HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2002.06.10 - 3573SCROOL DISTRICT OF TRE CITY OF ROYAL OAK CANVASS OF VOTES CAST XX REGULAR ELECTION D GENERAL AT THE ELECTION 0 SPECIAL HELD ON JUNE 10, 2002 (DATE OF ELECTION) CANVASSED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF CANVASSERS STATEMENT OF VOTES, I s SCHOOL DIST1gICT OF THE CITY OF ROYAL cin REGULAR ELECTION -JUNE 10 _20f) I MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION VOTE FOR TWO - FOUR YEAR TERM 1 iti I I w 1 4 Z a 44 I HI 04 1 PRECINCT 14 NUMBER 3 ,! N F i .., g 1 z 4 o 1.4 I I I I I 1Z13 L5Y4 ' 2 1' 04‘°!) 7? /17 150 45; Ok 631 3 II41o1 _1 -77 L/09. 3,..61/.55-- 1...5-1 _.„15-T: 4 17-5 ' 771 7d (3 4,qF /72' _al .5 P 5 6 31 f..,1 /70 5..? 73 1F6 ‘L-CSAI 17 .. 6,5" laR 413 9. I rY8' 3%1 lc,71° , V!),7? ?() *1 fO _I -5-0 lid 9 5 V /ose i/A 63 i/&S 7/ i 17 10 .6"? )30 /Kg /e6, i/01 213 (9(7. F . 1 11 149 ,5_ ,3.6- -6 ‘s 4,3 , 12 12381 77 •R3 i # 7 44 lig, /4 i-Ig 13 ,-.20 /60 ) /al 60 /0 Sa /071 !7q71 14 195- /y5 /7 1 .__6& 6/ / 7,14 9'a 1 2223; la IMF Or Yo # 7,3 iIc29 1 36 1 is 1_6,35 A6-4 /F3 a5 SI iFol 1 00 1 gli i 7 !931 /d& lq? 7,2 7,3 ./FS- 4°1 I 18 I3Ye3 77 /0 ,53 gi //l37 19 's5k3 /43 /731 64 /m1174175 11 Erd 20 ''//Z //7 /301 -C/ 731 114 1 -Cel ‘,..35- 7 / labe 20 5:3 1 .yo? 681 an 37 MN I ! 22 -66 0.25i-C-1 / 93 113 8 /SI I 1 q/ 1 57e1 I 23 ig" 1 4`q 63 33 6° I 8'8 1.2.-li, 24 /f,5 34, I 6-6 .21 60 1 4.6 1 ..3b 1 )Fdl 25 / 7 6 ? ' _5 - "" i 0,1? 1 4._.3 I 4"3 1il4 1 <213 I I 4 . F.AVCB d /05-7.?16/1 9_1 681,1601 7101 !6041 I I I I 1 1 I TOTAL ao Yiq / SUSI / 7 q4-q40, S/-s-8 :,?'.1Q i o.,11.1 1 1 1 1 I 11 I I 1 ! , 1 1 1 1 1 1 , - , 1 ! , , 1.P. G STATEMENT OF VOTES, SCHOOL DISTRICT OF TILE CITY OF ROYAL 0 OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE BIENNIAL ELECT' JUNE 10, 20 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES VOTE FOR TWO - SIX YEAR TERM 1 1:4 1 1 E 1 PRECINCT 24 1 1 zri NUMBER • rit I- I 1 1 2 Ill W 1 1 4 0 4 n 0 P 1 /d3t O I on '.c9', 6j 1 -631 5c, 1 2 /de , kil -,57 4?it K6-7.7-6-j- 65- 3 /07 YO 37 ii 4/7 ?-3 7/1 500 4 Ycq -.5.5 '3 75. 9/ ,./4,?i .445-e L3V 7 A' //611/7. 4,41 7 iro ye ,,,27 771m! i ri i iiiio ! a 6,R *13 37 Fo tri 1 61 138V 9 575- 71 39 7/ W ' 6471 igo 10 /37 Fs? 1 1.1 _37 37 ,/ x7 -57 ._,_ 12 77 VS 13 / 11 4" 14 .rtit g, It /v la 715'? V: ..3) 1 !r71 _15 --4-7 c-F /1 Q7 6/ 16 acil 71 I 63 458 /67- 711 ;713' 17 . /0 //s' 9a me /le 75-- L6-86-- 18 AR/ 44 .0 87 / 01 7 113i 19 c,206 /.1s-' ‘8 /AC, /// 1HE', ;,71 20 46`a )1iR !.7.? 4 1/Q 677' ',5'671 21 /4 /4 si /6" , 17 3 3c)fo 0 1 ‘.5-'661 23 0, --3 =2-43 kg 70 611 Xel , 24 67 SO /3 ge 25 I 36 02,5- ‘,9? .61( . s3- AVCB I 468' ."! (67? 1/75:167715);)? L_ , TOTILL qs6* c2X0LI lairRo3 910 -ni 13 1 I 1 1 , _1 G Put figures JR this column The whole number of votes given for the office of SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF ROYAL OM STATEMENT OF VOTES REGULAR ELECTION — JUNE 10, 200; was and they were given for the foflovvingnam2d persDns. received votes received votes received Votes TOTAL votes . MENDER OF TUE BOARD OF EDUCATION I The whole number of votes given for thu office of VO FOR TWO - FOUR YEAR. TERS ) / / wa and they were gi (n for the following named persons: 1 ANALI SA 0 . BAILIFF receiv ./611/1 ,,, //eV' /Ali AT, 5 /-/ 7 I ilICIIAEL R. BARMAN receive IL, voles O ,3 g , i " i . KEN 11EINMAN receive i .1...... '......,......