HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2002.05.09 - 35733SUE ANN DOUGLAS Chairperson CHUCK MOSS Vice Chairperson BRENDA CAUSEY-MITCHELL Minority Vice Chairperson May 9, 2002 The meeting of the Finance Committee was called to order at 9:10 a.m. by Chairperson Douglas, in Committee Room A, Commissioners= Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Sue Douglas, Chair; Chuck Moss, Vice Chair; Charles Palmer; Larry Obrecht; Shelley Taub; Nancy Dingeldey; William Patterson; Michelle Friedman Appel; Tim Melton. COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Brenda Causey-Mitchell . OTHERS PRESENT: ARTS, CULTURE, FILM Kristie Zamora, Coordinator AUDITING Jim Fitzpatrick, Manager CORPORATION COUNSEL Judy Cunningham, Corporation Counsel DRAIN COMMISSIONER Kevin Larsen, Chief Deputy FISCAL SERVICES Tim Soave, Manager Nancy Fournier, Chief Lynn Sonkiss, Chief Penny Cremer, Chief Joe Matkosky, Supervisor Rena Joseph, Analyst Linda Pearson, Analyst Prentiss Malone, Analyst Mike Pohlod, Analyst Raleigh Parrott, Analyst MANAGEMENT & BUDGET Laurie Van Pelt, Director Ed Poisson, Deputy Director PERSONNEL Judy Eaton, Director Tom Eaton, Deputy Director Dean Shackelford, Supervisor Angie Broegman, Analyst PURCHASING Joe Hylla, Manager SHERIFF Michael McCabe, Captain Dale Cunningham, Business Manager SUPPORT SERVICES Todd Birkle, Manager EASTER SEALS Robert Conaway, Legislative Representative BENEFIT OUTSOURCING SOLUTIONS Richard Mitchell, President OTHERS PRESENT CONTINUED OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0470 Telephone (248) 858 -0100 FAX (248) 858-1572 FINANCE COMMITTEE Charles Palmer Larry Obrecht Shelley Taub Nancy Dingeldey William Patterson Michelle Friedman Appel Tim Melton FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 2 May 9, 2002 PRICEWATERHOUSE COOPERS Darrell Burks, Principal Jim Buckley, Manager BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS James H. VanLeuven, Jr., Director Sheryl Mitchell, Analyst Helen Hanger, Sr. Committee Coordinator APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES Dingeldey moved approval of the minutes of April 25, 2002, as printed. Supported by Taub. Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT: Ms. Van Pelt introduced Ed Poisson as the new deputy director of Management and Budget. AGENDA Item #11 was removed until the General Government Committee review was completed. 5. CONTINGENCY REPORT The Contingency Fund balance of $138,931 will be reduced by item #9 ($27,588) to $111,343. Palmer moved to receive and file the Contingency Report dated April 30, 2002. Supported by Taub. Motion carried on a voice vote. 6. PRICEWATERHOUSE COOPERS - PRESENTATION ON FY 2001 COUNTY FINANCIAL AUDIT Consistent with the Audit Document dated May 9, 2002, Messrs. Burks and Buckley reviewed the Auditors' findings, reporting that the County's internal audit controls and budget process are very strong. Reporting of GASB 34 requirements will begin with FY 2002. Palmer moved to receive and file the Audit Committee Report, dated May 9, 2002, on Financial Statement Audit for the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2001, as presented and prepared by PriceWaterhouse Coopers. Supported by Patter son. Motion carried on a voice vote. 7. MR #02118 - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - CONTRACT FOR AUXILIARY DEPUTY SERVICES IN THE TOWNSHIP OF GROVELAND 2002-2003 The Sheriff is requesting authorization to amend its law enforcement contract with FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 3 May 9, 2002 Groveland Township to provide patrol services for special events on an overtime basis effective June 1, 2002, through December 31, 2003. Patterson moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey-Mitchell absent. 8. MR #02119 - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - CONTRACT FOR AUXILIARY DEPUTY SERVICES IN THE CITY OF PONTIAC 2002-2003 The Sheriff is requesting authorization to contract with the City of Pontiac to provide patrol services for special events effective June 1, 2002, through December 31, 2003. Melton moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Obrecht and Causey -Mitchell absent. 9. MR #02120 - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - 2001/2002 SECONDARY ROAD PATROL GRANT AMENDMENT On behalf of the Sheriff, the Board of Commissioners, pursuant to MR #01319, accepted a grant award of $1,047,698 from the Michigan Department of State Police, Office of Highway Safety Planning for the period October 1, 2001, through September 30, 2002, for secondary road patrol activities. The Sheriff is requesting the addition of one Sergeant position, to be funded by the grant. One patrol vehicle, mobile data computer and prep radio will be added to the County Fleet, with capital costs covered by the Contingency Fund. Moss moved to approve the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Obrecht and Causey -Mitchell absent. 10. MR #02116 - DRAIN COMMISSIONER - OFFICE REMODELING PROJECT The Drain Commissioner is requesting authorization to remodel office space to provide greater efficiencies in use of existing building space. Total project costs are estimated at $201,700 and will be transferred from the Drain Commissioner Equipment Fund FY 2002 budget to the Project Work Order Fund. Dingeldey moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote w ith Palmer, Obrecht and Causey- Mitchell absent. 