HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2003.04.08 - 35798 April 8, 2003 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Palmer at 9:10 a.m. in Committee Room A, Auditorium Wing, County Serv ice Center, Pontiac, Michigan. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles E. Palmer, Chairperson, Bill Bullard, Jr., Eric Coleman, Sue Ann Douglas, Martin J. Knollenberg, Christine Long, Tom McMillin, Mike Rogers and David Coulter PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Facilities Management Dave Ross, Director Mike Hughson, Property Management Specialist Richard Johnston, Manager Planning & Economic Development Dan Hunter, Manager Catherine Rasegan, Loan & Finance Officer Executive Office Ken Rogers, Deputy County Executive Personnel Department Ed Poisson, Director Solid Waste Martin Seaman, Manager Others James On, Johnson Controls Board of Commissioners Sheryl Mitchell, Senior Analyst Nancy Wenzel, Committee Coordinator PUBLIC COMMENT None APPROVAL OF March 11, 2003 MINUTES Bullard moved to approve the Minutes of March 11, 2003 as printed. Supported by Knollenberg. Motion carried on a voice vote. CONSENT AGENDA Coulter moved to approve the Consent Agenda: Items: A. Oakland County Building Authority Minutes February 12, 2003 B. Facilities Management Engineering – Monthly Progress Report March 2003 C. Facilities Management – CMH Letter Regarding Leas e D. Facilities Management – Oakland Schools Request Supported by Coleman. Motion carried on a voice vote. Planning & Building Committee Page 2 April 8, 2003 OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD  PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48341-0470 Telephone: (248) 858-0100 FAX: (248) 858-1572 PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Sue Ann Douglas Martin J. Knollenberg Christine Long Tom McMillin Mike Rogers David Coulter Charles E. Palmer Chairperson Bill Bullard, Jr. Vice Chairperson Eric Coleman Minority Vice Chairperson PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION RESOLUTION APPROVING PROJECT PLAN (A & M LABEL PROJECT) – CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF LYON This resolution authorizes the Economic Development Corporation to implement and finance the A & M Label project through the issuance of limited obligation revenue bonds. The project will acquire approximately three acres of land and construct a 46,000 square foot manufacturing facility in Lyon Township. 55 positions will be retained and 15 to 20 positions will be created. A Public Hearing has been set in this matter for April 17, 2003 at 9:45 a.m. Douglas moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Long. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION RESOLUTION APPROVING PROJECT PLAN (GRAPH -TECH, INC. PROJECT) – CITY OF PONTIAC This resolution authorizes the Economic Development Corporation to implement and finance the Graph - Tech, Inc. project through the issuance of limited obligation revenue bonds. The project includes improvements to the existing Graph -Tech facility, retaining 43 positions and creating 11 new positions. A Public Hearing has been set in this matter for April 17, 2003 at 9:50 a.m. McMillin moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Douglas. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote . AUTOMATION ALLEY SMARTZONE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER SmartZones were created in April 2001. The designation allows a community to set aside an area for technological business growth and spend the tax money raised by that growth to buy property, build or improve roads and advertise businesses within the zone, among other uses. The goal is to position the state so it is able to compete on a national and global level for tech -based companies, biotechnology businesses and advanced manufacturing operations. T he Automation Alley Technology Center is designed to create a collaborative environment for organizations dedicated to supporting the development and commercialization of new technologies and products. The Technology Center will host seminars and workshops by providing space for up to 125 attendees and provide demonstration/display space. The Committee requested the Planning & Economic Development Services to include a report on the Automation Alley SmartZone and Technology Center in their quarterly repor t. Commissioner McMillin expressed several concerns regarding this program: • Are decisions made, and meetings held, by the Automation Alley LDFA, where tax dollars are involved, subject to Open Meeting Acts? • How and who will select contractors and agents? • Who will select and qualify candidates for participation in the Technology Accelerator programs and services? Planning & Building Committee Page 3 April 8, 2003 DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT – PERSONNEL CHANGES TO MEET 50% REDUCTION REQUIRE MENT IN COST OF POSITIONS VACATED THROUGH INCENTIVE PROGRAM FOR RETIREMENT MR #02236 requires that a 50% reduction in the cost of positions vacated through the Incentive Program for Retirement be adhered to before filling retirement vacancies. Seventeen employees opted to retire under this program; the Department's total cost reduction goal is $590,727. Facilities Management proposes to delete the following positions: one Custodial Worker II, one Painter I, one Maintenance Planner II and one Landscape Se rvices Supervisor. The Department also requests the downgrade of one Chief-Architectural Maintenance & Services position to a Maintenance Supervisor II, and one Secretary I position to an Account Clerk II PTE, 1,560 hours. The deletion of 16 PTNE Seasona l Laborer positions and one PTNE Summer Shift Laborer position and the creation of eight 1,000 hour PTNE General Helper positions are requested. Long moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Coleman. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote. DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT – AMENDMENT TO MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION NO. 03012 AS ADOPTED ON JANUARY 30, 2003 MR # 03012 was adopted on January 30, 2003 granting an easement for watermain and sanitary sewer to the Charter Towns hip of Waterford. The township has requested the following sentence be removed from paragraph number 4 of the easement document: "If the easement in gross is abandoned, terminated or extinguished, then upon the request of Grantor; the Grantee shall remove any structures in the easement in gross as requested by Grantor, and restore the easement in gross to the condition it was prior to the removal." The Departments of Aviation, Facilities Management and Corporation Counsel have reviewed the request and recommend MR #03012 be amended as requested. Bullard moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Long. