HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2002.09.12 - 35765SUE ANN DOUGLAS Chairperson CHUCK MOSS Vice Chairperson BRENDA CAUSEY-MITCHELL Minority Vice Chairperson September 12, 2002 The meeting of the Finance Committee was called to order at 9:12 a.m. by Vice Chairperson Moss, in Committee Room A, Commissioners= Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Sue Douglas, Chair; Chuck Moss, Vice Chair; Larry Obrecht; Shelley Taub; Nancy Dingeldey; William Patterson; Michelle Friedman Appel; Tim Melton. COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Brenda Causey-Mitchell, Minority Vice Chair; Charles Palmer. OTHERS PRESENT: CIRCUIT COURT John Cooperrider, Deputy Administrator Pam Howitt, Deputy Administrator CORPORATION COUNSEL Judy Cunningham, Corporation Counsel DRAIN COMMISSIONER Philip Sanzica, Chief Engineer EXECUTIVE OFFICE Robert Daddow, Assistant Deputy Gerald Poisson, Assistant Deputy FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Dave Ross, Director Bob Larkin, Supervisor FISCAL SERVICES Tim Soave, Manager LaVerne Smith, Supervisor Gaia Piir, Systems Coordinator Greg Givens, Grants Writer Stephania Rogers, Supervisor Linda Pearson, Analyst Prentiss Malone Michael Pohlod, Analyst FRIEND OF THE COURT Joseph Salamone, Friend of the Court INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Phil Bertolini, Director Joe Maletta, Manager R. Scott Oppmann, GIS Supervisor Sudha Maheshwarj, GIS Project Manager MANAGEMENT & BUDGET Laurie Van Pelt, Director Ed Poisson, Deputy Director PROSECUTING ATTORNEY David Gorcyca, Prosecuting Attorney David Case, Chief Dan Cojanu, Supervisor PURCHASING Joe Hylla, Manager OTHERS PRESENT OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0470 Telephone (248) 858 -0100 FAX (248) 858-1572 FINANCE COMMITTEE Charles Palmer Larry Obrecht Shelley Taub Nancy Dingeldey William Patterson Michelle Friedman Appel Tim Melton FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 2 May 23, 2002 SHERIFF Mike McCabe, Captain FAMILY INDEPENDENCE AGENCY Mel Kaufman BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS James H. VanLeuven, Jr., Director Harvey Wedell, Analyst Helen Hanger, Sr. Committee Coordinator APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES Obrecht moved approval of the minutes of August 29, August 30 and September 4, 2002, as printed. Supported by Taub. Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. 5. CONTINGENCY REPORT The Third Quarter Financial Forecast and Budget Amendments resolution will add $76,852 to the Contingency Fund to increase the FY 2002 balance to $209,211. CHAIRPERSON DOUGLAS ASSUMED THE CHAIR AT 9:15 A.M. Mr. Obrecht requested that items 7a. and 7b. be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. CONSENT AGENDA 6a. MR #02211 - ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE CITY OF ORCHARD LAKE - FISCAL YEAR 2002 ALLOCATION The City of Orchard Lake is requesting reimbursement of its $20,101.47 FY 2002 Environmental Infrastructure Fund allocation for expenses related to sewer and drainage related to the Indian Trail paving project. 6b. MR #02209 - ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WATERFORD - FY 2002 ALLOCATION Waterford Township is requesting reimbursement of its $262,893.19 FY 2002 Environmental Infrastructure Fund allocation for expenses incurred in connection with sanitary sewer projects. 6c. MR #02207 - ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF COMMERCE - FY 2000 ALLOCATION Commerce Township is requesting reimbursement of its $117,321.87 FY 2000 Environmental Infrastructure Fund allocation for expenses related to a water main connection project. 6d. MR #02208 - ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE - FY 2001 AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 3 May 23, 2002 2002 ALLOCATION Independence Township is requesting reimbursement of its annual $112,473.23 FY 2001 and FY 2002 Environmental Infrastructure Fund allocations (totaling $224,946.46) for expenses related to the Clarkston Gardens storm water drainage project. 7c. DRAIN COMMISSIONER - 2002 CHAPTER 18 DRAIN MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION The Drain Commissioner is requesting authorization to assess, levy and collect $29,296.15 for 2002, against the assessment rolls of the benefiting parties, for operating, maintaining, cleaning and repairing of 14 Chapter 18 drains as identified in the attachment to the resolution. The County's share of the assessments is $1,875.58. Patterson moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Notes for Consent Agenda Items 6a. - 6d. and 7c. Supported by Dingeldey. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey -Mitchell and Palmer absent. 7a. DRAIN COMMISSIONER - 2002 LAKE LEVEL ASSESSMENTS FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The Drain Commissioner is requesting authorization to assess, levy and collect $364,177.40 for 2002 against the assessment rolls of the benefiting parties for operating and maintaining 28 lake levels as identified in the attachment to the resolution. The County's share of the assessments is $1,851.54. 7b. DRAIN COMMISSIONER - 2002 CHAPTER 4 DRAIN MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION The Drain Commissioner is requesting authorization to assess, levy and collect $71,959.77 for 2002 against the assessment rolls of the benefiting parties for operating, maintaining and repairing 24 Chapter 4 drains as identified in the attachment to the resolution. The County's share of the assessments is $3,585.20. Mr. Obrecht requested the detail information on the lake level assessment for the Reid and Branch Drain. Obrecht moved to approve the attached suggested Fiscal Notes for Consent Agenda Items 7a. and 7b. Supported by Moss. