HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2021.12.09 - 35113IFOAKLANDIF�- COUNTY M I C H I GAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS December 9, 2021 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #21-500 Sponsored By: Penny Luebs IN RE: Health & Human Services - Health Division - Grant Amendment FY 2022 Emerging Threats Local Health Department Agreement - Amendment #1 Chairperson and Members of the Board: WHEREAS the Oakland County Health Division has received Amendment #1 to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Emerging Threats Local Health Department Agreement in the amount of $1,113,527 for the period October 1, 2021, through September 30. 2022: and WHEREAS Amendment #1 provides finding to support wastewater monitoring for SARS-CoV-2 virus shed into Michigan public sewer systems; and WHEREAS the original agreement amount of S9,502,413 was approved via Miscellaneous Resolution #21434 on October 28, 2021. and WHEREAS Amendment #1 changes the total amount of the agreement from S9,502,413 to $10,615,940, an increase of $1,113.527; and WHEREAS the Health Division is requesting to transfer the special revenue funding assigned to one (1) Part - Time Non -Eligible (PINE) 1,000 hours per year Medical Technologist position within the Laboratory unit (#1060212-14866) from the FY 2022 Local Health Department grant (LHD) (Fund #28631) to the FY 2022 Emerging Threats Agreement grant; and WHEREAS no County match is required; and RTIEREAS Amendment #1 has completed the Grant Review Process in accordance with the Grants Policy approved by the Board of Commnissioners at their January 21. 2021, meeting. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes Amendment #1 to increase the Fiscal Year 2022 Emerging Threats Local Health Department Agreement total funding by $1,113,527 for the period of October 1. 2021, through September 30. 2021 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to transfer the funding assigned to one (1) Special Revenue Part -Time Non - Eligible (PTNE) 1.000 hours per year Medical Technologist position (#1060212-14866) from the FY 2022 Local Health Department (LHD) grant (Fund #28631). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future commitment, and continuation of this program is contingent upon continued future levels of grant funding. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board Chairperson is authorized to execute this agreement and to approve any grant extensions or changes, within fifteen percent (15%) of the original award, which is consistent with the agreement as originally approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Special Revenue (SR) Fund Budget is amended as detailed in the attached Schedule A. Chairperson, the following Coumnissioners are sponsoring the foregoing Resolution: Penny Luebs. 6zdDate: December 09, 2021 David Woodward, Commissioner Date: December 15, 2021 Hilarie Chambers. Deputy County Executive Ii Date: December m r 15 2021 Lisa Brown, County Clerk t Register of Deeds COMMITTEE TRACKING 2021-11-30 Public Health & Safety - recommend and forward to Finance 2021-12-01 Finance - recommend to Board 2021-12-09 Full Board VOTE TRACKING Motioned by Commissioner William Miller III seconded by Commissioner Robert Hoffinan to adopt the attached Grant Amendment: FY 2022 Emerging Threats Local Health Department Agreement - Amendment #1. Yes: David Woodward, Michael Gingell, Michael Spisz. Karen Joliat, Kristen Nelson. Eileen Kocvall, Christine Long, Philip Weipert, Gwen Markham. Angela Powell, Thomas Kuhn. Chuck Moss, Marcia Gershenson, William Miller III, Yolanda Smith Charles Charles Cavell, Penny Luebs, Janet Jackson. Gary McGillivray, Robert Hoffinan, Adam Kochenderfer (21) No: None (0) Abstain: None (0) Absent: (0) The Motion Passed. ATTACHMENTS 1. Grant Review Sign -Off 2. PH&S Health FY22 LHD Emerging Threats Amend#I Scl1.A 3. Amend #1 Draft Agreement }. Attachment I 5. Attachment III 6. Attachment IV STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) I. Lisa Brown, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Conunissioners on December 9. 2021, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set may hand and affixed the seal of the Circuit Court at Pontiac, Mi�im cn Thuwisrf, DIfimml+c: IN 3SJI. Lisa Brown, Oakland Counts= Clerk /Register, ofDeeds GRANT REVIEW SIGN -OFF — Health & Human Services / Health Division GRANT NAME: FY 2022 Emerging Threat Local Health Department Agreement FUNDING AGENCY: Michigan Department of Health & Human Services DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Raquel Lewis 248-858-5254 STATUS: Grant Amendment #1 (less than 15%) DATE: 11/08/21 Please be advised the captioned grant materials have completed internal grant review. Below are the returned comments. The Board of Commissioners' liaison committee resolution and grant amendment package (which should include this sign -off and the grant amendment with related documentation) may be requested to be placed on the agenda(s) of the appropriate Board of Commissioners' committee(s) for grant amendment by Board resolution. DEPARTMENT REVIF,W Management and Budget: Approved by M & B — Lynn Sonkiss 11/8/2021. The draft resolution will need to be updated for the applicable budgetary inforniation/amendment. Human Resources: Approved by Human Resources. impacts positions therefore HR action is needed. — Heather Mason 1 1 /3/21 Risk Management: Approved by Risk Management. R.E. 11/03/2021 Corporation Counsel: The draft agreement is approved by Corporation Counsel (no legal issues). Sharon Kessler — 11 /4/21. From: Sonklss, Lynn C r o: reeves-moww. i Irannv n: Lewis, Kaduel; Smim, Stacey; stattord I olon-Anne: Nelson. Jawun; Coroorate Counsel: Mason. Heather I - McBroom. Diana E.; Frlenherk. Rohert Carl Cc: Adoolu-Jones, Earn; Conforti Holhi M: Elgrably. Kim K; Jen. Kyle Isaac, loss. Coward P; Shlh. Juli ; Stringfellow, oA n; stobenfald Trarv- Ward. Chris; Guuv, Scott N; Matthews, Hailev; Powers, Andrea; Sanrhez Kndina I Snover. Aaron C;_: Srocli, Connie L; Winter, Barbara; Worthinoton. Pamela I , Zhou. Jennv Subject: RE: GRANT REVIEW FORM - Health and Human Services/Health Division- FY 2022 EMERGING THREATS LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT - Amendment #1 less than 15% Date: Monday, November 8, 2021 7:45:16 PM Attachments: GRANT REVIEW FORM - Health and Human SannresHealth Division- FY 2077 FMFRGING THRFATS I.00Al, HEALTH DEPARTMFNT AGREEMENT - Amendment #1 less than I SO/ .msn Approved by M & B—11/8/2021. The draft resolution will need to be updated for the applicable budgetary information/amendment. Thanks, Lynn Sonkiss Fiscal Services Officer Oakland County, Michigan Phone 248.858.0940 Fax 248.858.9724 sonkis.sl(@oakeov com From: Keyes -Bowie, Tifanny B <keyesbowiet@oakgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2021 3:18 PM To: Lewis, Raquel <lewisra@oakgov.com>; Smith, Stacey <smithsd@oakgov.com>; Stafford, Leigh - Anne <staffordl@oakgov.com>; Nelson, Jawun <nelsonjaw@oakgov.com>; Corporate Counsel <corpcounsel@oakgov.com>; Mason, Heather L <mason h @oa kgov.com>; McBroom, Diana E. <mcbroomd@oakgov.com>; Erlenbeck, Robert Carl <erlenbeckr@oakgov.com>, Sonkiss, Lynn C <son kissl @oa kgov.com> Cc: Adoglu-Jones, Ebru <adoglu-jonese@oakgov.com>; Conforti, Holly M <confortlh@oakgov.com>; Elgrably, Kim K <elgrablyk@oakgov.com>; Jen, Kyle Isaac <jenk@oakgov.com>; Joss, Edward P <josse@oakgov.com>; Shlh, Julie <shihj@oakgov.com>; Keyes -Bowie, Tifanny B <keyesbowiet@oakgov.com>; Stringfellow, JoAnn <stringfellowj@oakgov.com>; Stolzenfeld, Tracy <stolzenfeldt@oakgov.com>; Ward, Chris <wardcc@oakgov.com>; Guzzy, Scott N <guzzys@oakgov.com>; Matthews, Hadley <matthewshd@oakgov.com>; Powers, Andrea <powersa@oakgov.com>; Sanchez, Kristina L <sanchezk@oakgov.com>; Snover, Aaron G. <snovera@oakgov.com>, Srogi, Connie L <srogic@oal<gov.com>; Winter, Barbara <winterb@oakgov.com>; Worthington, Pamela L <worthingtonp@oakgov.com>; Zhou, Jenny <zhouj@oakgov.com> Subject: GRANT REVIEW FORM - Health and Human Services/Health Division- FY 2022 EMERGING THREATS LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT - Amendment #1 less than 15% Please Note: Miscellaneous Resolution is subject to review by Human Resources and Fiscal Services for personnel changes and/or budget amendment From: Mason Heather I To: (eves -Bowie Tifannv B: Lewis. Ranuel; Smith, Stacey, Stafford, Leigh -Anne; Nelson, Jawun; Corporate Counsel; McBroom. Diana E.: Frlenherk. Robert can: Sonkiss. Lynn C Cc: Adoolu-Jonec. Fbru: Conforti Holly W Elarably. Kim K; Jen Kyle Isaac; Joss. Edward P; Shih, Julie; Stringfellow JJoh n; Stolzenfeld. Tracy; Ward, Chris; Guzzv Scott N; Matthews. Hailev: Powers, Andrea; Sanrha7_ Krishna L; Shover Aaron G.; Sroai, Connie L; Winter. Barbara; Wnrthinamn. Pamela L Zhou, Jenny Subject: RE: GRANT REVIEW FORM - Health and Human Services/Health Division- FY 2022 EMERGING THREATS LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT - Amendment #1 less than 15% Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2021 2:08:28 PM Approved by Human Resources. Impacts positions therefore HR action is needed. Heather L. Mason Supervisor Human Resources 03kiand County Human Resources L. Brooks Patterson Building - 2100 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford MI 48328 P: 248.858.25811 C: 248,568.2738 1 R 248.975,9742 rn,isnnhfto.a' vov corn I www nakpnv corn/loins Schedule: M,W,F onsite. T, Th remote. From: Keyes -Bowie, Tifanny B <keyesbowiet@oakgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 3:18 PM To: Lewis, Raquel <lewisra@oakgov.com>; Smith, Stacey <smithsd@oal<gov.com>; Stafford, Leigh - Anne <staffordl@oakgov.com>; Nelson, Jawun <nelsonjaw@oakgov.com>, Corporate Counsel <corpcounsel@oakgov.com>; Mason, Heather L<masonh@oakgov.com>; McBroom, Diana E. <mcbroomd@oal<gov.com>; Erlenbeck, Robert Carl <erlenbeckr@oakgov.com>; Sonkiss, Lynn C <sonkissl @ oakgov.com> Cc: Adoglu-Jones, Ebru <adoglu-jonese@oakgov.ccm>; Confortl, Holly M <confortih@oakgov.com>; Elgrably, Kim K <elgrablyl<@oakgov.com>; Jen, Kyle Isaac <jenk@oakgov.com>; Joss, Edward P <josse@oakgov.com>; Shih, Julie <shihj@oakgov.com>, Keyes -Bowie, Tifanny B <keyesbowiet@oakgov.com>; Stringfellow, JoAnn <stringfellowj@oakgov.com>; Stolzenfeld, Tracy <stolzenfeldt@oakgov.com>; Ward, Chris <wardcc@oakgov.com>; Guzzy, Scott N <guzzys@oakgov.com>; Matthews, Halley <matthewshd@oakgov.com>; Powers, Andrea <powersa@oakgov.com>; Sanchez, Kristlna L <sanchezk@oakgov.com>; Snover, Aaron G. <snovera@oakgov.com>; Srogi, Connie L <srogic@oakgov.com>; Winter, Barbara <wlnterb@oal<gov.com>; Worthington, Pamela L<worthingtonp@oakgov.com>; Zhou, Jenny <zhouj@oakgov.com> Subject: GRANT REVIEW FORM - Health and Human Services/Health Division- FY 2022 EMERGING THREATS LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT - Amendment #1 less than 15% Please Note: Miscellaneous Resolution is subject to review by Human Resources and Fiscal Services for personnel changes and/or budget amendment GRANT REVIEW FORM From: Frlenheck Rnhart Carl ro: Keves-Bnwle- ntannv B, Lewis. RaQuel; Smith, Stacey; Staftnrd, Leigh -Anne; Nelson, Jawun; Corporate Counsel; Mason. Heather I ; MrBmnm- Diana F , Sonkiss. Lynn C Cc: Adnahi-tones Fhnn Contain- Holly M, Elgrably. Kim K; Jen Kyle Isaac; Joss, Edward P; Shlh, Julie; Stringfellow, JoAnn; Smizenfeld. Tiacv: Ward, Chris; Guzzv, Scott N; Matthews- Hailev: Powers. Andrea; Sancha7 Knstina I ; Snover Aaron C.: Stool, Connie L; Winter, Barbara; Worthington. Pamela L: Zhou, Jenny Subject: RE: GRANT REVIEW FORM - Health and Human Services/Health Division- FY 2022 EMERGING THREATS LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT - Amendment #1 less than 15% Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 5:01:01 PM Approved with the following modifications: • If Oakland County is defined as the "Grantee" in the final agreement then the "Insurance Requirements" section of the Program Specific Assurances and Requirements document will have to be modified to Include the phrase "or governmental self-insurance" after "Grantee, at its sole expense, must maintain the insurance coverage...," in the opening section. R.E. 11/02/2021. Robert Erlenbeck, Insurance Risk Administrator Risk Management Office: 248-858-1694 Cell 248-421-9121 Office schedule: Monday through Thursday 7:00 to 5:00 From: Keyes -Bowie, Tifanny B <keyesbowiet@oakgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2021 3:18 PM To: Lewis, Raquel <lewisra@oakgov.com>; Smith, Stacey <smithsd@oal<gov.com>; Stafford, Leigh - Anne <staffordl@oakgov.com>; Nelson, Jawun <nelsonjaw@oakgov.com>; Corporate Counsel <corpcounsel@oal<gov.com>; Mason, Heather L <masonh@oakgov.com>; McBroom, Diana E. <mcbroomd@oakgov.com>; Erlenbeck, Robert Carl <erlenbeckr@oakgov.com>; Sonkiss, Lynn C <son kissl @oakgov.com> Cc: Adoglu-Jones, Ebru <adoglu-jonese@oakgov.com>; Conforti, Holly M <confortih@oakgov.com>; Elgrably, Kim K <elgrablyk@oakgov.com>; Jen, Kyle Isaac <jenk@oakgov.com>; Joss, Edward P <josse@oakgov.com>; Shih, Julie <shihj@oakgov.conl Keyes -Bowie, Tifanny B <keyesbowiet@oakgov.com>; Stringfellow, JoAnn <stringfellowj@oakgov.com>; Stolzenfeld, Tracy <stolzenfeldt@oakgov.com>; Ward, Chris <wardcc@oakgov.com>; Guzzy, Scott N <guzzys@oakgov.com>; Matthews, Hailey <matthewshd@oakgov.com>; Powers, Andrea <powersa@oakgov.com>; Sanchez, Kristina L <sanchezk@oakgov.com>; Snover, Aaron G. <snovera@oakgov.com>; Srogi, Connie L <srogic@oakgov.com>; Winter, Barbara <winterb@oakgov.com>; Worthington, Pamela L <worthingtonp@oakgov.com>; Zhou, Jenny <zhouj@oakgov.com> Subject: GRANT REVIEW FORM - Health and Human Services/Health Division- FY 2022 EMERGING THREATS LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT - Amendment #1 less than 15% Please Note: Miscellaneous Resolution is subject to review by Human Resources and Fiscal Services fcatpamonnet changes and(or budget amendment From: Kessler Sharon Barnes To: Keves-Bowie Tifannv R- Lewis. Raquel; Smith, Stacey; Stafford Lerch -Anne: Nelson, Jawun; Cornorata Counsel, Mason, Heather I' MCBroom Diana F.