Markham, Angela Powell. Thomas Kuhn. Charles Moss, Marcia Gershenson, William Miller III, Yolanda Smith Charles. Charles Cavell, Penny Luebs, Janet Jackson. Gary McGillivray, Robert Hoffinan, Adam Kochenderfer (21) No: None (0) Abstain: done (0) Absent: (0) The Motion Passed. ATTACHMENTS Grant Review Sign -Off 2. FY 2022 Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Schedule A 3. MHC contract 11-15-21 4. D52 1 Adult PLANNING 5, Mental Health Grant STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lisa Brown, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify, that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on December 9, 2021, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Circuit Court t at Pontiac, Michigan on Thursday, December 9, 2021. Lisa Brown, ©nklrnid Counh, Clerk J Register of Deeds GRANT REVIEW SIGN -OFF — 52°d District Court, 1st Division GRANT NAME: FY 2022 Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program FUNDING AGENCY: State Court Administrative Office (SCAO) of Michigan DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: David Campbell 248-305-6451 STATUS: Grant Acceptance (Greater than $10,000) DATE: 11/16/2021 Please be advised the captioned grant materials have completed internal grant review. Below are the returned comments. The Board of Commissioners' liaison committee resolution and grant acceptance package (which should include this sign - off email and the grant agreement/contract with related documentation) may be requested to be placed on the agenda(s) of the appropriate Board of Commissioners' committee(s) for grant acceptance by Board resolution. DEPARTMENT REVIEW Management and Budget: Approved by M & B — Lynn Sonkiss 11/16/2021. The draft resolution is to be updated by the department to reference what is included in the grant. For example, there is a statement about a special revenue position that is not applicable as there are no positions being funded by the grant. The Sheriff services are on an OT basis and isn't funding a specific position. The resolution will be 21xxx (not 22xxx) as this is going to the Committees in CY 2021 (resolution references are based on calendar year). The budget amendment looks good. Human Resources: Approved by Human Resources. No position implications, so HR action not needed. Heather Mason 11/16/2021 Risk Management: Approved by Risk Management. R.E. 11/15/2021. Corporation Counsel: Approve with corrections to be made. Agree with L. Sonkiss regarding the below necessary changes. Additionally, please note that any contracts/subcontracts created for services to be provided under this grant must comply with Section 13 of this contract. — Heather Lewis 11/16/2021 From: Io: never-nnwie. i canny p o UL& n a ma w , ....... ....... : L.,..•,. I lrr� •�. L. McBroom. Diana E.: Frlanherk. Robert Carl Cc: Conforti. Holly M; Adoaiu-]ones, Ebru; Florably. Kim K; Guzzy. Scott N; Jen. Kyle Isaac; Joss Edward P; Matthaws Hailev Powers, Andrea; Sanrhe7. Kristina L• Shih, Julie; Snover. Aaron G.; shoal. Connie L; Strino4ellnw. IoAnw Stobenfeld. Tracy, Ward, Chris; Winter, Barbara; Wnithinatnn Pamela L: Zhou, Jenny Subject: RE: GRANT REVIEW FORM - 52nd District Court- Mental Health Court - FY 2022 Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program - Acceptance (Greater than $10,000) URGENT Date: Tuesday, November 16, 2021 9:54:57 AM Attachments: GRANT REVIEW FORM - 52nd D(stnrt CnuA_ Ment}I Hpalth Court - FY 2022 Mirhinan Mental Health Court Crant Proaram - Arrvntanre (Greater than 410000) URGENT.msa Approved by M & B — 11/16/2021. The draft resolution is to be updated by the department to reference what is included in the grant. For example, there is a statement about a special revenue position that is not applicable as there are no positions being funded by the grant. The Sheriff services are on an OT basis and isn't funding a specific position. The resolution will be 21xxx (not 22xxx) as this is going to the Committees In CY 2021 (resolution references are based on calendar year). The budget amendment looks good. Thanks, Lynn Sonkiss Fiscal Services Officer Oakland County, Michigan Phone 248.858.0940 Fax 248.858.9724 son kiss) (anoa keov.cnm From: Keyes -Bowie, Tifanny B <keyesbowiet@oakgov.com> Sent: Monday, November 15, 2021 12:34 PM To: Black, Alexandra Lynn <blacka@oakgov.com>; Pisacreta, Antonio S <pisacretaa@oakgov.com>; Corporate Counsel <corpcounsel@oakgov.com>; Mason, Heather L <masonh@oakgov.com>; McBroom, Diana E. <mcbroomd@oakgov.com>; Erlenbeck, Robert Carl <erlenbeckr@oakgov.com>; Sonkiss, Lynn C <son kissl @ oakgov.com> Cc: Conforti, Holly M <confortih@oakgov.com>; Adoglu-Jones, Ebru <adoglu-jonese@oakgov.com>; Elgrably, Kim K <elgrablyk@oakgov.com>; Guzzy, Scott N <guzzys@oakgov.com>; Jen, Kyle Isaac <jenk@oakgov.com>; Joss, Edward P <josse@oakgov.com>; Matthews, Halley <matthewshd@oakgov.com>; Powers, Andrea <powersa@oakgov.com>; Sanchez, Kristina L <sanchezk@oakgov.com>; Shih, Julie <shihj@oakgov.com>; Snover, Aaron G. <snovera@oakgov.com>; Keyes -Bowie, Tifanny B <keyesbowiet@oakgov.com>; Srogi, Connie L <srogic@oakgov.com>; Stringfellow, JoAnn <stringfellowj@oakgov.com>; Stolzenfeld, Tracy <stolzenfeldt@oakgov.com>; Ward, Chris <wardcc@oakgov.com>; Winter, Barbara <winterb@oakgov.com>; Worthington, Pamela L <worth i ngton p @oa kgov.com>; Zhou, Jenny <zhouj@oakgov.com> Subject: GRANT REVIEW FORM - 52nd District Court- Mental Health Court - FY 2022 Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program - Acceptance (Greater than $10,000) URGENT Please Note: Miscellaneous Resolution is subject to review by Human Resources and Fiscal Services for personnel changes and/or budget amendment. From: Masnn. Heather I To: Keves-Bowie. Tifannv BI Blaek Alexanrira Lynn; ✓isarrera. Antonio : t_omurare'uuPeei, rvi�oi wiu. piano c, Erlenherk Robert Carl- Sonkiss, Lynn C Cc: Conforti, Holly M; Adooln-Inner Phrm Elorably. Kim K; Guzzy. Scott N; Jen, Kyle Isaac, Joss, Edward P; Matthews. Hailev: Powers Andrea; San4hez. Kristina IShin.Jul! ; Shover. Aaron G.; . roai. Connie L; Stringfellow. JDAnn: smi7enfe1d- Trarv, Ward, Chris; Winter Barbara; Worthington, Pamela L; Zhou. Jenny Subject: RE: GRANT REVIEW FORM - 52nd District Court- Mental Health Court - FY 2022 Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program - Acceptance (Greater than $10,000) URGENT Date: Tuesday, November 16, 2021 10:34:53 AM Approved by Human Resources. No position implications, so HR action not needed. Heather L. Mason Supervisor Human Resources Oakland County Human Resources L. Brooks Patterson Building- 2100 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford MI 48328 P: 248.858,2581 1 C: 248.568.2738 1 F: 248.975.9742 rnatnnh/aoal.eov mrn I www oaknnv romhobs Schedule: M,W,F onslte. T, Th remote. From: Keyes -Bowie, Tifanny B <keyesbowiet@oakgov.com> Sent: Monday, November 15, 2021 12:34 PM To: Black, Alexandra Lynn <blacka@oakgov.com>; Pisacreta, Antonio S <pisacretaa@oakgov.com>; Corporate Counsel <corpcounsel@oakgov.com>; Mason, Heather L <masonh@Dakgov.com>; McBroom, Diana E. <mcbroomd@oakgov.com>; Erlenbeck, Robert Carl <erlenbeckr@oakgov.com>; Sonkiss, Lynn C <sonkissl@oakgov.com> Cc: Conforti, Holly M <confortih@oakgov.com>; Adoglu-Jones, Ebru <adoglu-jonese@oakgov.com>; Elgrably, Kim K <elgrablyk@oakgov.com>; Guzzy, Scott N <guzzys@oakgov.com>; Jen, Kyle Isaac <jenk@oakgov.com>; Joss, Edward P <josse@oakgov.com>; Matthews, Halley <matthewshd@oakgov.com>; Powers, Andrea <powersa@oakgov.com>; Sanchez, Kristina L <sanchezk@oakgov.com>; Shin, Julie <shihj@oakgov.com>; Snover, Aaron G. <snovera@oakgov.com>; Keyes -Bowie, Tifanny B <keyesbowiet@oakgov.com>; Srogi, Connie L <srogic@oakgov.com>; Stringfellow, JoAnn <stringfellowj@oakgov.com>; Stolzenfeld, Tracy <stolzenfeldt@oakgov.com>; Ward, Chris <wardcc@oakgov.com>; Winter, Barbara <winterb@oakgov.com>; Worthington, Pamela L <worthingtonp@oakgov.com>; Zhou, Jenny <zhouj@oakgov.com> Subject: GRANT REVIEW FORM - 52nd District Court- Mental Health Court - FY 2022 Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program - Acceptance (Greater than $10,000) URGENT Please Note: Miscellaneous Resolution is subject to review by Human Resources and Fiscal Services for personnel changes and/or budget amendment. GRANT REVIEW FORM TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS — Lynn Sonkiss — Heather Mason — Diana McBroom — Sharon Cullen From: Erlenbeck. Rob rt Cgd To: Keyes -Bowie Tifannv B; Black, Alexandra _VD ; Pisacrera. Ammnio o:..orourdw'uunoe,, 'd ...... Mr Broom Diana F.: Sonkiss. Lynn C Cc: Confect. Holly M; Adooln-Inne5. Ehip: Elorably, Kim K;Guzzy, Scott N7 Jen. Kyle Isaac; Joss, Edward P; Matthews, Hailev; Powers. Andrea; Sanchez, Knstioa L; h.h. Julie; Snover. Aaron G.; Smai Connie L; Strinafellow. JO600; Stnbenfeld Tram Ward, Chris; Winter Barbara; Wnrthinotna Pamela V, Zhnu. Jenny Subject: RE: GRANT REVIEW FORM - 52nd District Court- Mental Health Court - FY 2022 Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program - Acceptance (Greater than $10,000) URGENT Date: Monday, November 15, 2021 3:04:26 PM Approved by Risk Management. R.E. 11/15/2021. Robert Erlenbeck, Insurance Risk Administrator Risk Management Office. 