HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2004.06.14 - 3536ROCHESTER COMMUNITY S9HOOLS CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE REGULAR ELECTION HELD ON JUNE 14, 2004 1 CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF thANVASSERS • 1 OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN • ROCHESTER COMMUNrY SCHOOLS REGULAR ELECTION - JUNE 14, 2004 STATEMENT OF VOTES, • MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION VOTE FOR TWO - FOUR YEAR TERM - PRECINCT n BALLOTS GOPALA JOHN P. MICHAEL ,J. ANNA M. [MARTIN ROBERT TOTAL NUMBER : CAST GARNEPUDI OLEAN] RENO RESEIGH ROSALIK SHARP A i 14 CIO 443 10(4 1.15 ,'IR,5' 155 c6oLp . ,. -1 B q Vi L. jc c6 5- 16i c,„II-7 q5 iST c 5 34' (J( iS 1%q ati i la3 /5-Li $.70 o (e3i 5S I,,P, ,U741- ,5-q :1 caO i I7 107L( i 1 E C)'( L1-tp 39 (I'S 5( LT F comP 3145- 33 80 I a4 i 3t (.n, qg 55-i G 53-1 5-4 F37 IoL9 339 1 j(q_ )0 i i ---/ , ' H a51 36 q Co ([9 44 5 357 - J 435- 43 q0., 690(0 173 1 10 5- Ha 731 K (41Go q-3 -7( Ro 1 6(3 c.( 3 f.5- 76-6 • i L 51 1,5- .4.1-1. ,P.34 ic.), 155- co( , NA 351. 11-4 31 ‘61 V63 i s-ia N 413 31i- 41 is/ , AVCB H43 IRS- ! Q --7 (6 : •-59 .3c) ,:a -17 f7,51.p . , , , TOTAL 1 62 q 3a. '719a--1 l'14.1 ,(..0"-i 305- I 1111 i i-7 5i 10 ) io, , • • ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SCHOOLS REGULAR ELECTION - JUNE 14, 2004 STATEMENT OF VOTES, [ PRECINCT I BALLOTS ' yEs NO . NUMBER CAST I TOTAL L A L Liqo 3,27 15 B Li CH ' 5(Pq 103' 147 7 P c 5E 4vI 331 1 cl 3 , 53 D 1 (a5+j L47 _ E 345 (20(4 i367 3o i - H ' S-1 1 4N 51 R 49 - 435- K WV" 35/ /,23 , . ' 1-1-74- L 5-'Zi 467'7 II (a ! _s-S- --, M 331 53 So 3 5 3 N 473 3'6 1 t4L25- AVCB 11 14. 3 - -r- _ TOTAL 1 (0 f 3 4 r/37 ay. -7,. 40 fol • ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SCHOOLS OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE BIENNIAL ELECTION JUNE 14, 2004 MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES le VOTE FOR THREE - SIX YEAR TERM pRECINCT BALLOTS KATHLEEN R. CHRISTOPHER K. DAWN Y. THOMASE. ELLiOTT NUMBER CAST BLESSING coRNELIUS DAVIS KOHN PARN ES A 7/ 6 6 S /./41 B • /&1/45- 6? g Z2 at7I e; If C I 5.--Y4 1/3 6 6 ?/ 4,te--) 3? D Z,3q` /a V. ci, 74 /4 3 I-11 .3 i(-- ,22:r 2 4;3. /? F (Dart} 3 g.' i le 3 , H O 37 _K./ .j /a 7 ,A 5-1 33 .. K ' 97(2 yo 5-9 Y‘if A 3 _ i ,575v 93 I m R.3,5:2' 6,5 39 i 1/0 rig- N AVCB grA /cQ8. /c,V1/ //7 g / 7 1 TOTAL ; (2 g 9 I i 1 LK; V-19 1 -76 - to 1 -1 675" 41rx I PRECINCT ANNE JANICE CARL L. JUDITH B. NUMBER SCOTT SIMMONS WILLIAMS WISER TOTAL i A , 19 le3 6 9 73 (0 0 0 B /1? c el-e 0 /A?" ? 7 // / D //f 9 Yf 93 270 g `I 7 E 57 AV/ ,t5.-- .:5 31 338 F (pert) 73 52 .09 . 421 G /43 7,./f 6a2 8'02 701 H ,5-9 _./1..--- . -43 .J--0 ' 318 J /43 '----' K /a e 17 6 F /7 i 79 72 13 _ m 9? N , 4v/ lp 77 o 2.9A fe49 I Avce ; 07.5-i /.51 . ,/,,? g i i 7 15-39 1 - TOTAL 1 Vi 0 1! bc\ q06- , ioi- _ q61 9 votes MICHAEL J. RENO receive MARTIN ROSALIK received ROBERT SHARP received 1:711.1.09 0.4 Votes / 75/ 7 TOTAL voles /0 1 9e0 ROCHEST& COMMUNITY SCHOOLS REGULAR 'ELECTION — JUNE 14, 2004 STATEMENT OF VOTES, The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION - VOTE FOR TWO — FOJR YEAR TERM wacrio, --31 1 a % /"Z2_, aA0 -4e,fitt TOTAL /0 9' and they were given for the following named persons: GOPALA GARNEPUDI received 21.4-;;) I votes JOHN P. OLDANI received (aoy,/,,,,,„, 07.4,„ 10-472. 