- Erlenbeck. Robert Carl: Sonkiss, Lynn C; Grafton. Holly L.! Phillips, Solon M. Cc: Adoalu-loves. Fhru: Conforti, Holly M; Ello ably Kim K; Jen Kyle Isaac; Joss, Edward P; Shih, Julie; Stringfellow JoAnn; Stnbenfeld Trarv: Ward, Chris; Guzzy, Scott N; Matthews. Hailev, Powers, Andrea; Sanrhe7. Krishna I Snover. Aaron G.: Sraaf, Connie L; Winter, Barbara; Wnrthinotnn Pamela I ; Zhou. Jenny Subject: RE: GRANT REVIEW FORM - Health and Human Services/Health Division- FY 2022 EMERGING THREATS LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT - Amendment #1 less than 15% Date: Thursday, November 4, 2021 2:50:56 PM The draft agreement is approved by Corporation Counsel (no legal issues). Sharon Kessler— 11/4/21. t4OAKIAND- Sharon Barnes Kessler, Senior Assistant Corporation Counsel Oakland County Corporation Counsel 1200 N Telegraph Road, Bldg 14 East, Courthouse West Wing Extension, 3" Floor, Pontiac, MI 48341 P: 2/X 85S, 434 I F: 24>.8=.R1 nil, .v,ont Hours: Monday— Friday; 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. PRMImGFI1AND CONFMFNTIAI - ATT ORNPY CI nNT COMMi INICATION Thr,^- m.rd1, I W( nuId unit' for I htoe ct,,l:t.,lah.,nIr_,pe,i`s,,addressed Itas',C5protect.n,It hea; N:n<'I cb,. t nnvtlogz a nd mu'k pwduti des; �ne Tlus F' n:Jen_ telaras to tre CouPry c- Oa4'ar�, anJ mcmicaa; aeJ: a,ees are not aotl;or,ird to wimr or f o: rtv this ;-Nilrge :n any ,nsy .nd;v:Jua6 ai e advc d that am: d:c:ern r.azioa. gem odurion o: unauthw i�eJ review of the nSorrnnLnr Fy pc� xn :other then ;ho;a I:aed aSa� c may wra3!rte a waive; cf th's pi:vreg,e snn¢d.elelcre p;uhLeni Ifp.:ul;,iJ::n.rvr.rA lh-mr;cirem rner, plese ao4fy the cendur mnie9atelp I`y. nare arty o^echo: a, plrrrc 1onts1l The Duu..::moN of � orpa aVnn Com, J at (.`-aj 55.:-bS-.:1. Third ycu :..r voor c.•oprrati. n From: Keyes -Bowie, Tifanny B <keyesbowiet@oakgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 3:18 PM To: Lewis, Raquel <lewisra@oakgov.com>; Smith, Stacey <smithsd@oakgov.com>; Stafford, Leigh - Anne <staffordl@oakgov.com>; Nelson, Jawun <nelsonjaw@oakgov.com>; Corporate Counsel <corpcounsel@oakgov.com>; Mason, Heather L <masonh@oakgov.com>; McBroom, Diana E. <mcbroomd@oakgov.com>; Erlenbeck, Robert Carl <erlenbeckr@oakgov.com>; Sonkiss, Lynn C <sonkissl @oal<gov.com> Cc: Adoglu-Jones, Ebru <adoglu-jonese@oal<gov.com>; Conforti, Holly M <confortih@oakgov.com>; Elgrably, Kim K <elgrablyk@oakgov.com>; Jen, Kyle Isaac <jenk@oakgov.com>; Joss, Edward P <josse@oakgov.com>; Shih, Julie <shihj@oakgov.com>; Keyes -Bowie, Tifanny B <keyesbowiet@oakgov.com>; Stringfellow, JoAnn <stringfellowj@oakgov.com>; Stolzenfeld, Tracy <stolzenfeldt@oakgov.com>; Ward, Chris <wardcc@oakgov.com>; Guzzy, Scott N <guzzys@oakgov.com>, Matthews, Halley <matthewshd@oakgov.com>; Powers, Andrea <powersa@oakgov.com>; Sanchez, Kristina L <sanchezk@oakgov.com>; Snover, Aaron G. <snovera@oakgov.com>; Srogi, Connie L<srogic@oakgov.com>; Winter, Barbara <winterb@oakgov.com>; Worthington, Pamela L <worthingtorikgov.corl Zhou, Jenny <zhouj@oal<gov.com> Subject: GRANT REVIEW FORM - Health and Human Services/Health Division- FY 2022 EMERGING THREATS LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT - Amendment #1less than 15% Please Note: Miscellaneous Resolution is subject to review by Human Resources and Fiscal Services for personnel changes and/or budget amendment Oakland County, Michigan Health and Human Services - Health Division FY2022 Emerging Threats Grant Schedule "A" DETAIL 1 Fund FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 RIE Fund Name Division Name Fund # I Division # I Affiliate I Program # I Account# Account Title Amendment Amendment Amendment COVID 1 2 6 GRANT G OUN01118, Bud Ref 2022 Activity: GLB Analysis GLB R COVID 15 Health Administration 28630 1060201 133095 610313 Federal Operating Grants $ 1,113,527 Total Revenue $ 1,113,527 E COVID 19 Health Administration 28630 1060201 133095 702010 Salaries Regular 97,725 E COVID 19 Health Administration 28630 1060201 133095 722740 Fringe Benefits 46,673 E COVID 19 Health Administration 28630 1060201 133095 730072 Advertising 1,000 E COVID 19 Health Administration 28630 1060201 133095 730373 Contractual 594,590 E COVID 19 Health Administration 28630 1060201 133095 730646 Equipment Maintenance 3,000 E COVID 19 Health Administration 28630 1060201 133095 730772 Freight and Express 1,000 E COVID 19 Health Administration 28630 1060201 133095 730926 Indirect Costs 13,508 E COVID 19 Health Administration 28630 1060201 133095 73145B Professional Services 65,000 E COVID 19 Health Administration 28630 1060201 133095 732018 Travel and Conference 2,000 E COVID 19 Health Administration 28630 1060201 133095 750154 Expendable Equipment 81,134 E COVID 19 Health Administration 28630 1060201 133095 750294 Material and Supplies 98,500 E COVID 19 Health Administration 28630 1060201 133095 760157 Equipment 50,000 E COVID 19 Health Administration 28630 1060201 133095 774636 Info Tech Operations 56,399 E COVID 19 Health Administration 28630 1060201 133095 774677 Insurance Fund 3,000 Total Expenditures $ 1,113,527 10J1412021 • _ f Amendment Number: Ito the Between Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and County of Oakland hereinafter referred to as the "Local Governing Entity" on Behalf of Health Department Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ Health Division AMENDMENT PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION 1. The purpose of this amendment is to: 1. Add/revise information in Attachment I - Annual Budget Instructions; 2. Add/revise information in Attachment III - Program Specific Assurance and Requirements; and 3. Incorporate Attachment IV- Funding/Reimbursement Matrix as revised for the Essential Local Public Health Service (ELPHS) and categorical budget details, output measures and performance criteria. 4. Increase the Department's agreement amount from $9,502,413 to $10,615,940, as shown on the Attachment B budget pages. 2. Amendment Revisions: The following are the additions/revisions to Attachment I and III A) The following projects include additions/revisions as highlighted in Attachment I - Annual Budget Instructions: No Change B) The following projects include additions/revisions as highlighted in Attachment III - Program Specific Assurance and Requirements: Emerging Threats- Local Health Department-2022, Date: 10/14/2021 Page: 1 of 8 10/14/2021 1. ELC Sewer Network - New 2. Lead Response- New 3. Reopening Schools HRA - New 4. Water Response- Giardia - New Following are adjustments to funding levels of the Local Health Department agreement as reflected in Attachment IV: Budget line item changes are reflected in the attached budgets for the following elements: Project Title Current Amended New Project T�mou—ni amount �mou—nT Performance Level Adjustments N/A Budget category Adjustments It is understood and agreed that all other conditions of the original agreement remains the same. Emerging Threats- Local Health Department- 2022, Date 10/14/2021 Page: 2 of 8 10/14120"21 ? Signing this ame ndmwA c y The individual or officer sigining this amendment certifies by his or her signature that he or she is authorized to sign this amedment on behalf of the reponsible governing board official or agency. Signature Section For Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ Health Division Andrea Powers Administrator Name (please print) Title For the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Christine H. Sanches 10/14/2021 Christine H. Sanches, Director Date Bureau of Purchasing Emerging Threats- Local Health Department- 2022, Date: 10114/2021 Page: 3 of 8 10/14/2021 '�a�sat'acnrr: e its Attachment I - Instructions for the Annual Budget Attachment III - Program Specific Assurances and Requirements Emerging Threats- Local Health Department- 2022, Date10/14/2021 Page: 4 of 8 Contract# Date 10M412021 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ATTACHMENT IV - Emerging Threats- Local Health Department- 2022 CONTRACT MANAGEMENT SECTION Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ Health Division Program Element/Funding Source MDHHS Fed/St Funding Reimbursement Performance Total (c) State A State Funded Minimum Contracbr I (a) Source Amount Method Target Perform Funded Subrece.lent (b) Output Expect Target Performance Percent (f) Measurement Perform Number (a) COVJD Immunization Reg. Alloc. F 5,163,603 Actual Cost N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Subrecepient Reimbursement ELC Contact Tracing, Reg. Alloc. F 3,488,890 Actual Cost N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Subrecepient Investigation, Testing Coord., Reimbursement Monitoring and Wrap Around ELC COVID-19 Infection Reg. Alloy F 337,500 Actual Cost N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA Subrecepient Prevention Reimbursement ELC Regional Lab Reg. Alloy F 512,420 Actual Cost N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Recepie it Reimbursement TOTAL MDHHS FUNDING 9,502,413 *SPECIFIC OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES WILL BE INCORPORATED VIA AMENDMENT Attachment IV Notes Emerging Threats- Local Health Department- 2022, Date. 10/14/2021 Page . 5 of 8 __--_ - _ _ __F_— Contract # Date. 10/14/2021 Emerging Threats- Local Health Department- 2022, Date 10/14/2021 Page: 6 of 8 Contract # Date, 10/14/2021 Proiect Budaets Summary of Budget PROGRAM I PROJECT DATE PREPARED Emerging Threats- Local Health Department- 2022 / 10/14/2021 Emerqinq Threats- Local Health Department- 2022 11 CONTRACTOR NAME BUDGET PERIOD Oakland County Department of Health and Human Services/ From: 10/1/2021 To : 9/30/2022 Health Division MAILING ADDRESS (Number and Street) BUDGET AGREEMENT l AMENDMENT # 1 1200 N. Telegraph Rd. l` Original r Amendment 1 34 East j1 CIZIP CODE ATE 148341- FEDERAL ID NUMBER Pontiac MI 032 38-6004876 Category Total I Amount DIRECT EXPENSES Program Expenses I1 Salary & Wages 4,326,923.00 4,326,923.00 12 Fringe Benefits 195,014.00 195,014.00 13 Cap. Exp. for Equip & Fac. 12,420.00 12,420.00 14 Contractual 4,181,563.00 4,181,563.00 15 Supplies and Materials 80,775.00 80,775.00 1� 16 Travel 3,920.00 3,920.00 11 17 Communication 30,000.00 30,000.001 18 All Others (ADP, Con. Employees, Misc.) 243,000.00 243,000.00 (Total Program Expenses 9,073,615 00 9,073,615.00 (TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES 9,073,615.00 9,073,615.00 INDIRECT EXPENSES (Indirect Costs 11 (Cost Allocation Plan / Other 428,798.00 1� 428,798.00 I (Total Indirect Costs 428,79800 428,798.001� (TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES 428,798.00 428,798.00 I (TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,502,413.00 9,502,413.00, SOURCE OF FUNDS Category Total Amount Cash Inkind I li Fees and Collections - 1 st and 2nd 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00� If Party 1 12 Fees and Collections - 3rd Party 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 Emerging Threats- Local Health Department- 2022, Date' 10/1412021 Page: 7 of 8 Contract # Date 10/14/2021 Ir-Fed at a! or State jJz;. UE i IIIC) 9.00 n nn OLW n nnI 14 Federal Cost Based Reimbursement 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 Federally Provided Vaccines 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16 Federal Medicaid Outreach 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17 Required Match - Local 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18 Local Non-ELPHS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19 Local Non-ELPHS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 110 Local Non-ELPHS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 I11 Other Non-ELPHS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 112 MDHHS Non Comprehensive 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 113 MDHHS Comprehensive 9,502,413.00 9,502,413.00 0.00 0,001 114 MCH Funding 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 I15 Local Funds - Other 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 116 Inkind Match 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 117 MDHHS Fixed Unit Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00j TOTAL 9,502,413.00 9,502,413.00 0.00 0.001 Emerging Threats- Local Health Department- 2022, Date 10/14/2021 Page: 8 of 8 ATTACHMENT I MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Local Health Department Agreement October 1, 2021- September 30, 2022 Fiscal Year 2022 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ANNUALBUDGET INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................2 II. MINIMUM BUDGETING REQUIREMENTS................................................................... 