248-858-1694 Cell 248-421-9121 Office schedule: Monday through Thursday 7:00 to 5:00 From: Keyes -Bowie, Tifanny B <keyesbowiet@oakgov.com> Sent: Monday, November 15, 2021 12:34 PM To: Black, Alexandra Lynn <blacka@oakgov.com>; Pisacreta, Antonio S <pisacretaa@oakgov.com>; Corporate Counsel <corpcounsel@oakgov.com>; Mason, Heather L <masonh@oakgov.com>; McBroom, Diana E. <mcbroomd@oakgov.com>; Erlenbeck, Robert Carl <erlenbeckr@oakgov.com>; Sonkiss, Lynn C <sonkissl@oakgov.com> Cc: Conforti, Holly M <confortih@oakgov.com>; Adoglu-Jones, Ebru <adoglu-jonese@oakgov.cci Elgrably, Kim K <elgrablyk@oakgov.com>; Guzzy, Scott N <guzzys@oakgov.com>; Jen, Kyle Isaac <jenk@oakgov.com>; Joss, Edward P <josse@oakgov.com>; Matthews, Halley <matthewshd@oakgov.com>; Powers, Andrea <powersa@oakgov.com>; Sanchez, Kristina L <sanchezk@oakgov.com>; Shih, Julie <shlhj@oakgov.com>; Snover, Aaron G. <snovera@oakgov.com>; Keyes -Bowie, Tifanny B <keyesbowlet@oakgov.com>; Srogi, Connie L <srogic@oakgov.com>; Stringfellow, JoAnn <stringfellowj@oakgov.com>; Stolzenfeld, Tracy <stolzenfeldt@oakgov.com>; Ward, Chris <wardcc@oakgov.com>; Winter, Barbara <winterb@oakgov.com>; Worthington, Pamela L <worthingtonp@oakgov.com>; Zhou, Jenny <zhouj @oakgov.com> Subject: GRANT REVIEW FORM - 52nd District Court- Mental Health Court - FY 2022 Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program - Acceptance (Greater than $10,000) URGENT Please Note: Miscellaneous Resolution is subject to review by Human Resources and Fiscal Services for personnel changes and/or budget amendment. GRANT REVIEW FORM TO: REVIEW DEPARTMENTS — Lynn Sonkiss — Heather Mason — Diana McBroom — Sharon Cullen RE: GRANT CONTRACT REVIEW RESPONSE — 52nd District Court- Mental Health Court FY 2022 Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program State Court Administrators Office (SCAO) From: Lewis. Heather Louise Mason. Heather L McBroom. Diana F.; Frlenheck Robert Carl Cc: Confr i. Hpllv M: Adoalu-Jones. Fhrlir Notably, Kim K; Guzzy, Scott N; Jen. Kyle Isaac; Joss. Edward P; Matthgws. Halley: Powers. Andrea; Sanchez. Krlstina L; Shb, Julie; Snpver,Aar-on_G.; $rent. Conroe L; 5trinnfellnw. JoAri Stolzenfeld. Tracy; Ward, Chris; Winter, Barbara; Worthinmon. Pamela I Zhou. )ennv Subject: RE: GRANT REVIEW FORM - 52nd District Court- Mental Health Court - FY 2022 Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program - Acceptance (Greater than $10,000) URGENT Date: Tuesday, November 16, 2021 12:55:27 PM Approve with corrections to be made. Agree with L. Sonkiss regarding the below necessary changes. Additionally, please note that any contracts/subcontracts created for services to be provided under this grant must comply with Section 13 of this contract. 401JWLANDWF�-- i COUNTY MICFIIGAA Heather L. Lewis Senior Assistant Corporation Counsel Oakland County Corporation Counsel 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Bldg. 14 East Courthouse West Wing Extension, 3rd Floor Pontiac, MI 48341 Phone Number: (734) 516.1885* Fax Number: (248) 858,1003 E-mail: Jewish o)cakoov.com PTME: Hours -Monday 9-5; Wednesday and Friday: 3-5pm; Thursday: 9-5 1 generally work remotely and the best way to reach me is by email. Thank you. PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDEhMAL — ATTORNEY CLIENT COMMUNICATION This e-mail is intended only for those persons to whom it is specifically addressed. It Is confidential and is protected by the attorney-clionl privilege and work product doctrine. This privilege belongs to the County of Oakland, and individual addressees are not authorized to waive or modify this privilege in any way. Individuals are advised that any dissemination, reproduction or unauthorized review of this information by persons other than those listed above may constitute a waiver of this privilege and is therefore prohibited If you have received this message in erron please notify the sender immediately. If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Corporation Counsel at (248) 858-0550. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Sonkiss, Lynn C <sonkissl@oakgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2021 9:55 AM To: Keyes -Bowie, Tifanny B <keyesbowiet@oakgov.com>; Black, Alexandra Lynn <blacka@oakgov.com>; Pisacreta, Antonio S <pisacretaa@oakgov.com>; Corporate Counsel <corpcounsel@oakgov.com>; Mason, Heather L <masonh@oakgov.com>; McBroom, Diana E. <mcbroomd@oakgov.com>; Erlenbeck, Robert Carl <erlenbeckr@oakgov.com> Cc: Conforti, Holly M <confortih@oakgov.com>; Adoglu-Jones, Ebru <adoglu-jonese@oakgov.com>; Oakland County, Michigan 52ND DISTRICT COURT - FY 2022 MICHIGAN MENTAL HEALTH COURT GRANT PROGRAM -ACCEPTANCE Schedule "A" DETAIL Fund RIE I Fund Name ! Division Name I Fund # I Division # I Affiliate I Program # I Account # Account Title MICH MEItTAL HEALTH SCAO FUND 1#271751 GRANT: C R0000001144; Bud Ref 2022 Activity: GLB Analysis- GLB R N ich Mental Health SCAO District Court Probation 27175 3020205 E IV ich Mental Health SCAO District Court Probation E N ich Mental Health SCAO District Court Probation E N ich Mental Health SCAO District Court Probation E N ich Mental Health SCAO District Court Probation E N ich Mental Health SCAO District Court Probation 27175 3020205 27175 3020205 27175 3020205 27175 3020205 27175 3020205 121050 615571 State Operating Grants Total Revenue 121050 730373 Contracted Services 121050 730458 Drug Testing 121050 732018 Travel and Conference 121050 750245 Incentives 121050 750280 Laboratory Supplies Total Expenditures FY 2022 Amendment 34,618 $ 34,618 17,735 11,475 1,220 2,748 1,440 $ 34,618 DocuStgn Envelope ID: BED5FD07-5422-440B-B13C-7D68CEADBF14 Michigan Supreme Court State Court Administrative Office Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program Planning Grant Fiscal Year 2022 Contract Grantee Name: 52-1 District Court — Adult Mental Health Court Federal ID Number: 38-6004876 Contract Number: 25479 Grant Amount: $34,618 1. DEFINITIONS GOVERNING CONTRACT The definitions below govern the terms used in this Contract. 1.01 The term "Authorizing Official" means an official of the Grantee who has the legal authority to, is authorized to, and can legally sign contracts on behalf of the Grantee and bind the Grantee to the terms of the contracts, including this Contract. 1.02 The term "Contract" as used in this document means the Contract between the State Court Administrative Office (the "SCAO") and Grantee, and includes any subsequent amendments thereto. 1.03 The term "Confidential Information" means confidential and/or proprietary information belonging to the SCAO which is disclosed to the Grantee or which the Grantee otherwise learns of during the course of or as the direct or indirect result of rendering its Services for the SCAO. Confidential or Proprietary Information is information not generally known to third parties or to others who could obtain economic value from their disclosure or use of the information. This includes all proprietary technical, financial, or other information owned by SCAO or any of its vendors, including by way of illustration, but not limitation, computerized data, codes, programs and software, written material, inventions, whether or not patented or patentable, designs, works of authorship, works subject to or under copyright protection, trade secrets or trademark — protected material, performance standards concepts, formulae, charts, statistics, financial records and reports of the SCAO or any entity otherwise affiliated with the SCAO. Confidential or Proprietary Information also includes all confidential and proprietary material that the Grantee may design, author, create, distribute or produce during the term of this Contract when rendering Services thereunder. All information gained during the course of Grantee's retention should be presumed confidential unless the information is clearly identified otherwise or the circumstances of disclosure demonstrate it not to be confidential. 1.04 The term "Effective Date" means the date upon which this Contract becomes effective, which is the date the Contract is signed by both Parties. If the Parties do not sign the Contract on the same date, the latest specified date will become the Contract's effective date. 1.05 The term "Employee Benefits" means any and all employee benefits the SCAO provides to its employees, including, but not limited to, workers' compensation, retirement, pension, insurance, fringe, educational training, holiday/sick/vacation pay benefits, or any other similar benefits. DocuSign Envelope ID: BED5FD07-5422-4406-B13C-7D68CEADBF14 1.06 The term "Grant Amount" is the amount specified as "Grant Amount" on the first page of this Contract. 1.07 The term "Grantee" as used in this Contract includes the Grantee(s)/party(ies) with which the SCAO is contracting and the employees with which the SCAO is contracting. 