—g, _...:Ir ....I:h.!./I ...10 of . i'd pONALD JOHNSTONE rece.v gi votes FRANK TYNDELL ruce ve( ' 1 J - ekkg--, I.. 1-....a.a...• • a._ lit, i , 47 es 1--5Ti -6-FL , MARK WEATHERtiAl receiveii • _. i 410,...a., / ' , , 4._ -„A ,,,. fr ,, ales ir received votes received votes received votes , received Votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for trie following named persons: received votes received votes received Votes received votes received , votes received votes received votes received votes received votes received votes received votes TOTAL votes ii 3.0 SCHOOL DISTRICr OF - THE. CITY .0Ir ,ROYAL OAK REGULAR ELECTION - JUNE 10, 2002 STATEMENT OF VOTES, II BOND PROPOSAL , I , I I , I 1 1 PRECINCT 1 I NUMBER 1 111 1 1 I 1 i I 1 1 I YES I NO TOTAL riti ( / 1,5-`' 2 .3Y7 75' 3 g zi 0Z5r ,3 4 J/ 91 al& '17- 5 1021 1 a 3:3-3 6 1,0 32 il,29' 7 1, /d 7 0 9 /a.?71 /16 50 31 1 10 1 6 7 3 4 0 -6-A 7 ii i Q 7/7 / 67 12 I c/67 ag Rfri 13 1 /9' 302.5- .6- 9 14 ' /'? 4. 3 15 7 /,97 79F 16 // 3,.? y",..5:-.3_6- 17 /5Y &-7-3 X..; / I 18 ,a5-- , 19 !in Az- ..,gg't I 20 0280 17//5', 21 1 gill ig0 pe6,`/L 22 I.Z;q cR 30 23 6/3 is3 ,?y61 . , 24 4-7 /23 19,,,i 25 iei ,7-C1 AVGB 3/ 73 13771 1 . TOTAL 7i g9017 iActsl i -- i, 11 I 1 , I 1 tr _ II , , G STATEMENT OF V0f€V0 L DISTRICT OF THE CITY_OF kicrou, coa: REGULAR ELECTION - JUNE 10, 2002 Pat figwe% 1 The whole number of votes given for and a gainst the BOND PROPOSAL 41 th is column Shall the School_DfiffiCt of -the -City of-Royal OAT County of 0akland-,-7- 1 Michigan. borrow the principal sum of not io -ekCeed-Ninty-Nine-MIlIion Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($99,400,000) and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds for the purpose of defraying the cost of - constructing, furnishing and equipping four new elementary School . buildings; i , - remodeling, equipping, furnishing, reequipping and refurnishing existing 1 1 School District buildings; 1 1 - constructing, furnishing and equipping additions to existing School Dlstrict buildings; 1 II 1 - acquiring and installing technology in and connecting School District 1 1 buildings; - acquiring school buses; and 1 'improving and developing sites, including playgrounds, playfields and 1 slutdoor .athletic facilities and structures, in the School District? The estimated millage t67 -be levied in 2002 to service this issue of bonds is 2.49 mills 02.49 per $1,000 of taxable value) and the estimated simple 1 average_annnal millage rate required to retire the bonds of the issue is --,-2..64T'viils:(12 -..64 per 11,000 of taxable value). The bonds may be issued in one or more series, payable in the case of each series in not to exceed twenty-six 26 .ears from the date of issue of each series. - (Under_State2Jaw,bond4roceeds may not be used to pay teacher or . , administrator salaries, routine maintenance costs or ether School District • operating expenses.) , 1 T- . I d i . I i was / 44__41.- ...,L., ____ •/ ,,7,_5---1 , ,.... _. • ' e .....±..40,„.......,_ 42_4 _ 0, Z---- i nuer , -717Lezeta,..„,,, ...., . I 'i of whie mro -1-1.•-.