2 III. REIMBURSEMENT CHART........................................................................................... 3 IV. LOCAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM STRUCTURE OF ACCOUNTSICOST ALLOCATION PROCEDURES.............................................................................................................. 3 V. FORM PREPARATION - GENERAL.............................................................................. 4 VI. FORM PREPARATION - EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES ............................................. 4 VII. FORM PREPARATION -SOURCE OF FUNDS............................................................. 6 VIII. SPECIAL BUDGET INSTRUCTIONS A. Public Health Emergency Preparedness(PHEP).................................................... 9 B. Program Budget Detail- Cost Detail Schedule Preparation .................................... 10 C. Immunization 317 and VFC Allowable Expenditures ............................................ 18 1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR LOCAL HEALTH SERVICES 1. INTRODUCTION The Annual Budget for Local Health Services is completed on a state fiscal year basis and is used to establish budgets for many Department programs. In the Annual Budget, the Department consolidates many of its categorical programs' funding and Essential Local Public Health Services (ELPHS) (formerly known as the local public health operation's funding) into a single, Comprehensive Agreement for local health departments. The Department's Plan and Budget Framework serves as a principal reference point for budget development. The Annual Budget for Local Health Services must be completed in accordance with and adhere to the established requirements as specified in these instructions and submitted to the Department as required by the agreement. 11. MINIMUM BUDGETING REQUIREMENTS A. Cost Principles -Types or items of cost which will be considered for reimbursement are generally consistent with definitions contained in Title 2 Code of Federal Regulations CFR, Part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. B. Federal Block Grant Funds - Maternal & Child Health and Preventive Health Block Grant funds may not be used to: provide inpatient services; make cash payments to intended recipients of health services; purchase or improve land; purchase, contract or permanently improve (other than minor remodeling defined as work required to change the interior arrangements or other physical characteristics of any existing facility or installed equipment when the cost of the remodeling incident does not exceed $2,000) any building or other facility; or purchase major medical equipment (any item of medical equipment having a unit cost of over $10,000 and used in the diagnosis or treatment of patients, excluding equipment typically used in a laboratory); satisfy any requirement for the expenditure of non-federal funds as a condition for the receipt of Federal funds; or provide financial assistance to any entity other than a public or nonprofit private entity. C. Expenditure and Funding Source Breakdown - For purposes of development, analysis and negotiation activities must be budgeted at the individual expenditure and funding source category level on the Annual Budget for Local Health Services. D. Special Budqet Requirements for Certain Cateqorical Proqram Elements - The Annual Budget for Local Health Services is completed in the MI E-Grants System through the application budget to include details for all program elements (excluding Administration and Grantee SuppoA).- III. REIMBURSEMENT CHART A. Program Element/Funding Source The Program Element/Funding Source column has been moved to Attachment III and provides the listing of all currently funded MDHHS programs that are included in the Comprehensive Local Health Department Agreement. B. Tvpe of Project The type of project designation is indicated by footnote and is used if the project meets the Research and Development Project criteria. Research and Development Projects are defined by Title 2 CFR, Section 200.87, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. Research and development (R&D) means all research activities, both basic and applied, and all development activities that are performed by non-Federai entities. Research is defined as a systematic study directed toward fuller scientific knowledge or understanding of the subject studied. The term research also includes activities involving the training of individuals in research techniques where such activities utilize the same facilities as other research and development activities and where such activities are not included in the instruction function. Development is the systematic use of knowledge and understanding gained from research directed toward the production of useful materials, devices, systems, or methods, including design and development of prototypes and processes. C. Reimbursement Chart The Reimbursement Chart notes elements/funding sources, applicable payment methods, target levels, output measures foreach program/element having a performance reimbursement option. In addition, the chart also provides the subrecipient, contractor, or recipient designations, as in prior years: IV. LOCAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM STRUCTURE OF ACCOUNTS/COST ALLOCATION PROCEDURES As in past years, no additional accounting system detail is being required beyond local uniform accounting procedures prescribed by the Michigan Department of Treasury, Local Financial Management System requirements, documentation requirements of categorical program funding sources and any local requirements. Some agencies may already have separate cost centers in their accounting system to directly identify costs and related funding of required services, but such breakdowns are not essential to being able to meet minimum reporting requirements if proper allocation procedures are used and adequate documentation is maintained. All allocations must have clearly measurable bases that directly apply to the amounts being allocated, must be documented with work papers that will provide an adequate audit trail and must result in a representative reporting of costs and funding for affected programs. More specific guidance can be found in Title 2 CFR, Part 200 Appendix V State/Local Government and Indian Tribe -Wide Central Service Cost Allocation Plans and the brochure published by the Department of Health and Human Services entitled "A Guide for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments: Cost Principles a?W Procedures for Developing Cost Allocation Plans and Indirect Cost Rates for Agreements with the Federal Government. 3 The MI E-Grants System on-line application, including the budget entry forms, are utilized to develop a budget summary for each program element administered by the local Grantee. The system is designed to accommodate any number of local program elements including those unique to a particular local Grantee. Applications, including budget forms, are completed for all program elements, regardless of the reimbursement mechanism, including Agency administration(s) fee for service program elements, categorical program elements, performance - based program elements and Medicaid Outreach associated program elements. Budget entry is required for each major expenditure and source of fund categories for which costs/funds are identified. VI. FORM PREPARATION - EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES Budgeted expenditures are to be entered for each program element, project or group of services by applicable major category. A. Salaries and Wages -This category includes the compensation budgeted for all permanent and part-time employees on the payroll of the Grantee and assigned directly to the program. This does not include contractual services, professional fees or personnel hired on a private contract basis. Consulting services, vendor services, professional fees or personnel hired on a private contracting basis should be included in "Other Expenses." Contracts with secondary recipient organizations such as cooperating service delivery institutions or delegate agencies should be included in Contractual (Sub -contract) Expenses. B. Fringe Benefits -This category is to include, for at least the specified elements, all Grantee costs for social security, retirement, insurance and other similar benefits for all permanent and part-time employees assigned to the specified elements. C. Cap Exp for Equip & Fac - This category includes expenditures for budgeted stationary and movable equipment used in carrying out the objectives of each program element, project or service group. The cost of a single unit or piece of equipment includes necessary accessories, installation costs, freight and other applicable expenses associated with the purchase of the equipment. Only budgeted equipment items costing $5,000 or more maybe reported under this category. Small equipment items costing less than $5,000 are properly classified as Supplies and Materials or Other Expenses. This category also includes capital outlay for purchase or renovation of facilities. D. Contractual (Subcontracts/Subrecipient) - Use for expenditures applicable to written contracts or agreements with secondary recipient organizations such as cooperating service delivery institutions or delegate agencies. Payments to individuals for consulting or contractual services, or for vendor services are to be included under Other Expenses. Specify subcontractor(s) address, amount by subcontractor and total of all subcontractors. E. Supplies and Materials - Use for all consumable items and materials including equipment - type items costing less than $5,000 each. This includes office, printing, janitorial, postage and educational supplies; medical supplies; contraceptives and vaccines; tape and gauze; prescriptions and other appropriate drugs and chemicals. Federal Provided Vaccine Value should be reported and identified on in Other Cost Distributions category. Do not combine with supplies. F. Travel - Travel costs of permanent and part-time employees assigned to each program element. This includes costs of mileage, per diem, lodging, meals, registration fees and other approved travel costs incurred by the employee. Travel of private, non -employee PYpPncac G. Communication Costs - These are costs for telephone, Internet, telegraph, data lines, websites, fax, email, etc., when related directly to the operation of the program element. H. County/City Central Services -These are costs associated with central support activities of the local governing unit allocated to the local health department in accordance with Title 2 CFR, part 200. I. Space Costs - These are costs of building space necessary for the operation of the program. J. All Others (Line 11) - These are costs for all other items purchased exclusively for the operation of the program element and not appropriately included in any of the other categories including items such as repairs, janitorial services, consultant services, vendor services, equipment rental, insurance, Automated Data Processing (ADP) systems, etc. K. Total Direct Expenditures — The MI E-Grants System sums the direct expenditures budgeted for each program element, project or service grouping and records in the Total Direct Expenditure line of the Budget Summary. L. Indirect Cost —These cost categories are used to distribute costs of general administrative operations that have not been directly charged to individual subrecipient programs. The Indirect Cost expenditures distribute administrative overhead costs to each program element, project or service grouping. Two separate local rates may apply to the agreement period (i.e., one for each local fiscal year). Use Calendar Rate 1 to reflect the rate applicable to the first part of the agreement period and Calendar Rate 2 for the rate applicable to the latter part. Indirect costs are not allowed on programs elements designated as vendor relationship. An indirect rate proposal and related supporting documentation must be retained for audit in accordance with records retention requirements. In addition, these documents are reviewed as part of the Single Audit, subrecipient monitoring visit, or other State of Michigan reviews. Following is further clarification regarding indirect rate and/or cost allocation approval requirements to distribute administrative overhead costs, in accordance with Title 2 CFR Part 200 (formerly Circular A-87 2 CFR Part 225, Appendix E), for Local Health Departments budgeting indirect costs: 1. Local Health Departments receiving more than $35 million in direct Federal awards are required to have an approved indirect cost rate from a Federal Cognizant Agency. If your Local Health Department has received an approved indirect rate from a Federal Cognizant agency, attach the Federal approval letter to your MI E-Grants Grantee Profile. 2. Local Health Departments receiving $35 million or less in direct Federal awards are required to prepare indirect cost rate proposals in accordance with Title 2 CFR and maintain the documentation on file subject to review. 3. Local Health Departments that received approved indirect cost rates from another State of Michigan Department should attach their State approval letter to their MI E-Grants Grantee Profile. 