HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1982.06.14 - 3590SCHOOL DISTRICT OF CITY OF ROYAL OAK CANVASS OF VOTES CAST ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION AT THE GENERAL SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON June 14, 1982 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY 0311Cig,t.: ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STAT1ONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN STATEMENT OF VOTES, SCHOOL DiST OF CITY OF ROYAL OAK June 14, 982 . . MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION Vote for two - 4 year terms PRECINCT NUMBER •••......•.-...•2'...:...................-...:::..i..7H.:.:..1.::......:•/...,...::::::......,.]:::4 19.,..........:::.::... 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I " • • • • • • •••• : • .• •• • • ..."1 .•• • .... .. .. . 1.P, G STATEMENT OF VOTES, F'RECINICT NLJIVIESE R STATEMENT OF VOTES, SCHOOL DISTRICT OF CITY or ROYAL OAK JUNE 14, 1982 . . . . . • . . • • • • %H.'''. :•••••••••••••••• •••••••• ..••••••• ••. : . . • .. .... • • : ...:.......• •: ...:......:.... ....... •... ... • ••. • • • • • • : • • ........••••••.:•••••••••• • • ••••:.........• •••• • A .. • ••• •. • •• ••••••14:: ••• •••• • .• ••••••.' •••••••-• • •.. ..• ••••: : • • • . • • • • .• [-.........:F ••••••••••••••••-: -•••••••••• •• • • ••• ••• 16 /..,."7• 1 7 LY 41 STATEMENTOEVOTES , SCHOOL DISTRICT OF CITY OF ROYAL OAK: l!j JUNE 11 1982 0 A-KEA:Nit-C-77D Unexpired Four Year Term Vote for One : : OAKON:0...:.:p9UNrYHICP=W7f1A15TEET5777:L.:j: Si* Yea Vote For PRECINCT NUMBER it,9,q37 I, STATEMENTOF VOTES, SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF ROYAL OAK JUNE 14, 1982 Unexpired Two Year Term Vote for One 1.5±, • .• ••• '•••••• 16 . 1 .•••:::1•7•••• • ••••••••••.1....11- •••••• 22 •• •• • • : • • . : '2: • :••••• ••• • • •:•• .•••••• ••••11•:/ 39 • : STATEMENTOF VOTES, SCHOOL DISTPiCT OF THE CITY OF ROYAL OAK JUNE 14, 1982 .1)A1K1-41SLELLAIMPSUNJ TY _COLLECI_TRUSTEE Unexp i red Two Year Term Vote for One PREOINCT NUMBER AVCB STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given for the office o MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION — vote for two Put figures in this column was 1 , rid they Were given for the following n‘,Med persons: STEPHEN L. WEBER E: KATHRYN E 0:GGER : received : GLORIA E KREMER n.-celved TOTAL Tha:whole:nUMber of votes given for the office of was . ........ . 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