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote. DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT – REQUEST TO CONVEY COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY TO THE CHARTER TOWNSHP OF WATERFORD, TAX PARCELS NOS. 13 -16-101-016 AND 13-16-101-043 The subject property was acquired in 1979 by the former Oakland County Department of Public Works for the purpose of construction of a portion of the Waterford Township Sanitary Sewer System utilizing bond funding originally issued to Oakland County and subsequently repaid by Waterford Township. Waterford Township now owns and operates its sanitary sewer system and Oakland County has no further interest or responsibility related to the township sewer system. All interested departments have reviewed the request to convey the property to Waterford Township for one dollar and have no objections. Planning & Building Committee Page 4 April 8, 2003 DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT – REQUEST TO CONVEY COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY TO THE CHARTER TOWNSHP OF WATERFORD, TAX PARCELS NOS. 13 -16-101-016 AND 13-16-101-043 (Continued) Long moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Coleman. Rogers moved to amend the resolution to include an additional NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph: "NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a restriction be placed on the deed conveying title to the Township prohibiting construction of any above ground improvements with the exception of sanitary sewer related appurtenances." Supported by Bullard. Motion to amend carried on a voice vote. Motion to approve amended resolution carried on a unanimous roll call vote. DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT – REQUEST TO CONVEY COUN TY OWNED PROPERTY TO THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WATERFORD, TAX PARCEL NO. 13 -08-301-017 The subject property was acquired in 1978 by the former Oakland County Department of Public Works for the purpose of constructing a portion of the Waterford Township Sani tary Sewer System utilizing bond funding originally issued to Oakland County and subsequently repaid by Waterford Township. Waterford Township now owns and operates its sanitary sewer system and Oakland County has no further interest or responsibility related to the township sewer system. All interested departments have reviewed the request to convey the property to Waterford Township for one dollar and have no objections. Knollenberg moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Lon g. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote. REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION FOR POSSIBLE SALE OF COUNTY OWNED REAL ESTATE Subject property was acquired in 1964 from the Berkley School District at a cost of $352,000. The Oakland County Health Department presently occupies the building and approximately 3.47 acres of the site, the remaining 24.96 acres is leased to the City of Southfield for park use. The property is zoned RA for single family residential use, minimum lot size 7,500 square feet, minimum lot width of 65 feet. Approximately 22.0 acres of the 28.43 -acre site are proposed to be sold. The County will retain approximately 6.47 acres for the continued operation of the Health Center and future expansion. The estimated value is $30,000 to $40,0 00 per acre yielding between $660,000 and $880,000, subject to formal appraisals. Coleman moved the Planning & Building Committee authorize The Department of Facilities Management to negotiate a possible sale of this County owned real estate. Supported b y Rogers. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Coulter voting no. Planning & Building Committee Page 5 April 8, 2003 WASTE MANAGEMENT DIVISION – RESOLUTION APPROVING CHANGES TO THE 1999 SOLID WASTE PLAN UPDATE – JUNE 15, 2000 The Oakland County Solid Waste Planning Committee, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, and over 2/3rds of the county's 61 units of government have approved the 1999 Solid Waste Plan Update dated June 15, 2000. The DEQ has reviewed the plan and has requested the follo wing changes: Change the reference to 66 months of available disposal capacity on page III -53 of the Plan to ten years of disposal capacity and to replace the sentence on page III -54 of the Plan regarding the area approved for which siting is not required for the Eagle Valley Recycling and Disposal Facility with "The County has determined that future expansions, not to exceed 330 total acres, are consistent with the Plan; however, the Facility is subject to the requirements of the 1991 consent judgment." Long moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Douglas. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote. DIVISION OF WASTE RESOURCES – RESOLUTION APPROVING THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS FOR THE NORTH OAKLAND COUNTY HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE CONSORTIUM Oakland County, through its Waste Resource Management Division, has facilitated the creation of the North Oakland County Household Hazardous Waste Consortium (NO HAZ). The NO HAZ consortium has developed a household hazardous waste coll ection program and Corporation Counsel approved an Interlocal Agreement between the County and a number of municipalities in North Oakland County for creation of a program to collect household hazardous waste. The Agreement requires participating municipalities to fully reimburse the County for all costs incurred in connection with the NO HAZ program. Douglas moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by McMillin. Douglas moved to amend the resolution by adding a BE IT FURTHER RESOLV ED paragraph, "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the communities shall take over the administration of this program in a time frame not to exceed three years." Supported by Coleman. Motion to amend carried on a voice vote. Coleman moved to add the names of th e 15 participating communities to the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph. Supported by McMillin. Motion to amend carried on a voice vote. Motion to approve amended resolution carried on a unanimous roll call vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Committee the meeting was adjourned at 11:57 a.m. ___________________________________ _______________________________________ Nancy Wenzel, Committee Coordinator Helen Hanger, Senior Committee Coordin ator NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.