4. Local Health Departments with cost allocation plans should reflect these allocations in the Other Cost Distributions budget category. See Section M. Other Cost Distribution for budgeting guidance. 5. As a Subrecipient of federal funds from MDHHS, a Local Health Department that has 5 never received a negotiated indirect cost rate, your Local Health Department may elect to charoe a de minimis rate of 10% of modified total direct costs (MTDC) based on Title 2 CFR part 200 requirements. MTDC includes all direct salaries and wages, fringe benefits, supplies and materials, travel, services, and contractual expenses up to the first $25,000 of each contract. MTDC excludes all equipment, capital expenditures, charges for patient care, rental costs, tuition remission, scholarships and fellowships, participant support costs, and portions subcontractual/subaward expenses in excess of $25,000 per contract. Attach a current copy of the letter stating the applicable indirect costs rate or calculation information justifying the de minimis rate calculation to you MI E-Grants Grantee profile. Detail on how the indirect costs was calculated must be shown on the Budqet Detail Schedule. The amount of Indirect Cost should be allocated to all appropriate program elements with the total equivalent amount reflected as a credit or minus in the Administration projects. M. Other Cost Distributions — Use to distribute various contributing activity costs to appropriate program areas based upon activity counts, time study supporting data or other reasonable and equitable means. An example of Other Cost Distributions is nursing supervision. The distribution process permits costs reflected in a single program element to be subsequently distributed, perhaps only in part, to other programs or projects as appropriate. If an allocation is made, the charges must be reflected in the appropriate program element and the offsetting credit reflected in the program element being distributed. There must be a documented, well-defined rationale and audit trail for any cost distribution or allocation based upon Title 2 CFR, Part 200 Cost Principles Local Health Departments using the cost distribution or cost allocation must develop the plan in accordance with the requirements described in Title 2 CFR, Part 200. Local Health Departments should maintain supporting documentation for audit in accordance with record retention requirements. The plan should include a Certification of Cost Allocation plan in accordance with Title 2 CFR, Part 200 Appendix V. The cost allocation plan documentation is not required to be submitted unless specifically requested. Cost associated with the Essential Local Public Health Services (ELPHS), Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Block Grant and Fixed Fee may be budgeted in the associated program element and distributed to the associated projects. Federal Provided Vaccine Value should be reported on a separate line and clearly identified. N. Total Direct & Admin. Expenditures — The MI E-Grants System sums the indirect expenditures program element and records in the Total Indirect Expenditure line of the Budget Summary. O. Total Expenditures — The MI E-Grants System sums the direct and indirect expenditures and records in the Total Expenditure line of the Budget Summary. VII. FORM PREPARATION -SOURCE OF FUNDS Source of Funds are to be entered for each program element, project or group of services by applicable major category as follows: 6 A. gees & Colfeciions - Fees i=' & 2"d Fdriv— i. 15t party funds projected to be received from private payers, including patients, source users and any member of the general population receiving services. ii. 2nd party funds received from organizations, private or public, who might reimburse services for a group or under a special plan. iii. Any Other Collections B. Fees & Collections - 3rd Party — 3rd Party Fees - Funds projected to be received from private insurance, Medicaid, Medicare or other applicable titles of the Social Security Act directly related to the cost of providing patient care or other services (e.g., includes Early Periodic Screening, Detection and Treatment [EPSDT] Screening, Family Planning.) C. Federal/State Fundinq (Non-MDHHS) - Funds received directly from the federal government and from any state Contractor other than MDHHS, such as the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (MDNRE). This line should also be used to exclude state aid funds such as those provided through the Michigan Department of Treasury under P.A. 264 of 1987 (cigarette tax). D. Federal Cost Based Reimbursement — Funds received for Federal Cost Based Reimbursement which should be budgeted in the program in which they were earned. E. Federally Provided Vaccines — The projected value of federally provided vaccine. F. Federal Medicaid Outreach — (Please note: to be used only for Medicaid Outreach, CSHCS Medicaid Outreach or Nurse Family Partnership Medicaid Outreach program elements.) Funds projected to be received from the federal government for allowable Medicaid Outreach activities. This amount represents the anticipated 50% federal administrative match of local contributions. G. Required Match - Local — Funds projected to be local contribution for programs that have a match contribution requirement (Please note: for Medicaid Outreach, CSHCS Medicaid Outreach, or Nurse Family Partnership Medicaid Outreach, this amount represents the 50% matching local contribution for allocable Medicaid Outreach Activities. Federal Medicaid Outreach and Required Local match amounts should equal each other.) H. Local Non-ELPHS - Local funds budgeted for the following expenditures: 1. Expenditures for services not designated as required and allowable for ELPHS funding (e.g., medical examiner and inpatient maternity services); expenditures determined not to be reasonable; and, expenditures in excess of the maximum state share of funds available. 2. Any losses arising from uncollectible accounts and other related claims. Under -recovery of reimbursable expenditures from, orfailure to bill, available funding sources that would otherwise result in exclusions from ELPHS funding, if recovered. However, no exclusion is required where the local jurisdiction has made and documented a decision to have local funds underwrite: a. The cost of uncollectible accounts or bad debts incurred in support of providing required or allowable health services. An example of this condition would be for services provided to indigents who are billed as a matter of procedure with little chance for receipt of payment. b. Potential recoveries or under -recoveries from other sources for the principal purpose of providing required and allowable health services at free or reduced cost to the r- ,-1" lic served by the Grantee An exam ' Pip wnj NJ he kee 'reduced level for the benefit of the people served by the Grantee while recognizing that to do so limits recovery from third parties for the same types of services. 3. Contributions to a contingency reserve or any similar provisions for unforeseen events. 4. Charitable contributions and donations. 5. Salaries and other incidental expenditures of the chief executive of a political subdivision (i.e., county executive and mayor). 6. Legislative expenditures, such as, salaries and other incidental expenditures of local governing bodies (i.e., county commissioners and city councils). Do not enter board of health expenses. 7. Expenditures for amusements, social activities and other incidental expenditures related to, such as, meals, beverages, lodging, rentals, transportation and gratuities. 8. Fines, penalties and interest on borrowings. 9. Capital Expenditures - Local capital outlay for purchase of facilities and equipment (assets) are excluded from ELPHS funding. I. Other Non- ELPHS - Funds budgeted from sources other than state, federal and local appropriations to the extent that they are not eligible for ELPHS (e.g., funding from local substance abuse coordinating grantee, local area on aging grantees). J. MDHHS - NON -COMPREHENSIVE - Funds budgeted for services provided under separate MDHHS agreements. Examples include funding provided directly by the Community Services for Substance Abuse for community grants, etc. K. MDHHS - COMPREHENSIVE -This section includes all funding projected to be due under the Comprehensive Agreement from categorical programs and needs to equal the allocation. L. ELPHS - MDHHS Hearing. — This section includes all funding projected to be due under Comprehensive Agreement specific to the ELPHS MDHHS Hearing program and has to equal the MDHHS ELPHS Hearing allocation. Additional ELPHS to be budgeted for the Hearing Program must be entered into ELPHS — MDHHS Other. Hearing allocations may only be spent on the Hearing Program. M. ELPHS - MDHHS Vision — This section includes all funding projected to be due under Comprehensive Agreement specific to the ELPHS MDHHS Vision program and has to equal the ELPHS MDHHS Vision allocation. Additional ELPHS to be budgeted for the Vision Program must be entered into ELPHS — MDHHS Other. Vision allocations may only be spent on the Vision Program. N. ELPHS — MDHHS Other — This section includes all funding projected to be due under Comprehensive Agreement specific to the ELPHS MDHHS Other program for eligible program elements. Please note: The MI E-Grants System validates the ELPHS MDHHS Other budgeted funds across the applicable program elements to assure the agreement does exceed the ELPHS — MDHHS Other allocation. O. ELPHS — Food -This section includes all funding projected to be due under Comprehensive Agreement specific to the ELPHS Food program and has to equal the ELPHS Food allocation. P. ELPHS — Drinkinq Water - This section includes all funding projected to be due under 8 Comprehensive Agreement specific to the ELPHS Drinking Water program and has to equal tha FI PHC nrinkinn Wntor aIlnrafinn Q. ELPHS — On -site Sewaqe - This section includes all funding projected to be due under Comprehensive Agreement specific to the ELPHS On -site Sewage program and has to equal the ELPHS On -site Sewage allocation. R. MCH Fundinq -This section includes all funding projected to be due under Comprehensive Agreement specific to the MCH eligible program elements. Please note: The MI E-Grants System validates the MCH budgeted funds across applicable program elements to assure the agreement does exceed the MCH allocation. S. Local Funds - Other - Enter all local support in the appropriate element, project or service group column. This may include local property tax, and other local revenues (does not include fees). T. Inkind Match — Enter Local Support from donated time or services. U. MDHHS Fixed Unit Rate — Select the type of fee -for -services from the lookup to correspond with the program element. Vlll. SPECIAL BUDGET INSTRUCTIONS Certain elements are supported by federal or other categorical program funds for which special budgeting requirements are placed upon grantees and subgrantees. These include: Element Federal or Other Fundinq Contractor Public Health Emergency U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Disease Control Preparedness In general, subgrantee budgets must provide sufficient budget detail to support grantee budget requests and be in a format consistent with grantor Contractor requirements. Certain types of costs must receive approval of the federal grantor Contractor and/or the grantee prior to being incurred. A. Public Health Emerciencv Preparedness (PHEP) Special Budqet Requirements Local Health Departments will receive the initial FY 21/22 allocation of the CDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) funds in nine equal prepayments for the period October 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. LHDs must submit a nine -month budget and a quarterly Financial Status Report (FSR) for each of the following COMPREHENSIVE Local Health Department program elements: 1. Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) (October 1 —June 30) 2. Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP)— Cities of Readiness (October 1 — June 30) 3. Laboratory Services - Bioterrorism (October 1 — September 30) Costs Allowable Only With Prior Approval - The following costs are allowable only withprior review/approval of the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services as specified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service (Ref.: 7 CFR Part 246, and USDA -WIC Administrative Cost Handbook 3/86). Prior approval is a,.,.c—prshed by providing appropriate detail in the htidgPt rpgi last approved by MDHHS or subsequently in a written request approved in writing by MDHHS. A. Automated Information Svstems - which are required by a local Grantees except for those used in general management and payroll, including acquisition of automated data processing hardware or software whether by outright purchase or rental -purchase agreement or other method of acquisition. B. Capital Expenditures of $2,500 or More - such as the cost of facilities, equipment, including medical equipment, other capital assets and any repairs that materially increase the value or useful life of capital assets. C. Management Studies - performed by agencies or departments other than the local Grantee or those performed by outside consultants under contract with the local Grantee. D. Accountinq and Auditing Services - performed by private sector firms under professional service contracts for purposes of preparation or audit of program and financial records/reports. E. Other Professional Services -rendered by individuals or organizations, not apart of the local Grantee, such as: 1. Contractual private physician providing certification data. 2. Contractual organization providing laboratory data. 3. Contractual translators and interpreters at the local Grantee level. F. Training and Education -provided for employee development, which directly or indirectly benefits the grant program, to the extent that such training is contracted for or involves out -of -service training over extended periods of time. G. Building Space and Related Facilities - the cost to buy, lease or rent space in privately or publicly owned buildings for the benefit of the program. H. Non -Fringe Insurance and Indemnification Costs All charges to WIC must be necessary, reasonable, allowable and allocable for the proper and efficient administration of the program. Further information and cost standards are provided in federal instructions including Title 2 CFR, Part 200 and 7 CFR Part 3015. B. Program Budget - Online Detail Budget Application Entev Complete the appropriate budget forms contained within the MI E-Grants System for each program element. An example of this form is attached (see Attachment 1 for reference). 1. Salary and Wages - a. Position Description -Select from the expenditure row look -up all position titles orjob descriptions required to staff the program. If the position is missing from the list, please use Other and type in the position in the drop -down field provided. b. Positions Required - Enter the number of positions required for the program corresponding to the specific position title or description. This entry may be expressed as a decimal (e.g., Full -Time Equivalent — FTE) when necessary. If otherthan a full-time position is budgeted, it is necessary to have a basis in terms 10 of time reports to support time charged to the program. c. AmounI— I ne ivYr E-Grai iib Sybil I GallallatuJ U iC oaiai y wi Il is pubiuvn icyuncJ and records it on the Budget Detail. Enter this amount in the Amount column. d. Total Salary —The MI E-Grants System totals the amount of all positions required and records it on the Budget Summary. e. Notes - Enter any explanatory information that is necessary for the position description. Include an explanation of the computation of Total Salary in those instances when the computation is not straightforward (i.e., if the employee is limited term and/or does not receive fringe benefits). 2. Fringe Benefits — Select from the expenditure row look -up applicable fringe benefits for staff working in this program. Enter the percentage for each. The MI E-Grants system updates the total amount for salary and wages in the unit field and calculates the fringe benefit amount. If the "Composite Rate" fringe benefit item is selected from the expenditure row look up, record the applicable fringe benefit items (i.e. FICA, Life insurance, etc.) in the "Notes" tab. 3. Equipment - Enter a description of the equipment being purchased (including number of units and the unit value), the total by type of equipment and total of all equipment purchases. 4. Contractual - Specify subcontractor(s)/subrecipient(s) working on this program, including the subcontractor's/subrecipient's address, amount by subcontractor/subrecipient and total of all subcontractor(s)/subrecipient(s). Multiple small subcontracts can be grouped (e.g., various worksite subcontracts). 5. Supplies and Materials - Enter amount by category. A description is required if the budget category exceeds 10% of total expenditures. 6. Travel - Enter amount by category. A description is required if the budget category exceeds 10% of total expenditures. 7. Communication - Enter amount by category. A description is required if the budget category exceeds 10% of total expenditures. 8. County -City Central Services - Enter amount by category and total for all categories. 9. Space Costs - Enter amount by category and total for all categories. 10. Other Expenses - Enter amount by category and total for all categories. A description is required if the budget category exceeds 10% of total expenditures. 11. Indirect Cost Calculation - Enter the base(s), rate(s) and amount(s). 12. Other Cost Distributions - Enter a description of the cost, percent distributed to this program and the amount distributed. 13. Total Exp. - MI E-grants totals the amount of all positions required and records it on the Budget Summary. Program Budget -Cost Detail Schedule Preparation 11 B'I Attachment B1-Program Budqet Summary Tent-Tent - Agencv PEr HeallO DaPadment -g Program. Cemprehenme Agreement-FVZOA( �ppr rlFamlil P13rnmq-SEPICes H9MPLE Ehe,v Dccumznla i F.tresM1eet terUnwcona &Neat Mmo.ilaneous ImAr Xclose :� �;f7 Validate ,_ da PW NCUPY B.dIt Surnmarr I: EDIRE:TEXPENSLS Program Expenses Szlar/4'b'ages 0341200 83,41900 000 000� Rmge Bene5ts Te nt-- 3e 20200, - Tent- - Te nt 3420200 00u UOOI - . ',Cap 6'p Ic Egmp AFaC ani Idatenale Cmnu rogra"n cou"`;'Cdy C"'ml Sre¢es opts cost - All Others tAOP Con Einrletee; klz9t 'Total Propam Expenses TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES INDIRECT EXPENSES Irl0irect Casts Indpett Coate (Other Cnete Oistnbwione Totsl imrect costs (TOTAL INDIRECT EXPENSES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 23,27500 3,:{000 - Tent 7,262 aD 10,131 pJ 389�00- 1655£3 W 165523 c0 23,275,00 3,34000 726200 0 00„ 0 m) 0 D0 000 000 G 00 D gv 29,40500 P9,zw580 -Oou - 1,605-00 1,68-100 D00 31,090W 31,0900Q 000 31090 TO 2109000 coo ---1966130n 196,61309 Don 0001 Tent--- -000, _ Tent ODD 000 0 00 0 g0 0 no 00D 03P 0 00 0 00 12 Source of Funds Faceeneao Crmr�cavons B0,11 Fx CmsP 1 Fo sa,e vabaare _ Per �C or, DI 1: >n a.. n e "r • 0 1 Soolce o"a TOTAL EXPENDITURES 196,51300 000 0.00 196,613.00 — 1 Sov¢eatFunas _ Fees and Colletlmns-1st and<nd Pad, Ono 00) D00 Duo X Pew and Go Ptlmne-3rd Part 000 66.00000 0001 WON 00''. • Federal or State tNOR MUCH) 00a _ _ 000 Doc 000 >' Federal Cc at based Reim6orament _ OGO, 1.3.000 CN, 000 _19,0to.00 0 _ Federally Pleaded Vac01Des 000 00J 000 door U FederalLledicaW 0 000 -- - -_ 0W'� --- ------ troll d RecD0ed Batch - Local 9on 000, - 00o -000 0 Local tIon-ELPHS 3 00 Local ❑on ELPHS 000' -- __-0oo, - 06 - -- - D DOD _ -o-.00 0 Other Ncn-ELPHS a00 000, --- 000 000 0 IADCH Non COmprshenslre aDo C00 a00' 000 ; > MUCH Corrgrehenene 9E31300 000 000 66,01300 ELPHS-MO:H Heannc un0 Don 000 coo 0 ELPHS- LIDCH VIsIpn � 000 D00 o00.I OOOi FJ L... ELPHS-61DGH Vth,l 000 000 Red 0.00 ELPHS-Food 000 0on rFw 000 'I ELPHS-Odd6mg Naler - D00 000 -- - goo --- 000 ELPHS-On- Site £eha9e 0OF 000 000 000 61GH Fundinn - -- 0001 -- - 000 -- D00 - 0,00 -Local funds -Other 000, LJ 00000 D00' <4Bud 00 In1md ldatch _ 000' - 000 000 - 0Do • MUCH Fixed Unit Rate p� -_-DDD DDD• OaD' 000' g@ 13 B2 Attachment B2-Proaram Budqet Cost Detail f.'tcesheet CertJmaWns Bwlget F9s�llaneev5 title% --1WPDE acovr Buaget Detail Celeg.ry PuuI.nn E%peasas-Salary&4Ne... T.pe ErpendOne Classlfcab.n Seq 1 Sub Type Doed Instructlece seketiFe pozamn vz u; rlan Cteo,.t,I,,leIrs-s IaenNy The re„s_av tYl `- ❑> Ilwse Precdoner -- - -"--- a19 91000000-FTE I� 1729000 1729Q On ODD ano brJ - - ❑ --- 04, 34932430 FTE S ("!' Public Health florae - 16 U6900' 10,069 C0 - --000 Ono C�J _-_ - _ -- - -000 _ F1G3e UOg'FTE � y Cn.:dlnat.r 41 0 - - ?092500 OOO UUO �) ❑ Y Clete E-1 103 2672921U FTE ' � -1(t,9E500, 29, 1.500 £9,13500 000 000 ?7A ��avr _®Sa�e< DYY 6rtateI �31•UE q-3 tupY ='[hnw_ic� la•Ift: Budget neM] 'Caiegcry Program Epenses Cap ErF.xor Egbip&Ff- Tfpe E+pentldure I�Classflcatl,n Ee9.. 1 Sit TPe Direct Narrawa. �InSlmdiGns' E,w;,.'tn celnce-Pe co=1: fasngL nem erkcI at bS 00. ar cirri, ane ri tlna n»tnl4+e et core tM1an orr yzar C-ts=_t a,P ,uaz Ai, tzm antl er,j epelu-bEt eafzn'es-rc a=-Mllahnn ccsis rrantenaare fees atc tl^ns cestu:gB+st,,aFfill, speed teaigrKl tnW ih, aver des atn mat•Lo N f, r ❑ �7 ❑ 1" B—e esa.e^ jI-1a Yalidato = l PRAF; [Tj curly Budget Mail -- - - ----� - - --- "- i pategon Pnegram 6peuzas-Cenhactoal -- Trpe 6vendlture IClessifl.ber,sey.. 1 SUG Trpe Direct Narrab:e 0 ' gap,asoc Conimdoahelersto aerontlary reoi[ept e•gaar�4�ee cnl+ Flease e9taT'he car(act:rfenrahen RnauFan's anc cup^.orim3'ar+'cz subrrnimds enouM Ce bebgeieo un:er Ne N.M1n r+pence un ❑ E p1) B SaYa BSrnco ICz V"Iltlaxo fa�POFI �CORy 1'SM1ow F� 1): Beget new --- Gategors Pm rsm Er n.Gs-Su tees aN i.latenels Type- -g pc " Emenddure � Gl assl Seq 1 Level Vern r C.t.geQ Sub Type -ved Narta4re Q Instf,shens t-cis Thai"'t ass Pen r' 10, ❑ h PtlNing -- L --_ IDJ 00 IOU CO UOJ 000 -_ - - ---- - - - L-.. El >' Postage - -- l 'CUD I09 La pO, 0on Yl ®� budget Damp Caleg.rt' Program Ppenses-Travel TrOe E,pendlt_ura Ciavllcahca Seq 1 Le+el- "Llnellem"`Cale,., Sub T.pe Dived W.,re6s Instrucb.ns > M1UI�a a 300Jfp 000 900 L�_J . g ❑ 00000 ❑ y conferences- 34000MCO 060 - 000 14 ®Sate LB tee, tJ E31' Rd.Rie �� ,y PDF aL_PJ Bndyetoetan -`- • Caieggp Program 6psnses-Gummun¢aoon ❑abormebgn See 1 LevelLIee Item �_>Cetegm} I"mrutllpue ❑ s other phones eed,T Ilnes 0 Save B Sareo . 99 VaUdhte I I --:,"l PDF Ib[�ConT Budgel DetaO Category' Program 6penses- Count,-CN Cement 'eve", Clarselleation See 1 LfVEI- '•. Joe Item Gaco.rt Instrun.ns El �a S.— LalLa_"tt lx3PDF 1 I Coti Bumacelad CateooD Program Erpenses-Since. Core ClacsrAcdLon Sep 1 Level 4, Line Item Camgcg _hoe E.pendiWre Sub Tlpa Died J 26200 - Show Trre - >' -------- - IJanahie U1 e 00 P show Treed ICI>• T:Re EsPendtlure --- ' Sub$Pe Direct PJer.11 e -B Type Ependdare Sub RPe Direct ❑ i Rent - U - _5.9210] 6.923 DD - ❑o timer 2e00 00, 200e 0a Uhht•aE Il el sa tI 05a.cVahrlaw I`" _ L1.i PDF kCPP'I aunaget Detail _ - Categgre Plegra,Erpansee -Alt D(_hers!>PP, Con Emplayeee. hllcr_ Tape" Evpendliure ClaeSlficahon Son t LeVPI 'Llne lien 0 Criegon' tub T,pe Direct Inslmcten, ❑ > Lahr s u 3Do o0 3o00e I —I Y'nth,, I I 'on on znn in e 5.,r, Le sa.e:J LEIV d.R,,j__-___.J IRPDF RlchnrJ Bud9ei Detail Crt.VN" Indirect Costs-Iptllrea Wa. Type Bpendreire Clas f;fi[at,ce See 3 Sub Tpe, Indlred Inslruci Flseal l"ear Rate �], 2E g0Ut ^5210 294U506, -940500 ®Sams �®9are>: Ci Yalydate��� �^3 PDFI[jj COPJ - Bed9etDeter) ; C'degole :ndnectCitne Dlher Costs Dlstnbnfiuus T:P. Ependlture •Classlficahon 9eq e SPGT;pe Inbred n'IfJ rilpn5 ❑ f lursngidreDistributionEl -- t e3500 I, =Show h_� irJ l>• Narrative: 0,00 a00 Y_ 000- coo ? sno,. T_e art tlarrailr'e 000= 000 Pi 000= Goo nrn nnl RI I sne.-rre j _ IJarra6ee. 000 4J show Trea :±a •,>-i IJana6ae 0 I i i 9 15 I. budget Preparation A. Sources of Local Fund Tvpes Local Health Departments may utilize their county appropriation, funds received from local or private foundations, local contributors, or donators, and from other non- state/non-federal grant agreements that are specific to Medicaid Outreach or are to be used at the discretion of the Health Department as a source for matching funds. B. Indirect Costs There are three (3) options for indirect costs. They are: 1. an approved federal or state indirect rate 2. a 10% de minimis rate; or 3. a cost allocation/distribution plan Most Health Departments will use the cost allocation plan for indirect costs. For further detail, go to VI. Form Preparation, L. Indirect Cost section on this document. C. Cost Allocation Certification The Cost Allocation Certification remains on file with the Department until there is a change in the Cost Allocation Plan. When the cost allocation plan on file with the program (MDHHS- Medicaid-Outreach), the local health department must: 1) submit a copy of the revised cost allocation plan with the budget request; and 2) complete a revised cost allocation methodology certification. Both documents are to be attached to a Detailed Budget line in EGrAMS. II. Financial Status Report (FSR) — LHDs seeking 50% federal administrative match must request reimbursement by submitting their actual expenses for allowable Medicaid Outreach activities on their quarterly FSRs through MI E-Grants. A. Quarterly and Final FSR LHDs must reflect the actual Medicaid Outreach expenses incurred on the quarterly and final FSR. Actual expenses incurred must be specific to Medicaid Outreach as defined by the MSA Bulletin 05-29 and not part of a direct service. All expenses should be supported by an approved methodology and appropriate support documentation. 1. Required Match - Local Should be used to report the local match for Medicaid Outreach, both the federal and local amounts must match. 