HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2004.07.14 - 35916 OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD  PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48341-0470 Telephone: (248) 858-0100 FAX: (248) 858-1572 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE July 14, 2004 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jamian at 9:30 a.m. i n Committee Room A, Auditorium Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Jamian, Chairperson, Mike Rogers, Chuck Moss, William Patterson, Thomas Middleton, Eric S. Wilson, Eric Coleman and George Suarez PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Mattie Hatchett OTHERS PRESENT: Human Resources Edwin Poisson, Director Mary Holden, Deputy Director Nancy Scarlet, Manager Jennifer Mason, Supervisor Brenthy Johnston, Analyst Mary Pardee, Analyst Jordie Kramer, Analyst Karen Jones, Labor Relations Specialist Cathy Shallal, Supervisor Kari Schmalzel, CERC Sheriff Department Michael Bouchard, Sheriff Michael McCabe, Undersheriff Dale Cunningham, Business Manager Curtis Childs, Lieutenant Corporation Counsel Judy Cunningham, Corporation Counsel Karen Agacinski, Assistant Counsel County Executive Robert Daddow, Assistant Deputy County Executive Greg Jamian Chairperson Mike Rogers Majority Vice-Chair Mattie Hatchett Minority Vice-Chair Chuck Moss William Patterson Thomas E. Middleton Eric S. Wilson Eric Coleman George W. Suarez Personnel Committee Page 2 July 14, 2004 OTHERS PRESENT (Continued): Prosecutors Office David Gorcyca, Prosecutor Debra Carly, Chief Deputy Prosecutor Mary Larkin, Chief Attorney Administration Circuit Court Lisa Langton, Family Division Administrator Management & Budget Laurie VanPelt, Director 52/2 District Court Dana Fortinberry, Judge Sharon Rupe, Administrator 52/1 District Court Michelle L. Bilger, Administrator Board of Commissioners Lawrence Doyle, Administrative Director Harvey Wedell, Senior BOC Analyst Sheryl Mitchell, Senior BOC Analyst Nancy Wenzel, Committee Coordinator APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF June 9, 2004 Moss moved to approve the minutes of June 9, 2004 as printed. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT Chairperson Jamian offered the Committee's condolences to Mr. Poisson on the death of his sister. Chairperson Jamian announced the Human Resources Department requested the 2004 State Homeland Security Grant Program Application be added to the agenda as Item C under Ccommunications. Moss moved to amend the agenda to include Communication Item C – County Executive/Emergency Response and Preparedness – U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office of Domestic Preparedness, 2004 State Homeland Security Grant Program Application. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried on a voice vote. MR #04156 SHERIFF'S OFFICE – CONTRACT AMENDMENT #1 FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES IN THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ROYAL OAK 2004 -2008 Royal Oak Township has contracted with the Oakland County Sheriff's Department to provide law enforcement services. The Michigan State Police have agreed to provide two State Troopers for patrol in the Township. The Sheriff has reduced the number of Deputy II's for the Township accordingly. The Sheriff is requesting the deletion of two Deputy II positions to be effective July 22, 2004. Personnel Committee Page 3 July 14, 2004 MR #04156 SHERIFF'S OFFICE – CONTRACT AMENDMENT #1 FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES IN THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ROYAL OAK 2004 -2008 (Continued) Moss moved the Personnel Committee Report to the full Board with the recommendation MR #04156 be adopted. Supported by Coleman. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote with Hatchett absent. MR #04157 PUBLIC SERVICES/ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION – ELIMINATION OF VETERINARIAN PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT AND CREATION O F ONE (1) PTNE VETERINARIAN POSITION The Animal Control Division proposes the implementation of a six -month trial-working schedule in order to provide better office coverage, clerical support, and more efficient clinical services for the care and wellbeing of the animals. The trial will include the underfill of one FTE Office Assistant II position, with three part-time, non-eligible 1,000 hr/yr. General Clerical positions and the creation of one part-time, non-eligible 1,000 hr/yr. Veterinarian position. The Animal Control Division will eliminate the Veterinarian Professional Service contract to help offset the costs associated with this trial-working schedule. Moss moved the Personnel Committee Report to the full Board with the recommendation MR #04157 be adopted. Supported by Middleton. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote with Hatchett absent. HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT – FISCAL YEAR 2004-2007 LABOR AGREEMENT FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES (AFSCME), COUNCIL 25, LOCAL 2437 Oakland County and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees have negotiated a contract covering approximately 114 Family Court employees. A four - year agreement has been reached for the period October 1, 2003 through September 30, 2007. This agreement provides for a 2% increase for Fiscal Year 2004 and an additional 2% increase, effective with the execution of this agreement, shall be provided to employees classified as Youth and Family Caseworker II and Youth Assistant Caseworker II. Employees will receive the same general increase as approved by the Board of Commissioners to take effect during Fiscal Year 2005, 2006 and 2007 with employees in the Youth and Family Caseworker II and Youth Assistance Caseworker II classifications receiving an additional 1% increase during Fiscal Year 2005, 2006 and 2007. Benefit modifications implemented on a Countywide basis to the general, non-represented employees during Fiscal Year 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2 007 will be applied at the same time and in the same manner. Coleman moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote with Hatchett absent. Personnel Committee Page 4 July 14, 2004 HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT – FISCAL YEAR 2004-2006 LABOR AGREEMENT FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY THE COMMAND OFFICER'S ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN Oakland County and the Command Officer's Association of Michigan have negotiated a contract covering approximately 100 Sheriff's Department employees. The three year agreement covering October 1, 2003 through September 30, 2006 provides for a 2% increase for Fiscal Year 2004, with the salary differential between the five year salary step of a Deputy II with the MCOLES bonus and the two year salary step of a Sergeant increasing to 13%, after assuming a 2% salary increase for the Deputy II classification; a 3% increase for Fiscal Year 2005; and a 3% increase for Fiscal Year 2006. If the Oakland County Deputy Sheriff's Association negotiate health care contributions and/or prescription co-pays that are less than those provided for in MR #03114, the employees covered by this bargaining unit will be charged the same, lesser amount. Any such decrease in contributions and/or prescription co-pays will not be retroactive. Coleman moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Suarez. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote with Hatchett absent. LITTLE OAKS RFP This item was postponed from the June 9, 2004 Personnel Committee meeting. The Human Resources Department supplied the Committee with two versions of draft request for proposal for the ChildCare Center Operator/Manager contractor as requested. Alternative I is an "as-is" proposal. Alternative II reflects increased contractor responsibilities. Mr. Poisson indicated the proposals continue to be modified to clarify some technical issues, i.e. appendix, costs of operating the building, and floor plan. Coleman moved to approve the RFP's as submitted. Supported by Rogers. Rogers moved the Personnel Committee establish a Childcare Study Group to evaluate the written proposals, to interview the firms that submit RFP's, and recommend to the Personnel Committee the best firm for considera tion. The Study Group shall consist of two members of the Personnel Committee, three parents, one from the infant/toddler group, one from the young pre -school group and one from the older toddler/pre K group, the president of the parent group, one member from the Purchasing Department, one member from Corporation Counsel, two representatives from Human Resources, one Child Care foundation member, one member from Fiscal Services and one from Facilities Management. The Study Group shall report its recommendation to the Personnel Committee within 45 days of the RFP deadline and no later than October 31, 2004. Supported by Coleman. Personnel Committee Page 5 July 14, 2004 LITTLE OAKS RFP (Continued) After Committee discussion Rogers moved to amend his motion to read: The Personnel Committee shall establish a Childcare Study Group to evaluate the written proposals, to interview the firms receiving the highest evaluations, and recommend to the Personnel Committee the best firm for consideration. The Study Group shall consist of seven members: two members from the Personnel Committee, two individuals from the parent group, one member each from the Fiscal Services, Human Resources and Purchasing Departments. The Study Group shall report its recommendation to the Personnel Committee within 45 days of the RFP deadline and no later than October 31, 2004. Supported by Coleman. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote with Hatchett absent. Chairperson Jamian appointed Commissioners Middleton and Rogers to serve on the Childcare Study Group. There was no objection. Motion to approve the Request for Proposals submitted by the Human Resources Department carried on a voice vote. COMMUNICATIONS Coleman moved to receive and file Communication Items A - C. Supported by Patterson. A. Position Change Summary Report B. Vacancy Report C. County Executive Emergency Response & Preparedness - U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office of Domestic Preparedness, 2004 State Homeland Security Grant Program Application Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/BUDGET HEARINGS Chairperson Jamian suggested the Committee consider Item IV first – 52nd District Court Position requests. There was no objection. 52ND DISTRICT COURT Michelle Bilger, 52-1 District Court Administrator stated they had no objection to the County Executives' recommendation. Vice Chairperson Rogers assumed the Chair at 10:35 a.m. Chairperson Jamian resumed the Chair at 10:40. Personnel Committee Page 6 July 14, 2004 52ND DISTRICT COURT (Continued) Judge Dana Fortinberry of the 52-2 District Court indicated they accepted the County Executive's recommendation regarding the PTNE Clerk I position. However the Court is in the process of establishing a Sobriety Court and applying for grants. They anticipate returning to the Board to request implementation of a Sobriety Court fee that will be charged to everyone charged with drunk driving. Also in 2003 an additional judge was added to the Clarkston Court doubling the workload for existi ng personnel. The overtime budget has been exhausted. It is felt an additional full time eligible clerk will produce sufficient revenue to cover the cost of the position. Middleton recommended this issue be put on the list. Chairperson Jamian suggested Item V – Prosecuting Attorney Position Requests be considered next. There was no objection. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Mr. Gorcyca indicated there was no objection to the County Executive's recommendation. Rogers moved to move this issue to the Finance C ommittee. Supported by Coleman. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Hatchett absent. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FY 05 BUDGET HEARING SCHEDULE Mr. Poisson explained this schedule displays the proposed schedule of the various departments that have requested changes to the budget process and indicating September 1st as the budget wrap-up. GENERAL FUND/GENERAL PURPOSE POSITION REQUESTS 2005 BUDGET This is a summary (from the budget book) listing the Department, the changes requested in terms of positions and the County Executive's recommendation. Commissioner Wilson requested a copy of the Salary Grade Schedule. FISCAL YEAR 2005 CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY ISSUES 1. Recommended 2005 Salary Increase for the County Commissioners 2. Recommended FY 2005 Salary Increase for the County Executive, Prosecuting Attorney, County Clerk/Register of Deeds, Drain Commissioner, Sheriff and County Treasurer 3. Recommended FY 2005 General Salary Increases Personnel Committee Page 7 July 14, 2004 FISCAL YEAR 2005 CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY ISSUES (Continued) The County Executive's recommendation is for a 3% increase for Items 2 and 3. By law the Board of Commissioners' rate cannot change during their term of office and have typically been adjusted every other year. The County Executive suggests the Commissioners salary increase be a percentage increase consistent with the general salary increase provided to non-represented employees for fiscal years 2004 and 2005. The increase to become effective January 1, 2005. Coleman moved the Personnel Committee Report to the Finance Committee with the recommendation the Fiscal Year 2005 Classification and Salary Issues be approved per the County Executive's recommendation. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote with Hatchett absent. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Committee the meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m. _______________________________________ Nancy Wenzel, Committee Coordinator __________________________________________ Lawrence M. Doyle, Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.