HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2001.08.08 - 35657 August 8, 2001 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Law at 10:35 a.m. in Committee Room A, Auditorium Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Thomas A. Law David N. Galloway, Eric Coleman, David L. Moffitt, David B. Buckley, William Brian, Vincent Gregory and George W. Suarez PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: None OTHERS PRESENT: Personnel Department Judy Eaton, Director Others Per attached list Board of Commissioners Ruel McPherson, District #25 James H. VanLeuven, Admin. Director Sheryl Mitchell, Senior Analyst Nancy Wenzel, Committee Coordinator APPROVAL OF AGENDA Coleman moved to amend the agenda to add Item 7a – MR #01200 Optional Supplementary Incentive for (Non-Present Employee) Hiring for Difficult to Recruit Positions – Motion to reconsider a Resolution previously adopted. Supported by Buckley. Motion carried on a voice vote. OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD  PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48341-0470 Telephone: (248) 858-0100 FAX: (248) 858-1572 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Thomas A. Law, Chairperson David N. Galloway Majority Vice-Chair Eric Coleman, Minority Vice-Chair David L. Moffitt David B. Buckley William Brian Vincent Gregory George W. Suarez Personnel Committee Page 2 August 8, 2001 PUBLIC COMMENT Commissioner Brian introduced Mr. Lawrence Pepera, Trustee, Highland Township. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JULY 19, 2001 and JULY 25, 2001 Buckley moved to approve the minutes of July 19, 2001 and July 25, 2001 as printed. Supported by Coleman. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote with Galloway, Moffitt and Gregory absent. MR #01205 CIRCUIT COURT – CREATION OF ONE (1) USER SUPPORT SPECIALIST II POSITION FOR JUDICIAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (JIMS) PROJECT This resolution requests the creation of one GF/GP User Support Specialist II position in the Circuit Court/Court Business Division to be funded through September 30, 2003 for the purpose of analyzing, developing and maintaining required reporting capabilities using JIMS. Suarez moved that the Personnel Committee Report to the full Board with the recommendation MR #01205 be adopted. Supported by Coleman. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote with Galloway, Moffitt and Gregory absent. MR #01202 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT – ADDITIONAL HOURS FOR COURT DEPUTY POSITIONS/COURTHOUSE SECURITY PROGRAM The Sheriff, under the request from the Circuit Court and other elected officials residing in the Courthouse, needs staff to secure the northeast and east doors of the courthouse. The Sheriff is requesting authorization of 640 additional hours for each of the ten Court Dep uty positions in Sheriff/Corrective Services/Satellites/Court Detention to bring the total number of hours for each position listed below to 1,640 hours per year. Coleman moved that the Personnel Committee Report to the full Board with the recommendation MR #01202 be adopted. Supported by Suarez. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote with Galloway and Gregory absent Personnel Committee Page 3 August 8, 2001 MR #01203 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT – RECLASSIFICATION OF ONE (1) SERGEANT TO LIEUTENANT POSITION IN THE FUGITIVE/WARRANTS UNIT The Sheriff has evaluated the level of supervision in the Fugitive Apprehension Team and the Warrants Unit in the Technical Services Division resulting in a request to upgrade one Sergeant to Lieutenant to provide consistent and adequate supervision. The costs associated with this upgrade will be taken from the Sheriff Narcotics Forfeiture funds. Coleman moved that the Personnel Committee Report to the full Board with the recommendation MR #01203 be adopted. Supported by Suarez. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote with Galloway and Gregory absent. MR #01204 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT – CONTRACT AMENDMENT #1 FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES IN THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ROYAL OAK 1999 -2003 Royal Oak Township has approved a proposed amendment to this contact that would delete one Deputy II (with fill-in) which would make the new contract total nine. This amendment is to take affect July 28, 2001. Coleman moved that the Personnel Committee Report to the full Board wi th the recommendation MR #01204 be adopted. Supported by Moffitt. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote with Galloway and Gregory absent. MR #01133 NEED FOR CERTIFIED SHERIFF DEPARTMENT DEPUTIES Due to the requirement by the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards to have deputies in Patrol Services and Command Staff certified, this resolution requests $250,000 to be added to the Sheriff's Department Overtime Budget for additional deputies to attend training. Suarez moved to add the request for funds for ten additional Deputies in Patrol Services and Command Staff to be certified per year to be added to the Sheriff's Department's budget requests for the year 2002. Final approval at the August 29, 2001 Personnel Committee meeting. Supported by Galloway. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote. Personnel Committee Page 4 August 8, 2001 MR #01153 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – OAKLAND COUNTY EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION This resolution requests action be taken to fill the position of Equal Employment Opportunity Officer, which has been vacant for a year, rather than have the elements of the position disseminated to private firms and agencies. It further requests the establishment of an Equal Employment Opportunity Unit as a separate department reporting directly to the County Executive. Moffitt moved the Personnel Committee Report to the full Board with the recommendation that MR #01153 be adopted. Supported by Buckley. Moffitt moved to amend the resolution as follows: The Second WHEREAS paragraph to read as follows: "WHEREAS the Oakland County Affirmative Action Report for the Year 2000 demonstrates that the county is not currently meeting its has not met all goals for female and minority employees, based on 1990 census information – especially in the Occupational Categories of: Officials and Administrators, Professionals, Technicians, and Protective Service Workers; and" Add an additional WHEREAS paragraph after the third: "WHEREAS Oakland County has taken laudable steps towards promoting minority employment through implementation of such programs as the Pontiac School and Southfield School Co-op Program, Monthly Cultural Diversity Training, Employment Diversity Council, Diversity Luncheon, Minority Job Expo, Mentoring Program, Exit Interview Program and creation of a Recruitment Specialist position." The Seventh WHEREAS paragraph to read as follows: "WHEREAS, for several months, the only position within Oakland County's Equal Employment Opportunity Unit – the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer position – has been vacant, with underfilled and elements of the position being disseminated out to have been inpart undertaken through private firms and agencies; and The Eighth WHEREAS paragraph to read as follows: "WHEREAS, setting the goal for the hiring and promotion of females and minorities is only the first step. If Oakland County, as an employer, truly intends to diversify its workforce in a manner that is reflective of the citizens that it serves, it is imperative that the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer position be filled and empowered to the extent necessary to fulfill its responsibilities. Personnel Committee Page 5 August 8, 2001 MR #01153 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – OAKLAND COUNTY EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION (Continued) The NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that paragraph to read as follows: "NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby request that the Equal Employment Opportu nity Officer position be filled with a full-time employee and not be underfilled. Strike the first BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT paragraph entirely. #2 under the BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT paragraph read as follows: "2.The Equal Employment Opportunity Unit's Personnel Departments action plan to improve the hiring and promotion of female and minority employees within Oakland County – especially within the Occupational Categories of: Officials and Administrators, Professionals, Technicians, and Protective Service Workers." Add #3 "3. That the Personnel Department preview to the Personnel Committee the potential effects on the Equal Employment Opportunity position and function involved in its proposed reorganization by the end of the last quarter of 2001." Supported by Buckley Motion to amend failed: Galloway, Moffitt, Buckley and Gregory – yes Law, Coleman, Brian and Suarez – no Main motion to Report to the full Board on MR #01153 failed: Coleman and Gregory – yes Law, Galloway, Moffitt, Buckley, Brian and Suarez – no MR #01200 PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT – CREATION OF AN OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY INCENTIVE FOR NEW (NON-PRESENT EMPLOYEE) HIRING FOR DIFFICULT TO RECRUIT POSITIONS Coleman moved to amend MR #01200, previously adopted. Supported by Moffitt. Motion carried on a voice vote. The Personnel Department has requested the creation of an Optional Supplementary Incentive to offer to a candidate to accept employment at Oakland County. The cost would be funded from a department's salaries favorability through position vacancies. Personnel Committee Page 6 August 8, 2001 MR #01200 PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT – CREATION OF AN OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY INCENTIVE FOR NEW (NON-PRESENT EMPLOYEE) HIRING FOR DIFFICULT TO RECRUIT POSITIONS (Continued) Coleman moved to amend the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph to read as follows: "NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the creation, for difficult to fill positions, of an optional supplemental incentive for new (non-present employee) hiring to be offered upon the unanimous approval, for each instance of creation for a specific classification and function, of the Personnel Department, The Department of Management and Budget and the approval by a majority vote of the Personnel Committee." Supported by Galloway. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote. Buckley moved to amend the first BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED paragraph to read as follows: "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the amount of the optional supplemental incentive be based on a formula not to exceed five (5%) percent of the maximum step of the salary range for the specific classification identified, and not to exceed a maximum of $5,000 per hire. Supported by Coleman. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote. Coleman moved to add a new BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED paragraph to read: "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that new hires, prior to acceptance of the Optional Supplementary Incentive Bonus, must sign a statement that the employee agrees to pay back the entire bonus to Oakland County if the employee leaves employment with Oakland County within one (1) year of the initial employment. Pay -back remittances are owed and payable in full within thirty (30) days of the termination of employment with Oakland County." Supported by Galloway. Motion carried on a voice vote. Personnel Committee Page 7 August 8, 2001 MR #01200 PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT – CREATION OF AN OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY INCENTIVE FOR NEW (NON-PRESENT EMPLOYEE) HIRING FOR DIFFICULT TO RECRUIT POSITIONS (Continued) Moffitt moved the Personnel Committee refer the matter of amending the Merit System Rules to include an Optional Supplementary Incentive for New (Non -Present Employee) Hiring for Difficult to Recruit Positions to Corporation Counsel. Requesting an opinion in time for the August 29, 2001 Personnel Committee meeting. Supported by Coleman. Motion carried on a voice vote. Motion to Report to the full Board with the recommendation MR #01200 be adopted as amended carried on unanimous roll call vote. OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY INCENTIVE – REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL APPROVAL This is a request for conditional approval of an Optional Supplementary Incentive for the position of Program Manager – JIMS. Approval of this request is contingent upon the enabling Resolution, MR #01200 being approved by the Finance Committee and adopted by the full Board. The amount requested is $3,887.50. Galloway moved approval of this request contingent upon adoption of MR #01200. Supported by Coleman. Motion carried on roll call vote: Law, Galloway, Coleman, Moffitt, Buckley, Gregory and Suarez – yes Brian – no COMMUNICATIONS: Moffitt moved to Receive and File Items: A. Position Change Summary Report B. Updated "List" of Possible Budget Amendments C. Updated Position Vacancy Report D. Circuit Court/Friend of the Court – Medical Support Enforcement Grant Application Supported by Coleman. Motion carried on a voice vote. Personnel Committee Page 8 August 8, 2001 OTHER BUSINESS: BUDGET HEARINGS PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Moffitt moved to tentatively approve the Prosecuting Attorney position requests as recommended. Additionally to add the requested salary adjustments to the list, subject to final approval. Supported by Law. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote with Moffitt absent. MANAGEMENT & BUDGET POSITION REQUESTS Suarez moved to tentatively approve the Management & Budget position requests as recommended subject to final approval. Supported by Gregory. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote with Galloway, Moffitt and Buckley absent. CENTRAL SERVICES POSITION REQUESTS Gregory moved to tentatively approve Central Services position requests as recommended, subject to final approval. Supported by Coleman. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote with Moffitt and Buckley absent. HUMAN SERVICES POSITION REQUESTS Galloway moved to tentatively approve Human Services position requests as recommended, subject to final approval. Supported by Suarez. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote with Moffitt and Buckley absent. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT POSITION REQUESTS Brian moved to tentatively approve Facilities Management's position requests as recommended, subject to final approval. Supported by Gregory. Motion carried on a voice vote. PERSONNEL POSITION REQUESTS Suarez moved to tentatively approve Personnel Position requests as recommended, subject to final approval. Supported by Coleman. Motion carried on a voice vote. Personnel Committee Page 9 August 8, 2001 ADJOURNMENT: Gregory moved to adjourn at 1:45 p.m. Supported by Galloway. Motion carried on a voice vote. ____________________________________________ Nancy Wenzel, Committee Coordinator ____________________________________________ James H. VanLeuven, Jr., Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.