1.08 The term "Grantee's agents" as used in this Contract includes the Grantee's agents, subcontractors, vendors, and subrecipients. 1.09 The term "Inventions, Patented and/or Copyrighted Materials" means such writings, inventions, improvements, or discoveries whether or not under an existing copyright, patent or copyright/patent application or any other third party intellectual property right that were written, invented, made, or discovered by the Grantee, including its employees, agents and/or subrecipients jointly with the SCAO while engaged in Services under this Contract. 1.10 The term "Liabilities" means any and all liabilities, obligations, damages, penalties, claims, costs, fees, charges, and expenses, including, but not limited to, fees and expenses of attorneys and litigation related to the Services provided. 1.11 The term "Parties" includes the SCAO, Grantee, and all of their employees. 1.12 The terms "Program Expenses" and "Expenses" mean all expenses including, but not limited to, license fees and all other types of fees, memberships and dues, automobile and fuel expenses, insurance premiums, copying costs, telephone costs and all other types of costs, and all salary and expenses incurred by the Grantee, and all other compensation paid to the Grantee's employees or subcontractors that the Grantee hires, retains or utilizes for the Grantee's performance under this Contract. This term includes allowable program costs as articulated in WebGrants, which are contained on the "allowable expense" list and in the program budget. This term also includes Travel Expenses as defined below. 1.13 The term "Services" refers to the goods, services, program activities, projects and initiatives that the Grantee agrees to provide to the SCAO under this Contract, as described in the Scope of Services, Scope of Work, and all descriptions of services in any attachments and amendments to the Contract. 1.14 The term "Taxes" refers to any and all federal, state, and local taxes, including, but not limited to, income taxes, social security taxes, unemployment insurance taxes, and any other taxes or fees for which Grantee is responsible. 1.15 The term "Travel Expenses" means expenses Grantee incurs for travel including lodging, mileage, and meals that the Grantee incurs in the reasonable fulfillment of the terms of this Contract. Reimbursable Travel Expenses must be approved by SCAO before they are incurred. The term "WebGrants" refers to the web -based grant management system used by the SCAO. 1.16 The term "Work Product" refers to reports, programs, manuals, tapes and videos prepared under this Contract and amendments thereto. It also includes computer data such as programs and software in various stages of development and source codes and object codes, and any other work product prepared by the Provider under this Contract and amendments thereto. 2. PARTIES 2.01 This Contract is between the SCAO and the 52-1 District Court — Adult Mental Health Court (Grantee). DocoSign Envelope ID: BED5FD07-5422-4408-B13C-7D68CEADBF14 3. AMOUNT AND GRANT PROGRAM 3.01 The SCAO will reimburse the Grantee up to $34,618 for the Grantee's expenses under this Contract. 3.02 The grant funding is from the Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program Planning Grant. 4. DURATION 4.01 This Contract begins on October 1, 2021, and ends on September 30, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. 5. TERMS 5.01 This Contract contains the entire agreement between the parties. It does not include any other written or oral agreements, except the following which can be found in WebGrants: A. Reporting requirements (see Attachment 1), B. Assurances, C. Allowable/disallowable expense list, D. Conditions on Expenses, and E. Approved grant budget. 6. "GRANTEE'S AGENT" DEFINED 6.01 The Grantee may partner with other parties to assist with Contract performance. In this Contract, the term "Grantee's agents" will refer to the Grantee's employees, contractors, subcontractors, vendors, and subrecipients. 7. CHANGE IN GRANTEE CONTACT 7.01 The Grantee must submit written notification to SCAO, through a Contract amendment using WebGrants, of any change in project director, agency contact, financial officer, program judge, or Authorizing Official defined in Section 28 of this Contract, address, e-mail, or telephone number. 8. RELATIONSHIP AND DUTIES 8.01 No employer/employee relationship exists between the Parties. Further, no employee or subrecipient of the Grantee is an employee of the SCAO. The Grantee is an independent contractor, not an employee of the SCAO. 8.02 The SCAO is not obligated either under this Contract or by implication to provide and is not liable to the Grantee for failure to provide the Grantee with Employee Benefits. The Grantee is not eligible for and will not receive any Employee Benefits from the SCAO. 8.03 The Grantee does not, and shall not, have the authority to enter into contracts on the SCAO's behalf. 8.04 Except for the grant amount, the SCAO and the Michigan Supreme Court (MSC) have no financial obligation to the Grantee. 8.05 The Grantee agrees to comply with all of the Contract terms, including the reporting requirements, assurances, allowable/disallowable expense list, conditions on expenses, and approved grant budget. DocuSign Envelope ID: BED5FD07-5422-44OB-B13C-7D68CEADBF14 9. REIMBURSEMENT AND BUDGET 9.01 This is a reimbursement -based grant for Services rendered. 9.02 The Grantee's Expenses are eligible for reimbursement only after the Grantee has paid the Expenses. 9.03 The Grantee's Expenses are eligible for reimbursement only if the Grantee incurred the Expenses during the time period that this Contract is effective. Consumable expenses, such as drug tests, are eligible for reimbursement only if the item can reasonably be consumed (and the Grantee incurred the expense) during the time period that this Contract is effective. 9.04 The Grantee's Expenses are eligible for reimbursement only if included on the allowable expense list and the approved budget. 9.05 The Grantee's Expenses are eligible for reimbursement only after the Grantee has exhausted all other available funding options. Examples of potential other available funding options include local court or county funding, federal funding, participant fees, and partnerships with nonprofit organizations. If the Grantee has other available funding options but relies on the grant funding under this Contract before exhausting the other options, the SCAO may reduce the reimbursement amount by an amount that is equal to the other available funding options. 9.06 Reimbursements for Travel Expenses (such as mileage) may not exceed the lesser of the Grantee's published travel rates or allowable State of Michigan travel rates and must be approved by the SCAO prior to incurring the expense. 9.07 The Grantee may request to amend the grant budget by submitting a Contract Amendment in WebGrants. The SCAO must approve any request to amend the grant budget. 9.08 The Grantee must request Expense reimbursement on a quarterly basis (see Attachment 1). The request to reimburse each Expense must include the hourly rate or cost per unit, amount of hours worked or number of units, a description of Services provided, the date of the Expense, the amount requested, and proof that the Grantee has paid the Expense. 9.09 All Expense reimbursement is subject to the SCAO's approval. 9.10 The Grantee must sign up through the online vendor system to receive reimbursement payments via electronic funds transfers or direct deposits. To register, go to the Department of Technology, Management, and Budget's website. 10. RELIGIOUS PROGRAMMING 10.01 The Grantee will not spend grant funds on a program that has a religious component. 10.02 Before the Grantee refers a person to, or provides a person with, a program with a religious component, the Grantee must do the following: (1) allow the person to choose whether to participate in the program, (2) ensure that a person who chooses to not participate is not penalized, and (3) provide at least one secular option. DocuSign Envelope ID: BED5FD07-5422-440B-B13C-7D68CEADBF14 11. ASSIGNMENT 11.01 the Grantee may not assign any portion of tms t-omract except wi>n prior wrinen approval of the SCAO. If performance is so assigned, all requirements in this Contract shall apply to such performance and the Grantee shall be responsible for the performance of such Services. 12. PROCURMENT CONTRACTS AND SUBRECIPIENT SUBCONTRACTS 12.01 The Grantee may enter into procurement contracts and subrecipient subcontracts for activities under this grant. 12.02 The Grantee must provide the SCAO with copies of any procurement contracts if the SCAO requests them. 12.03 The Grantee must provide the SCAO with copies of any subrecipient subcontracts prior to requesting reimbursement for subrecipient work. The subrecipient subcontracts must be uploaded in WebGrants. 