HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2003.02.06 - 35789CHUCK MOSS Chairperson LAWRENCE A. OBRECHT Vice Chairperson VINCENT GREGORY Minority Vice Chairperson February 6, 2003 Chairperson Moss called the meeting of t he Finance Committee to order at 9:00 a.m., in Committee Room A, Commissioners' Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT : Chuck Moss, Chair; Lawrence A. Obrecht, Vice Chair; Vincent Gregory, Minority Vice Chair; William Patterson; Hugh D. Crawford; Peter Webster; Thomas Middleton; George Suarez; Helaine Zack. COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Chuck Palmer. OTHERS PRESENT : CIRCUIT COURT Pam Howitt, Deputy Administrator FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Michael Hughson, Property Specialist FISCAL SERVICES Tim Soave, Manager LaVerne Smith, Supervisor Joe Matkosky, Supervisor Michael Pohlod, Analyst Greg Givens, Grants Administrator MANAGEMENT & BUDGET Laurie Van Pelt, Director Ed Poisson, Deputy Director PARKS & RECREATION Ralph Richard, Executive Officer PERSONNEL Gary Vaught, Analyst SHERIFF Mike McCabe, Chief of Staff Dale Cunningham, Business Manager HAVEN Hedy Nuriel, President Darby Creger, RN, START Program OTHERS/CITIZENS Eurick Crayton FREE PRESS Kathy Gray, Reporter BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS James H. VanLeuven, Administrative Director Sheryl Mitchell, Analyst Harvey Wedell, Analyst Julia Ruffin, Community Liaison Helen Hanger, Sr. Com mittee Coordinator APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES Zack moved approval of the minutes of January 23, 2003, as printed. Supported by Suarez. Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. 5. CONTINGENCY REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0470 Telephone (248) 858 -0100 FAX (248) 858-1572 FINANCE COMMITTEE Charles Palmer William Patterson Hugh D. Crawford Peter Webster Thomas Middleton George Suarez Helaine Zack FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 2 February 6, 2003 There are no items on today's ag enda that will affect the Contingency Fund; therefore, the balance will remain at $276,274. Historical Information for the Contingency Report was provided to the Committee in response to Mr. Middleton's previous request for this material. Gregory moved to receive and file the Contingency Report dated January 30, 2003. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried on a voice vote. CONSENT AGENDA 6a. MR #03016 - ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE CITY OF ROCHESTER - FISCAL YEARS 2001, 2002 AND 2003 The City of Rochester is requesting reimbursement of its Environmental Infrastructure Fund Reimbursement annual allocations of $40,734.24, for Fiscal Years 2001 -2003, for expenses related to the sanitary sewer replacement and storm sewer repairs on Renshaw and Castell Streets and the water main replacement on Renshaw Street. 6b. MR #03018 - ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE CITY OF FARMINGTON HILLS - FISCAL YEAR 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 AND 2003 ALLOCATION The City of Farmington Hills is requesting reimbursement of its Environmental Infrastructure Fund Reimbursement annual allocations of $364,745.64 for Fiscal Years 1999 -2003, for expenses related to construction of two sanitary sewer projects on Pow er Road and Kendallwood No. 1. 6c. MR #03017 - ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE CITY OF BLOOMFIELD HILLS - FISCAL YEARS 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 AND 2003 ALLOCATION The City of Bloomfield Hills is requesting reimbursemen t of its Environmental Infrastructure Fund Reimbursement annual allocations of $47,530.37, for Fiscal Years 1999 -2003, for expenses related to manhole rehabilitation, water system vulnerability assessment, water and sewer system mapping, improvements to Hamlin Drain, water system modeling and sanitary sewer system rehabilitation. Patterson moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Notes for Consent Agenda Items 6a. - 6c. Supported by Middleton. Motion carried unanimously on a roll cal l vote with Obrecht and Palmer absent. REGULAR AGENDA 7. HAVEN - FY 2002 YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORT FOR START (SAFE THERAPEUTIC ASSAULT RESPONSE TEAM) PROGRAM AND REQUEST FOR CONTINUED FUNDING Ms. Nuriel reviewed the Start Program's Year-End Report. Sta rt provides sexual assault victims, ages 13 and up, with comprehensive examinations, counseling and support during the legal process. During 2002, the first year of the program, assistance was provided to 152 sexual assault victims. The program is available on a 24-hour/7-days a week basis. Referrals are received from hospitals and law enforcement agencies. Specially trained forensic nurses utilize specialized equipment during the examination process to document prosecution evidence. The program is currently housed in Royal Oak in a house donated by the City. As more hospitals and law enforcement agencies become aware of the program, it is anticipated the number of referrals will increase. HAVEN is hoping to expand the program to an additional location once staffing, equipment and funding are available and, at a future date, to include pediatric cases. