HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1983.06.13 - 3528ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT CANVASS OF VOTES CAST ANNUAL AT THE GENERAL SPECIAL ELECTION .::.HELD:ON JUNE 13, 1983 ..:(DATE:QF ..ELECTIoN)... AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY 0@tfill,LEOLY Nt@g, ft tiL ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 919 East Kilgore Road • KALAhlA100 MIChIGAN MEMBERS OF BOARD OF EDUCATION Vote for Two Four Year Term PRECINCT NUMBER : crr: 0 : : : 7o: . : r:: Li4 : in :.(:: ?-14!'.: .:.:/ .;311 I:1 I t,L 1.:.:_,i.::::: .A: aii: 11),..::1 .1:t..3 1 101 ::1:53 :: ::'-'4:4:1: 117.1 ;:l.11:il.::a.:. LI. : +537.7., :::4:5.3.?...),::::•41...:.:_ :3.• :::;..:62:1::.27:: - 29,..1::::!,;::: ... :',...c......: 1:77.:..1::: ...TOTAL • Pit) Put figures in this column The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBERS OF BOARD OF EDUCAT I ON Vote for Two Four Year Term AAA a-Z-7-1(j and they were given for the following named persons: ROGER L . CONLEY received EDWARD A . GALLAGHER received ,' (5 tLft,-,a4-4:=1 .r r tf.t.*:1/.' :votes The whole number of votes given for the office of and they were given for the follovving named persons: received =votes received votes received votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of — was and they were given for the following named persons: received Votes received votes received votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: received received received received received received received received received received received votes vdtes • votes . . . .VOteS: . . .votes •:•. • •vOtes.: • Votes : votes TOTAL votes lOPERAT I NG MI LLAGE1 QUESTION_ 1. Total Yes I No Thtal a Total : :Yes Total Yes : No I Total I A2, 161'1 3.14 TOTAL L17 _L STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given for and against the : op ERAT•I NC MI LLAG. QUE$IlEOW Put figures e! purpose : !ii inthis celumn of providing funds for operating expenses, shall the constitutional I '04 tation._o the total amount of taxes which may be assessed against al l property in the Rocheste.rCommuntty School District,_Oakland ...and Macomb Count iesMichiqan be •i nc reased .seven. and • .•one -ha lf ...• . • •mil l s . • •each dollar,. ....•on eac h S l,000. .• of the assessed valuaLion, as finally equalized, of all property in the School - .• District . : . f ..• e.r'a ,.period. of 7. .yeairS:., . • through 1989, inclusive (this mills for operaliag purposes which expiied with the 1982 tax t/tbz:k votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the • and Votes were Marked:NO.... Votes for Votes for •". Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for Votes for ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ANNUAL ELECTION HELD ON • Monday, June 13 , 1983, in Rochester Community School District, Oakland and Macomb Counties, Michigan, and canvassed by the Board of County Canvassers of Oakland County, Michigan . STATEMENT OF VOTES The statements of votes polled in the ten (10) voting precincts and in the Absent Voter's Counting Board of the above named School District, at the annual election held on Monday, June 13, 1983, and filed with the County Clerk, and this Board, having duly examined and considered the statements, the canvass of votes cast for two (2) members to the Board of EdUcation for full terms of four (4) years showed the following: 14 LALL (pc, ) coLc. ) DECLARED ELECTED. THE OUESTICN IS DECLARED TO Ii4wE The statements of votes polled in the "ten (10) voting precinct (s) of the above named School District and in the Absent Voter's Counting Board, at the annual election held on Monday, June 13 , 1983, and filed with the County Clerk, and this Board, having duly examined and considered said statements, the whole number of votes given for and against the proposition reading as follows: OPERNrING M1LLAGE MESTION For the purpose of providing funds for operating expenses, shall the constitutional limitation on the total amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property in the Rochester Community School District, Oakland and Macomb Counties, Michigan be increased by seven and one-half (7.5) mills on each dollar, ($7.50 on each $1,000.00) of the assessed valuation, as finally equalized, of all property in the School District for a period of 7 years, from 1983 through 1989, inclusive (this being a renewal of 7.5 mills for operating purposes which expired with the 1982 tax levy)? were as follows: je,u, Total number of votes cast - - Zvez. Total number of votes for the proposition...44a,--) Total number of votes against the proposition ;?,;?