12.04 The Grantee must provide this Contract to all subrecipients and subcontractors. 13. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 13.01 The parties do not expect that medical and treatment information will be obtained, shared or utilized in this Contract. However, to the extent that it is, all medical and treatment information of participants served under this Contract is confidential. The SCAO and the Grantee agree that this information will not be disclosed except as allowed by law. 13.02 The Grantee agrees to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 42 CFR Part 2, and the Michigan Mental Health Code. Some of these requirements include the following: A. The Grantee and Grantee's agents must not share information that is protected under HIPAA, 42 CFR Part 2, or the Michigan Mental Health Code (the "Protected Information"). The Grantee is liable for the unauthorized use or disclosure of Protected Information. This includes Protected Information that the SCAO provides to the Grantee. B. The Grantee must include terms in any procurement contract and subrecipient subcontract that the Grantee's agents must not share Protected Information. This includes Protected Information that the SCAO provides to the Grantee. C. The Grantee must have written policies and procedures about using and disclosing Protected Information. The policies and procedures must include provisions that restrict Grantee's employees' access to Protected Information. D. The Grantee must also have a policy to report to the SCAO unauthorized use or disclosure of Protected Information. 13.03 During Contract performance, the SCAO may disclose Confidential Information to the Grantee. The Grantee shall not disclose Confidential Information to any third party without prior approval from the SCAO. If disclosure of Confidential Information is required by law or court order, the Grantee must notify the SCAO within five business days as provided in Section 28 of this Contract before disclosure and shall reasonably cooperate with the SCAO to (1) narrowly tailor disclosure; 2) DocuSign Envelope ID: BED5FD07-5422-440B-B13C-7D68CEADBF14 support SCAO's efforts to obtain protective orders or other relief as appropriate. 13.04 The Grantee agrees to return all Confidential Information to the SCAO immediately upon the termination of this Contract and permanently delete any electronic copies of the data stored by the Grantee within 30 calendar days after the conclusion of this Contract. If requested by the SCAO, the Grantee will provide written confirmation that deletion has been completed. This section survives termination or expiration of this Contract. 14. RIGHTS TO WORK PRODUCT, INVENTIONS, AND IMPROVEMENTS 14.01 All written or visual Work Product shall belong to the SCAO and is subject to copyright or patent only by the SCAO. The SCAO shall have the right to obtain from the Grantee original materials produced under this Contract and shall have the right to distribute those materials. 14.02 The SCAO shall have copyright, property, and publication rights in all Work Product developed in connection with this Contract. 14.03 The SCAO grants the Grantee a royalty -free, nonexclusive license to use any Work Product developed in the course of executing this Contract that is not Confidential and Proprietary Information as defined in this Contract if the Work Product enters the public domain. However, the Grantee shall not publish or distribute any Work Product relating to the Services provided under this Contract without the prior written permission of the SCAO. 14.04 The Grantee shall safeguard the Grantee's property, materials and Work Product. The SCAO is not responsible and will not be subject to any Liabilities for any claims related to the loss, damage, or impairment of Provider's property, materials and/or Work Product. 14.05 The Grantee shall promptly disclose in writing to SCAO all Inventions, Patented and/or Copyrighted Materials jointly with the SCAO or singly by the Grantee while engaged in Services under this Contract. As to each such disclosure, the Grantee shall specifically bring to SCAO's attention any features or concepts related to Inventions, Patented and/or Copyrighted Materials that are new, unique or different such that they may qualify for copyright, patent or other intellectual property protection. 14.06 The Grantee shall assist the SCAO in determining and acquiring copyrights, patents, or other such intellectual property protection for any Inventions, Patented and/or Copyrighted Materials for which the SCAO desires to obtain such protection. 14.07 The Grantee warrants that as of the Effective Date of the Contract, there are no Inventions, Patented and/or Copyrighted Materials for which the Grantee seeks protection or which the Grantee desires to remove from the Contract provisions before entering into this Contract, except those specifically set forth by attachment hereto. Further, the Grantee warrants that its performance under this Contract will not infringe upon or misappropriate any third party's patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights. 14.08 The Grantee further warrants that as of the Effective Date of the Contract, the Grantee has obtained all material licenses, authorizations, approvals and/or permits required by law to conduct its business generally and to perform its obligations under this Contract. 15. INSURANCE 15.01 The Grantee must procure commercial liability insurance or ensure that an adequate Docu&gn Envelope ID: BED5FD07-5422-440B-813C-7D68CEADBF14 amount of money is set aside in its local budget to cover all reasonable claims related to the Grantee's Services under this Contract. 16. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION 16.01 The Grantee is responsible for Liabilities and Expenses that result from the Grantee's performance or nonperformance under this Contract. This subsection does not waive governmental immunity as provided by law. 16.02 The Grantee warrants that, before entering into this Contract, it is not subject to any liabilities or expenses that could interfere with Contract performance. 16.03 The SCAO is not responsible for Liabilities and Expenses that result from the Grantee's or Grantees' agents' performance, nonperformance, or property. 16.04 If Grantee contracts with a private third party to carry out the Grantee's responsibilities under this Contract, then in that contract Grantee will require the private third parties to indemnify SCAO and the Michigan Supreme Court ("MSC"), including their officers, and employees (the "SCAO, MSC and related entities") from any Liabilities that inay he imposed upon, incurred by, or asserted against the SCAO, MSC and related entities arising from the acts or omissions of the private third -party under such contact. Any private third party who will not agree to such provisions may not be utilized by Grantee to perform services under this Contract. This subsection does not waive governmental immunity as provided by law. 17. FINANCIAL RECORDS, RETENTION, AND INSPECTION 17.01 The Grantee agrees that all Expenses comply with the standard procedures of the Grantee's funding unit. 17.02 The Grantee agrees to maintain financial records that follow generally accepted accounting principles. 17.03 The Grantee must maintain an accounting system with grant financial records that are kept separately from the Grantee's other financial records. 17.04 The Grantee must retain all financial records related to this Contract for at least five years after the SCAO's final reimbursement to the Grantee. The Grantee is responsible for the costs to retain these records. 17.05 If an audit begins before the five-year period expires, and it extends past that period, the Grantee must retain all records until the audit is complete. Based on the audit, the SCAO may adjust reimbursement payments. If the audit reveals that the SCAO overpaid the Grantee, the Grantee must immediately refund those amounts to the SCAO. 17.06 The Grantee agrees that the MSC, the SCAO, the Michigan Department of Treasury, the State Auditor General, and these parties' authorized representatives may upon notification audit and copy the Grantee's grant financial records. 18. GRANT REPORTING 18.01 The Grantee agrees to timely provide all applicable performance measurement data, including complete and accurate reports as identified in Attachment 1 related to this Contract so that DocuSign Envelope ID: BED5FD07-5422-440B-B13C-7D68CEADBF14 the SCAO can meet its reporting requirements. Further, the Grantee agrees to follow the grant reporting requirements in Attachment 1. 18.02 Further, for each participant who is screened for or accepted into the Grant program, the Grantee must timely enter data in compliance with the minimum standards established by the SCAO into the Drug Court Case Management Information System. 