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey-Mitchell and Palmer absent. REGULAR AGENDA 8. MR #02205 - CIRCUIT COURT - OAKLAND COUNTY CHILD CARE FUND BUDGET 2002-2003 Pursuant to Public Act 280 of 1975, the Circuit Court/Family Division has developed its plan FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 4 May 23, 2002 and budget for funding foster care services and is requesting authorization to submit the plan to the Child and Family Services Office of Juvenile Justice, Family Independence Agency. Fiscal Year 2002-2003 estimates are based on the previous history of the number of petitions actually filed. The wraparound program has served almost 200 children and families and resulted in savings of several thousand dollars in out of home care costs. Coordination of the program is handled through Oakland Intermediate Schools and includes the Court, the FIA and CMH. A central intake system has been established to investigate all referrals, leading to the number being screened for neglect investigations to rise. Moss moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Taub. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey -Mitchell and Palmer absent. 9. CIRCUIT COURT/FRIEND OF THE COURT - FISCAL YEAR 2003 COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM (CRP) CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE The Michigan Family Independence Agency h as awarded Oakland County Friend of the Court (FOC) Title IV Cooperative Reimbursement Program funding of $10,390,289, of which $22,139 will be funded by fees collected, $6,576,295 provided by the State and $3,387,788 provided as the required County match (34%). The FOC is also receiving an additional State supplement allocation of $404,067. The program provides for establishment and enforcement of support orders and requires the FOC to utilize the Michigan Child Support Enforcement System. The County match is included in the Circuit Court FY 2003 Recommended Budget. Dingeldey moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey -Mitchell and Palmer absent. 10. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY - FY 2003 VICTIMS OF CRIME ACTS (VOCA) GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Prosecuting Attorney has been awarded a $129,249 Victims of Crime Acts Grant for FY 2003, with an in-kind match of two voluntary part-time Victim Advocate intern positions and cash mat ch of $14,000 provided by the Prosecuting Attorney. This is a 12% increase over the previous amended award. The program is provided to the Circuit, Probate and all 14 District Courts within Oakland County. The cash match is included in the FY 2003 Recom mended Budget. Patterson moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Taub. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey -Mitchell and Palmer absent. 11. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY - FY 2003 COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM (CRP) CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE The Michigan Family Independence Agency has awarded the Oakland County Prosecuting Attorney Title IV Cooperative Reimbursement Program funding of $1,949,894, of which $589,756 FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 5 May 23, 2002 is the County's required match, with an additional State supplement allocation of $73,208. The award is an increase of 4.73% over the previous year. The County match is included in the FY 2003 Recommended Budget. The program provides for establishment of paternity and child support as provided by law. The Prosecuting Attorney's budget will be adjusted to reflect the grant match increase of $65,611 which is included in the FY 2003 Recommended Budget under the Non-departmental grant match line item. Dingeldey moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Moss. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey -Mitchell and Palmer absent. 12. MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - PROSECUTING ATTORNEY - USE OF PROGRAM INCOME FUNDS The Prosecuting Attorney's Bad Check Restitution Program ha s produced revenue of $10,164.32 as of August 31, 2002. A furniture assessment has been done for the Prosecuting Attorney's needs and Management and Budget is recommending that $10,100 of these funds be utilized to replace 22 Task Chairs deemed in need of repair. Mr. Gorcyca distributed information on the program which assists Oakland County merchants and retailers, as well as individual citizens, in pursuing bad check offenders. The offender is required to pay 100% restitution and to complete an eight -hour education class at their own expense. Those who do not comply can be turned over for prosecution. The program operates in conjunction with American Corrective Counseling Services. The program runs at no cost to the merchants or the County. Bad checks can be from $0 to $1,000. Complaint forms are available through the Prosecutor's Office. Mr. Gorcyca distributed brochures outlining the program and the eligibility requirements to participate. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Moss. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey -Mitchell and Palmer absent. 13. DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT WITH FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) REDELINEATE FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARIES IN OAKLAND COUNTY Information Technology is requesting authorization to contract with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to re-delineate floodways and floodplains within Oakland County in conjunction with the County's GIS topography and hydrogra phy data. This project is expected to result in greater accuracy in identifying floodplains and should lower the cost of flood insurance for those Oakland County residents in participating communities. The project will begin with two phases, an inventory of engineering studies and a pilot project to test re-delineation of flood plains within two geographic townships, yet to be determined. Total project cost is estimated at $79,357.00, with FEMA contributing 75% of costs and the County providing 25% of co sts through in-kind services. Pilot townships will not be chosen until engineering studies have been reviewed. Following completion of phases II and I, an outcome assessment will be performed to see which parcels were affected and how. Should IT determine to pursue completion of the project, costs for redelineating the final 23 townships will be brought to committee. Once the Flood Insurance Rate FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 6 May 23, 2002 Maps are completed, FEMA must complete a formal process that includes public notice to the communities. The existing maps were developed in the 1970's, prior to the large increase in development. Dingeldey moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Moss. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey -Mitchell and Palmer absent. 14. MR #02200 - DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - THIRD QUARTER 2002 DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATION TRANSFER The Department of Information Technology is requesting authorization to transfer 2002 Third Quarter Development charges from the non -departmental budget to the appropriate user departments in an amount equal to actual expenses. Third Quarter charges include $1,389,527.60 for data processing development and $22,568 for imaging development to General Fund/General Purpose departments and $143,807.30 to Special Revenue and Proprietary Fund departments. Support detail is attached to the resolution. Patterson moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Dingeldey. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey-Mitchell and Palmer absent. 15. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR 52-2 DISTRICT COURT RENOVATIONS Facilities Management is requesting authorization to proceed with renovations to the 52 -2 District Court to accommodate the additional judgeship authorized by the State, effective January 1, 2003. Approximately 4,000 square feet will be renovated to provide space for the new judge, staff and increased business activity. The total estimated project cost of $235,000 is available for transfer from the FY 2002 Capital Improvement Program/Building Improvement Fund to the Project Work Order Fund. The building landlord will perform the renovation based on County construction drawings and specifications. Furniture and equipment will be obtained through the County's Purchasing Division. The Planning and Building Committee has reported in support of this project. Obrecht moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey-Mitchell and Palmer absent. 16. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES/HEALTH DIVISION - 2002/2003 COMPREHENSIVE, PLANNING, BUDGETING AND CONTRACTING (CPBC) AGREEMENT ACCEPTANCE The Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH ) has awarded the Health Division FY 2002/2003 Comprehensive, Planning, Budgeting and Contracting funding in the amount of $7,489,764, for the period October 1, 2002, through September 2003. This is a 7.51% decrease from the previous year. Funds are used for various programs as negotiated with the MDCH and detailed in the attachment to the resolution. No funding was provided for the Family Planning Program. Several programs are experiencing a decrease in funding, the vaccine program has been increased and several new programs have been funded, including a Family Planning Model Project, specifically for incarcerated females; Bioterror and Laboratory. Laboratory funding will provide for the creation of one Medical Technologist, as is being requested, lab su pplies and FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 7 May 23, 2002 renovation costs to upgrade equipment. Mr. Miller advised that bioterror funding is available for the West Nile Program and that the Health Division will be applying for these dollars. Dingeldey moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey -Mitchell and Palmer absent. 17. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES/HEALTH DIVISION - 2002/2003 SUBSTANCE ABUSE GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Michigan Department of Community Health has awarded the Health Division FY 2002/2003 Substance Abuse funding of $5,029,571 for the period October 1, 2002, through September 2003. This award is a $98,405 increase over the previous year. Funds are used to subcontract, through the County's competitive bidding process, with agencies to prevent and reduce the incidence of drug and alcohol abuse and dependency. Patterson moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Moss. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey-Mitchell, Palmer and Obrecht absent. 18. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET / EQUALIZATION DIVISION - APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR OAKLAND COUNTY EQUALIZATION DIVISION ASSISTANCE SERVICES WITH CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF COMMERCE Equalization is requesting authorization to enter into a contract with Commerce Township to provide equalization services, including assessments, reappraisals and file maintenance. Revenue and expenditures associated with these contracts are included in the FY 2003 Recommended Budget. Dingeldey moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Friedman Appel. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey -Mitchell, Palmer and Obrecht absent. 19. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - 2002 COUNTY GENERAL FUND PROPERTY TAX AND PARKS AND RECREATION TAX RATES The resolution authorizes each supervisor of the various townships and Assessing Officers of several cities of Oakland County to spread on their respective tax rolls for the year 2002 the tax rates of 4.1900 mills for the General Property Tax Levy, 0.2453 mill for Parks and Recreation and 0.2170 for the Huron-Clinton Park Authority, to be applied to 2002 Taxable Value of all property. Mr. Obrecht requested that Mr. Clarkson be asked to present to the General Governm ent Committee and the full Board information on Huron -Clinton Metropark Authority, projects and funding for Oakland County parks. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Patterson. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 8 May 23, 2002 Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey-Mitchell and Palmer absent. 20. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - FISCAL YEAR 2002 THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL FORECAST AND BUDGET AMENDMENTS Pursuant to Act 621 of 1978, the Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act for Local Units of Government, the resolution accepts the Fiscal Year 2002 Third Quarter Financial Forecast and authorizes budget amendments as detailed within the resolution and on the attached schedules. Dingeldey moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Friedman Appel. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey -Mitchell and Palmer absent. Mr. Obrecht reported that Huron Clinton Metropark funds originally designated for a waterpark at Indian Springs in Springfield Township is being used for an environmental education center and the rest has been set aside for future project funding. 21. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - GRANT TRACKING DATABASE STATUS REPORT Mr. Givens was commended on the work he is doing with the County's grant program. Mr. Givens reports on the status of the development of the grant database. Users met to determine what input screens would be necessary. Population of the database is proceeding and will include historical funding and position information. M anagement and Budget's goal is to provide viewing access of the database on the County's networked "O" Drive. Patterson moved to receive and file the Grant Tracking Database written report. Supported by Moss. Motion carried on a voice vote. 22. AMENDMENT TO FY 2003 GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT A report is recommended to amend the FY 2003 General Appropriations Act to remove paragraph #17 from the eleventh 'BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED' paragraph to allow a full year allocation for the 52nd District Court - District 1. Dingeldey moved approval of the attached recommended Report. Supported by Moss. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey -Mitchell and Palmer absent. 23. AMENDMENT TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED BUDGET FY 2003 AND FY 2004 Mr. Gerald Poisson has been working with CMH, which has agreed to continue funding the current level of service for the jail mental health program. Therefore, an amendment to the FY 2003 and FY 2004 Finance Committee Recommended Budget is required to delete Amendment B7. to establish a Non-Department account titled "CMHA - Jail Services" for the Community Mental FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 9 May 23, 2002 Health Authority. Moss moved approval of the attached recommended Report. Supported by Moss. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey-Mitchell and Palmer absent. COMMUNICATIONS B. CLEMIS Funds' Financial Statements - Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2002 C. Public Hearing Notice on Industrial Development District - City of Auburn Hills - Pinnacle Auburn Hills II, LLC Parcel B D. Public Hearing Notice on Industrial Development District - City of Auburn Hills - Joslyn Commerce Park E. Prosecuting Attorney - FY 2003 Automobile Theft Prevention Authority Application Taub moved to receive and file Communications B -E. Supported by Moss. Motion carried on a voice vote. A. Contract Exception Reports for the Month of July and August Additional information was requested for items regarding Solid Waste and Facilities Management. Mr. Seaman will be asked to attend the next meeting to respond to questions regarding sole sourcing of contracts. The Lieutenant in charge of Courthouse security will also be asked to come to Committee regarding Courthouse x-ray equipment. Material on these items will be included in the next agenda mailing. Dingeldey moved to receive and file Communication A. Supported by Obrecht. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m. _________________________ _______________________________ Helen Hanger James H. VanLeuven, Jr. Senior Committee Coordinator Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.