2. Source of Funds Cateaory Other source of funds that are non -reimbursable for Medicaid Outreach (i.e., other federal grants, other MDHHS grants, etc.) should be reported on the 16 appropriate line has indicated in the Comprehensive Budget Instructions - Attachment I I n3r. ELPHS cr L^ a-Funds—Otror). Total Source of Funds must equal Total Expenditures. III. Comprehensive Local Health Department Aqreement Obliqation Report — filed in. September. The Obligation report is used to estimate the payable amount due to Local Health Departments from MDHHS for each program element. A. In the Estimate Column, enter the maximum projected federal administrative match earnings for allowable Medicaid Outreach Activities to be earned from Medicaid Outreach on the Federal Medicaid Outreach row. B. In the Estimate Column, enter the maximum projected federal administrative match earnings for allowable Medicaid Outreach activities to be earned from CSHSC — Medicaid Outreach. This should reflect the local contribution multiplied by the Medicaid enrollment participation rate x 50% federal match rate. C. In the Estimate Column, enter the maximum projected federal administrative match earnings for allowable Medicaid Outreach activities to be earned from Nurse Family Partnership Outreach. This should reflect the local contribution multiplied by the Medicaid enrollment participation rate x 50% federal match rate. 1*7 Object Class Calegon"'Expense's NFC-only+site visits AFIX-only site visits C ombincd (AFI-' & VFC'site visit-pt Perir�atal hospital rcoDrd rcvim s Allowable Allowable i.Allawahle Allowable '-Alloswable %, A1lom ble with i! Allowabe , with 1117 With VFC with N TfC` with with Pan VFC Distribution ;. with pPRF operations oprrttion 1, ordering °4 UAM Flafuuds fonds fn.nds funds s funds 4 fimcls� funds rPvhereu� pfietrhtr) Y Y t J ✓ ! I J ' J R7acf�ln:.9 for V' iGl nc ordd riml 4'aUci: e sroraTc cqui}+ini~i;t for WC 1'aCilnC ; Copy machines I 'iL'y'I7ititrant: [.v7 cJ'tiW12 r�'"trartgr`6te 77pF7�.t)7Ftt1�p�';� 1�rrcc�Yrttl �7'UGt?P ��i',76Yi'1llj; 7 wfiid i!fe U7 n7o)v Man one war f8rfd iR7 ffCt]L'LRtF!Oti c'r?.si of $5,O(I(t;)r r}}QYi-' (1r.r � ..11 t1 C{].Pl is 6chf tb' i � ;7e' ll7rKs'!'tti.'ci j amount,, it&tn 7@i;' ik? dJ!cluded in Supplies 'ace ne adrnin:stration stlpplics ! I finclvding, but not limited -xi: nasal pl a yngeal swibs,• syringes to epic: cnry vaccination clinics} L7liirc supplies -car putcr.;, -enrol afisce (Pc s, ImPer, Paper dip , e:t;.}, ink Cat[ridpcs, calculators ( '- monal cornputcr5,' Larim-'`.s r TaWel I °ink I'�oo4;s. Re $oo�s,. 5'ellay. 3c,, ;wLL M1 f'rinitirs 9VI 6-t-21) 16 I ✓ J ; �'` 11fJY , J i j I f+aetion 1—Tlie Basics p,2' IPCiM If) 17 Object ctaseC:ascgorvl7' ct s Allowable with'317 operations funds Lahorator'suPplics(inflalcazacultures i grid PClts, culutres anu rnoic.itlar, lab � media serotyping) _ Divital data logger � lth ti nlid ccf ,cats of 4a�IE�Ciltif.+1/t?i!i1.il.Illh; lt:S11I1 , report iV@ccine , +'J lillpi ZI S' S.t. pplies (SEUrdr; v i 4onlaitacrs, kx packs,'cubbIc ,Arap, &c.i Contractual-- i Sugtu!luCal cOnfcrcncvS exrense`.i (confera..Cc citoj n',3tarials pr;min Lg, ho!rl k� aeccsrluta'uations expenses, spcakcr fees) food cost is nut c.rkmvabl2, ltegicnnt,locat rnminga K ✓ Gtmcrai cuntiactt'lal stn,iccs {c... Fr1Ps, kxc�l health deparmr m (s, commezursl titaff, aciviscrr} cnanmitle: mcdia, lmti�ider trainin-�s; CI .A Contractual services (CDC ✓ n:anake�#'l C)her III L:Cnl]'acrL'3l ircernents (support, cnbaitcettncn-L up.;TPdes) ✓ Fivanc:ial AssisOnec (i''AL `.lion -CDC Contract vaccit es 31 "• ',a .:ine funds muse Er mques[rdin running apFcrxtgn fe,&AMSi ander: l? TA %-, nnes Allowable AllowableAllowahle AII;Ww laic Allowable with Allowable with VAC Mt2t'4'�'`C ! with f rc ith ]'an 'YFi: DSstrihntlQfa ;with 'PHI operation ordering. ; 17FOAFI.X P#u funds fund, funds cfnnds foods .: funds j (wholeaapplioa, I ! i i y + ✓ d i i (h4 vn°%i i ✓ I 2.vrna�e;thrss � ✓ »OLlw!% Section I—T7te Basics ll:?3 r IPOM 2017 N O Object glass Cateprysrl nmises ; Allowable" "Mrnvable -Allowable rltlowabie Allovoabie '" Allowable wli6, Alcor+'ahL s with 317 . witli 4'FC ; ;Stith VFC with with Pan '. 4TC Distribution with PPH o operation-s. operation .ordering VFCANFIN Flufunds 1 Cunds funds funds ,- - _- s Funds funds funds I fwherearpplicable) Indirect la;direetclvt. r ✓ J r' / J -_�_ _ k�'l.l5'L`P.lI•r1 tiEU i7S' � � - � 'tCcountlne scnlCCS v Advertising (restricted tc recruitment of stxiTi or txainocs, prC!CGLdFri t;t of ECods ✓ and smkcs, displisal o scrap x s:irplu materiKlsj Aadit Fees BRFSS Sltry ey i�cYnitliit2e to :ilE1Si I�.CtisiYl rental. eq uiprrcnt rental. e.lc.) CUtrimunkation (cicmcnn Cc'sri' pu= m:nsmmal, me;senget. postag. local ani ✓ lon° disUmce [elcphonc) C_OnSLImcr itificrmation ac'ivTfics L e nsLIMer / provider bound paxticipsti on (travel reimbumm-1ni) Datn pTocer,Sinu LLbaraton) Scnices 1.CCtS ccmducied for l`r munizatif)n pr S7pi'3llr.ij Total 5 Ica loll evy bcltvit1e5 ?'l8 ntemgncG operalicn,!repnrs V �`li Il?YuiGtltiC IRSll niCC fOt Vo'lUnttM .A'lC7Lt l?GT3ilf^r S: siLbSl'C1UI:L[1S '� ws Oversamplin.�L; J d' F'a,*ersrcell �hur.as ; d � ✓ +� �` ..,. , F'nnttng t�Cvacc.ir.�c. sccla:intsnu:n forn;s j J ✓ � $;'16P01 f) Smkm 1—The leas;cs 7,24 9110l~4 �4i1 Object Class Catego yrr, clteoses Allowable Allowable! -Allowable Allowable with317, with VF'C y with' TC with operation- operation '.. 4rdering IvTCYAFt.'1 . funds s funtds fun ds ��i" R9�3 funds' Pru�cssic>palsi'rti�ecustsciir�c:`�vrrlt;tetl to :m-nunizatior. activitics. { :mitcd tecr;i s'.afti,=�Ytr;rsret'C3ett�;rai Cifiree5er�ice5 PL�liC rclat .ns ✓ Pub] ioation'printing costs (a11 ether immiunization related ^njb ication and printing e pcnsts) Rent rc,.lt ires explanation ol'+.why these CL,Srs Ire not InOluticd in the ittdirer t cc sl' ratc agmcrncnt orcosf allocation plant Ship.^,im for materials (other : fan ✓ � a"ine) ((i+fu: s:irlEk njll'P3�i1 � i . 5a- aTe licci:seeRcnmals (ORACLE, ✓ etc") Slip, cnd Mrnbursconcnts Fot1-fire phone lines for •. at nine ✓ ✓ f ordering iriizii 4 doers'- StatclYlde, staff, pro'wtders l Cclpcl att0115 4`Tr105,31trip t]i1.l�C1t1181-,: ✓ _\��li:•Ie €e,;L4e (i'e;€CMiCd TCr awari`Eees',' i-,h policin thzz prohibit local travel rein:l,ttrselnent) %IFC enrol€ment rtiazerials f v \FC:I.. fe± ,T"flck sin ve%: 41 tfis'01ti N N Allowable Aila.wablewith Allowable'. with Pan 'v C Distrihutlon with PPHY ; Flu funds funds funds rw%ere,aplaficahfe} r , i if'; ��".'ail y' ✓ v' I I I I 4 section i---"Che 132sics p 25 TONI 2017 Non -Allowable Expenses with Federal Immunization Funds j Expense NOT IaIIlown[ le with11 fed er.rl irn rrinrt i'X,a#ion funds Flr�nz,raria ✓ j ` r'4due raising .:nsis ('ir v„ r:tHn�r:ry+Y��drs', rii.:a.•L.rt�.c, �si'r;hit:•, rn,:.:;r`a_±.,, mearr,N[rn+ddra, �iff,X .r, urc�. ntra'J Alcoholic ltcverages Fiatildin ttur•chasc,c, cons ,trtmrion, capita' impmt•ements Latt�i j7rts•chtrso;r Lc�;i sieui w r., lrth�r��in ; net i v it iet E3ond in Depredation ort u,,e eh.irgc-s _._. � €=ultcEsaisire� Interr:s# on lvttr;s 1Vr the ajk' {uiaidutl t:civ% rooklemizadon of an costing huiidinR clinieil i,arc �j(F»r-iRL3rr+3]tsRfrnR .s:'t'rrersl Payment of had dcht Dry clemiina vebMe. Purchase Promotional vnd,'ov Incentive Ma',riak te.;., pmagar-r r'nti,irzt; a jd prynBrrCOtUYUHII4'iiCMS sui:r trs p�'fs, rvrr•!,`.t':<idj>s. �iJi.lt'r .Yjiirti ns, hrrrp:U'aa', i Urt7<+rrn.','i` 'rUt�,YJ Purch isu ul i6od lzmler. ,n�rt r>freyar+ire:f rrirneFyc�r'rt:e;rri e.vrrr7 Other resttktiotm which mnsl lie 1a:1;en intr, itccinttt: while ovd6 ,g the hiLdget: f ur`.cta Inly be slt'nt klWy for tsctivilit , aittl cl,sl� that, Arc directly rel;tted to the Immuttiratinn and VRecsmi f�)r Ghildren Corjpera6vo Agreert ont. Funding requc:�t; tint dircctly related to hnm,rniiv.ution rtai iticr; :uc tnrt;ide the:;co€>s of this ct peratiw agrecmcnt pograre and trill unt he finded, Pre-aa»vriTd com..� will rnot?va rc-ittthunod, Section 1—'1-hc €3a8ir s p 2Ci €POM 2017 2^_ ATTACHMENT III MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ; HUMAN SERI_'ICJ LOCAL DEPARTMENT October121 — September 30, 2022 Fiscal Year 2022 PROGRAM SPECIFIC ASSURANCES AND REQUIREMENTS Local health service program elements funded under this agreement will be administered by the Grantee and the Department in accordance with the Public Health Code (P.A. 368 of 1978, as amended), rules promulgated under the Code, minimum program requirements and all other applicable Federal, State and Local laws, rules and regulations. These requirements are fulfilled through the following approach: A. Development and issuance of minimum program requirements, further describing the objective criteria for meeting requirements of law, rule, regulation, or professionally accepted methods or practices for the purpose of ensuring the quality, availability and effectiveness of services and activities. B. Utilization of a Minimum Reporting Requirements Notebook listing specific reporting formats, source documentation, timeframes and utilization needs for required local data compilation and transmission on program elements funded under this agreement. C. Utilization of annual program and budget instructions describing special program performance and funding policies and requirements unique to each State fiscal year. D. Execution of an agreement setting forth the basic terms and conditions for administration and local service delivery of the program elements. E. Emphasis and reliance upon service definitions, minimum program requirements, local budgets and projected output measures reports, State/local agreements, and periodic department on -site program management evaluation and audits, while minimizing local program plan detail beyond that needed for input on the State budget process. Special requirements are applicable for the program elements listed in the attached pages. Attachment IV Reimbursement Chart The Program Element indicates currently funded Department programs that are included in the Comprehensive Local Health Department Agreement. The Reimbursement Methods specifies the type of method used for each of the program element/funding sources. Funding under the Comprehensive Local Health Department Agreement can generally be grouped under four (4) different methods of reimbursement. These methods are defined as follows: w• + A reimbursement method by which local agencies are reimbursed based upon the understanding that a certain level of performance (measured by outputs) must be met in order to receive full reimbursement of costs (net of program income and other earmarked sources) up to the contracted amount of state funds prior to any utilization of local funds. Performance targets are negotiated starting from the last year's negotiated target and the most recent year's actual numbers except for programs in which caseload targets are directly tied to funding formulas/annual allocations. Other considerations in setting performance targets include changes in state allocations from past years, local fiscal and programmatic factors requiring adjustment of caseloads, etc. Once total performance targets are negotiated, a minimum state funded performance target percentage is applied (typically 90% unless otherwise specified). If local Grantee actual performance falls short of the expectation by a factor greater than the allowed minimum performance percentage, the state maximum allocation for cost reimbursement will be reduced equivalent to actual performance in relation to the minimum performance. A reimbursement method by which local health departments are reimbursed a specific amount for each output actually delivered and reported. A reimbursement method by which local health departments are reimbursed a share of reasonable and allowable costs incurred for required Essential Local Public Health Services (ELPHS), as noted in the current Appropriations Act. A reimbursement method by which local health departments are reimbursed based upon the understanding that State dollars will be paid up to total costs in relation to the State's share of the total costs and up to the total state allocation as agreed to in the approved budget. This reimbursement approach is not directly dependent upon whether a specified level of performance is met by the local health department. Department funding under this reimbursement method is allocable and a source before any local funding requirements unless a special local match condition exists. Performance Level If Applicable The Performance Level column specifies the minimum state funded performance target percentage for all program elements/funding sources utilizing the performance reimbursement method (see above). If the program elements/funding source utilizes a reimbursement method other than performance or if a target is not specified, N/A (not available) appears in the space provided. Performance Target Output Measure column specifies the output indicator that is applicable for the program elements/ funding source utilizing the performance reimbursement method. Output measures are based upon counts of services delivered. The Subrecipient, Contractor, or Recipient Designation column identifies the type of relationship that exists between the Department and grantee on a program -by -program basis. Federal awards expended as a subrecipient are subject to audit or other requirements of Title 2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Payments made to or received as a Contractor are not considered Federal awards and are, therefore, not subject to such requirements. Subrecipient A subrecipient is a non -Federal entity that expends Federal awards received from a pass - through entity to carry out a Federal program, but does not include an individual that is a beneficiary of such a program; or is a recipient of other Federal awards directly from a Federal Awarding agency. Therefore, a pass -through entity must make case -by -case determinations whether each agreement it makes for the disbursement of Federal program funds casts the party receiving