19.03 When any required report is 30 calendar days past due, a delinquency notice will be sent notifying the Grantee that it has 15 calendar days to comply with the reporting requirement. When any required report is 45 calendar days past due, the Grantee's funding award will be rescinded and the SCAO will send a forfeiture notice to the Grantee. Notices will be sent as provided in Section 28 of this Contract. 19. SUSPENSION, TERMINATION, AND REDUCTION 19.01 The SCAO and/or the Grantee may reduce the project budget, or suspend or terminate this Contract without further liability or penalty to the SCAO under any of the following circumstances: A. If any of the terms of this Contract are not adhered to by the Grantee/subrecipients. B. If the Grantee fails to make progress satisfactory to SCAO toward the project goals, objectives, or strategies set forth in this Contract, including but not limited to a determination by the SCAO after second quarter claims are submitted, in its sole discretion, that project funds are not reasonably likely to be fully expended by the end of the fiscal year. C. If the Grantee proposes or implements substantial changes to the Scope of Services/Work such that, if originally submitted, the application would not have been selected for funding. D. If the Grantee is not certified or submits false certification or falsifies any other report or document required hereunder. Grantees that are funded with Swift and Sure Sanctions Probation Program (SSSPP) funds are exempt from certification requirements in Section 25. E. If the Grantee is charged with of any criminal activity or offenses during the term of this Contract or any extension thereof. F. If funding for this Contract becomes unavailable to the SCAO due to appropriation or budget shortfalls. G. The SCAO may immediately suspend or terminate this contract if the Grantee does not comply with a contract term, including the reporting requirements, assurances, allowable/disallowable expense list, conditions on expenses, and approved grant budget. H. The SCAO may immediately suspend or terminate this contract if any report from Section 18 is at least 45 days late. 19.02 Each Party has the right to terminate this Contract without cause. However, the terminating party must provide written notice to the other party of such termination at least 15 calendar days before the termination will be effective as provided in Section 28 of this Contract. DocuSign Envelope ID: BED5FD07-5422-440B-B13C-7D68CEADBF14 19.03 The SCAO may immediately suspend or terminate this Contract if the Grantee or any of the Grantee's agents are convicted of a criminal offcrlhc CUM tliicLily 01 1.1d11�ully l . s s.u:.t fL4 , s. 19.04 If the SCAO terminates this Contract under Section 19, the Grantee is not eligible for SCAO grant funding for two years. After the two-year period, the Grantee must verify in writing with SCAO that the Grantee has corrected the issues. 19.05 The SCAO may reduce the Grantee's grant amount at any time if the SCAO determines that the Grantee is not reasonably likely to fully expend the grant funds by the time this Contract ends. 20. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS 20.01 The Grantee must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and applicable ethics, rules, and canons. 21. MICHIGAN LAW 21.01 This Contract shall be subject to, and shall be enforced and construed under, the laws of the state of Michigan. Further, the parties agree to litigate any disputes arising directly or indirectly from the Contract in the Court of Claims in the state of Michigan. 22. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 22.01 Because this Contract involves contracts with governmental entities, the SCAO and the Grantee are subject to the provisions of the Contracts of Public Servants with Public Entities Act, found in MCL 15.321 et seq., and the Standards of Conduct for Public Officers and Employees Act, found in MCL 15.341 et seq. Further, the Grantee certifies that the Grantee presently has no personal or financial interest, and shall not acquire any such interest, direct or indirect, that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of this Contract. 23. DEBT TO STATE OF MICHIGAN 23.01 The Grantee covenants that it is not, and will not become, in arrears to the state of Michigan or any of its subdivisions upon contract, debt, or any other obligation to the state of Michigan or its subdivisions, including real property, personal property, and income taxes. 24. CONTRACT DISPUTE 24.01 The Grantee shall notify the SCAO in writing of the Grantee's intent to pursue a claim against the SCAO for breach of any term of this Contract within 10 business days of discovery of the alleged breach as provided in Section 28 of this Contract. 25. PROGRAM CERTIFICATION 25.01 Under Michigan law, approval and certification by the SCAO is required to begin or to continue the operation of a drug court, sobriety court, hybrid drug/DWI court, family dependency treatment court, veteran's treatment court or mental health court. Any of these programs that are not certified by Grantee shall not perform any of the functions of that program type, including, but not limited to, receiving grant funding under the law and shall not be covered by this Contract. 26. PROGRAM REVIEW OR CERTIFICATION SITE VISIT 26.01 The SCAO may review the Grantee onsite. As part of the review and as allowed under DocuSign Envelope ID: BED5FD07-5422-440B-B13C-7D68DEADBF14 law, the SCAO may interview the program's team members, observe staff meetings and status review hearings, review case Ines, review aura, ana review unanciai records. 27. AMENDMENT 27.01 The parties may amend this contract only in writing signed by both parties. 27.02 The Grantee must submit a contract amendment through WebGrants and also notify the SCAO of any changes in project directors, program judges, agency contacts, financial officers, or authorizing officials, including changes in names, mailing addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers. 28. DELIVERY OF NOTICE 28.01 Written notices and communications required under this Agreement shall be delivered in one of two forms: 1) by electronic mail; or 2) by overnight delivery sent by a nationally recognized overnight delivery service to the following: 28.02 The Grantee's contact person is: Alexandra Black 52-1 District Court 48150 Grand River Ave. Novi, Michigan 48374 blacka@oakgov.com 28.03 The SCAO's contacts are: Andrew Smith State Court Administrative Office Michigan Hall of Justice P.O. Box 30048 Lansing, MI 48909 Sm1tliA(a7Courts. mi.2ov and Ryan Gamby State Court Administrative Office Michigan Hall of Justice P.O. Box 30048 Lansing, MI 48909 Gambvr(a, courts.mi. eov 29. GRANTEE'S AUTHORIZING OFFICIAL 29.01 The Grantee's "Authorizing Official" is the individual who signs this Contract. The Authorizing Official must be a person who is authorized to enter into a binding contract for the Grantee. The Authorizing Official may not be a judge or other state employee. The Authorizing Official might be from the Executive or Legislative Branch of the Grantee — for example, the Authorizing Official might be the County Administrator, Chair of the Board of Commissioners, Court Administrator, City Manager, Legal Counsel, Finance Director, or Mayor. DocuSign Envelope ID: BED5FD07-5422-440B-B13C-7D68CEADBF14 29.02 Only one person may sign this Contract as the Grantee's Authorizing Official. The Grantee might have more than one individual who is authorized to enter into binding contracts for the Grantee that is receiving funds, or the Grantee's local rules might provide that multiple people must sign contracts. In either case, the Authorizing Official's signature on this Contract represents the mutual agreement and acceptance of this Contract by all persons who are authorized to enter into binding contracts for the Grantee. DocuSign Envelope ID: BED5FD07-5422-440B-B13C-7D68CEADBF14 SIGNATURES OF PARTIES Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program Planning Grant CONTRACT NUMBER: 25479 30. SIGNATURE OF PARTIES 30.01 This Contract is not effective unless signed by both Parties. 30.02 The signatures on this contract are electronic through the DocuSign system. 30.03 The DocuSign system requires an agent of the Grantee to send this Contract to the Grantee's Authorizing Official for the Authorizing Official's review and signature. Selecting the dropdown below confirms that the Contract can be sent to the Grantee's Authorizing Official for signature. 30.04 The DocuSign system requires an agent of the SCAO to send this Contract to an individual who is authorized to sign for the SCAO for the individual's signature. Selecting the dropdown below confirms that the Contract can be sent to an individual who is authorized to sign for the SCAO for the individual's signature. 