'cl4-441V(.411 /34/7 ANNA M. RESEiGH receivell.44 r #.4 voles :18 • ROCHES-IIR COMMUNITY SCHOOLS REGULAR LECTION - JUNE 14, 2004 STATEMENT OF VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the: BONDING PROPOSAL Shall Rochester Community School District, Oakland and Macomb Counties, Miohigjn, borrow the sum of not to exceed Sixty-Three Million Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($63.750,000) and issue!iits general obligation unlimited tax bonds therefor, for the purpose of: erecting, furnishing and equipping additions to and remodeling, furnishing and refurrlishing, equipping and re-equipping Reuther and Van Hoosen Middle Schools and the Alternative Center for Education; Ipartially remodeling and equipping school facilities, in part, for energy conservation improvements; acquiring, installing and equipping technology for school facilities; erecting, furnishing and equipping a new support service center; constructing, equipping, developing and/or improving outdoor physical education/athletic facilities; and developing and improving;sites? The following is for informational purposes only: The estimated nniliage that will be levied for the proposed bonds in 2004 is .61 mill ($0.61 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for an estimated decrease of .045 mill in total debt millage. The maximumlnumber of years the bonds may be outstanding, exclusive of any refunding, will not exceed sixteen (16) years. The i:estimated simple average annual millage anticipated to be required to retire this bond debt is 1.01 mills ($1.01 on each .i$1,000 of taxable valuation). (Pursuant to State law, expenditure of bond proceeds must be audited, and the proOeeds cannot be used for repair or maintenance costs, teacher, administrator or employee salaries, or other operating e4penses.) was Z.eijigToi of which number votes were marked YES L 113?7,j3 4-62,-,2--votes q7J7 and votes were marked NO -30-,-4 32/6-e.42-0 TOTAL votes zo voy votes 47,o.F votes SEAL Chairperson ATTEST: —) 1,1 Clerk of the Board of Canvassers Chairperson of the Board of Canvassers CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND The Board of Canvassers of the COUNTY of OAKLAND, having Ascertained Ond Canvassed the Votes of said ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SCHOOLS at the REGULAR Election, held on the 14TH. day of JUNE, TWO THOUSAND AND FOUR. Do Hereby Certify and Determine: That irn having received a safficient number of votes is elected MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING JUNE 30, 2008 That 0 e)..4-„A) 4-7,0 having received a sufficient number of votes is elected MEMBER OF THE BOARD 'EDUCATION - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING JUNE 30, 2008 Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: Name of Proposition • BONDING PROPOSAL Having Réceived. Sufficient votes was (---Passed-' -Not-Reeeivet -044@ated-- , In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the County of Oakland this ,=q./ day of JUNE in the year TWO THOUSAND and FOUR. (2-