HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1976.06.14 - 3589SCHOOL DISTRICT C ITY OF ROYAL OAK ANNUAL ELECTION JUNE 14, 1976 CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THI.:E:11:(1.10.'N. • HELD ON JUNE 14, 1976 (DATE OF ELECTION) OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF ROYAL OAK (LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT) OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS • OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919. East.101gmg00&:....!..... KAIAMAZO%10iC.H.IGANi-i.r Order by Form No. ES-398 (Rev. 1970) CANVASSER BOOK STATEMENT OF VOTES --- MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION Tile whole "'t}inbe.I. of vales given lortlf,le office of Member of the Bectyci of Education kr a Flur 'item torn1 was .• Clrd they were given 6 the following narncid peis PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VolEs wRtniEN IN WORDS ROBERT E. MESCHKE TOTAL -10 The whole number :.of votes given for the Office or Member of the:Board:of :Education for a Three Year term : was ond they were given for the foilowing named persons- PERSONS RECEIVING THE VO:FES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL :Th:e whole number.of votes given for the office of Mopmber Board of:Education for a Two Year 'ern; , and iihey were given for the folk>wirig named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING: THE VOTES j NUMBER OF VOTES WRrnEN IN WORDS TOTAL The whole number or votes given for the of Member of the Board of Education fol a One Year term was and They were given for the following named r.iersonsi pERsoNs RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOIEt-, WRITTEN IN WORDS SCHOOL :THE.:•••••CI CITY ...Priv ROYAL OAK • • • • •••••• • :.-..:.ANNUAL..:ELETTOI+.1:...: • •••::••• :-....:•:••:.•••••JUNE••••:1 .4:•••'.:•.:1•976 . . . . . . . : : • . . . . . : ••• . . : • • • ....STATEMENT: OF mLEoo Bins; co., kArliditiO':' OPERATING M I LLAGE PROPOS I T I ON NO I• • • YES . • • •: • • . NO •IL YES.; .• • • NO 3 34: : 35: :57:: :39: 40 44" .ANNUALE.:••E•Lf.c.T FOR: •.:•••••.•" •.:••••••••:••:•••••••••:•JUNE....:1•:.4•••••,::•:•:1'.97.6•E.. ...SCHOOL•:•:DISTRICT• .:•••OF:.:.:THE:...CITY ::•OF:•••ROYAL:••:••OAK • . . • ••• . . . . . . . . . • :•': • ••• • ••• • ..•••STAtEktikit.:, OF VOTES • • OP ERAT I NG M I LLAGE PROPOSITION PRECINCT •:••OR•••:::• • • WARD....: NUMBER... YES NO YES NO YES NO • •• 46 •:•:. 47. • • • 49:: •• •• ••••• TOTALS ' TOTALS' 17' 'STATEMENT 01: VOTES, • COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRUSTEE 6 YEAR TERM Exp. 1982 , COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRUST E E 4. Year term .Exp. 1980 TOTALS—, CD CD U) LJ LU te) < RREC RCT OR VIAD C) ce) C.c) >— LU LU CD CD LU • - 7.:". Le) < : Cr cp; tJA• 2/. V- J., / i iL Je.) 1,3(5 ?12J . ./ 6-7 Li 64 /2L 33 1/.7! / [-vv j 1 „25-1 '511 6-r= c3O 14,3 I 4/6 1 ./2... „?./...1 jst,fe f-6 t • 6.2.1 Y71,..16 X,C1 j-71 I I ..27;3 NV 7Y. 3/1 2 63! s.,7--a "'ell „.5-7 7,5-1 _ ! 63 A2,31 .g-141 9..2= ysi 6.5-1 ft 6,91 - 4 (; e J2.1„2: .1 ,57 y.„,e1 7I 41 .i• . 47e !.70 / 2 ei 3/ I 1,77 .,..2i Xr4.i 7,,,I. x?"1,-11 _7„,7L .."Z.L... 1 /1.-.-- 'ir:s"/ '46 2 ii :1( / i 4--.,f,T6/i -,5-23i • 449_5!_iZ.L6,4_, .A67,1 f; „re 771 7/ i .1? .,..5 - -- 6 1 ,--ziY e-, ri c.„6,i/50i7/ 1 11 .,...r.:2-- S1,53-1 ?