52-1 District Court Adult Mental Health Court Grantee's Authorizing Official's Signature Grantee's Authorizing Official's Name Grantee's Authorizing Official's Title State Court Administrative Office Authorizing Official's Signature Authorizing Official's Name Authorizing Official's Title Date Signed by Grantee's Authorizing Official Date Signed by Authorizing Official DocuSign Envelope ID: BED5FD07-5422-440B-B13C-7D6BCEADBF14 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2022 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022 DCCMIS DATA EXCEPTION REPORT DUE DATE NOTE February 15, 2022* Courts will be reviewing error reports reflecting data entered into DCCMIS for the time period of October 1, 2021, through December 31, 2021. May 15, 2022* Courts will be reviewing error reports reflecting data entered into DCCMIS for the time period of January 1, 2022, through March 31, 2022. August 15, 2022* Courts will be reviewing error reports reflecting data entered into DCCMIS for the time period of April 1, 2022, through June 30, 2022. November 15, 2022* Courts will be reviewing error reports reflecting data entered into DCCMIS for the time period of July 1, 2022, through September 30, 2022. DCCMIS USER AUDIT DUE DATE NOTE January 31, 2022* Courts will be confirming user access to DCCMIS. WEBGRANTS USER AUDIT REPORT DUE DATE NOTE January 31, 2022 Courts will be confirming user access to WebGrants. CLAIMS DUE DATE NOTE January 10, 2022 Courts will be reporting on expenditures from October 1, 2021, through December 31, 2021. April 10, 2022 Courts will be reporting on expenditures from January 1, 2022, through March 31, 2022. July 10, 2022 Courts will be reporting expenditures from April 1, 2022, through June 30, 2022. October 10, 2022 Courts will be reporting expenditures from July 1, 2022, through September 30, 2022. PROGRESS DUE DATE NOTE October 30, 2022* Courts will be reporting on progress made during the grant period - Year -End Report October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022. *Planning Grants - If your court is receiving a FY 2022 planning grant, you are only required to complete this report if the program becomes operational during this fiscal year. Thomas P. Boyd State Court Administrator Michigan Supreme Court State Court Administrative Office Michigan Hall of Justice P.O. Box 30048 Lansing, Michigan 48909 Phone517-373-0128 September 28, 2021 Honorable Joseph G. Fabrizio, Chief Judge/Mental Health Court Judge 52nd District Court - Division 1 48150 Grand River Ave. Novi, MI 48374 Re: Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program Planning Grant - Planning Award Notification 52-1 District Court — Adult Mental Health Court Dear Chief Judge Fabrizio I am pleased to inform you that your court has been awarded a grant in the amount of $34,618 from the Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program Planning Grant administered by the State Court Administrative Office. This award is for the grant period October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022. Your court's fiscal year 2022 contract will be e-mailed from DocuSign to your project director, Alexandra Black. Signed contracts must be returned by December 17, 2021. The budget, based on your court's actual award, must be updated in WebGrants by November 5, 2021. Instructions for revising your budget are attached to the message your project director will receive from WebGrants. If you have any questions about the grant or need assistance regarding best practices, please contact Andrew Smith at 517-373-0954 or at smitha(a).courts.mi.aov. For assistance in publicizing the success of your court, please contact John Nevin at 517-373-0129 or nevini(&courts.mi.eov. September 28, 2021 Page Two Finally, you should know that the Michigan Supreme Court appreciates your effort and passion presiding over these life-saving courts. You and your treatment court team are to be commended for making a difference in so many lives. Sincerely, Thomas P. Boyd State Court Administrator cc: Honorable David Law Honorable Maureen McGinnis Honorable Julie Nicholson Andrew Smith, Problem -Solving Courts Manager Jennifer Phillips, SCAO Region VI Administrator Alexandra Black, Court Administrator/Mental Health Court Project Director h Court Funding Opportunity: 24825-Fiscal Year 2022 Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program (MMHCGP) Operational and Planning Programs Funding Opportunity Due Date: Jun 30, 2021 11:59 PM Program Area: Michigan Mental Health Court Grant Program (MMHCGP) Status Editing Stage: Final Application Initial Submit Data: Initially Submitted By: Last Submit Date: Last Submitted By: Contact Information `!jl'yt.tt`4 C.:r)s?t=':i('t �'IfrxtY}t:Stltili Name: Title: Email": Address`: Phone': Fax: fia au:esr. ;he Weir ~arils le:.xss lorsa click hUre. WebGrants Authorization Approval Form: ?'n<ac.n!ztsYinn inforl-notion, Name: Organization Type`: Tax Id: Organization Website; Addresd: Ms. Alexandra Mddle Nome Black S. Iuleiioi Firstl,bwe i.abl Name blacka§wkgov.com 48150 Grand River Ave Noti Michigan 48374 (-,!IV Stair/Pwmm , Pos4nl (oade Lc 248-305-6147 f'honn ###ft # 9#- ' Y 1441r'a110-941 #t grona authoriznflon fv ,n.pdf 52nd District Court First Ditision - Oakland County (D52-1) State Court Administrative Office 48150 Grand River Ate. 1of7 Nou Michigan 48374 City State/PniuAnce Postal Cude/lip Phone': (248) 305-6144 Eu „#,-, 444-?t#YN Fax: (248) 305-5970 FY 22 Abbreviated Application Program Information Select your court': D52-1 (Nou) Oakland County*: Oakland Please pick your program typo:': Adult Mental Health Court Federal Tax ID *: 38-6004876 9sthisa regional program? *: Yes Chiet Judge *: Joseph Fabnzio Program Judge 1 Name`: Joseph Fabnzio Program Judge 1 Email Address": fahnzuoqg`tihjakgnv.r.oni Program Judge 2 Name: David Law Program Judge 2 Email Address lawd&akgov.corn Program Judge 3 Name: Maureen McGinnis Program Judge 3 Email Address: mcgu�nism(iiluakgovcan Program Judge 4 Name: Julie Nicholson Program Judge 4 Email Address nicholsonj(dycakgovcom Court Administrator': Alexandra Black Financial Officer*: Kyle Jen Project Director: Alexandra Black Project Director E-mail Address`: blacka chi. 3kgrv,wm Project Director Phone Number`: 248-305-6147 Ea; DCCMIS Administrator Name*: David Campbell DCCMIS Administrator E-mail Address": campbelld(a�dakgovcurn DCCMIS Administrator Phone Nunn 248-305 Wl Ea Authorizing Official (individual who will Daud Woodward sign the grant contract) Name`: Authorizing Official E-mail Addresses .t )D,,Mardd@x>akgo'v.rnm Authorizing Official Phone Number*: 248-858-0100 EA Authorizing Official Title ': Chairman Oakland County Board of Commissioners SIGMA Vendor ID #": CV0048080 Yns oumbur i,c;lrr; m th CV, tolinwed bt7 digits i asnants IT= tho `44tr+for thi,, numCei 1` wo arc h,:virg nil I( utrgI i�Tr,io :.u��rlse�oco %lj,Y nun". nti (aov Program Operations 2 of 7 Is the program applying for planning or Planning Application operational funds? 4: m nlan in hpn_ in 10/01/2021 accepting participants? : Will the program receive funding or, has No the program applied for funding from another source (non SCAO-local, state or federal) for the upcoming fiscal year? *; State Funded Budget Personnel Name Position Lauryn Ferro Senior Piobabon Officer Personnel Computation Request Other Grant Or Funding Source Local Cash Contribution Local In-1 Und Contribution Total $77,402.70 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $77,402 70 $77,402.70 C>r�,e.at:r;he l:»raonr.�l ;:n,ts ji e, wogesY sr6cnciayd troilh ltra pmpm.t=d ploJvt.i. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $77,402.70 Mental Health Court participants require very intense supervision and monitoring. In the initial phase of the program, participants will present for twice weekly appointments with their probation officer, twice monthly review hearings oath the treatment team, which includes their sentencing judge, and monthly visits at the participants home during an unannounced search. Participants will gradually progress to weekly and eventually bi- weekly appointments with their probation officer and monthly review hearings with the treatment team toward the end of their program participation, which is a minimum of 11 months in duration. Caseloads for the Mental Health Court officer should not exceed 40 participants as the high risk & high needs of the participants require intensive supervision and availability additionally in this pilot program we wall have 1 probation officer for all 4 Divisions of the 52nd District Court, In order to provide direct and specialized service to individuals with serious mental health issues, the screening process and participant identification must also go through this officer. Due to the multiple complex issues participants will have, it is preferred the officer have a minimum of 5 years full time experience with specialty courts and mental health issues. Further, due to the need for constant evaluation of this program, the Mental Health Court probation officer will be responsible for ensuring adequate information is input into DCCMIS and will evaluate program progress and outcome on a routine basis. Lauryn Ferro: Senior Probation Officer, FTE (40 hours per week), 40 hours per week will be spent working on the grant, this position is