the funds in the role of a subrecipient or a contractor. Subrecipient characteristics include: Determines who is eligible to receive what Federal assistance; • Has its performance measured in relation to whether the objectives of a Federal program were met; • Has responsibility for programmatic decision making; • Is responsibility for adherence to applicable Federal program requirements specified in the Federal award; and • In accordance with its agreements uses the Federal funds to carry out a program for a public purpose specified in authorizing status as opposed to providing goods or services for the benefit of the pass -through entity. Contractor A Contractor is for the purpose of obtaining goods and services for the non -Federal entity's own user and creates a procurement relationship with the Grantee. Contractor characteristics include: • Provides the goods and services within normal business operations; • Provides similar goods or services to many different purchasers. • Normally operates in a competitive environment. • Provides goods or services that are ancillary to the operation of the Federal program; and • Is not subject to compliance requirements of the Federal program as a result of the agreement, though similar requirements may apply for other reasons. In determining whether an agreement between a pass -through entity and another non -Federal entity casts the latter as a subrecipient or a contractor, the substance of the relationship is more important than the form of the agreement. All of the characteristics listed above may not be present in all cases, and the pass -through entity must use judgment in classifying each agreement as a subaward or a procurement contract. Recipient A Recipient is for grant agreement with no federal funding. Amendment Request Due Date FY 2022 Original Agreement Completed by Program office Amendment #1 - New Completed by Projects Only program office Amendment #2 February 1, 2022 Amendment #3 May 13, 2022 Key Terms Anticipated Consolidation Date August 31, 2021 October 19. 2021 April 21, 2022 July 15, 2022 New Project Start / Effective Date October 1, 2021 November 1, 2021 May 1, 2022 August 1,2022 • Amendment Request Due Date —The date amendment requests are due to the program office. a. Budget category amendment requests need to be submitted to the program office. • Anticipated Consolidation Date —The day the agreement (original/amendment) will be released to the health department for final signature. • New Project Start/Effective Date — The date new projects are expected to start, unless otherwise communicated by the program office. PROJECT COVID Immunization COVID-19 Mobile Testing ELC Contact Tracing, Testing Coordination, Monitoring, and Wraparound ELC COVID-19 infection Prevention ELC Regional Lab ELC Sewer Network Lead Response Reopening Schools HRA Water Response- Giarma PROGRAM CONTACT EMAIL Ismail Fathallah fathallahi@m¢higan.gov Brenda Jegede legedeb@michigan gov Laura de Is Rambelle DelaRambeljeL@michigan.gov Joseph Coyle coylej@michigan.gov Marty Soehnlen soehnlenm@michigan.gov Mary Stobierski stoblerskim@michigan gov Laura tie la Rambelle DelaRambelleL@michigan gov Joseph Coyle coylej@michigan.gov Laura de la Rambelje DelaRambelleL@michigan.gov PROJECT: COVID IMMUNIZATION Beginning Date: 10/1/2021 End Date: 9/30/2022 Project Synopsis: This grant should be directed to increase COVID vaccination within Michigan. will be used to support awardee and local Health Department (HD) staffing, communications campaigns, pandemic preparedness, mass vaccination and all COVID-19 vaccine response work. Reporting Requirements (if different than contract language) Completion of the Vaccination Situation Report. Any additional requirements (if applicable) Allowable expenses include staffing, communications, and supplies to support COVID-19 vaccination events, including PPE, vaccine refrigerators, data loggers, vaccine coolers, and indirect costs for COVID-19 related work. Are not allowable expenses: Vehicles purchasing, Food, Alcoholic beverages, Building purchases, construction, capital improvements, Entertainment Cost, Goods and services for personal use and Promotional and/or Incentive Material such as: Mugs/Cups, Pens, or Bags. PROJECT: COVID-19 Mobile Testing Beginning Date: 10/1/ 2021 End Date: 9/30/2022 Project Synopsis Mobile testing deployment to high -risk areas of need. Walk or drive up testing. Partnerships with community organizations. Eliminate barriers by offering no appointments or prescription. Testing and include vaccinations and health screening. Services include social determinant assessments and linkage to services and care. Reporting Requirements (if different than contract language) Quarterly Financial Status Reports (FSR) FSRs should be submitted no later than thirty (30) days after the close of each quarter and must reflect actual program expenditures, regardless of the source of funds. Quarterly Narrative Progress Report Submit quarterly narrative progress reports via email to Shronda Grigsby at Griasbvs1(a,Michigan.Qov in accordance with the following dates: Reporting Time Period Due Date October 1, 2021 — December 31, 2021 January 31, 2022 January 1, 2022 —{March 31, 2022 April 30, 2022 April 1, 2022—June 30, 2022 July 31, 2022 July 1, 2022 — September 30, 2022 October 31, 2022 Any additional requirements (if applicable) 1. Ensure that activities implemented under this grant award are in accordance with established MDHHS program standards, as well as State and Federal policy and statutes, including HIPAA. 2. Adhere to timelines and work plans, budgets, and staffing plans submitted and approved by MDHHS. Deviations from approved timelines, work plans, budgets and staffing plans must receive advance authorization from MDHHS. Failure to make reasonable progress in program development may result in revocation or reduction of the grant award. 3. Collaborate with and build on other MDHHS COVID-19 response programs wherever possible, rather than duplicating or rebuilding efforts. 4. Ensure that services and materials are culturally and linguistically appropriate to meet the needs of the respective client populations. 5. Utilize results from the Social Vulnerability Index/mortality analysis from the State of Michigan at the census tract level for Southeast Michigan to help identify priority areas for the mobile testing program within high priority census tracts, and share data maps of COVID-19 "hot spots" with MDHHS. 6. Assess insurance status of each individual being tested. Bill relevant insurers, including private insurers, Medicaid health plans, and the Health Resources and Services Administration for COVID-19 testing costs when possible. 7. Store, refuel, and maintain vehicles to ensure optimum vehicle performance. Take all reasonable precautions to keep vehicles safe against fire, water, and traffic damage, and maintain cleanliness of the vehicles. Submit documentation and billing for storage, fuel, and maintenance reimbursement. As part of any vaccination activities, follow all relevant MDHHS protocols, including record and account of all doses of vaccine administered in the Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR) and assuring vaccines are stored at recommended temperatures at all times. a) Reports from temperature data logger showing temperatures within recommended range may be requested at any time by MDHHS. The terms below are in addition to the standard terms in the County Health Department Agreement, and apply only to this specific project: Insurance Requirements. Grantee, at its sole expense, must maintain the insurance coverage identified below. All required insurance must: (i) protect the State from claims that arise out of, are alleged to arise out of, or otherwise result from Grantee's performance; (ii) be primary and non-contributing to any comparable liability insurance (including self-insurance) carried by the State; and (iii) be provided by a company with an A.M. Best rating of "A-" or better, and a financial size of VII or better. Required Limits I Additional Requirements Commercial General Liability Insurarce Minimum Limits $1,000,000 Each Occurrence $1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury $2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations $2,000,000 General Aggregate Coverage must not have exclusions or limitations related to sexual abuse and molestation liability. I Automobile Liability Insurance Minimum Limits: $1,000,000 Per Accident Workers' Compensation Insurance Minimum Limits: Coverage according to applicable laws governing work activities Employers Liability Insurance Minimum Limits: $500,000 Each Accident $500,000 Each Employee by Disease $500,000 Aggregate Disease Policy must include Hired and Non -Owned Automobile coverage. Waiver of subrogation, except where waiver is prohibited by law. Privacy and Security Liability (Cyber Liability) Insurance Minimum Limits: $1,000,000 Each Occurrence $1,000,000 Annual Aggregate Medical Malpractice Insurance Minimum Limits: $1,000,000 Each Occurrence $3,000,000 Annual Aggregate Policy must cover information security and privacy liability, privacy notification costs, regulatory defense and penalties, and website media content liability. a) If any required policies provide claims -made coverage, the Grantee must: (i) provide coverage with a retroactive date before the Effective Date of the Grant or the beginning of Grant Activities; (ii) maintain coverage and provide evidence of coverage for at least three (3) years after completion of the Grant Activities; and (iii) if coverage is cancelled or not renewed, and not replaced with another claims - made policy form with a retroactive date prior to the Effective Date of this Grant, Grantee must purchase extended reporting coverage for a minimum of three (3) years after completion of work. b) Grantee must: (i) provide insurance certificates to the Grant Administrator, containing the agreement or delivery order number, at Grant formation and within twenty (20) calendar days of the expiration date of the applicable policies; (ii) require that subgrantees maintain the required insurances contained in this Section; (iii) notify the Grant Administrator within five (5) business days if any policy is cancelled; and (iv) waive all rights against the State for damages covered by insurance. Failure to maintain the required insurance does not limit this waiver. c) This Section is not intended to and is not to be construed in any manner as waiving, restricting, or limiting the liability of either party for any obligations under this Grant (including any provisions hereof requiring Grantee to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the State). PROJECT: ELC (Epi Lab Capacity) Contact Tracing, Testing Coordination, Monitoring, and Wraparound Services Beginning Date: 10/1/2021 End Date: 9/30/2022 Project Synopsis: For COVID-19 funding from ELC Supplemental for Case Investigations, Contact Tracing and wraparound services. The inability to meet the following metrics will elicit the following response from MDHHS related to this funding: • Technical assistance • Corrective action/performance improvement plans with MDHHS • Required support from MDHHS Any single procurement of over $4,000 should be vetted with MDHHS prior to purchase. Reporting Requirements (if different than contract language) Related to Case Investigation Quality: LHD's will meet the following objectives for COVID-19 Case Investigations including on weekends and holidays: • COVID 19 Case Interview Attempted on 90% of COVID-19 cases within 1 calendar day of referral to MDSS. • COVID 19 Cases Interviewed Completed on 75% of COVID-19 cases with 1 calendar day of referral to MDSS. • At least 1 contact elicited on 50% of COVID-19 cases within 1 calendar day of referral to MDSS. • Race and Ethnicity Documented on 75% of COVID-19 cases reported to MDSS within 7 days of referral date. LHD's will procure at least one tool to increase case investigation quality (people finding software, communications, printed materials for testing events, EMR access, etc.) This data will be reported in MDSS. Allowable expenses include staffing, IT, communications, computers and or phones or other office needs, access to people finding software or EMR, supports to cases for isolation and quarantine. Funding cannot be used for clinical care or research. Related to Contact Tracing: If the LHD elects to have MDHHS through its staff, contractors, or volunteers to conduct contract tracing or to conduct case investigations on the LHD's behalf, then: 1. The LHD will provide to MDHHS quality data on contacts especially related to age, phone number, and name; 2. The LHD will follow-up on high -risk contacts; 3. The LHD will follow-up on contacts who report symptoms consistent with COVID- 19; and 4. The LHD will follow-up on escalations from MDHHS staff on contacts with high - acuity needs or specific language barriers. 