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 3 February 6, 2003 Ms. Creger explained that the Michigan State Police Crime Lab has reported that evidence of an assault can be obtained up to 96 hours later, rather than the previously identified 72 hours. As a result of these findings, the program has been adjusted to adopt this time frame for examination purposes. MR #01288 authorized a not to exceed amount of $36,000 for this program for calendar year 2002. The START program utilized a total of $26,000 during this period for reimbursement of forensic nurse examinations. Mr. Middleton asked to be provided with figures on the total number of reported rapes as compared to the number assisted by this program and the total number of convictions compared to the number convicted with assistance by the START program. Ms. Creger stated that the Prosecuting Attorney's Office has just begun to track this information. For reported sexual assaults, she provided statistics o f 411 for 2001 and 311 for 2002, placing START's assistance rate at about 50% for the first year of the program. Middleton moved to Receive and File the HAVEN Year End (START) Program Report for Contract Number BO200999. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried on a voice vote. 8. MR #03013 - PARKS AND RECREATION/ADMINISTRATION - CREATION OF ONE (1) TRAILS NETWORK COORDINATOR CLASSIFICATION AND POSITION IN THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT Parks and Recreation is requesting authorization to create one pos ition in a new classification of Trails Network Coordinator, grade 11, to coordinate countywide trail planning for new and existing trail systems. Obrecht moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Palmer absent. Obrecht moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Finance Report. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Middleton voting no and Palmer absent. 9. MR #03011 - DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL OF PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR THE SALE OF VACANT MILLER ROAD PROPERTY LOCATED IN ORION TOWNSHIP, KNOWN AS TAX IDENTIFICATION NO. 09 -01-453-021 Facilities Management is requesting authorization for the sale of property, located on Miller Road in Orion Township, identified as parcel no. 09 -01-453-021, to Gary R. Boughner, Edeltraud E. Boughner and Michael G. Boughner, for the cash sale price of $5,005. The property was originally acquired by the County in 1971, for the sum of $700, utilizing Orion Township funds, for the Orion Township Sanitary Sewer System. The property is considered unbuildable due to the presence of the sewer and its substandard size. The County will retain an easement for To wnship sanitary sewer purposes. Obrecht moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Middleton. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Obrecht and Palmer absent. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 4 February 6, 2003 10. MR #03012 - DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES M ANAGEMENT - RECOMMENDATION TO GRANT EASEMENT FOR WATER MAIN AND SANITARY SEWER TO THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WATERFORD - OAKLAND COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, LOCATED IN THE TOWNSHIP OF WATERFORD (TAX PARCEL NO. 13 -17-400-003 - PART) Facilities Management is requesting authorization to grant an easement to Waterford Township, in the sum of $1, for the purposes of providing water and sewer services over a portion of the Oakland County International Airport to a new hangar being constructed by Williams Internati onal Corporation, as lessee. Middleton moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Suarez. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Obrecht and Palmer absent. 11. GRANTS TRACKING DATABASE SYSTEM As was previously requested by the Committee, Mr. Givens presented information on the development of the Grant Tracking Database. He indicated that the database was originally created as a method of tracking compliance. Finance information was not included. Fiscal Ser vices has not been able to provide personnel assistance to input financial data as a result of budget constraints. Mr. Obrecht explained to committee members that Mr. Givens provides grant assistance to both the County and the local communities. He furt her stated that the Board of Commissioners' staff would assist the Commissioners in retrieving historical data for the grants. Mr. Webster requested a breakdown of the County's share showing how much is actual cash and how much accounts for in-kind value. Mr. Givens indicated he would provide this information for Mr. Webster. Suarez moved to receive and file information on the Grant Tracker Database. Supported by Middleton. Motion carried on a voice vote. COMMUNICATIONS A. Oakland County Community Corrections SAMHSA Youth Violence Prevention Grant - (Application) B. CLEMIS and Related Fund Financial Statement for FY 2003 C. Continuation of Exemption of Personal Property Components of Industrial Facility Exemption Certificates for Valeo Electrical Sy stems, Inc. - City of Auburn Hills (IFEC #1995-037,1996-628 and 2000-627) D. Hearing for an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for Delta Tooling Company 91350 Harmon Road, Auburn Hills, 48326) E. Hearing for an Industrial Facilities Exemption C ertificate for Torca Products, Inc. (2430 E. Walton Blvd., Auburn Hills, MI 48326) Suarez moved to receive and file Communications A -E. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried on a voice vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 5 February 6, 2003 CLOSED SESSION Middleton moved that the meeting of the Fina nce Committee be closed for the purpose of discussing pending litigation. Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Palmer absent. The Chair declared the meeting closed at 10:13 a.m. The meeting resumed in open session at 1 0:26 a.m. Suarez moved to accept the recommendation of Corporation Counsel and Claims Review. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Palmer absent. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come b efore the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 10:29 a.m. ________________________ _______________________________ Helen Hanger James H. VanLeuven, Jr. Senior Committee Coordinator Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.