supported 100% by the grant funds, the average hourly rate is $37.2128 (this average includes estimated rate increases the employee may be eligible for during the grant year), Total of $77,402.70 for Fiscal Year 2022. Fringe Benefits Types of cringe Benefits to be Claimed Request Other Grant Or Funding Source Local Cash Contributions In•IGnd Contributions Total WORKERS COW (722750) = $835.95 (1.08%) $835,95 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $835.95 GROUP LIFE (722760) = $170.29 (0,22%) $170.29 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $170.29 RETIREMENT(722770)=$18,894.00(24.41%) $18,894.00 $000 $0.00 $0.00 $18,894.00 HOSPITALIZATION(722780)=$10,725.96 $10,725,96 $000 $0.00 $0.00 $10,725.96 SOCIAL. SECURITY (722790) = $5.921.31 (765%) $5,921.31 $O.OD $0.00 $0.00 $5,921,31 DENTAL (722800) = $857,04 $857,04 $0.00 $D.DO $0.00 $857.04 DISABILITY (722810) = $1,199.74 (1.55%) $1,199.74 $0.00 $0.00 $000 $1,199.74 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE (722820) = $77.40 (0, 10%) $77.40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $77.40 OPTICAL (722850) =$125.04 $125.04 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12504 $38,806.73 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $38,806.73 Fringe Benefits t.'e�.,',;:.e �n ctehtl ead.frdxie L�nr=ru ntnc;int. iI you a,e regt,esiinq funu=:n the''Cther^ categerI, nduti"', F110,1e11 desUpton ,f tilcse P'*. n;as 3of7 WORKERS COMP (722750) = $835.95 (11 OS"S) GROUP LIFE (722760) _ $170.29 (0 22 7,,) RETIREMENT (722770) _ $18,894.00 (`-1,1 HORPITAI 17ATION (722780) = $10.725.96 SOCIAL SECURITY (722790) _ $5,921.31 DENTAL (722800) = $857.04 DISABILITY (722810) = $1,199.74 (L5b9s,} UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE (722820) = $77.40 (0 OPTICAL (722850) = $125.04 TOTAL FRINGE COSTS = $38,806.73 (3:. 01 `4, t D�,ucl i:on4 uu Contractual Service to be Provided Contractor(s) gps tether Home Confinement policeovertime Oakland County Sheriff Department transitional Oakdale Recovery housing-3/4 Center and Sacred house Heart drug/alcohol Drop Zone testing GED TESTING State of Michigan Emergency holiday inn, red roof housing inn, motel 6 Michigan ID State of Mchigan Birthcertificate countyspecific Zoom business Zoom license Contractual Computation $75 enrollment + (30 days x $10 per day) x20 participants ($73.51 / hour x 10 hours of home usits per month) x 12 months $200 per dayx30 days x 10 participants $8 per test x60 days x40 participants $37,50 per module x 10 participants x5 modules $100 per night x5 nights x5 participants $12 x 10 $36 for birth certificate x 10 participants 1 business mom license @ $199 Da cube die. rontrscival costs associated with the proposed piojeti Other Grant or Funding Local Cash Local ln4Gnd Request Sources Contribution Contribution Total SubrecipienUContractor $7,500.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0,00 $7,500.00 Contractor $8,821.20 $0.00 $000 $0.00 $8,821.20 Contractor $60,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $60,000.00 Contractor $19,200.00 $000 $0.00 $0.00 $19,200.00 Contractor $1,875.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $1,875.00 Contractor $2,500.00 $0.00 $000 $0.00 $2,500.00 Contractor $120.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $120.00 Contractor $360.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $360.00 Contractor $199.00 $000 $0.00 $0.00 $199.00 Contractor $100,575.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Electronic Monitoring: GPS tether is often a necessary component of any treatment court. While sanctions are unfortunately a part of every treatment court, incarceration isn't always the best answer. A GPS tether is a great tool to keep the individual on track with counseling and medications without the disruption of jail, but maintaining safety for the community and teaching them responsibility. There are rare occasions GPS may be necessary at the beginning of the program but would be reserved for those truly struggling to maintain their treatment and compliance with conditions while entering the program (i.e. multiple bond violations). Home Confinement has been an excellent company thus far within our Community Advocacy Program and has a reasonable/competitive fee scale of $75 for enrollment, and $10 per day. It Is important for participants to pay for their own sanctions, however, it is costly and again could be a disruption to focus on treatment, therefore payment for the initial 30 days is being requested. $75 + (30 days x $10 per day) x 20 participants. County Sheriff Deputy Overtime: Home Visits are an essential element of the Mental Health Court procedures and are critical to the participant's and program's success. The 52nd District Court, encompasses over 30 jurisdictions, some patrolled by the Oakland County Sheriff Department and some by municipal police departments. Some of the agencies only have 2-3 police officers on the road at any given time. Requesting those agencies pull an officer off the road from patrol to assist with home visits creates not only a hardship within the department, but also the potential of reducing community safety during that time. Additionally, the ability of utilizing an Oakland County Sheriff Deputy for home visits, has granted the ability to allow participants who sometimes live right on the edge of our jurisdiction, to participate in our program, when they otherwise would be excluded. Utilizing an Oakland County Sheriff's Deputy would allow us to accept these individuals Into our program as we would be able to conduct home visits. This is especially helpful given the limited amount of Mental Health Court availability in Oakland County. Therefore, we are requesting approximately 10 hours of overtime for a D-II/ Patrol Deputy to conduct home visits on a monthly basis for the entire 12 month period of FY 2022. 4 of 7 At the time this grant was submitted, the exact per overtime hour cost of a D-IV Patrol Deputy was unknown. Therefore the cost was calculated at the known 2021 cost of $72.07 factoring in a 2% cost of living increase, which equated to $73.51 per hour of overtime. Transitional Housing: Several of our Community Advocacy participants and transferees to other programs were either homeless, or not living in a -f- nnan„ haneftt from transitional housinq until they can maintain mental stability as well as sobriety and employment. Two agencies we have had success with in the past are Sacred Heart and Oakdale Recovery Center. The average daily cost to the participant would be $2DD per day. We anticipate approximately 10 people in the first year would benefit from safe, sober living while they stabilize, that would possibly not be covered under Oakland County Health Network. The computation for this would be $200 x 10 participants x 30 days = $60,000 Emergency Housing: There are some individuals who enter the program homeless or without safe or proper living environments. While transitional housing is most desirable, beds are not always readily available and may take a fewdays for placement. Emergency housing at a hotel is a great interim solution. Unfortunately the Oakland County area does not have a great deal of inexpensive hotels/motels, however, $100 per night including tax should be obtainable. There are very fewwho should need this option, therefore it is requested for 5 participants, 5 nights at $1 DD per night equalling $2500. Testing: Our Drug Court has utilized funds to assist participants with drug and alcohol monitoring in the past. The transition from active addiction to a treatment court program is extremely difficult for new participants, as many of them are unemployed and lack a support system at home. Participation in this program Is completely voluntary, which is typically an indication of their desire to obtain recovery. There are many factors that may deter individuals from entering or being successful in a treatment court program; however as indicated by past participant survey's, the financial burden and stress are significant areas of concern. All new participants in the program with active addiction issues as well as mental health issue will be required to submit to daily drug and alcohol testing for at least the first 60 days, which will add to their already high levels of stress and financial concerns. The daily testing during the initial phase of our Drug Court program was based on feedback from participants that reported it keeps them "focused" on not using and that every day they tested negative was a source of pride and measure of success. We are seeking funding to provide assistance with drug and alcohol monitoring during the first 60 days in the program for our Mental Health Court participants as well through a contractor, Drop Zone, This will provide the participant ample time to concentrate on their sobriety, find employment and build their support system without the increased stress and financial burden of the cost of testing. Drop Zone currently provides us a discounted rate