HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2003.10.23 - 35855CHUCK MOSS Chairperson DAVID L. MOFFITT Vice Chairperson VINCENT GREGORY Minority Vice Chairperson October 23, 2003 Chairperson Moss called the meeting of t he Finance Committee to order at 9:20 a.m., in the Board of Commissioners' Committee Room A, Commissioners' Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT : Chuck Moss, David L. Moffitt, , Charles Palmer, William Patterson, Pete r Webster, Thomas Middleton, George Suarez, Helaine Zack. COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Vincent Gregory, Hugh D. Crawford. OTHERS PRESENT : CORPORATION COUNSEL Jody Schaffer, Assistant Counsel EQUALIZATION Dave Hieber, Manager Lori Norris, Tax Standards Specialist FISCAL SERVICES Tim Soave, Manager Nancy Fournier, Chief LaVerne Smith, Supervisor Prentiss Malone, Analyst Michael Pohlod, Analyst Linda Pearson, Analyst Vicki Poynter, Accountant HEALTH DIVISION George Miller, Manager HUMAN RESOURCES Ed Poisson, Director Heather Mason, Analyst INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Phil Bertolini, Director Janette McKenna, Chief MANAGEMENT & BUDGET Laurie Van Pelt, Director Art Holdsworth, Depu ty Director PARKS AND RECREATION Dan Stencil, Administrator PURCHASING Joe Hylla, Manager SHERIFF Dale Cunningham, Business Manager Doug Eader, Major Judi Markos Deborah Percival, Communication Agent SUPPORT SERVICES Todd Birkle, Manager TREASURER Keith Sawdon, Chief Deputy BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Harvey Wedell, Analyst Helen Hanger, Sr. Committee Coordinator APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0470 Telephone (248) 858 -0100 FAX (248) 858-1572 FINANCE COMMITTEE Charles Palmer William Patterson Hugh D. Crawford Peter Webster Thomas Middleton George Suarez Helaine Zack FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 2 October 23, 2003 Suarez moved approval of the minutes of October 9, 2003, as printed. Supp orted by Palmer. Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 5. CONTINGENCY REPORT The FY 04 beginning balance of $200,000 will be decreased by $7,500 to $192,500 with the adoption of Item #11. Palmer moved to receive and file the Cont ingency Report dated October 21, 2003. Supported by Zack. Motion carried on a voice vote. CONSENT AGENDA 6a. MR #03299 - WEST NILE VIRUS FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HOLLY - FISCAL YEAR 2003 ALLOCATION The Township of Holly is requesting reimbursement of its FY 2003 $5,825.81 West Nile Virus Fund allocation for expenses incurred in the Township's efforts to eradicate mosquito habitat. 6b. MR #03301 - WEST NILE VIRUS FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF WATERFORD - FISCAL YEAR 2003 ALLOCATION The Township of Waterford is requesting reimbursement of its FY 2003 $27,820.13 West Nile Virus Fund allocation for expenses incurred in the Township's efforts to eradicate mosquito habitat. 6c. MR #03302 - WEST NILE VIRUS FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE CITY OF SYLVAN LAKE - FISCAL YEAR 2003 ALLOCATION The City of Sylvan Lake is requesting reimbursement of its FY 2003 $658.87 West Nile Virus Fund allocation for expenses incurred in the City's efforts to eradicate mosquito habitat. 6d. MR #03303 - WEST NILE VIRUS FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF LYON - FISCAL YEAR 2003 ALLOCATION Lyon Township is requesting reimbursement of its FY 2003 $7,849.11 West Nile Virus Fund allocation for expense s incurred in the Township's efforts to eradicate mosquito habitat. 6e. MR #03304 - WEST NILE VIRUS FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE CITY OF SOUTH LYON - FISCAL YEAR 2003 ALLOCATION The City of South Lyon is requesting reimbursement of its FY 2003 $3,659.29 West Nile Virus Fund allocation for expenses incurred in the City's efforts to eradicate mosquito habitat. Moffitt moved to recommend approval of the Consent Agenda Fiscal Notes, 6a - 6e. Supported by Suarez. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gregory, Patterson, Crawford and Webster absent. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 3 October 23, 2003 REGULAR AGENDA 7. MR #03280 - COUNTY CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS - CREATION OF THREE (3) PR FUNDED MICROGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I POSITIONS The Clerk/Register is requesting authorizatio n to create three Proprietary Funded Micrographic Equipment Operator I positions, with a three -year sunset clause to be reviewed for continuation prior to December 31, 2006. There are currently 1,804 boxes of records needing to be filmed. Record Retention has indicated that storage space is rapidly depleting and the cost to renovate and expand the facility is estimated at $1.5 million. The Clerk/Register is proposing to create these three positions as an alternative to the expense of renovating Record Re tention. The FY 04 budget will be amended to include $119,637 for salaries, fringes and office supplies. Palmer moved to report to recommend the resolution be amended to add a second BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED paragraph. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Cle rk/Register of Deeds Micrographics Fund shall be responsible for all costs associated with these positions, including salaries, fringe benefits and all ancillary costs. Supported by Suarez. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gregory, Pat terson, Crawford and Webster absent. Palmer moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gregory, Patterson, Crawford and Webster absent. 8. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION (OCPR) - ON STAGE - MICHIGAN COUNCIL FOR THE ARTS AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS - MINIGRANT - ACCEPTANCE The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission (OCPR) has been awarded a $2,000 Minigrant from the Michigan Council for the Arts and Cultural Affairs Reg ional Regranting Program. Funds will be used for "On Stage", a musical theatrical entertainment and educational program forum provided through the Lewis E. Wint Nature Center Amphitheater Program at Independence Oaks. The total program budget of $4,321 i ncludes a $2,000 required grant match, paid by OCPR Fund Balance, and $231 allowable in -kind support. Suarez moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gregory, Patterso n, Crawford and Webster absent. 