/' ,.. , 67: .,,e;,(7e, i,32 /!'3,; 6,/ '.1 73 ; 44,51- 7,-,--- I Pr'.; 4Y67 „Zr? Ki9 I., STATE TENT OF 113 pez_ze, COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRUSTEE 6 YEAR TERM Exp. 1982 COMUNITY COLLEGE TRUS -IEE 4 Year term Exp. 1950 :OTIA LS • • 1,1 C_D it CD cif. CD C.) f-- a. CD C:3 - OR : LL1 tf) / CD : (t) Lu : ' c.D 0 _17 C.71 " IA -3 CD - . 1_,L1 (1) LU t._.3 C < t• ; CC) ; L.L1 1-1_1 C3` • L.) Li..i ;• ..r:f • -- tn , lip I LLI _ 1.. 144_ . • - „5-1•„.5yL,.7-y .'7/ .7.4 / 71.,›W JJ2 j /7 i tig I 5/4 , ! 226 .! 45041/1/1 A; 27(5. .143.V.LZT7711AWP°11W41;,-;'VH////1 j . // • /f • • ,V7 •t KY" I /6....)--L5:-/ YL93Lr Q2,5 Ags5-6 1 ,2 V1 Y71 1 ,,,,/•/`i 1.-2f 9 1,.9/. • Ii '7o 1,z 1.W1 ! o : C 'CV - : • !! : ;K/3 1:k.70 „,,.-,--/ t ,..9;27- I À761 i ....1 . 2Y/5 71 -!,57,--ei -' ' • — c.4 yg 16, /•••;70 1 3'0 ‘ ..,2-,!6 0 1,,---,•i föl LW :,pzioe?" ‘3.,1.„27,!•,71 1_ • - iivf, jc,:?/._ .,,i7--.5=--i 0 L .• , , , •• , -• ,1 L • , 1 : : ,.. . , . . , .. ,f.... _9:.,31 p",5-./.ty.4,-/e•71 1 < CU ; r • ;0 • A • i -1.1 - 1 • ...X f/ /°. .%1 / 4/3 ,5-z? V 1:5 2 •7-g 1 - STATEMENT OF VOTES — PROPOSITIONS AND QUESTIONS The :wh.61e:i4F.Antoef .6.1.v.ofos. for arid .00 st•the • •OPERATING MI LLAGE PROPOS I TI ON For the purpose .of provid inq constitutional limitat ion of property in the Stbool:Distri increased by tWén:ty:-.-til assessed valuation, as .f.1 hálj y_ea rs, 1976 and 1977? funds for 1.0.4:::é*pétis.és- for ..1976..:::arid:::...1977.;.. :00.1.]:; the the total amount of taxes which may be assessed aqainst aLl ct :of the • .:C:i:ty ....o.f.:::Ii0V0):.:..9a.k,:::Oaktd.rid •County, Michiqan be mills on each dollar ($29 00 on each $lO0O 001_of the_ y equalized, of l .vitirdbetty -1..n " the Sehee.V.::.D:k tr....let...ler • tiAre. voles were marked NO TOTAL VOTES The whole number of votes for an of which number votes were marked YES votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES The whole number of votes for and against the of which number votes were marked YES and votes •wefe marked NO Names of persons elected for a one year term expiring Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMINE: That the following Propositions or Questions were passed or defeated as indicated below; NAME OF PROPOSITION 1. OPERATING MI LLAGE PROPOSITION HON/ NAME OF PROPOSITION County of this Atte OAKLAND day of pc.DA.Rp OF 1: CANVASSERS1; Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated NONE Received Passed Having , ,;• , Sufficient votes was r„ Not Received ueteated NONE Received ri Passed Having Sufficient votes was — Not Received Defeated . In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the NONE OF CANVASSERS CHAIRMAN NAME OF PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSITION June 19. /1,4 - CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND We, the undersigned Board of CcinvasSers for the :.Co from on : linty of OaklOd : SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF ROYAL OAK , . — of the Electron Returns Of : : : : received by scild Board oti.onvasseris,: L7CAL. IIAI•IE OF S.:I:f nOL DIS1"RIcT " determine that at the Annual election held or j6rie persOnsl:isted:b<dow were duly ANNUAL OP SPECIAL D ATE eleoed. as members of the Beard of Education of the said School DiStrict for the terms of offiCe Set . oppo.±ote their name or narnes:.. Names of persons elected for a four yciat term expiring 1980 Names of persons elected for a three year term expiring Names of persons elected for a two year term expiring Received Sii Passed 9 uffcent votes was t4gl ,.0(444laftiaci