for our treatment court participants of $8 per test (drug and alcohol). Drop Zone utilizes a specialized pbt straw that has a natural filter built in. This filter provides both the tester and participant a safer and healthier testing environment, which is especially beneficial in light of the COVID 19 pandemic. For FY 2021 we estimated 30 new clients in our first year of operation and most of our Community Advocacy participants currently have an alcohol or drug addiction so it is our best estimate that approximately 30 will be required to test. Drop Zone Testing: The agencies will provide observed 12 panel urine drug screens and preliminary breath tests to participants during their initial 60 days of program participation. The testing agencies will provide confirmation testing on disputed tests, but the participant would be responsible for those service/ confirmation fees. Estimating 40 participants x 60 days x $8 per test = $19,200, After the first 60 days of testing is completed, the participant will be responsible for the remainder of their testing in the treatment program. GED Testing: Education is an important aspect for vocational improvement for participants, to our current Community Advocacy Program it is estimated 25 percent of participants had not completed high school. Encouraging these individuals to complete their GED would be paramount to increased future success. Due to their lack of education many of these individuals do not have gainful employment. Covering the cost of GED to allowthe judge to order completion would be helpful. There are 5 modules to the GED test and they are $37.50 each, for approximately 10 participants would cost $1875,00, Michigan State ID: Participants who enter the program homeless often do not have proper identification which is not only illegal, but makes it impossible to obtain employment. It is estimated that approximately 25% will enter the program this way. The cost of a state ID is $12 x 10 participants, therefore $120 is requested. Birth Certificate: Participants will need a birth certificate in order to obtain a State ID Again, without a State ID or Social Security card an individual attempting to obtain employment will not have success. It is estimated 25%who enter the program will not have proper documentation to obtain necessary items. Therefore, $36 per birth certificate/social security card for 10 participants is requested for a total of $360, Zoom Business License: A Zoom Business License enables the probation officer to utilize technology for more frequent appointments with the participant without forcing in person meetings when transportation is an issue or if the individual is in transitional housing. The business license prevents the meetings from cutting off at 40 minutes. It would also allowto have zoom meetings with powers of attorneys, support systems, and liaison with the participant here in person and the other individuals zooming in remotely as well. One business license is requested at the rate of $199 per year. Supplies 5 of 7 Other Grant or Funding Local Cash Local In -Kind Type of Supply Computation Request Sources Contribution Contribution Total graduation $13 chips x3 boxes,$11 cookies x 3,$3.50 water x 2 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $75.00 refreshments testing cups $3 per test x40 partici pants x 12 man Ins =$1440 $1,440.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,440 00 gift card incentives $10 gift card x 10 participants x 12 months =$1200 $1,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $000$1,2000 graduation gifts $20 giftcard x36 participants = $720 $72000 $0.00 $0.00 $000 $720.00 partapantwelcome $7 19+ $1.00+ $8 49 = $16.6B per participantx40 new $667.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $667.20 supplies participants = $667,20 $4,102,20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Supplies f.'�aso,be roe supplycoL� assoclatr:d ,mite the Pro,,)ccFd Pio;ed Graduation Supplies Graduation is an important component of any treatment court program. Many individuals who participate have never graduate or received recognition for accomplishments. Positive reinforcement has been proven to be the most effective tool for continued success. The plan for this anticipated graduating class would be to hold a large graduation in the county seat, possibly the Board of Commissioners Auditorium to allow all of the 52nd Judges and participants to join together to celebrate with refreshments (deserts/appetizers) provided to the participants, participants families and members from the community. To comply with social distancing requirements and other safety protocols, we are asking for $75 for each of the ceremonies to purchase prepackaged desserts, an assortment of snack food and individual bottle water. Estimating: 3 boxes of 50 Count box of chips @ -$13 per box for a total of $39 + 3 boxes of 30 count cookies/desert items at $11 per box for a total of $33 + 2 cases of 45 count bottle water @ $3.50 per case for a total of $T $39+$33+7 = $80 X 1 graduation ceremonies = $80, Testing Supplies In order to assist participants with any potential inability to pay for testing after the first 60 days, random office drug tests, and home visit testing we are requesting funding for testing supplies. An estimated 40 participants @ 1 test per month x 12 months = 480 tests for the grant period. Tests purchased through Redwood Toxicology cost is 480 tests x $3 per Cup test = $1440, Incentives Our program is requesting funds to purchase gift cards as an incentive based approach to positne compliance. Positive reinforcement of a participants sobriety has proven to be extremely useful in getting the participant to want to maintain sobriety. Especially during the early stages of recovery and treatment. Therefore, we would ask to be able to purchase gift cards, valued at $10 each, to help encourage sober behaviors. Estimating that 10 gift cards would be utilized each month at a cost of $10 per gift card, for a total of $100 per month. In a 12 month period the cost would be $1200. Graduation Gift: Each participant that successfully completes the entire program will receive a graduation gift at their graduation ceremony. We are anticipating with exceptional planning and a strong participant based program we will maintain at least 90 percent of those who enroll in the program. Therefore, 36 graduates in a 40 participant program is projected. 36 graduates with an average gift of $20 per would equal a total of $720 Suppliesfor Participants In our Drug Court, Sobriety Court and Veteran Court programs we have provided participants upon entry Into the program with a welcome packet which contains a folder, notebook, calendar and writing utensil. Due to the fact, participants are usually disorganized, and to a degree, overwhelmed with the requirements of the program, these materials afford the participant a way to begin to put structure into then lives. They also provide organization and accountability to an otherwise chaotic life. We would like to offer the same supplies to our Mental Health Court participants, Basic 3 ring binders at 2" thickness are -$7.19 each; Spiral Notebooks & writing utensils are -$1 each, Pocket Calendars are -$8.49 each ($7.19+ $1,00+ $8,49 = $16.68 per participant x 40 new participants = $667.20), Travel and Training Other Grant or Funding Local Cash Local In-16nd Type of Travel or Training Computation Request Sources Contribution Contribution Total MATCP Treatment Court 4team members $1,220.00 $0.00 $no $1,582.20$2,802.20 Conference $305 $1,220.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,582.20 Travel and Training Dr,3, hOw die?mrel and liairling rnsis assoi.lated will thr' prnpesed pmjeu. The estimated cost for the 2022 Michigan Association of Treatment Court Professionals conference registration is $305 per attendee. The Mental Health Court Probation Officer, 3 members of the newtreatment team will need to attend minimally. 2022 Michigan Association of Treatment Court Professionals Conference: $305 per attendee x4 attendees = $1220.00. 6 of 7 52-1 District Court budget will be paying for the ancillary expenses with attending, such as mileage reimbursement and meal stipends. An estimate includes hotel of $150 per night, at two nights for two people totals $1200. In addition, roundtrip mileage for two would be 228 miles as with the conference being hosted at the Lansing Center in Lansing, MI, roundtrip for one person to that location is 114 miles x 4 people for a total of +sir. ... t:oo. alc me rrn,oro.i 1hllugh the conference, dinners are not. Per diem rate is figured at $15 for dinner, 2 dinners for 4 people x $15 would total $120, Therefore, the estimated amount the court will provide as in -kind would be Hotel ($1200) + Mileage ($262.20) + Meal Per Diem ($120) equals $1582.20 Total Budget Budget Category Request Other (rand or Funding Sources local Cash Contributions IrNWnd Contributions Total $222,106,83 $0.00 $0.00 $1,582.20 Total Cost $223,689.03 7 of 7