HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2008.01.15 - 355102/06/08 WED 09:25 FAX Z002 CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON JANUARY 15, 2008 ROMEO COMMUNITY SCHOOLS MACOMB COUNTY, MICHIGAN AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF MA COMB COUNTY, MICHIGAN 02/1)6/08 WED 09:26 FAX qj 003 NO JURISDICTION & PRECINCT NUMBER TOTAL V POLL Ys BOOK 23 47 19 12 421 288 1 24 1 7 1 AVCB01 1 2 3 4 AVCBO 1 320 - . 545 299 230 548 174 297 183 135 229 146 i 248 116 95 , 319 336 579 I 310 - 329 1_ ; 638 I 136 40 32 335 Ray Twp 1 AVCB01 Shelby Twp 14 . 310 I 67 , i . .1.__ ..... 19 15 1 285 59 . _ 47 2-21 76 33 89 27 105 43 43 I 46 I 15 12 92 ' 27 STATEMENT OF VOTES Romeo Commurnty Schools BUILDING AND SITE SINKING FUND TAX 1,eNEVIIAL. PRoPOSAL the RoMe° CornMUnity Scheois be atithoTiretS to levy one and one quarter (1.25) mitts on each doilar (0,25 per 0,000? of taxable value, for a perloC Of four :4) years, from July 1, 2000 through jure j0, 2012 to create a WilJing anti site sinking 1+.0d for tha purpose &the canstructon or repair of sotoot buildings? This rolitage ks a request for a reriewai of the voter approved buiibing and site sinking fund tex ievy which will expire June 30, 2008. This millage would provide estimated revenues to the Romeo Community fl:ichools of approximately Two Million and 001100 ($2,000.000.00) Dollars during the 2008 calendar your. fapproved and ;evieri, Armada TWP Bruce Twp 61 17 AVCB02 gt Washinon 1 2 3 4 5 a 7 8 9 AVCB01 Addison 1NA, . p (Qaroano co.) 1 Oakland AD V 1.1=• 419 ,27 ' 2488l 1 t. 8 310 I 458 453 316 H 521 I _305 ' 445 243 413 1 49 357 1 92 483 162 1,419 • 550 34 113 i 157 150 i 109 191 182 39 _ ; 139 ; r 7-- 120 656 I _ 4C — - ------- Twp (Oakland Co) 2 9C 1 183 275 — ! 275 176 296 432 425 285 496 425 88 331 _ 282 8 ; 16 Armada Two Bruce Two Ray Twp Shelby Two Washin ton Twp Addison Two (Oakland Co.) Oakland Two (Oakfand Co.) __ 35 I 176 74 1,856 148 ' I _ • 58 1 ' 2 1 11 I - - 3,479 3,271 .17 i 117 TOTALS I ! i 004 02/06/08 WED 09:26 FAX .7. STATEMENT OF VOTES Romeo Ocyrimunity Schools - TOTALS BUtLDING AND SITE SINKING FUND TM RENEWAL PROPOSAL. Shall the Reirloo Coninnurcty Sthools be authorized to levy une and one quarter (I .251 mills on each dollar 4,$1.25 i>et S1.00010 taxaole value, for a period of four (4) years, from July 1, 2008 thrmgh Jun s 30, 2012 to create a huild -nn and site sinking fund for the purpose of the construction or repair of school buildings? This rnitlage is a request for renewal of the voter approved buildIng arid sipa %Meg fund tax levy which will expire June 30, nog. This millage would provide estimated revenues to the Romeo co-nrounty Schools of apRroximately Two Million and 00/100 ($2.000,000.00} Doilars during the 2006 calendar year, f approved and levieo. JURISDICTION POLL YES NO BOOK 709 31 • 2,192 1,018 377 I 166 3,242 , 5° 1 5,175 2,410 297 144 4_ 119 1 58 I was of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO 9 31 7 1 21 7 0 7 1 1 ' 5 02/06/08 WED 09:27 FAX 1-‘ti 005 STATEMENT OF VOTES Romeo Community Schools The whole number of votes for and against the BUILDING AND SITE SINKING FUND TAX RENEWAL PROPOSAL Shall the Romeo Community Schools be authorized to levy one and one quarter (1.25) mills on each Collar ($1.25 per $1,000) of taxable value, to a period of fOur (4) years, from . 2008 through ..11.1[10 30, 2012 to cre lata a building and site sinkin9 ford for the puroose of the construc.tien or repair of sctvol buildings? This millage is a reouest for a renowal of the voter aPPIOVe'J buildtirg and site sinking func tat levy whtch wilt expire June 30 2008. This millage would provide estimated revenues to the Romeo Community Senools of approximately Two Million and 00;100 ($2,000000.00) Dollars during the 200e ckil.andar year, it approved and levied. Pia' mune IN THIS coLumm —I- : 1 I ( Seven Thousand One Hundred Fifty .1 Three Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-Nme -- Three Thousand Two Hundred Severity-One TOTAL VOTES The whole number of votes for and against the : - -- - I , ..._..._ was of which number l votes were marked YES and 1 votes were marked NO . TOTAL VOTES _The whole number of votes for and ageihst tie ' _ _...._... _ of which number votes were marked YES .,.._.._ .- and 1 ' votes were marked NO 1 1 TOTAL VOTES 1 1 1 Ql 0 0 02/0f/O8 WED 0927 FAX CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION Romeo Community Schools STATE OF MICHIGAN 1 I COUNTY OF MACOMB } SS, [ i [ 'We, the undersigned Board of Canvassers for the County of MACOMB from an examination of the Election Returns of r ROMEO COMMUNITY SCHOOLS received by said Board of Canvassers, determine that at the ELECTION held on JANUARY 15, 200a, that the persons listed below were duty elected as members of the Board of Education I of the said School District for the terms of office set opposite their name or names: I ! Names of persons elected for a four 1 year term evInng — I Nanws of Persons elecled for a three year lerrn expiring '''- -- Names of persons elected for a two year WM expinrtg , ....- - - Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indscated beiow: ' BUILDING AND SITE SINKING RECEIVED I PASSED FUND TAX RENEWAL PROPOSAL Having Net-Reeetvee- sufficient vl cites was 13.0f-tiatied- I I 1 1 In Witness Whereof. We have hereunto sot our hands and affixed the Seal of the COUNTY lpf MACOMB this 22nd day of January, 2008. I I Attest: i 1 • • ,.,.- ' - , _. 7" • • 1"-Y"--u4.-. 1,4-ct__L_A C----i.'34.. 41.-4_,LVJ Gta-4...- BOard ' , - - - -A,ZZ.,..-,..-L.,(-- ../2, I of - •a ° - .. 2 / . .,... ...... -0.e. Canvassers .00. ..7 I 1 lib CLERK OF 13CARt1 CANVASSER crir1JRMAN Of FHE bOARD QF CAtiVAUSERS