---;:r 2 -4.0,5: ' i i/I0,27 4 / 1 , votes were marked 'YES ' I and i _,......, Atri, 4 votes were marked NO • TOTAL VOTES, 6 .12 The Board of Canvassers of the COUNTY (COLJNYY- CITY. 7CONN-61-11, OR VIII.L.P.7a) OAKLAND !COUNTY, Gill'. TQWNSWIP OR WILLASIE/ of Do Hereby Certify and Dete mine That a having received a suffic ent number of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING JUNE 30. 2006 MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING JUNE 30, 2006 having received a sufficient number of CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN,) $s, nntINTY t1F OAKLAND COUNTY OE OAKLAND having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF ROYAL OAK COUNT', CITY, T0V1,45Pilr OR VI1.LA60 at the REGULAR Election, held on the _MTH day of OHL -onei4laciusancLqine-Lureirraria44 zllousAND-AND_TwO votes is e ected That votes is elected That having received a suffie:ent number of votes is e ected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a suffie ent number cf votes is e ecteel That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficent number of votes is elected 1 That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a suffic,ent number of votes is elected That l4ring received a sufficient number of votes is elected having received a sufficient number oi That having received a sufficient number of votes is e ected That having received a sufficient number of . ;51 „ That having received a suffiC4ht .nunnbeeof votes Ise ected s That having received a sufficient number of ill votes is elected That having received a suffic;ent number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected Ii That votes is elected votes is elected 4.G That votes is elected . having received a sufficient number of I . Received Not — Received Not Received Received Not Received Received Not Received Passed :D-Feald Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. having received a suff dent number of votes is elected _ That caving received a 5uf'. cient nurnoer of votes is elected That votes is elected Tr at having raceived a suf-!!cient number of That having received a sufficient number of votes is electeo That 'having received a sufficient number of votes is elected Tnat having received a sufficient number of votes is elected Tr at having received a sufficient number of votes is elected Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or cefeated as indicated below! NAME OF PROPOSITION Having Having Having Having Hay in g Having 6 1 BOND PROPOSAL NAME OF PROPOSITION 2 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION 3 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION 4 NONE NAME OF PROPOSA-ION 5 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE Received Receive. Sufficient votes was 'Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was .Sufficient votes was Received Passed Not Received .,Sufficient votes was Defeateo Sufficient votes was ATTEST: 5•G In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set ou r hands anc affixed the Seal cf of _OAKLAND ‘COUNTY, diTY, TowNsHIF OR VILI.AGE2) (COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP øi VILLAGA) • /{tizi day of JUNE ri th e year .44±40ori-F,aocl-r-44Fro-11-Emc tka.r44- 1310-1110ITSAND--011)---TWO____ i "1 A! BOARD OF CANVASSERS ) _ c HAI RMAN OF BOAREN7rtANVASSERS. the -this )