5. MDHHS will provide the LHD contact information for people with high -acuity needs or specific language barriers; 6. MDHHS will move contacts from MDHHS CRF to Traceforce; 7. MDHHS will attempt to eliminate duplicate contact information using name, phone number, and age; 8. MDHHS will contact contacts and cases within 1 calendar day of the contacts entry into the CRF 9. MDHHS will provide the LHD with the outcomes of all call attempts each day 10. MDHHS will discuss with the LHD specific barriers to contact tracing such as a high -refusal rate 11. MDHHS or its delegate will attempt an contact all contacts with 1 calendar day For local health departments: • Contacts to confirmed and probable COVID cases will be documented in the MDSS case report form. • 90% of newly elicited contacts have attempted outreach within 1 day. • 90% of all contacts in active monitoring have outreach attempted for the contact's exposure period. 50% of contacts will receive active monitoring. • LHD's will assess contacts needs for basic needs required for quarantine and isolation (food, etc.). LHD's will provide education to contacts on COVID public health recommendations. This data will be reported in Traceforce, OMS, or on the LHD Sit Rep. Allowable expenses include staffing, IT, communications, computers and or phones or other office needs, access to people finding software or EMR, supports to cases for isolation and quarantine. Funding cannot be used for clinical care or research. This funding can be used to staff testing events or assure testing strategies are completed. Wraparound Services This funding only may be used to support Isolation/Quarantine for families including rent, mortgage, utilities, groceries, etc. Any additional requirements (if applicable) PROJECT: ELC (Epi Lab Capacity) COVID-19 Infection Prevention Beginning Date: 10/1/2021 End Date: 9/30/2022 Project Synopsis: This project aims to provide local health departments with resources to support investigation and mitigation of COVID-19 and other emerging pathogens in healthcare facilities — including the ability for LHD staff to perform onsite infection prevention assessments and review of facility policies, procedures, and practices to ensure observation of best practice guidelines. Any single procurement of over $4,000 should be vetted with MDHHS prior to purchase. Reporting Requirements (if different than contract language) Related to Infection Prevention: • The LHD will designate a staff member or members responsible for leading infection control assessments. The LHD will share the contact information of their infection control lead(s) with the MDHHS Infection Prevention and Resource and Assessment Team (iPRAT) for coordination purposes at MDHHS-IPRAT(>a michioan.gov. • LHDs shall submit ICARs to MDHHS at https:l/dhhshivstd.ladi.civaltrics.com/ife/form/SV Odhlux70o256K6B7 This data will be reported quarterly and sent to program office via email. Allowable expenses include staffing, IT, communications, computers and or phones or other office needs. Funding cannot be used for clinical care or research. Any additional requirements (if applicable) PROJECT: ELC Regional Lab Beginning Date: 10/1/2021 End Date: 9/30/2022 Project Synopsis ELC Regional Lab funds are dedicated to developing lab, epi, and other public health efforts to modernize and expand testing and response capabilities of pandemics with special emphasis on the responses to COVID-19. The Regional laboratory system is intended to serve as a "hub -and -spoke" model in conjunction with the state public health laboratory to rapidly respond to community needs. Funding is expected in personnel, equipment, overhead (discreationary of county or district needs if in support of public health), and lab supplies/consumables or materials that directly support sampling for return to the lab. Reporting Requirements (if different than contract language) None, but sites may be asked to provide tally counts of testing if not directly available from StarLIMS or to answer occasional question from CDC on capabilities. Any additional requirements (if applicable) PROJECT: ELC SEWER Network Beginning Date: 10/1/2021 End Date: 9/30/2022 Project Synopsis The State of Michigan SARS-CoV-2 Epidemiology - Wastewater Evaluation and Reporting Network, also known as the SEWER Network, is a wastewater monitoring project that utilizes locally coordinated projects to conduct surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 virus shed into Michigan public sewer systems. The overarching goal of the Michigan SEWER Network is to rapidly detect circulation of SARS-CoV-2 virus within specific communities via wastewater testing. The SEWER Network is designed to support local project participation through the collection, transportation, and testing of wastewater samples, analysis and reporting of results, coordination and communications within local projects and with state agencies, and submission of results to MDHHS and EGLE. The emphasis for this funding is that the funded activities provide useful, timely, and consistent wastewater data to support local COVID-19 public health responses. Reporting Requirements (if different than contract language) All local projects may be required to submit a weekly summary of project activities to MDHHS via email or uploading to the existing Microsoft Teams site for the project. This could include information on sample collection, testing, data reporting and utility, and partner communication. A template for this report will be provided by MDHHS. MDHHS will communicate any changes in reporting requirements to project participants. Quarterly workplan updates will be required from all local projects. Lead agencies who are not local health departments will be required to complete a quarterly workplan report in EGrAMS that details the activities and objectives during that time period. LHD leads for local projects will submit quarterly workplan reports directly to MDHHS project staff. Failure to implement project requirements or submit required financial and performance reports in accordance with this agreement may result in reduction of funds or non - renewal of future contracts. Any additional requirements (if applicable) This agreement reflects the sampling commitments written in the proposal. Any changes in the sampling plan need to be discussed with SEWER Network project staff. PROJECT TITLE: Lead Response Start Date: 10/1/2021 End Date: 9/30/2022 Project Synopsis: Lead Action Level Exceedance (ALE) response capacity encompasses public outreach, including education on water testing and results, water filter usage, flushing recommendations, and the interim provision of water filtration systems. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), through a legislative funding allocation, can provide lead -reducing water filter systems and replacement cartridges if the local water supply cannot provide them, and if the LHD or local unit of government doesn't have the resources to provide them. Filters from MDHHS can be offered at no cost to low-income households that meet these criteria: Requirement 1: To qualify for a filter, both requirements must be met: o Household receives water from the ALE Community Water Supply o Household has NOT received a water filter from ALE Community Water Supply, the Local Health Department, or the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Requirement 2: To qualify for a filter, one requirement must be met: o A child under age 18 lives at the applicant's address. o A child under age 18 spends a few hours a day and several days a week at the applicant's address for at least 3 months of the year. o A pregnant woman lives at the applicant's address. Requirement 3: To qualify for a filter, one requirement must be met: o Household includes a person who receives WIC benefits or Medicaid insurance. o Household attests they can't afford a filter and replacement cartridges (filters cost about $35 and replacement cartridges cost about $15.) If an eligible household's water test result is above the action level (AL = 15 ppb) for lead, or the resident's home is on the public water system experiencing an ALE for lead, a faucet mount filter and 2 replacement cartridges will be offered. A pitcher filter and 3 replacement cartridges may be offered, when necessary (e.g., faucet mount does not fit their faucet). These measures will be provided until a permanent solution can be identified and implemented, as resources allow, or a determination is made by MDHHS Division of Environmental Health that filtration is no longer recommended or advised. Reporting Requirements By Wednesday at noon each week, grantees are required to enter all data collected on the Water Filter Request Forms in the attached Excel file. The file will be submitted to Gabriella Dionise, at dioniseg1CLbmichiaan.gov. Additional Requirements: Requesting Funding Local Health Departments requesting funds for Lead ALE response will provide an estimated budget, as well as a description of expenses on Form DCH-0385(E) and DCH- 0386(E). Lead ALE response funds are not capacity building funds but are limited -term funding to achieve a critical public health response on behalf of the MDHHS for environmental public health needs related to lead in drinking water. Eligible Expenses Include: • Staff time and fringe dedicated to Lead ALE response in association with the interim response; o Eligible staff activities for Lead ALE response include filtration system distribution, home visits, organizing and hosting town hall meetings or other public education, phone banks, water sample collection or other activities approved by and conducted in collaboration with MDHHS Division of Environmental Health. • Printing materials associated with ALE response; • Mileage associated with lead ALE response and MDHHS-provided training; • Lead and copper analysis fees for health departments with certified drinking water laboratories when costs are in alignment with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy's (EGLE) Drinking Water Laboratory fees ($26/sample). • Other items as need is determined, such as public meeting venue rental or phone bank expenses. Other expenses that are not on this list must receive prior approval by DEH before submission to Division of Local Health Services. Any deviation or amendment to existing Lead ALE response projects requires DEH approval. Local Health Departments submit all budget requests to DEH Community Engagement Unit. Ineligible Expenses Include: • Training; • Association membership fees; and • Travel not associated with direct Lead ALE service delivery. Providing Interim Filtration Systems When distributing water filters to residents, health departments will obtain a signed Water Filter Request Form from each resident. A site -specific form will be provided as a Tillable PDF. Health Departments may choose to type resident's information into the fillable PDF or print off the form. Residents will complete Page 1 of the form, and health department staff (or their designees) will complete Page 2 of the form. Grantees are requested to maintain hard copies of the Water Filter Request Forms for audit purposes. Completion of the Water Filter Request Form is NOT intended to be a barrier to the provision of filtration systems for households with pregnant women and children under age 18. - A note here: sometimes the filter distributions happen at CE events that are not run by LHDs, in that case, Lakecia holds onto the PDF forms. PROJECT: Reopening Schools HRA Beginning Date: 10/01/2021 End Date: 09/30/2022 Project Synopsis The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is offering a voluntary program to provide rapid antigen and/or pooled PCR testing to educators, staff, and students at public and private schools. In addition, MDHHS is providing funds to school districts that have indicated they need additional technical support and intent to participate in testing, among other factors, so they can hire health resource advocates (HRAs). These HRAs will provide front-line support for COVID testing and reporting, help districts identify emerging COVID-related health concerns, and amplify best health practices. Reporting Requirements (if different than contract language) Monthly reports by school district to include the following: 1. Total enrollment 2. PCR tests conducted 3. Antigen tests conducted 4. Total positive cases 5. # HRAs hired 6. Qualitative feedback on: • barriers • successes • lessons learned • verification of funding use for HRA positions Reports should be submitted via email to Danielle Lepar at LeParD1(a.michioan.gov and Jason Wilkinson at WilkinsonJ50.michigan.gov Any additional requirements (if applicable) Funding may only be used for hiring an HRA(s). The funding shall not be used for any other purpose beyond hiring and/or funding an HRA(s), which may include supporting existing positions. These funds must also be accompanied by a plan to conduct COVID-19 testing in school settings. PROJECT TITLE: Water Response- Giardia Start Date: 10/1/2021 End Date: 9/30/2022 Project Purpose This funding is necessary due to the threat of giardia to residents served by the Ironwood water supply. Current cases of giardia indicate they could be associated with the Ironwood water supply system. The funding covers staff time and expenses to collect water samples. 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(15) public N i 0/0 match req ust submit a -[Itie 2 uirem ect to a ce, LHDs m defined by and gpecific Req subj ent �,uidan ram element• mgnt criteria as Assurances Agree n for this prop and Develop program colum etsthe Research Attachment 111- o b) project meabie ent as specified in Not P, match requirem enrY 0.) Subject to i to this a9 NOTE, Some footnotes maY not app Y