HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2001.08.09 - 35658SUE ANN DOUGLAS Chairperson NANCY DINGELDEY Vice Chairperson BRENDA CAUSEY-MITCHELL Minority Vice Chairperson August 9, 2001 Chairperson Douglas called the meeting of the Finance Committee to order at 9:14 a.m. in Committee Room A, Commissioners= Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Sue Douglas, Nancy Dingeldey, Brenda Causey -Mitchell, Charles Palmer, Shelley Taub, Fran Amos, William Patterson, Michelle Friedman Appel, Tim Melton COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Chuck Moss. . OTHERS PRESENT: COUNTY EXECUTIVE Robert Daddow, Asst. Deputy County Exec. DRAIN COMMISSIONER Kevin Larsen, Deputy Drain Commissioner FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Dave Ross, Director FACILITIES MAINTENANCE Dick Johnston, Manager FISCAL SERVICES Tom Ott, Manager Tim Soave, Chief Joe Makosky, Supervisor Linda Pearson, Analyst Joe Rozell, Analyst Gaia Piir, Budget Systems Coord. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Phil Bertolini, Director Janette McKenna, Supervisor PERSONNEL Judy Eaton, Director Tom Eaton, Deputy Director Brenthy Johnston, Analyst HEALTH DEPARTMENT Rosemary Rowney, Manager CIRCUIT COURT Kevin Oeffner, Court Administrator SHERIFF Michael McCabe, Captain Dale Cunningham, Business Manager DETROIT FREE PRESS Kathy Gray, Reporter OTHERS Charlie Jones, Citizen BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Ruel McPherson, District #25 James H. VanLeuven, Jr., Director Harvey Wedell, Sr. Analyst Nancy Wenzel, Committee Coordinator OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0470 Telephone (248) 858 -0100 FAX (248) 858-1572 FINANCE COMMITTEE Charles Palmer Shelley Taub Fran Amos William Patterson Chuck Moss Michelle Friedman Appel Tim Melton FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 2 August 9, 2001 APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES Amos moved approval of the minutes of July 26, 2001, as printed. Supported by Pal mer. Motion carried on a voice vote. AGENDA One item was added to the agenda: 18a. Pending Litigation, Closed Session. Amos moved to amend the agenda to include Item 18a. Supported by Causey -Mitchell. Motion carried on a voice vote. A revised Page 12 for Item 5 – Contingency Report was distributed. Tim Soave indicated Item #18 is not ready at this time. The Committee discussed the August 16, 2001 Finance Meeting. After the Board meeting Committee members will be attending the Children's Village picnic and the Finance meeting is scheduled to begin at 1:00.p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT Commissioner Taub indicated she would prefer to receive her Finance Committee packet by regular mail – not special delivery. Mr. Soave explained there was a problem at the print shop and this should not occur again. Commissioner Palmer related the Planning & Building Committee has taken action on Facilities Management's 2002 Capital Improvement Program and requested it be taken up by the Finance Committee during the budget hearings at this meeting. 5. CONTINGENCY REPORT One item on today’s agenda will impact the Contingency Fund and the balance will be a negative ($11,132.) Palmer moved to receive and file the Contingency Report dated 8/2/01. Supported by Amos. Motion carried on a voice vote. 6. MR #01206 ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP – FY 2000 ALLOCATION FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 3 August 9, 2001 Pursuant to the Oakland County Environmental Infrastructure Funds and Disbursement Policy Bloomfield Township is requesting appropriation in the amount of $256,426.90 for expenses incurred in connection with environmental remediation or improvement projects for FY 2000 once proper invoices are presented. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Rep ort. Supported by Amos Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Moss and Melton absent. 7. MR #01205 CIRCUIT COURT – CREATION OF ONE (1) USER SUPPORT SPECIALIST II POSITION FOR JUDICIAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (JIMS) PROJECT An $8.0 million Courts Software Management Information System has been authorized to provide an integrated records management system for Circuit, District and Probate Courts, as well as the Prosecutor and Probation. The current County classification User Support Specialist II contains the requisite skill and experience to fulfill the requirements of this position and provides for the expansion of assigned JIMS duties as this new system becomes functional. This resolution requests the creation of one GF/GP User Support Specialist II position in the Circuit Court/Court Business Division to be funded through September 30, 2003. Amos moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Moss and Melton absent. 8. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT – CONTRACT AMENDMENT FOR AUXILIARY DEPUTY SERVICES IN THE CITY OF PONTIAC 2001-2002 FOR ARTS, BEATS AND EATS The City of Pontiac has requested the Sheriff's Department to provide patrol services to the citizens of the City for Arts, Beats and Eats on an overtime basis. Causey-Mitchell moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Amos. Palmer moved to amend the Fiscal Note, paragraph #4 to read: "The Sheriff Department will absorb one-half of the Overtime cost up to $20,000 not to exceed $10,000 in accordance with Section G5.9. The remaining Overtime cost will be covered by revenue generated by the contract. Therefore, no budget amendments are required for FY 2001 or to the County Executive Recommendation for FY 2002 and FY 2003." Supported by Amos. Motion to amend carried on a voice vote. Main motion, as amended, carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Moss and Melton absent. 9. MR #01202 – SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT – ADDITIONAL HOURS FOR COURT DEPUTY POSITIONS/COURTHOUSE SECURITY PROGRAM The Circuit Court and other elected officials residing in the Courthouse have requested the northeast and east doors of the courthouse be secure. The Sheriff is requesting authorization of 640 additional hours for each of the ten Court Deputy Positions in the Sheriff/Corrective FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 4 August 9, 2001 Services/Satellites/Court Detention to bring the total number of hours for each position to 1,640 per year to staff these areas. Palmer moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Taub. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Moss and Melton absent. 10. MR #01204 – SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT – CONTRACT AMENDMENT #1 FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES IN ROAL OAK TOWNSHIP 1999- 2003 Royal Oak Township has contracted with the Oakland County Sheriff's Department to provide law enforcement services for the Township. Royal Oak Township has approved a proposed amendment to the Contract that would delete one Deputy II (with fill-in) which would make the new contract total nine. Patterson moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Amos. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Moss and Melton absent. 11. MR #01203 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT – RECLASSIFICATION OF ONE (1) SERGEANT TO LIEUTENANT POSITION IN THE FUGITIVE/WARRANTS UNIT The Sheriff has evaluated the level of supervision in the Fugitive Apprehension Team and the Warrants Unit in the Technical Services Division resulting in a request to upgrade one Sergeant to Lieutenant to increase efficiency and effectiveness, the Division has created the Oakland County Homicide and Major Crime Task Force. With this proposed upgrade the new Lieutenant will have 24 detectives/investigators assigned under this command leaving 21 assigned wi th the current Lieutenant. Dingeldey moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note Supported by Amos. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Moss and Melton absent. 12. MR #01189 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT – LAW ENFORCEMENT MEMORIAL The Sheriff has agreed to be the designated facilitator and has agreed to raise the necessary funds to construct a memorial to the men and women who have served honorably in the Law Enforcement Duties of Oakland County. The total cost of the memorial, including any construction or renovation costs, will be the responsibility of the Oakland County Law Enforcement Memorial Fund. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 5 August 9, 2001 Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Amos. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Moss and Melton absent. 13. MR #01133 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – NEED FOR CERTIFIED SHERIFF DEPARTMENT DEPUTIES Many positions at the Sheriff's Department require certification by the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards, a division of the Michigan State Police. In the near future there may not be a sufficient number of certified deputies to fill all of the necessary positions in Patrol Services. This proactive action would increase the number of deputies allowed to attend certification academy. Chairperson Douglas informed the Committee that the Personnel Committee has placed consideration of this item on the "List" to be considered at the Sheriff Department's budget wrap - up. There is no need for Finance Committee action on this item at t his time. Commissioner McPherson, initiator of MR #01133, concurred with this action. 14. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES/HEALTH DIVISION - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC HEALTH CONFERENCE SUPPORT GRANT $10,000 is being made available from the Centers for Disease Contro l for provision of programs related to cancer education. The funds will be used to assist in presenting the Second Annual Cancer Education Forum; primarily for advertising through the newspaper as well as speaker fees associated with the forum. Acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future commitment, no additional personnel are being requested. Dingeldey moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey-Mitchell, Moss, Friedman Appel and Melton absent. 15. MR #01200 – PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT – CREATION OF AN OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY INCENTIVE FOR NEW (NON-PRESENT EMPLOYEE) HIRING FOR DIFFICULT TO RECRUIT POSITIONS Labor market conditions continue to pose recruitment challenges for certain classifications, especially for certain engineering and Information Technology classifications. Funding for the optional supplemental incentive must be available within the department's current salaries budget. Amos moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Dingeldey. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 6 August 9, 2001 Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Moss and Melton absent. 16. MR #01197 – DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – SECOND QUARTER 2001 DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATION TRANSFER All data processing development cost is incorporated as a single appropriation within the non - departmental budget and then an amount equal to the actual expense is transferred to the user department with a summary report to the Finance Commit tee. The Department of Information Technology has determined the Second Quarter 2001 data processing development charges to be $1,028,072 and the imaging development charge to be $32,166 for the General Fund/General Purpose County departments. Direct ch arges to Special Revenue and Proprietary fund departments are $234,402 and non -county agencies are $35,889 for the Second Quarter 2001. Amos moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Moss and Melton absent. 17. MR #01198 DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOOGY – THIRD QUARTER 2001 DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATION TRANSFER All data processing development cost is incorporated as a single appropriation within the non - departmental budget and then an amount equal to the actual expense is transferred to the user department with a summary report to the Finance Committee. The Department of Information Technology has determined the Third Quarter 2001 data processing development charges to be $1,107,470 and the imaging development charge to be $80,637 for the General Fund/General Purpose County departments. Direct charges to Special Revenue and Proprietary fund departments are $345,385 and non -county agencies are $30,987 for the Third Quarter 2001. Patterson moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Dingeldey. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Moss and Melton absent. 18. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET – FISCAL YEAR 2001 THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL FORECAST AND BUDGET AMENDMENTS Mr. Soave indicated this item is not complete and will be presented at the August 16, 2001 Finance Committee meeting. 18a. CLOSED SESSION Dingeldey moved that the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing pend ing litigation with Corporation Counsel. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote with Moss and Melton absent. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 7 August 9, 2001 The Chair declared the meeting closed at 10:15 a.m. The meeting resumed in open session at 10:46 a.m. Palmer moved that Corporation Counsel be authorized to proceed with their request regarding the pending litigation as outlined in the closed session. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Moss and Melton absent. Chairperson Douglas declared a short recess at 10:48 a.m. The meeting resumed at 11:05 a.m. COMMUNICATIONS Palmer moved to receive and file Communication Items A through H. Supported by Patterson A. Public Hearing Notice – Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for General Motors B. Family Independence Agency (FIA) – RE: Termination of Fiduciary Services Contract with Oakland County C. GIS Efforts – Out County D. Minutes from CLEMIS Status Meeting – July 13, 2001 E. Circuit Court/Friend of the Court – 2001/2002 Medical Support Enforcement Grant Application F. Sheriff Department – Aviation Training Grant Application G. Community Corrections Grant Application: De Roy Testamentary Foundation – 3 R's Reading to Reduce Recidivism H. Contract Exception Report for Month of July, 2001 COMMUNICATIONS (Continued) Palmer moved to receive and file the communications. Supported by Patterson. Taub requested Items C, E, F and G be removed from the motion. Motion to receive and file Communication Items A, B, D, and H carried on a voice vote. C. GIS Efforts – Out County – Mr. Daddow explained this memo described some of the problems other counties are having regarding their street files and are looking to Oakland County for help. Taub moved to receive and file Item C. Supported by Palmer. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 8 August 9, 2001 Motion carried on a voice vote. E. Circuit Court/Friend of the Court – 2001/2002 Medical Support Enforcement Grant Application. Commissioner Taub questioned a sentence on page 12, "Until then, I cannot recommend that the Board of Commissioners approve the grant application or accept the grant." Mr. Soave explained under the grant procedures the application was submitted, however, the County is not committed to accepting the grant at this stage. Taub moved to receive and file Item E. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried on a voice vote. F. Sheriff Department – Aviation Training Grant Application – Commissioner Taub questioned why this item was not referred to the General Government Committee. Mr. Soave indicated it is a Sheriff's Department grant for training and was referred to the Public Services Committee. Taub moved to receive and file Item F. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried on a voice vote. G. Community Corrections Grant Application: De Roy Testamentary Foundation – 3 R's Reading to Reduce Recidivism - Commissioner Taub questioned whether this was a new grant. Taub moved to receive and file Item G. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried on a voice vote. Commissioner Taub requested the Management & Budget Depart ment to indicate to the Finance Committee that grant applications had been referred to the proper committees. BUDGET HEARINGS: A. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY The Personnel Committee has added the Item Requested Salary Adjustments, an 8% increase in pay for eight positions, to the Amendment List. This item was not recommended by the County Executive. Mr. Gorcyca distributed additional material in support of his request. Ms. Eaton also distributed additional material in support of the Personnel Department's position. B. DRAIN COMMISSIONER No changes to the County Executive’s Recommended Budget were requested. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 9 August 9, 2001 Commissioner Melton requested a breakdown of the $15,000 in transition fees allocated to the Drain Commission for expenses in December 2000. C. COUNTY CLERK-REGISTER OF DEEDS The Personnel Committee has added the Item, Clerk-Register of Deeds/Micrographics Four PR Clerk I – PTNE (1,000 Hours) to the amendment List. This item was not recommended by the County Executive. The Finance Committee added the E lections Supplies and travel expense increase for the Elections Division to the Amendment List. D. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT No changes to the County Executive’s Recommended Budget were requested. Facilities Management requested the 2002 Capital Improvement Program be considered at this time. Chairperson Douglas questioned the * designation indicating "Alternative Funding Source". The * designation will be changed to "Funding Source not identified" and added to the Amendment List. Mr. Ross indicated rather than putting it on the Amendment List he would prepare another report having the * designate "Funding Source not Identified". Palmer moved to change the designation of the * to "Funding Source not Identified" in the 2002 Capital Improvement Program. Supported by Amos. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote with Causey-Mitchell, Taub, Patterson, Moss and Friedman Appel absent. Millard voting in his exofficio capacity. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 2:05 p.m. _____________________________________ Nancy Wenzel, Committee Coordinator ______________________________________ James H. VanLeuven, Jr. Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.