„.e_A. ( 7J7 2, ) Total number of invalid ballots " "' ( ) BOARD OF COUNTY CANVASSERS STATES OF MICHIGAN )SS. COUNTY OF OAKLAND We do hereby certify that the foregOing are correct statements of the votes cast in the above named School District at the annual election held on Monday, June 13, 1983. We further certify that each Board of Election Inspectors at the annual election on Monday, June 13, 1983, in its Return to this Board, cerrtified that 1. All members of the Board of Election Inspectors were qualified electors of the district and each of them took the Constitutional Oath of Office before entering on the duties as a member of the Board. 2. The polls of election were declared open at 7:00 o'clock, a.m., on the 13th day of June, 1983, and were kept open continuously until 8:00 o'clock, p.m., of that day. 3. All school electors who were registered with the city or township clerk of the city or township in which they reside were per- mitted to vote at the annual election held on Monday, June 13, 1983. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and caused to be affixed the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of47.42—.0t6L,„c , this day of June, 1983. County_4erk of the County of State of Michigan CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF NITC1-1I(1-AN. COUNTY OF OAKLAND The Board of CarieSSees:ofithe ::: of . land (couNT,,. CITY", TOWNSHIP ON NALLAoe): " ": : : (CVSNINTY, CITY::rOWNSHIP ON VILLAG f :•d : : OrarTitAh t:y:: School Di sti'1 .6t : :havinti::Ascertained:and::CanVassed the Votes of sai d - . . . c.01.114rf ;:clITY ., ',OWN 1-6!! ON VILLAGNI at the :Attritjol .LS:c.hooli.:..... :Election ; held ori the lath : day Of one thousand nine hundred and eighty-three_ Do Hereby Certify and Determine F") That votes is :e.lette.i j That votes is elected received a sufficient number of IER OF That having received a:SufficientriOrriber of That : haVinglecoived::a sufficient :humber. of That " having received :0 :sufficient riUMbet:Of::: : : : : That :h received a Sufficient number of : : : " S .:elected . . having recei .ed a sufficient number: votes :IS elected : That votes is elected having received a sufficient number of That _having received a sufficient number of . having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That :.:vbteS; 1.5 elected: That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected : That votes is elected That votes : is elected having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of That — votes is elected having received a sufficient number of That : haVing: receiVed:a Sufficient: number of : (.o.citiys. is ele(.;:red : That votes is elected: : having received : i:sufficiantin .nr.ljoor:::Of That :Votes: is elected having received a sufficient number o having received a sufficient number of votes is elected • " . having receiveci a sufficient numbei of votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected having received la: sufficient nuMber:Of i: having received a sufficient number of That Votes IS elected That - :votes IS elected votes is elected .having received a sufficient number of : having received a sufficient number of _having received a sufficient number o Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION OPERATING MI LLAGE QUESTION Received •.• • • ••••••••••••••:PaSed... " NAME OF NONE -•• -• •------ • • •• • NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION Received PaSSed:::: Having • • • Defeated Not ReCeiVed Sufficient votes . Havinq : " Defeated " Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Having - Passed ::: • ::: Sufficient votes was : Not Received : : : : Defeated : Received : : : : , :Passed Having Sufficient :votes was Not Received : : Defeated NONE Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the -ty of Oakland t.couNr.,-. CITY. TOWNSHIP OR VILI-AGE) !Col/RU CITT, TOWNSHIP ON v It.t.Aae ) this day of Jtille in the Y.04r one thousand nine hundred and i ghty7.t.h.ree . . CLE C H AI Pi MAN OF B_GA:90:OF C;AN YiASSZ