12. MR #02117 - DRAIN COMMISSIONER - BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR WATER QUALITY STUDY FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 4 May 9, 2002 The Drain Commissioner is requesting authorization to participate with Macomb County and the Army Corp of Engineers in a water quality study to develop a Water Quality Monitoring Strategic Plan for the Lake St. Clair Watershed, of which the Clinton River is a major contributory. This project will be performed under the Water Resources Development Act of 1990, which requires a 35% contribution of cash or in-kind services towards the project. The cost for the Drain Commissioner to participate will be $4,500. Patterson moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Taub. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 13. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET/CIRCUIT COURT - REAPPROPRIATION OF MEDIATION FUNDS The resolution would authorize reappropriation of Circuit Court Mediation Funds. These funds were originally appropriated per MR #01210 but were not spent and inadvertently not carried forward, falling to undesignated fund balance. Funds of $133,250 will be utilized to purchase furniture and equipment for the court. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Obrecht, Patterson and Causey - Mitchell absent. 14. COUNTY EXECUTIVE/ARTS, CULTURE & FILM - MICHIGAN COUNCIL FOR THE ARTS AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS FISCAL YEAR 2002 REGRANTING PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION AND ACCEPTANCE - AMENDMENT Arts, Culture & Film is requesting acceptance of an additional award of $14,000 for FY 2002, from the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, for administration of the regranting program. Palmer moved approval of the attached sugge sted Fiscal Note. Supported by Dingeldey. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey -Mitchell absent. 15. MR #02114 - PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT/EMPLOYEE RELATIONS-EXTENSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH BENEFIT OUTSOURCING SOLUTIONS, INC. Personnel has rebid its contract to provide consulting services for administration of the Natural Select flexible benefits program and is recommending to contract with Benefit Outsourcing Solutions. Only two bids were received, with Benefit Outsourcing's bid being 44% lower than the other proposal. The resolution would authorize a three -year extension of the current contract for $65,000 per year for 2004-2006 enrollments, plus $5.50/participant for 2004, $5.75/participant for 2005 and $6.00/participant for 2006 for reimbursement account administration. Dingeldey moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey -Mitchell absent. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 5 May 9, 2002 16. MR #01338 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - AMENDING OAKLAND COUNTY DEFAULT BENEFIT PACKAGE The resolution, as introduced by Mr. Moffitt, would amend the current Default Benefit Package to allow employees who do not call in their Benefit Selections for the following calendar year to be defaulted to their previous year's call-in benefit selection. This change would become effective during the 2002 enrollment period. Under the current program, if you do not call in your Benefit Selections, you are automatically defaulted to a standard be nefit package. On behalf of the Personnel Department, Mr. Eaton presented proposed modifications to the Resolution. Palmer moved to report that the Finance Committee is in agreement with the adoption of the resolution. Supported by Melton. Motion to report carried on a roll call vote with Taub, Dingeldey and Douglas voting no and Causey-Mitchell absent. Melton moved to report to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Obrecht. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Dingeldey and Patterson voting no and Causey- Mitchell absent. COMMUNICATIONS A. District Court 52nd Judicial District/54-B District Court - Collection of Mandatory Assessments Imposed by State in Addition to Finds and Costs Imposed by a Judge Judge Batchik and Ms. Cunningham spoke regarding this item. Judge Batchik has been designated as the contact person for the 52 nd District Court on this matter. As a result of the State's recent imposition of additional fees to be levied through fines paid through the District Courts, Judge Ball of the 54-B District Court has issued an Administrative Order challenging the assessment of these legislatively -mandated fees. Corporation Counsel is also reviewing this matter at the request of Judge Batchik. A meeting i s scheduled next month with many of the state's district court judges to discuss this issue. The Michigan Municipal League is also reviewing the matter. Taub moved to receive and file Communication A. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried on a voice vote. B. Information Technology - Status on CLEMIS and Related Projects Taub moved to receive and file Communication B. Supported by Dingeldey. Motion carried on a voice vote. C. S.E.M.C.O.G. Update FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 6 May 9, 2002 The Committee requested figures on community -contributed revenue. Obrecht moved to receive and file Communication C. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried on a voice vote. D. Purchasing Division - Contract Exception Report for April Moss moved to receive and file Communication D. Supported by Obrecht. Motion carried on a voice vote. E. County Executive/Arts, Culture & Film - Michigan Council for the Arts and Cultural Affairs by Fiscal Year 2003 Regranting Program Application Patterson moved to receive and file the Communication E. Supported by Moss. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m. _________________________ _______________________________ Helen Hanger James H. VanLeuven, Jr. Senior Committee Coordinator Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.