HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1993.06.14 - 3591SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF ROYAL OAK CANV"i)f XX ANNUAL AT THE GENERAL ELECTION SPECIAL HELD ON JUNE 14, 1993 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY IJJ LLLth Lt LL ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road * KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN JIM BOISMIER HARRY T. COOK KATHERINE HOWELL PAULA LAWSON KATHRYN E. OGGER -n 0 CD _ C) OA AO IN1VOIVIS A TOTAL 1-- 1 M ci ci - > -R C) < 0 • M CD 0 -h 0 -1 -1 --I0 0 C) 3 = rn M - PI (I) 70 CU -I 0 HERBERT G. FEYER CAROL HERZBERG TOTAL (D - cJ - C:D O > I 0 < O -11 rt (t. M ci -h O C) - > -- D ci CD M > z c o > r- m o r- - m V) Cl w - z C -n C- - c m -n POLL BOOK TOTAL H >IVO 1VA02:1 STATEMENT OF VOTES, SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF ROYAL OAK ANNUAL ELECTION - JUNE 14. 1993 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Total No No Total —I ! Total No Total No Total If • 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 AVCB TOTAL 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 'OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PRECINCT NUMBER 1 2 3_ I - STATEMENT OF VOTES, , 1, 1 , 1 11 II II II' 1 1 I 1 1 PRECNCT 1 1 NurofriE:- I I I Yes No Total Yes No Tots Yes No Total Yes I No Totai 1 Yes No 1 Total —1 , 1 ! 1 11 I 1 I Fr 7------ t 1 1 1 1 --T I I- I 01 i -['---- I , 1 1 I 1 H 1 II 11 1 i I I 1 I 1 1 1 I I if II 1 1 I1 1 1 1- I I 1 1 11 I 1 1 1 , i , I ! 1 I 1 1 ! 1 -I 1r 1 !! !I 1 , !! ! ,1 I 1 ! ! 11 , 11,1 11 ! 1 1----------r- 1 1 !! I ! 2-P was d race a es rived votes received received received received votes TOTAL votes receivi•il received received race received TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF ROYAL OAK ANNUAL ELECTION - JUNE 1 14, 1993 The wh .:.! Unexpired One Yr. Term nligTher of votes given -Fnr 1-kr' MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION - Vote for One - ,-,n • • was and that •• - tl-e ' HERBERT G. FEYER CAROL HERZBERG rece; Votes TOTAL votes The whole numke- of votes given for the 71 -T-- 1 — Four Year Term MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION - Vote for Two and they JIM BOISMIER I HARRY T. COOK KATHER I NE HOWELL I PAULA LAWSON KATHRYN E. OGGER -:'cr the office of e the was re votes VOICS votes votes votes votes Votes , votes votes votes 3-G Put figures in this colum votes votes votes votes and they w e - oem votes votes votes votes TOTAL the o The whole votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of was and they were given for the following named persans: received TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of ,,iy were given for tne votes votes votes votes received TOTAL The whole number of votes g iv. ye of was led persons: received received received received received received received TOTAL 2.0 STATEMENT OF VOTES SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF ROYAL OAK ANNUAL ELECTION - JUNE 14. 1993 j Put figures ' The whole number of votes given for and against the OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL inthk nonim , 1 In renewal of millage previously authorized by the electors, which expired with the ! 1 1992 levy, shall the constitutional limitation on the total amount of taxes which , 1 . 1 I may be assessed against all property in the School District of the City of Royal , Oak, Oakland County, Michigan be increased by thirty-one and—one-h-alf (31.5) mills ' on each dollar ($31.50 on each $1,000.00). of the assessed valuation, as finally , . equalized, of aIl property• - is i' '' , for a perfoit-cff—tiirree years, from 1993 through 1995, inclusive. for the purpose of providing funds for the , 1 , -o-p-e-rating expenses of thc School District, PROVIDED. HOWEV.' -. - -.- -.- --1- '1,-- that the State Constitution is amended by the adoption therein of Proposal A at the ! _June 2, 1993 sppcial elpftion, that _such millage_ increase be ' il -8 • .I additional nine (9) mills on each dollar ($9.00 on each $1,000), of such assessed , , valuation, in excess of the eighteen (18) mills permitted by the Constitution as amended by approval of the electors of such Proposal A as part of the State Consti- tution? , , / , , . / vvas / , ., , , , , of which numb , ,, __,_-- __, : votes were marked YES and ! • i-7-: / \ LA-4_, ll i h -. , = i : h ' ! votes were marked NO „ 1 , ' ! . 1 , , TOTAL VOTES,' 1 , ! l : : The whole number of votes given for and against the . . i ' l : , . l : . : ! . : : ! : 1 : ! ! , : , . 1 1 . ! , ! , ! —+ 1 was . of which number : . votes were marked YES t ! and : votes were marked NO TO TA l_. VOTES, 6.P STATEMENT OF VOTES Put fit. The whole number of votes given for and against the -F , , I 1 1 1 1 • I l-I I I I I 1 I I , , I I , I vvas I I of !Ile!) number II 1, votes were marked YES I1 I, I and f I votes were marked NO 1 1 1 I II TOTAL VOTES, , The whole number of votes given for and against the Jr— _ II II+I il , I II -, I HH , l—E , 1 , 1 Il II H, was III • II i 1 I of which number , II I • 1 votes were marked YES and I votes were marked NO 1 1 TOTAL VOTES, I I , .P 11 at the ANNUAL MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCAT I ON Four Year r Term Expiring June 30, 1997 \ , having received a sufficient MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION' /= Unexpired One Year Term Expiring June 30, 1994 votes is eleicited That votes is elected I; tlUrnber of That votes is gig haVi That votes is elected That ; 3 hasi, ; • , • ;I votes is elected That _ r votes is elected havi•••••' • ; : a... a suffent number of That . votes is •- • That votes is elected havinu •- a sufficient nu Lgy- TIFICAT.TERMINATION SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF ROYAL OAK _ANNUAL_ E_L ELT ION - JUNE _14, _1_9_9_3 STATE O iICHIGN, COUNTY OF OAKLAND (C,,,,,,,, s77,7,-, TC,,,.:F OR VII..L.A6,) C' - 5''i hi. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE C I TY OF ROYAL OAK .(C.7,„,,TV, CITY, -.. • 14 t h day of JUNE Election, held on the. fln hundred N I NETY-THREE one •-' • ,•_.-• ••••••.- .-.' its! and .. .4 I i -i-V.i vote The Board of • of lac COUNTY o OAKLAND SS. Th That - MEMBER OF BOARD OF EnCATION - Four Year Term Expiring June 30, 1997 aldicrt — having iiece•ved t st That votes is elected That !hat votes is elected 1; That - I is ! I That _ votes is elected That votes. is . That VOte.S 4=G vote Votes is elect r" !a sufficier I-fe,r, 11 OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL as Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was as ed r ha. of OAKLAND day of JUNE N I NETY —THREE 1 1 he Seal of 1 1 11 V ILLAGE Ci OMAN. EST: ./ASSE RS. In the 'LEE COUNTY lucted ted a sufficient number of ffi cicrif i • .. The:f elected vote NONE NONE 4 NONE 5 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION issed def.i..tiet, as indicated below: ii l Having Having