9. MR #03296 - DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION LICENSE AND LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE VILLAGE OF MILFORD FOR THE NEW COUNTY -WIDE RADIO SYSTEM Facilities Management is requesting a uthorization for a construction license and lease agreement between the County of Oakland and the Village of Milford. This action will allow the County to FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 4 October 23, 2003 construct a tower for the County -wide radio system on land owned by the Village of Milford and to sell the tower to the Village for one dollar ($1) upon completion, with the Village leasing the County space on the tower for one dollar ($1) per year. Costs are covered pursuant to MR #99279 and MCL 484.1401, authorizing the County to levy a four -percent (4%) emergency telephone operational charge to pay for a new County -wide radio system. Palmer moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gregory, Patterson, Crawford and Webster absent. 10. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES/HEALTH DIVISION - FISCAL YEAR 2003/2004 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (MDEQ) REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT ACCEPTANCE The Health Division has been awarded $1,206,562 through a Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) reimbursement agreement for FY 2004. Funding provides services related to Non-Community (Type II) Water Supply, Long -Term Drinking Water Monitoring, Radon, Public Swimming Pool Inspections and Source Water Assessment progr ams. This agreement also includes Local Public Health Operations funding for Septage, On -Site Sewage and Drinking Water Programs, previously awarded through the MDEQ Comprehensive, Budgeting, Planning and Contracting agreement. This award is $67,934 high er than budgeted; therefore, this amount will be returned to the Non-Departmental Budget Task account. Zack moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Suarez. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gregory, Patterson , Crawford and Webster absent. 11. MR #03295 - CENTRAL SERVICES - DONATION OF A VEHICLE TO THE OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE CREST CENTER Central Services is requesting authorization to donate one patrol vehicle, scheduled for disposal at the next County auction, to the Combined Regional Emergency Services Training Center (CREST), operated by Oakland Community College. This facility is the only one of its kind in the Midwest that provides joint training opportunities for law enforcement, fire and emergency medical personnel. OCC will be responsible for all costs associated with maintenance. The vehicle is valued at $7,500. A transfer of $7,500 from the General Fund Contingency Fund to the Motorpool Fund will be made to offset this donation. Suarez moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gregory, Crawford and Webster absent. Chairperson Moss indicated that item 12 was a verbal presentation and would be taken up follow ing completion of the regular agenda. 13. MR #03293 - DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - FOURTH QUARTER 2003 DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATION TRANSFER Information Technology is requesting authorization to appropriate and charge FY 2003 fourth Quarter Development costs to benefitting departments, including development charges of $1,174,100.56 and imaging development charges of $84,509.00 for General Fund/General Purpose departments and direct charges of $112,630.90 for Revenue and Proprietary Fund department s. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 5 October 23, 2003 Palmer moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Middleton. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gregory, Crawford and Webster absent. 14. MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET DEPARTMENT - APPORTIONMENT OF LOCAL TAX RATES The resolution authorizes the Equalization Director to sign the several tax certificates on which tax rate tabulations were based, thereby authorizing and directing the various assessing officers to spread the rates against the taxable valuation set forth for 2003. Mr. Hieber explained that the only change from the previous year's document was the inclusion of a Comparison of Tax Rates, by taxing authority, chart beginning on page 2. This information was requested by Commissioner Tim Melton last year du ring his tenure on the Committee. This report will be available on the County's web site following approval. Mr. Bertolini informed the Committee that the County has gotten over 20,000 PDF downloads off this site. This allows the County a cost savings in having to print hard copies of this document. Palmer moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Suarez. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gregory, Crawford and Webster absent. 12. CLEMIS APPROACH TO THE CENT RALIZED PSAP: ORGANIZATION, GOVERNANCE AND POLICY MATTERS Mr. Daddow provided a brief verbal update on the County's efforts to centralize Public Safety Answering Points. Issues resolved to date include the use of CLEMIS for operations, by -laws as proposed and agreed to fire and police personnel, holding cell issues, the financial piece, personnel issues and two potential facilities have been identified for the dispatch center if the project moves forward. PSAPs now have the task of going back to their c ities, villages and townships to receive a formal commitment for the project. 15. STATE REVENUE ESTIMATION CONSENSUS UPDATE Mr. Moss explained that Ms. Van Pelt had provided an update on the status of the State's budget prior to obtaining a quorum of the committee. COMMUNICATIONS A. Department of Management and Budget - Purchasing Division - Contract Exception Report for the Month of September and October Mr. Palmer requested a written report on whether the 52 -1 District Court had contacted the Sheriff's Department to provide this service. B. Department of Management and Budget - Equalization Division/Personal Property Audit Grant Application C. Department of Information Technology - Atlanta Journal and Constitution Article (10/23/03) - "Fulton Computer Trouble Hits Especially Hard at Jail; Jammed Facility Can't Process Some Inmates” FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 6 October 23, 2003 D. Department of Information Technology - Non-52nd District Court Technology Incentive Funds - 43rd District Court Security Project - Hazel Park E. Department of Informa tion Technology - Non-52nd District Court Technology Incentive Funds - 45th B District Court Security Project - Oak Park F. Notice of Public Hearing - Request for Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for Ideal Technologies, LLC - 2660 Superior Court, Auburn Hills, MI 48326 G. Notice of Public Hearing - Establishment of an Industrial Development Center - AJ Damman - 3985 Giddings, Auburn Hills, MI 48326 Suarez moved to receive and file Communication Items A -G. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 9:58 a.m. ________________________ _______________________________ Helen Hanger Nancy Wenzel Senior Committee Coordinator Committee Coordinator NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.