HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2021.10.21 - 35155OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES’
The Oakland County Retirement and Deferred Compensation Board meeting was held October
21, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. in the Est and West Conference Rooms of the L. Brooks Patterson
I. Call to Order/ Roll Call
Members Present:
James VanLeuven Jr., Joseph Rozell, Lauri Siskind,
Robert Wittenberg, Jeff Phelps, Brian Partogian, Gwen Markham,
Dave Woodward, Kyle Jen
Others Present:
Carly Webster, Human Resources
Kelly Pena, Human Resources
Aaron Castle, VanOverbeke, Michaud & Timmony, P.C.
Ross Gavin, Treasurer’s Office
Louise Gates, GRS
Chris Kuhn, AndCo
Peter Brown, AndCo
II. Approval of the Agenda
A. Moved by VanLeuven, seconded by Wittenberg to amend the agenda by moving
VII. New Business item A. under item II. A. Motion carried.
Moved by Siskind, seconded by Phelps to approve the agenda, as amended.
Motion carried.
B. Moved by Woodward, seconded by Rozell to receive and file County Executive
David Coulter’s letter to the Board, appointing Kyle Jen as his designee. Motion
III. Public Comment
IV. Regular Agenda
A. Moved by Markham, seconded by Siskind to approve the minutes of September
23, 2021. Motion carried.
B. Retirements
1. Moved by Phelps, seconded by Markham to approve the following Defined
Benefit applications. Motion carried.
Name Department Effective
Lori Hale Circuit Court 11/19/2021
Joseph Scarpelli Deferred - Sheriff's Office 10/29/2021
Terence Taylor Deferred - Children's Village 10/17/2021
Hazeline Wallace Treasurer's Office 11/20/2021
2. Moved by Partogian, seconded by Siskind to approve the following Defined
Contribution applications. Motion carried.
Oakland County Employees’ Retirement and Deferred Compensation Board Minutes
October 21, 2021
Page 2
Name Department Effective
Mark Berkman Deferred - Prosecutor's Office 8/21/2020
Curtis Campbell Sheriff's Office 10/5/2021
Dean Hare IT 10/30/2021
Mary McCabe Management & Budget 11/13/2021
Tim Prince WRC 10/23/2021
Philip Reynolds Deferred - Sheriff's Office 11/10/2021
Nancy Thompson Deferred - Economic Development 10/14/2020
Michael Winkler Sheriff's Office 10/28/2021
V. Reports
A. Chris Kuhn and Peter Brown of AndCo Consulting presented the following
reports and provided comments summarizing highlights contained in each:
• Oakland County Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) Monthly Flash Report
Period Ending September 30, 2021
• Oakland County Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) Asset / Manager
Summary Period Ending October 15, 2021
B. Moved by Rozell, seconded by Wittenberg to receive and file the 3rd Quarter
2021 Defined Benefit/Defined Contribution reports. Motion carried.
C. Moved by Siskind, seconded by Partogian to receive and file the October 2021
Administrator’s Report. Motion carried.
D. Aaron Castle of VanOverbeke, Michaud & Timmony, P.C. (VMT) provided an
update on legal matters.
Moved by Phelps, seconded by Markham to receive and file the October 2021
update on securities litigation by Miller Law Firm and the October 2021 legal
report. Motion carried.
Moved by Siskind, seconded by Rozell to go into closed session to discuss
attorney/client privileged information with respect to a Defined Contribution Non-
Duty Disability Application.
Roll Call:
Ayes: Siskind, Phelps, Partogian, Markham, Woodward, Jen, Rozell, VanLeuven,
Nayes: None
Motion carried. Closed session commenced at 2:20 p.m.
Closed session concluded at 2:28 p.m.; agenda resumed.
VI. Unfinished Business
VII. New Business
A. Moved by Wittenberg, seconded by Woodward to approve the GRS Consulting
invoice no. 464845 in the amount of $18,500 for the OCERS retainer fee for
actuarial services. Motion carried.
Oakland County Employees’ Retirement and Deferred Compensation Board Minutes
October 21, 2021
Page 3
VIII. Trustee Comment
A. Chairperson VanLeuven noted the Investment subcommittee will meet Monday,
October 25, 2021 at 1:15 p.m. in the Royal Oak Room
B. Chairperson VanLeuven noted the next meeting of this Board – Thursday,
November 18, 2021
C. Chairperson VanLeuven appointed trustees Wittenberg, Markham, Jen and
Phelps to the new ESG ad hoc committee, with Wittenberg as chair.
D. Trustee Jen noted he will be absent for the November meeting
E. Trustee Wittenberg noted he will be absent for the December meeting
IX. Chairperson VanLeuven adjourned the meeting without objection at 2:31 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
__________________________________ __________________________________
James H. VanLeuven, Jr., Chairperson Carly Webster, Secretary